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Field Sports To-morrow


Players Selected in All Four Codes.

The programme for to-morrow on the sports fields comprises the fourth series of matches in the Auckland Rugby Union Gallaher Shield competitidn, the sixth in the League championship, and the third in both the eleven-a-side codes.

Men selected in the various codes:—

RUGBY UNION. POXSONBY. Senior. —Halliwell. Ramsay, Logan, Hudson, Coughlan, D. Solomon, Grant (half), Evans. Bond, Johnson, Knight, Carson, Kerr-Taylor, Booklass. Fraser. Reserves: Dick (back). Nelson (forward). GRAFTON. Senior.—Blue, J. Dick, F. L. Pearson, Hoskins, Manders, Pearnian, Moore, Hull, I'assmore, lVarce, McLean, Alison. Mills, Anderson, Gable. Reserves r Xchubert, Wellough, Sherlock, Bunting, Roddick. COLLEGE RIFLES. Second Division. —Sutherland, Abbott, Middletou, Pedrotti, Howe, Hart, Kirk, Pearson, McConnell, Laurent, Sutherland, Cook, Martin, Douglas, Richardson, Graham. NORTH SHORE. Senior. —I'aton, Tawhai, Slytiold, Graham, .Tessup. Cato, Arkle, Holt, Pike, Horlaml, Cameron, Whillaus. Massey, Sheehaii, Leary, Gordon, Goodacre, Galloway, Si>ratt, Jolfon. Senior Reserve. —Cronin, Brady, McDonnell, Doyle, Kelly, Boswell, Fellows, Mulr, Martin, Williams, Hey wood, Gardner, Porter, Hardy, Kowell. Ormond, Calder, Oram, Robertson, Speight, Cameron. Meet at Ferry Buildings, Auckland, at 2 p.m. TRAINING COLLEGE. Second Grade A.—R. .Tessup, K. Fagan, R. B. Johnson, P. A. Thorley, D. Minogue, J. B. Stevenson. Lewis, H. Shaw, D. AValls, E. Coulthnrd, R. Curry. H. Matiu, A. M. Carrol, Anderson, G. Mason, C. P. Wickens, J. C. Davenport. Third Grade.—Broadbent (captain), C. Mackie. A. Mackie, Sexton. Godley, Henius, Rout, Patrick, Keen, Mac Lean, A. Wilson Pollard, Holmes, Harrison, Webb. UNIVERSITY. Senior.—Bush, Maxwell, Martin, Kirkland. C icy. Mi-Rae. Patterson. Corues, Edwiirds, Hamilton, Fisher, Crozier. Foreman, Armitagc Davidson, Drake, Thornton, Large, Desborough, Cawkwell. Second Grade.—Colts: Arlidge, Eady, Eastgate. Enwright, Hawes, Kerr, Hyms, Lynds, Morrison, Olson, Stirling, Shepherd. Whelan, Polglase, Wagstaffe, Daniel, Garland. (Walker Park No. 1, 3 p.m.). Second grade A plays Ponsonby, Victoria Park. 1.30 p.m. Third intermediate plays Manuk.iu, One- ' hunga Xo. 3, 3 p.m. Third Grade.—Harris, Cameron. Ball; Davidson. Johnston. Caughey. Nicholls, Spencer. Kcrmode, McDermott, Woods, Cotterall. Simpson. Neil, Wilson (:•). CasselsBrown, Rishworth, Andrews. (Onehuuga No. -J., at 1.30 p.«n.). MARIST OLD BOYS. . I Senior. — Hare, O. McDonald, Molloy, Rell-Booth, Curtayne, B-11-Booth, McGreal, Doherty, .Moffltt, Bond. Barry, Suedden, .Mc(irory, Sullivan. Kailey. Kmergencies: C. .Smith, George, Whitcombe. Senior Reserve. —Cannich, Colemnn, Barry, Price, Trnsk. Tomney, Rosebe<-k, Sheehan. Cook, Fouhy, Chalmers, SlcDonald, Bateman, Hogan, Taplin. Emergencies: McCabe, Porteous, Sullivan, Scholium, Fielder. MAXI7KAU ROVERS. Senior.—Littlejohn, Pepper, Peterson, McColl, Bmmby, MoLean. Bree Jones, Smith <21, l>eng, Birtwhistle, Fogden, Lund, Dean, Haniiins, Cheater, Heighway, Bowery, Stone. Senior Reserve. —MeArthur. McGregor, Grogan, Lipscoinbe, Dean, Harley, Smythe. Milllgan, Martin, Jensen, Moore, Boland, Bolton, Stevenden, Xorthrop, Wilson ('!), Dane, Larking. _ FOURTH CriRADE. AN ADDITIONAL MATCH. Tbe following additional fixture will be played to-morrcw : —Fourth grade : City v. Northeo-te, Outer Domain, 1.30 p.m., Mr. J. Jones.

