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AKARANA LADIES' CLUB. OPEN DAY COMPETITIONS. TIE IN SENIOR MEDAL. An open day was held by tho Akarana Ladies' Golf Club yesterday. The best scores returned in medal competitions were as follow :— Seniors.—Mrs. H. V. Johnston, 85—S — 77; Miss B. Hill, So —S —77; .Mrs. .1. A. Kilner. l>7 —IS—7'.) : Mrs. Snialllield, «.)!) — 17—82. Mrs. Johnston and Miss Hill tied for Ibe best gross score and the best net score contests. Mrs. Johnston got the verdict on a recount. Juniors.—Mrs. B. Bree, 07 —10—7S ; Mrs. 11. Lovell, 103—31 —72: Miss I. McCreadv, 08—2-1 —74: Mrs. P. Parker, 101 — •>i\ 75. Mrs. l< , . ColledgP, M 7— .'Si! —7. r . ; Mrs I"' II Mueller, H>!>— '-\3 —7(1: Mrs. 1). MeKenzie, 10»—25—77; Mrs. F. Baker, ]03—2. r i—7K; Mrs. G. Ashley. OS —20 —r8 ; Miss M. Meaghpr, 115—30—79. Mrs. li. r.ree won the best cross score eomi>etit mn and Mrs. Lovell returned the best net: The best scores in a foursomes bogey match were returned by Mrs. R. L. Wilson and Miss N. Self, 3 down, and Mrs. 11. A. Johnston and Mrs. G. McMillan, 4 down. The best score in the putting competition was that of Mrs. R. L. Johnston, 33. Mrs. Hovkey Walker won the. aggregate putting competition. C (Trade members will play a bogey match on Thursday, commencing at ten o'clock. Draw-—Mrs. M. Russell v. Miss E. Brodie, Mrs 10. B. Nicholson v. Miss 3. Taylor, Mrs. G. Wade v. Miss N. Brodie, Mrs. F. ■\mhlcr v Mrs. A. Hosklng, Miss O. Hischoff v. Miss C. Shaw. Miss M. Bisehoff v. Mrs. I). Leys. Mrs. E. Plowman v. Mrs. O. McMillan Mrs W Woolliouse v. Mrs. Phillips, Mrs X Calame v. Mrs. McLean. Mrs. Allan v. Miss J. Nelll, Mrs. K. Robb v. another. The monthly button was won by Mrs. E. Plowman and Mrs. G. Wade won the lias match.


