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The next luncheon talk to be given before the members of the Lyceum Club will be by General Sir George Richardson, on his personal experiences at the League of Nations. Such a subject and such a speaker should attract all thoughtful women. » a * * At the Women's International League on Thursday Mr. Gurr gave an interesting non-political account of the Samoans. referring to their domestic and social customs. Later the league discussed business, including criticism of the Child Welfare Act. « » • * The monthly meeting of the Tirau branch of the Women's Division of the Farmers' Union, was held on September 11. Mrs. McLarin presided. Arrangements for the last of a series of euchre parties were made with an old-time dance. • • * * The monthly meeting of the Epsom branch of the* Women's Christian Temperance Union was held on Thursday afternoon in the Methodist Hall. Mrs. Ben fell presided and gave an address on 'Women's Franchise and How it \Aas Obtained." Interesting reports were also .riven of the recent W.C.T.U. district convention and of the alliance convention held last Saturday. » * • * The Mount-Roskill branch, of the League of Mothers met on Wednesday last, when the Rev. Ivo Bertram gave an interesting address 011 "The Sanctity of Marriage." The Rev. Bertram pointed out that whilst marriage was the most important thing in life, it difficult for all if the bond were treated lightly, children being the greatest sufferers. He emphasised the necessity for simple and wholesome life, free from unnecessary extravagance, the importance of home and the home influence, the need for wise training of the young in preparation for the future, and the need to hold fast to a Divine purpose in ■ life.

With the object of raising funds for unemployed ex-servicemen, the Northcote Ex-servicemen's Association held a live hundred tournament in the Palais Theatre, when the following were prizewinners:—First lady, Mrs. John Taylor, second lady, Mrs. Roberts; first gentleman, Mr. Roberts, second gentleman, Mr. Nathan; lady's consolation, Mrs. Bethwaite; gentlemen's consolation, Mr. Peterson. •* * # • A gift evening was held at the residence of Mrs. A. E. Dalton, of Wynyard Road, Mount Eden, in honour of the approaching marriage of her niece, Miss E. Matthews, of Taumarunui. Among these present were: —Mesdames A. E. Dalton, W. Matthews, R. Reid. Misses E. Matthews, V. Boyd, B. Withell, G. McLachlan, I. Hunter, L. Reed, V. Belchain, B. Foster and M. Paul. * • » The Devonport sub-branch of the Navy League entertained tbe ships' companies of H.Ms. Philomel and H.M.s. Veronica, also those of merchant ships in dock, at a dance on Thursday evening. Excellent music was provided and a very happy time spent. The members of the committee present were:—Mesdames Cleland Pottie (president), H. Melvin (secretary), Cleal, Palmer, and Misses Johnston, Melville, Herron, Bertrand, Parker, Woods and Talton. A social was held in the -Presbyterian Hall, Great South Road, Papatoetoe, las-; evening by St. John s Presbyterian •Bible classes. The Rev. T. 11. Roseveare presided. Miss Jessie Wilson was in charge of the programme, which included songa by Mr. Roseveare, elocutionary iteihs by Miss Marjorie Franks, and games and competitions were won by Miss Jean Ivay, Miss R. Willerton and Miss Doris McCallum. Miss W. Ross was in charge of supper. « . * * The monthly meeting of the Haeremai Club took place on Thursday evening. Dr. Buckley Turkington presided and there was a good attendance. All interesting and varied programme arranged by Mrs. B. Bird was given and Mrs. Driver gave a short speech on life and travel in India. A one-act play was presented by' Miss C. Chalmers, Mrs. Stratton and Mr. Bathuret, and songs were given by Mrs. H. Sinison, K. Christie, Mr. 0. Pritcliard and Mr. J. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. G. Tjllertou gave an interesting mind reading act, and Mr. Ravmond Reeve and Miss Edna lliomas were responsible for a humorous <'uet. , . » * Last Tuesday evening the annual ladies' night of the Otahuhu Orphans' Club was held in the Public Hall, which was tastefully decorated with Iceland poppies and streamers in shades of red and white. Selections, which included "Raymond" and "Land of Hope and Glory," were played by the club's orchestra, under Mr. Edwin Parker. Mr. Honeycomb sang "The Sword of Ferrara" and "Requiem," by Robert Louis Stevenson, while Mr. j/Brce gave "By the Sea." Humorous items were given by Mr. Newmarsh, and flute selections were contributed by Messrs. Rainger and Jones. Elocutionary items were given by Messrs. E. Axford and J. Finlaysoii. Mr. Pawsey sang "Parted" and "The Dear Little Girl," while Mr. Neville Walker's violin items were well rendered. Community singing under the leadership of Mr. <L Bree was held, when the Stein song was sung. At the conclusion of the items dancing was held. • » * • The Misees Beresford held a long evening for their pupils and friends on Thursday in the Masonic Hall, Eden Terrace, when a ballet was given, "Down Where the Golden Daffodils Grow," by Misses Santo, Over, Mills and Noall. Among those present were: Mrs. Over, black lace over georgette; Mrs. Noal, black taffeta; Mrs. Santo, crimson satin; Mrs. Allen, dainty black satin, lace overdress; Mrs. Bates, black lace; Mrs. Noel Harris, black georgette; Mrs. Volkner, gray ninon; Mrs. Smith, black velvet; Mrs. Huxton, pale pink lace; Mrs. A. Hetherington, rose taffeta; Miss M. Beresford, ring velvet and black chiffon; Miss A. Beresford, pale pink georgette and lace: Mrs. R. M. Adams, turquoise sprigged taffeta; Mrs. McConnell. black georgette and brilliants; Miss E. Brown, green frilled net; Miss Ford, peacock satin and silver lacc; Mrs C. Robinson, pink 11111011 over patii'i: Miss A. Lily, almond green crepe de chine; Miss K. McDonnaugh, midnight blue and georgette_; Miss R. Dewson, white crepe de chine and silver; Miss N. Ryan, ivory celanese satin; Miss B. Ryan, pink satin and net; Miss A. Ryan, V een satin An< * 2 eor & ette ' Miss Lilley, pale blue georgette.