UNITED. Renior.—W. Butler, R. Bowden. H. Jones, L. Hedges, G. IHjwling, W. Millar, F. Wellbourne, B. Bushill, J. Torbett, R. Fenton, L. Monteith. UNIVERSITY. Senior.—Henderson, Moir. Speight, Herriott. X. Broun, Watson, Cowperthwaite, Cooper. Crawley, A. Broun, Greenbank. Second Grade A. —Knight. Davies, Steen, Dunne, Turner. Hansen. Patterson, Wallacf, I-'rasor. Jones. Devrreaux. Second Grade B.—Owen, F. Xewhook, Hpeighr. Beech, Alexander. N. Robinson, Clouston, Robinson, Fogarty, B. Broun, Broadbent. Third Grade.—Franklin. Hansen. Clark, P. XVwhook, Green, Donaldson, Blitz, Webster, Lsiinl. Short. Mabec. Fourth Grade. —White. Dunningham, Dalton. Millar. Beatty, Stnrt, Bellini. Jaffe. Potter, Henes, Andreason. Emergency : Oliver. Any player unable to turn out must communicate with th« club captain immediately. GRAMMAR OLD BOYS. Senior.—Andereon. Hay, A. Wilson. K. Wilson, W. Ross, D. Ross. Armstrong, Pearce, Roughton, Neal. Hill. ST. LUKE'S. Senior.—Doel, Ctillum, Sell. Carroll, Cameron, Corin, Robertson, Brodie, Clark, King. E. Appleby. Second Grade.—Grace, Abbott, Cnllum, Pearson, Chittenden, Rice. Oakley, Waters. A. Appleby, Peterson, Broun. Fourth Grade. — Stewart. Sanderson, Wells, Tibbs. Mormon, Duffin, Mudford, Hansard, McLennan, Clifford, Gordon, McQuarrle, Dalton. SOMERVILLE. Senior.—Marshall, G. Brown, Smith, Stewart. Boggs, Burt, M. Brown, Watts, Long, Wyatf. Elliott; reserve, Parker. Second Grade. —Marshall, Finer. Bradshaw, Ryan, Gladding, Henderson, Nicolson, Cross. Stewart. Jeffs, Shand. Third A. —Dowling, Johnston, Swinburne (2), Foster, Goffiu (2), Archibald (2), Downie, Rowntree. Third B. —Fergusson, Brown, Yule, Coster, Perry, Johnston, McLeod, Mobberley, Marshall, Montgomery, Richardson ; reserve, Sheridan. Fourth Grade. —Baeham, Stoke*, Seatter, Xoakes, Bonsklll, Noakes, Richardson, Mardlc, Edmonsou, Marshall. Penuell. ALBERTIANS. Senior.—Jensen, Spain, Jackson, Speirs, Kelsey, Knight, McKenzie. Williams, Cochrane, Bennett, McL/isky. Second Grade B. —Young, Kaad, Munro, S'tacpoole, Hurle, Sage, Berridge, Maltby, Gardner, Harvey, Fountain. Fourth Grade. —Millar, Blows, Blows, McKoy, Stricken, Belllngham, Probert, Stevenson, Carter, Grimth. TRAINING COLLEGE. Senior.—Botting, Bedggood, Campbell, Coldham, Hughes, Johnston, Jenkins, Latham. Ryalls, Wilkinson, Woollaston, Yorke, Fisher. Third Grade. —Lowe (captain), Buchanan, Moorhead, Cameron, Whaley, McClew, Finch, Knight, Imrie, Milner. MOUNT EDEN. Senior.—R. Carson, .A. Horepool. A. F. Hughes, O. J. Cooke. A. Duncan, F. Horspool, J. Horspool, G. Rowe, H. Sell, D. Logan, E. Jacobs. Second Grade.—Plnson, Done, McCarthy (2), McKay, McLeod, Felton, Dunn, Warboys, Veitch, Coates, Pnlham. Third Grade. — Connor, Willoughby, Andrews. Hodgson, Chester, Cammell, McCarthy, Hicks, Clarke, Lynch, Keeping. Fourth Grade.—Jenkins, Clark, Beresford, Lawson, Nairn, Connon, Baker, Mills, Sehischka, Leriek, Hunt.

