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The 20th anniversary celebrations of, the Light of Manukau Lodge, XJ.A.O.D./ ■were held on Wednesday evening last in the Friendly Societies' Hall, Oneiraiga. The ordinary business meeting of the lodge was commenced at 7 p.m.; and the A.D., Bro. Rice, presided over a good attendance. One new member was proposed and one initiated, this being a sbn of the popular singing brother, Bro. j: Halford. This lodge now contains quite a number of examples of father 2nd son in membership. Correspondence from the Public Trust Office re a deceased brother's estate was left in the> hands pf.;the secretary to deal with. After the essential business had been dealt witnstanding orders were suspended and tne lodge went into harmony. Quite a large number of visitors arrived, these including P.D.P.'s, Bros. Rutledge, Pollock, Voice, Bicker ton, Murray Bentqn, Govaxi, Clarke and Thursby. The. Immediate East Grand President, Bro. J. Wilson, represented Grand Lodge, and. the btar of Newmarket and Roskill lodges attended in force, headed by their respective Arch Druids. Other lodges represented included Ponsonby, Auckland, Raetihi, Acorn, Star of Te Aroha, and Star of'-Egmont. During the evening the Robson Rose Bowl for 500, which was recently won again by the wa s . presented by Bro. J. Blakemore P;A., captain of the Newmarket Lodge team; The trophy was received by iva. Bro. Large, captain' of the successful team, and handed to the A.D., Vto. ffice, A long toast list was honoured and a very fine programme of harmony presented/ the artiste including. Messrs. Duncan and Peter Black, Lou. Bickerton, Bert Watson, Joe Halford, Captain Gibbons, E. Marks, E. Harris, Martin Richardson (violin), A. Leatherby (trombone) .and Bro. W. Smart, who was encored again and again. ,The accompanists for the evening were Bros. *. Harris and W. Neville. Great credit is due to the committee in charge ol tne evening, Bros. Billings, Ashe and vv. Martin for the excellent fare provided, the evening proving one of the most successful and 'enjoyable spent by uw l0 The installation of Lily of Devonport Kebekah Lodge, No. 61, officers was held at. the Foresters' Hall, Devonport, on Monday, October 7. * Sister Newbold, the ZP&W'QM, Sister • Tailby, and the s ist f s °\ a rS installing team entered and took charge of: the lodge for the purpose of ***%?8 the various sisters into their respective chairs for the coming term, the foUavr ing being the new officers «• r . Stubbs,P.N.G.;N.G., Sister Gear PXG., V.G., Sister N. Hale; recemfig . Be «"J*g' Sister McKernan; financial. *jereg/Sister Santo; conductor, Sister Christian warden, Sister K. Hale; chaplain. Sister Schofield; R-S-N.G., Sister Pateison P.N.G.; L.S.N.G., Sister Burrougn*, R.S.V.G., Sister Tabron; ™J££l Sister Bell; inside guard, Sister B«* e |H outside guard, Sister Totman; Rb.e>.,

Sister Polk; organist, Sister Hill. The L.D.D.G.M. presented the outgoing J.P.G., Sister Paterson, with the P.N.G.'s certificate and the I.P.L.D.D.G.M. presented her with the P.N.G.'s jewel. The treasurer and the L.S.S. were unable to be present and will have to be installed at a later date. The L.D.D.G.M. thanked the sisters from the town lodges who had taken office to help the Lily of Devonport members.

A tent of the Independent Order of Rechabites has been established at Morrinsville. The inaugural meeting was well attended by members of other tents residing in the district, also representatives from Rosebud Tent, Huntly; Hope of Hamilton, and Star of Cambridge Tents. The District Deputy Ruler, Bro. B. Gardner, presided, and associated with him were the District Secretary, Bro. D. M. A.. Bodley, and H. Gardner, dis« trict executive member. The D.C.R., Bro. E. Simon, being' unable to attend, eent a.letter of greeting and congratulation to the new tent. Six candidates were presented for initiation, and proposals for membership were made on behalf of six prospecth'e candidates. The initiation service was carried through' in a very capable manner by the district officers, assisted by Bros. J. Jebson, P.D.C.R., H. Wood, Levite, and J. R. Voyle, Guardian. With members of the Order resident in the district, who will obtain transfers from their respective tents, the new terit will have a commencing membership of about 16, and if enthusiasm means anything a very successful future is before the tent, which will be known as Morrinsville Tent, No. 20, and will meet in the Methodist Church on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.45 p.m. The following officers were chosen: Chief Ruler, Bro. W. T. Smith; Deputy Ruler, Sister B. Thompson; Past Chief Ruler, Bro. A. Gibbs; Secretary and Treasurer, Bro. G. E. Beewick; Steward, Bro. H. Riley; Levite, Bro. R. West; Guardian, Bro. E. H. Douglas; auditors, Sister C. E. Best and Bro. A. Gibbs; trustees, Bros. W. T. Smith and H. Riley. Dr. Morrow was appointed medical officer to the tent, and Mr.. Gifford chemist.' Congratulations were tendered by district officers and visiting members, and the question of juvenile work was mentioned, and consideration of this" valuable department of -Rechabite work will receive due attention when the adult tent becomes more firmly established. Refreshments were served, and a most successful function brought to a happy close.

