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Tokomairiro Farmers' Club.


General committee of management ; President, Mr James Duthie : Vice-President, Mr R. W. Capstick, Committee : Messrs Paton, Murray, Bryce, Hewitson, Lindsay, Goodall, Fraser, Inglis, Black, Sutherland, Porter, Salmond, M'Donald, Hamilton, and $i^p,p t

The annual show of {he Tokomairiro Farmers' Clqh t s hejd on the grounds of $be Ohib at Milton, on Friday (Prince of Wales' birthday). The weather wa^ £ ac and the attendance large. 7' ne number of entries was not cq uaJ to t^. lt of the previoU9 year, feuria'the quality of the exhibits there Was, on the whole, not much to be desired.

The miscellaneous attractions on the ground were not of a particularly striking character. A quack dqctor set up shop ou tne ground with infallible balsams for toothache and illdigestion. The '• fairest game pu the field" and " the only legitimate game on the course" also had jtheir merits loudly proclaimed, while a pushing Cheap John did not 'stint luug power in making the public aware that at his etajl they could have "eeyea shillings'

worth for two." A Good Templars' booth provided refreshments ior the strictest teetotallers, and a booth kept by Mr Bastings dispensed liquors of every description. The Milton Brass Band, conducted by Mr John Grant, discoursed sweet music from a very early hour, and their stirring strains during the day gave, life to the gathering. The attendance during the afternoon was very good, and there would have been about 600 persons present.

Regarding the show itself, in Ayrshire* it was somewhat peculiar that nearly every beast on the ground was bred from stock, once belonging to Mr David Paton, of South* bridge. The bulls were fine animals, and for the best Ayrshire cow in milk the competition was close, some being of opinion that the cow which was awarded the second prize should have been -placed first. In the class Ayrshire cow in calf, the cow which took the first prise was the only one deserving of special mention. . For the competition heifer not in calf there were four entries, and the exhibits .were creditable to the district. In No. 13, heifer one year old, the first prize distanced all her neighbours, and showed far more indications of good breeding than any of the others. For the best three dairy cows, the first prize was a veritable gift to Mr John Potter for the three splendid animals which he exhibited. The first prize best Cottar's or tradesman's cow in milk was a really "quid puir man's coo." In shorthorns the number of entries was few, but the quality of the stock shown was excellent. In draught horses the entries were numerous. The prize for entire^ horse of any ags ■• was awarded to Messrs Craig and Wylie's Sir Robert Napier— a truly magnificent stallion, and one that would have done credit to any show. The second prize was taken by Earl Gowrie, a fine three-year-old colt, the property of Mr Peter Grant, In the class best three-year- old entire a fine horse was