KOHTH SHORE UNITED. First Division.—Mills, West, Chambers, Sale. Christie, Blackie Walters Stevenson, Haydon, Slme Moore. ' Second Division. — Haycock. Mooreroft .Smith. Couch, Wright, O'Dowd, Cottrell McArtbur. Clayworth, Sinclair, Cooper Third Intermediate. — Pratt, Kessell Booth. «att. Dacre. Wong, Agate, Beattie Daub}-, Woolley, Williams, Latta. OXEHUXCA. /., Fir n'i Di , Tisi °n-—Morris, Hariiek, Owens (->), Bloekley, K. Lindsay. Wiseman. Brass Forrester, M. Lindsay, Wallace, Tornquist' Second Division. — Lloyd, Rutherford] Cupel. Parkinson, Phillips. D. Wallace Bfo U -ki a - S ' McGhie > Henderson, Simpson' Third Division.—Clark. Fox, Sims Bell m m ,il!ip ,v-,- WilHams - **<*■">«». Woods, r! Phillips. White. Winkle Fourth Grade.—McGrath. Sims, Fong, Dwyer. Kandall, Minchcr, Tucker, Bolund, lnsley. Thompson, lining. Fifth Grade.—Dwyer, Fong. Jcfferies Potter. Mincher, Simpson, Hnskell, Wallace rhonipson. Miller, Tolloday. Barnett. Sixth Grade.—Raffles, B. Boland. Dilly Kinghnn, ('. Williams, Brennau, Haydon Kins, O'Brien, Grbic. Langton. Seventh Grade.—Zuill. Bishop. R. Boland HjirlU-k. Woulffe, D. line, Kinghan Collins, Baker. W.Y.M.I. Third Division. —Willing, Grocott, Crooks Elliott, Story, Sharpies. Greene, Moir Young. Third Intermediate.—Robinson, McDonald, Coubray, Armstrong, Dixon, Mather, Olds, Warrington, Stuhlmann, Cox Wickenden. Sixth Grade.—Moller, Hook. Louden. Lev Appleton, Handrick, Fowler, Bull, Midgley' Wiekendeu. Kosser. GREY LYNN UNITED. Senior.-—Grimmer, Brown, Hiulrup, Broilers. Bowiner, B. Griee, Healey F McIjiuhlan, G. Griee, Murphy, Calldghan. 1 liird Intermediate.—Lorenzen, D. Smith Sweeney, McDonald, Matthews, Antony c' Smith, Hughes. A. McLachlan, G. McLachlau, Molloy, Raynes, Brookes. PONSONBY. First Division. — Warren, Haggett, Masters, McKay, deal. Rouse, Blackie, McCallum, McKay, Farnan, Mullane Second Division. — McKinstrie. Dobson Robertson, Bell, Lancaster, McLellan, Jerome, Chan. Quinn, Jones Groves Third Division. — Brennan. Sutcliffe, I end.-!-, Nicolson, Wardle. McCaimnisli, Morsburgh, Karney, Davis, Kennedy, Hatch. THISTLE. First Division.—Appleyard. Mead, Goodsail. Allsopii, Constable, Orr. Peebles Calmer .Chalmers, Aligns. Wood, Dean| Berry. Meet Onehunga P.O. i.M3 pm Second Division.—Williams, Hare Clarke Steele. J. Kean, Persoff, Leslie, Whitrun! Davison, Ziehell, Xeute. Wallis, Munro lhird Division.—Cocker, Keale. Davis" L < .la ike. Flint. Caddy, Hadlow, Grant' KriHsangen, Mikkelson, Irvine. I'iftli Grade.—Shearer, Sokolich. Pearson, Roberts, Weir, Mornian, Rhodes, Wilkinson Dixon. Sawers, I'tirdy Sixth Grade.—Reid, Mullins, Bandelow Boyle, .Spooner, Wilson. Steele, Moruian! Hurley. Turner, Putt, Mackie. MOUNT ALBERT GRAMMAR OLD BOYS. First Division.—Rosenberg. Speed Sims Taylor W'ard. H. Hutchinson NenUbam' F.VVK-, Clark. R. Woodhall. J. Wood Second Division.—Sauiiders. Dykes H Horrocks, Martin, J. Wnodhall. Stuart o" Turley, J. Horrocks, M. Hutchinson,' b'. Turley, Waters. Third Intermediate.— Ficklins, Hedley, Housby, Francis. Hambrook. Maconaghie, Fowler, Meltzer, Brownrlgg, Paterson' Munro, Piper. KASTERX SUBURBS. Firet Division.—Cowie, Gay, Howison, Archer, Diamond. Bishop, Cumming, Williams, Li. Walsh, R. Walsh. Turner, Darwin. Second Division.—L. Cave, G. Sale C Hamilton, I. Black, Caldwell, W. Williams, McKellar, Kerr, Krauee, X. Collins, Phipps, Ashford, Diamond.


