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installations and social FUNCTIONS. PROGRESS of the orders DOINGS IN SUBURBAN" LODGES.

Tie annual ball of the Loyal Kerepcehi Lodg 0 ' M.U.1.0.0.F., was held on Tuesday last, and attracted a good crowd of members and visitors. The floor was comfortably filled, dancers coming from iVaitakaruru, Ngatea, Netherton, Patera a«d Thames, to enjoy the goad fare provided by the Collegians Orchestra 0 { Thames. The Monto Carlo waltz was won by Mr. W. Costella and Miss Warburton, of Patetonga. For the nondancers a euchre tournament had been arranged, this being won by Miss P. Harold and Mr. J. Fraser. A very nice supper was served by the committee, the tables J having been prettily decorated with lilies-

The Myrtle Rebckah Lodge No. 4, j00.F., met in the Pitt Street Hall, on Thursday evening, Sis. Cameron, N.G., opening proceedings before a largo and representative gathering. The L.D.D.G.M. Sister' Boles was in attendance with her suite to instal the officers for the new t erm . This ceremony was most impressively carried out, and the following now ! control the work of the lodge: N.G., Sis- ! tor Tate; V.G., Sis. Rogers; R.S., Sis. Gunn; F.S., Sis; Culpitt; treasurer, Sis. Evans; ' Warden, Sis. McLeod; Chap., | Sis. Wilson; conductor, Sis. H. Boyd; ttSN.G., Sis. Harding; L.-S.N.G., Sis. I Kirvell; R.S.V.G., Sis. E. Culpitt; LSV.Gr-, Sis. Grant; R.A.S., Sis. A. ■ Jones;' L.S., Sis. Grant; 1.G., Sis. L. I; Boyd; 0.G., Sis. Overington; marshal, Sis. Harriman; preceptor, Sis. Leyland. A number of fraternal greetings were i received and reciprocated.- Sis. Boles, ; ID.D.G.M., congratulated the officers

| upon their election and wished them If nverv success during their term of office. - Sis. Newbold, 1.P.L.D.D.G.M., and Sis. ' Tai'lby, P.L.D.D.G.M., were then called upon to present Sister Kirvell, the retir. : inc P.N.G., with her Past Grand' 3 collar and certificate. Sister Kirvell suitably responded. The serving of a dainty supper brought a very pleasant evening to a d 056, " . T*T 1 In spite of the dVenclnng rain on VV ed- . aesday evening, the Endeavour- Lodge, |i 10.G.1V had a most successful meeting, Bro. Moore, C.T., presiding. _ Greetings were received from Bro. Price (Grand ' Secretary), Bro. Ford (Christchurch), and Bro. Guest. Members were grieved to learn of the death of Sister Mrs.-Walton, wife of the Grand Chief Templar, and a • vote of sympathy with, her loved.' ones was carried, the members standing in silence 1 ; Arrangements were made for the Enterprise Lodge to officer and enter-

tain the lodge next week, a special session to bestow the Grand Lodge degree to be held at the close. One new member waskeceived; the initiation ceremony being well carried out. Bro. Hodgkihson, P.C.T., is still oh the sick list, but the members- hope to see him again in their midst in the near .future. A report of the New Zealand Alliance Council' meeting was givenj; and- Sister - Hodgkinson, G.V.T., and Bro. f Moore, C.T.; " were appointed to attencl a meeting of' delegates from the temperance societies. The meeting closed after a vote of tktfks. to the visitors had. been carried. The Foresters' Hall at Onehunga presented a gay scene on a recent Thursday evening when Court Edith Cavell,-A.O.F.j held their twenty-second annual ball. As is usual when this popular Court holds a social function, the floor. was taxed to the utmost,; sisters, and brethren being present from most of the other Courts of the district. The hall had been tastily decorated with the colours of the Order, making a pleasing sight. The music for the dancing, supplied by Morrow's orchestra, was very inviting, and the dancers 6howed their appreciation by demanding many encores. The Monte Carlo , waltz was won by' Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Sidle. A very nice supper was served by the ladies, after which Mr. C. Leonard obliged the • guests- with extra waltzes, these being .thoroughly enjoyed. Dancing continued Until an early hour in the morning, the guests having such a good time that they were loth to depart. This Court is doing a splendid work,-, the officers all being capable and keen. The present occupants of the various chairs are: Chief Eanger, Sister E. E. Rawlins; secretary and treasurer, Sister A. ,'Kelsall; Sub-Chief Eanger, Sister K. Crouch; Senior Woodward, Sister K. Crouch; Junior Woodward, Sis. S. Jones; Senior Beadle, Sister M. : R.Knott; Junior Beadle, Sißter A. Phipps. On Wednesday evening, 30th irist., a /hard up" dance was held by the Loyal Mount Albert Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M.U., in St. Luke's Hall, Morningside, over 250 dancers being present. The floor gave M impression ; of a desert island covered frith castaways,' some of the gathering looking very much -like savages who had been.presented with cast-off clothing by , the missionaries-. -The grand march was

