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lONIC IN PORT. MARAMA SAILS TO-MORROW. The only overseas arrival at Auckland tiiis mornin<r was tlio lonic, with pas--cnucrs, mails and citrpo from London and Southampton. She will he followed by the .Maui l'oinare, from Norfolk island, to-morrow nipht. The Hororata is dm> on Sunday from Wellington. and tln> Port Melbourne from Australia for homeward loading, should al>o arrive over the week-end. Sailings to-day include lie Que n Olga, which has lieeii diselinrpinp .lava sujjar at Chelsea. She is to po to Westport for hunkers, and thence to Australia. To-morrow the Marama is to lie ilNpatched with passengers, mails and wirgo for Sydney. AK RI VALS— Y KST Kit I>A Y. Coronation, from Awanui, ' p.m. THIS HAY. I<nii<*. from I.iiii(l(in, 0.55 lierekitin, from Portland. 5 a.m. t'lay more, from Whangaiei. 7 a.m. Clansman, from Russell. T.l."> a.m. Lyttelton, from Coast, 7.."5 a.m. Malnirangi, from Portland, 5.15 a.m. I'Kl'A KTI"RES YESTERDAY. Cuiihar. for (i isliortie. 1.20 p.mi. H..M.S. Dmicdin. for (ircwa. lo.:;r> p.m. 11.M.5. 1 lioiiiedc, for ()r«-\va. in 35 p.m. 11.A1.5. Veronica. for Orcwa. 10.p.m. 11.M.5. Laburnum. for (Ircwa, 1n.35 p.m.

I VESSELS IN I'diiT. 11.M.5. Philomel, Devonport (Navnl Dept.). .\inula, in stream (Naval Dept.). Iris, in stream (Pacilie Cable Board). Waiotapu, in dock (I"ni«»u S.S. Co.). Margaret W.. Albert Wliarf iWatkiu noil Wallis). Maiaina. Central Wliarf (Union S.S. Co.). Canadian Conqueror, Prince's Wliarf (Canadian National!. lonic, prince's Wharf (L. I"). Nathan). Coronation, King's Wliarf (A. Frankham). Queen Ultra, Chelsea (Spedding. Ltd.). Waitomo, In stream (Union S.S. Co.). Wainui, in stream (Union S.S. Co.). llinemoa. in stream, ltewa, in stream. Southern Cross, in stream (Melanesian Mission). VESSELS EXPECTED AT ALTKI.ANI). Port Melbourne, Australia (loads). February Hi. Hororata. London, via Wellington, Feb. IT. West morelamt, Liverpool. February IS. Trcworlas, New York, February "20 Indiamda. Antwerp, February 20. Tairoa, South (loads), February 21. Ilcrmiiiius, Antwerp, February 2:s. Golden Bear. I.os Angeles, February 27. Middlesex, Liverpool, February 2S. Waitemata, Los Angeles, February 2S. Ituahine, London, via Wellington, March 1. Anglo Colombian, Texas, March City of Norwich, New York, March 5. Mataroa, London, March »i. Hororata, South (loads), March 7. Canadian Highlander, Halifax, March S. I'ort Melbourne, Souih (loads), March S. i'akeha, I'ort Natal, March S. Keelung, New York, March 10. Utira, Liverpool, March 12. King Malcolm. Antwerp, March 15. Huntingdon, London, March 20. Karanj_ r a, Australia (loads), March 22. tainui, London, via Wellington. April 10. INT E UC<) L«) NIA L S UK VICE. Marama, at Auckland: leaves Auckland, tomorrow; due Sydney, February 11); leaves Sydney. February 22: dio- Welling--1 on, February 2(i ; leaves Wellington. March 1 ; due Sydney. March C>. I liniaroa, at Sydney; leaves Sydney, tomorrow; due Auckland, February lit; leaves Aiickiand, February 22; due .-yiiiic\. February 20 : leaves Sydney. March 1; due Wellington, March Mauuganui, at Wellington ; leaves WeiLngfoii, to-morrow ; due Svdnev, Februarv I'.". Manuka, left Wellington February ; due Melbourne, to-day : leaves Melbourne. I'ebruary lit. for Wellington. I.yttelton, Dunedin and Bluff; due Wellington, Felvuarv 24. TRANSPACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Aorangi left Vancouver February 0 for Honolulu, Suva, Auckland and Sydney; due Auckland, February 2T> ; due Sydney, March 2; leave*' Syd-iev. Match 7; leaves Auckland. March 12 ; ' due Vancouver, March 2!» ; leaves Vancouver. April ;t ; due Auckland. April 22; due Svdnev, April 2C>. Niagara, left Sydney Februarv 7 for Auckland, Suva, Honolulu and Vancouver; arrived Auckland. Februarv 11; lett Auckland, 1-cbruary 12; due Vancouver. March (i ; due Auckland. March 2."> ; due Sydney, March till; leaves Sydney. April 4; leaves Auckland, April i) ; due Vancouver. April 20. Makura, left San Francisco January 2't for Papeete. Karotonga, Welling! on and Svdney ; arrived Wellington, i-'ei.r:iary 11; left Wellington, February 12: due Sydney. I'cbruar.v l(i; leaves Sydney. Fi hrnarv 21: .V:ives_ Wellington. February 20 : due San 1 rancisc t. March lo; leaves San Francisco, March 2(» ; due Wellington, April S; due Sydney, April I,'!. Tahiti, left Sydney, January 24. for Wellington, Karntoiiga. Papeete en l San Francisco: left Wellington Janu y ry 21); due San Francisco. February J-">; leaves Sail Francisco. Fcbni.iiv 20; due Wellington, March 11; due Svdnev. March 10: leaves Sydney. March 21; "leaves Wellington, March 20; due San Francisco. April 12. