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4 FINANCE, COMMERCE AND MARKETS. ON 'CHANGE. THE latest quotations. BANKS— Buyers. sellers. WEEK STARTS BRIGHTLY. » n „k or ,vsia 11/T/0 .. _ Commercial 1 (i/f; .. ic/9 ('0111 men/in 1 (pref.) .. 10/0/0 .. — l'-iiglisli uiul Scottish/ 5/2 O .. 5 3/0 SHAPiP RISE IN V/OOLWORTHS. National of N.Z 3/10/0 .. 3/32/0 Nat. A'sia (cont.) .. 0/5/0 .. 0/10/0 New Smith Willi's .. ::i /_'/(> ..3 1/10/0 Business on the Auckland Stock Kx-j U "i/lY/0 I/I2/U changc started oft briskly for a new weou,. Reserve Bank — 0/13/0 anil at the first call a fe 'oo<! list of sales J 1 uiott Australia — .. 9/3/0 was put through. | INSURANCE— A feature of the business was a sharp Australian 1'roviucial 10/11 .. n/i rTse in Wool worths (X.Z/i. the £' 1 shares,! National 3/2/0 .. ■— ... , ■ ■ i , , , New /.calami :;/!),t> .. JO.':: which paid 22'/2 per cent dividend la: t Queensland 2/1S/0 .. :: l'/il year, changing lianas at £10. represent ' South ISritish -1/30/9 .. -3/37/9 an advance of .CI 2,'G sincc Christmas. Standard o/12/0 .. 3/33/0 In the banking section New Zealand* FINANCIAL— were linn anil sold 2d better at £2 10. 11. A braliaiu. Wil (prcf.) — .. -4/10/0 .after which tlic market stood between i-~| n lllu . Investment .. llj/0 .. 17/0 10/9 and A."2 10/11. I Farm. Auc. (£.">) 3/2/G .. 3/10/0 Bvcroft's were linner and sold 1 '6 j in? ~/n " 1/;5 /° better, at £2 12 6, with more wanted at Karm! An,/. 3/1/® Z 1- under the sale price, and holdcis askin„ Farm. Auc. Hi prcf.) 1/O/f) .. — 6d higher. (iohlsbrougb Mort. . 3, !»/:; .1 1/30/0 Colonial Sugars were firm between £41 N.Z. anil Iliver Plate 3 I/O .. -— 5/ and £4° / " Guarantee Corp. 5/9 .. 0/0 , , , . I.onn and .Mercantile -35/0/0 .. -30,O/O There was a good demand tor (..overu- x. Ak. Farm. (13 prf) — .. o, 0 mcnt stocks at full late rates. Wool- Trailers' Finance ... — .. 7/0 worths. Ltd. (Svtlnev) were steady be- Trail. Finance icon;.) — .. 3/0 twecn £4 11/ and £4 12'. finance (prf.) -- .. 3,0/0 I'mteil 1 »ui 1«1. lAurk.i 1!», 0 .. 3/1/0! The Noon Call. Wright Stephenson pf — .. 3/0/;; At the 110011 call bidding was keen, and CQfiL good business was recorded. Queensland j Insurances were asked for at. £2 18/. but! I'ukemiro l/G.'o .. 1/7/0 holders wanted £3 1 (i. In the mining licnown 0/0 .. —^ section King Solomons improved, and after U»rcf.) -/(> .. -/(> 'business at 3/S the market stood from 3/8 'j (pref.)1/3/0 3/5/o to 3/10. Westpurt — .. 1/2/6 Westport-Stocktou, pf — .. 5/0 SALES COMPLETED. GflS— Auckland l/G/9 .. — AT THE 10 A.m. CALL TO-DAY— WrkeShe.i/l"'x\Vrt h.'!! !! 11 0 Last Sale. Birk'head anil X'coto , , c i 7 l xt '- WO .. 1/3/0 £ f ,<] * s 1 Wbangarei — .. 10/0 Rank or N.Z. .. 2 30 31 .. - 30 9 Union Rank .... 9 o <• .. 9 - ° SHIPPING— (.olds., Mort. .. 