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LARGE CROWD ON SECOND DAY. ADDITIONAL AWARDS. To-day, the second' day of the twentyeighth annual Waikato Winter Show, held in Hamilton, larger crowds than ever thronged to visit what is recognised by common consent as as fine air exhibition as has ever been staged. The official opening was made yesterday by the Prime Minister, J?t. Hon. G. W. Forbes, who said that the Government realised what good work sucli shows had done and were doing for the dairying and agricultural industries in the Dominion. Referring to the dairying industry, he said that the Government had realised the need for a stocktaking—hence the commission—and he told the audience that whatever it wc.s possible for ths Government to do to help, that it would do.

When the findings of the commission had been presented to the Government, Mr. Forbes said, more prccise information as to what could be don© both here and in London, where the marketing aspect was important, would be available. It was a definite duty of the country to produce uniformly high quality, because there was too great a gap between the best and the next best of New Zealand's primary products. He referred to the attitude of Great Britain. "Speaking with inside information." ho said, "I know that should some regulation of imports into Great Britain be necessary, Britain will make those regulations as favourable to the Dominion as possible."

It was necessary to take stock in more things than the dairy industry, and in this connection he referi'ed in detail to the possibility of the export of pork and bacon, to the future of gold mining, and to the prospects of developing the flax industry. Bound up with the progress made in industries was the possibility of increasing employment. He complimented those responsible for the show. Though it is an invidious task to single out any one feature of the show, special mention should ho made of the women's institute (Waikato Federation) courts. They show how the women on back-block farms have been able to turn their hands to anything. In the courts are all manner of articles made from odds and ends on the farm. For example, here is a small chair made from half a cheese crate; there, a child's made from old' silk stockings; perhaps a hearth rug fashioned from a calf skin, cured and prepared entirely on the farm; a cradle from butter cloth and old broom handles. The courts alone are worth while going to see. This year, after the keenest of competition, Morrinsville has won, with Fairfield second and To Awamutu third. To the layman there seems little to choose between them.

