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WEEK-END' CONTESTS. [ TITIRANGI V. AUCKLAND. BRIXSDEN BEATEN BY MEXZIES. The Titirangi and Auckland Golf Clubs played matches in two grades during the week-end, tlie seniors playing at Titirangi nnd tlie juniors at Auckland. The senior match, which was the second and final contost of die 1034 series for the Hunna Mug, was won by the Titirangi Club by 14 games ,to seven, lliree being all square. On aggregate for the two contests, Titirangi won the trophy by 24 games to 20, four being all square. Tlie junior match played at Mlddlemore on Saturday resulted in a win for the Auckland Club by 10 games to nine, live being all square. Scores in senior contest (Titirangi first) : — Singles.—ll. D. Brins'don lost to B. H. Menzies. 2 and 1; J. 11. Young beat P. C. Savage, 3 and 2; A. B. Barns Graham lost to 1. MacEwuu, 1 down ; R. it. McCrystal beat H. B. Lusk. 2 aud 1 ; J. M. Coltmau lost to E. L. Bartloct, 2 down ; J. Murray heat B. G. Thomson, 3 and 2; E. E. Beeltan and A. L. McLean, all square; F. W. Lucas lost to H. V. Coverdule, 3 and 2 ; A. M. Goulding beat 11. D. Wright, 1 up; T, Morpeth beat Dr. Abbott, 4 and 3; E. G. Tallis beat J. P. Aldred, 4 ami 2 ; A. J Good beat V. B. J. Wells, 3 and 2 ; R. L. Wilson beat S. S. Wilson, 0 and 5; L. J. Williamson lost to It. G. Rainger 3 and 2 ; R. B. Carr beat It. D. Horton, 1 up; J. Carnaclian beat T. E. Clark, 4 and 2. Foursomes.—Brinsden and Barns Graham beat Menzies and Savage, 5 and 3; Young and McCrystal and MacEwan and Lusk, all square: Coltman and Beohan beat Biirtleet and Thomson. 3 and 2; Murray and Goulding beat McLean and Coverdalo, 4 and 3: Lucas and Morpeth lost to Wright and Abbott, 2 down ; Tallis and Good beat Aldred and Wells, 5 nnd 3; It. L. Wilson nnd Williamson lost to S. S. Wilson and Rainger, 2 and 1; Carr and Carnaclian and Horton and Clark, all square. The junior results were (Auckland first) : — Singles.—L. Aldo.rton beat N. C. McLcan, 6 and 0 ; A. Friedlander bent M. FraserSmitli, 5 nnd 3; It. 11. Browne lost to A. V. Peace. 1 ilown ; A. M. Gunn beat E. T. Hnrrold,'4 and 3; W. T. Bell and L. G. Ansell, all square; 11. W. Simn:onds lost to H. A. Brondbent, 1 down ; S. H. Abel lost to A. Shorter, 5 nnd 4 ; A. S. Andrcwes and M. H. Yock, all square; F. A. Abbott lost to O. V. Garland, 0 and 5; B. C. Jacobs and H. V. Ganlcy. all square; J. L. Horrocks beat W.. It. Vercoe, 3 and 1; H. Henderson lost to J. L. Sheen, 4 and 3; H. W. Hotson beat R. W. Christensen, 4 and 2; H. Williams lost to 11. E. Alpe, 4 and 3, E. Harper lost to J. McCoy. (! and 4, J. R. Cropper beat I/. J. Fa rum, G and 5. Foursomes.- —Alderton and Friedlander heat McLean and Fraser-Smith, 1 up; Browne and Gunn and I'cace and Harrold, all square; Bell and Simmomls beat Ansell and Broadbent, 3 and 1 ; Abel and Andrewos beat Shorter and Y'ock, 3 and 2 ; Abbott nnd Jacobs and Garland and Ganly, all square: Horrocks and Hemlerson lost to Vercoe and Sheen, 3 nnd 1 ; Hotson and Williams beat Christcnsen and Alpe, 1 up: Harper nnd Cropper lost to McCoy and Faram, 4 and 3. PUPUKE CLUB. The sixth monthly medal match was played on Saturday by members of the Pupuke Golf Club In conjunction with the final round of the Mingny Cup. The winner of the medal match was P. Mason, who returned a card of 84 —18—00. Other good cards were:—ll. Y. Gray, S3—lo— 07; F. A. Fox. 84—16—08; A. G. Mallett, Sl—l3—6B; H. Nicholas, 81—13—08. 