The monthly meeting of the Epsom branch of the League of Mothers was held in the Baptist Hall, Inverness Avenue, on Thursday. The president, Mrs. T. Macky, was in the chair. There were 31 members present, and three new members. The speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Victor Macky, who gave an address on "The Child in Poetry." The hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdames Hill and F. Wilson. » » * • Lady Joan Amherst, sister of the Earl Amherst, has signed a contract as instructress at a London icedrome for its winter season (says the "Daily Mail"). Lady Joan said to a reporter: "Ice skating is going to kill ballroom dancing. I have taken this post on commission and a fee of 5/ a lesson of 30 minutes to demonstrate that I can get on without my title. I ain doing this to test the remark that people with a handle to their names cannot iret on without them." Lady Amlien t. : ho is 31, started to earn her own living five years ago, and lirst entered an office. Later she became a theatrical publicity agent. » « » The annual bazaar and bulb show run by the ladies guild of the Taihape Church of England, was a decided success, and £ISO was taken 011 one day. The cup presented by Mrs. Emily Batlev for points in hardy annual section was won by Mrs. H. A. Belk, for the third time iu succession, who retains it. Mrs. A. C. Arms was awarded the 11. T. Batley Cup for the second time in succession for highest points prize in the bulb sections. The following officiated at the various stalls: —Guild; stall, Mesdames W. H. Maclean, A. P. Perrett, A. J. Hill, C. Henrichs and R. D. Wilson; flower stall, Mesdames B. C. Fitzherbert, S. E. Addis, M. Kronfeld, G. W. Batley, and 11. J. Murrell; produce stall, Mesdames F. R. Howie, R". Siddle, H. Bradley, L. A. Hebberd and Miss C. Siddle; sweets stall, Mrs. R. W. Fitzsimoiis, and Misses J. Hammill and J. Maclean; Bible class stall. Rev. Mrs. Maclean; Bible class stall, Mrs. Harris and girls. b»a * 9 The fortnightly meeting of the Women's International League was held at the Y.W.C.A. on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Darcy Hamilton presided. Mr. W. E. Gurr gave a most interesting address on the history and customs of the Sainoan people. The speaker showed that they were an extremely intelligent and lovable people, given to cultivating the arts of peace and having an intricate system of control of village life. It was shown that prior to European contact they had an ancient religion embracing the worship of several gods, oi \vhom the greatest was the god of peace and love. After a short discussion, during which he answered several questions, Mr. Gurr was thanked for his address by the president. Mrs. Gibson gave a report on the petition to Geneva ro the grievances of Samoan women. It was decided to take further action with regard to the Child Welfare Act, and to wire to Mr. P. Fraser, M.P., congratulating him on having his bill re British women's nationality read for the first time, and hoping for its success. ■5f « * In aid of funds for the Mayoress' War Memorial Library League, a gift afternoon was held in the supper room of the Town Hall on Thursday. Flowers, produce, sweets, and cakes were received in large quantities, and a brisk business was carried on in the selling of the wares. The large room was decorated with gaily coloured flags and large tubs of greenery, and bamboo foliage added to the effect. Bowls of cyclamen and primulas arranged on the tables also made the scene a pleasant one. Great interest was displayed in the stall containing scrap books and toys made by members of the league. The guests were welcomed by the Mayoress, Mrs. A. D. Campbell, who made an urgent appeal for financial assistance. The annual subsidy of £100 received hitherto from the Patriotic Association had now ceased, and it would be a great pity if the league fell back owing to lack of funds. The work they were doing was very much appreciated in the backblocks and by soldiers 011 lonely settlements, and for this reason they must try to carry on. Mrs. Campbell thanked those present for the gifts, they had brought. During the afternoon a brief programme piven included songs by Mrs. Grant and Mrs. McKnight. and recitations by Miss Johnstone. Compcti.ions also added to the enjoyment, and later tea was served. The conveners present were: The Mayoress, Mrs. A. D. Cajnpbell, president, Mesdames 11. C. Matliias, Morpeth, A. Hall, E. McNair, F. C. Webster, and Misses E. Bull, M. Newbegin, and Ina Wight.

