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ROTORUA THIS WEEK. MEETINGS OF OLD OPPONENTS THE AUTOMATIC DRAW. (By TRUXBLER.) The usual February migration of bowlers from the city, to participate in the popular rink tournament at Rotorua, took place during the week-end, and in view of the consequent decrease in the anticipated attendance at the various greens on Saturday very few clubs attempted to conduct their usual competitions. However, the reduced number leit in the city did not prevent an enjoyable programme of inter-club matches from being played, and it tinned out to be almost like a peccant day, with keen greens and not enough wind to do more than keep the warm atmosphere fresh and invigorating. There is always a lot of speculation as to who will win at Rotorua, and this year tho interest is probably increased by the peculiar position held by Frank Livingstone (Oneliunga). He lias already been runner-up in tho largest three tournaments in the province this seasonin tho Christmas tournament to J. H. JMingins (Epnom), in the Dominion links lo 11. Whittle (Grey Lynn), and in the South Auckland to R. N. Pilkiugton (Hamilton), and all who arc competing at Ivbloitio. will remember that he has been in the final of the last two tournaments there. He won it in 1032, by defeating 11. Whittle in the final, and was runnerup to R. X. Piikington in 103,3. The tournament last year was abandoned on account of heavy rain, tie deluge which flooded the Royal Agricultural Show at Alexandra Park, and neither futfction is likely to be forgotten for many a long day. On eaeli occasion Livingstone was associated with his faithful Alex RobertBon, who also, helped him so materially to get into the two Auckland finals, and the question is whether they can cany off the "liat trick" at Rotorua, like they have already done at Taura'nga. In the meantime Piikington's win in the South Auckjartd Centre tournament must be particularly sweet to the well-known Dominion champion, for he has now reached thq. golden number, this being hi.-» seventh win, of which the first was gained as long ago as 1919. He has also worked the "hat trick" ngainst Oneliunga, the first" being at the Carlton green in the Auckland Christmas tournament of 1923. ■when, with the assistance of Loveridge, Qualtrough and the spectacular Mclntyre, Lo played a marvellous drive with his last bowl, to defeat Williams, Baseett, Hille and Wright. The second was at Rotorua two years ago. as already mentioned, and the third at Hamilton last Wednesday.

Whittle's cup of happiness must also be filled to overflowing now, for lie seeme to have been fated to moot Onelninga at every critical stage, and the Dominion championship will make up tor a lot of previous disappointments. The first occasion to attract attention was the year Truscott beat Wright in the final of the Christmas tournament, and Wright had just given "Whittle his second loss. Although it was nine years ago all who eaw the game will recall the circumstances. He Tras supposed to be playing Xo. 3 for Buckley,- but he installed himself as generalissimo, and insisted on burning the twentieth head seven times, in the forlorn hope of overtaking a deficit of six points. There was no time limit, and all the others had finished their lunch and were crowding the balcony when lie was still hammering away, to their evident delight, in Buch a splendid contest. Then four years later Wright beat him again, this time in the Christmas final, and three years ago Kobertson and Livingstone beat him in tne Rotorua final, and a few weeks later-in the Easter final, strange, to say, with an extraordinary five On the last head, just like Whittle returned with compound interest in the Dominion final. Even the Dominion final was not their first meeting this year, for they were in the same section, and Livingstone gave him his only losa in the third round, Whittle turning I the when they met in the fifth round of post-section play, as well as in the final.

An. observant epec-tator writes to mention another coincidence in connection with this final. Noticing that the finalists were in the same section, and that it was 'at Ponsonby that they secured the necessary wins to qualify, he recalls that Mingine and Livingstone, the finalists at Christmas, also qualified at Ponsonby, and that Engebreteou qualified there for the einglea, as did also G. A. Deare- (Dunedin), when he won the links four years ago. The writer omits to mention whether there is any moral attached to his discovery, ■unless it is that the Ponsonby green happens to be in nice order.