Results of sections judged later yesterday afternoon, are: — Home Industries. BREAD. Home-made. —Two 21b loaves: Mrs. I. Sherson 1, Miss C. I. Pizarci 2. Two loaves made by exhibitor: Mrs. I. Sherson I, Mrs. Scott Macky 2. One currant loaf: Mrs. M. Polglase 1. Milk bread: Miss Mullions 1. Brown loaf: Mrs. Brockolsby 1, Mrs. G. T. Pizard 2. Nutbread loaf: Mrs. C. W. Cheat 1. Billy loaf: Mrs. M. Giles 1. Blsley's Wholemeal Competition, Bakers' Bread. —P. Johnstone 1. Two loaves, one white, one brown: G. Radd 1, Hastings Bakery, I>td., 2, M. Horscroft 3. Two white loaves: F. Findlay 1, G. Radd 2, M. Thomas 3. One fruit loaf: F. Herbert 1 and 2, F. Findlay 3. One milk loaf: F. Findlay 1, J. R. Sheppard 2, G. Findlay 3. Dominion Yeast Company's prize : F. Findlay 1. SCONES. Six scones: Mrs. A. Sole 1, Miss Doris SY'tt 2. Six scones (novice) : Mrs. A. S<?le 1, Mrs. J. Scott 2. Six scones (brown) : Miss K. Sullivan 1, Miss Zoe Miller 2. Six scones, brown (novice) : Mrs. M. Giles 1, Mrs. J. Scott 2. Currant scones: Sirs. R. M. Morris 1, Mrs. J. Scott 2. Date scones: Mrs. R. M. Morris 1, Mrs. J. Scott 2. Sultana scones: Mrs.. R. M. Morris 1, Mrs. 3. Scott 2. Sultana scones (novice) : Mrs. J. Scott 1, Mrs. A. Sole 2. Girdle scones: Mrs. C. J. Cresswell 1 and 2. Collection of scones: Mrs. R. M. Morris 1, Mrs. J. Shaw 2. Best made scones (special) : Mrs. R. 31. Morris 1. Mrs. M. Miller 2. Currant buns: Miss Mullions 1, Miss G. J. Tizard 2. Pikelets: Mr. G. Burton 1, Mrs. R. C. Hodgson 2. Pikelets (novice) : Miss M. Far rant 1, Mr. G. Burton 2. Scones: Mrs. R. M. Morris 1, Mrs. McCardell 2. Treacle scones: Mrs. J. Shaw 1. Wholcwheal scones: Mrs. J. Shaw 1. BISCUITS. Sweet oatmeal biscuits: Mrs. A. E. Kidd 1. Plain oatmeal: Mrs. A. E. liidd 1. Bran biscuits: Miss M. B. Macphcrson 1, Mrs. A. E. Kidd 2. Coconut biscuits: Mrs. M. M. Potter I, Miss M. B. Macpherson 2. Collection: Mrs. M. Barr 1, Miss F. Earle 2. Rolled oat biscuits: Mrs. J. B. Bailey 1. CAKES. Sponge cake: Mrs. J. Shaw 1. Sponge : Miss E. Shaw 1, Mrs. M. Sullivan 2. Fruit cake (novice) : Miss Majtin 1, Mrs. Shaw* 2. Fruit cake: Mrs. A. Sole 1, Mrs. S. S. Pagan 2. Seed cake: Mrs. A. 11. Jones 1, Mrs. A. G. Parfitt 2. Currant cake: Mrs. S. S. Fagan 1, Mrs. A. G. Parfitt 2. Madeira: Mrs. A. G. Parfitt 1, Mrs. P. C. H. Petersen 2. Madeira (novice) : Mrs. 11. Rotherham 1, Mrs. It. Holland 2. Ginger bread: Mrs. S. D. Warren 1, Miss G. J. Tizard 2. Ginger bread (novice) : Miss C. Mncky 1. Miss G. J. Tizard 2. Variegated cake: Miss P. Hazard 1. Chocolate cake: Mrs. P. C. H. Petersen 1, Mrs. K. A. Mqßae 2. Iced cake: Mrs. A. Sole 1. Jam sandwich: Mrs. I>. Tolle.v 1, Mrs. Currie 2. Mrs. J. Shaw 3. Jam sandwich (novice) : Mrs. M. A. Clough 1, Mrs. L. Tolley 2, Mrs, ,M. Miller 3. Swiss roll: Mrs. S. S. Fagan 1. Coconut cakes: Mrs. W. H. Haines 1, Mrs. P. C. Gowcr 2. Rock cakes: Mrs. P. C. Gower 1. Mrs. W. IT. Haines'2. Queen cakes: Mrs. P. C. 11. Petersen 1. Afternoon tea cakes: Miss S. D. Warren 1, Miss F. Earle 2. PASTRY.

Shortbread: Miss P. D. Parfitt 1, Miss P. Hazard 2, Miss Amy Dempster 3. Shortbread (novice) : Mrs. .T. Thomas 1, Mrs. C. G. Haultain 2, Miss I. Mcßae 3. Cream puffs: Miss E. Wigzell 1, Miss A. G. Sanford 2. Jam tarts: Mrs. P. C. 11. Petersen 1, Mrs. A. G. Parfitt 2. Sausage rolls: Mrs. P. C. H. Petersen 1. Mrs. A. E. Morgan 2, Mrs. .7. G. Xorman 3. Napoleon cakes: Mrs. A. G. Parfitt 1 and 2, Miss K. Sullivan 3. Cheese cakes : Mrs. A. G. Parfitt 1, Miss B. Clearwater 2. Puff paste: Mrs. W. H. Haines 1. Mrs. P. C. H. Petersen 2. "~.Tam tart: Miss M. B. Macplierson 1, Mrs. P. C. Gower 2. Meat pies: Miss B. Titmarsh 1. Plum pudding: Mrs. S. A. Dates 1, Mrs. P. C. Gower 2. Cheese straws: M'°s Martin 1. DAIRY BUTTER AND EGGS. Separator butter (salted) : Mrs. B. Sandos 1, Mr. A. Karles 2. Separator butter . (unsaltcd): Mrs. B. Saodos 1. Mr. A. Eades 2. Non-separator butter (salted): Mrs. J. y -, 1 - Kon-separato? butter (unBailey 1. Butter unT r ir Eades 1. Mrs. J. S. Bailey SKfe Sutton 3. Butter (unsalted) : l^W l^ 8 V 3**- p - H - Sutton,2. Cv'ly bl,tter: M rs- O. 1. P -***«• wylle X. Ars. R. 2. Madeira cake Miss P. D. Wylle 2. Sponso sandwich: Martin 1, Mrs. A.- G. Barfltt^.

