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(By Telegraph.—Syecial to "Star.")


The defeat of C. Angas, the New Zealand champion, by A. C. Stedman, of Auckland, in the semi-final of the men's singles, Avas the. greatest. surprise in tournaments that have ever been played here. Yesterday five finals were played. The new title holders are as follows, the previous ' winner being given ill parentheses: — Women's Doubles (Misses M. Sake and M. Andrew).—Mrs. W. J. Melody and Miss M. Myers (Wellington). . Intermediate Singles (a new event). — R.. A. Court (Otago).' . Boys' Junior Singles (W. G. Robertson). —N". Davys (Wellington). Girls' Junior Doubles. —Misses N. Dick and T. Poole". Junior Combined Doubles. —Misses T. Poole and E. Kcan. Stedman's Great Win. There may have been some doubt in the previous surprises of the tournament, but Stedman left no doubt yesterday as to who was the better man on the day. He drove Angas off the court, playing almost unbeatable strokes. Though Angas was beaten he was not disgraced as there is probably not another player in New Zealand who could have beaten Stedman on his game yesterday. He kneAV that his one hope was to make the pace all the way and never allow Angas an opening and he did it in wonderful fashion. For sixty games and nearly two hours he bombarded Angas with terrific drives, keeping him running all the time. He gradually wore the champion down and in the final set, though he was suffering from cramp in the wrist, won easily. Angas might have beaten Stedman if he had persevered with chon flints, but apparently he was too surprised at Stedman's opening assault to play his usual calculated game and instead, played right into hie opponent's hands. The city player sent down a beautifully timed rising, ball <si which . Stedman used his favourite stroke, a shoulder-high drive having behind it all the power of an extremely powerful forearm. Stedman was not swinging well into his strokes at first, but later they were ■ a model of perfection.

The managers of the tournament made one of their few mistakes in playing the match on one of the back courts, but the news of the closeness of the struggle soon drew a gallery which watched every incident of the thrilling struggle with waxing enthusiasm. When Stedman finally won the cheering and clapping lasted for some time. N. R. C. Wilson Beaten. Almost equally interesting, but not so spectacular, was the game played by H. A. Barnett in beating N. R. C. Wilson, B—C, S—6, 6—S, 5—7, 6—2. Barnett played another splendid game and well deserved his win, though Wilson has not been playing steadily at any stage of the tourney. Mrs. Melody and Miss Myers won the doubles title froiri the Misses Facfarlane, of Auckland, and though the standard of tennis was not high on the day they well deserved their win. They have . played a consistent game all through the tournament and have beaten three good pairs in getting to the final. Mrs. Melody won the singles title in 1924 and her tennis to-day is still very sound. Miss Myers, who drives strongly and places with good judgment, is a doughty singles opponent, varying her play well and showing superiority in placing. Mrs. Dykes defeated Mrs. R. P. Adams in a scmi-final.of the women's singles. The match resolved itself into one of baseline driving and altogether was rather a tame exhibition. Mrs. Dykes is not playing as well as formerly, but she is still in the championship class and her strokes are better executed than most of the other women competitors. Auckland gained another 'win in the other semi-final of the women's singles, Miss Marjorie Maccarlane defeating Miss M. Myers, of,.Wsnganui, 9—7, B—6. Miss Macfarlane staged a fine recovery in the first set. After being down I—s she forged ahead and won the next set, always appearing to have something in reserve.

Results:— J MEN'S SINGLES. - SEMI-FINAL. Stedman beat Angas, 17—15, 6—4, ; 6-2. Barnett beat Wilson, B—6, B—6, 6—B, o-:7, 6—2. LADIES' SINGLES. SEMI-FINAL. j Miss Marjorie Macfarlane beat Miss Myers, 9—7, S—6. Mrs. Dykes beat Mrs. Adams, 6—4, 3—6, 6—4. MEN'S DOUBLES. SEMI-FINAL. Angas and Seay beat Wallace and Lambe, 6—o, 6—3, 6—2. France and France beat Stedman and Wilson, 4—6, 5—7, 6—3, 6—o, G—4. LADIES' DOUBLES. FINAL. Mrs. W. J. Melody and Miss Myers beat Misses Macfarlane, 7—5, 6—3. COMBINED DOUBLES. THIRD ROUND. Miss Andrew and Seay beat Miss Johnston and Patterson/11— 9, I—o, 6—4.

GIRLS' JUNIOR DOUBLES. , FINAL. ;. Missee N. Dick and T. Poole (Canterbury) beat Misses N. Blunden and CI Eeese, 3—6, 6—3, 9—7. JUNIOR COMBINED DOUBLES. SEMI-FINAL. Miss T. Poole and E. Kean beat Mis» C. Reese and A. A. Mac Gibbon, 4 —& 6—2, 6—4.


