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STRENUOUS GAME. THISTLE'S CUP. VICTORY. TOUGH STRUGGLE IN« HIGH WIND. (By Telegraph.—Special to "Star ") WELLINGTON, this day. Canterbury lost rather than Auckland ■won the Chatham Cup. With a first-half advantage of one goal, the Thistle team from the south, threw away its lead by an error of judgment at a critical moment, and but for that fact it is highly probable that the New Zealand Football Association would have been faced with the necessity of bracketing two Thistle iteams on the coveted trophy. With half the second spell gone, Canterbury still held the advantage, and there looked to be no way by which Auckland could break through that firm cordon around the southerners' goal. Then, in an odd moment of play, a weak kick went careening over to Watson, who sighted and let drive at the goal from "well out. It was not a particularly hopeful move, but it saved the day. For the southern backs, in their anxiety to dear blocked the vision of their goalie, and one of them. (Johnston it was) thrust out his foot and deflected the ball past Mitchell and into the net. Christchurch's Dash and Courage. Apart from this one bad break, the Canterbury team was playing well. It bad revealed rare qualities of dash and courage in the first half, and had striven bard to make a real scoring chance against a fleet defence. The fact that the halftime score was so low is a tribute not only to the staunch way in which the Auckland defence stood up to strong pressure, but to the strength of their counterattacks, which troubled Christchurch and helped in keeping the halves alert in waiting for a breakaway, instead of throwing quite all their weight into the assault. The superior speed, on tne evidence of this first half, seemed to rest with Auckland, but. the superior skill in attack was with Christchurch, and it was not turned into a substantial balance of points because of the fact that the inside forwards were a fraction slow in linking with the .welltimed passes of both wings. . G. Walker played a notable game at left wing, and' the speed and judgment of Simpson on the other flank were only offset by a slight weakness of crosses. D. Sutherland was a potential danger all the time, too, and if Adam, at centre-forward,, was prone to manoeuvre about when he got the ball, it was often because the promptitude of the Auckland attack on him left him no option. Behind these forwards there was a back line which carried off the honours of the day in the first half, working like a single man and doing everything that was asked of it, from stopping the rapid Auckland raids to dropping the ball almost in the coal mouth. But the ball was new and light, the wind was high and strange to players from outside Wellington, and the game provided the spectacle of two teams learning how to play when they meet one another again in similar conditions. Thistle Minus McCosh. All through the second half Auckland was without McCosh, its soundest back and captain, who had taken a knock in the first half, but managed to carry on for a time. So the northerners' win was very creditable and all honour should be given to them for their achievement, with the realisation that the teams appeared extremely well matched (when McCosh retired the Aucklanders, wisely realising that, with the wind in their favour attack was more important than defence, played only one full-back), that another meeting might provide a win for Christchurch, and that even as It was the southerners very nearly saved the game through brilliant work by Simpson, G. Walker and Bruce. Aucklanders' Performance. In the Auckland team Gerrard played an outstanding game. He missed only one chance to save and that was almost impossible