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following ve-scls are expected to be within range of tile Auckland wireless station to-night : -Maui Poeiare. Tofua, Niagara. Kaikorai, Port Melbourne, Kawatiri, Queen Olga. 11E KMI Nll • 'LEAKED P A N A MA. Cabled advice lroin Panama state., that the White Star steamer Ilerminins. cu route from Antwerp to Auckland, left there on Monday last. She is due here early in March with a full cargo of basic slag. COAL FROM NEWCASTLE. Willi coal for Auckland, the Union Co.'s steamer Kawatiri left Newcastle at 2 p.m. oil Tuesday, followed by I he Kurow lour hours later. I'.otli vessels are due here on Monday next. W A lOTA PC 1 NDOCKS. The Union Co.'s steamer Waiotapu is expected to undock at 0 p.m. to-day. berthing at the Queen's wharf. She is to sail on Saturday for Vancouver to load on the Pacific Coast for New Zealand. ULIMAKOA FOK AUCKLAND. Leaving Sydney af noon to-morrow, the Iluddart. Parker passenger steamer Ulimarna is due at Auckland next Tuesday, and sails again the following Friday. QUEEN OI.GA SAILS. Having completed discharge of her sugar cargo, tlse steamer Queen Olga is expee'ed to leave Chelsea at p.m. to-day for Westport to bunker. Front Westnort she is to go to Wliyalla, South Australia, to load a part cargo of iron ore. and thence to Kabaul to fill up with copra for Europe. PAKE lIA TO LOAD. According to her wireless report, the Sliaw. Savill and Albion steamer will reach Wellington from Durban tomorrow afternoon, f'-he is to load in New Zealand for the United Kingdom, but her itinerary has not yet been announced. MATAKANA AT LONDON. From Wellington, the Slinw. Savill and Albion steamer Matakana is reported to have arrived at London on Tuesday. She will discbarge part of her cargo of refrigerated and general New Zealand produce at West of England ports. MAUI POM ARE RETURNING. Spedding. Limited, have received advice that the Government motor-ship Maui Pomare. after being delayed by bad weather, left Norfolk Island yesterday morning. and is due af Auckland late to-mor-row night. Next Tuesday she is to be dispatched lor Apia and Nine Island. HORORATA FRO.Nfc LONDON. In continuation of her v>y.-ge from London. the New Zealand Shipping Co.'s steamer Hororata is to leave Wellington at noon to-morrow for Auckland, where she is due on Sunday. From here she is to go to Bluff to commence Homeward loading, returning thence to Auckland, via Wellington and Napier. She is due at Auckland again on March 7 and is announced to sail for London on March 12.

KEMUERA REPORT S. The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Remuera. which left Wellington for London on February 0. lias reported liy wireless; "Pine weather since departure; all well." toffa i.kaves spy a. <in her return voyage to Auckland, with passengers, mails and caruo finm Western Pacitic Islands, the l'nioii ('urapnny's steamer Tofua was expected to clear Suva at 2 p.m. today. She is due here next Monday morning. PITY rip NORWICH REPORTED. En route from New York, wi'ti general cargo for Auckland. Wellington. I.» ;;cl?iin. Uniieilin and Portland (Yic.i. tiie Ell.tiiisi.i. Buekiiall steamer City of Norwich i» reported to have cleared Curacao last Monday. The vessel is running ii'i.ler charter to the A. and A. of wliieh the New /.calami Shipping Company are the local agents. W.C.P.K. -N.Z. SERVICE. The New Zealand Shipping Co. a«h ise that the Federal steamer Vo-foll;. nhVh is scheduled to e'.rar l.iverno-il on March ■111 for Auckland. Wellington. Duucdin. and New Plyinouth, wili ;:Iso discharge at Tituaru. The Northumberland i< seh.