11. Gray did the best two rounds in the Mlriga.v Clip match, with a score of 198, while P.. obnston, 200, was runner-up. C. B. Thofrms won the play-off with ,T. E. T. Palmer for the best gross score over 36 holes. H. Gruy won the play-oft with O. Frobert and F. Fox for the tie in the fifth monthly medal 11. Dixon beat O. Probert 3 and 1 in the second round for the junior championship. The first round of the four-ball match over 36 holes was also played. Results :— T. A. Pearcy and H. Nicholas beat Rd. Johnson and A. IC. McFarlane. 3 nnd 2; .T. T. McCorkindale nnd W. F. Marrlof beat T. G. de Clive Lowe and H. Gray, 6 nnd 4: T. E. Gooding nnd E. W. Mills beat G. Malcolm and O. Walker. 15 nnd 4 : J. E. Palmer and D. McCorkindnle beat .T. Armstrong and C. Howden, 2 and 1: H. Webb and C. Jaggs h»at R. Paeey and F. Fox. 0 and 4; M. Wilson and G. E. Gooding beat P. O. Andrew and R. Humphries, 5 and 4. MIDDLEMORE TITLES. The Auckland Golf Club's first qualifying round was played at Middleinore on Saturday. Results:— Club Championship.—E. L. Bartleot. B. G. Thomson. 78; A. L. McLean, V. E. J.I Wells, 79 ; B. H. Menzies. H. V. Coverrlale, 80: P. Aldred, P. C. Savage, 81; W. B. Colbeck, R. D. Wright. 82; I. MacEwan, W. N. Abbott, R. G. Rainger, 83; H. B. Lusk, R. B. Wilson, 84 ; R. D. Horton, S. S. Wilson, G. P. Elliot. 85. Two low markers in W. S. Ralph and H. Plumley were unfortunately at the lust moment unable to play. Intermediate Championship.—R. F. Johnston, 81; M. G. Mitchell, A. H. Kirkcr, 83 ; E. B. Brown, 85 ; A. I. Johns. R. K. Macindoe, R. O. Gardner, H. A. Joyce. 80; A. Whltcombe. R. S. Bruce, S. Handyskle, 87 ; G. C. Henderson C. I. Nathan. H. L. Rees, N. Louisson, 88 :' G. H. Abel, V. W. Wilson, W. Gunson. T. W. Johnson. T. R. Brett, 80. Junior Championship.—F. A. Abbott. 87 : V. 13. Masters, L. Aklerton, 00 ; W. Pavltt, J. F. Ewen. A. S. Andrewos. J. R. Cropper, 91; S. H. Abel, E. Friedlander, 92; R. H. Browne, 92; T. M. Davis. S. G. McCoy, 93; H. Horton, 94; A. M. Gunn. F. C. Dewnr, H. Glemlinlng, 95 : R. G. Sellnr. jr. McCoy, E. Harper. P. Nathan, H. 11. Kirker, P. L. Horrocks, 96. GLENDOWIE CLUB. A bogey handicap was played by members of the Gleudowie Golf Club ou Saturday. The links were in splendid condition. The match was won by K. A. Kennedy with •a card of 1 up. A match played during the week-end between members of the Ctlendowie and Manukau Golf Clubs resulted in a win for the former by 12 games to five, one being all square. Results (Manukau first) :— Morning.—C. Warden and O. V. Adlam lost to Cole nnd W. Saxon, 1 down; D. Ferguson and P. Hogan beat N. A. Naismith and R. King, 5 and 3; J. Alexander and J. R. Gilmour lost to E. Griffiths and I. O'Neill, 5 and 3 ; T. Roberts and E. J. Busing beat S. Hay and G. Palmer, 1 up; C. S. Beech ey and A. Oldfield lost to 1,. Walker and F. Kronfeld, 1 down ; G. Brebner and C. White beat A. C. Keesing nnd P. Whitelnw, 1 up ; G. Simpson and W. A. Pavitt heat D. JleGregor and R. Jeffrey, 4 and 2; G. C. Hobson and H. Dreadon lost to F. Ilintz and A. C. Paine. 