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b«e of July ' com P ared with

__4 Finance, Commerce, Marke ON 'CHANGE. the latest quotatic QUIET MARKET. T""" • , Bu " M ' "' and Scottish 5/2/6 .. __, National of N.Z 2/13/0 ■. - COLONIAL SUGARS STRONG ? at Aasia | P* idl •• 13/12/0 .. """■ New South Wales .. 31/0/0 ..31 Xpw Zoa la nd 2/3/0 .. : -, frrT , r crTlr ,. r X.Z D Mort (£1 paidj 1/9/0 .. 1, METAL SHARKS EASIER. INSURANCEp ~ Xatb.nal 17 '0 .. Kiwiness continues to fall off on th* N ' IV Z'-:«lan<l 2 1T/0 .. - •Wklnn. Stock Exchange. At this morn- *outh British 2/6/3 .. £ ing* call bidding was very quiet and cihmioki activity negligible. " an " , FINANCIAL— _.Mo.«t Atistiaiian ind :-tiia!s showed ! I """- Invest. Banking further sMgh! rn-in-' nj-li top rot-.l.le ' A -" n ,T fl •• pxc-pption w (.,:,.;;..,; s.i--,.-« «hi,'l, , i I , , '.' :irm - A '"'*- •*"•"■ P ai,! ' 4 " '" •• 4. W.rilinn <••',' -: ' ' ■ ' •• ;''--so alwvn. i I-.inn. Au.-t. i.A prefi 1/1/0 .. 1 ....... ..n l, .,- .,..„ ,„„ Vf .,| lln s ;, ar ,,:,.l F., r .„, Am.t. iB ,,r<.f, 1 .» 3 .. 1 ilwiMliClwiH 13 anUlld'. Broken N'-«-ton Kins (pref.i S/0 .. - Hill ProT.clm v, CJ. J [Vn, all ,i F'ertin VA :,n ' 1 I!ii <t Plate 11/0 .. Zincn nil loxt ifr-uind. and Mmhu "_vdl<i v -Z i • ,;, ': ,r!l """\ Cor P- -> 3 •• ••re marked ,!.,«■ n a !!u!, £ ft; K |J»• £ PJJ | = •• Among , in.!.:,-,,.'. Aiuklan-! Gas | Tr.,4. Ki,. ■•'.■ ,,.!, n t., — f-ontnbiifjnas recovcip.l CI oi tjeir rcc-nt i '1'-"' Kinanro .prrf.i 17 0 .. 1 decline, and Peters [<<■ no!.l a' ? line of I'»i"-*I Build. lAuck.j 10, ti .. - 3d. Tarannki Oil*. |-,ov e v»r. were quoted COAL— easier betwcii 13 3 ard ». ' turn.— Bank sh«re« siio'ved no material thange ! r:p nown 0/9 .. f' holding twniln'* • k« and i I:r,I '" n :' tprefj 2 0 .. : frllinc .i;:ai:i at 1 . -1. ' New In*ur-' i'"' l '- r '- . ,1V? " arc-, C ,:ned a further 3d. | tf^r?™*?..'. \ \ \ \ \ \'>&\\ Z in.Pi-st v as lacking in Government Wf«t|...rf. Stockton . 4 i> .. - securities, no anpippialile diarize in quo- u "--I">rt Stockton pf 7.3 .. — tationa bring madp. ! „.„ ; CAS — Mori: Do:'« R|». . V: ,., la! „, ,„ ,, __ 1( M-rts n-.-l: rp«i>onr!r,| to t i, n dividend! -'.i:-;.lai;<I Kont.j 14/2 .. ] spnonnopp pnt. ...'\ ancii,- 1 ,.• t ;... noon, fall to sPii at I! . In \- u . \J!_. j 5HIP?INCo: thp niark"t r.-;: . firmer, but fr nover ■ H"vonport F.