1 -J <> •• } > -| Dcvonport Steam. .. 1/2/0 .. — Jjr.? !•» I 7, " r, rt 1'udilart, Parker ... 3/30/0 .. 3/1S/0 ljjcrntt ........ - - - 0 Northern Steam. ... -— .. 0/13 ,°I ° 10 0 ° " 8 North. Steam, icont.) 3/3 .. 1/0 ANnol worth (N.Z.) , "00 I J - -i'"l 0 3/1/0 .. - U'ruf.) -10.. - Union (prcf.) — .. l/S/3 UXL1STED , , „ TIMBER— Ariro 0 1 Unrtliolnniew 38/10 .. 10/G AT THE 12.15 P.M. CALL TO-DAY — National l-/-» .. — _ , r x . , v . M - ..j - o Taring-nilutu ....... 4/(» .. S/0 T»ank of . ° •• Taupo Totara 5/2 .. — llank of X Z ' 2 10 31 " 2 10 3« Taupo, Totara tprf) . IS. 0 .. - : o is « :: «!« V woollyHolier Mills ... 1 ° ■ • J 1;; Kaiapol — .. lo/9 King Soloii'ion . <• •» S <> «> o } (hand Jmiction . O 4 - 7 .. 0 4 l BREWERIES— Sji a .V'. imctiun . O 4 j -j,, Dom. Ifrewerics .... 34/0 .. 16/0j stoik! ; 40."-i':::: 10:1 10 0 :: 103 10 M ;; 2/ 2- /0 INTEREST RATES. MIsCEtLRMrous— Ilritish Tobacco .... 1/1S/0 .. 3/10/0 Hroken Hill l'ty. .. 'J/VJ/0 .. 'J/l-">/'| rrv. rp+mn to the investor on bis 3Sycroft L'/ll/O .. 2/1^,0 The retiun i.,to=e dividends Claude Neon (X.Z.i . — .. 2/3 3/0 outlay, based upon the latest iln idenct=, rhlU(Ie Neou (Sy(J} _ 2/31/0 works out as follows on the latest sales. Colonial Sugar 43/5/0 .. 42/0/0 When Government stocks are lnclutieil, Consolidated Prick . — .. 10/0 the calculation provides for redemption Dental anil Medical . 10/0 .. — at maturity. Where payment is made I >om Fertiliser 1/1/0 .. .1/2/0 •in -sterline exchange is added. In the Dunlop Pcrdnau — .. 19/0, case of local body issues, allowance is also Zinc .. 1/1/. .. 1/1/0 made for 20 per cent interest reduction.- ThAnng ..:: 7/5 !. 7/0 PER CENT PER ANNUM. l-'arm. Trad. (13 prcf.) 14/0 .. —■ £ s d. Wear Meat .......... — .. 1/3/0 - K„%.,nk wZcrilinid ••••: r'i 8 :: w :: w f. m i,,!,;,,'l, Vlort 4 14 Milne, and C'hoyc- . — .. 1/0/0 i Rmtn Vill" Proprietary 1 .. 3 3 0 4 Millie, Choyce, 0 (pf.) 1/2/0 — SI?, ropnetarj , jjilnc and Clioyco ! ' Wnolworths'fN Z')" V.V.V.. 2 0 (del., 1S/0 .. 1S/0 " Ditto inrcf ) •' i S O Morris Iledstrom ... — .. 10/0 Ditto (Prct.) ........ Farmers' Fertiliser .. 3S/.1 .. 10/0 V . X.Z. Newspapers ... 1/34/0 .. 1/15/0 • CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. N.Z. Paper _ Mlll^^... .. l/35/o ■ Peters Ice 1/3/0 .. — *' • ■ DIVIDENDS. I'llillipps and Iuipcy. <2/10/0 .. — Due. Robinson Ice 3 /3/0 .. —_ 'A P 'A '°J' pc i * Feb. 5 Sanford 2/0 '.. ■! 2 Auckland Gas—Final, 22 p.c. ... Feb. 5, Sanforil (prcf.) — .. r./y Wellington Gas—Final. 4 p.c.... Feb. o •sun News 4/. .. .'/ Staples'—Final. 2i p.c Feb. 6 laranaki Oil — •• I/O N.Z. Refrigerating—5} p.c. .... I'Cb. G Uiaines Ilieatre .... ■■,<] ■■ — Commercial- Bank —Int., pref., - J'. 11 '. 