Children's Classes. COOKEKY. Nut loaf : .T. Gir.icx 1. Currant scones : 1. Aitken I,'D. Can- 2. Wliit£ anil brown scones: M. Bertram 1, E. Wright 2. Girdle sponcs: J. Creswell J . Pikelets: .r. Cresswell 1, J. Snowling 2. Mndeira cake: M. Davison 1, X. Aiken 2. Light fruit cake: J. Redman 1. Sponge sandwich : I). M. Downes 1. 'A. Morrison 2, C. McLaclilan 11. Queen cakes: 10. Wright 3, Y. McLachlnn 2. Short bread : C. McLaclilan 1. E. Wright 2. Puff pastry: I. Aitken 1, .T. Snowling 2. Coconut Ice: M. Bertram 1, F. Power, 2. Turkish delight: I. Francis .1, M. Her-j tram 2. Collection cookery (containing honey) : Z. St. Clair 1. . Home-made butter : E. Earlcy 1. j Ladies' Handiwork. "USE MOKE WOOL" CAMPAIGN. j Jumper or cardigan (Koss and Glcmiin-1 ing's prize): Mrs. L K. Julian. Iland-made garment: Mrs. J!. St. Clair 3. Knitting, any article not. provided for: Mrs. M. S. Wanhill 1, Miss June Itedman 2. Baby's bootr ies: Miss L. D. Grooby 1, Miss May Asliton 2. Stockings: G. Lobban 1. Golf jacket: Mrs. 11. Hall 1. Jumper, Mrs. It. St. Clair 1, Mrs. A. G. I'arfitt 2. Child's coat and bonnet: Mrs. C. W. Choat 1, Mrs. 11. Bowers 2. Best three novelties in wool: Miss Goucher 1, Mrs. .1. L. Pascoe 2. Set of three pieces for child under three years: Miss G. Smith 1. Miss E. Nelson 2. Prettiest article, all wool: Mrs.'G. Barker 1. Miss I*. Solo 2. Best piece of wool work on canvas: Mrs. .1. L. Pascoe 1, Miss M. llill 2. Any article made from waste wool: Mrs. W. A. Wells 1 and 2. _ Best handmade cardigan or juniper (ICaipaoi Company's prize) : Mrs. J. Brook 1. ltest han'l-made garment (Kaiapoi prize) : Mrs. E. J. l'atton 1. Horticulture. Savoy: F. W. Baker 1, Sexton Bros. 2. Onions, straw colour: S. Ballard 1 and 2, R. K. Alexander o. Onions, brown Spanish :• G. Owen 1, Mrs. J. Dillon 2, S. Ballard 3. Onions, heaviest : Mrs. .1. Dillon 1. Onions, potato: T. W. Prentice 1, G. n. Appleton 2, C. J. C. Applcton 3. Onions, rope: B. Collins 1, C. .1. C. Appleton 2, S. Ballard 3. Red eschalots : Mrs. M. Giles 1, W. E. Hughes 2, Master Tom Stone 3. Straw eschalots: S. Ballard 1. Leeks: It. Watt 1, G. H. Appleton 2 t J. Barker 3. Parsnips : A. Thornton 1, Sexton Bros. 2, J. Barker 3. Best collection vegetables, suitable salad : Master T. Jones 1, Mrs. Ross 2. Sunflower: Sexton Bros. 1. Turnips, yellow: N. Jacobs 1, J. Ballard 2. Turnips, white: N. Jacobs 1, J. Ballard 2. Swedes, garden: M. Promlergast 1, Sexton Bros. 2. Potatoes, lci'lneys, garden-grown: N. Hughes 1, A. Thornton 2, .T. Ballard 3. Potatoes, garden, round : Mrs. W. Cunningham 1. J. Ballard 2. N. Hughes 3. Rhubarb : Miss C. "£levely 1. ■.Special Class for Relief Workers, —Best collection garden produce: S. F. Sutton 1, C. Cockhead 2, It. Dutton 3. GARDEN VEGETABLES. Six -varieties : Master T. Sutton 1, S. F. Sutton 2. Pumpkin, Triamble: C. Cockhead 1, .T. Brading 2, 11. 11. Muir 3. Pumpkin, Trombone: Sexton Bros 1. Pumpkin, any other variety : J. T. Sharp I, C. Cockhead 2, E. W. Jacobs 3. Vegetable marrow, yellow: E. W. Jacobs 1. R. T. Reid 2, Sexton Bros. 3. Vegetable marrow, green : Sexton Bros. 1 and 2, R. T. Reid 3. Warren squash : P. Ambury 1. Squash : Sexton Bros 1. Master T. Stone 2. Citron melon : ,T. Aitken 1. Pie melon: Sexton Bros. 1. Ktimaras. pink : W. Waite 1. Kumaras, white: W. Waite 3. Beetroot, turnip-rooted: Sexton Bros. 2. Beetroot, long red : Sexton Bros. 1. Beetroot, intermediate: Sexton Bros. 1. Carrots, horn red: J. Bollard 1, A. Thornton 2. Carrots, long red: A. Thornton 1, It. Tennant 2, W. K. Robinson 3. Carrots, stump-rooted : Miss M. Campbell 1, Carrots, red intermediate: I*. Ambury 1, A. Thornton 2, S. F. Sutton 3. Cabbages: Sexton Bros 1. Silver beet: A. W. Martin 1.