-rrv 1/0/3 .. — ■"< stil! rl«-ipd'i:»?. i l*-il<hi:t. Parker mrd) 2 7 >) .. — Broken Hill Promiptarv. Riiti-h To- J"'"': 1 : i t ' ,;1! " 'Paid). — i, . .,,,,. ,i,„ , „, , ,. . North. >t";i.!i i.-oiit.l n/0 .. f, ■< 'a and (ho i ; .<■.•;,] tf rnni al. recovpred |- .,„,; ,, ,,_- , t „„ k , -,.,, ,; •rom tbpir n.on.entarv ►l«r-knf«. having Lniou Stenm ipref.i l/5/» !! 1/ 'lottT biivma o|ip:-s in rr,.[, case Ooininion ' Brpwrrips nn| ( | down 3d. but Tarnnaki i T "*'BEB— Oils were firm l.<-vr»„ IP, \ : ,-v\ 13 7. Bartbolomew 15/0 . 1 In thp oankina rommerrialA -.v»rp quotprl r.p.vjnnd, O'Brien ... — .. l ft shade easier from lfi 6 to 1.". 5?. whiln - x ■ rional 7 <> .. 1 N"o.tionnl«i and Xev SouHi V.'ales had B"toiri 2 10 .. slightly lower Kellers' reserves. P;!!' 0 - (ord.i 5/0 .. lanpo. Tot.ira (pref.i — l Taiinvaiiintu — .. 1 SALES COMPLETED. woollen— Kainpoi i[.aidi — .. 1 Kaiapoi ipref.) — .. 1 AT THB 3.1B P.m. CALL YESTSRDAV— BREWERIES L»it B«!e. Iioiu. P.reweries 1/14 '9 .. 1/1 £ s d f s d I»o!ii. P.reweries (prf.) 1/15/0 .. — Com. Bank .... o if; s .. 0 1fi 7 NZ - 1!r^v e r 'e« 2/3/0 .. 2/ N.Z. Insurnnee . 2 17 3 .. 2 17 3 M,-rri i ■•.»,.. Consol. Brick .. 0 7 3 n 7 Ai ""'^CELLANEOUB— M? rt ?^n rk •••• ? 1 2 ° •• " 1 " "' -^ lo y Stec ' 1 ( . — .. 1 Mt - L^cI1 18 4.. 196 Alloy Steel (X.2.) .. — ". 1/ .— vua «m a ■■ «a. • Aust. (Jypsum — .. 1/ *T THE 10 A.M. CALL TO-DAY— Anthony Hordern (pf) — " 1/ Com. Bank .... n in s 0 lfi s l-ntriean, Sims (pref) — .. i X.Z. Insurance . 2 17 fi " -> 17'3 Ansr - (ili 'ss 4/15/0 .. 4/1. South British . 2 fl « ' •" r, n ;V Is . f -. Ir " n - Steel ,Df ' .. 1/: Auek. Gas, con. 0 14 6 .. 0 14 o Jjerlei (N.Z.) 3/1/U .. — Peters lee 1 3 3 {• ? /> Booth Macdonald (pf) 1/11 .. Woohvortli (S'th " " British Tobacco 2 S/9 .. 2". Africa)' 0 15 8 .. 0 15 8 British Tobacco (pf> 1/11/0 .. — 0 Broken Hill Pty 3/0/0 .. 3/1 AT THB 12.18 P.m. CALL TO-DAY Broken Hill Pty, eon. 1/16/0 .. 1/r _ „ Burns, l'hilp — •>/!• VOW.. Breweries 1 15 0 .. 1 151 3 Byeroft, Ltd _ %/• Mprts Dock .... 014 0 .. 0 13 0 Colonial Sugar 48/0/0 " 48/li Tloolworth (S'tb . Consol. Brick 7/" ■'*"". \f» r Silt ? *Z 8 •• ° 15 8 punlop, I'erdrlan .... 1/2/5 ..' 1/: Mt. Lyell 18 5.. 184 David .r-> cs 1/17/3 .. — _____ Elect. Zinc 2'3/6 '.', '>/- • __.__.. _ Elect. Zinc (pref.) .. 2/7/0 !! 2/J LONDON QUOTATIONS. Farm. TraUing ...... — .. i/< G. .T. Coles 4/1 /6 .. 