011 , P" " I pc * ord p.c Feb. «S A\n?rakei 4/0 •• — N.zl 'insurance— Int., 3/ Feb. 13 AVhiteonibe,, Tornbs . ~ •• Iv D.y. Box Int.. 4 p.c. . .. . Feb. 2(> ANilsons ( enient 3/3../0 .. J/3.{/r» National MorK—Final. 21 p.c. .. Feb. 27 AVoolworth (N.Z.). pf 2/0/3 .. 2/2/0 Bank of X.S.AA'.—Quarterly, 5/:. F"b. 2i AN oolwortli (Syd.) _nd Christchurcli Gas —Filial. 3 p.c. . Feb. prcf 1A/0 .. Electro. Zinc (pref.)--interim, 8 [ p.c. p.a. Mar. 13 IVIINIIMG Broken Hill South—Int.. 1/G .. Mar. 15 Alexander (15/) 10/0 .. 38/0 Bull. l-Iooper' 0/11 .. Bell Kilgour — •• |V'-uwoffi-cial STOCK. i /2 v.w'A , Brian Born °/~ ■■ 0/33 MISCELLANEOUS "b d '..! 'vo " 1%0 Buyers. Sellers. (} 0 lconda Holdings . 3/0 .. 3/S i , . ..... i,'i/r (loideii Dawn 2/0 .. 2/0 J : ■■ io - /o $ :: t BrunnerC.d (shares') — •• 4/0 • - -" Dom. Life (cont.) .... — .. 4/o -i /<» i/il I)om. Life (pref;) ,0/3.. — >? : ' taK ' rn '.'- " J f;/s Entertainments (X.Z.) (>/G .. 1-/; j • • _ /( . " s/0 Franklin Bakeries, tl — •• 3 /8/(i Ju, '!„° ( i i; ' 0)7 Harvev Oil 30/0 .. 10/0 Skippcis / •• -. 0/( j John Fuller, 1040, Gi — .. 84/0/0 'l al sman J/J» •• 10/b K.D.V. Box l.'i/O .. 34/0 AVaib l/l- 1 -' •• Kent's Bakeries. irand .Tuuction 1/7 .. 4/30 30/6'44 74 — •• 101/0/0 Kuala Kainpar 3-/0 .. - Loral ....-! — .. MO Mount I ..veil 10/3 .. 1i/0 Jlurray Deodoriser .. -- •• 30/0 Mount Morgan 1/.10/J .. New Auck Laundry 0/0 .. — liawailg •• N Z Perp Foresfs S (4/j "'O/O.'.' Z GOVERNMENT BONDS— '? X.Z. Wool pack (10/) . — .. 8/0 35/1/40, 4 p.c 103/0/0 ..103/15/O Oamaru AVool 8,0.. 31/0 ].-|'2/40, 4 p.c 100/10/0 ... — Palmer-Collins — 1/1/0 ]5/4/-IO 4 p.c 107/0/0 •• — Renown Col.. 1/3/54. 3.1/0/55'. 4 p.c 1'" ''/O .. — 11 6 p -c- 100/0/0.. o Rural, 15/0/47 5 p.c. . 103, Il'/O ..104/10/0 p o ll klllt 1 ' isw^F^tates 1 '!'":::: z :: wo inscribed STOCK- u Timiierl'ds AA'ood. (pO — •• 1/0/3 35/5/:!8-52, 3i p.c. .. .300/10/0 — P •Timbcrl'da AA'ood (C 15/5/30-52, 31 p.c. . ..lOh ■ J/0 - tl bonds) 14/0/0 .. — 15/31/41, 3:} p.c " — } Tru Colour Film .... — •• 3."»/l/40, 4 p.c 30..>/O/O .. 1; AVoolworth (Syd.) ord 4/3V-! .. 4/11/0 35/2/40, 4 p.c 1 ?Ii-/n/a " _ Y Alluvial — 35/4/40, 4 p.c }?»/,,/,n '' Z " Argo ?/*.', "• .,(■ 35/0/jj, -1 p.c 30J/0/0 .. n , (lolden Crown Vod) '.' 2/0 .'. — DEBENTURES — f.' Saddle " CiMitrai T __ lw/ „ /w m SOUTHERN EXCHANGES. - ■■ 103/0/0 n Aiuiii. Brick. Sl/3/44, ?• 74 (Wellington) ... — . .10-/10/0 IMARKET ACTIVE. Gi^/8/4L^ r ™ 100/0/0 .. - £ - AVilliamson Picture, oo/nm 111 (By Telegraph.—Special to "Star. ) 5/0/33-19. i* •* - hi OHRISTCHURCH, this day. —

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 29, 4 February 1935, Page 4

Word Count

THE LATEST QUOTATIONS Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 29, 4 February 1935, Page 4

THE LATEST QUOTATIONS Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 29, 4 February 1935, Page 4