Fruit Section. Apple Championship.—W. .T. McMiken 1. E. G. Ivinvig 2. Dessert apples : W. J. McMiken 1 and 2. Four cooking varieties: W. J. McMiken 1 and 2. One bushel case apples for export : E. G. Ivinvig 1, W. .1. McMiken 2. Plate Jonathans: W. J. McMiken 1. Plate Dunn's: W. .T. McMiken 1 and 2. Plate Sturmers and Dohertys: W. J. McMiken 1. Plate Delicious: E. G. Kinvig 1 and 2. Plate A.O.V. : W. .T. McMiken 1, E. G. Kinvig 2 and 3. Four variety pears: W. .7. McMiken 1. Plate dessert pears: W. J. McMiken 1. Plate cooking pears: W. .7. McMiken 1 and 2. Plate lemons: O. Hansen 1. Plate marmalade oranges: E. G. Kinvig 1, W. E. Clark 2. Plato walnuts: Stewart Bros. 1. Passion fruit: C. Hansen 1, E. G. Kinvig 2. Apiculture. OPEN CLASSES. Granulated Honey: E. P. Best 1, R. Powell 2. Liquid honey: H. E. Pearce 1, L. Powell 2. Beeswax : E. D. Best 1. F. 11. Bowen 2. Commercial beekeepers.—Granulated honey: R. Powell 1, A. E.' Deadman 2. Liquid honey: A. Anderson 1, A. E. Deadman 2. Beeswax: A. 11. Davies 1. A. L. Pearson 2. Amateur beekeepers (6 to 50 hives). — Granulated honey : E. D. Best 1, R. C. Gallop 2. Liquid honey : H. E. Pearce 1, E. D. Best 2. Beeswax: E. D. Best 1, T. H. Bowen 2. Amateur beekeepers (less than five hives J : A. W. Marsh 1, F. H. Hansen 2. Liquid lioney: F. H.' Hansen 1, A. W. Marsh 2. Novice class.—Granulated honey : K. "Powell 1, A. E. Deadman 2. Liquid lioney : 11. E. Pearce 1, A. E. Deadman 2. Open class: Honey display : Paltridge and North 1, A. H. Davies 2. Fancy beeswax : A. 11. Davies 1. Comb foundation : A. L. Pearson 1. Plate confectionery: Miss K. Kenward 1, F. H. Bowen 2. Display by-products: F. H. Bowen 1. Case honey for export: A. L. Pearson 1, A. 11. Davies 2, Open class (best sample lot for sale) : A. Anderson 1, A. H. Davies 2. School Section.

Thrift.—Article from waste material, boys' class: M. Duncan (Eureka) 1, D. Poad (Whitiora) 2. Girls' class: N. Bluett (Motnmaoho) 3, J. Baird (Ngaruawahia) 2. Woodwork drawing folio: It. Wright (Hamilton East) 1, B. Edgar (Te Aroha) 2, B. Thorn (Waihi D.11.5.) 3. Piece of woodwork: F. Cameron (Wailil) 1, J. Woodlander (Waihi) 2, T. Fallwell (Waihi) 3. Primary schools' essay: L. Boyd (Avondale South) 1, B. Brown (Avondale South) 2.

