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Saturday afternoon was usefully employed on most greens in getting on with the club competitions. Percentage fours are over, or nearly over,' and about a dozen clubs will close down their summer season next Saturday. Probably the most noticeable sign that the winter season is commencing is the resumption of the inter-club challenge matches. The Edwin Stars will start next Saturday 011 the Kooky Nook green, the holders being \V. Oughton, W. H. Tongue, \Y. A. Eoram and W. H. Keatley, who captured the trophies from Ponsonby 011 August 22, and resisted three challenges before the winter season closed. This week's challengers are Acheson, Sheath, Clarke, Mingins (Kemuera), and they will be followed by C. Lynch (Ellerslie), H. 1!. .Martinson (JJevonport), K. Wells (New Lynn), and A. Dignan (Mount Eden). Besides these there arc about a dozen challenges booked, as well as a heavy waiting list. The Waitemata holders of the Denison Bins are not yet free to accept a challenge. as their club matches arc not iinished. Similarly the Otahuhu holders of the Jordan i'ins are not yet ready for a challenge. The Nomads are hoping to play their first match about the middle of May. Those who intend to play are invited to send in. their names at once to ill". Batorson or Mr. White-house, .so that the necessary arrangements can be made. Leaving For London. ' A list recently published in this column showed what a large number of clergymen are enrolled as members of the various bowling clubs in Auckland, au.d it would li.e a surprise to learn that any city in t.iie world Has such ' a large proportion. Even with so many still here, . however, there will be general regret at the approaching departure of such a distinguished pillar of the Church as the Rev. Lionel B. Fletcher, who leaves for London this week. It seems particularly appropriate that Mr. Fletcher should have joined the parent club of the city, the oldest bowling club outside the British Isles, for it was constituted at a meeting held in the .vestry of St. Andrew's Church, as long ago as 1861. and it has usually enjoyed the membership of a few clergymen. Jt is sometimes stated that there was a telephone exchange in Auckland before there was one" in London, but whether this is strictly correct or not it seems to be quite well established that when the Auckland Bowling Club was formed there was no bowling club in London. Of course there were several in other parts of England, some of which had been in existence for varying periods, up to 200 years, and there was the old club at Southampton which had enjoyed an unbroken existence since 1299, but for some unknown reason there was none in London itself. Ther.e was only one club in Ireland, started in Belfast about 20 years before Auckland, and there were about 50 clubs in Scotland, the remarkable feature being that all except about three or four of these were founded during the 20 years before Auckland.

However, the position is quite different now, and when ill". Fletcher reaches the Empire's metropolis lie will have a wide choice of clubs where he will be welcomed, as soon as it becomes known that he hails from New Zealand, jfori ..tijiftg- #o.niinion seems to ortjoy - a reijiackabltf everywhere, and particularly on the howling greens. Another Touring Bowler Home. Mr. K. Eagleton (Koek.v Nook) returned on Saturday from the Sydney Harbour Bridge bowling carnival, and lie endorses every word that has been spoken by the other members of the party regarding the remarkable welcome they all reeeivd, as representatives of the New Zealand bowlers in general. Wherever he and the others went, in the competition itself and in the social visits, there was always shown a warm feeling of regard for the people of this Dominion, and it was very noticeable that all the Australians are delighted at t-iie establishment of a regular interchange of visits between the two countries. Like all the others, Mr. Eagleton pays a high tribute to Mr. John Scott, the New South Wales president, who was untiring in his efforts to promote the enjoyment of the visitors from the other States, and from New Zealand.

