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REGENT. A 1 Howard A 1 Jolson Dorothy Wayne Ruby Keeler Sadie Howard Glencla Farrell I.nana 801 l Helen Morgan The Ditke Barton Mac Dane Director: Archie Mayo; First National. All those good things that go to make the usual high standard of entertainment presented to patrons of the Regent Theatre are contained in the excellent bill of fare which was presented for the (irst time to a crowded house last evening At the toj) of the bill is "Go Into Yom Dance.'" the musical "special" itt which A 1 Jolson and his wife Ruby Keeler arc the stars. The film is not only a musica: comedy but a picture that is replete wit'l dramatic situations as well as hilarious laughs, romance and spectacular dance numbers. The whole show is lavishl.v producccP with many brilliant scenes tr dazzle an audience that cannot fail t< appreciate them and who cannot fail te catch .the' fever of the story and accore, it the enthusiastic reception it deserves. A 1 Jolson play« brilliantly the part ol A 1 Howard, a Broadway star who is barred from vaudeville because of his failure to. fulfil his engagements. Witl all his old-time verve, Jolson sings ant dances brilliantly, and he is given- the support he deserves bv the vivacious Ruby Keeler. Perhaps the most populai and outstanding numbers in which Jolson has the lead are "About a Quarter te Nine" and "She's a Latin from Manhattan." Much delightful comedv is introduced by brilliant Patsy Kelly, whe has the audience rocking with her efforts to persuade Jolson of her ability to dance The song numbers are so catchy that they are bound to be whistled and hummed all over Auckland for weeks to come and the ensembles are so spectacular that they will long be remembered. . • Even better than the usual high standare! of Regent supports are the featurettes this week. Excellent shots arc shown of the King's garden party at the jubilee celebrations and impressive scenes of the funeral of Queen Astrid ot the Belgians. One of the most interesting "shorts" is that showing the Davis Cur challenge round between Great Britain ancl the United States. Splendid show of the Perry-Budge and Austin-Allison matches show the triumphant progress o the Englishmen. A delightful featurctte in tcchnicolour is "Gipsy Sweetheart, hilarious cartoon. The programme is oik that should delight even the most blase picture-goers. NATIONAL AND PRINCE EDWARD A'an Dine's famous film detective, Philc Vance,, who thrilled the world a yeans ago in such pictures as "The Canarj Murder Case," "The Green Murder Case and, more recently, "The Kennel Mui'tioi Case,"- comes to extraordinarily vigorous life once again in "The Dragon Murdi.i Case,'' which opened a joint dual season last evening at the National and Prince Echvarel Theatres. Instead of the. suave ancl polished William Powell, there is polished ancl suave Warren William te portray the inimitable cinema sleuth With him are Eugene Pallette —Sergeant Heath, of course—-Lyle Talbot, Margaret Lindsay, in the feminine lead, -Roberi MeWacle and Robert Barrat. George Meeker appears as the murdered man mi; Robert Warwick as the coroner. "Tilt Dragon Murder Case" has a certain eon ness and spme moments of suspense. Witii this appetising thriller film is showing at both theatres the merry English musica melange "Over the Garden Wall," in which Bobby Howes, popular London stage, radio, screen and night club entertainer, is teamed with lovely blonde Marian Marsh, late of Hollywood. WEST END, PONSONBY. Warner Baxter brings his robust outdoor type of romantic entertainment, seen in "In Old Arizona" and "The 'Cisc-t Kid." into "Under the Pampas Moon, which is scheduled to be shown to-night at the West End Theatre in association with "The