There have been eo , many '. inquiries regarding the standardised automatic draw during the past few weeks that it seems advisable to hold over other urgent comments lest some . match committees should get tangled up in their championships: Take a double sheet of foolscap, containing at least twice as many lines as there are competitors. Some are ruled ■with '48 lines, so if the lines are wider apart paste a second sheet below, and that will do for 36 competitors. Rule both pages into columns two inches wide, which will allow for eight rounds, and if it takes more than eight there will be plenty of room for the rest in the bottom lefthand corner Take, for example, an awkward number like 23, and write these in the first column, as the names are drawn out of the hat, drawing a line ■underneath, right across the sheet. Bracket them off in pairs from the bottom, and the top man eete the bye. Carry forward the eleven winners into the second column, in line with where they previously were, and put the bye man underneath them, but ?till "above the line" which separates two-lifere from one-lifers. Bring down the eleven losers "below the line" for the eecond round, in the exact order as they appeared above the line in the first round. Bracket them off from the bottom again in pairs, taking no notice of the absurd clause which some committees even put into Dominion programmes, giving the eommittee "power to play a winner against a loser if it considers such course advisable." There was amazement when this appeared twice in the Dunedin programme, for if such a happening" depended on the opinion of th;e committee it could not possibly be automatic. And Dunedin is just the place where they reckon they know all about it.

In the case illustrated the top loser meets the bottom winner, -who, of course, is the man who had the bye in the previous round, whether the committee like it or not, arid the top man gets the bye. If the one-lifer beats the two-lifer five will be eliminated, making no bye in the third round, but if the one-lifer loses there will be only seventeen left, thus necessitating a third bye, which goes to the top man, after putting to the bottom of the twolifers the man who got the bye in the second round.

Repeat all this until probably there are five left, including only one two-lifer. If he has not had a bye he will get it, but most likely he will have had one, in which case give it to the top one-lifer, and, if ho also has, give it to the second two-liter, and so on. Even if it goes to the twolifer .he still stays above the line for the next round; but if it goes to a one-lifer the others are paired off, across him. Probably two will go out, requiring another bye, and if the three survivors have all had a bye by that time it goes tothe top one, provided it does not give liiin two byes in i— '.cession, in which case it goes to the second, but it cannot possibly go to the third. On the other hand, perhaps only one will go out. due to the one-lifer beating the two-lifer, in ■which case the two-lifer is brought down below the two winning one-lifers, and the one-lifer who got the bye in put at the very bottom; This would run out nicely, with two eemi-finals and a final, but wsnally the more intricate position arises, and committees should study the above, making specimen charts to be ready for anytMgZ- . . . .

CLUB GAMES. CAKLTOX GKEEX. Percentage Fours.—llailey, Lister, Ilodd, .Mu.ston 24, v. Proud, Inglis, Perry, Fookes IS; X>. Diekson, Costall, Howe, Wishnrt 22, v. Stohr, J. Robertson, G. Cutler, Laird ]•'.!; -Watson, Israel, Sinclair, J. Duncan 2t>, v. Snmpßon, t'linkard, W\ Blair, H. Clarke 22; Trwidall. G. Kent, Kutte.rf.eldt, Moir 25, v. 0. Little, Noton, A. Pollard, Frascr 11; Murray, Russell, T. Mountain, Turner 26, v. Allen, Mitchell, Fletcher, Holmes 11 ; liiirinnii. T. Hill, Glenister, Harrison 20, v. Wlldlsli, R. V Cooke, Harvey, V. Little 13; Molloy, Shields, Brou-nlee, G. Taylor as, v. Lester, French, Birkenhead, Baskeville 11; Dell, Doyle. Burns, Pitt 2S, v. Adumsou, Walker, Feran, Thompson 13; Uαleer, Struekett, A. Taylor. Lancaster 23 v. Gj-ocott, Mntchett, G. Pollard. H. Ken 11; lU'iul. G. Duncan, heitch, do Launay 20, v. A. Cutler, Brittnln, Sayers, R.lsaacs 20; Drljkps, Gavey, Josey, Foote 2U, v. Wright, llollis, Cross, Jones 15; E. Taylor, Spencer, it mid, Stead 25, v. P. Isaacs, r. K. Clarke, North wood, Scott 13. EPSOM GRKK.W Percentage Fours.—Freeman, BraSMiwaitc, Montgomery Wallace 28, v. Grove, Moyle. Wyllie 14; T. Hill, Holfe, ttlood, Furiioll 20, v. ,1. Drummonil, Gordon, Koss, Riclimond 12: Evercd, Parkinson, Lewis, C. Lainlj 10, v. Duniel, Carrel t, Jackson, (irorgo 10; Markie, Wiseman, Murglsoil, Ramsay 21, v. Molr, Wells. Foublster, l'hillip IS; S, Harrison, Smale, Heckmaii, Killing 20. v. Blucklcy. Mynotf, Bennett. Farlaml 12; Flynn, Hounsell, Lawrence. It. Milieu 10. r. llollis. Slater. Kelly, Mlnglns 15 j McCtillougli, Drttmmond, M'cCowan, Burton 28, v. Janseu, Vearbui-y, Scott. Tanner 14; .Mortimer. Field. Hayes, F. Wilson 25, v. W. Graham, Dunniugliam, Leigh, Bruce 10; French, Wright Bull, J. Wilson 23. v. O'Oonnell, .Newman A. Graham, McDougall it); i; Pnrkes' Bailey, Buclian, Xash 27, V. Whittome, Howard, Gondison. O'Callaghnu 19; J. W 11111, Urlbble, Wilson. J. Wright 22, v Uickiu, Gillesiiie, Brown, Pursons 20. 0 X BIH UX G A G1! EE X. President's Fours. — O'Counell. Wallworth, Jones, Kerns 27, V. McLean, Buchanan, Wallace, Harrison 18; Sniethijret, Keeling, C. Skinner. I. .Sutherland 2!). v. West, Gernnhty, Hariock, B. (Jatlaml 20 ; Goode, Kirkwood, Tonkin. Macklow 21, v. Hayes. Pople. G. McKcndrick, K. Sutherland 17: J. Skinner, Adams, ilandlin, George SI, V. Turnlmll, McMaster, (Irecn, Velln 1U; W. Stephens, J. MeKendrick, Harvey. Livingstone IS, v. Crawford. Stacc, Rons, Bassett 14 ; Hardley, Smith, S. Brown, Gosling 21, v. I'egft Marshall. Klinrkey, Wright 18.