to take. He was aided by the slowness of some of the southern centres, but that does not offset his very brillia,nt moves at times of pressure. Before him Williams worked hard, and McCosh, until he was hurt, was a fortress for Auckland. The half-back' line, while not up to that of Christchurch, did well and was inferior only because A. Sutherland, the Christchurch centre-half, was the key man on the field. Wood played splendidly in the forwards and', in the ■ opportunist game which developed, both Hislop and Dunsmore stood out. Hislop was a little weak in close, but that was due to the solid tackling of the southerners, which raxely gave him much time to shoot. Williamson, though well marked, kept slipping through the defensive lines and was cheated only by the keen play of the Christchurch goalie. Kay, near the line, was clever in working his way through, and achieved a great deal. SUBURBS' GOOD WIN. The two first round replay ties of the Falcon Cup were decided on Saturday without recourse in either case to the provision of extra time. Eastern Suburbs sprung a surprise by their comfortable; victory over Mount Albert Grammar Old Boys, and Ponsonby got the better of a weakened, Y.M.C.A. team by two goals. The games played tinder ideal conditions, "\vith .r evidences of end-of-season staleness in many .players. In a match unremarkable for consistently good football, Eastern Suburbs beat Mount Albert Grammar Old Boys by six goals to one on Saturday at Blandford Park. From the outset the bounce of the ball from a hard turf seemed to confuse players, and only for short intervals did combination show to advantage,- and that mostly by the Suburbs team. Full-backs Gay and B. Stone, for Suburbs, were responsible for preventing at least another goal for Old Boys, and Hoyt was saving brilliantly at times, always playing a safe game. The halves were superior to those of the losers, stopping fairly persistently and supplying some good openings. Of the front line Welch had a large share of the ball on attack, and his solo work was reliable. On the other wing Mullane was a speedy man, using good judgment and passing to centre in great style. Darwin.let few opportunities pass at centre-forward, and, generally speaking, the Suburbs shooting was much more dangerous than that of Mt. Albert. - T. Turley, in goal for Grammar, did not shine like his opposite number, and was badly beaten by some easy shots. Neither could the full-backs show such bright saving and clearing as those of the winners. There were some good patches of play among the halves, who showed better ball control. Their judgment in passing was generally erratic, however. The trapping and swinging of the front line was inconsistent, there being a tendency to hurry the ball with an eye fo the opposing backs. Spencer and Jepson, with the assistance of Healy, made some good efforts at times, but the shooting was wild. The winners held most of the ground in the second half, although many corncrs went to Grammar In the first spell. The match wus played at a medium pace throughout, and lacked the "go" of earlier games. T/ie fact that it was a replay of the previous Saturday's tie might well have inspired brighter football.