Writing.—Primers: IC. Coiey (Whitiora) 1, D. Milne (Whitiora) 2, Li. Coley (Whitiora) 3, K. Forsyth (Hamilton East) 4. Standard I.: T. Allen (Whitiora) 1, D. Williams (Whitiora) 2. J. Miles (Whitiora) 3, S. Friend (Franklin) 4. Standard II.: D. Russell (Te Awamutu D.11.5.) 1. I. Bainford (Whitiora) 2, D. Hughes (Te Awainutu D.11.5.) 3, J. Kelly (Waihi) 4. Standard III.: D. Flyger (Whitiora) 1, W. Teddy (Te Awamutu D.11.5.) 2, A. Beong (Whitiora) 3, F. Pollock (Waihi S.) 4. Standard IV.: h. Fulton (Whitiora) 1, V. Moleta (Seatoun, Wellington) 2, J. Hughes ,Xe Awamutu D.H.S.) 3, R. Clark (Te Awamutu D.H.S.) 4. Standard V.: B. O'Leary (Seatoun) I, M. Mackie (Whitiora) 2, M. Fielding (Whitiora) 3, P. Sandham (Whitiora) 4. Standard VI.: G. Bucni (Seatoun) 1, F. Hughes (Te Awamutu D.H.S.) 2, D. Self (Te Awamutu D.H.S.) 3, M. Moore (Seatoun) 4. Open: 11. Rankino (Whitiora) 1, M. Mackie Whitiora) 2, I*. Sandham (Whitiora) 3, R. Gibb (Whitiora) 4.

Mapping.—Standard IV.: A. Cubis (Cambridge) 1, 11. CrocomTjo (I'io Pio) 2, W. Cliffe (Whitiora) 3, M. Gerrand (Ivomakorau) 4. Standard V.: .T. Armstrong (Seatoun) 1, R. Fulton (Whitiora) 2, J. Molt/.en (Whitiora) 3, F. Howe (Frankton) 4. Standard VI. (British Isles): E. lli 11 iTatuanui) 1, J. Holden (I'iopio) 2, V. Bary (Frankton) 3. N. Brabiner (Te Mawhai) 4. Standard VI. (N.Z.): A. I.ees (Netherby) 1, J. Catley (Nctberb.v) 2, B. Watt (Cambridge) 3,- E. Cross (Whitiora) 4. .Automobile Association class —Standard IV.: J. Pearce (Birkdale) 1, J. Hilder (Birkdale) 2, N. Greville (Birkdale) 3, R. Baillie (Birkdale) 4.

Freehand Drawing.—Standard I.: H. Watts (Whitiora) 1, R. Gordon (Whitiora) 2. D. Williams (Whitiora) 3. \ Standard II.: W. Kauputu (I'lo 1'io) 1, C. Adams (llukuhia) 2, S. Lcong (Whitiora) 3, M. Price (Whitiora) 4. Standard III.: 11. Burgess (Whitiora) 1, A. Morris (Frankton) 2, X. Chamberlain (I'ny>nt« otoe), 3, 15. Whineray (Whitiora) 4. •.;::!ard IV.: A. Gilbert (Whitiora) 1, A. i.entfer (Whitiora) 2 D. Taylor (Cambridge D.11.5.) 3, A. Aslitou (Avondale S.) 4. Standard V.: M. Mackie (Whitiora) 1, B. Bird (To Tuhi, Wauganui) 2, J. Crowhurst (Whitiora) 'A, W. Hood (Whitiora) 4. Standard <i: .T. Hemsley (Whitiora) 1. D. Sorensen (Whitiora) 2, I'. Fogarty (Whakatane D.11.5.) 3, M." Sandliani (Whitiora) 4. Standard VI. (in ink): M. Samlliam (Whitiora) 1, J. Warrington (Whitiora) 2. J. Stimson iWhitiora) 3, J. Ilcnsley (AVhitiora) 4. Standard 1.: It. Dawson (Seatoun) 1, D. Williams (Whitiora) 2, It. Gordon (Whitiora) 3, T. Allen (Whitiora) 4. Standard HI.: X. Bell (Whitiora) 1, It. Quick (Te Awamutu D.11.5.) 1, C. Scarvi (Matamata Convent) 3, M. Shaw (Hillcrestj 4. Standard III.: A. Leong (Whitiora) 1, I-. Parry (Franklin) 2, A. Christensen (Pio Pio) 3. 11. Pointeu (Frankton) 4. Standard IV.: M. Griffon (Pio Pio) 1, 'A. Holinan (Whitiora) 2, A. Gilbert (Whitiora)- 3, D. Fisher (Whitiora) 4. Standard V.: D. Ashmore (Ngaroain) 1, R. Tanner (Matamata) 2, .T. Armstrong (Seatoun) 3, R. Morris (Frankton) 4. Standard VI.: E. I'risk (Whitiora) and Is. Edwards (Seatoun) 1, S. Beckman (I'lo Pio) 2, P. Scrivener (Pio Pio) 3, J. Swindells | (Pio Pio) 4. Standard VI. (In inkt: S. Graham (Whitiora) 1, t,. Nisbet (Whitiora) 2, M. Philp (Matamata Convent) 3, S " I (Whitiora) 4.

