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__4 Finance, Commerce, Markets ON 'CHANGE. the latest quotations. QUIET MARKET ■*"**- . ■<•».*.. ••■■•«. ■"'■"*• '• rommercial 16/6 .. 16/8 and Scottish 5/2/6 .. 5/5/© -_.. „ National of N.Z 2/13/0 ■• 2 14 0 COLONIAL SUGARS STRONG at Aasia | P* idl •• 1*713/0 .. — u ' >>ew South Wales .. 31/0/0 .. 31/10/0 Now Zpa la nd 2/3/0 .. 2/3/3,,r T , r ctIlr ,. f N.Z. D Mort (£1 paid) 1/9/0 .. 1/10.0 METAL SHARKS EASIER. INSURANCEp National 17/0 .. 17/7 Kiwine** continues to fall off on the N ' IV Z"aland 2 1T/0 .. — Auckland Stock Fxchanee. At thi 3 morn- s " uth British 2/6/3 .. 2.7/0 ■ ng* call Li'Ming was very n;»pt and ' cimihicih activity negligible. " an " , FINANCIAL— _ Most AiMti.i:ian ind--trials «howed ! '""u- Invest. Banking turthcr f'.'mh: pa-in-' wj-li t),« rnt-ilile ' A- "" ,T fl •• 1S :; exception r.i Colonial «„.;.,., .. i,j,'i, , ' , I ''•'•-m. Au<t. (£5 paidi 4 .1/0 .. 4/15' O I'uvina o/r-rn Bt '--i •...." ;m,. - ", ha '' V'n... Au.t. ,£2 paid, - .. 1 14 .. »,;..,.[:,, /.< -; • ■ ■ ' • ■"■■-■> above., I-.inn. Aix-t. i.A prefi 1 l/o .. i j r, i . lUW " 1 "" »'■*'■ !""Vf-l un stiarj.Iv. I-'-irm. Au.-f. lis prefi 1«3 .. 1/1 u •loMna between CI 1." an 1 £1 |<3 . Broken Newton Kins (pref.i S/0 .. — Hill ProT.cla! v, C;. J (., ; r, and K'ft-Un S A •' ,n ' 1 I!,Ip r I'late 11/0 .. — Zinc." .ill loxt LT'.iiiid. .,•.■! Mount "Lvcllsi z - Corp. 4.3 .. 4o were market! tl.jwn a l : tt'n V .\k. Jarm. iA prefi - .. 6 0 Amon, ;o,a, G.J k > F .r,^ ( .' , J ( ffi Z " f-ontnbiifinas iecovrie,| 01 o; tjeir rcc-nt i '!'-■"' Klnanee iprcf.i 17 0 .. 1 <> i, decline, and Peters Ice no!d *• ? rise of Cnired Build. (Auck.j 10, ti .. — 3d. Tnrannki Oil*. |-,ov e v»r. were quoted COAL— easier between !.? 3 art.1 ir a. ! uun '— Bank shrre. siio'ved no material change ! r:f, nown 0/0 .. 10 6 f'ornmerrialn holding t es-etd ,\'* -i o an ' I (pref.) 2 6 .. 2 11 -Pllinc azniti at 1 . S. ' New zVand' In«ur- ! V"' 1 '- '' ' > " 15/3 arc-, e ,| n ed a further 3d. | vo.sVp '„ l ["!:'. . ] \ \ \ \ \ \%£\\ - in.ei-st v as lackinu in Government We«tporr. Stockton . 4 i> .. — securities, no a-ip)Pcial)!e change in quo- u "-■l'"rt Stockton pf 7.3 .. — tntions being made. ! „_„ ; CAS — Mori: Dot'ts R|». j .„„.„„„„ ,,,„„ , ,„„ ]/0 ,. .M'.rta D-.-l: r"«i>on'!'-d to tho dividend! Ai:-Mai;d in,nt.) 14/2 .. 14 U -nnonnenp'ont. :<<'\ aiuio- 1 ,•• tl— noon, ' ' fall to soii at I! . In ,-,-,• \ u . \ nn " j SHIPPING- : o'. flip niarkpt <v;: . firmer, but fr nover ■ I'pvonport Fi-rrv 1/0/3 .. — ■"< «til! tl«-ind'i:»?. i J":i::d:itr. I'.irki-r ior»l) 2 7.0 .. — Broken Hill Prom ietarv. Riiti-ii To- J" r, i' : i t '' ;1! " 'Paid). — .. 4/4 ] i, . ,,,,i ,i,„ , „, , ,i . North. >t>'ai!i o-o!it.i 0/0 .. 0/11 •> r« ,,,,,| the inPtnl ai-nin n I, recovered |- .,„,; ,, ., lpf v . r „,. kl i -,.,, i/a-A •rorn tl.eir n.on.entarv ,.la,kne«. having Lnion Steam lP ref.; l/b/t. !! 