headed by Sister Freeland and Bro. ft-eatley, the rest of the "hard ups" folowing in a ; motley procession.- Mrs: J., asketfc was. adjudged the. winner of the aaies, as being the most. hard-tip lady Present. The gentleman prize-winner as unrecognisable. , There .was also a number who'. did not appear hard' up, whom "a' tidy sum.''was collected in • nes . * or not appearing so. During the a "hard up" supper was served, insisting of "hot dogs," bread and ee se, etc., which was apparently greatly ™]oyed by all present. The dance music a s rendered by the lodge orchestra, nder the ahle leadership of Bro. A. ar «n, which helped largely towards a e !Z e ®]°yable evening. v, 1 ' 1C; installation of the officers of the f-Psom Lodge, No. 88, 1.0.0. F., was held ™ the Royal Oak Hall on Tuesday last, ,^ r y large number of members and visitors being present. The D.D.G.M., Johnson, was the installing offi-' J'm '° ass isted by a very able suite officers from the Star of Auckland •p " e > including Bros. C. Dennis, D.D.M., P'nn r n iger ' p -D.D.G.M., F. Hardinge, Tll , !• 5 "Mason, P.G. (Pres. Alpha ]a „ en ' le Lodge), Burgess, P.G., McFarstr f - ' ai ' d Ba rker, C.P. These in- -- .subordinate officers in.their I, ? e ®" ve duties. As is only to he exearr'pf! m 1 " s le ceremony was Eer'vi ° * n a most impressive manereaf dignity attending the ritjial min great impression upon- the p q the young officers: Bro. Hooper, jVp'l his genial way, welcomed the oth .' his officers, and .also the DDp^° rs P res ent. Bro. Johnson, conveyed the fraternal greet- ■ V ji] 0 |he Grand Master, Bro. Someriavr au fe^? n ? ra tulated the lodge upon f,v» S ®J 1 - a fine young set' of .officers, of , e^ ln o?%vere also conveyed ,on behalf ] a n,i J°% in g lodges:—Star of Auckq. ,* a r -&Eden, Wynyard,. Rawhitj, ;mhu,:.\v&emat a Encampment and ;.^ ha .Juveium Bro. Mulholland; p.G.,; : ", Ve y%the;mnks of the, lodge to the, falling officefland the visitors for n eir attendance and good wishes. The ew officers are:—J.P.G., Bro. Ivan

Whale; Noble Grand, Bro. N. Coop; ViceGland, Bro. Kennedy; financial secretary, Bro. Eastman; recording secretary, Bro. H. Jessop; treasurer, Bro. J. Whale; warden, Bro. N. Whale; conductor, Bro. R. Whale; chaplain, Bro, Bourdot; inside guardian, Bro. H, Powley; outside guardian, Bro. Whitley; R.S.S., Bro. tf. Whale; L.S.S., Bro. Gribblc; R.S.N.ti!, Bro. Hooper, P.G.M.; L.S.N.G., Bro. Mulholland, P.G.; R.S.V.G., Bro. Pratt; L.S.V.G., .Bro. Percy. The Enterprise Lodge, No. 80, 1.0. G.T., met at Oneliunga on Thursday evening, the C.T., Bro. Pace, presiding. After the lodge had been opened, visitors •were admitted and welcomed. These included the officers and members of Gordon Tent,