Colour Work.—Standard III.: A. I.?ong (Whitiora) 1...:, T. O'(Moluninouo) | 2, tt. Smith tWblUora) 0. Walsti (AVhitiora) 4. standard v.: • D. lusher (Whitiora)' 11.- Ij. Fulton (W'hi-tiora) . , 2,- N; Unl-nnn (Whitiora) 3, B. M'enzlos- (Wiitlor^y^

Standard V.—Hexagon: M. Fielding (Whitiora) J, J. Jackson (Whitiora) 2, M. Clothier (Whitiora) 3, J. Crowliurst (Whitiora) 4. Standard V. (poster): J. Crowhnrst (iVhitiora) 1, M. Mackie (Whitiora) 2, J. Dull' (Whitiora) 3, V. Davis (Avondale South) -1. Standard VI. (poster, Waikato produce): E Leitcli (Fraukton) 1, B. Watt (Cambridge) 2, M. Lee (Frankton) 3, J. Stimson (Whitiora) 4. Standard IV'.: 1,. llall (Uangiaohia) 1, E. Serivenor (Pio Pio) 2, M. Mackie (Whitiora) 3, .1. Roche tMataniata Convent) 4. Standard VI. (brush drawing): I'. Fogarty (Whakutane) 1, Y. Dye (W aihi) 2.

Pastel and Crayon Work.—Primers: G. Shakeshal't (Hamilton West) 1, B. Richards (Seatoun) 2, 1!. Murdoch (Seatoun) 3, ii. Coley (Whitiora) 4. Standard 1.: U. Bolton (Soaiouu) 1, J. Reunie (Seatoun.) .N. ivay (Owairaka) 3, D. Hartweli (\\ ally) 4. Standard IV.: D. Harper (Scalouuj J, C. Robinson (Whitiora) D. wniuon t'te Awamuiu) it, S. Mooic (&eatotiu> 4. standard III.: .1. White (springuale.) j, U. x eiinian (beatouii) 2, J. Anuersou (.1 apaloctoe) 3, •i. I'arsell (Malamata t. onveut) -i. Stanaard IV.: D. lusher (nhitiora) j, J. Fouler (Mataniata Convent) A. Gilbert (W tntiora) 3, (j. Woods (Papatoetoe) 4. Standard V'.: K. Faeiniio (Wailu; J, u. King (Springdale) A. Itankino (\\ liitiora) 3, x. u jjuyer t-Mataniata Convent) 4. Standard VI.: -V. Mills 1, J. Cuuliue (W'aihi) _, A. Wing 3, I'. royalty (\thakatane) i.

Water Colours.—Standard I\.: G. ilebbard (UwainiKa) 1, W. McDonald (Springdale) .\. lioss (Cambridge u.n.S.) D. Cliailield (Cambridge D.1j1.0.) 4. Siaucuud V.: D. Ashman uNgaioiua) 1, J. Da vies lOparau) 2, c. Harrison (Te Hoe-o-Xainui) 3, M. Matetaka tie lioe-o-iainuij 3. standard \I.: M. Lee (rrauktoii) i, N. Harrison (ie Iloe-o-Xainui) 2, it. Maukelow ( 3, J. Davidson (Wailii) 4.

