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I AUSSIE TO MEET LIMERICK. AUCKLANDER r;OIN*f; GREAT fJfXS. THURSDAY'S FIELDS REVIEWED. (By Telegraph.—Special to 'Star.") DUXEDI.V, this day. Not for many years] has so much interest been evidenced in an autumn n optinjr of the Diiiieilin Jockey liub. Although fields i'or the opening: day are rather below expectation- 5 numerically, thi> quality i> and the presence of Limerick and Aus-.-ie (it the iiicetitifi is aroiiMiis great enthusiasm. Provided the present spell of fine weather hold*, the dub should he rewarded with record gates. Racing will commence at 12.-20 with die Autumn Hurdle*. At the t«>p of the weights i- Raniritahi. and, taking a line through performance* ;it the last meeting here, the South Canterbury hurdler ni/W meets (layoina on only -'ill> worse terms than wlien ho pave (iayoma a 1-omffirtnble two lengths beatinjr in December. Working on scale Ranjratahi has putie up only slh for that win, although In- was (.'iintcrinjr at the finish. Southerners will be inclined to back Ciitieasc on the strength <>f his two wins at Jnvercarpill. find a< he now meets Tiinaniue mi 111b woi-e terms and Uayiimn on 71b worse terms this pair should finish in front of the old fellow, (layotiiH i- improving , all the time, and of the ■southerners ho should be must likely. Lancer and Shandre wen- both rer-pon- I -ible for a strong , working frallop yesterday morning, and of the light-weights Shandre reads best. Kaniratahi. Cayomn and Shandre will probably fij_'ht out the finish.

The Trial Stakes over seven furlongs should provide an excellent race, eleven lieinir entraired. Of those on the mark Pai|uito reads well. The four-year-old son of Thurnham — Madrid (half-l>rot her to the Auckland (up "inner Malaga)

has only to cany 2ib more than he unloaded with when l>eateii by a length sind a head by Moorga- ami Grand Acre at lii< first sporting of Mlk in -public at Trentham last month. That race was over seven furlongs, and lie \\a- going nicely at the finish. His effort on the second day was aNo promi-hm. and he will be greatly improved by tho-e outing-. Starshooter ha-* not been raced for some time, but on previous appearances he ha- shown some ability. ;.I!<1 the di-tance should not be bevond him. At the -ame weight is Sal mo Snbir. who has only to repeat credit;! hip performance when as a rank outsider lie \va- jii-t. ben ten by Filosol over the "nine distance i\t the summer meeting. Mi--Marco should so best of the light we i '/lit-. but tho-e worth watchintr should be Paquito, Starshooter and Salmo Salar.

The Gfi-eler stable, with Tardy and Paire Boy engaged but running mmlt J different colours, -••ems to b.ild ■<•■ bright chance of collecting the ».;ak" in f'hP ] President's Handicap over ten fm I .ml , -. Page Boy has been lumping luftti weights lately, and can be expected t.> go well with his lighter impo-t. His second in the sprint at Waikoutiti showed he is almost ready. However. Tardy is a winner over the distance, and the son of Archery—Dilatory shows preference for Wingatui. At a difference of .lib lie. should finish in front of Page Boy. Arrowy lias pood form to recommend him, but on Wellington running his seeing out the distance is doubtful. Towai raced so well at Trentham in the Hi<rliweight, in which he was travelling like a train at the end of a mile, that he must be seriously considered. Tin , distance should not trouble him, for b> ii' 2 by Paladin—Water-pray be is a full brother to Arikiwai, which ran second to Pink Note in the last Dunedin Cup. Of the lighter weights Red Racer has winning form over shorter di-itames aa recommendation, but Tembroney is a more likely customer. Green Cloth, a reject from Chokebore Lodge, is another who should see out ten furlong, but. summed up. Towai, Tardy and Page Boy must be difficult to head off.