The sixth round of the Bledlsloe Cup and the bogey handicap will be plnyed by members of the Muungaklekle Ladies; Golt Club to-morrow, commencing at 10 o clocK. Draw and order of starting:— First Tee.—Mrs. N. Burton v. Miss U. Maholl, Mis. H. V. Johnston v. -Mrs. l>. \eale Mrs. R. Buttle v. Mrs. C, K. Grlerson, .Mrs. A. Grove v. Miss K. McGowaii, Miss ]{. Abbott v. Mrs. H. V. Coe, Miss J] Schnaucr v Miss A. Palmer, Mrs. J. Peterson v. Mrs. J. Lloyd, Mrs E. McIlnilth v Mrs. F. Malcolm, Mrs. .T. Mason v. Mrs. U. Stanley. Mrs. C. IS. Grevatt V. Mrs. B. Brown, Miss M. Miller v. Miss ]■;. Blackburn, Miss l>. J.ainb v. Mrs. 1. It. Roberts, Mrs. V. Kerr v. Mrs. \\ . J. Fee Mrs. A. C. MeArtliur v. Mrs. S. Keid, Mis's C. Stlibbs V. Mrs. \V. .1. Jteid. Mrs. H Bold v. Mrs. (.'. W. Schnauer, Miss M. Hnslett v. another,' Miss J. Johnson v. Mrs. W. .r. Truseott, Miss M. Robson V. Miss 11. Hurdler, Mrs. E. J. Miller v. Miss K Edgelow, Mrs. It. Illpklna v. Mrs. 11. Williams. Mrs. A. llorton v. Mrs A. C. Steele, Mrs. \V. K. Michael v. Mrs. H. V Chovce, Mrs. L. Coakley v. Miss 1. I/inib Mrs. F. Williams v. Mrs. K. O'Neill. Noon. —Miss G. Hooper v. Miss J. Edwards, Miss M. Harvey V. Mrs. S. \\. Morlev, Miss P. l'reece v. Miss It. Louflon, Mrs F Saxton v. Mrs. 3. Caujrhley, Miss B. Smith v. Miss l>. Keid, Mrs. D. U. Garrard v. Mrs. F. Baker, Miss R. Williams v Mrs. A. Macartney, Miss H. Hill v. Mrs. b Pegler, Mrs. K. Verry v. Mrs. H. P. Cauehey Mrs. A. Cummlng v. Mrs. it. GeorW Mrs. H. Walker v. Mrs. I. Paterson Mrs. C. J. Owen v. Miss F, Garland, Miss V Cooper v. Miss M. Grevatt, Miss N Gregory v. Miss N. Clark", Mrs. F. 11. Butcher v. Mrs. C. A. .larman. Mrs. P. Wallis v. Mrs. L. Kainger, Miss I). Ryan v. Mrs G. Bennett, Miss }i. Coleman v. Mrs. It. Meredith, Miss R. Nixon v. Mrs. l>. I.umsilen. Mrs. IS. (i. Bond V. Miss A. Ton-e Mrs. A. F. Walker v. Mrs. .!.'(.rayden. Mrs B. Goodwin v. Mrs. H. Clay, Mis's 1). Heather v. Miss G. L.atlmer, Miss V. Ernest v. Mrs. E. J. Kic-hardson, Miss It! Pickwick v. another. vKlnth Tee, 10 a.m.—Mrs. G. Toeo-ek v. Mrs A. Ji. Abbotr, Mrs. M. Wilson V. Mrs. .1. Daweon, Mrs. W. E. Anderson v. Mrs S. Caro, Mrs. W. .1. Fletcher v. Mrs. A. Oxley, Mrs. J. Stewart V. Miss K. Evans. Following is the draw for the C grade match to be played next Thursday :■—Mrs. V B Storoy v. Miss E. I'owell, Miss I. Nixon v. Miss J. Thomson, Mrs. C. Swallow V Mrs. Fltzpatrlck. Miss "X. Hooton v. Mrs. C. F. Rosger, Mrs. S. It. Norris v. Miss A. Morlev, Miss V. Collins v. Miss .lean Thomson, Mrs. 11. G. Walton v. Mrs. .1. Nieoll, Mrs. K. W. Shepherd V. Mrs. W. Calderwood. The niatcli scheduled for next Thursday week will he postponed until the following week on account of the championships.


Result of pennant match played at Otahuhu between the North Shore and Otahuhu Golf Clubs (Otahuhu firsU : — Singles. —ll. Levy lost to Spraggon, 3 ami 2; W. B. Eustace beat Reid, :! and '£; A. 3' Eustace beat Goldwater, 2 and l: s. Clark heat Lazell, 4 and :s: P. Maughan beat Polite, 3 and 2: O. Revel! beat White. (i and 4; <>. Bayly loi-t to Chalmers, 4 and 2; J. Rogers beat Smallfteld, 5 and 4; Header ami Preston, all square. The foursomes were abandoned owing; to rain, Otahuhu having won six singles to North Shore's two, one being all square.