4 and 3; F. H. Barnard and F. Parker lost to A. G. Brown-Douglas and J. 11. Edmonds, 5 nnd -3. Afternoon.—C. Wnrdell nnd O. T. Adlam lost to T*. Cole and W. Saxon. 6 nnd 4 : D. Ferguson and P. Ho'gnn lost to. N. A, Naismith and R. King, 4 and 3; .T. Alexander nnd .T. B. Gilmour lost to F. Griffiths nnd I. G-. O'Neill. 4 nnd 2 ; T. Bobcrts and E. J. Busing bent S. Hay and G. Palmer, 2 and 1 ; C. S. Bceohoy and A. Oldfield los v to F. Kronfeld nnd T,. Wnlker, 5 and 4; G. Brebner and C. White lost to A. C. Keesing and P. Whitelnw, 2 and 1 ■ G Simpson and W. A. Pavitt lost to D.' Mel Gregor and R. Jeffrey, 4 and 2 ; G. C. Hobson and IT. Dreadon lost to F. Ilintz and A. C. To inc.: 5 and 4; F. 11. Barnard nud F. Parker and A. G. Brown-Douglass and J. IT. Edmonds, all square. GLENDOWIE LADIES' CLUB. The following are the results of the L.G.U. match piaycd by the members of the Glondowie Ladies' Golf Club: Handicaps 1 to 21.—Miss R. Morrison, 101—19—82.Handicaps 22 to 30.—Mrs. Jlacartney 104—20—7S ; Mrs. T.intott, 10!»—27—S2' Miss M. English, 104—22—82; Miss I{' Katterleldt, 112—20—83. A flag match will be played ou Wednesday. The draw is as follows for the first round of the junior championship, the winner to hold the Kohn Cup for n year:— Byes: Jlrs. Chisholm, Miss Eales, JlJss Hyde, Miss Sharland, Jliss JI. English, Miss Jlorrison. Players: Miss Idiens v. Jliss O'Neill, Jliss Goodwin v. Miss Katterfeldt. OTAHUHU CLUB. A competition for the senior medal was played at the 1 Otahuhu, golf links. A tie occurred between J. S. Whyte and A. Crow with cards of 85—12—73. The junior medal was won by Jf. G. Fort with a score of 90—24—66 Fort won the play-off in the consolation medal. One of the senior championship semifinals was played during the week-end. Clarke beat Levy, 1 up at the eighteenth. Levy was one of last year'a finalists.

I TITIftANGI CLUB, i I The semi-finals of ...the Titirangi Golf ■ Club's senior championship were played oil Saturday and resulted : —J. Murray beat .7. H. Young, 4 and 3; J. M. Coltnmn 1 beat A. B. Barns-Graham, 5 and 3. In the | final of (lie intermediate championship X. A. Naismith bent N. C. McLean, 1 up. I The final of the iuuior championship I resulted r. Fraser beat W. R. Vcrcoe, 2 up. Kosults in first round of veterans' handicap:—K. A. Tukc beat A. Le Sieur at the I nineteenth; 11. G. Thomson beat l'. S. | Ballin, 4 and 3 ; A. V. Peace beat A. W. j Cooke at the twenty-first; .1. Yock lieat. j A. E. Whltton, 5 and 3; .T. C. Wilson beat K. J. Hamilton, 4. and 3; A. W. Short beat A. B. Cliappell, 5 and 4. MAUNGAKIEKIE CLUB. Results of Saturday's matches at the Jlauhgakiekle Golf Club were: — Senior Championship.