1/0,9 '->PttT bllVinjr of|P7-s III rr.rh r,x<-. Dominion ' 1 Brewcrips so|,| ,]nv.Ti 3d. but Taranaki I T,HIBIER — ] Oil- trere firm between IS t and 13 7. Hartbolomew 15/0 .. 18/0 1 in fhp oankins rommerci il* -.vpre qnnferl land. o'Krien ... — .. 18/0 ft shade easier from lfi 6 t-, lr. 5? while -"■ rional 7 0 .. H> ij N*ntioTinl« and Xpiv Soutli Wales had I;«toirt 2 10 .. 4/0 3 slightly lower Kellers' reserves. .[™''°- tara , ,or( i-' °''° •• <V* : laupo. Totara (pref.i — .. lx/o t _____ Taiinvainiitu — .. 13/3 ( SALES COMPLETED. woollen— Kaiapoi i[iaidi — .. n/o 1 Kaiapoi ipref.) — .. 16/9 r AT THE 3.1B P.m. CALL YESTSRDAV— BREIVERIES— T L»it ■_!«. Iioiu. nreweries 1/14 9 .. 1/15/3 ,' £ s d f s d I'om. Breweries (prf.) 1/15/0 .. — Com. Bank .... o u; s .. o lfi 7 NZ - I: « w "e r 'e<* 2/3/0 .. 2/3/3 N.Z. Insnrnnoe . 2 17 .'! .. 2 17 3 Misrn i...... Consol. Brick .. o 7 ;t 0 7 Ai ""SCELLANSOUS— Mt - r^cI1 184.. 106 Allov Steel (N.Z.) .. _ .. l/|/0 »— Turn _« _ _, _,.. . __ _,_. Anst. (ijpsum — .. 1/2/3 AT THE 10 A.M. CALL TO-DAY— Anthony Horderu (pf) — " \%% Com. Bank .... o 16 8 0 in s r.ntrlcan. Situs (pref) — .. 17/6 N.Z. Insurance . 2 17 6 " " 17 ■ % A,lst - (;li,ss 4/15/0 .. 4/lC'O South British . 2 6 6 ' -"on A,IS , f \ Ir " n - Stcel <P f ) 1/8/0 .. 1/8/0 Auek. Gas, con. 0 14 6 .. O 14 O i; er1^ 1 <;*- z -> 8/1/0 .. — Peters lee 1 3 3 {■ ? /> Booth Macdonald (pf) 1/11 .. -j/6 Woohvorth (S'th " . British Tobacco 2 S/9 .. 2/9/6 Africa)' 0 15 8 .. 0 15 * British Tobacco (pf) 1/11/0 .. — 0 Broken Hill 1'ty 3/0/0 .. 3/0/6 AT THE 12.18 P.m. CALL TO-DAY— Broken Hill Pfy, con. 1/16/0 .. 1/17/3 _ _. Burns, l'lulp — -'/1H/K ?£?/ ,? re , w e"l" 1 15 0 .. 1 151 3 Bycroft, Ltd _ , 2A/o Morts Dot-U .... 0 14 0 .. 0 13 0 Colonial Sugar 48/0/0 . ' 48/10/0 Tloolworth (S'tb . Consol. Brick 7/" 7/5 \f► r2»i ? 8 •• ° 15 8 punlop, I'erdrlan .... l-2/o .. 1/2/6 Mt. Lyell 18 5.. 184 David .!-> cs 1/17/3 .. — - Elect. Zinc 2 3/6 \ \ 2/4/0 • »_.__.. _. Elect. Zinc (pref.) .. 2/7/0 .. 2/8/0 LONDON OU0TATI0NS. Parni. Trading ..'... - . 1/0/3 ' Jj- T Coles ... 4/1/6 .. 4/2/0 (Received 1.30 p.m.) V.\u' an / Ienz,e3 •• r -/o -. 14/3 , J?l_r Hl11 and .I'luinmer .. — .. 1/1/o LOXDOX, July 28. H.M. Arcade <ord.) .. _ .. {/ 0 /o Clutha River Company, buyers lo%d k n'v A £Sl d _! P nt A 1 « " 1/1/0 SSSi}fi^ s Molyneux ' bu^er " P re c ?.r- _ 3/0 :: 78/0Mlltr- 1/1%. McKendrick Bro«. ord — .. 1/0/0 '"~— ■ McKenzies 3/5/6 Macky Lsgan 1/2/0 .'. 1/3/6 CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. %%2™dn::::::::: i /0 :: *ffi Milne and Choyce 1 1 (deb. stock) 14/6 .. o: mirmi>« n . Milne and Choyce w DIVIDENDa (6 pc. pref.) 1/1/6 .. 1/3/0 h £2?.!.i' SW*-** _*_* i B " e • • Kow Morts Dock 13/6 il/e B'''' 81 " Tobacco— Pref., QrJy...6J New Auck. — " im'l f££ pL n, _ B . ,ni "— 8 _,P-e. ■ P-».. .... Jnly 81 N.Z. Newspapers ... 1/13/0 .. 1/14/o Argo Dred(rln«—id a share .... An». 1 N.Z. I'aper Ml"s .... 