Handwork.--rl'i-imers: F. Leong (Whitiora) 1, It. Miller (Whitiora) 2, A'. Bolton (Whitiora) 3, E. Coley (u liitiora) 4. l'riiuers (paper model): B. coley (Whitiora) 1, it. Miner (Whitiora) 2. Primers (paper cutE. Coley (Whitiora) 1, W. T rem bath (Hamilton West) 2, >s. Bolton (Wlntiord) 3, G. Sliakeshaft (Hamilton West) 4. Standard 11.: S. Leong (Whitiora) 1, I. Bamtord (\\ liitiora) 2.

Sewing.—Primers: G. Sliakeshaft t. A. Gruit 2. Standard I.: S. McNab 1, F. Allen 2. Standard 11.: G. Kenyou 1, M. iJaly 2. Standard IN - .: H. llolliuger 1, K. Jones 2, I. George 3. Standards V. and VI.: J. Greenwood 1, J. Pritt 2, J. Cooper 3, M. Cairns 4 Standard II.: N. Alien i, N. Greenslade 2. Standard ill.: M. Laverick I. Standard IY.: I'. Lockyer 1, D. Ludwig 2. Standard V.: M. Barford 1, D. Ludwig 2. Staudards 111. and IV.: Y. McLaclilan 1, F. Ciague 2. Standards V. and VI.: C. McLachlan 1, J. Irvine 2. Weaving: V. Muir 1, N. Burnett 2. Standard 11. (woolwork): G. Reid 1, E. Harper 2. Standard III.: G. Loc:;yer 1, E. Barford 2. Standard IV.: M. Evans 1, M. Grylls 2. Standard IV. (hand-Unitt'od jumper): E. Boou 1, E. Lymburn 2. Standard V.: 1. Mason 1. Standard VI.: G. S. Steele 1. Standard VI. (dressed doll): G. Steele 1, A. Bryiueu 2, B. Benns 3. Tray cloth: M. Dewhurst 1, J. Ilinton 2. Secondary Section. Arts and Crafts.—Metal work: Y. Fitness (H.T.11.5.) 1, I. Irving (11.T.11.5.) 2. Leather work : 1. Irving (H.T.11.5. 1. Marquetry : Miss St. Clair 1. l'okerwork : S. Stark (H.T.11.5.) 1 and 2. Stencilling: S. Stark (H.T.11.5.) 1. Cane Tray : F. Watson (11.T.11.5.) 1, 1. Branch (H.T.11.5.) 2. Lampshade: M. TiUdy (H.T.11.5.) 1. Handweavlng: V. Fitness (H.T.11.5.) 1, Miss St. Clair 2. I.catlierwork : M. Menzles 1. Notebook (tirst year) : Y. Blackmore (H.T.11.5.) 1, G. N. Churn (H.T.11.5.) 2. Illustrated notebook (2nd or 3rd year) : B. Aitkin (H.T.11.5.) 1, I. Branch (H.T.11.5.) 2. Agriculture or Botany notebook (under 17 years) : T. Burcliell (Te Awamutu D.U.) 1, I. Donaldson (Te Awamutu D.11.) 2. Dressmaking notebook : M. Staplefon (St. Mary's Convent) 1. Engineering notebook : D. White (11.T.11.5.) 1. Best piece woodwork: B. Crawford (H.T.11.5.) 1. Best piece luetal work: 11. Gunn (11.T.H.5.) 1, F. Short (H.T.11.5.) 2. Trade drawing (engineering) : N. Wilkinson (11.T.H.5.) 1. Essay: Kathleen Grace (P. 0., Hamilton). Ticket writing: B. Crawford (lI.T. U.S.) 1.

