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Special Purchase k \ \f I m«li f ! \ I IX/l^l^C 7 ' 71 iT ' L jJri ■ ' I iflQmg Juj j iT i 111 Juveniles 9 Miff life' I .II French I Ft*or*lcQ ff ■«■• riff f i'— I ?-m r rOCKb Popular Knitting I Hand-made T V g~* I \g| Embroidered f f I 19/6 tO 49/6 for Every Knitting Need, including Spattees, I W:|i|ra Jumper Cardigans, etc I Y\ Jj A Bargain-priced Selec- JK ,uSft I J* 7 tion which includes the P" lfe - shrimp. ro><\ cardinal, scar- ladies' aad children's wear, in ■ 4|VS<jA uon wn,cn inciuaes ine . j^ t Rj . sa^c natUer blue> navy, almond, emerald. Jade, amethyst. ■ Vμ TK*ff!l «»»!«. ;lln S »ra»»rI brown. Usui apricot. rawns. violet, oysier. fawns, browas. M HV JJffjffltl i hrce style* Illustrated. champagne, mauve, am.:- royal, silver grey. mole, lemon. M 1 2F» 'E9*\ All c J |-» ihvsi. violet, cinnamon, almond clerical preys, pold. white. Mack. M t T** jj \ r\" arc °> good quality green, emerald, bottle &rcen. also heather and marl mixtures. ■ & J LLiJ c i i . lemon, pold. flame. naturals, Special value, ■ ra briCS and in new silver grey, clerical greys, also 7JL* , . Skein, 4/1 f) Me** , . H __ II , , , , marl and "neather mixtures; also * * "* v H R3 / shadesand styles. black, white. ~ ■ I c i . • - 10A d * ekem, 6/11 *•»• Mead - "Beehive" 4 and S-Ply Zephyr Wewl. ■ \ tarly inspection is * v « w * ** .\ beautiful dainty son wool, in ■ CAIIDTU \ »« advised. '"hu.iTuhnJ skyTi% ™ 1 rUUKIH \ n1 ri% Mio s " vcr ***> mole, lemon, gold. ■ floor .-.v. -£. .-on. h«*. I emerald, .-atul, rose, old rog*;. ■ I /I the Sktin, O/e Mead. ■ r:l—At this Extremely Good Value Price there are flve smart styles to */ * °/ q -eeehite" Kin«fleher Weel, 3 and ■ select frcm, including R1 Style, fashioned of Wool Crepe. They I~TI ~ ; — ~ Z _. . 4-PU*. A superior finished son ■ roatuie hand r-murnidrry. pin nick.., and wlilic ciiar «nd rulTs. n S-Fiy 'Moorland Sports Knitting knitting wool, in shell pink, rose, ■ navy only. Otuer elude* arc in lictre. Jade, green and scarlet. Sues Wool, in popular demand Tor many sky. light also dark saie. mauve. ■ are 30 to 36. Will tit ayes rrom lu to I i years. purposes. Shades inrludc: Black. champagne, jade, silver grey, pea- ■ white, pale pink. sky. peacock, rock, henna, tango, white, aid new ■ Special Price, iq/c each. molc * "^ li; apricot, grey, fawn, mixtures. ■ 19/O sand, vieus rose, browns, oyster, « /•% WmM, A/O Mead. I ctn'ianion. old rose, emerald, sue, «F/«r ■ ~^~~~~^ —~—^———^ ————— orange, lemon, almond, green. ——— ——— —— ——— — ■ R2-An Appealing New Jumper Suit ot Wool Crepe, wltti skirt on lining. *" \ /jC*Sk-X 11 /- Head. ""TTr^tr^n^wcloi ,, I bodice ililMiod at front side Willi Invert pl.