shown by Messrs W. and D. Hislop, and which is now travelling -the district. The mares, fillies, and geldings in the several classes or draught stock were of such good quality that it would be invidious to particularise. It should, however, be mentioned that for the best pair of draught mares of any age the judges had no easy task as to which they should award the prize. They finally decided on giving it to Messrs Bryee Bros., of Loyell's Flat, who thereby secured permanent possession of Mr Mqllison'scup. In sheep the show was fully up to what it should be. The merinos shown jby Messrs Bryce- Bros, and Mr Walter Miller were of fine quality. The entries for merinos, however, were riot numerous. The loug-wooled Leicesters Were well represented, and included some really good sheep. The | entries for the leicesters were numerous in every class, and these sheep were a special and leading feature of the "show-, and demonstrated to the numerous visitors from a distance the capabilities of the district. Lincoin's were not so well represented as in former years. It is a description of sheep which j for obvious reasons, has never found general favour in this district, and this year so many were not entered as there were last year. For the Mayor's cup, for the best Leicester ram on the ground, there were four (entries, and the competition was so close that the judges had some difficulty in. coming to a conclusion. For swine there was not a single entry. The dairy produce was of excellent quality, and was at least up to the level of any previous year,. Tokomairiro has always distinguished itself in the matter of dairy produce, and this year the judges, though extremely critical, were highly satisfied with the quality and number of the exhibits. In implements there was more variety shown, and more entries also. A pair of fanners made by Messrs Johnson and Wilson, aud a cheese press of their - own manufacture, attracted great attention. The drain pipes shown by Mr Jones Were of superior quality. The show was amended by numerous visitors [from othe^ districts and the large number pre^ut on the. ground proved that the committee had done well in keepia^ io the day agreed upon, the holiday evidently, having the effect of briuging many strangers to the ground, and taking but few from the district away. The handsome sum of £25 4s 6d was taken at the gate. The. following is the prize list in detail : — CATTIiB. Attending members of committee— Messrs W. Hewitson and J . Hialop. Judges: Mr William Cowan, Waikouaiti; Mr William Brown, Waitepeka ; Mr Andrew Keid, Anderson's Bay. fcHGBTHOBN. Bull, three year old and upwards. — Ist prize, Bilver medal — One entry. No medal awarded. James A. Sutherland, commended. Bull, two years old. — No .entry. Bull, oue year old. — One entry. Ist prite, honourable certificate, William Smith. Cow, any age. — Four entries, lsfc prize, silver medal, Messrs Blues and Duthie ; 2nd prize, 1, David Oarson ; 3rd, honourable* certificate, Henry Hamilton. Heifer, two years old. — \a\ prize £i» One entry. James Drinn.