4 /• (Recelred 1.30 p.m.) „£7 an .' 1 n : 5 Ienzi •' 3 •• I-VO .. 1 , _?l_r Hl11 and I'lummer .. — .. \r LOXDOX, July 28. H M. Arcade <ord.) .. _ ]. \/{ Clutha River Company, buyers 10%d L-rfv A o ade lpref) _ .. 1/1 SR^' _^I-__sr ft « t ? - 3/0 :: 7, M1I-TS 1/1%. McKendrick Bro«. ord — i! l/( ' ■ McKenzies %/■ Macky. Lsgan 1/2/0 '.'. \l\ CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. a dn::::::::: ~ o/0 .; H Milne and Choyce i i (deb. stock) 14/6 .. mvtBENDa .; i/i/« .. 1/; K7^ T Mst,;..hare... jST IKffir.: 1/fl « u.?. S , 0 h £°i d — 8d «hare .. Now Morts Dock 13/6 " u British Tobacco—Pref., QrJy.. 6J New Auck. Uundry — " \/t f£_ pL n, _ B . ,ni "—PL p - c ' P- a - •••• Jnly 31 Newspapers ... 1/13/0 .. 1/14 Argo Dred(rln_— 1« a share .... Ana}. 1 >Z. Paper Mills .... 1/1/" _ Wellington Gas—Int.. 4 p.e. AuJ. 1 _X Refrlg. -(cont.) . 8/1 -. °'k J - Co i e 1 »- i -P'n"Ji t| p.e. and JJ, Bpller 5I|lls (pref) 1/1/0 Z ____''• 5* _E. C -•'. • • • Aug 1 JJ'aldas Shoes ...... — " / e inritt-andvs_ilth~Pf..lnt.2|p.e. Aug! l Palinar. GoIUm -nd • Auckland Gas— int.; 2| p.e."*.. Aug. 2 „ Whltaker, l/18/o .. — KM. iMutanc-—Final, l/« ihart Aug. 8 S eter » Iee ••-...... l/2/« .. _. Mt. Morgan—Pf., Int.! 4 pic'"... A_r 15 Radio (1986) \f£ " T 0 Cwak-ld a i»-M .. Aug: 15 Rubber .....; 1/3/0 !.' j/b Pf, 10 p.e. p.a„ ind pf., T p,c. _»nJo?_ (ord> ...... 4/0 ..4 p.a ..'......., Ana 15 SSWOM' ferefj*'..... — ■ 15 rarpara' Ftrtlllaer—« p.c p.a. .. Aug! 15 »liarl«iid fpre/.> .•:... 16/6 .. is Queensland .Nat. Bank—Final, * 4 S_i ■££ *» • 13/4 .. 13 2_ p.e. . 1., is Lnlon Oil ■. 1/0/0 1/1' Anr18 Ss*» k «». ■-..•...•...: Pf., 4 p.e. p.a. ............ Ana- i« WMttome, Btarenaon — #i 1/0 Bank N.8\W.—Qrt-;/«/V share .*_,'■ IS M Ce «"ent .... 17/_ .'. ig Bleet. Zinc— FlnaX 'ord. and pf.'.■ A f' * 5 "_25 ,!?*> _. ■ •• -" § P.C .......... . T b.«» ic woojjvorth (N.Z.), prf . ■•- ■ O/O ; - p............. ...... sept. 16 Woo worth (Syd.) ... 1/1/8 1/1/ CALLS. Woolworth (Syd), 2nd ' ' •• w grpkta Hill.Ptj.—con., 5/ a share July 30 nr pr _ f 'rV__": - !/_/« •• — Felt and Textllea-is/, a ahire".™ Atig. 1 R. Carpenter .... 2/3/0 .. 2/4, _? rp .*' __" p _ :w « — •' *' ■ share >.. Oct. 1 _v______ ■-.«-__ Woolwortha Props.—10/ a shara Oct. 31 0 """" B *» «TOe»-- • .,;.:. '-■■ ' : ' ; ; ; '-' - Woolworth. Holdinga i- .'-. ■-■-■- (Soma Africa) ..?. u/g .. 