Ordinary l'mw. —Mllnes, Lcask, McGulre, Hardle lil'. v. Gibbous, Selb.v, Collins. A. Gatland 21; Campbell, Farnsworth, H. Bray, Kerr 27, v. .Moore, Neale. MeKenzie, Cross 21 ; Warringuui. Dixon, 1.. Bray, Wiggintoii 24, v. -Gill, Stokes, Foote, Sclmackenberg 20.

KOCKY NOOK GREEN. Ordinary Ura'w.— : JliiHttm, C. Storraont, Austin 25, v. Kenshuw, Duvison, Cameron 10. WEST EXD GBEEN. Ordinary Druw.—Armstrong, Briimmell, Eshelhy, Wilson 20, v. Service. Moore, Tollerton, Parkinson 10; W. Trwin, Caeley, Irvine. Matthews 20, v. Hudson, Delaney, DralHn, Thomson 17. POXSOXBY GREEN. Percentage Fours. — Stevenson, Rackett, Loyett, Cox 25, v. L. Webster, W. W. Moore. Fundi, Toinlinson 14;" Aldis. 1). Campbell, Rowho.ttom 20, v. J. G. Webster, L. Foster, K. Carbines 20 ; W. Swinton, G.. C. Lnwson, Ingall 30, v. Captain Smith, Eller.v. Waterwortu 13: Halstead, Malone. j riper. Somervell IS. v. Gray, Johnson, Clarke, Oates 10; Jones, Oswald. F. Curbine. Buchan 14. v. Kinnear, Casey, Watson. Colebrook 17. I'.ritannia I'ins. —Boswell, Thompson, Con way, B. Jury IS. v. Llewellyn, Harris, Peters, Hlclinrdson 20. KEMUERA GREEN. Brny Badges.—Scntt. Eaves. Acheson, Daniels 23. V. Dempsey, Ormiston, Souierfield. MeFarlane 22. Junior Summer Badges,—Seliolield, Hessell. McXaujsliton, Weir in. v. Hertslet, Wilninf, I'. Jackson, Pent.v 10. Ordinary Draw.—Riordan, Wade, Buttiinore. Baker 28, v. Hesscll, Edmunston, Hutch. Saffery 24 ; Young, Jackson, Kathhone, Pelflon 2-1, v. Bauer, Hert«let. Pent.v. Hill 21 : Grieve. Clarkson. Annandale. Ball 20, v. Taylor, Bolton, Potts, Gavey IS. DEVOXPORT GREEX. I Ordinary Drnw.—Beere, Hunt, Vaile, I Blackie 17, v. Whitley. Stoddart, Thornton, Gray 17 ; Matheson, Bridgman, Flynn ID, v. Challiner, Morris, Davies 10. MOUXT EDEX GREEX. Percentage Fours. —King, Rose, Martin. Bainbridge 23, v. Woods, Kinniburgh, Donslas. Morrison 14 : Fenton, Bales, Sergeant, J. Smith 25, v. Fulton, Gage, Chambers, McNab 21. ST. HBUER'S GREEX. ■ Ordinary Draw. — J. Hume, Williams, Campbell. Lowe 28, v. Cox, Gruenhougli, Cayliff, Mills 14. XEW LYXX GREEX. Ordinary Draw.—Clark, Jeffrey, .Tames, Raiikln 25, v. Brady, Williams, Witham 23; Lalng, Platt, Ovcrington, Webster 25, v. MeKenzie, Malam, Dormer, Meese 17; Teede, Edgerley IC, v. Jones, Dove IS. WAITEMATA GREEX. Percentage Fours.