%», Heifer, two yeais old,— No entry. AYRSHIRE. Bull, three years old^ 6n d upwards.— One entry. Ist pn~ of ' s ii vt , r me dal, Messrs M'Farlatse ' Ail £ % nttm ® a l* two y^ars old. — Two entries. l«t prize, £1, Thomas Howie ; 2nd prize, ,• hon-'Urabfe certificate, George Lindsay. Bull, one year «>ld. — No entry. ~ — Cow in milk. — Five entries. Ist prize, silver medal, Mrs Hobinson ; 2nd prize, £1, J6ho Porter; »Jrd prize, honourable certiiicatp, Messrs J. and J. Sutherland. Cow. apparently in calf. —Three entries. Ist prize, silver med*l; M'Farlane and B\xtK Heifers, two years old, apparently not in calf. — Two entries.' Ist prize, silver medal, Thomas Howie. No second awarded. Heifer, one year r-ld.— Three entries. Ist prize, £1, Joseph Parker ; 2nd do, honour^ able certificate, Thomas Howie. extras. " Ist prize taker* «xclttdec>» Best three dairy wwi.-rThree entries. lt|

■?"■■' - pnKi:^ono^rab}^^OTUfi^At9^plm^ C imnieii^ed, Mrs. M. Robinaon . Blues and ■'■' '"Duthie were disqualified, one of their cows' ■ having taken a first; prize. . ; : . .Best Cottar's or tradesman's cow, in milk ; owner not . to .have more •■ than;; three cowa, or to bB, the, hoi dor of more. JJian,. tiye acres, of lahci:— One , entry, i/'lajf' prize, /silver" medal/Hehry Hamilton^ f ' ; ■■■■•:•: >:' -..-■= : .-ci: .;: : iHpSSEB.,. .. ;. .■.:';;■'(■■:■; Attending 'Meniherß of Oom mittee-i-Meaarß I J.; Ingli3._and;F. Black* Judges— Mr George; Thomson,^Maungatua, f; Mr Kennedy F rgusori, Blueakiri; Mr Arthur Itobson, Taieri. ■-* , • i--- ■ -- % 3K?>*P. GH^'- -■'.■'■ -■-.-> -.•-■,- ■-•>■■ Entire Horse, ..any,,^ge. — Six. .entries, Ist prize, silver cup (pri?e of Messrs G. and T.. Yotxngi' Dunedih)i ' Craig : ' and ; Wy! lie's -Sir Robert Napier ; 2ndprize, £l, Peter^Grant's Earl Gowrie:; 3rd 'prize/ honourable certificate, Robert Clarke's Young Hero.. ; -V Best three-year- old entire.— Three entries. Ist prize, silver medal, Peter Grant ; 2nd prize, £1, W. atid D. Hislbp ; 3rd, Bryce •■ ■ Bros, : ;..■ ■■■■ •: l-> ■■■': .'■-■■■ *■''■'■'■<■■:*'■■■ '■'■ Entire colt,. 'or; gel ding, two years.-rrT-.hree . entrips. Istprizej silver medal/Walter.Miller'; 2nd prize,' £1 , Bryce Brps ; . -"■"./. Entire colt or gelding, ojie year Old.-— Two entries; Ist prize, Bryceßrotbers. 1 Best gelding, any age.-rone entry. i[ Ist prize, £1 la (gift of; Mr F. Bastings), .Mrs Robinson. ' ; f Brood mare' with foal, or with foal at foot. Three entries, ist.priz:*, silver medal, Peter Grant ; 2nd prize, £2 2s-:(gift of Bryce . Bros.), John Hislop; 3rd prize, honourable certificate, (George Lindsay. : . ...• : ; Filly, three years old.— Two entries. Ist prize, 1 silver medal,- Robert Clark ;. 2nd prize, £l Is (gift of Mr E. Petitt). Robert Clark. Filly two -years ipid.rrFiye entries. . Ist prize, silver, medal, " Hobert Clark ; 2nd prize, £118, John Kislop; 3rd, John Hislop. Fillyj : one year old. —Four " entries. Ist priz?, silver medal, Bryce Bros ; 2nd prize, £1, John R. Moore ; .3rd prize honorable certificate. Andrew Mil lor. . . ,r . Veld mare any age.