Best scores In bogey match played by members of the Otahuhu Ladies' Coll: Club :— \ tirade —Mrs. F. Todd, 1 down ; Mrs. Whale. Miss F. Sutherland, 2 down. 14 Grade. —Miss T. Kltto, 3 Uown ; Miss l>. Muir, 4 down; Mrs. K. Wallace, 5 down. The C grade medal round was won by Mist L. llunler. Draw for foursomes to-morrow, commencing at o'clock :—Mrs. Crow and Miss Raeside v. Mrs. Cooper and Miss Butler; Mrs. Muir and Mis.s Wells v. Mrs. Whale and Miss 1). Wilson ; Mrs. Eustace and Miss M. Muir v. Miss L. Smith and Miss Uaudet; Mrs. Whyte and Mrs. Todd V. Mrs. McNeely and Mrs. Leslie; Miss Klrkbrldc and Mrs. I'osseneskle v. Mrs. Kin" and Mrs. A. K. Grant; Mrs. Rossiler and Mrs. Wallace V. Miss Lloyd and Miss Arnaboldi ; Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Skinner v. Miss Dreadon and Miss F. Sutherland; Miss M. Waters and Mrs. Valentino v. Miss N. Wells and Mrs. Aniodeo: Miss N. Walters and Miss Warren v. Mrs. Belcher and Mrs. Dyer; Miss M. Henderson and Miss 11. Waliis v. Mrs. Walk and Miss Coutts; Mrs. Treuwith and Miss M. Roley V Miss Burnett and Mrs. Qulnii ; Miss Burton and Mts. Jeavons v. Mrs. A. Henderson and Mrs. Cairns; Miss L. Hunter and Mrs. Forsyte v-Mrs. Molloy and Mrs. Albrlghton ; Mrs. Pino and Mrs. Cook V. -Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Hill. Players to represent the club agaiust Papakiira, at Papakura, on Thursday, commencing at 11.30 o'clock:—Miss M. Hill, Miss M. Waters, Mrs. McNeely, Miss Sutherland, Miss K. Hill, Mrs. RossiU'r, Miss A. Whyte, Mrs. Todd, Dr. Cγ. Rowley, Mrs King, Mrs. B. .T. Henderson, Mrs. Leslie Mrs. I'osseneskie, Miss N. Wells, Mrs. A? B. Grant, Miss M. Muir,' Miss Raeside, Miss M. Henderson, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. A. Henderson, Mrs. Trenwitli, Miss Burton, Mrs. Molloy.


The monthly medal round played by members of the Orakci Golf Club resulted In ii win for G. F. M. White with a score of 08—124 —74. Matches In the third rounO of the captain's prize competition also were played. Results: —11. Chappell won from Mossiunn bv default; Bueby bent Xurbott, fi and 4; S Chnppell beat Wllllums, -J and 3; Stlehbury beut Xiirnur, 4 nntf ;;; Nettleton bent Karuni, 5 and 4; Greop beat Ciiliuuc, :: ami 2; George bent Babbage, 3 and 1; Virtue beat l'otter, 4 and I!.


The rosUlt of the L.G.U. and club nicdnl round played by members of the Whangarei Ladies' Golf Club last week was a tie between Mrs. Sheen. 10.j—24—81, and Miss A. Kountree, 100 — 10—81. The best card was returned by Mrs. Keynolds, 03 —9 —84. The C ju'aile mednl was won by Miss J. Mackay, 84—24—60.


The final of the three rounds cup match and medal round in conjunction, was played by members of the Whan Valley Golf Club last week. The two leaders. Dunning and Heiiricksnn". both returned cards well below their handicap. Henricfcson was first in with a net 09, and it looked as though the trophy was his. But then Dunning came in with a not 07. nnd took the trophy with a total of 214. Henriekson was next" with 210, and Moflitt third with °32 Henrlckson won the meilal round with his net 09, Dunnins's medal score being 70.