Stencilling: 51. Wallace 1, U. King 2, M. Bradley 3. Teu shower: S. Stark 1, F. Altken 2. Baby's jacket: J. Cres.well 3. Hand-knitted jumper: V. Carter i. J. Cresswell 2. Iland-knltted scarf : F. Leo 1, .7. Cresswell 2. Plain blouse: S. Stark 1, K. Grace 2. Princess petticoat, S. Stark 1. Nightdress: S. Stark 1, V. Carter 2. Pyjamas: E. O'Neill 1, J. Delancy 2. Dressing gown : K. Ilaynes 1. J. Findlay 2. Dressing jacket: .T. Cresswell 1. Suppercloth, coloured: N. Kees 1, S. Curtis 2. Tray cloth: It. King J, D. Greenweli 2. Tray cloth, white: I. Irvine Ir, G. Cresswell 2. Breakfast set: G. Griffiths 1. .7. Watson 2. 1,. Bryant .'l. Tea cosy : F. Lee 1, M. Stapleton 2. Washing hat : S. Stark J. I. Irvine 2. Samples of stitches: Iv. Grace 1. Handkerchief sachet: V. Carter 1. J. Cresswell 2. Dress: J. Cresswell 1. Guest towel : V. Carter 1. I.aundry bag or coat hanger: J. Cresswell 1.

Open Section (not professionals).— Original landscape in waters: W. J. I'carce 1, J. Beattie 2, Miss 1,. A. Currie 3. In oils: J. Crippcn 1, Mrs. B. Langstonc 2, I .T. 11. Ritchie 3. Flower study, in oils: Airs. 11. G. Coombs 1, Miss I- A. Currie 2, A. .T. Inglis 3. Head, in black and white: Miss Doris Eng 1, P. W. Green 2, Miss 1!. Johnson 8. Flower study in waters: Miss 15. lynnpstono 1. Still life, in oils: Miss Nnnco Maedonald 1 and 2, Miss I/. A. Currie 3. In waters: W. G. Pearcc 1, ■T. Beattie 3. Mt. Oxford, in oils: A. J. Inglis 1, .T. Crippen 2, R. W. Green 3. Pen and ink sepia : R. W. Green 1, P. C. Procter 2. .T. Hughes 3. Three water colours: W. G. Reid 1. Head, in oils: Mrs. 11. G. Coombs 1, Mrs. G. M. Burton 2, A. J. Inglis 3. Open to All Artists.—Suitable cover for "The Call" : M. R. Smith 1, A. Thompson 2, E. G. Cox 3. Junior Draughtsmen's Class.—Scheme for layout and beautification of Garden Place Hill: R. A. Pickmere 1, R. L. Thorpe 2, W. G. Warren 3. Special Poster Competition.—l 7. G. Cox 1, K. O. Chapman 2, W. J. Pearco 3. Primary and Secondary School Pupils.— Roman lettering: B. Crawford 1. Miss I'. Hanson 2, It. Starr 3. Dine and colour wash drawing tff flowers mid leaves : Miss Petty .IJisley 3, Miss Lorna Meek 2, Miss Georgina Hansen 3. For Students 20 years and under. — Show card : Miss Ranks 1, B. J. Mahon 2, Miss Audrey E. Watson 3. Set three tree studies: J. 11. Ritchie J, Miss Joan Ilelaney 2. Study in black and white: Miss Nance Maedonald 1. L. Lipanoric 2, Miss I?. Johnson 3. Studies of native flora: Miss M. K. Putwain 1. Roman lettering: 15. E. McKay 1, Miss Audrey E. Watson 2. B. J. Mahon 3. Copy Mount Oxford: Miss Betty Bisley 1. PHOTOGRAPHY. Amateur. Senior Division.—landscape : R. J. Searle 1. C. Elliott 2. Portrait or tigure study: C. E. Ray 1, Miss Bcale 2. irchitecture : W. A. Ilodgkinson 1. Any subject: It. J. Searle 1, C. G. Riley 2. Marine or shipping: C. C. Smith 1, B. Edclsten 2.

Open Classes. —Landscape: R. J. Searle 1. IS. T. Robson 2. Portrait or figure study: E. T. Robson 1 and 3. Any subjects: E. T. Robson 1, It. J. Searle 2. Any subject for seniors: R. J. Smith 1, E. T. Robson 2.

Junior Division.—Landscape: G. A. Chance, jun., 1 and 2. Portrait or figure study: G. A. Chance 1, Miss Ida Klitscher 2. Any subject G. A. Chance, jun., 1, A. L. Chance 2. Child study: G. S. Vincent 1 and 2. Any subject: A. L. Chance 1, G. A. Chance, jun., 2.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 126, 30 May 1934, Page 10

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WAIKATO SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 126, 30 May 1934, Page 10

WAIKATO SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 126, 30 May 1934, Page 10