Daring Young Man." in which James Dunn and Mae Clarke are featured LONDON, QUEEN STREET. ; "Moonlight and -PretzcW\now showing at the London Cinema, Queen Street, r. as exciting ancl romantic' as its title sounds. It stars Roger Pryor in a whir of music and comedy. Also showing is i fine drama, "Child of Manhattan,' f story of city life enacted by John Boles Nancy Carroll and Buck Jones. GREY LYNN CINEMA. A splendidly contrasting bill of fan is offered to patrons of the Grey Lyni Cinema. The first film is a clever moderi story, "Biography of a Bachelor Girl, featuring Ann Harding and Robert Mont gomery. .Tack Holt is seen with laj Wray* in "Master of Men." KINGSLAND TALKIES. Not for many years has so thrilling a film as "Lives of a Bengal Lancer' been made. I eaturing Gary Cooper I'ranchot Tone ancl Richard Cromwell, i is crammed full of excitement ant colourful adventure. Acting and direction alike are superb. The film is now showing at the Kingsland Talkies. AVONDALE MUNICIPAL THEATRE. Myrna Loy and Warner Baxter have the leading roles in "Broadway Bill," now at the Avondale Municipal Theatre. It is a film out of the usual run of race track stories. Also showing is The Night is Young," a charming musica romance with Evelyn Laye. AMBASSADOR, POINT CHEVALIER. Joe E. Brown seems to be enough oi a clown without being given circus stir roundings, but when this is done in Circus Clown" there are hilarious results It is screening at the Ambassacloi Theatre, Point Chevalier, in company witl: "One Exciting Adventure." TUDOR, REMUERA. The gaiety of Maurice Chevalier makes a good match for the charm of Jeanettc Mac Donald in the screen version ot lie Merry Widow," now showing at the Tudor Cinema Remuera. Franz Lehar famous comic opera comes to the screen in a lavish manner and all its origma charm. GAIETY, TAKAPUNA. From trained fleas to performing elephants, the steps by which Phineas T Barnum rose to fame, are seen m "The Mighty Barnuni," screening at the Gaiety Cinema, Takapuna. Wallace Beerj could" not have been given a more httinf role. He is ably supported by Adolphe Menjou. SPOTLIGHT REVUE SEASON. A sparkling and thoroughly* enjoyable entertainment is assured for patrons o; His Majesty's Theatre this evening, whet the ♦Spotlight Revue Company, with it: all-Star cast of some thirty artists, pre sents its initial programme under tin title of "Tit-bits 011 Parade.' the brie season—which is necessarily curtailed by the advent on Wednesday ot the -I. y Williamson Company—will provide Auck landers with ,an exceptional degree, botl in quantity and quality, ot talent in tin musical comedy line. Many populai players are included in the organisation which is headed by Jason Christian, pro minent Swedish singer, Miss Waratal Wakclyn and others. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN PLAY. The gay Gilbert and Sullivan corned} "H M S " Pinafore" will be staged bj pupils and masters of the King's Prepara torv School in the Scots Hall Uppei Svmorids Street, 011 lliursclay and l'ndaj evenings, October 10 and 11. STRAND SUNDAY PROGRAMME. Opening with lantern-slide talks and : talking film gazette, an enjoyable pro gramme has been arranged for preseuta tion to-morrow evening at the btranc Theme. An address on- the sulmet ->i municipal housing will be given oy Mr Bernard Martin, deputy-Mayor. talking picture will be screened at 8.31 pm. " This will be "Almost a Honey moon." a hilarious English c ?m. et ]-;' romance with Bemta Hume. Dodo Watt.and Donald Calthrop in the stellar role.The programme is arranged by the Rationalist Association and the Sundaj Freedom League. MUNICIPAL BAND. A programme of popular selections am solos will be given by the Aucklanc Municipal Band in the Domain to-morrow , afternoon.