-dnici) to r I.iverrool I'or New Zealand o:i .luuo S. and the Cornwall on .linn* 22. MARAMA FOR SYDNEY. Taking passengers, a ails, and car;;o for Sydney, the I'nion Co.'s steamer Marama is aniioiinced to sail from the Central whan at to-morrow. Also for Sydney, the Maunganui leave* Wellington to-inorrow. and hoth vessels arc due there next Tuesday. Tlicy arc to sail again the following Friday, the Maungatiui for Auckland and the Marama for Wellington. ionic in port. An arrival a! Auckland curly thi> morning was the Shaw. Savill anil Albion steamer lonic, which herthcil at tin- Prince's wliar' to land passengers, mails and cargo from London ;uid Southampton. She left I.ondon on January 2 and called at Southampton the following day to pick up passengers and mails. E.\eept for two days' heavy gale in the Atlantic tine weather prevailed. From Auckland the lonic is to go to liunedin to complete discharge. tL. 1». Nathan. Ltd., agents.i PASSENGERS VIA AFSTIIA 1.1 A. The following for New Zealand are travelling by the Orient liner Otranto, which is due at Sydney from London to-morrow : —Mrs. Clin t tertnn, Mr. S. 11. Coventry, the Rev. A. P. Evans and Mrs. Evans. Major and Mrs. E. W. Origg. Miss M. llay. Mr. A. Hirst. Mrs. II dman. Messrs 11. W. and W. R. Ilolnian. Miss E. Jones. Mr. R. N. Kershaw. Mr. R. Letch. Mr and Mrs. F. Lewi-. Miss G. I.ockvcr, Mrs. A. S. Mcintosh. Mr. K. J. Mcintosh. Miss A. (;. Mcintosh. Mr. and Mrs. I!. Marrable. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Meridith Kave. Mrs. Pinwill. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Seville. Miss S. s. Seville, MP's M. A. Taylor. Mr. T. R. Toovey. M.R.E.. Mrs. Yoelcker. Captain T. F. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Williams. NORTHERN COMPANY'S M« iVEMENT-'. Projected Departures. To-il«v. —Waipu. for Keret,eej,j ;; ; Ntra.puhi. for Tauranga. 0.3(1 p.m.; claymore. for Wluingnrei, 7.30 p.m. : Raraw.i. for New Plymouth, 4 p.m. ; Hauturu, for Hokianga, a p.m. Expected Arrivals. To-day.- Wniuku, from Motuini. Surfdale. Ostend and Omilia, 0.1 5 p.m.; Hauiti. from I hanies. :;.;;o p.m. ; from (jr*'.-it P.arrier, 10 p.m.; Kawau. frmn Kawau. Takatu. Ti Poinr, Little and Big Omaha. • >.45 To-morrow.—Apnnui, from Kopu and Turun, 4 FNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. The Kafoa left Lvttelroii at HI Yesterday for Auckland direct. Ihe Kartiiri. en route from Greviiicuth. arrived at Gisbi.rii" at S p.m. yesterdav .-ml Is expected to leave there f,,r Auckland at 8 p.m. to m irri.w. Ihe \\aipiata left Wellington at mid-i'i-l-1 "'i Tuesday, and is «p„. at Auckland :it lo p.m. to-day. Afte - discharging h-re kJic is to go to Wcilin rton. L.vttelton. I ini.'iru. IMint'riin. KIuJT au<l 'Mmara. The Kaimanawa left Wes;port for Auckland at midnight on Tuesday. she hasbeen allotted a berth at the Prince's wharf The Opihi is now loading at Portland for \\ Ilic Kai'.va rra commenced loaditig at Wesioort to day for Wellington. I'ictoii an 1 Auckland. The V.'aipahi arrived at Lyiteltou at 7 to-day. and is e\p- ctc'd t,, leave there on her return voyage to Auckland at noon to-morrow. The Kil pong.i was expected !.. leave (irevmouth at noon to-dav for W. stp..r- to complete her cargo for Auckland.

PORT OF ONEEIJNGA. I >EP.V RTF RES—YESTERDAY. Hokianga. fur Hokianga. 0.5 p.m. Arapawa. for Wanganui. 9.15 p.m. ARRIVALS THIS PAY. Ilant 11 rn. from Raglan and Kawhia !i 10 a.m. TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Wellington. February i:;.— Arrived: J'nt.iki. from Gisb.nne. |~m . Sailed: »\ <1 i}>.*i!i 1. lor iionii ; Kaiwarra for Wcstport. 4.5 p.m. Lyt'e.'fon. February 13.—Sailed: Kanna, for (.isborne. p.m. : Kaioa. for Auckland: Wingiitui. lor Dunediu. Duiicdin. February 1.".. — Arrived : Keke rangu. 1101:1 I.ytteljon, t*» p.m. Napier. Icbiuary 13.--Sailed: Cabricila. /'l' i't'"niiiuh. 4 p.m.: Northumberland, lor (iisborne. 11 p.m. February It. — Arrived: lair.,a, from Nov Plymouth, s a.m Wellington. l Yarii.ily 14.— Sailed : Maliana. tor Bluff. 7.2' i a.m. Cisbomc. Febru.iry 14. Arrived: Waimea from Auckland. 3.30 a.m.; Tin,a. from Auckland, ji.TH. OVKIJSKAS. Sjdney. February 13.—Arrived: Karetn from Hluft". Puracao, February 11.— Sailed: Pitv of Norwich (New York to Auckland 1. Panama. February 11. —Sailed: Ilerminius (Antwerp to Auckland 1. London. February 12.—Arrived : Matakana. from Wellington.

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Auckland Star, Issue 38, 14 February 1929, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Issue 38, 14 February 1929, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Issue 38, 14 February 1929, Page 4