—Morelnnd, Lilburn, Rose. Chinnery 23, v. Mitchell, Cadness, Jacks, Heath 14 : Freeman, Browne. Swindall, Tarrant 22, v. Hulse, Roberts, Brennan, Rowland 20; Davidson, Fulbrook, I Howland, Bluckwell 22, v. Tarbutt, Lees, Herrick, Parish 21. AUCKLAND GREEX. Club Fours.—G. Read, Dicketis. Prime, Nicholson 25, v. Carr, Cliivers, Graham, Doolan 17 ; 1 , . R. Colebrook, Redmond. Sadler. Brackebush 27, V. Howard, de Renzy. Self, L.vell !); G. Allan, Probert. Hacket, Luke 20, v. W. Baker. Barnes, White. Pascoe 13 : Simpson. Robertson, Hislop, McPhail 20, v. Alexander, King, Crow, Gilles 12; Honeycomb, Hardy, F. Baker, Donahl 17, v. B. Smith, Forder, Keesing, R. Smith 10 : Mills. Dymock. Waters, Maher 17, v. Fillmore, Clayton, Coldlcutt, Cusworth l<! : Harris, C. Colebrook, C. Allan, Tamhlyn 28, v. A. S. Reid, Auty, Wright, Gifford 13; Dunne, Woodbead, McDougall, Hetherington 23, v. McElflowney, Pitkethley, Lenderyou, Steele 23, v. Georse, Darlow. Hewitson, Pierce 22: Mooilie, H. Wilson,gladding, E. Thomas 25, r. C. Reed, Christie, Meplian, Wilson 15; Tracy-Inglls, .T. Williams, w. Ure 25, v. Hardie-Neil. Binns. Dixon 15; Kasper, Leslie. W. Smith 23, v. Wnite, Bourke, Osmond 14.

PAPATOETOE GREEX. Championship Pairs.—Cairns, Lnvesrrnve 33, v. Taylor. Carr IS; Booth, A. Civil 24, 'v. Willcox, Walker li. A Championship Singles.—Mclvor 10, v. H. M. Didsbury 11. Handicap Pairs. — J. Buchanan, Willsox 25, v. L. W. England. Stevens 13. Ordinary Draw. —Wells. Burrow, L. W. England 14. v. W. F. England. W. Cufforth, Dldsbury 24; Sawyer. Ross, Cox 11, r. P. Edmond, W. Gubb, Walker 27. HILLSBORO' GREEX. Championship Singles.—Third round : Sheppard 11), v. Pillard 17. PAPAKURA GREEN. Championship Singles.—Hunt 23. v. Rice 20; Whitmore 10, v. H. E. McEntee 12: Hammond 22, v. Andrews 14. Handicap Singles. —Hammond 31, v. Andrews 21; Cooper 23, v. Ward 21; Ward 25, v. Bates 15. Novice Championship.—Pollock 23, v. Peti-ie 11. STANLEY GREEN. Ordinary Draw. —Dawson, Byrne, Donaldson, Whitley 21, v. Archibald, Worthington, Hutr. Baker 17; Hall, Bertrand, Siiinty, Smith 23, V. Howitt, Corlett, Gale, Hitchin 15; Woolf, Ivory, Weller 14, v. Pirie, Clarke. McMaster 25 ; Webster, Grinter. Lfingridge 24, v. Buchanan, Mason, Bartlett 15.