-ais. ih»: Jumper is band- A /° * 1 / f x y, r * *ir° n ?,,Js°°' J°L* I embroidered and llnishcd wild neat side panel effect, and taffeta Mlk Z , M ' —~ " —— S,« LT tt m ? I tic at neck. Colours am lu navy, srarlet. and brown. In sizes 2Ttn. Patwi'a 4-Ply Super Fingering. This matjxe. *mctn>st. BJ«j. ■ to 36in. lor ages rrom dto 11 years. popular reliaDle Knitting Wool in oyster, and dark green, pink. ■ a full range or shades. Including rose, light and dark sue. vleax ■ Sizes: 6, 00/ c S. «ae/- 10, on/c black, white, navy, also pale pink. rose, cardinal, maroon, navj-, ■ <fa«J/D 09/ 09/O vicux rose, cardinal, rawns. helto.. royal, tan. brown, biscuit, white, ■ heathers, greys, light apricot. and black. I ~~ ' bottle green, emerald, bruwns, I/Q *ei. Skein, fS/Q •*• I sand, cinnamon, dark emerald, */ **/ •* I R3—Shows one of two alluring New Frock Styles for Girls' Wear. These Jade. oyster. orange. Icmoi. I are made or Good Quality Velvet, and trimmed pleated crepe de chlnr. almond, etc. Canvas for ftugmaking. Sold in I also haiid-cniliroldered to contrast. Shades arc in black, reseda green, 1/1 tn * * k *' n > ft/6 tn * Meed. various uselul sizes. Canvas. Also I and golden brown. I * **/ v attractive designs supplied od I ~ ~" ~~~ "~" " ~ request. Any design cupled. I Mzcs: 30in.. oQ/c 33111., AKI~ 36iii.. AQ/a "Be«hi»e" Teexle Wool. This popu- e( 7 I 09/ D *tO/ 49/O lar reliable wool obtainable in , | ro . , stn . -Tin. 36in. 43n. I sky. pale pink, vleux rose. Jade. ~_ • /•« o it* of> Mia I >a.\e. hello., rawn. grey, black. 1/9 1/11 2/6 2/3 4/6 I s^—»^———. — —^-^-^^^-^— - copper, lemon, rnyal. liglit and - I niui almond greens, emerald. I tomato, nigger, amethyst: also C»ey Slipper Soles. For those wno I attractive mJstures. like to knit slipper?. These ar»- I ru^K^ A 10-^^-^e/io^ ,, -- sss.'srsira.* reIM " wL ,n W+ ■ BIT* M. ■■■■■Isk mints' Childs- Maids' Ladles' Men s I r> Ul I\/IljVl 0 -BeehiTe" Shetland Floss is obtain- Knit— I able in wbite. Mark. navy, hello.. 1 fr> IZβ 1/Q*> ti 9/O I pale pink. sky. champagne, oyster. */* */** W A /«* d>/» I PvirMi sav * , - Jade - ,omo "- tomato, browns. I rntCU /AllittVUVCiy , ; peacock, shrimp, emerald, sea Fleecy— I P Ti- "•'". 7/2 "- 2/6 2/11 3/3 3/6 4/6 __ _, "Beehive ,, Feather Weel, tn black. Slack and White "•eehive" Finger* I 27-tnch American Opossum Fur Chokers. SpeHal valur. p lnk greys, navy, hello., rose. ing, in s. 3. i. 5. and 6-ply. I 32/6 Also. Better Quality, og/c hrowns. ««xe. oyster. H-arlet. also 1/I «•• Skein, o/c Head. I «'* , / w *»a/w white, and Mack and white. */* e /° I |/4 Ball, in/6 •••■*• I Alio. Red Dyed Opossum Chokers, very smart to wear *JL . -, * "Furide" Rabbit Wool, in Joz. balls. ■ AQ/R 2mW, * *V? n * " B « #rin « Wed, in Datnty. sort neecy wool, in shell ■ wnite. black-, pale pink. saxe. car- pink. rose. jade, lemon, skj. sue. ■ dlual. inn. navy, hello ricy. grey. wnlte# and mauve . ■ — 6i d - •"• •*•"•• 4/3 Meml - i/9 «•• •*)>• 1 Smart Fur Chokers of Letaea Foi, featuring deep cream * - —— ■ ———— H and grey mixture. A medium .Uβ nicely Issued. Good »» Eskimo Wool, in white. I 49/ D fn black. while. 1/6 * ■ , , trre> ?. caj-dinat, ' H Golden Fitch Fur Chokers, about 26 lii(i)p S in longtli. maUc aW m^i^mixture* 1 nat- Also. "Shetland" Andalusian. ■ to nt snugly round neck or Shoulder: i tail. AWnr~- 1 nAi« hclio "mw 1/fi Packet. ■ 69/6 A,S °- 5 CumeM - m browns greens 3 1 / g f Red Thibitine Necklets of Beautiful Soft Quality Fur, »ilk M l=lll 1/5 * M *' We ? er -'" nl ,^-, ?f! P, 1 r " "'•"" , 39/6 #in\ "Z" , ""' VhViT 1 VBBHBBBsVBBBT «I*V*L. VsMßHelßMpr I X "STAR ATTRACTIONS" f I 3e-inch Plain Coloured All-wool Frock ■ — - —-. Flannels. A sniooili nni.