----- ST. JAMES' THEATRE. Those international stylists who recently selected William Powell as one of the world's twelve best-dressed men did not pay him any compliment by doing so. The recognition was bestowed upon him. in the midst of the filming of the musical drama "Reckless," in which he is co-Btarred with Jean Harlow and which is now enjoying an extended season at the St. James' Theatre. "I am not interested," was Powell's retort. "I have never set forth to gain glory as a best-dressed man. It displeases me greatly, just as I object to the .adjectives "suave' and 'polished' being tagged to my. name, as they have been for several years. Personally I do not know., one-hundredth part of what constitutes the styles 1 must wear. The laurels belong to my tailor, not to me To be labelled a best-dressed man is. no benefit to me. I'd rather not be known as one." Nevertheless, Powell has one 01 the complete wardrobes in Hollywood. In it there are four evening suits, 42 business suits, 12 overcoats, three dozen pairs' of gloves. 2G pairs of sport. ; trousers, 37 pairs of shoes/ 51 hats, lpi neckties, - six white turtle neck sweaters, 100 pair,.? of socks, 50 shirts and one white beret which he never wears, ''Reckless"' has a colourful musical background. with the theme song written bv Jerome Kern, dean of American composers. The supporting east includes Franehot Tone, May Robson. Rosalind Russell, Ted ITealy, Nat Pendleton and Henry Stephenson. CRYSTAL PALACE, MOUNT EDEN. Nine-year-old Jane Withers, who did all sorts of unpleasant things to Shirley Temple in "Bright Eyes"—in which she was the "juvenile villain"—is the heroine and star of the pleasing picture "Ginger, v which is now showing at the Crystal Palace Theatre, Mount .Eden.- Little Jane in "Ginger" recites Juliet's balcony lines to the Romeo of that talenteel South Australian character actor O. P. Heggie in a liiie tenement rooftop scene. Jackie Searl, Katharine Alexander anel Waltei King are also in the picture in prominent supporting roles. The gay comedy romance "Spring Tonic," straight fronr last week's first release at the Roxy, ii also on the programme at the Crysta Palace. RIALTO, NEWMARKET. Doubtful it is if another triple partner ship has proved so successful as has thi Tom Walls-Ralph Lynn-Ben Traveri organisation. The latest effort of thcii combined energies, "Fighting Stock,' is it evidence at the moment at the Rialti Theatre, Newmarket. The Walls-Lyni pair make excellent capital out of authoi Ben Travers' brilliantly conceived ane ever-new comedy situations anel dialogue The Rialto management is also screenini "Air Hawks," the dramatic tale o American airways, in which the late ill fated Wiley Post, world-famous one-eye< Red Indian pilot, made his film debut ii a thrilling transcontinental record fligh! through the stratosphere. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. Vocal and instrumental items will b presented by Misses Meryl Harvey am Ruth Gourdie anel Messrs. C. Johnson Geoffrey Lairel and C. Purely at thi evening's social to be hold in the Towi Hall Concert Chamber' by the St Andrew's Society. Miss Gwyn McNaugh ton will also give a display of Highlam dancing. Mr. J. W. Shaw will speak. COMMUNITY SINGING. The usual weekly community sinj organised by the Auckland Communit; Singing Association will be held nex Wednesday from 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. in th Town Hall. Mr. Vernon T. Drew will b song lcaeler. STATE SUNDAY PROGRAMME. Under the chairmanship of Mr. H Vaughaii', a combined programme o addresses anel pictures will be given a the-State-Theatre on Sunday, Mr. Johl A. Lee, M'.P , will give a brief address and the two Labour queens. Misses Mavi Lewis (Grey Lynn) and Joi Taylor (Wai temata), will be presented. The picturi to be screened is Gene Gerrarel's romanti comeely "Lucky Girl," with Moll? Lamont. of South Africa, in the titt role. The picture was adapted from th stage play "Mr. Abelullah," by the lati Captain Reginald Berkeley, of New Zea land, and dealt tvith a typical Ruritaniai adventure. SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY. The annual rally organised by tin Auckland Smday School Union will b< held in the Town Hall this evening, wliei drills, dances, action songs, cvmnastii displays and specialty items will be givel bv the B"y«' Br'gade. the