The annual sports gala ol Oddfellows eventuated last October 5, when a combined Rugby team from Loyal Jubilee and Loyal Netherton Lodges, M.U U 1.0.0. F., also a girls' hockey team from Loyal Kerepeehi Lodge, journeyed to Tuakau, where a very enjoyable weekend was spent. The combined team lost to Loyal Tuakau, 17 to 13. However, the Kerepeehi eieters evened up matters in defeating Tuakau sisters by two goals to one goal. Both matches were evenly contested, and with that friendly spirit applicable to friendly societies. Again the Tuakau brethren demonstrated their reputation in entertaining visitors. No stone was left unturned to make the visitors' sojourn in Tuakau most enjoyable. - , There was a large attendance of members und visitors at the meeting of Myrtle Rebekah Lodge, 1.0.0. F., on Thursday last, when the installation of officers for the current term took place. The ceremony was carried out in a most impressive manner by Sister L. Newbold, LDD.G.M., assisted by an efficient suite nf officers. The following were the officers installed: P.N.G., Sis. E. Culpitt; UG,. Sis, Everett; V.G., Sis. Harding; RS Sis. Jenkinson; F.S., Sis. W. Cul-

pitt; Warden, Sis. Cadness; Conductor, Sis. Rogersj Chaplain, Sis. Stevens; L.S.N.G., Sis. Atkinson, P.N.G.; L.S.V.G., Sis. R. Ivlai; 0.G., Sie. Williams; 1.G., Sfe. Martin; Organist, Sis. Grant. Several officers who were absent through illness will. be installed at a later date. Sis. Newbold, L.D.D.G.M., and Sis. Tailby, P.L.D.D.G.M., congratulated the newlyinstalled officers and wished, them a pleasant and successful term, and the former was asked by the N.G. to present to Sis. Atkinson her P.N.G.'s collar and certificate. Sis. Atkinson has put in some real good work for the lodge, and Veil deserved the honour conferred upon her, also the good things said about her. The serving of supper brought a happy evening to a close.

The Bud of Promise Tent, 1.0.R; (Juvenile) met at Onehunga on Tuesday evening, the C.R., Sis. German, presiding. Owing to the inclement weather the attendance was smaller than usual, although a fair number were present. It was intimated that the District, Juvenile officers would pay an official visit next lodge night. The members decided to visit the Juvenile Lodge at Devonport on December 10 and give a programme in order to assist the lodge there. The business was quickly dealt with, after which a pleasant hour was spent with games, indoor bowle and quoits. There was quite a good muster of brethren at the meeting of Star of Avondale Lodge, No. 63, 1.0.0. F., on M-viday last. Business was put through in almost record time, after which the bowling championships were proceeded with. Arrangements are now in hand for the installation of the new officers, which ceremony is to take place on the 21st inst. It was arranged for a number of members to visit Helensville this weekend to attend the function there of the local lodge.

On Monday, October 7, the Lily of Devonport Rebekali Lodge, No. 61', 1.0.0. F., "hold tQieir installation ceremony. The L.D.D.G.M., Sister E. New•bold, carried out the installation and was assisted by the following members: D.G.W., Sister Tailby, P.1.D.D.M.; D.G. Cond., Sister J. Bee, P.N.G.J D.G. Marshal, Sister L. Boles, P.N.G.; D.G., Rec. Secretary, Sister E. Robinson, P.N.G.; D.G. Fin. Secretary, Sister G. Patterson, P.N.G.; D.G. Warden, Sister R. Howse, P.N.G.; D.G. Chaplain, Sister S. Goughj Inside Guard. Sister E. Brown, P.N.G.; Outside Guard, Sister Grant. Appointed officers: Sister Boddy, P.N.G.; Piantet Sister Culpitt, P.N.G. The following officers of the Lily of Devonport Lod°-e were duly installed:—P.N.G., Sister E Stubbs; N.G., Sister A.L. Gear, P.N.G.; V.G., Sister E. Hale; Rec. Secretary, Sister E. McKernan; Finance Secretary, Sister I. Santo. Appointed officers: Warden, Sister Hale; Conductor, Sister Christian; Chaplain, Sister A. Schofield; R.S.N.G., Sister G. Patterson, P.N.G.; L.S.N.G., Sister Burroughs; R.S.W.G., Sister Tabron; L.5.V.G.,.. Sister Bell; Inside Guard, Sister Reaks; Outside Guard, Sister Tolman; R.A.S., Sister Polke; Pianist, Sister Hilk. Owing to sickness some of the other officers were not installed, but the L.D.D.G.M. will attend at a later date and.complete the installation. After the installation of officers, Sister Newbold, L.D.D.G.M., presented, on behalf of the lodge, a P.N.G. certificate to Sister >G. Patterson, P.N.G., and Sister Tailby presented to the same sister, on behalf of the lodge, a P.N.G.'s jewel for the work that -Sister Patterson has done ofr the lodge since the inception. Sisters Gear, P.N.G., and Stubbs, P.N.G., were also thanked for their services to the lodge. Vdsite to Wadkato Tents have been made by district officers—Bros.' Ei Simon,