. NORTH SHORE CLUB. The first round for a cup and a bogey scramble will be played by members of the North Shore Golf Club on Saturday. NORTH SHORE LADIES' CLUB. The qualifying round for a trophy •will be played by lneJUberu of the Ivorth Shore Ladies' Golr Club to-morrow, commencing at ten o'clock Draw: —Miss O. Stevens v. Miss Leggoe, Miss M. Stevens v. Mrs. Hotiglitoii, Mrs. McCorkindalo v. Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Fleming v. Mrs. Swanston, Mrs. Clouston v. Mrs. Siuullliuld, Mrs. Pik'j v Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Weir V. Miss I. Wight, Miss Dialer v. Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Kandal'l v. Mrs. Hogan, Miss Gillett v. Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs. Badluy v. Miss Cliiirnian, Mrs. lbbertson v. Miss G. McDonald, Mrs. Walsh v. Mrs. Home, Mrs. Chambers v. Mrs. Allen, Miss Mcl'Ytridge V. Mrs.'Wilson, Mrs. Nuvill v. Mrs. Cuduess, Miss Noake v. Miss M. Mason Mrs. Scalar v. Mrs. Kuril , , Miss N. Mason v. Mrs. Duder, Miss Stewart V. Mrs. Cox Mrs. Bow v. Mrs. Grant, Mrs. I'reston v. Mrs. Lewins, Mrs. Gillett v. Mrs. Melville. MiV Harvey V. Mrs. Hickey, Mrs. Tanner v. Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Halvey v. Mrs Parkins Mrs. Gillies v. Mrs. Atwood, Mrs. I. Taylor v, Miss Ifartlctt, Miss McDonnell v." -Mrs. Armltnge, Mrs. Short v. Mis. Lush, Mrs. Itnllo v. -Mrs. H. Mason, Mrs. Black v. Mrs. Hutchlns, ]n the senior division of the L.G.U. match Miss M. Stevens and Miss A. O'N'till tied. Miss Sleveiis won on the last nine holes. .Mrs. Melville was tho winner of the junior Draw for week-end players:—Miss M. Campbell v Miss J. Minns, Miss Adams v. Miss Cawkwell, Miss Hunt V. Miss McDonnell, Miss Howe V. Miss Willis, Miss Halse v Mrs. Keane, Miss Prideaux v. Miss Manning, Miss Blair v. Miss Copsey, Miss Harvey v Miss Ardley, Miss Corner v. Miss Best "Miss Hiininel v. Miss Jones, Miss lOsdaile v Miss Lewis, Miss Devereux v. Miss McAllum, Miss Ardley v. Miss Xorris, Miss Morris v. Miss Gordon Gumming, Miss O'Brien v. Miss McLaren, Miss Hall v. J 'iTraw'Vor C grade match to bo played next Thursday :—Miss Brindle V. Mrs. 'Mimhlcton Mrs. Brown v. Mrs. Brindle, Mrs McLochrie v. Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. iir.'er v. Mrs. Ravage, Mrs. Hlgson v. Mrs. Missev Mrs. Kickerby v. Miss McDonnell, Miss Smith v. Miss Stewart, Miss Webster v. Miss Bakewell.


Draw for medal round f> be p ayed by members of the Manukau Ladles , C-olf Club , - rrow and on Saturday :—Mrs. Dreadoa v Mrs Barnard, Miss McDonald V. another, Mrs. Wanlell v. Mrs. Goddard, Mrs Brooks v Mrs. Grant, Mrs. George v. M £ Parker/Miss Graham v Mrs Brad- .( -nni \fi>e ('-1 rnciiter V Miss J m*kt*B, Miss v. M ss Blancbard, Miss Little v Ulss A. Quißley. Mrs. A very y Mrs. Burrell Mrs Jenkin v. Mrs. Carroll. Mrs. Margett " Mrs. McNelsh, Mrs. Fleming v Miss Phillips Mrs. Dreadon v. Mss Cnllii MlHs SSI v. Miss Hollls. Miss Bu"ins v Miss de Carteret, Mrs. Colebeck v M ss Mellraith, Miss King v. Mrs. WUson Sire Wilson v. Miss E. C. McDonald, Mrs Yates v. Miss Byres. AU matches must be completed this W< Onalified for club championship:— Mlmj Melrith Mrs. lirooks. Mrs. Parkor. Miss Little Mrs Flemlnjr, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. ;', street Mrs. Wardell, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. iV r Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Go.Wnnl Miss C.rabam, Mrs. Carroll, Mrs. George. Miss R. QU Th l e y best cards returned in the L.G.U. medal round were as follows:—Mrs. Carnenter 108—28—80: Mrs. Bradstreet, 110 -30—80 Mrs. Carpenter won on a recount of the last nine holes. Draw for two-life competition :—Miss Graham V -Mrs: Bradstreet. Miss Melon Id B bye. Mrs. Wardell v. Mrs. Go,ldani! Mrs Brooks v. Mrs. Grant, Mrs. George, a bye.