A pleasant evening was spent at the hall committee's euchre party m the Raurimu Hall on Wednesday. Miss B. Clarke won the ladies' prize and Mr. Lacon the men's. Consolation prizes were awarded to Miss A. Merry and Mr. R. Christie. « * * * A social afternoon was given at the J.C.L. on Monday by Mrs. G. Dickenson. of Cambridge, on the occasion ot her" approaching marriage. The hostess received in black satin beaute, with black pandan hat. Among the guests were relations and very old friends. Those present were: —Mesdames V. Asher, A. Levin, Z. Johnson, Palliser Smith, Asher, Marsden, Wilson, Davis, Townsend, Horspool, A. C. White, Gilfillan, Teasdale, Davis, Smcrdon. # s c « There was a large attendance of members and friends at the monthly "At Home" of the Thames Girls' Club, held in the Druids' Hall, Newton, on Wednesday evening. The hall was attractively decorated with multi-coloured streamers and lanterns. The committee members present were: Mrs. P. McGregor (president), Miss N. Surman (secretary), and Miss J. Aitken (treasurer); and Mesdames G. R. Hutchinson, G. Andrews, T. Aitken, Davison, H. Cordes, J. Mclntyre, Hubber, Nicholls, M. Gribble, H. Stubbing, Wright, McPherson. » » » * An enjoyable afternoon tea party was given recently by Mrs. P. A. Docherty at "Fernleigh," Symonds Street. The reception room was artistically decorated with golden daffodils, stock and many other spring blooms. The hostess wore chiffon and lace. Among the guests were: Mesdames Peat, Matthews, Baskett, P. A. Dexter, J. Short, E. Hood. J. Drummorid, Nutsford, Mitchell, Lewis, J. 'Warnock, C. Bloomsfield, H. Worrall, R. Clark, W. Fraser, W. E. Hutchinson, A. Nicholson, Messrs. Norton, E. Norton, N. Worrall, Smith A. Worrall, and Johnston. * * » • A social, welcoming Mr. and Mrs. C. Sedgwick on their arrival from West Australia to take up home mission work at Manurewa, was held in the Presbyterian Hall on Thursday evening. The Rev. T. H. Roseveare, Moderator, of Manurewa, presided over a large gathering, which included many from the surrounding districts. The Rev. L. Foulkes and the Rev. F. Dobson represented the Manurewa Anglicans. Words of welcome were spoken by the Moderator and Mr. T. Wall. Mrs. C. McCallum presented Mrs. Sedgwick with a bouquet of spring flowers. In expressing her thanks, Mrs. Sedgwick also referred to the kindness of the ladies in stocking her pantry for her when she arrived. A programme of entertainment included songs by Madam Frost, Mr. A. Watts, Mrs. Guthrie and the Rev. T. H. Roseveare; a duet by the Rev. T. H. Roseveare and Miss L. Roseveare, and elocutionary items by Miss L. Roseveare. A performance of conjuring tricks was given by Mr. Roseveare for the amusement of the children present. The evening concluded with supper. * # « » The single men's mess hall at the air force base at Hobsonville was used on Wednesday for a social evening, organised by the staff of Mesdames Scott and Abrahams. It was decorated with streamers of the air force colours. Flags draped the walls, and a border of punga was a finishing touch. During ing the evening the items were: Pianoforte solos by Mesdames Jackson and Sorrell, songs by Mrs. Abrahams and Messrs. Abrahams and Mayhill, and recitations by Miss E. Scott. During the evening numerous competitions and games were played, and after a delightful supper, supplied by the ladies, dancing was indulged in until midnight. Among those present were:—Mrs. Scott, who wore black lace over georgette; Mrs. Abrahams, nattier blue crepe de chine; Mrs. Sevenson, black georgette and lace; Mrs, Poser, navy blue crepc de chine; Mrs. DurrOck, navy blue crepe de chine; Mrs. Moronev, cherry and beige crepe de chine; Mrs. Megan, mole crepe de chine; Miss Jackson, pink satin, with silk tulle; Miss Smith, embossed velvet and georgette; Miss Sorrell, green printed crepe de chine; Miss Connolly, green taffeta, with bow; Miss Nichlin, black satin and crepe de chine; Miss iSinton, blue georgette, embroidered; Miss Boyd, rose georgette; Miss Russell, raisin crepe de chine: Miss Wright, floral ninon; Miss Williams, floral georgette; Miss Scott, eau de nil crepe de chine, silver lace; Miss Connolly, white crepe de chine.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 229, 27 September 1930, Page 16

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SOCIAL GATHERINGS. Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 229, 27 September 1930, Page 16

SOCIAL GATHERINGS. Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 229, 27 September 1930, Page 16