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Kindergarten work progresses in_ the city. Under energetic committees func--1 ions are held to raise funds to help the little ones. The Auckland Sunbeams "Free Kindergarten is 10-morrow holding a similar affair at Si. .Mark's; Hall, Kemucra. Many tiling-, of interest j to women are provided, and the members uf the committee are preparing for a busv* time. This kindergarten was opened in the .Newton gully this year, iind already -10 children art Tin attendance. The >1 rcliitectnre .-Indies of the 1 nivei'sity College were the scene ot revelry on Friday evening, when a fancy dre-s dance was held, l uere wer'j about a hundred dancers present, and tilings went with a. swing from start to iuiish. Mr. Warren, as "Pirate," and partner were the winning couple, and Mr. Jack ( oath won the booby prize with plus-lours and a gold club. The decorations of the room were tastefully carried out. with greenery and coloured lights. During the, evening an exhibition of the 'Sale Blues was given by Mr. Crook ex and Miss Leitz, an I a sketch was pre-cnted by Mr. McLean and .Mi-- Mi Inc. Among those who were present were: Professor ami .Mrs. Knight. Mr. ami Mrs. Bock-' O'Shea. Mr. and Mrs. Ma.-cv. and Mr. Crookc.-.

The third social for this -i*--ic»n m i.hf. Workers' Kdticatioiial A--ociatioii was held oti Saturday evening ill the Old (jlrammav School Library. v ben a large gathering \ V;| "= pre.^*"Til. Vocal and iiist.rumental music wore given by Aliss A. Scott and Mr. Gordon Carder. wlw-r items wcii' greatly a ppreciated. A mo'-k trial Ailed the l;ir<4«*r part tuu programme. Hie oflicials ot the Couit were: ludsre, Mr. Shearer: clerk of the Court. Mr. Mackay; counsel fur the prosecution, Mr. Cocker: counsel for the defence, Mr. Richmond; Court crier. .Mr. Rettcr; witness /or* the prosecution (Mrs. Cruudv I, Mr. Boor man: the rice used, Mr. Havvson, Mrs. Kolin. Alcs>rs. Koliu and Wilson and Professor Belsliaw. Tins charges. evidence and defence were ot a very humorous character and maintained the interest of the audience right through. Air-,. Grundy taken by Mr. Boorinnn, excelled as the humorist of the>. This item 101-7 owed 7owed by eupper provided by the social commit tee. A competition was arranged and prizes awarded to tin; success u competitors. l'rofes-or lioMmw preside.!. Mip'.mrted by Mr. Cockcr and ot uer "''iHal, of the* VV.K.A. movement

A '|» iUI . v " :1 * Mi-'S. A t HI; I. Voting iillil '-"1" ( ookc. or, Saturday evening vWu t i,«- I'fiirtih r pc'i'itiou v.uoiii was dre»ed >n M ou _ miand iiiillicl'oiis pot. (.hint?. vmn.s 1.0,tr-,es wor, ut t r,H, vely ■■ruN tied. the l"iimet" in shrimp |'",k eicpc H.. rhino, witl! lat-e medallion.- ut -ilvi-i. s, ,k1 worked -eovgefte Howersthe vkirt; tin- latter in eye la men eh, H "ii. vtit li silver In me Irodiee and 1ar»o mauve ro.-« ~.i shoulder. Anton- the guests vote Uri. Cooke, l,;nv satin and " CUI I ~, . with bridge mat: Mrs. Sparrow, Mark o;i.t,in; Mm. I'rmihs black chantnadr >afin : Mrs. Oupl>y. georgette m-et •with ilrA Follap - T?V v vlcrepe lie chine and silver: Miss Nutievc Stewart, pink crepe dc chine. •~ l ' Ner " shoulder wrap; Miss Grace timtmmg, ceil blue crepe de rhme, shaded t-lu-tcr of roses at waist; Miss Eileen, Kernow, tlesh pink crepe de chine, shoulder posy. Hack embroidered shawl; Miss Uennnell llanie georgette and lace; Miss danet Tjitt lewood, emerald crepe de chine with beige georgette; M ss Muriel Morev, jade georgette with >»rpo tliwt. of cyclamen flowers; Miss Mimel - c , white taffeta trimmed with r . osl ' J, ' Afie« Margaret Dunn, turquoist, blu taffeta 'and silver lace; Mis ® Webber, pink lame and pink silk, Mav Dittin, sage preen velvet, maine scarf; Miss Girlie 13oweu • •ct te embossed in coloured fh-wt» -■ ■ Barbara Tanner, salnum pink rV" ' I pauno velvet ho,lice, blue and 1 •I> !.{ llowers: Miss rcda. ( ooke. ,v . r embroidered net, eliclty 7'itVel i wrap Winifred Denton, .th a • 10 match", Mi.s Htlda Tlr.« h . > taffeta, large spray of sh' ul < ' ifiliißff feorn the waistline: Miss overdress of^

