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The Loyal Seluyii Limljts. M.1'.T.0.0.F.. llf'lfl a \ery Miecewfiil gathering on Siifiirdiiy la-l in (he \V. t.F.l'. rimnv. I'litiiriiru. '/'his was the Hr«t of a series (if incctiirjs f,,i those who are not always iilile u> attend ..,, the usual lodge nights, and also In encourage visitors, Keprc--enlat iic.s ueiv pre-ent in good mini' ber» from 1....1-,- Duke of Cambridge. Mamakii. I'Yankton. Tiiuwliare and Mnr- ' iii-\ille lud-it-. Him. 11. K. Hol.maii, 1 ,, ... Ini\ el led from Kfitm-iM to preside, ami tlii' lir-l jiari of the ewning wan -I" , nt "iih a uieetinjr ~f instruction "bich pn.\ed \ciy helpful. Many of l lie members have only joined recently. ■mil -Mm., were attending their Mist muled meeting. The ordinary nuitim , liii-inc-i. was also conducted and mention iv ,i.- made thai since la-l meeting three inrnilier- hail received the maternity Imiliiik. a fact, which promised well for i In , Intii ic membership of tl rder. At the close of the hii-ine-s ji <,ery happy function was held. A warm welcome «a-« extended to all the «. isitnrs. and diiiH-iuir «iis enjoyed till a late hour. The recent election for the district pi evident of Nμ. 11l [>i-tiict 1.A.0.1). ic-iilteil in the return of I'.A. Hro. K. V. >lvlield. of I'aeroa. who is treasurer of lii.s linljre. Mr... >l\ Held is well known for him jjMM.I WMik throughout the disI rid. which consist- „( the I'aeroa. W.iilii. Waikinn and Tliaine. Lodges and the meinliei- are coiilident that he will prove ii worthy -iieee-*or lo lin>. A. .(. Maiden, the retiring district president.

Tl , '" Loyal Dominion T.odire M.l . I.().().K ' held a very successful meet in;. , on Tuesday last, the programme in tlie form of a Puzzle Niji'llt. The huiMiiCv* first completed under the able guidance of the Noble, (iraud. Rrn. f!. Morris, vi-itors beiny welcomed to the meetinj from L. flood Intent Lodye. A larjje assortineiit of new and old puzzle* were produced by the members and these were passed round from one to another. Keen attempts, both successful and otherwise, were made to ?o]ve them. It was very noticeable that even offer supper had iM-en «.-rved and enjoyed everybody appeared anxious to back to the puzzle*, which luid been carefully placed in partially solved positions. Opinion was unanimous that it wan an excellent way of spending an entertaining evening, particularly when the temperature was too hijjh for dancing.

Tutaiiekai Rebekah Lodge r.0.0.F. tendered a very successful kitchen evening on Tuesday last in the Foresters' Hall, Helensville, to Sister •ireta Uee. Sister Mills, on behalf of the members, presented the jruest of honour with a beautiful bouquet and also asked her to accept the large collection of valuable and assorted gifts which had been brought. Si«ter (Jee suitably responded and thanked the members for their kindness and for the happy association* she had had in the lodge. Dancing formed the chief attraction of the latter part of the evening, a novelty event being won by Sister Bremner and partner.

Loyal Paeroa Lodge M.U.T.0.0.F. met on Tuesday evening, the SAi., Sister Myles, presiding over a good attendance. Directors of the society explained their attitude towards the social security legislation on correspondence that was read. Quite a good amount of business came before the meeting and was thoroughly dealt with. Bro. F McQuillan. P.<;., wa« chosen to represent the lodge at the district conference to be held in Auckland in March. Opportunity was taken to farewell Bros. W. Forrest and W. Farrands. both of whom are leaving Paeroa to reside in Auckland. A pleasant social hour concluded the evening.

A very severe loss ha* been sustained by the Ancient Order of Forester* in particular and the friendly- society niovempnt in general by the sudden death of Bro. W. H. Seaman. A, a district executive councillor and a past district chief ranger of his society, the late brother was a tower of strength and an inspiration to all privileged to know him. Joining as a young man, he proved a very enthusiastic and capable worker and eoon occupied the chief ranger , .* chair of Court Nil Desperandtim. In 1932 he was elevated to district office and attained in 1935 the high position of district chief ranger. Since then he had been re-elected to the district executive every year, and his period of nearly seven years' continuous service on the council m a record. His knowledge of Forestry and of the friendly society movement in general was of inestimable value, and his passing leaves a gap it will be most difficult to fill. Quiet and unassuming, he shunned the limelight, and worked solely and sincerely for the good of the order. To those who were closely associated with him in the district work, Wilfred, or Fred, as he was affectionately called, whs very popular, and hi* opinions and wise counsel on all question* will be sadly mi«sed. Known personally in every court of the district, his influence wiil be felt for many years, his value realised. and his memory always respected.

Court Virtoria A.O.F. has resumed its activities at Devonport and under the leadership "f the Chief Ranker. Bro. H. (.'. Chri*tey, is looking forward to a successful year. There) was a good attendance at tlie last meeting, when the business was chiefly of a routine nature. Several were reported to be on the. wick list and hojx-s wore expressed fur their speedy recovery. Bowls were played at the close of the meeting. Bins. Wart and Maxwell being the victors for the evening.

Tlip Youthful Knterprisp T.od<re. 1.(>.<;.T.. met on Thursday evenin<r, the chair beitijr t,ikcn by the C.T., Bro. T. I'll ain lii' r*. Then- was quit« a jkmml attendance to start the business of the new year, ami the election of officers for Ihe ciiftiinj; term was proceeded with. The following officer.* were elected: — Chief templar. Sister X. Hewitt; vicetemplar. Bro. 1!. llct ai ten; past chief templar. Hro. T. ('hatnliers: marshal, Sister L. Smith; deputy inarslial. Sifter K. (hatnliers; clia|ilain. Sifter X. Warren; secretary, Bro. O. Hewitt; assistant secretary. Sister <;. (iallajiher; linancial secretary. Si-ter S. Kicliards; treasurer. Sister M. Schelllmck: yuai'd. Sister K. S.helllmck: sentinel. Sister A. Mcduire: reni-trar. Sister I). Thorley. 'Lite illstallatinn ceretnonv was carried out bv the <;.!). T.W.. Hro'Pace. n**i-t«l hy Sister llardwick. superintendent, as installing inarslial. One new ineniher was initiated. the ceremony Uc\n<s well conducted.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 33, 9 February 1939, Page 22

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 33, 9 February 1939, Page 22

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 33, 9 February 1939, Page 22