15 DOLLAR RATE,. ■«•«- ,.. , ' ; , '..■'■• ; , Alexander ..i s/9 — £!5L* f: Walea) quoted the <'»n-i. G 0 , d : ; ;; l f& •• following dollar ratea to-da/ on a New «oJ«Jen Crown .... " J M b_ri«..gobject to altera. «*» Dt~;..„ _ • S^J turn without aotice;r- • J ■ *° •♦ wr " .goMflelda Dredg. ..." _ $ , ' C»«* IfflGVldDredg.-: •• * •eni B f..... 4i . B.B45.16 3.85 9-16 fflSatt (its'.)' I!'. '.'. \ 7/«" M »o„_b ,.,,. I5IU !«i«._6 ig :: |! IOreat Boulder Zl " 2<{ Broken Hill South .. 1/12/0 '.'. l/13/i r .:::::::::::: i»5 :: zl Mt. Kasl 4/n (Received 9.30 a.m.) t _ t Mo . r *« n 10/9 !! 10^ london, jui y ss. .»» ;: HH Gold ii1 quoted at £7 1/5 per ounce. W'g?o7 __nvi_i_ '''' T3 " »^» ._____, COVBRNMENT BONO*— Tho following la .« aummary of the v, 0 -.... 99/10/0 .. — '""<",' _ ■. aV~ P '°' ''" -.102/5/0 i." ■ — Highest price, July 20 ... 7 16 INSCRIBED STOCK— Lowest price, January s ... 6 19 Q i»./7/-jn 7, T "r™ Julf 3« i 1 I...i....... T 1 1V; W/fM'ia' t £ c 101/15/0. .. _ _SlJ «"«,'•-••••••••• :••••••?... T 1 4 4 p.e I _ -" ,°J^ j«* as .......♦,......./ 7 1 ;« -15/9/4143 31 p p.c.'::ioo/io/o :: 1(^° A unofficial sfdt5K. :#&*»» .::. z .,..,'.,•;._'".__ ..■;;■, ( _ DEBENTURES— >"%}•>■ Buyers. Sellers. ! WjftS_*f Bl - PI »-. :: «* 10#/tv ° " WT/1<V( 6} 7 C - - 100 /°/ 0 - ~ &_?n- ? B% ~ " ' ««!:&_• if " ve,t " ■" 1 l/o - ■_« ".-'?• J08/0/C |{^B uc r>" :: i/i - ..101/10/, :::: » J*» 31/8/41 - ei p " - :m/0/0 -• - H_a_«r__&?W vW :: - -^—-,;;... syRSv 1/15 " •• declinej'M Petals. i/«/« *.,, . LONDON,jui y x |»K f| :■■ - 5/ ° 9« July aJ 27 :1' rket ' C ° m P ared with So'X'CVoVa'WmV 17/fi -V W6 ; ~l' *j&«T. July 28. and Rural Di.v «1;;;' «'<rf « ' ' i* rt P n - Per ton. ».'WeiS T»A 1'* •' >J. /ft fc' itan - »Pot 4l £ ii 8 , 0 d l Vis" '„ Vacuum J'ower .,.,, . ._ " «A- r .V 8tnn . 8 ™ 40 15 ° Walker .and Hall " •'** «„ m °nths ...... ... ,„ ,„ t . ■ (».Z.) ("i dlv) ■■ m/o Copper, electro. 4S Jn 1 2* 40 1» 4J SBBBS&tj ; p "r - " 2 II>«■ a «a , Woolworth. (W. A„s.) 4/2/6 " fc 11 "' 'orward 14 | .fl 1? *S 4 » Woolworth Prop.-..; \* 4 W%. %\ n > *\™-, npot . 194 i *„ a ,it - "1

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 177, 29 July 1938, Page 4

Word Count

DECLINE IN METALS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 177, 29 July 1938, Page 4

DECLINE IN METALS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 177, 29 July 1938, Page 4