Among recent, vi.-itoris to Wellington ha \ e been Al.i<-es Zvcrimi, of Cleveland, ''lii"- "Mi-- l.'osi- Zvcrina was n, fellow • 1 -- i -1; u m i 111 Mi-? Joyce Baillic while •I"' U; i-s in the Cleveland Public library sen iff, ami tier sii-ter is a -'•■Hi'>l tea.-iier in tin: ,-ame city. .Mio.-c----/verina lett fur San I'ratuiscO i.y the -VI a k lira. La.-t Saturday evening. in (he St. Michael's and All Angels' Parish Ha!i, ai IJ<• lii hjii 1. i In; pirls of tlic Takapuna | M«• 1.1 nkl i.-1 I'.ilili; ( la-.-, under the direi - it inn am! stage management of MisWhit taker, staged tin' liist, second and iniirili iti is ot Sir J. 31. Barries plav. "(Quality Street." The. ballroom scone »a- omitted and a short synopsis of it 'ji\rn I> v Ali-s Wliittaker. For a produclion gi\ on entirely by girls if was most j >ucrr--fid and wonderfully well done; if j i- ni.i often that the young amateur eun i |>I;i \ a man's part well enough to make [an audience forget the something slightly I humorous about a girl in male att ire, but 1 Mis- Sylvia AloFlard as "Capt. Valentine 2 rown," Sylvia Hill as the "Sergeant," aud Klsie Styles as "Knsign Blades" were convincing enough to get away with it. Margaret Bishop and Hilda "Winstone I were admirable as the sisters "Phoebe" land "Susan Th rosso 1," Edith Taylor and Cecily Booth as the sisters "Willoughby," and Marjorie Tremaiu and Nellie Sonster as "Henrietta Tnrnbull" ami "Charlotte Parratt" wore excellent in their parts, a* was also B. Archibald as ••ratty." the maid. .Miss Phoebe's valiant. defender, "Arthur Welles.lcy Thomson," was done in a bright, natural way by Keith Mollard, and little "Isabella" by j.l. Corfe. The pupils' dancing class was much applauded, and tho dressing and staging was much admired, the old-world atmosphere being well sustained by every detail. .Miss Jlimmell played excellent music, throughout the performance, and 31 rs. Dora .Johnston, on behalf of the girls, thanked the large audience for its support on such a very inclement night.

'I lie Svnioiidsville Cabaret was attractively arranged cm Saturday evening. Tlio Fighting had quaint shapes covering till' globes. Mr. .). .Howe's orchestra played several new numbers. Among mauy pretty gowns were t he-c 'worn by .Mrs. Spencer, black, beaded crepe J- 1 chum Mrs. booth, black jet and crepe de chine; Mrs. Berrett, grey crepe de chine; Mr-. Blackwell, black satin and georgette; Mrs. B. Barry, apricot crepe de chine, ;-buuliler scarf; Mrs. I). "Weatlierbnrii, blue crystal gown, scarf to match; Mi-s McKcnzie, jade green georgette and silver lace; Miss Booth, mauve georgette; Miss Osborne, salmon pink satin; Miss K. Sui-ted, pink georgette and silver lace; Miss Booth, lavender chiffon; Mi-s R. AVharfe. shell pink embossed velvet, pink shawl; Miss J. Hancock. briar ro-e crepe de chine; Miss H. Smith. blue tatl'eta and silver lame; Mi-s J'.. Wickhum, green lame and apple georgette; Mi-s K. Book, cyclamen geor"ette; Mi-s Harris, pink and green lame; Mi-s IS. Wickham, cherry taffeta; Miss I Simpson, cyclamen satin; Mi-s Foley, blush pink and silver; Miss IX Kobin-uii, geranium velvet; Miss Christie, black crepe do chine and lace: Miss F. Sharpc. salmon taffeta: Miss H. Hinge, can de nil crepe de chine: Mi--. Kiug, beige ('oral chiffon; Mi-s C. King-, tomato velvet and gold lace; Mi-s Shorland, black lace ami white chiffon; Miss Smith, powder blue taffeta and gold Jacej Miss lloiton. nattier blue georgette and taffeta ; Mis- Peters. almond green crepe de chine, with green lac?: .Mis- Duncan, black lace and georgette; Miss Cox. turquoise and blue floral georgette; Miss Ilea Id. lavender crepe de chine and beige fringe; Mi-s E. Potter, blue ling velvc; and gold lace.

Saturday evening brought :i large number oi guest- to I lie (.'lick , Cluck ( iilwrct, when Clyde Uow ley's intermit ional orche-tra performed many new number-. _\ Ii - > Kathleen O'Connor, associated with -Mr. Scott. gave an exhibition of the Yale Blues and ipiiek step t'o.M trot. Among the numerous dancer* were: Mr.-. Klliott, wearing ceil bine chenille; -Mrs. By waters sequin cerise georgette, with uneven Jiein; Mrs. IJ. Thorpe, orange georgette; Mrs. D. llicks, black ring velvet ami sequins; Miss Iveslie, apricot crepe de chine, flowered shawl: Miss 1). Bailey, beaded georgette and silver lace; Miss King, black georgette. embossed in pink; Mis'* i Wilson. cherry velvet, trimmed with diajuante: Miss. J-]. I'urser, sunset jiink tafl'eta; Miss Hooker, sage green shot tall'ela; .Miss Odium, ivory tafl'eta; Miss Oaviu, ivory panne, velvet; Miss A. Hill, .-hot taffeta; Miss Ifaine.-, pink georgette and silver lace; Miss D. McCoy, apple green taffeta: Miss Bright, almond green ring velvet; Miss Henderson, primrose georgette; Miss Stehr, gold chiffon: Miss Hintz. blue sei|iiin georgette; Mi-s ( hri-tie. briar rose georgette and shoulder posy; Miss ,f. MdwaviN. shot tafl'eta and silver lace: Mi-s .\i<'oll. black panne velvet, trimmed with rhineslones: Mi-s Dennis, tlanie georgette over ,-iher lame: Mi-- OVonNile green georgette, with wide -pray <■!' pink ro-es; Miss (.'arten. apple' green brocaded chenille cut on uneven lines, w irh shaded po-ies on shoulder and wai-t.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 172, 23 July 1928, Page 11

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SOCIAL GATHERINGS. Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 172, 23 July 1928, Page 11

SOCIAL GATHERINGS. Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 172, 23 July 1928, Page 11