— Six^entnes. ..-.lst-. prize, silver medal, Bryce IRrpsl; 2ad "prize £1, Alex. Fraser ; - 3rd prize, honourable certificate, "Bryce Bros. :.; Pair mares and geldings, fqr ; work purposes only :-r-T.hree entries. Ist p'ize, silver medal, Bryce Brothers ; 2nd, £1 Is i (gift of H. Clarke), Peter Grant, no third" prize awarded. • : ■ / . ; Best pair of. draught marea, any f age, to be ■won twice, by the same owiier (gift., of. Mr Alexander t M<>llison)l silver cup, won by Bryce i Brp3'; ;i 2nd, Peter Grant. /■ Best pair of geldings shown in harness.— One entry £2 2s (gift of Mr F. Wayne), Mrs^ Eobinson. ; . ? •: I ••:-. y.^-.: 1 . .:'. THOROUGHBKED. . ... ■ ' Judges— Mr George; Pram, Taieri ;'i Mr Mark Dale, Canada ; ; and ; Mr ■. Snow, East ,; Taieri..,- „. „--, ... „.-''■■< r .i;- : '-';; .. . Entire liorse^ any age,— -Two .entries, lst^ prize, George Coombe (Flying Dutchmau)./ 2nd, George Coomb'e (Biirwon)i : - ■■ • .Colt, '2 years old. — Two entries, lifcprizej' £I ,. Alexander G.M'lay,, „ > r - -■ Colt,. 1 y ear .—No entry. .- ... ; ~Mare' of any age, in foal or foal at foot. — ; Two entries. Silver :, AMref M'Laren ; UO second prize awarded. .i : • ■ * J'illy or geldinjr, one year old.— -No «n try FiUy.,.2years old.— Two entries. Ist prize, £1 ls'(stf* °f R. R. Jones) JosepH Moore. ; 2ndi honorable certificate, SannVelCleig; Beat two year old by Bar won — Four^ entries. Ist priz? (gift of George Coombe), £2 2a, Joseph Moore ; 2nd, honorable certificate, ' ■A.G.M'Kay; . . . ... "'' Best one year old by. Dutchman.— Four enrtrie's. Ist prize, £2 2s'(¥ iftc »f Geb: Uoombe) .''A. M'Laren; 2nd, honorable eertificatei J. . G.Grey. . - c -■<■; ■>. ■ ; ,•■ •.-..-. . ■=;.:■'.; ::i Best weioht-carryiug hack. — Seven entries. ; .lst priz3,'£2 ! 2s'(iift of '<V:'L. Philo) Peter, ; : 2nd, '£1 Is, (gift bf p^Reitiy Clegs ■ Bros. ; 3rd pair silver epurf T (gi(t of Samuel Cle ? g) v A.Gvr^>Eay. -■ -^ :,' ? ■■ Best all-round-horse.Ayeightrcarrying hide; lady's hack, carriage lior3.e. janiping B± feet. U-Three; entries', '^fgiffcot D/M'GHI.) Ist prize, AvG.M'Kay; hd second awarded; • Mare or geldias.fifc for.saddlepr harnes3. — Five entrisa,. Bridie, Vaiueii 1 10s of Mr James Lockha r t), r O^egyt. Bros. ; 2nc\ "(gift of A! M'Laren), Petep M/Gf II ; no third prize awarded. ; Be*t lady's hack, to be ridden by a lady o?i the ground.— Four entries. Ist prize, £1 10a (s>if t pf"Mr : Blaclt), VTilliam; Reid ; 2(-d, £1 (gift of Mr Montgomery), Samuel Clegg ; 3rd, 103, William H'Blechnie. Best pony,' not niore jbhfih 14 hands biuh, any a--e, entires excluded: entries ' Ist prize, silver guard (gift of -,Mp..Nj|rt- :- ■■'. ford), Robert Clark ; 2nd, hat (gift of : Mr E. Marfyatt), J. and J. Sutherland . ' Best; 'hack, jumping, excluding horses which ibave won public race money over - hurdles.