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MEETING ENDS TO-DAY. COMPLETION OF BELT SERIES yk?tkki)avs rr;m-: winxkks. iK.r Ti'lf-i.'i-.ii'h. —Pits- A — ujai i..n. 'i \VKLLTXGTC)X. Tut-.lay. Conditions tiii~ afternoon won , hardly a« fsiviiuraiile for c<impetit">r« at tinNational lliflo Assrn.-iatii>n"s liiectinjr ain tile morniiiLT. There lifinjr ft olu'j'py wind. In the Hawko's Bay matdi, thf last of the belt series, lired at UOfiyd-. W. BalTinper made tin , eomjiiirativply .-mall total of 3T. W". Ma.-cnoldV mtwik! =Ihm signalled a futir. anil \va- f> live. Tlir eighth slim ua< nut -iimnlleil. and Masefiflil cliallenjrt'd. A rlwin tarpot was rt'jmrti'rt. lmt iinmcili.iti'ly afterwards a -luiH" sipnalU-d. A word'intr to The rules, tlii.- could nut be allowed, although it wn- i-lnimi-d. ilasofield tiuislu'd with 41. llf snhsoiini-ntly withdrew his protest. .1. Kearney (Xapierl rei;i.-terrd the po--ihle. The best shoot ot the day was that, of <j. Tewhiti, !>it. in the J'aranaki and Hawke's Bhv matches.

W. Ballinger (lVtonei. F. -fiinie? (Napier) and W. .Ma-eti.dd (Blcnheiini are equal at The head of the King's Fifty. The meeting eoiielude- to-inornw, when tin , ehanipifin team mat eh will l>o tired in the morning, and the Kind's Fiftv in the afternoon. The of Defence, lion. T. M. Wilf<ird. will present the trophic-. Yesterday afternoon**! re-ult.- were as follow: — Taranaki Match, sudyds. 10 Mints. - \V. Maseti.-lil. K. Vennell. (;. Tewliiii Uiroytowni, W. BallinpT. L. BenioJi. F. Soli-r, 00, £2 li! / eacii. The full,,win- lake CI each: F. Jamns. R. McKeu/.i-. W. Ayson. <). tieort'f. F. Chupmnn. (i. i.'urtl. 11. Harris. A. (i.jveulock. A. O'Dininell. 11. Sinunnii-ls. F. riark. F. Me Vicar. K. Isentc:i. I". I'riir.'. •I. Bryflen. B. Ballink'er. 4!>: T. Ho..u. <.. PatcliMtt. 11. Melntosli. li. Harrison. C. Mx. K. Wrijrley. K. Hester. W. -loii.s. 1.. IllU, 11. Frankland. 11. Dicks.m. T. t; lull. S.

Nelson. 11. Kirch.'ii. F. Hood, l>. MeKenzie. K. I-nveil. N. McWilliams, L. Caldwell. -)v 15 grade: 11. Seymour (Alfred ton i. F. Wliiremnn i I'pper llutt.i. ">i>, tc'l ]<>/; J. ri>: (Invercargill). 48. £1. Seventeen divide £ 'J. Tyros: C. Benton (okuio'i, 40, £2: ('. Glassy. H. Do re. C. Cunningham. K. Grant, and F. Ilubbard, £ 1 each. Twelve take 10/.

Hawkf's Bay Match. 1" shots. OOnyds. — F. McVicar (Wnipukuraui, 3. Kearney (Xapler), 50, £4 10/ eac-h; 11. Harlnw iLintoni, 4!». £3: «. Tewhiti ( Gre ytmvn i. 4St, K, A. Grave (Dunedini. 4*. £2 t'acli. The following take £1 each : ('. Johnson. A. Barker, 11. Feast. C. lti<-hardsnu. 4*: C. Carey, K. Kusstll. F. Janus, (i. Murdoch. E. Wood. F. Chine. H. Sliiinioiiils. F. Sharland. D. McKenzie, A. Olk.nnill, D. Knots. 47: T. Boon, K. Piper. A. Neilson. E. ttnllinger. G. Joyce. K. Wilton, K. King, W. Green. 11. Croxton, T. Murrerr. 11. MeGahey. (). Halherg. F. ChUtoek. Chapman, 40: X. Whlteman. F. Hogg, C. Colquhoun. 11. Mclntoßh. S. Mnyluw. L. Hill. L. Sigvertsen, 45. K grade: H. Nicholson i Napier i, 48. £3 : I\ I'ring (Auckland*. 48, £U; K. McPherson. ].', PorttT. 11. Franklnnd. 40. £1 each. Fourteen take. 1" each. Tyros: F. Monk mid Naval* i 4^ £2. Five lake £1 each.

Bisley Aggregate, embracing Tarauaki and Huwke's I!av ma I dies

and Croxton Cup. A. O'Donnell iPctonci l'.i.'i: £4. T. Boon iKarorii. j:<o; t:j y James (Napieri. IS"; £2 each. 11. llmil F McVicar. I*7; D. Roots. W. Musclicld. Ist) Thirty-one take £ 1 each.

B Grade Aggregate, highest scores in Belt series.— £ r>, J. Kuschl i Sydenham i. ■""•'.15; £ ::, P. porter (Ashl.urton i, r,!it> : £2 C. Carey iPatea). 589. Six take £ 1 each Tyros' Aggregate.— £ 5, J. McAvinue (LJnton). OKI ; £S. F. Monk (Old Navalsc. ;"iSO; £2. ('. Benton (Okato), 577 Six take £1 ,ach.