PLEASANT OUTING AT SHORE. Altogether, the meeting of Ponsonby and Y.M.C.A. at Devonport was a very pleasant affair. The weather was all that could be desired; the ground more like a bowling green than a football pitch; the brilliant sunshine had tempted a large number of residents to the ground, and the game was I'htyfid in a clean and sportsmanlike spirit. Xhe crowd that attended gave point to the bitter complaints of the Shore United oflieials that their public is being sadly neglected by the paucity of games on their ground this season. They state that they have to finance the playing areas—and they certainly are the best in the district from a playing point of view—and if the Shore team is taken from its ground or other matches are not provided, not only is there a grave danger of losing possession of the ground, but also the support of the Soccer public. This, however, is by the way and a matter • for ' the club and the control board, but the Devonport officials certainly make out a strong case. Y.M. must be given credit for their showing, minus the real backbone Of tlie combination, Coltman, Chapman and Thornes, all of whom were victims of influenza on; Saturday. Second graders had to be called on, and the young stalwart substitutes who jailed the vacancies certainly aia to

!be - congratulated on their display. Smith did what was asked of him without fuss or delay. Mowat was sound at back and careful in his covering up of the play of his younger and less experienced club mates. Dobson was a willing partner. Farquliar, Sims and Pearson were the half-backs and played with energy and determination. In the first spell, Bridges was the most dangerous forward, but Murane and Iviggans were also eager, with Hamilton piloting the forwards on many raids. McFarlane was not so prominent as he sometimes is. Team work could hardly be expected, but-there was promise. Ponsonby have a deal to thank Watson for. In the first spell he had a very busy time and repeatedly saved excellently. Haggett was surprisingly unsafe at the beginning, but steadied later and Stewart was always helpful. Edwards. Cooke and Masters were a nuggety lialf-back line that. seemed to have more constructive play than their opponents had. In the forwards, Glaister and McMillan worked well together. Innes was willing and energetic, and Mulholland and Porter, on the left, made the most of their chances. But Ponsonby will have to show improvement in the next round. GRADE GAMES. SECOND GRADE. Championship Replay. Metro-College 5, beat New Lynn 0. DACRE CUP. Thistle 5, beat Comrades 1. THIRD INTERMEDIATE. Comrades 2, beat North Shore 1. FOURTH GRADE. Knockout Replay. Mount Albert Grammar Old Boys 2, v. Y.M.C.A. 1. FIFTH GRADE. Knockout. North Shore 3, v. Comrades 2. Y.M.C.A. 5, v. Onchunga 0. SIXTH GRADE. Knockout. Comrades B 2, beat Abels 0. Metro-College 8. heat Onehunga 1. Comrades A 3, beat North Shore 2. MIDGET GRADE. Championship Final Rep'ayed. Monte St. Cecilia (Onehunga) 2, beat X.M.C.A. A 0. RESULTS IN THE SOUTH. CHRISTCHURCH. Rangers 4, beat Linwood 2. St. Alban's 2, beat Western 1. BOWLING. CLUB GAMES. AUCKLAND GREEN. Winter Fours. —Moodie, Moon, Fletcher, Kasper 26, v.. Bailey, Susman, Barnes, Bockett 20. CARLTON GREEN. Carlton Ferns. —Walker, W. Blair, B. Blair, Muston 18, v. Worthwooxl, Struckett, Higgott, Gordon 16. Ordinary Draw. —Whittaker, Hengton, Henley. Emirali 22, v. Harman, Shields, Brownlee, Bates 32 : C. Little, G. Kent, J. Turner, H. Kent 23, v. Abdallah, Matchett, Wetherilt, Osmond 20; Leser, A. Cutler, G. Cutler, V. Little 15, v. White, Molloy, Sinclair, Holmes 21.' BALMORAL GREEN. Winter Fours.—Smelling. Mayhill. McKay, Avey 30, v. Fcrgusson, Meltzer, Esterman, Clews 11; Sawyers, Robertson, Clarke, Ramsey 20, v. Spier, Bush, Gladstone, Denison 16. RAWHITI GREEN. Stars.—Pedersen, Aylett, Townsend, Yuill 23, v. Ryalls, Penn, Macpherson, Culpin 16. Ferns.—Samways, Mason, Walker, Savin 25, vr McCuilough, Carter, Ormerod, Keller 16. Ordinary Draw.—Ashton, Morrow, Hamlin 14, v. Wayte, Gibson, Moncur 17. REMUERA GREEN. . Clark Buttons. — McNaughton, Weir, Brook, Macfarlane 21, v. Penty, Vincent, .Jackson, Daniels 21. Finlayson Badges. — Newton, Boles, Shortt, Macfarlane 21, v. Vincent, Acheson, Allan, Wooller 20. Ordinary Draw.