«hed durable ■ — quality in shades or turl", viriix ros". ■ Last Five Days X, M Ladies' Seven Day I _f ro.*e, old rose, sa\r. shell pink, scarlet. ' ■ °* rawn. amctnyst. wine. thl>tleturt. navy pnnTWF AR ■ M av Qaljk and Mack. A "^tar ,, having Price. r \J\J 1 TT t#i-t>IV ■ iriay oaie BUP Fr , M #« fard to-morrow. •. * m 1 £10 Reduction on 6 ' 6 W SPECIALS, I !_____ M««»-. L«diea* "Celfect" Art. Silk and Lisle Hose, m * ■ Jensen-Moore m priMd #llr . , ew . All English-made, m «.„«:- r VM f #*«. I PJ f»«j%m seamed back line, in nudf. new clniH- tne CJKtra oargeun CVCTIt fOT ■ riallOo irom ~,on. light lawn, moresque. silvrr. •• • k. F~;J« V Qn m I CO a. lie r>.: star price, o/ fi peir, to-«orrow. m Uus week, untU l*nd«y t » p.m., ■ 59 to 115 iaUineaS M offers savings easy to recognise I (Usually 69 to 125 Guineas) From 9 to 11.30 a.m. Only in the many fashionable lines 20/- Deposit Will Secure a . . . ..«..» • n> m offering. Odd numbers are J.C.L. Guaranteed Piano. Mail Orders not Attwcboa Price m extra low priced. Secure your You can match your furnishings m *"«»*«" needs by investigating from our selection. Inspection m to-morrow. and Comparison Invited! M m rja. m r* _. » Fifth noo,. M^^^"Always Rusv." w* >w p^h-^. JOHN COURT LTD. AUCKLAND'S LEADING DRAPERS AND FURNISHERS

I For the relief of ljj| j I ASTHMA, CATARRH, Ijj! 1 WHOOPING COUGH, I'jji I BRONCHITIS and ■£; I COLD IN THE HEAD fi|j;i Iw r m ntjtcri. mt Pturrt Wm\~\ \\ •jgmhnt 'firfr-T Jh •! \ £6 per Tin from all Medicine Jr! , '!:': \\m Vendors. JT u'l'l' I \ rtTTEI 4 CLA SKE. U4. /j jif:,* \ ' j\ Artillery Laac. Jl ! \\W, j H\ Laaioa. Km* Ml , iji ijj : JTV I\ Mk'M a 1 lllll!! IW^KTBiiiiliilSi.:!!!'!! ■mmmmmmmmm

I- ' ■ I A WATCH ao distinctive sjl J I as to win a PP in Mne /•Ta A.PM l\ I any company; * and beneath L f J jfiw/\ I the exclusive case the Omega I I movement —wonderfully accurate —wondenully reliable. /uW o/ modek

Natal Chemist Makes DiscoveryMr. G. H. Sheppard. of Clifford Road, Rotherham, writes: — "As a regular user of Carter's Little Liver Pills for upward of 25 years, it gives me great pleasure in testifying'to their merits. I first used them whilst serving in the South African War. I was suffering from a severe attack of my liver with malaria and was advised by a chemist in Natal to use only Carter's Little liver Pills. This I did. with marvellous results. Am 60 years of age. strong and active, and attribute my physical fitness to my pet remedy." The Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pill* in large and small phials of all chemista,

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 121, 25 May 1927, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 121, 25 May 1927, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 121, 25 May 1927, Page 16