— Two entries. Ist prize, £2 2s (aiftof MrJ.A.DuLhie), Andrew MLarenj second, £1 Is (gift of W. Reid), Peter M'Gill, Best light harness horse. Ist prize (gift of •Messrs A.'Briscoe and Co.), bridle, value 4 £1 Is ; Snd/ridirig whip (gift, of .Messrs A. Briscoe and.,Co)V. f^l ue, 1.03 6d. It t, Clegg Bros.; 2nd, John Hislop . , .'r '' :',. • '[\ extras. -„. ■ v . :.-. „■ Judges :— Mi' Peter Grant, Maungatria; ... Mr John Johnson, Saddle Hill ; Mr Alex.; - Barr, Waitahuna. .■■ Bestshoer of dran^Lt horses. — Two nntries. Ist priz?, silver; medal, J. and T,. Bryce ; ' 2nd, honourable certificate Davifl \ CHahjiers. Best Bho>ypf-:''thor(^uhbrod,s'and-.'hacks.-— ThreeeatrieV : Ist p'riz^, silver riiedal, David ChalTOer^}.2odirJ: ahel T. Bryc(>.'| :. ' ■ •'';•■.' ■' <;',] : \' A^ I.^^ Ajte.u.dingraeTnbsrs of Gojnraittee.rr-MessTS W "Fniser" ; J; Porter- and J, Judci>3 : 'Mr Jeffrey, SaddSeKill; Mr ... David Murray,;/ Wai tbpeka; Mr .George {Scott; Waitepeka. .;•;'; ;-^,- ; '.■.----_- ----'.....-..-.■■■ - ; .-si6E.iKb; '■■-■' • ;/' ]i * : • •■■ JBesfc rani. any. agei-r-Three eritcios lat prize, 'si/ver rri°da^ ? .v? e B r P. t . n^ r ? ; ',; '^ aA>bonourable certdscata : Walter Miller. ' "E<e and -lAmb; -any aj4e.-—lVP;e« tries. Ist prize, £1, Walter M ilicr; no second prize awarded. . . •:'.■■ '.*. .•' :'■ :. . };■'■ '"'.'■' Pen,. of three ewe hogget?.— -Two entrieH. ist r pHz<Bi}ver ; medal, Walter Mi Uer; 2nd, ;*,jb.cnourAble.cert,ificvite, Bryce. Brothers, . ■ r . .: XONG-WGOTiED— tEICESTER. ■ ■■"•''■ Best r Jitii, iany : age.--Seven ; eii trios 'Jst prize, J silyei-: j jaetl:il^ Jo Jin. Hislop "•' 2nd, £1 , ■; Jolin Mnrtay.r; -3r: l : : hob: cortifiiaiCi J, and J. ; Sutherland. " ' M f , " i,;';-/ ;• ,\ '■'■ '-' -Best ram; twoyeafsold.— JPive eutnes. Ist "prizp,,siver rise'.ial, Johiv M'urrKy ; 2ud;hon. certificate, J.aud;J: ; Sutherlan(lV;^; : ■■-■ ■ J&k nijfcxme ; yt-atpld^^Niiie entries. Ist. r^pri^^^iivwr TOeclaC^ Ci'aStl^J.' &iithgrhmd ;. * 2nd, hon; '^rtiSt:atc| ifdhi)' Hislop;' ■ *'"-.-■ ; . Best e\ve and la«ul) or Uinbs; any age.— ?,: Fpur entri^ ) st J>W c / #^ .ped^-P..iiß'4J.

r2a«l| £Y\ D* aTid^vrM'Pber* son; 3rd, hon. certificate,,d J, Sutherland. . Best pen of two ewes, two years'old, with lamb' or lambs. — Three entries. Ist prize^ silver jne<lal,D. and A. M'Pherson ; 2nd, J .and . j.. Sutherland ;. 3r.d, hon certificate,. John Hislop. Best pen of twq ewea, one year old.— Six entries; r lst ? prize, silver medal, John G. Grey 2nd, £1, John Hislop ; hon. certificate, .D.and A. MWberson., .. ;■ . , ; _. . pen of. two ewes, apy age— Si ?c entries. Ist, silver medal, D. and A.M'Pherson ; 2nd, £I,;D. and A. M'Pherson; 3rd, hon. certifi•cate, John; Hislop. ■'!■- ; ; i,. :■■■ '■■ : '■ Xjlkcol^t. ■'■- '■ ■■■•■ -■■■"■• "-"■- ' "-' Beat ram; any age.— Three entries. Silver medal, ..Walter' Miller. :; No second prize award-ed... , , , _ ; --. ? ;.■■...,..-, v^;-. ;; ! : V : -.-r ■■; Best' rain, two years old.— One entry. : £1, Mark'DaleV '"",. '" " . J SBest ewe and lamb or lambs.— Five entries. Ist. £1, John- G«>orge Grey ; 2nd, honorary certificate, Walter Miller,: : „.: . . .. ; ■;.. .;■ Best pen of three ewe hoggets.