C GRADE CHAMPIONSHIP. Following is the draw for- outer suburban and C grade championship tourney to be held oil the Domain courts to-morrow. Friday and Saturday : — Ladies' Doubles.—Misses Cutforth and Bryant- y. Misses .Tames and Stewart, Misses Waters and Knight v. others, Ml"?. Sayers and- Mrs. Annan v. Misses Elicit and Bottrell, Misses Ferguson and Hill v. others. Men's Singles.—McElroy v. I. Ellett It. G. Teal v. S. Harris, J. W. Jebb v. anothor. C. H. Firth v. S. l>. Orr, W. F. Porter v. AV. McFarland. M. French v. 1,. Gcorgi , . K. R. Kay v. E. H. Hansen, J. v. If. .1. O'Connor, C. B. Chalmers v. D. Goltlii , ':. G. Harvey r. J. E. Tonson, C. B. Beador v. .T. C. Harris, another v. Prendergns D. G. Knight v. another, D. Somerville v. another, C. Ruck v. «F, S. Taylor, J. 11. Wood v. A. Cutfleld. Combined Doubles. —Byes : Miss BottrcU and Chalmers v. Miss P. Stewart' and Harris, Miss Cutforth .and French v. Mis; Hunt and Jebb, Miss D. Waters and Taylor. First round : Miss McElroy and Reader v. Miss M. Stewart and Hansen. Miss 1. , . James and H. AVood v. others, Miss E. Hi! and Baverstock v. Mrs. Sayer and Tonsen. Miss Ferguson and Knight v. Mrs.' Anna:i and Gelding, others v. Miss P.-Savin-and Harvey, Miss Partner and Orr v. others. Byes: Miss Ellett and Ellett, Miss Olti and Otto v. J. Knight and Kay. Miss Rps; and S. Bates v. Miss D. Bryant and M--Farlfsind. Men's Doubles. —Ellett and Chalmers y. French and .McFarland, Bates and Han v. Somerville and- Hansen, Knight tind Fovter v. Orr and Wilson. Reader and CutfleM v. others, McElroy and Wilson v. O'Connor and Prendergrast. Peek and Otto v. other.*, Wood and Tonson v. Jebb and Geldiii-. Kay and Taylor v. Harris and Teal. Ladies' Singles.—Miss D. Bryant v. another. Miss J. Knight v. Miss M. Bo<trell, Miss A. Ellett v. another, Miss K. James v. another, Miss D. Waters v. Miss P. Stewart, Miss A. Fergusson v. another. Miss P. Savin v. Miss E. Hill, Miss M Cutforth v. another. Play in the singles commences .at '' a.m. . • c