Next for decision is the first leg of the big double, the Publicans' Handicap, nnil rightly in top place is Aussie. Mr. Ha>sall's impost of 10.4 is a big load, but taking a line through his past performances he has a royal chance of winning the race for Auckland. Since arriving at Wingatui Aussie has earned the reputation of being the best track worker seen on the local track. The watchers have been sitting up, as the Auckland champion morning after morning records great times. With about lOst aboard the two hills on the journey should not. trouble him in the least, and as there aiv only fourteen acceptors barrier positions will not enter so greatly into the question. Tn receipt of 211b Rapier, too. has been given an excellent chonce of winning the sprint, insomuch as bis connections favour his prospects in the James Hazlett Gold Cup over the extra two furlongs in which Rapier and Aussie meet at even weights. Rapier, though, has not raced for some time, and the outing might be needed to bring him to concert pitch. Black Duke. too. has been off the seene for some time, but Paperchase has been going great guns on the track. Nincompoop will probably find the sprinters too good. That smart three-year-fild. Rin Tin Tin, is speedy, hut Meadow Lark should bent him. Meadow Lark's Telegraph Handicap whs no fluke, and he has only to jump out with bis usual brilliance to give the others headache catching him. The Clif-ford-elect Sudden Storm improved with each race at Wellington, and if caught in the mood will be bard to bead oil". He ran third in this race last year to Money Order and Silver Coot. The latter is in again this year, carrying only lib more than in the dead heat twelve months' ago, and his track work lias hren >n pleasing as to bring him into the market. Royal Tractor reads best of those in at the minimum, but climatic conditions will count largely on how lie runs. Aii-sie. "Meadow Lark nnd Rapier should be bandy when the judge is passed.

Nine romain in the Dun»din Cup. and a thrilling rat-c. is promised. Jmlgprl on past perforrnfinci'S Count Cuvour, in at O.f». has not h»>f>n over-weighted, but it is doubtful if hr- can reproduce hi< old form. Pink N'otc is in receipt <;f S'lh from Count favour, or onlv 11!> more than ho r-arried to success last year. His Wellington form, nlthongli unluckv, was good, anrl in his pallopa Pink Note has shown he "ill not want on the scon , of condition. He is ?i proved >tayer. Nightmarch. who won the C.J.C. Devliy. is in at S.O, or 111) loss than weight-for-age, but he will have to improve jrreatly on Wellington form to be seriously considered. He is. however, the ruling favourite with Pink Xote. Then comes Royal Saxon, who won tho. Invereargill Cup. one mile and a-quarter. ran fifth close up to the winner in the Wellington Cup. and won the Summer Handicap like a good one. P. W. Powell will ride Kovul Saion* and if he can succeed in

i holding back this strong pullnr till the i h'nal stages are reached IJoyal Saxon j will have to be seriously reckoned I with. Piipatu for his third in the Wellington (up lias been treated leni- ! ently. hut his form on later outings j was not convincing. Beau («e.-te should beat him. Mr. Hazlett'.s mare Circulation has come into favour following recent good training effort?, and \%iih her light weight she should help to set a fast pace. She won two important I ten furlong handicaps last season, and I she has only to go kindly to be in the money. Prickles has not -Imvii yn* that she can see out the distance, while Rotor will probably find thy ground too hard. l'ink Note, Royal S;i\on, and Circulation are the likelie-t trio.

The absence of Aspiring frpra the Champagne Stakes has robbed that event lit considerable interest, but the field

engaged represents the best class of two-year-olds now in conimis.-ion. Gold Tinge has been given plenty of time to recover from his Northern racing, in which lie tailed to reproduce his earlier form, ami he now looks ripe over si>c furlong?, though lie will find Stealth a hard nut to crack. Stealth is a big gelding, and the extra distance, will >uit him. Blue Metal has not raced as generously as his earlier form suggested, while Leading Boy's credentials are only fair. Jaletix, the, Greenwood representative, showed at Wellington that she is in need of racing experience. Pink Coat, who was recently sold for KiOOgns. won convincingly a"t his first -tart in Timaru, but "Dutch Money will be the mor- seasoned. Backers will support Gold Tinire. Stealth, and Dutch Monev.