— Three entries. " Ist prize, £l, John Hislop ; 2nd, ' honorary" certificate^ Walter Miller. ,„_ ' : •Best ram hogget.^One- entry. £l ls» John George Grey. •,- ----.:■:.;,■ -■;■:;'..- -KJCTRAS. • : -.■-. V ■' . ■ < ■•■ • Pen of not less than five, fat lambs.— Four entries.- Ist (gift of Messrs Draper and Johnston), £1, Joseph. Parker ; ■..."2nd, hon. certificate, James 'IngHs':' ; Y. -■■ Best Leicester ram on •■■the-- ground— lst (gift of Mr'K W, Gapsti«k, Mavj)rof Mikon), silver cup, John Hisiop. ~. ; : ■'• •. SWI>'E. „,.., „-■-,,, For swine,, four hon. certificates and one prize of £ I Is were offered, but they failed to elicit an entry. - " POULTRT. M ... ; Attending member, Mr J. Tnglig. Judges — Mr" George Pram, Taieri ; Mr SiuiWf. Taieri. iGo'-k and pair hers, Brahma breed.— Two entries. £1, William ETewitson ; commended, Alex. Eraser. . „,..;..■•■•■. Cock and pair hena, Dorkins.— Ist, £1, Thomas lleid ; 2nd, 10i, John Pringle. Cock and pair hens, Spauish breed. — Ist prizy, £l, John Q. Gordon. „ :■' Best black and red g*mV.cock and hen.—, Gift £1) Peter Shirkey ; commended, John Bart. -■■ ;■■ ■--• ■'-■^ "/ ; ;. '" -' - \'' '': ■ '.. For the following classes there were no en-* :— .Dr ike and pair of ducks, Aylesbury";' do do, common; GUnder and pair Geese^ common ; Turkey cock and pair of hens ; basket of 2 dozen hen eggs; do do, duck eggs; do do, turkey eggs. - [ >' -' ■ DAIRY' PRODUCE; - Attendiug member of Cdnimifcbee, "Mr J. , M. Bryce. Judges— Mr Low (of -Esther Low), Dunedin ; Mr William Wright, Dunedin ; Mr .John *>henuan, Waipori; - "Three pounds fresh butter, in lib rolls.— Ist (aift of Mr E. Stewart), black 'silk drees, : Mra Thomas Thornton; 2nd, box of tea (gift of Mr- William Marshall), Mrs* Dona'd Macdonald ; 3rd, trimmedhat (gift of J. M'Millan), Mrs Thomas Heid ; 4tb, gold locket (gift of R. Humphrey) Mrs Salmon d; sr,h, milk dish and strainer (gift of C. King), Mrs A. Rewitaon. 22 entries. B(iSt fresh butter, an, $;b prints— lafc (gift ; of Mr Alfred .Solomon), silver-plated cruet stand, valuH-£2 2< ? Mrs A. Hewitson ; Mjsdames L'ickhart and Robinson commended. ; ■10' entries. ' ■' . . Best ; Three Pounds' Fresh Butt -r, in lib. Rolls, to be l-'jdge<l.-;;W l ith; the- Secretary on Saturday previous to Show (gift of ; Mr.F. G. Johnstone)*— Toilet cbest of value £3 10d, ■■ : iVl'rß James Pririgle; Mis W. Lockhart commeifded. 14 entries. : ' ■ ; Three Pounds Powdered Butter Ist (gift of Mr ..P. Cunninghanie), .toilet, set, , Mrs Dbnuld M'Donald ; 2nd, picture (gift- of William Taylor, pointer}, .Mrs Thomas Reid" ; 3rd, 12a 6d, Mrs : R. W; (Japstick)'; 4th, 7s 6d, Mrs A. Hewitson ;:sth^- milk can (gift <.f ,vyj. Taylor, .tinsmi- h), Mrs.: Robinson ; cominenHed, Mrs George v filne., 18 entries. Iblb Sait Butter (to be lodged "wirh the. Secre'ary not, later ; th'a,n' K 27th! Octnb«f, 'ldt (gift of Mr W. Moore),' mirror, valu« £2 2s, Mrs George Lindsay ;2ud* hox.o.f :toa-..("t:itt r>i Mr G.oodall). Mrs George, .ftlilup) j.