All the New Zealandcrs have now returned except Mr. K. Buchanan (Ouehmvga), the president of the party. In a letter extolling the hospitality of Sydney, he mentions that since the carnival lie and Mrs., Buchanan have been spending part o[ the time in a round of visits to their many relatives in that city. They will probably return by the Aorangi next Monday. A meeting of delegates to the Auckland Centre will have to be held very shortly, the most urgent business being to nominate one or more persons for election to the New Zealand Bowling , Council, as these'nominations must all reach Christchurch by -May 8. However, a good deal of other busiifcss is sure to 'be transacted, and the purpose of this paragraph is to remind bowlers that any may attend, although naturally only delegates may vote ov speak. Several already do attend without being delegates, but there should be far more, for it is the most convenient way in which they could get a knowledge of the inside running of the management here, and it would save a lot of criticism if they heard the debates. CLUB GAMES. RE.MUERA GREEN. ■Tobson Fours.—W. Jackson, Annandale. Uren. Smith 30. v. Bolton, Cuttield. Acheson, Young 10: Scherer. Wight, Bowles, Burcher 27. v. MclCechtiie. Williams. I''. Sliortt, .T. Short 18 : S.vmes, Lusher, Sonierfield, (iavev 24. v. Shunnan. Hutchison, W. Hill, Norton 10; Adams, Harrison. Jones, Newton 23, v. Loosemore, Grieve, Wallace, Sheath 10; Watt. Dempsey, Kenderdine, Bray 22, v. Egerton, Donaldson, Hatch, Coe 14; .T. 11. Johnston, Mahoney. Oriniston, E. Clarke 24, v. Thomson, Brownlee, Ellerbeek, Macfarlane 14; Conth, 11. Reid, McCalinm 24, v. Liglitfoot, Garland. Griffiths, Hobday 13: P. Jackson, Feldon, Brookes. Mellars 25. v. Hedges. E. D. Asliton Bull. E. I). Reid 20; Clioyce. Susinan, G. E. Hill, G. 11. Kissling. 17. v. Sutherland O'Leary. Dranstield, Daniels 14; I'otts. Alexander, Evans, C.- Kissling 21, v. llessell, Walker, Spooner. Sanderson 10: I'eiitv, Fullerton, F. Clark, l'aterson 21, v. Campbell, M. Reid. Mahon, E. East 21. DEVONPORT GREEN. Ordinary Draw. — Buchanan, Lnndnn, Hamlin, itichards 20, v. Latta. 15: "'b , ' r > Trevithick, McDonald 20 : Naylor. Pitts, Bartley, Anderson 10. v. MeSkimming. Brooks, Mcl.eod. Lowe 25.: Koefoed. Fulllames, Newbegiu. . Burrows 10, v. A'aile, Heldt, Snoad, Wallworth " 20; Watson, Fraer. Goldswortliy. Markliam 27, v. Moore, Connell. Cox, McLaren 20; Morgan. Newnnrn, Ellisdon, Gray 10, v. Spicer, Mlnchln, Foster, Jackson 24 ; Kenning*. Salmon. Anderson. Wright 18. v. Pirie. Rush. Lockley. Bach 22; Clarke. Thornton, Pascoe. Miller IS, v.- A. Davies, Weight. Blackie, Peek 23. A, Morgan, Newman, Lundon, Newbegin 33 v. Fulljames. McLeod. Snoad. Trevithick 27: Olivers." Moore. Atkin. Colilieutt 17. v. McCalinm, Peck. McDonald. Wallwork 18; I!:iker. Cin ksworth. Johnson. M"Masters 21. v. Richards. Martinson, Lowe, Melville 10 ; Rush. Jackmi'ii. Jliller. Elvy 10. v. Pirie. Batten. MarTdiam. Wniveii 10: Latta. Spicer. Burrows. Plrretf 15. v. McSkil""<ing. W:n'l. Goldswortliy. Mo-gan 23: Fl'-nn. Koef'ed. Snllivn. llini"n 10. v. I.ork'ey. (T'rl'.e. r.roughton. Bl.""': ! i''iii 2!». Percentage Fours. —Filial: Miindv. phy. Eimslev. Melville 14, v. Heinold, Jackman, Atkin, Elvy 21. RAWHITI GREEN. The semi-final of the champion pairs of the Rawhiti Bowling Club resulted as follows :—Clinkard, L. N. Thomson 22. v. R. J. Walker. Ormerod 13. The winners will play off with Henley and Vaughan.