—Egerton, Davis, Macey, McCalJum 26,. v. Harrison, Sutherland,, Mellars, Mahon 13; Standen, Bolton, Kissling," Burcher 81, v. Choyce, Annandale, Griffiths, East 18; Wilm'ot, Keys, Baker, Dempsey 22, v. Walter, Grieg, Buttimore, Ashton 16; Potts, Penty, Mahony, Young 25, v. Wight, Brook, R. A. Jackson, Pegler 17. EPSOM GREEN. Brown Stars.—Paterson, Kelly (folders) 14, v. Bull, Burton 27. Ordinary Draw.—C. Barker, Howard, McCowan, Graham 22, v. French, Kolfe, Stehr, Scott 17 : Parkinson, Yearbury, Jackson, Richmond 28, v. Blackley, Dunniugham, Bull, Furnell 23; Bailey, Paterson, Farlane >19, v. Hill, Blood, Kelly 15; Parkes, Lamb, Wilson 26, v. Hounsell, Braithwaite, Ramsay 10. WEST END GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—Qualtrough, Armstrong, Thomas, Puddle 27, v. Eshelby, Delaney, It. Cox, Wynyard 19; Irwin, Logan, .Harkins, Faire 24, v. Clark, Parkinson, McNair, M. Hardley 19. INTER-CLUB GAMES. CARLTON V. EPSOM. At Carlton (Carlton names first).— Morris, Birkenhead, Baughan, Katterfeldt 15, v. Broughton, Wright, George, J. Wright 22. CARLTON V. ELLEBRLIE. At Carlton (Carlton names first). — Clinkard S. Taylor, Elliot, H. Clarke 23, v. McNeil, Whyte, Wood, Joll 21. CARLTON V. WAITEMATA. At Carlton (Carlton names first). —Russell, Doyle, Feran, Lister 19, v. Marshall, Rowland, Copeland, McKinstry 19. EPSOM V. MOUNT ALBERT. At Epsom (Mount Albert names first). — Fawcett, Sage, Wilkinson, Humphreys 25, v. Forbes, Gribblo, Lewis, Hooper 20. EPSOM V. PONSONBY. At Epsom (Ponsonby names first). — Frieberg, McKinsty, Somers, Johnson 23, v. Gouk, Bruce, O'Callaghan. Parsons 17. "AUCKLAND V. GREY LYNN. -At Auckland (Auckland names first). — P. R. Colebrook, Clayton, Campbell, R. "Smith 24, v. Maysou, Saunders, Oake, Curtis 15. REMUERA V. NATHANS. At Rcmuera (Remuera names first). — Johnson, Davis, Smith, Bray 19. v. A. Allen, Piper, Lethbridge, Fraser 21. REMUERA V. ST. HELIER'S. At Remuera (Remuera names first). — Taylor, Eaves, Feldon, Sheath 17, v. Dawson, May, Russell, Koefoed 21; Segar, Hewson Shortt, Harbutt 22, v. Clark, Boyce, Tyridall, Thompson 16. RAWHITI V. MOUNT ALBERT. At Rawhiti (Rawhiti names first). —Trcmaine, Barker, Leaning, Herriott 21, v. Thompson. Baxter, Pool, Hawke 29. AUCKLAND V. STANLEY. At Auckland (Auckland names first). — Franklin, A. Clarke, Israel, Hardie Neil ; 24, V. Mason, Coutts, Worthington, Pirie 11; Pitkethley, Lenderyou, Irving Clarke, | McPhail 16, v. Robertson, Cusworth, i Hooker, Johnson 30. BALMORAL TOURNAMENT. Durant, Smith, A. Hill, McConnell (Edendale) 22, v. Gray, Buchanan, Lowe, Melville (Devonport) 21; Peterson, McGaffin, D. Richardson 20, v. Anderson, Tattersall, Winks 21; NOMADS V. PUKEKOHE. At Pukekohe (Nomads names first). — Cathie, Dove, Laing, Witham 15, v. Ingram, Dell, Adams, Bisli 22; Evered, J. Blake, Thompson, Drummond 13, v. Ingpen, Grandison, Keith, Monerief 22; Ambury, Boswell, Gillespie, Moyle 20, v. Pattison, Wymer, David, Roulston, Perkins 16; Clarkson, Reardon, Whiteliouse, Beckman 27, v. Neal, , Harvey, Crosbie, Lusher 17; Brown, Martin, Paterson, Chiplin 29, v. Wyatt, G. Carter, Massey, Summer 17; P. W. White. Adams, Allen, Price 14, v. Proude. Wright, Price, Hosking 22; Edwards, Grey, Cox, Coburn 23, v. Morland, -Walsham, Haslaro, Armstrong 13; P. S. White,..S. White, p. White, Parker Hill 15, v. Lawrie, Munro, W. Blake. Duncan Roulston 17. I

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Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 220, 17 September 1934, Page 16

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SOCCER TITLE. Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 220, 17 September 1934, Page 16

SOCCER TITLE. Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 220, 17 September 1934, Page 16