COMRADES. j First Division.-—Yearbury. Riggans, MeKenua, Hnjwaril. Hooton. Fletcher, Evans, - Francis, Avery. Francis. Masters. Third Division. — McDerinott, Gardner - Rutherford. Fields. Locke. Hewlett, Xnn- > caster, Nicholson, Chatham. Cashen, Nolan McAllister, Frater. McFadden. 1 Third Intermediate.—A team: Gunlock, , Healy. Curler. Moody, Fincham, Xorton, * Madder, Matthews, Walters, Laird, Ryan, » Frohl. B team: Underwood. Mosler, t Lohenet. Ayres (2), Baker, Dainty, Lockwood, Ralph, McKinty, Dryland.


MARIST OLD BOYS. Senior.—Glover, Haleey. Haslain. ' Matthews. Midgely, Donovan. Murdoch, Chalmers, Grotte (2). Breed, Finlaygon, Erickson. Logan. Anderson. Reserve Grade.—riilinanii, Barohard, Bedford. Redwi-11. Meredith. McVerry, Brown. Carroll, Davis. Finlii.vsm (D.), Gallagher, Hughes. MoWUliain*. Morse, McLrod, Nicholson. IVtrie, Phillips, Stanaway, Weavers, Willis. MOUNT ALBERT. Senior.—McLnchliin, Hnrdgrave. Marshall, Melnnarney. McNeil, Donaldson, Baiihnm, Walker, Herring, Leatherharrow, I , inches, Tristram, Gunning, Hansen, Blucher, l>. Schultz. Reserve Grade. —Bowen. Dnnn, B. Sehultz. List. Cnriles ('2). Wilson, Clements, Callinan. Cranch, Hucker, Allen, Kkld (2), Renton, Ormonde. RICHMOND ROVERS. Senior. —Bramhley, Furnell. Mills. Tittleton. Potter. Fletcher, Jack, Graham. Bickerton. Watkins. Broadhead. Devine. Mitchell, McLeod. Satherley Hadley. Reserve Grade. —Magill. Deason, Takle. McCready. Greenwood. C. Williams. Bowen, Webb. Graham. Sale, S. Broadhead. Crookall, Metcalfe, Jarvis. McCulloch, Williams, P. Maglll. NORTH SHORE) ALBIONS. Senior.—Smith, ,T. Zane. V. Scott. Bennetts. Pitt, Lash, Brown. Sterling. Fields, Hapeta,. Condon, Morgan, Jones, Mackintosh. Reserve Grade.—Cossill. Wilkie. Axman, Veart. Zeigler. Oliphant, Somervell, Thompson. Trezise. Hunt. Brown. Kelly, Sowter, Johnson. Coutts. Zane, H. Parsons, Casey, Burt, Xewcomb. Perry (2). R.V. Senior B.—Ellis- (2), Malan, Zimmeron, Walker, Roberts, Harris, Dearson. Lowther, Rapana, Reo, Dines. Eddy, Kipa, Banks, Keone. (Meet boat 1.45 for Northcote.) Third Grade.—Begully, Clarke, Lambert, Waller.- Tryson, Bull, Thomas, Guesey, Jamerson. SneUgar, Compton, Howe, Blair, Collis. Thew. Fourth Grade. —Rae. Keane (2). Wallhank. Hurgravea. Hogan, Hunt. O. Donuell, Muller. Bedvell, Blackburn, O'Brien, Elder, Mannoah. NEWTON RANGERS. Senior.—Denipsey, Kendall, McTKenzie (2), Stephens. Brimble (2), Sanders, Proctor (2), Quirke, Blacklaws, Ginders, Taylor Reserve Grade.—Hill, Lawrence Montague, Gibson, Freeman, Sarsfleld, Oliver, Bancroft, Hobbs, Davenport, Taylor, Preston, Beattie, Ravell, Fraser. Skinner. PONSONBY UNITED. Senior.—Xurse, Campbell, Riley. McMaaus. Simpson, Young, Dormer, ' Middleton, Flanagan, Bell, Morgan, Watson, Petersen. Dunning. Reserve Grade.—Martin, McDonald. Carr, Shilling. Funiipll (2), Conway, Williams, Tupp, Chester, Gee, Goodwin, Blakely, Munyard, Walker. Clarke, Smith, Mason. MAXUKAU. Senior.—Xepia, Hemi, Chase, Walker, Awhitu, Panapa, Brimble. Mahiina. Wiberg Brodnck. Ririnui, McLeod, Fanty, Marsfi McGuire, Collins. Reserve Grade.—Par. Cortes. Munro, Mahuri, Wilson (2), Hopi. Kirk wood (2) Potatu, Wade. Aitk?nhead, Wisneskl, Davis Wharepauri, K«wene.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 110, 12 May 1939, Page 13

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Field Sports To-morrow Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 110, 12 May 1939, Page 13

Field Sports To-morrow Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 110, 12 May 1939, Page 13