AUCKLAND GREEN. Club Fours. —Messenger, G. Head. WhitInkcr, Malier 22, v. Messcr. Liniler. Allan, Unrker 21 : George. Cole),rook. Dudley, Gilles 17. v. Alexander. Matthews. W. .7. Campbell, Osmond Hi: Simpson. Ncwbepin, I'rc, Steele IS. v. A. S. Heid. Todd, Perrett, A. P. Gray 10 : Forder. Inglis. Dimery. Graham 211. v. Cahlll. Wallace. S. Coldicutt, Beveridgc 10: Robson, Lender.vou, Bourke, Moir 22, v. Lionel li. Fletcher, Woodhead, Daniel, Muston 17 ; Adams, Ma tlieson, Ilaukct, Neil 24, v. ilollis, Hampton. Keck, McKinlay 10; Mills, de Renzy, Waters, R. A. Allan 24, v. Howard. Blades, Hewitson. Kirk 0; Brown. Pnterson, I'rime, Hummer 21, v. Treaey, Brook, White, McPliail 18 : King. Armitage, Hinton. Andrew 22, v. G. Allan, Binns. Foster, Pierce, la: Nicol, Schmoll. I.uke, Woolley 17, v. Beaumont, Michaels. Israel, K. S.' Macky 17: Moon, Forrest. It. D. Gray. G. .t. Maekay 22, v. Finn, Ilislop, Kecsing, I,yell 22. MOUNT EDEN GREEN. Percentage Fours. —Senii-linals : Ilarland, D Ferguson, J. Robertson. A. Jones 10,' v. (Jregson. W. Watson, .1. A. Slierriff. C. Baker 15; Bailey. W. Jones, Rich. J. Baker 22. v. B. Smith, Charlton, T. Nairn, Herron 1 ■">. , Ordinary Draw. —Carrutli. de I.ange, Dignan, Sergeant 24, v. Murdoch. Yates, Middleton. Trayes S; Forgie. Darrach. Alntuo, J. Smith 21. v. Spcnce. Gray. Itmtottl. Tutt. 10: F. Watson, Wliitham, Shirriffs. F. Robertson 21. v. Cave. Simmons, White, Bourke 20; Rudil. Henderson. Bill-ley. Hull 21. v. Walker. Derrick. Gillies, Daisley 14 ; Jos. Smith, Knight, Holloway, Morrison 87. v. Crichton. Stevens. Kinnibtirglt, Gafenby .14 : . Bowler. Ovens, Marshall. Bigelow 10. v. Chambers. Cowan, Thorpe. Eraser 10; Hough. Vickerman. J. lteid. Miller 22, v. Taylor, Rendell, W. Kcid, Gill l(i. CARLTON GREEN. Percentage Fours.—Stohr, Eagleton, Bates, Clarke 21, v. Davey. Bird. Mountain. Jose.v 10; Murray. Johnson, C.Vtoke, Jenkin L". v. Brown. Blair, Coutts, Wrightsou 21; Walker, Whittaker. Julian, Wishart i;{, v. Bartrnm, Mill, McNab. Gordon 25 ; Little, Duncan, Tullocli, Kent 14. v. McLoughlin. Fuge, Buchanan, Turner lt>: Hinton, Clayton, McKenzle, De I.aunay 10. v. Cairnes, Lister, Hill, Jones 1H; Ahdaliah. Kendall. Roberts. Carter 20. V. Angove, Buckle, I'itt. Iliggens l."i; Neumegen, Doyle, McKay, Perry 17, v. Wlhlish, Bell, Burncs, l'"ookeV 17 ; Stewart, Struckett, Stokes, Clarkson 22, v. Adamson, Marshall. Stevens. Duncan 24 ; Allen, Holland, Gladding, Kilgoiir 25, v. Cosscy, Pollard. Isaacs, Lamb 15: Shennau, Marsden. Frost. Hogg 10, v. Robertson, Brown, Blair. Hosking 20 : Thompson. Fletcher, DHlicav,. Mountain 21. v. Dickson, Moton, Cornish. Lancaster 24; Shields, Dolan, Foote, Taylor 21. v. Penuagalin, Clifton, Cross, Jcukin 17; Black, Huston, Bernard, McGalpin 20, v. D'icksou. I.'ascoe, Samson, Little 24: Thornes, Feram, Watson, Hill 15. v. Ilolford, Andrews, Pollard, Wetherhilt 20. BALMORAL GREEN. Percentage Fours.—Semi-tlnal: W. Wilson, Gordon, D. Richardson, Kelly 20. v. Hinkley, Barton, Cannon, 11. R. Goldsmith 11; Trewin, Fergusson, Kemp, ('odd 28. r. Barnes, Fort, Rattray, S. E. Clinppell S.