—second round : D. R. Garrard boat F. Wiseman, 1 up; H. Tidmarsh beat L. B. Sclinuuer, 4 and 3; D. G. McFarlane beat W. H. D'Audney, 6 and 4; M. Wiseman beat I. McOwan, 1 up; J. 11. Earle beat J. S. Kidd at the 19th. Intermediate Championship. — First round: K. Heywood beat C. Sead Gowing, 2 and 1; It. F. Ncwcomb beat R. W. Berry at tlie 15) til ;N. J. Kidd beat D. D. Holland, 4 and 2 ; J. Tanner beat R. T. Bennett, 2 and 1; W. Clavis beat A. Belcher, 1 up; L. E. Vivian heat F. liostgard, 7 and 0 ; A. Y. Schisclika beat J. C. Hardlcy, 4 and 2 ; A. E. Greensmith beat R. G. Stlchbury, 4 and 3. Concurrent Bogey: A. E. Greensmith, 2 up ; F. Wiseman, 1 down ; J. Earle, 1 down ; 1.,. E. Vivian, 2 down ; D. R. Garrard, 3 down ; P. Whyniau, 3 down. AKARANA CLUB. The following are results of the championship at Akarana :— Seniors. —C. Livingstone, 158; J. Swanson. 102 ; F. Ilazelden, let ; W. Greenbank, S. Booth, 100; 11. Snowden, J(JS; G. Biss, A. Wyloss, 170 : 11. Bennett, 174 ; A. Finn, T. Mitchell, 17!3 ; C. Cox, 170; H. Cullen, 180; A. Irving, 181; Dr. I'aterson, 184; C. Taylor. 185. Tlu; best net score was C. Livingstone (10). Intermediate.—G. Stewart, 105 :B. Smith, 107 ; H. Brown, 172 ; M. Kiely, 173 ; 11. Hay, 170; A. Shorter, 177; H. Human, 178; F. I're&tou, 181; It. Penman, 182; I'. Griffiths, 183; R. Itose, 11. Ward, W. Woolhouse, IS-JL; J. Cairns V. Salek, 185; I. Moir, 180. The best net score was B. Smith (14). Juniors. —Yv. Lowe, iou; J. Touey, 100; J. Best, IUI ; E. Snell, J. Brown, 192; B. Bayley, J. GCiodson, 11)4; M. Katman, J. Campbell, 100; C. Siienkin, 100; H. Walker, G. Jlorrison, O. Jones. 108; D. Woollams, S. Harrison, 100; C. Edwards. 200. The best net was won by C. Shenkiu (24). The final of the Coltman Cup between 11. Cullen and V. Salek, over 30 holes, resulted in a win for Salek, 1 up. NORTH SHORE CLUB. The first round of the club championships in three grades was played by uiem'"*rs of the North Snore Golf Club during the week-end. Results :— Seniors.—Browne beat lioberts, 4 and 2; Spraggon beat Oliver, 1 up; O'Connor beat W. Macindoe, 4 and 3; Stevens beat Morrison, 1 lip; Nelson beat Goodwin, 2 and 1; Goldwater beat Penman, 3 and 2; B. Macindoe beat Layzell, 3 and 2; Horlurks beat Mills, 0 and 4. intermediates. —11. Everton beat Chalmers, 3 and 2; Swanston beat Robinson ! •at the twenty-first; Black won from Corbett by default; Weir beat Holdgate, 2 up; Sniallfield boat bullivan, 5 and 4 ; Ash beat Whyte, 2 and 1; Reid beat Hunt, 5 and 4; Bartlett beat Ibbertson, 1 up. Juniors. —Frater beat Reos-George, 0 and 5; Duddlng beat Myers, 5 and 4; O'Neill won from Coldicutt by default; Mainguy beat Braceweil, 3 nnd 1; Caduess beat E. Everton, 2 and 1 ; H. Preston beat Mortimer, 3 and 1; J. ICingsford beat Lush at tlie twentieth; White beat Tunks, 7 and 0. NORTH SHORE LADIES' CLUB. Draw for bogey match to bo played by members of the North Shore Ladles' Golf Club next Wednesday, starting at 10 o'clock: Miss O'Neill v. Mrs. Macdonald, Mrs. Atkinson v. Miss Loggoe, Mrs. Smallfield v. Mrs. Houghton, Mrs. Pike v. Mrs. Harper, Miss I. Wight v. Mrs. Fleming, Mrs. Ibbertson v. Miss 51. Mason, Mrs. Weir v. Mrs. Swanston, Mrs. Chambers v. Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Walsh v. Mrs. Nevill, Mrs. Badley v. Mrs. Randall, Mrs. Broughton v. Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Cadness v another, Mrs. Earle v. Mrs. 11. Mason, Miss Dryden v. Miss N. Mason, Mrs. Ilobbs v. Miss Glllett, Mrs. Duder v. Mrs. Tanner, Mrs. Home v. Mrs. Seaman, Mrs. Lemmon v. Mrs. Harvey, Miss Cox v. Mrs. Jacobi, Mrs. Littlejohn v. Mrs. Short, Mrs. Rollo v. Mrs. Lewins, Mrs. Rossiter v. Mrs. Koache. Starting at eleventh tee : Miss McFetridge v. Mrs. Bow, Mrs. Glllett v. Mrs. Melville, Mrs. Armitage v. Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Seagar v. Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Black v. Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Freakcs v. Mrs. Lorimer. Miss McDonnell v. Mrs. Lush, Mrs. Gillies v. Mrs. Goodwin, Miss Jackson v. Mrs. Hutchison. Draw for first round of eclectic match to be played by C grade players on Thursday : Mrs. Halvey v. Mrs. Whyte, Miss Bartlett r. Mrs. 1. Taylor, Mrs. Atwood v. Mrs. Preston, Mrs. Anderson v. Mrs. Buxton, Mrs. Bavage v. Mrs. Kingsford, Mrs. Greer v. Mrs. Higson, Mrs. Massey v. Miss Smith, Miss McDonnell v. Mrs. Grant. Mrs. Christmas v. Mrs. ltickcrby, Miss Bakewell v. another. Draw for Saturday players: Miss AYann v. Miss McDonnell, Miss Campbell v. Miss Hunt, Miss Willis v. Miss Howe, Miss E. Minns v. Miss Cawkwell, Miss Simmers v. Miss Morris, Miss IJeveretix v. Miss Lewis, Miss liaise v. Miss Hiuunel, Miss Wilkie v. Miss Esdaile, Miss .1. Minns v. Miss Harvey, Miss Gordon dimming v. Miss J. Best, Miss Cordar v. Miss Snoad, Miss Berry v. Miss Colson. Miss McCredie v. Miss Wynyard, Miss O'Brien v. Miss Blair, Miss Ardley v. Miss McLaren, Miss I'ocock v. Miss Hall, Miss Southguto v. Miss J. Ardley, Miss Prideefux v. .Miss llotehklss, Miss Benner v. Miss/Johnston. Results of lasT L.G.U. match :— Seniors. —Mrs. Pike, 80—17—72 ; Mrs. Flinn, 8!)—17—72 ; Miss Leggoe, 92—15—77 ; Mrs. Pike won the last nine holes. Juniors. —Mrs. Lemmon, 105—30—00; Miss M. Dryden, 101—34r—70; Mrs. Melville, 1U7—30—71. .Mrs. Atkinson and Miss Fay Cawkwell were winners of trophy matches. Mrs. Clouston fccui Mrs. Pike 1 up in the final of the secretary's trophy. Thirtysix holes had to be piaycd before the match was decided. WAITEMATA CLUB. In tlie first round of the championships of the Waltemata Golf Club the results were: — Seniors.—Hope beat Hannon, 5 and 4; G. 11. Lorde beat A. Halvey, 5 and 4; P. Roaclie beat It. Ross, 3 and 2. Juniors.—R. F. Armstrong boat G. Potter, 7 and 0; F. Lorde beat A. Moore, 7 and 0; J. D. Curtuyne beat I. McDougall, 5 and 0. Second round: F. Lorde beat I. McDougall, 4 and 2. The winners of the four-ball best-ball match were P. Roaclie and A. Halvey, 3 up. Other cards were: R. F. Foster and J. D. Curtayne, 1 up ; G. Jackson and R. Ross, all square. PAPAKURA CLUB. The semi-finals of the Papakura Golf Club's championships were played ou Saturday. Results :— Seniors.—Kretsclimar beat Walton, 0 and 5 ; Cooke beat E. Miller, 3 and 2. Intermediate. —Wren boat Saunders, 1 up at tlie nineteenth. The other leg of the semi-linal has yet to be piaycd. Juniors.