REMUKUA V. BALMORAL. I At Balmoral (Balmoral names first) — W. Clarke 20. v. Harbutt 18; R. Fisher 32. v. Sheath 11; Snyers 14, v. Macfarlane 85 ; Gladstone 31, v. Kissling 15 ; D. Kicliiirdson 18. v. Allen 20; Clews 33, v W. T. Bell 13; Tiumnn 10, v. Daniels 22; Francis 18. v. Barnett 19. At Remnern (Rermiera names first). — J. Short 24, v. Bnsh 14; E. D. Reid 15, v. Goldsmith 22; P. M. Shortt 10, v. Ramsoy 20; Beatson 10, v. Goodall 22- McMillan 30, v. Layland 11; East 23, v I Gibson 25; Norton 23, v. Cannon 14: Mo- • Callum 19, v. Truunsua 13.

HILLSBORO' V. ICLLERSLIE. At Hillsboro' (Hillsboro' names first). — I Pollard 21, v. Wood IS; Stringer 10, v. ! Longsford IS. At Ellerslie (Hillsboro' names first). — Davidson 21, v. Marsdcu 24 ; Crawshaw 20, v. Johnston 24, GKEY LYNN V. DEVONPORT. ■ At Grey Lynn (Grey Lynn names iirst). — MLucbiiiu -U. V. Snoad 27 ; Nowtou 17, v. llnniliu 21 i Hosklng li- , , v. Markham IS; Llonaldson 17, v. McConnell 22 ; jJalldou 11, v. Morgan 2S ; Whittle 21), v. Trevlthlc Iβ; Teague IS, v. Klehards 14. At Devonport (Devonport uauies iirst). — Layzell 15, v. Tqnge 18; Anderson 20, v. Walker 10; Lowe 17, V." Curtis 20; Miller 33, v. ruddle 10; Uoodlng 24, v. Gibbous lo ; Palmer IS, v. Cronln §1. First-Vear Players,—Jbughln, Robinson, Poivull, Spinley SIS, v. Turkington, JMudil, Gubb, Redieru 14. Devonport Veterans v. Balmoral Veterans.—MeCalliini, J. Davis, Eyre, Goudie IS , , v. Gutbrle, Gentlls, Brown, Goldsmith 21.

ROCKY NOOK V. IIEXDIOK.S.OX. At Henderson (Henderson names first).— Lfighton Hi, v. P. Kays 2S; Brldson 21, v. Tpnguc l>; Cossey 10, v. Cliss 18. At Koeky -Nook (Rocky Nook names lirst). —Anderson !!). v. Curter 21 i Randall 2."i, v. Lisk 10; I'enrco 26, v. Norcross 7, WAITK.MATA V. ROCKY NOOK. At Rocky Nook (Rocky Nook names first). —Tetley 28, v. Martin 11; Wakerley 22, v. Potter lo ; Loram 18, v. McKinstry At Wailemata (Waitemata names lirst). Lethbrldpo 27, v. Brown 14; MeGill 21, v. Roylance 2 1 ; Bltlekledgo 15, v. Hill 11). ELLERSLIIO V. \VEST EXD. KIA OBA CUP, At Ellerslie (Kllerslc nnmos first). — Johnston 20, v. Plummet , lo; Longvtlle 'S.), v. Brookes 17: Wannan 17, v. Kirkh.MU 24; Maud 15, V. Cooke 21. ISUer&lie First Year v. Otaluiliu.—Wooton 21, v. McDonnell 10. First-Year.Players, at West End (West Bud names first).. —Ctito, B. Webster, 15. Hardy, Xewell 18, V. Hiigtui, i'irie, Wadsworth, Bright i(J. WKST I)XD V. MANGSKE, At West End (West End names lirst). — Seott 2!P. v. Wcßtbi'OOk 14:Thoniass 27, v. Wlielnn 15; McCarthy 2'.1, v, HardwieUe 12. At West End (West Eml names lirst). — First yeal , players: Xewell IS, v. Bright 10. PONSONBY V. AVOXDALE. At Ponsonliy (Ponsoiiby names lirst). — Dick 20, v. Johnson 20; Parsons 15, v. Cairn 23; Gilford 33, v. Somervllle li. At Avoudale (Avondnle names first). — Kelsall 24, v. Johnston in : Beaton 14, v. Lincoln 20; Porritt 17, v. Hill 20; Nunna 12, v. Crowe 27. MOUNT EDEX V. MOUNT ALBERT. At Mount Eden (Mount Eden names lirst). —Trayes 21, v. A. R, Thomas 17; Shin-ill's 23. v. Franks 19; W. Taylor 2S, v. Wallett 17; .7. Baker 20, v. Henry S; Fraser 28, v. Paterson 10; Vivian 10, v. Ilawke 38; Dlgnan 0, v. Jordan 20; Campbell 10, v. Lane 21. First Year Players (at Mount Eden, Mount Eden names iirst). —Lane 12, v. Jones 22. v At Mount Albert (Mount Eden names first).—Julian 21, v. Edmunds 17; Kendall 20. v. L. Dawson 17; Miller 20, v. .1. Ste«'art 17; Surman 25, V. Floyd 13; Findlay JS, v. H. ilawku IS; Hull 13, V. I ILarnson 2U.