D.C.R.; B. Gardner, D.D.R.; D. M. A. Bodley, D.S.; and H. Gardner, executive member.

The Rosebud Tent at Huntly i& doing well and is just on the verge of the 100 membership mark. There was an initiation at Hamilton and the Tent ie doing good work. The C.R., Bro. H. Wood, is endeavouring to infuse new life and energy into the working of the tent. At Cambridge, owing to the removal from the district of the eecretary,_ it became necessary to make a new choice, and Bro. F. B. Lea has been appointed secretary and treasurer; and, toeing a vouno- man with a vision and enthusiasm, he should do well and push the work of the Order at Cambridge. Bro. W R Beer was appointed as Deputy Ruler, and Bros. G. W. Carter and G. W. Simpson auditor,;. The tent will in future hold regular meetings in the Baptist Church vestry on the first Tuesday of each month. of *he juvenile section 3/5 processing,-and the interest ds well sustained under the capable direction of Bros T. Gardner, Huntly; H. Gardner, Hamilton; and G. W. Simpson, CambrThe' Star of' Melrose Lodge No. 2, 10 0 F held their installation ceremony in the Masonic Hall, Devohport, on Tuead"y, October 1, 1929 The installing officer, Bro. M. J. Hooper D.D.G.M., assisted by Bro. Cooper, P-G-M-, *• Evans, P.G., F. Harding, P.D.D.G.M., F Armiger, P.D.D.G.M., and Bro Mc-Ray-Forbes, P.G., installed the following officers:—Noble Grand, Bro. L. Bancroft (re-elected); V.G, Bro. W. Poland; rec. secretary, Bro. E. Blake (re-elected); fin. secretary, Bro. J. Santo, P.U. (reelected) ; treasurer, Bro. S. Christian, PG Appointed officers:—Warden, Bro. J.' Hally; conductor, Bro. R. Cooper, PGM.; R.S.N.G., Bro. H. Latimer, PJXD.G.M.; L.S.N.G., Bro. Cueworth, PDDG.M.; chaplain, Bro. C. Poland; R S.V.G., Bro. A. Christie; L.S.V.G., Bro. C Bancroft; Ing. Guardian, Bro. Reaks, PG.; Out Guardian, Bro. F. Retter; R.S.S., Bro. J. Poland; L.S.S., Bro. Crabb. The lodge has been making great headway, not only in the number of members attending the meetings, but also in the number being initiated into the order.

The Star of Helensville Lodge, 1.0.0. F., held a very successful installation ceremony on Saturday last. The lodge room was well filled with members and visitors, among the latter being representatives from the sister lodges of the district and quite a number from Auckland. The ceremony itself was carried out in a most impressive manner by the Grand Warden of New Zealand, Bro. A. J. Guy, assisted by a- very competent suite of officers. Bros. Blomley, D.D.G.M., and Potter, P.D.D.G.M., ae well as Bro. Guy, addressed the assembly and congratulated the officers on their election. An adjournment was then made to the adjoining eupper room, where Avell spread tables, nicely decorated, awaited the meeting. Members of kindred societies attended the social function, which was presided ■ over by Bro.. Warby, N.G. The usual toasts were honoured and duly replied to. A short address was given by Bro. Pace, Pres. A.U.F.S. Conference, who urged the brethren not to be satisfied with past achievements, and pointed out how many reforms still remained to be made in the F.S. movement. During the evening Bro. Blomley, D.D.G.M., asked Bro. Guy, G.W., to present a P.G.'e collar to Bro. Taylor in recognition of his good work whilst in the chair of the lodge. In his response Bro. Taylor paid tribute to his officers, who had so loyally etood by and assisted him. Vocal and

instrumental items were rendered at intervals by Bros. Kelly, Schellum, W. Potter, Venablee, Lewis and L. Dye. The energetic and popular secretary, Bro. Norman Olsen, and his hard-working committee are to be congratulated on the success of the evening, which proved one of the best in the history of the lodge.

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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 246, 17 October 1929, Page 31

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 246, 17 October 1929, Page 31

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 246, 17 October 1929, Page 31