Ordinary Draw. —Fleming, Foreman, Denison. Winks 2IJ, v. Pollard., Mason, E. J. (ioldsmith, Robertson 17; Betts, A. Cliappell, Newton, Goodall 31, v. I'urdy. Stevens, Bush, W. Richardson 20 Guthrie. E. S. Taylor, Cartwriglit. Norgrovc v. Vercoe. Estcrman. Clews, Iloppy 20; Speur, Mcl.eod. Brown, Gentles 23. v. Amoorc, Buckley. Ramsey, Barber 10; Davis. Truman. Yeoman 20, v. Wlnthrop, Ashby, Blair 20: Sawyers. West, A. J. Campbell 20, v. Tattersall, Tucker. Bennett 17. ELLERSLIK GREEN. Percentage Fours.—Prendergast. Warren. Williams. Hay 13. v. Guthrie. Wright. Hill, McKelvie 27; Richardson. Bartlett. Godfrey. Wood 13. v. Marlowe, Richmond. Gunn. SomertieUl 24; Fernyhough. Fussell. Toy. Watson 10, v. Hardwicke, Ryan, G. Wood. Dickson 20; Trebileock, McKcnzie. Longville. Macklow 23. v. Kirk. Whelan. Westbrooke. Johnston 10: Ogle. Christmas. Simeox. J. White 10, v. Cooksey, Campbell. Digging. Lynch IS; McNeil, Ganley, Iyow 17, v. Corby, Sykes. .Toll 23. ONE HUNG A GREEN. Vice-president's Fours.—Goode. Adams, Wright. 11. Bray IG, v. Richardson. Keeling, MeFarqiihar, Mudie 18; Hickman, Petchell. Harrison. C'rnss 22. v. I'ringle. Walsh. Livingstone. AVelham 15; Milnes, Gordon, Basset t. Tonkin 18, v. MeKendrick. Grace. Yella, Iliggins 15. , Ordinary Draw. —Kennedy. Mcintosh. Wigginton. Marks IS. v. Gray, Ilardley. Ilarloek, Lendberg 27 ; Morton. Robb. Powell. Schnackenberg 10, t. Phillips. Fnrnsworth. .N'eale. Kenny 23: Gibbons. Morton, Ross. Brown 17, v. B. McKenilrlck. Ramsay. Foote. Macklow 27; Hindman. W.vnyard. Green, Robertson 20, v. Burgess. Bell, Laing, Gatland 20. TAKAPUNA GREEN. Percentage Fours.—Seml-tinal : Reeder. Aniodeo. E. Hunt, Bennett 10, v. McCarthy. Bade, Llsk, Mills 15; O. Lyell, Jury, L. Butler. Christie 10. v. White. Archibald. Price. Hanna 15. Final: Reeder. Amodeo. E. Hunt. Bennett 10, v. O. Lyell, Jury. Butle.\ Christie 15. Hawo's Cup.—Final: Price 22, v. Lisk 18. President's Cup.—Fourth round: E. Hunt 24, v. Venle 17 : N. Fenton 24, v. B. Fenton 20: Collins ]!). v. Waterman 12; Bade 22, v. Cutler 21; F. A. Smith 20. v. MacKnlght 18. Ordinary Draw.—-X. Fenton. Eade. Corfe. Cameron 24. v. McCarthy. Dudding. Price. Cutler 11: Walters. Archibald. MacKnight. Hooper 41. v. Blackwell, Blomtield. R. I*. Smith. Mills 14 ; White. Freeman. Arrowsinith. Collins 10. v. Thomas. Parr. Pulling. Bridge IS; Peterson, Johnston. Veale, F. A. Smith 23, v. O'Neill, Tidman. Elliot", Hanna 10. PUKEKOIIE GREEN. The vocational tournament of the Pukekohc Bowling Club was won by a rink in the shopkeepers' division. Walsliam. Bowman. Sumner, Short, who registered five wins. . PAPAKURA GREEN. The Papakura Bowling Club's greens were closed officially for the season on Saturday afternoon. The final of the open tournament commenced last Tuesday was won by Hammond, Papakura. who beat Butcher. Bnckland. by 23 to 15. Ordinary Draw.—O'Connell. Evans. Rice. A. G Smith 17. v. McCallam. McKay. Searle. 11. McEntee 28: O'Callachan. Pnncklev Hunt. Wliifmore 24. v. Kirton. Rreniian Boagev, W. Entee 22; Snell. Qulgley, T G Smith. Palmer 23. v. Bartels, Mann. Lound, Goddard 22: Adolph, McLennan 15, v. Johnston, Pilkington 18.