J. DiiKc-hl receives the Harton Cup for the V, grade aggregate, and J Mi-Aviiuii; the Simmons Cup for the tyro aggregate Kitie Club Team .Match, live liien. hiu'ii- *'-.'• a P r( ' K , ate '" , '"' l, K-ries.-- l-.-toue Cluh Shield and miniature cups. Kamri No l total 2454 ; Napier, 1147<> ; Chrisiciiurcli.

Colonial Ammunition ("up for long range aggregate. Karori No. 1 team, lllil "taking £2 12/; Christchurch, Ho:-; : Xapivr y.t'i ' Australian Aggregate, awarded (( ", ~',,',n . petitors wirh the higheit in ihe Hawkes Hay. Taninaki. Ora md Domini.mi marches.—£7. T. Bonn i~Kar..n , "l-~, '.*"''. F ' MrVi<,;lr l Waiimkuran i. :;iin • £4. A. O'Donnell (Petonei 2'.t<); £ " ~..,■), P. Goldfinch (Old Navalsi. \\\ Maseiiei.i (Ulenheimj. 2!».s : £2 each F lines iNapier). i':i7: <;. Teivhiti (Gri-ytown i" -iitj: £1 id/ each. H. Hunt (Suburbsj \X

.. lb* f.,llowine will fir., in Hip final r<,r the Kins s Prize tomorrow afternoon :- y>. BalUnger fl'etunei y h.i'iw 1-. CnldWPll (Ki.rorii. p. tioldiiin-h (old -Navals,. 5/ »4 : 11. Barlow (Liutoiu ! ,,v' L oi p t r, S -" , ' ,,r^, - A : Npils,,il (X"I'ler»: ■ ><n . F. Chlug (Kan.ri). r,oo; j p.iisdii (Sydenham, 407.- J. Kearney (s a "C'l- . ■iWi: H. Croxton (Karorii. f ji,,.,., (Wansauui). A. O'Doiineii , p,.| , 4 , n . r. Komi (Karorh. \v. Mclver (Pt-Tmic 1 ' f' I orter (Ashburton 1. 4!>4 : K Malliiic-r HigKS (Xew Plymouth), i>. i; () , )t s ii'at.-ai r. >nicr (Wanjranuii. 4!i3: i> M.-Kpnvi/-(Opaki). K. pi,',,., Jrhri«cliurrl. "»2 U,. <...i qu h..un (Akammu. J[. Frnnklnmi Karorii V\". Own (Okaw.u. A. Patrick (Auckland). 401: F. Clark (As,hurt., n W Duncan (Wwporti. P. Hamilton H. Harris (Christchurch) E Kiiik.. CUaiw,n,m. F. Monk (OM Nnv.-ils i! » «•!', ,Nn i; iPn - K - Airland fN-1-son). k. Wilton (Petonci. 4:n>: n c it ,1-r (Akarana) F. Nelson (Christchurch (;. I.Mvlnri (Grpytowni. 4Sfl : A Kark.-i- \f-irl." borough), a. Butler k.-m.r! . ' .'nn-v <Pateat. H. Keast fOrpytnwni 4SS • ,r

at .Mioyds ro ileterniiiip thp Inst thr-.' Kaiapon. T. Charman (1'0r,,,,,,,. ■ r ;, '„,, >ix (feathersti.n 1. all 4.s«>. ' "

AUCKLAND COMPETITORS. THREE IX KING'S FIKTT. (By Telojrraph—Own Correspondfnt.) TRENTHAM. This dnv.

The of tho Auoklnml provincial tvllo™— j " • vesterUa > s matcbw were a'

Taraiinkl Match.—A Oratio : siiiiin,.n,!< (PiiProiii and Princ (City, .-acli 4!i. £ l K tirade:]ulionn (Akarana I 4?" l~> ■■' < Gnulf: llnl>bar.l tPnerna i. 47 £1 • Kollv <<ity>. 40. and Buchanan (Unatofen), 44.

Hawk.'s Bar Maicli.—A r,ra<l«> : Sim. inontls 47. nn.l Cr.lqiihuun 45 oach ttl. l-ountpd out : .1..n.-s " fKanirV wailful. P. (irailf: Print iTity) 4>- *• •> ('iiuntfil nut: Watt (Tauranjrai! 4:4 Tvros": Kflly It'iryi. 44. t1 : Spry (Ci'tyi' 4i' ;nul Hubbiird iPaiToa). * 4<t p;i<-h ju/ ('.united out: farinan 1 L'n.itoki'i.

AustruliiiD AituTPCiitr-. —Itiisscll fCltv) and Siniiiion.l.* il' each ljnh \,\\ ( n>lllllllollll lAkiirnna). an.l Cnlder (Akaraniii. each 255. tl.

KinV Clubs' Phninpion Tcfim Match. City finished fourteenth. »uf | :iliend of Akarana. who were in Hftt-putli place Twenty-two tenuis i-nnipptcd. In C.A.C. Cup City tinishrd fifth anil Akarana tenth. Fourteen teams compotf.i.

Only throe Northern riflempn have secured places in the Kind's Fifty, namely : foltjulioun lAkaranai, 4!' l : Patrick (Cityi. 491 : and Calder (Akarana 1. (>thpr totals were: Kelly iCityi. 47s ; Siinmunds (Paeroa). 477: Russell iCiryi. 47t> : I>pvorp (Akarana). 473: Princ (City)! 470: Elliott (Akarana). 4tf'.( ; Spry (City)." 467: Hubbard (Paeroa). 4(i7 : Powell (Akarana). 466: Crossan (Akaranai. 4(30; Blackburn (Te Kuitii. 447.

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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 37, 13 February 1929, Page 13

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TRENTHAM SCORES. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 37, 13 February 1929, Page 13

TRENTHAM SCORES. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 37, 13 February 1929, Page 13