—W. Jlatlieson boat Grace, 4 aud 3 ; Chappell beat Kidd, 3 and 2. Next Saturday the club will hold an open day. In the morning there will bo a senior and junior, 18-hole handicap, aud during the afternoon there will be foursomes and a four-ball handicap. PAPAKURA LADIES' CLUB. j A flag match was piaycd on Saturday for tlie president's and secretary's trophies at the Papakura Ladies' Golf Club. The first was won by Miss Finlayson, 1 to 22, and. tied the flag on tlie twentieth hole. The second was won by Miss Joyce Walters, 23 to 36, carrying the flag to the twentieth. Draw for the modal round on Tuesday :— Miss Finlayson v. Miss Coxhead, Miss Rhind v. Miss Jar vie, Mrs. Brooks v. Miss Dreadon, Miss M. Walters v. Mrs. Foote, Mrs. Kidd v. Miss Cooper, Mrs. Charles v. Miss Higgins, Miss Walker v. Mrs. Watts, Mrs. Elliott V. Mrs. Doull. For the lnter-club match oil Thursday against Otahuhu the team is : —Mrs. Brooks and Miss Finlayson, Miss M. Walters and Miss Walker, Mrs. Foote and Miss Watts, Miss Rhind and Mrs. Kidd, Miss Coxhead and Miss Dreadon, Miss Jarvie and Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Francis and Mrs. Wilson. OPOTIKI CLUB. In the final of the ladies' junior championship at the Opotiki golf links Miss A.' Black beat Miss B. Ensoll 4 and 3. In the semi-final of the men's senior title Duf£ beat- Blrkxrryejv 4unior r 1 up.

HORTON AND HORNABROOK. AJIATEURS IN SPLENDID FORM. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) VASTEETON, this day. By scoring a comparatively easy win over A. J. Shaw, New Zealand open champion, and W. Campbell, ex-Scottish professional, in an exhibition match at Lnnsdowna links yesterday, T. 11. Horton and J. P. I-lornbrook, two Masterton Kirk-Wind-eyer Cup representatives, again proved their ranking among leading amateui's of tlie Dominion. The latter won 5 and 4, the match being played over 30 holes and followed by a large gallery. Horton returned a score of G8 for the morning round, 4 under par, while only bad luck at tlie seventeenth in the afternoon stopped Hornabrook from breaking tlie course record of 07. The scores were: —Horton, 68 and 73; Hornabrook, 72 and 71; Campbell, 74 and 71 ; Shaw, 73 and 70. LITTLE U.S.A. CHAMPION. WINNER OF BRITISH TITLE. NEW YORK, September 16. The winner of the British amateur golf title, W. L. Little, added the American' amateur championship to his list of achievements by defeating Goldman, 8 and 7, at Brooklino. D. Shute won tlie Rivorvale open tournament with a score of 253. Laffoon tied for sixth place with 206 and Craig Wood was seventh with 297. THE RODNEY FINALS. The Rodney Golf Club's championships terminated on Saturday at Warkwortii. The final matches resulted :— Seniors.—S. Jlorrison beat J. 11111, 5 nnd 4. Juniors.—J. Morrison b;at J. Buckley, 1 up. Ladies.—Seniors: Mrs. Fleet beat Mrs. Maclntyrc, 3 nnd 2. Juniors: Miss V. Edwards won from Jliss B. Lockie by default. The club handicap was won by P. Smith, who beat A. Hoystead, 0 and 4. The president's trophy, for two medal rounds, was won by S. Gleesou, with 139 net.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 220, 17 September 1934, Page 16

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GOLF. Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 220, 17 September 1934, Page 16

GOLF. Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 220, 17 September 1934, Page 16