1.0. R., under the leadership of their C.R., Sister M. Campling. The business was then resumed and quickly dealt with, after which the members settled dpwn to enjoy a social hour together. Elocutionary items were given by Sisters 15. and G. Pace, Bros. Cliadderton, Heatr ley, and T. Ireland; a flugel horn selection by Master E. Close and- a song by Sister E. Pace. Community singing was heartily entered into, whilst two competitions caused much interest. The winners of the latter were Sisters Taylor and Williams and Bros. Ireland, Cliadderton and J. Campling. The serving of supper brought a pleasant evening to a close.-' The Otahuhu Lodge No. 147, 1.0.0. F., met on Wednesday evening, the N.G.. Bio. Pollard, presiding. A welcome was extended to Bro. Attwood, district secretary, and Bro. Ferguson, N.G.' Star of Auckland Lodge. • At this juncture the arrival was announced of the D.D.G.M., Bro Johnson, accompanied by the noble

grand, officers and -members of the Star of Ellerslie Lodge, who were in attendance for the purpose of installing the Utahuhu officers for the new term. This was very well carried out, the installing officers being congratulated upon their excellent performance. Bro. Johnson replied, and was then called upon to •present to Bro. L. Bay a past grand's jewel m recognition of the valued services lie. has rendered to the lodge. The recipient suitably responded. Bro Piper, the newly-elected N.G., thanked hose present for their congratulations and good wishes ai*l reciprocated the p-eetings given. At the close of the business some keen bowling -was en-

joyed, the 'evening being brought to a close with the serving of supper. Loyal Waitakaruru Lod°-e, fJ-ivT n mefc 011 Monda J evening the N.G., Bro. D. Stewart, presiding over a good attendance. P.G. Bro. Hardman, group officer, was in attendance with members of the Thames Lodge, and after receiving the honours of the Order congratulated the lodge upon the success of its first ball. Special reference wasonade to the g»ood work of Sister S. and the lodge officers on this ?S^ n " ■ T , w ° new members received initiation into the Order, whilst minor degrees were given to several members by the lodge officers and advanced degrees conferred by the' group officer. After supper Bro. Hardman presented a grand master's emblem to P.G. Bro F. WaisVthe first N.G. of. th» lod-e! and in doing so mentioned that it had opened- with 19 members and now had over In recognition of bavinbrought over 20 benefit members into the lodge Bro. M. Death, F.S., wa? presented with a grand lodge jewel. As %, -trt J v Se ?-%tion ? ;Ußro.t Hardman,' :on behalf of the :iodge, asked Bro. arid Mrs. . • ■ ■; Perr y 'to-'accept' a silver ehristenmg cup, their child;;,being the first on whose ; behalf. the ■ maternity benefit had •been received. The rest of the evening was spent; in dancing, the', music beiiig supplied by. Sis'ters Marshall and Bu£ duss. ..and ,Bro. .Hill. . .... .

1.. The A.D., Bro. H. McGregor, presided at the last meeting of the "Star Of Otahuhu UA.O.D.;Lodge, held in the Kingsland Hall, Otahuhu/ when there was a good attendance of members "and visitors. Among the visitors were the J.P., G.P. Bro.'T. Wilson, P.D.P/s Bros. Gregory, Rutledge, Roberts, and Thomas,' ;P'.S. Bro. Dickinson, and P.A.'s Bros. Y. Martin and Wheeler. . The executive of the U.A.O.D. indqor Bowls Association was present, and the president; Bioj.G. Martin, presented the trophies to" the members of the Otahuhu team; .which, recently defeated the PonsOnby team in the final of the association's champion rink tournament. The recipients were Bros. Hatton, Kingj Hickson and Bailey (skip), and each member was presented with a silver cup, these trophies haying been donated for competition by Bro. Martin. Bro. Martin's health was proposed by P.A. Bro. W. E. Wells, who, with P.A. Bro. C.t Robson,. expressed the Otahuhu Lodge's gratitude to the president for having formed the association, and also extended its grateful thanks for his generous gift of Such beautiful trophies. Bro. Martin replied and promised to consider the Otahuhu ... brethren's - request that he should accept nomination for a further- term. During the 'evening an indoor bowls contest was held,- the visitors' teams; skipped by Bros. Martin-and Wheeler, registering one win and one loss against local teams, skipped by Bros. Bailey arid Smith.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 243, 15 October 1931, Page 21

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 243, 15 October 1931, Page 21

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 243, 15 October 1931, Page 21