GREY LYNN GREEN. A novel event took place ou the Grej Lynn bowling green on 'Saturday when the gentlemen entertained the ladies at a mixed bowls tourney. The winning rink comprised Mrs. Prince. Mrs. Gelding, C. Prince, R. Caddy, while the runners-tip were Mrs. Laing, Mrs. Curtis, H. Burrell. W. Curtis. Following are the results: Mrs. Prince, Mrs. Gelding, C. Prince, R. Caddy 25, v. Mrs. Rosa, Mrs. Winter, B. Winter. J. C. Preston 0; Mrs. Laing, Mrs. Curtis. H. Burrell. W. Curtis 25. v. Mrs. Person. Mrs. Liversidge. Cunningham. W. Liversidge 10; Mrs. Mincham, Mrs. Shaw, T. Shaw, W. Mincham 2S. V. Mrs. A. Buckley, Mrs. Everex. B. Everex. A. Buckley 11; Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Caitchon, J. I .ye, T. Mclvor 10. v. Mrs. Mayson, Mrs. F. Baildon, J. Reed. F. Baildon 13; Mrs. Fellows, Mrs. McCullough, J. MeCilllough. W. Newton 10, v. Mrs. F. Morau. Mrs. H. Mo ran. S. Thomas. R. Teague 14: Mrs. Robertson. Mrs. Trewlieela. K. Trewlieela. H. Whittle 12, v. Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Malam, M. Paul, B. Emirali 10. Ordinary Draw. —I.awson, E. Caddy. Little, Leydon 10. v. Moore. Mayson. Mason, Lanigan 12 ; Sawyer. Puddle. Armstrong, Christe.v 18, v. Gebbie. Snell. Woodlock, Raynes 17: McGuire. Marshall. H. Reed, F. Moran 25. v. Cox, Hutson, J. Preston, T. Walker 10; F, Preston. Sage, Solomon, Dongan 18, v. H. Moran, Sanders. Street. Hawlse 12; Laing. Laliman. It. Burrell. E. Buckley 20. v. Person, Mayson, I>. Young. D. Moran 22. EPSOM GREEN. Club Tourney.—The following team won with 4J wins: Yenrbury, Wiseman, Keudall, Farland. ST. lIELIER'S GREEN. Warren. Hulse, F. Clark. Kocfoed 15. v. Appleyard. Bayliss, Blomlield. Cahill 24 ; Hirst, Smith. Stevens, I.ovegrove 13. v. Kaspcr. S. Diamond, Bradsliaw. Hart 22; Howe, Todd. Negus, Holdsworth 22, v. R. Clark, McLaren, Cameron, Brunette 17; Hume, Le Griee, Bradley, ,T. Diamond 10, v. Bowler, Innes, Norton, H. Smith 28. AUCKLAND TOURNEY. CAMPBELL WINS FINAL. The final of the open tournament held on the Auckland green on April 0 was played on Saturday, and resulted as follows: Williams. Mason. Maxwell, D. Campbell (Auckland) 10. v. Taylor, Hill, Elliott, Ball (Carlton I IS. ROTORUA PAIRS. In the semi-final of the Rotorna Bowling Club's championship pairs, Knaggs and Kelly v. Butt and Bertram, the score was 13 ail on the 17th head. Bertram eventually won by a margin of three points. In the final, against Merriman and Richards, Bertram led all the way and won by 22 points to 10.