- 3rd, 12.portTaits o£ winner of b. js r ich«>.i»s),, , -Mrs Thomas TiioJntOHj" ebmiuended, Mrs J uhn Po'ter. '11 entries. . ■' ■' " : '""' ' r : Piain Oaten ;Gake, book' (gift of Mr John Mapk»y,)M:rsJ, M -Bryc;?. : h , : Full' >v«ilk Qheese, njHtjyfaei.ured by the exhibitor, not leas than 14! b, over s \x morit hs oir?i Ist tof Mr Jaine3 Gniy), china break-, fast set, value. £4 4si Mrs R Charfceris, Taien ; 2nd, clieeae press, value l£l 103 "gift of "johnst«»M and WiJson), Mrs A. Hewitsou ; : gopimended, Mrs A. Hewits-.n. 35 entries. fcj4e of 13aDQn yusmoked, £1, Wra. Currie. 2 entries. .-:.- Pair Pork Hams unsmoked, 4i Wm Fraser. 3 entries. -.■■;- . : : v: Pair c>f Smoked Hams, £1, Win. Fraser. 1 entry, . - Roll of b.aGon.—^wp entries. No , prize awarded." i : ' ; : '/'"' Tmpi»t?HSNts \Mt> Manufactures., : ; Attending mpmber'f Mr -. ; G. ' Lindsay. Judges ,-iMr Peter. Grant, Mangatua ; ; Jvtlin : 'Johnson, Saddle Uill.; Mr Alex Barr, Wai- . i»L'".na. , ; •' r. .... ■• "/.,/ -/:,■ -■■-,:> . ; Fiel4 gP«bb e r.— Two entries. Honorary certificate, J, &nd T f Bryce. ' * ' •< Drill -grubber.— Bfikpy,' honorary; , certificate, J. and T. Bryee. > :/.■ S> ; -■!■■: - .. Drill -p!o : iigli.-^)fie fv entry; , : . Honorary : ceVfcifiijato,'D. Chalmers^ .! . ; . Turnip.-sowing nxaehinc.—^ Four 1 entries. ' Ist pr]z«,«Biiyer -medal, Joba t; jslop ; 2nd, ■: hon<:>ra,> y j3art|fioati?j J^olmsoa; and „ :)V ila< »«;■; i Witio^eg6ad'prig^xii;l?!{;J price' w*s a con? sideratjori , „■ - - '-.■''■•-'.'..• Reaping m?.chihe," 'manual dcUvery,-^Qna entry. ]3t, silver medal, Alexander Sl'QonaMr V : Sample of pottery ware, •£!, George Jones. Sampleof brinks mid drain. pipsß.-r—Houpr--3,ry certificate, Georsfi. Jones. : . Qirnshed bones exhibikd by Messrs Oarpp* beii 8r03,, of ; idal^ay Bu3h; were ppiur mended. .; : Implements of local manufa2!:»re--~Threo entrbs. First „prjz '. £1, David Ohalniers j 2.)^. 'Johnston -arid VVil^on. , ix •. ■ •""' For the follo'wi'jVarip en triea were made :' — ■J).6nble-f iirVow' Plough, Hai'rp^3 ■foF'.'^eneraV pnr-p^se*, .-Field Roller, Ciod- Crusher, <31iaff» &%thzr'SQniitic.tym of Oirt: and - Plough J&irge- power Hedge Cutlor. (^ubject fco "trial},'; '."."'. '■'"•". -~/ . Last year's, entries.— Cattle, :4Q ; dranghji horsKS, 51. • tliorMUghbred . horses,;^; sheep, 71 ; swine, -2 ■ poultry, 2§. ; .(jairy/t-rodnce, 100; implerae!it3,%; total, 33JL.' '. . : ; ; This year's ent ; rj:ss,;—C'iittie,2f; draught horaes. 42 ; ihovougVibrafl hpi^es. 01; sheep, '<Ss; awiiitf, 0| ■pbuitry;, 7.; , dairy", pro4uc^ impl^ni^pta, 13^ itotalj 300,- being a def«re^o()|^s/-^" ; ; \ r ...._,; ; • './, -^ '. '..■:;,.(■■ ; :

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Bruce Herald, Volume x, Issue 957, 13 November 1877, Page 5

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Tokomairiro Farmers' Club. Bruce Herald, Volume x, Issue 957, 13 November 1877, Page 5

Tokomairiro Farmers' Club. Bruce Herald, Volume x, Issue 957, 13 November 1877, Page 5