\ Rtahleford bocey match will bP played hv members of ibo Pnpuke Golf Club on qntnrtlav players to choose partners. An inVer'-'ub irSirch ntrainst the Waitemnta Club will be played during the week-end.


PAPATOETOE CLUB. The Papatoetoe Racing Pigeon Club held a race from Wanganul, a distance of Mo miles, on Saturday. Result: — Mr. Danford'e blk p c Uhlan Prince, MrV rV h' Respectiul," Hw'o.Syds 2 Mr McFetrldge's b b c Uhlan Lad, 1002.« yds 6


The Hnntly Racing Pigeon Club held Us second old bird average race from National Park, tin.- airline distance being 111 miles. Result : — Mr It Headley's entry, 1141.4 yds .. 1 Mr' A Hall's entry, 1141.001 yds -i Mr W. Allsopp"8 entry, 114O.!»yds •* Mr. W. Alleopp's entry, 1137 yds ■*


The Te Arohn Racing Pigeon Club flew its second "Id I>ird race from Ohakune on Saturday last, an airline of 132 miles, in adverse 'weather conditions. Result: — Mr 1' Bygrave's Roseday, 1012 yds .. 1 Mr! li! Crunch's Slippery, 1010 yds 2 Mr. \V. Forrest's Xu. 109, 9<J7yds 3 The third race will be flown from Hunterville on Saturday.


The Belmont Homing Pigeon Society flew a lions' race from Taumarunui in, rouga weather. Result :— Mr. It. Tasker'e b b p h Gipay Love, 1093.2 yds ••;••• J Ilemi Lolls l> c h Cleopatra, 1089.7 yds 2 Vaushall Loft's m h Vanity, 1027.2 yds 3 Mr. A. Crawford's b c h Bride of Kong, 1020.2 yds 4


The Whanßarc) Homing Pigeon Club held its lirst rnce on Saturday, when a fair number Of birds were liberated at Auckland. The weather was far from perfect. The ' placlngs were : — \V. Griffith J P. Wilson - T. Sketchley d


The Mount Albert Pigeon Club held a race on Saturday from Levin, an airline of 240 miles, in line weather. Result:— Mr U. Davis' r'p h Red Wing, 1147 yds 1 Mr. .T. Purtell's blk c h Lone Chick, Vee Loft's i>'c'h Lady' Aco, ill3.6yds 3 Mr I. Goodwin's bee Lilac Star, 1112 syds 4 Mr B Harland'a b b c Lilac Blue, 1112 yds' s


The Onehunga Racing Pigeon Club's race from Poro-o-tarao, a distance of 118 miles, resulted :— Mr. Class' Miss Rilverton, 1282 yds . . 1 Mr! \V. Kemp's Guesser, 1279.'_' yds . . 2 Mr. I. Wallace's Te Papapa Girl, 1279 yds 3 Messrs. Collins Bros.' Ited Queen, 1278 yds 4 The club'B race from Kaurimu, a distance of 158 miles, resulted:— Messrs. Prentice and Sons' Sweet Nellie, 1134 yds 1 Messrs Collins Bros.' Club Queen, J 133.7 yds 2 Mr Gallagher's Tall Hoy, 1133.2 yds . 3 Mr Evan* , Maybe, 1132 yds X 4


The above club contested a race on Saturday from Huntorvillc. Kesult : — Mr .T N'nsh's r c c Sunny Jim, 1003 yds 1 Mr. I!. Norris' r c Knl Ideal, 1057 yds .. 2 Air. 11. Akast, jun.'s b c p h Shooting Star, 1050 yds 3


The above club flew a race from Hunterville on Saturday. Kesult :— Mr. A. Wyatt's w c Seagull, 1122 yds .. 1 Mr. B. Norris' 1) c c Blue Avon. 1104 yds 2 Mr. A. Mays b b c Bluey, 1074 yds .. 3

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 214, 10 September 1935, Page 15

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GOLF. Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 214, 10 September 1935, Page 15

GOLF. Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 214, 10 September 1935, Page 15