Life Boys aiu the Girls' Life Brigade. WEST END SUNDAY CONCERT. A promising variety concert programme has been arranged for presentation at thi West Enel Theatre. Ponsonby, .to-morrow night. Included in the programme wil be members of Neville C'arlsen's Revue Company, Walter Smith and his Alohr banel of 15 instrumentalists anel vocalists Fred Walters and his Revellers, the International Novelty Boys, Misses Mavx Rilev, Joyce Cain, Nell Marr, Joar Power, Messrs. Neville Carlsen, Charles Archer. Jack Counihan, Jim Edwards anc a tenor vocalist who will appear incog; nito. Admission is bv collection ane proceeds will bo elevoted to the National Unemployed Workers' Movement. AMUSEMENT GUIDE. HIS MAJESTY'S — Now Revue presents "Tit-lilts On Parade." PICTURE THEATRES. Civic —.Tanet Gnypor anel Jnne withers in "The Farmer Takes n Wire." NATIONAL ANO PRINZE EDWARD— Warren William in "The Drnp-on Murder rase" R-iri no!,by Howes in "Over the Garden Wall." regfiwt—Al JnNop and Ruby Keeler in "fio into Your Dance." WIAJF'vnc —nir'"'es niic-fics and Mary Bolmel in "People Will Tallc." strand —Tack" Buchanan in "Brewsier's Millions" and Edmund Owenn in "Warr London." . LONi p,o|s '—I "o - C-riUo in "Moonlight anr' Pret/e's" and John Boles in "Child ol Manhattan." ROXV />wn TIVOLI —Fd. G Rnbin=on ir "Passnort lo Fame" r>nd Richarc Cromwell In "Unknown Woman." ST. JAMES'—William Powell and Jear Harlow In "Reckless." PLAZA —Miriam Hookas and Man Mowbraj in "Becky Sharp." ADELPHI—"Mr. .Dynamite." ALEXANDRA—"AIter Ofllce Hours." AMBASSADOR —"The Circus Clown." AVON DALE—" Broadway Bill." BIRKENHEAD—"The Good Fairy." BLOCKHOUSE BAY—"Lire Begins at "SO/ BRITANNIA—"The Casino Murder Case." C^PiTOL —"Fashion Gaieties." CRYSTAL PALACE—'"Ginger." DELTA (New Lynn)—"Grandad Rudd." DE LUXE—"Vanessa." EIMPRESS—"After Office Hours." GAlETY—"Mighty Rnrntim." GREY LYNN CJIMtIVIA —"Biography or £ Bachelor Girl." KINGPLAND—"The Lives of a Bengvr Lancer." KING'S (Northcote)—"Roberta." LIBERTY (Parnell) —"Boman Scandals." MAY-Alß—"The Little" Minister." PSCTi'REOfSOIVIE (IVJilford) —"F.vclyn Prentlre PRINCESS—"Ginger." HEGENT (Epsom)—" Fighting Stock." RSAI-TO. —"Fifrliting Stock.' 30UT"EiPN CROSS (Ellerslie) —"Sing As We Go." STATE (Devonport)—"Star of Midnight.' STATS (Onehunga)—"Werewoll" or London " STATE (Symonds Street) —"The Age ol Innocence " STAR (Newton) —"Transatlantic Merry-go-round " STRAND (Onehunga)-—"Ruggles or Red Gap." TUDOR —"The Merry Widow." VICTORIA —"Lorna Doone." WEST END—"The. Daring Young Man."

PRINCE EDWARD SUNDAY CONCERT A spectacular and thoroughly enjoyable programme will be presented by Miss Jesmoud Hiscott to-morrow evening in the Prince Edward Theatre, Newton, m aid- of the funds of the Auckland Provincial Unemployed Workers' Association. Featured on the bill will be items by Joe and Eileen Smithson, with Harry de Eeve, Charles Masse.v. Nellie Lnjgard, "'Baby Zoe," Johnny Negri, Lew Bickerton and many others in hardly less prominent positions. Mr. Stan Holthouse I will again be announcer. Miss Margaret Si mm will be accompanist. DANCING. Peter Pan, cabaret band featuring film songs. Labour Hall, Karangahape Iload, C'lemm's "Melody Boys." Scots Hall, Astoria poster carnival; Ted Croad's Chevalier orchestra. Pirate Sliippe, Milford, old-time carnival and Mickey Mouse birthday celebration. Orange Hall, Newton, Reg. Oliver's New j Savoy Band. i Municipal Hall. Newmarket, pierrot carnival; Bob Adams' orchestra. Ambassadors' Hall. Dominion Koad, Columbia Social Club's old-time dance. St. .Sepulchre's Hail, Ventura Dance Club. Crystal Palace Ballroom, Epi Shalfoon's dance band. Zealandia Hall, Balmoral, Holt's orchestra. Druids' Hall, Maori Returned Soldiers' Club dance. Scots Hall, Monday, juvenile plain and , fancy dress ball. \ St. Mary's Hall, Ellerslie, "Back to ; Schooldays" dance. ! , Gaiety Hall, Surrey Crescent, Hampton's old-time dance. ■ Parnell R.S.A. Hall, old-time dance; , Percy Williams' Gaiety Band. 3 Point Chevalier Hall. Savona orchestra.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 230, 28 September 1935, Page 17

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"GO INTO YOUR DANCE." Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 230, 28 September 1935, Page 17

"GO INTO YOUR DANCE." Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 230, 28 September 1935, Page 17