ST. HELIER'S V. RAWIIITI. At Uuwhltl (Hawhitl names iirstj.—Samways, It. Walker. Worthliigton, Orinerod 21, v. McGregor, Scottlng, Miller, Dawson 10; Rugnllß, Bennett, Mason, Brown IS, v. Hume, Diamond, Littlejohn, Branuetto 17; Warte, Stevens, Roberts, Leaning 11, v. Wilson, McLaren. Bradley, lirooktiekl 23: Ryder, Barker, Zulll, Martin 18, v. Appleyard, I.e Grloe. EilKowortli, S. White 17; Bartleet, HaiuJin. stuhbs. Savin 20, v. RldUoii. Negris, Reid, Twlnanie 10. Cox Kiwi Pennant (at St. Heller's, St. Heller's names Urst). —Tyndnll 11, v. Thomson 22; Smith 2;s, v. Harris 20; Koefoed 18, v. Thonisou 10; Price 18, v. Culplu 22; Norris 21, v. Macpherson ID. PAPATOETOE V. MAXGERE. At Papatoetoc fl'apatoetoe names first). Grinter, Skinner, Watson, Steplienson 27, v. Davis, Moss, Samson, Aid red 13; Xlcholson, Knox, Willuox, J , . Hill 15, v. lleiidwood, McLaren, Prunsley 23; Simms, Grandfleld, Foster, Mclvor 22, v. Richards, Clarke, Summers, Nlcholls 10. At (Mnngere names first). — Solomon, Nixon, Laslett, Hollier 23, V. Foss, McFarland, McCullough, Knight 14 ; Douglas, W. S. Clark. Jtevell. Granger 23. v. D. GUberd, Buchanan, Bhrell, Booth 22; Wilton, SaiKlerson, Wilson, R. Kay 22, V. Shepherd, Wiley, Trimble, Civil 23. EDEXDALE V. KAUKAPAKAPA. At Edendale. —Ball. Blakemore, Bayliss, James 30, v. J. Sldwell, W. Drinnan, Stevens, Downer 13; Grant, Bluck, Smith, Addison 25, V. G. Shanks, K. Drinnan, F. Scurah, MeKenzie 17; Watts, Hayes, East, Hill 14, V. G. Dye, T. Shanks, M. Btickton, C, Earle 20; McMillan, Elmbrunch, Conway, Florey 13, v. Osbuldeston. Bailey. Kaiiuin, Frew 28 ; Fellding, Xoad, Greenwood, Annlsoii 27, V. J. Shanks, Miller, I, Dye, L. Drinnan 10.


The Auckland Bowling Club's Anniversary Day tournnment was continued on Saturday. Result of semi-finai : —A. Clarke, I. Clarke, McMahon, Vincent (Auckland) 22, v. Preston, Shaw, B. Buckley, 11. Caddy (Grey Lynn) 18. Vincent will meet J. F. Hosklng (Grey Eynn) in the final next Saturday. The Bnal o£ the nnnunl Public Service bowling, tourney between Canigan and Row'ell (Police) and Johnson and Dixou (Lands and Survey) will he played on the Auckland green to-morrow, commencing at 2 p.m.


The holders of the Goldfield Stars. Billing, Cordee, Delamore, Griffin (Thames) were challenged on Saturday by Hudson, Paseoe. Collins, Borthwick (Waikino), who secured a good lead in the early stages of the game and eventually won by 21 points to 12.

The inter-club games resulted (Waikino first) :—Alney, Murdock, Murphy, Southburg 15, V. Williams, Cartwright, Saunders, Bennett 30; Ball, Phillips, Miller, Borthwlch 10, v. Wilson, McConncll, Gallop. Gordon 30.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 29, 4 February 1935, Page 14

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BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 29, 4 February 1935, Page 14

BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 29, 4 February 1935, Page 14