The Berwick Handicap appears to be the most open race on the programme. Swe,-: Refrain lias shown speed, but Cupid's Dart ha* been handy at the end of seven furlong races. Waving Corn •- erratic at the barrier, hut .-;in travel. and the distance should suit her. Court Jester has been galloping well. Star Raid's form at Wellington was encouraging,, but Star Stranger 11. would im ) v have to be right to beat them all. < likely trio are Cupid's Dart, Star Stranger 11., and Court. Jester.

The final event, the Steward'* Handicap, will bring "ut a. small fiold. Overlunil "ill probably find Him need nf .1 race to sharpen him lip, but Full Feather'* second to Royal Saxon <H. Wellington was an inrlica; ion nf better performance next time out. Pangolin ami Kilmoyl.T both shaped rarher'disappointingly last month, lint Kilmoyler should go well. Arrowy appeals n'lo-.t of the lightweights. Fll'll Feather. Kilmoyler and Arrowy will probublv be favoured.

Tin? ai'i-optHiirp* — AI'TI'MN m-HDI.KS of ljfin<nvs. Ono iiiilo and I hrf y-ijua ri f.-rs.

sr - l'>- fit lb R. IN:.',! fa hi .11 > r..i n. . I- . . . <» ];> I roilus ... 10 11 Shllidie ... 0 n I nriainoe . . 1 ri ii» Arni.ris 'I 0 ' ••ir.fii .• . . id s HeisJvr i :» u ... Io o TRIAL ST.\ K KS of 17'>sovs. SfVi'ii's. Mf-mhii ... s 4 Solatium . . 8 ~Z I 111rI> ... s 4 Miss Marco K 1 ' in'iili ... v 4 i:i-_-m:i r.. 1 <• 7 1:{ St)irshiKiti- r . R u Niirhr K.Tort 7 i:{ K"'i ■ S full Flight 7 l.j Salnm S:ilar - PRESI I >i;.\T'S HANDICAP of L'7.",sovs. Out- ijii 1 • • inn! a quarti'r. Amor ... it I'r.iiius ... 7 Page I•'iy . . '.I 1 Tiiiililuiii-y . 7 lO A rrnwy ... r TJ Kwiiitis ..7s ' a rily . . . s lu (; r• n<1.• t h . 7 7 Tnauai. . . ,v ti Royal Flower 7 7 K" 1 Racer . s o Gnyliird ... 7 7 PUBLICANS' HANDICAP of 400sovs. Six furl jiilts. Aussie ... 10 4 Sudden Storm 7 .1 • !a]di'r ... S 11 Sil Cunr 7 4 Pdpck Duke S 7 Money Mine 7 o I'ap'Tcluisi. . 8 5 Unvni Tractor 7 0 Nincompoop 7 TJ ISatlle Flag . 7 0 Kin Tin Tin 7 11 Winiratui . . 7 ti Meadow I.ark 7 11 1 lancing Days 7 0 D L" N K DI.V rrr .if 10111 isovs. One milt' and a-half. Count ('aviiiir '■> '» P.eau Ceste 7 5 "ii.k N11 rf . s C> Star »d ..71 Niglit ma reh ,s 11 <'in ulation . 7 1 Royal Saxon 7 in Prickles ... 7 0 Papatu ... 7 7 Rotor .... 7 0 CHAMPAGNE ST A K KS of ."OOsovs. Six furlongs. Gold Tinge l.i f> Jaleux ... ft 10 Stealth ... 8 i:i Pink Coat . 8 10 Blue Motal . s 10 Dutch Money s 7 Loading Boy S 10 Jazz Girl ..87 BERWICK HANDICAP of UOOsova. Seven furlong-. Sweet Refrain !l O <;re.' lini li . . 8 fi Cupid's Dart . 8 Ft Star Raid . X »i Waviirr Corn s lo Impertinence R "J C. lift Jester 8 10 Star Stranger Kiliorna . . 8 'J II. S 0 STEWARDS' HANDICAP of one mile. Overhaul ..07 Cainisador . 8 0 Full Feather 1» 7 Wa'erlow . . s o Pangolin . . 8 10 Flying Mist 8 0 Kilmoyler . 8 U Arrowy ...SO Martis . . . 8 ti

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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 37, 13 February 1929, Page 12

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DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 37, 13 February 1929, Page 12

DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 37, 13 February 1929, Page 12