COMPETITION RESULTS. The results of the first round of lli<s club championship and handicap competitions held by the Ngataringa Lawn Tennis Cliib are. as follow: —; Oub Championship.—H. Bartlett beut Anderson, 7 —5, 6—4; W. Lund beat .1. Gasparieh, 6—l, G—3; R. Dance beat X. Haggett, C— 3, 3—6, 6—3 ; ,T. Ameshurv beat H. Jackson, 6 —3, 6—2; E. BAdgcbeat J. Fogerty, 6—3, 6—3. Championship Pairs.—'Bates and .Anderson beat Badger and Gaspavicli, 6—3, 6—2 : Hagget ( fr and Dance bea.t Griffiths a n<l Browning, 6—o, 6 —2 ; Lewis and Pol!a> 1 beat Bassett and Wefcherilt, 5—7, 7—r>. '6—3; Stevenson .and .Stevenson beat Fogerty and Darroch, 6— 4, , 2 —G, 7—.". President's Cup.—Champion lady: Mi<-s Hernus beat Miss K. Johuson, 6—l, 6—:'>; Mrs. Badger beat Miss ■ Connolly, 6—l. 6—l; Mrs. Pollard beat Miss Lewin, 1 — Ci, 6—4; Mrs. Rule beat Miss Waddell, 2 —o 6—l, 6—4. Ladies' Championship Pairs.-—Misses Waddell and Dawsoui beat Mesdames Rule and Pollard, 6—2, I—6, B—6. Combined Championship. — Preliniinnrv round: Mrs. Worrall and Bates beat Miss Miller and Jackson, 6—l, 6—l. ; Fiiyst round: Mrs. Rule a.utT Bartlett beat Miss Hemus and , Haggett, 6—3, 6—4; MrA Badger and Badger beat Miss WethevHi and Amesbury, 6—5, 6—2; Miss Johnson and Lund beat- Miss Waddell and Am! son, 9—7, 6—2; Mrs. Worrall and Bates beat Miss Dawson and Lewis, 4—6, o—l.0 —I. 6—4; Miss Dance asid Fogei-ty beat Mi>s Connolly and Browning, 6—2, 6 —l; Mte's Harvey and Harvey beat Miss Prideuux and Wetherilt, 6—3, 6—3 ; Miss Ross and beat Mrs. Pollard and Pollard. 6—o, 2—6, 6—3; Miss Wyatt and Dance beat Miss Lewin and Stevenson, -6—3, 3—6, • • Ladies' Handicap Doubles.—Misses Cunningham land Hipkins (rec. 30) beat Mesdames Worrall and Badger, (owe 30), 9—4 : Misses Dawson and Waddell (owe 30 > beat Mesdainos Rule and ' Pollard <rec. 40), 9—4: Misses Ross and Ross (owe 15). beat Misses Johnson and Lewhi (rec. 40), 9—7; Misses Hemus and Con nolly (owe 30) beat Misses Dance and Wyatt (scr), 9—6: Mrs. Bates and Miss Robertson (rec. 30) beat Misses Pridcaux anil Prideaux (owe 15). 9—o: Misses Bertram! and Lund (rec. 30) beat Misses Harvey ;nul Harvey (owe 30), s)—7; Misses Miller and Wetherilt (ree. 15) beat Misses Wilson and Smith (roc. 15). 9—6. Men's Handicap Singles.—A. ' Bartlett (owe 1-6) beat J. Fogarty (rec. 15). 9—5: J. Gasparieh (owe 3-6) beat 11. Bartlctl (owe 30), .9 —7: A. McGowan (rec- 30) beat W. Home (rec. 30), 9—2; E;" Dance (owe 30) beat D. Stevenson (ree. 15 3-0). 9—7; N. Haggett (owe 40) beat J. Ani'esbury (owe 15 5-6), 9—7; L. S. Bates (owe 1-6) beat H. Jackson- (rec. 15 3-C). 9—7: E. Badger (rec. 15) beat L. Browning (rec. 15), 9—4; W. Lewis (rec. 3 5)- beat .T. Wetherilt (scr). 9—a; F. Stevenson (owe 15) beat J. Pollard (ser), 9—B; W. Lund (owe 3-6) beat E. Bassett (owe 15), 9—5; S. M. Griffiths (ree. 15 beat J. Davies (rec. 15), 9—5.

Men's Handicap Doubles.—Badger and Gasparich (owe 15) beat Lewis and Pollard (owe 2-6), 9 —4; Dance and Haggeti (owe 40) beat Lund and Jackson (scr), 9—7; Amesbury and Davies free. 15) bca! Fogerty and Darroch ,(ree. 15 3-6), 9 —6. Bates and Anderson (owe 30) beat Bnrtlett and Bartlett (owe 30), 9—5; Griffiths and Browning (ree. 15) beat Robertson nml Stevens (ree. 30), 9—5; Bassett ami Wetherilt (owe. 15) beat Home and Spencer (ree. 80). 9—6. Srtwart-Dawson Cup.—Ladies' handicap singles: Mrs. Worrall (scr) beat Miss Heimis (owe 30). 9—4; Miss Purser (re.: 40) beat Miss Miller (scr), 9—4: MisCunniiifsliam (ree. 40) boat Mrs. Pollard (owe 15); 9—4; Miss J. Harvey (owe 3-C) beat Miss Lund (ree. 5-6). 9—l : Miss K Johnson (owe 40) beat Miss M. Harvev (owe 15), 9—3: Miss Smith (ser) boar Miss Prideaux (scr). 9—s;.Mrs. Bains (roe. 2-0) boat Miss G. Johnson free. 5-6) o—3: Miss Connolly (scr) beat Miss. Be:--trand (ree. 30), 9—6; Miss Niall (ree. 30) beat Miss Rewa Ross (scr), 9 —4. Kohn Cup.—Ladies' handicap singlo.s • Miss Miller (scr) beat Miss Niall (r<30). 9—7; Miss Purser (ree. 40) boat ?' : J. Harvey, (owe 3-6), 9—3; Miss Cunningham (ree. 40) beat Miss E. Prideaux (ser), 9—3.

Handicap Combined Doubles.—Miss N'al] and Davis (ree. '40), beat Miss G. Johnson and Home (ree. 30), 9—6; Miss MiMoand Jackson (ree. 30) beat Miss Robertson and Anderson (owe 15), 9 —5; Miss Connolly and Browning (scr) beat Miss Pγ ideaux and Wetherilt (scr), 9—5 Mis? Wyatt and Dance (owe 15 3-6) beat Mrs Badger and Badger (owe 15), 0 7 Mrs' Bates and Bates (ree. 15) beat Miss' Dane* and Fogerty (scr), 9—B.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 309, 31 December 1930, Page 11

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CHAMPIONSHIP TENNIS. Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 309, 31 December 1930, Page 11

CHAMPIONSHIP TENNIS. Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 309, 31 December 1930, Page 11