INTER-CLUB GAMES. AYOXDALE V. HILLSBORO'. At Avondale (Avondale names first).— Crawford. Bennett. Karnes. Harrison 1-1. v. Crnwshaw. Thompson. Jackson. Sninty 1.">: Iteatt, Woolcott. Pooley, X ewe 11 13. v. McMillan, Drake. I'ollard. Gregory 1 ; T. .Myers, Tuit, Gilbert. Beaton 10, v. Scarborough, Preston, Conuell, Stringer 24. ROCKV XOOK V. ST. HELIER'S. At St. Helier's (Kocky Nook names first). —, C'adwallader, McGee, Gribble. RanUell 11, v. Campbell Avery, Dawson, Ilill 31! : Young, Smith, "Williams, J. A. l'earce 20, v. Whaley, Reid, 11.l 1 . White, Norris 28 : Oughton. Tongue. Lorain. Keatle.v lit. v. AVatkin, Roberts, Thompson, Brookslield 3 ; Kayes, Sadler, Yeo. W. J. l'earce IS, v. Gray, Weir, S. White, Trice 2U. NEW LYXX V. MENTAL HOSPITAL. At Xew Lynn.—Litligow. Andrews. Collard. Harris 17, v. Mental Hospital IGj Kennerley, Johnson, Overington, I J latt 20, v. Mental Hospital 10: Shanley. Malam, Webster, Meese 24, v. Mental Hospital 14 ; Knight, T.aing. Matlieson. Young -3, v. Mental Hospital 11: Cutler, (thorn. Thompson, Edgerlej- 21, v. Mental Hospital 20. DEVOXrORT T. PUKEKOIIE. . In 1 lie Devonport v. Pukekohe match to lie played to-morrow (Wednesday) at I'ukekohe. (he Devonport teams are: —Rush, Coudie. McLaren. Elvy ; Kennings, A. Morgan, Yaile, Coldicutt ; McSkimming. Bailey. Newman. Lv.indon : Davies. .Tnekman. Pitts, sen.. Peek; Murphy, Watson, Broughton, Markham. CAMBRIDGE Y. WHITIORA. Twelve, rinks from (lie Wliitiora Bowlii Club visited Cambridge on Saturday, eigli. playing on the Cambridge Club's green and four at Leamington. At Cambridge the home side won by 10!) points to 130, and at Leamington the visitors won by S4 j)oints to 72. Scores (Wliitiora first):- —- At Cambridge.—Daube. Ilihotfson,, Bootli, Tyler It!, v. Aymes, C. Hooker. Cooper. Low 20: Blunt, Hawke, Crowhurst, Dilliear 19. v. Maherley, Cowling, Harris. Butler 17 ; Martin, Lewis, Ingpen, Woodhall 18. v. Muller. Waghorne, McXamara, S. Lewis 120: .Tonhstone. Bryden. Cook. Street 13. v. Hooker. 11. White. Hay, Pearce 23: Watkins, Cowles. Downes. Irwin 17. v. McLarnon, Phairn, Hulme, Easter 30; Crump, Acker. Davey, Andrews 10. v. Speight, Trewin. Boyce. "Wallis 27 : Davis. House, Hocken, Gaul 23, v. H. Webber, Allen. London. Hill 28: Willey, Mason, Lock. Wycherley 30. v. G. James, Faville, J. Wilkinson. S. James 14. At. Leamington. — D. Cook. Davies. Martin, Choat 23, v. MeCaw, Brock. Keeley. Xelson 11: Bell. Bonieface, Harding. Cliff 12, v. Morse, Garland. Curtain, W. Tucker 24; Lowry, Xeil, Chaney, J. Lewis 34, v. Keeley, Paton. Dempster, Zainey !) : D. Street.-Yerts, Lambert. Hare 1 •">. v. Peppercorn, McKinnon, Frances, Mclvor 18.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 97, 26 April 1932, Page 16

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SUMMER BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 97, 26 April 1932, Page 16

SUMMER BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 97, 26 April 1932, Page 16