1/1/3 II ' Wellington Gas—-Int.. 4 p.c. Aug. 1 X.Z. Refrlg. -(cont.) . s/_ __ _ bonpg 2 J p.c ".. A us 1 Waldas Shoes ...... — . e/B Aug! l Paltner. ColUna and- 7 Auckland Gas— Int., 2| p.e.."». Aug. 2 _. Whltaker, l/18/o .. _ KM. iMutaaciM-Final, 1/ a ihart Aug. 2 J! et «" lee ..:....... i/2/« .. _. Mt. Morgan—Pf., tot. 4 pic'".,. Auk 15 Radio (1986) \Y% T n/fi Motsr Crck-ld a .naJe .. Aug! 15 " Db, ' Pr 1/3/0 i i 1/5 0 pf., 1Q p.c. p.a„ ind pf., T p,c. 2_2f°_3Vf orrf 'i /••'-•..' 4/0 ..4/9 p.a ..'......., Ana 15 2»a*ord[ (pref.) ..... — - 15/e A^ M g»M„ : :::: S? Sleet. Zinc-Final,'ord. and pf.', An * 2 5 Woo worth M) l/oV.! in § D.fl. .......... . Z, b.«» ic wool worth (N.Z.), prf —_••■,.'. 2/0/0 • p* ............... ...... Sept. 16 Woo worth (Syd.) ... l/i/g 1/1/11 CALLS. Woolworth (Syd). 2nd ' ' •• J /V" grpkea Hill.Pty.—con., 5/ a share July 30 v^ T I/ 7 / 6 •• — felt and Textile*-^/'a ah*re*™ Aug. 1 w. B - Carpenter .... 2/3/0 .. 2/4/6 S urp . , • 2KA?_3 , «1? */ ■ share >.. oeL 1 nvnaaaa ■«,. Woolworths Props.—10/ a share Oct. 31 allwmmu ** «ToeiW. • .,;.:. '-■■ ' : ' ; ; ; '-' - Woolworth. Holdinga " "'"" :.-.,:. .,,--: (South Africa) ..?. U/g .. jg/g DOLLAR RATES. ■wiifs- ,. ■ , ' '. , '..■'■• ; , Alexander ,.i 8/_ __ Walea) quoted the Conwi. Gold .* ;.' VA " v//% following 4o|lar ratea to-da/ on a New G°J«Jen Crown .... " lf^2 baala,,aubiect to altera. £ oWcn Daww :.... 1 _ • " 1^5 lie. without aotice;r- - J - ' ,MW 8 JDred «-— - .' 0/3 ••ni B »-.;.. 4i . A5Tv. 3.85 9-lfl fflman frts'.)'! '.'.'.\\ 7/«" M so,,-. $§ :: i| IOreat Boulder II " Broken Hill South .. 1/12/0 '.'. 1/13/6 |S or .::::::;::::: iS» :: z . Mt. Kasl 4/0 r. ' Mt < r 'J-e" ....!.. 1/8/4 *' i7i/n P 1 (Received 9.30 a.m.) t^uM^. r * l ! ,, lo/» f«^ _--,_-' _ , >orth Broken Hill .. 2/7/0 «»/a<i 0 "T ,, v, LONDON, July 28. Placer Development . 3/16/6 V. f/0/0 for Gold il• quoted at £7 1/5 per ounce. frSoaf AnZMii'' '' ft2" 9 /» an « e , Am « ri^n *»«« « fluted at 4/10/0 " 6/0 ea * 4LIMi. to.-tlM pound sterling, and the Triton !:.'....: 4/, S5 •■ ' rr /fl tra French franc at 1781. '* " 10/0 thi j ( .■,-■■— OOVSajajajtajT ■owosj— Xe Tho following la .a summary of the 5 P- e - ••<- W/IO/B .. — wit ■dctuatione in the per ounce of fine 1»urii^ C 5^47 101^0 *' - ma i0M ** : _ :i; .. _ "15 Highest price, July 20•'.... 7 16 INSCRIBED STOCK—- c ™ ", jS5"» P ' '*•*""< i-l - ? A? 15/7/30-41. 3 pT:.-., 96/10/0 48 » July 27 ...'............ T 1 4 is^lfIn* 1 KS' ''* ; ~ •• 102/5/0 Aui , /0lJ aSV;..;.;.......... 7 1 *,, AfffifMl Vp.c.-."100/W/0 •• Fir ' UNOFFICIAL STOCK, d. :: Z. jg "U'('•'. "'— •■■■■!•'. ■ . . ■SSsMSTJISJltw. ■ '•■'(.:,' . ' Sou ■uyera. Sellers. : w *U*% tB El. P.B., c / n X - 9/6 "™> " S SfR«li»L.;.V. ± /0 •■ T /2/0 n/s/4i. 6* p.c. ..: 101/0/0 ...• - 2t

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 177, 29 July 1938, Page 4

Word Count

THE LATEST QUOTATIONS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 177, 29 July 1938, Page 4

THE LATEST QUOTATIONS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 177, 29 July 1938, Page 4