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(By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) WELLINGTON, this day. The North Island Lawn Tennis Tournament opened at Miramar yesterday. Following are the results in the championship matches: Men's Singles. First Round: G. C. Lezard beat C. M. Watt o—3, 0—1; K. Keeves beat K. P Adams, 4—(i. 6—l, 7_,-, ; K. u. W. Smyth beat A. J. Grant, o—l, O—U; R. A. Mace beat P. Ward, o—l, 0—1; J. D. Dobie. beat W. G. Morgan, o—2, 8—0; D. G. France beat D. Richardson, o—3, o—4; C. S. Plank beat S. Dickens, o—3, 6—3. Second Round: A. L. France heat W. H. Cudahy, o—l, o—2; A. S. Chandler beat H. V. Howe, o—2, 9—ll, o—4; A. G. Rout beat H. D. Reid, J—7, ?—>, o—3; T. Rhodes-Williams beat T. C. Ward, 15—"-, •> —T, 7—">; C. E. Shorter beat J. Rawnsley, o—o,0 —0, o—2, o—3; A. S. l'ark beat G. A. Dawson, S—o, 0 —1; Lezard beat <i. Penlington, o—2, 7—o; Smyth beat E. Reeves, o—o, 6—o; U. <i. France beat Plank. o—l, 3—o, o—3; C. Collins beat W. Hay, o—i, 3—o. o—4; K. G. Sandall beat' Castle, o—o, o—2;0 —2; P. H. Johlin beat J. W. Neale, I—o, 7 —.">, o—3;0 —3; K. O. Stevens beat Knowles, o—l, o—2. Third Round: Rhodes-Williams beat Rout, o—2, o—4; Park beat Shorter, o—o, 6—l; Sandall beat Joblin, o—3, 0—0; Wilson beat Stevens, o—2, o—4;0 —4; Smyth beat Lezard. o—o, o—l. Fourth Hound: A. L. France beat T. Rhodes-Williams, o—3,0 —3, o—2. Men's Doubles. First Round: 'I'. C. Ward and J. <;. Dobie beat W. Cudahv and 11. Chandler, o—2, o—2. Second Round: France brothers beat C. S. Plank and M. O. Gardner, o—l, (i—4; H. V. Howe and R. P. Adams beat G. Reeves and J. Rawnsley, o—l, 11—!); N. R. C. Wilson and Dr. Park beat G. C. Lezard and W. A. Wilson, 0—2,.0— 1. Ladies' Singles. First Round: Miss E. Haves beat Miss G. Wells, o—o. o—2. Second Round: Miss A. Howe beat Miss M. Preedy, 6—4, 0—1; Mrs. E. M. Penlington boat Miss L. F. Hobson, ,~> —0, 6 —3. 0 —1; Miss G. Turner beat Mrs. Grav. 6—3, 3—6, C—4; Miss Haves beat Mrs". D. Eluis. S—o. o—o, 0— 2; 'Mrs. M. Forde beat Miss L. Kelly, o—3, o—r>; Miss D. Howe beat Miss S". Preedv, 6—o, 0—1; Mrs. J. Melody beat Mrs! J. D. Brown, 6 —o, 6—l.

Third Round: Miss Turner beat Miss Haves. o—s, o—4, 6—o; Miss D. Howe beat Mrs. Forde. G— 1, 0—1; Miss A. Howe beat Mrs. Penlington, 7—.">, o—4. Ladies' Doubles. First Round: Misses J. Bennett and E. Turner beat Misses M. Stuhhs and K. Musker, o—o, 0—0; Mrs. Bell and Mrs. D. Elias beat Miss E. Wells and Mrs. Gray, 6—2, o—4. Second Round: Mrs. Penlincton and Miss Travers beat Mrs. W. A. Wilson and Mrs. Forde, 6—2, o—3; Misses A. Howo and L. Hobson beat Misses L. Kelly and X. Hayes. 6—2, o—o. Mixed Doubles. Second Bound: X. B. C. Wilson and Mrs. Melody beat A. G. Bout and Mrs. Elias, 6—0," 6—l; W. Cuduliy and Miss Graham won by default from P. Ward, jun., and Miss Card. Third Bound: X. 1!. C. Wil-on and Mrs. Mclodv beat Cudahv and MNs lira ha in, 6—o, 6—l. Boys' Singles. Firs-t Romul: K. .1. Pringle heat J. Gilbert. o—o, 6—4; Max Mitchell heat K. C. Anderson, 6 —o. o—.">.0 —.">. Second Bound: M. Mitchell Wat D. H. Ward, o—.">, (5—.1; L. P. Watt heat D. Brown, o—3, 6—2. Girls' Singles. Second Bound: Miss X. Bell beat Miss C. Longmore, 6 —4, 0—."».

INTER-COLLEGE MATCHES. PLAY AT STANLEY STREET. Although there was no brilliant tennis at the Stanley Street courts this morning, where the inter-University matches are being played, the standard was good, and at times onejor two players showed flashes of excellent form. One of the best wins of the morning was that of Miss E. E. Miller (Auckland) over Miss M. Cameron (Wellington). The Auckland girl went down badly in the first set, but struck her game in the second and, driving a good length ball, soon had Miss Cameron racing up and down the back-line. In the third set Miss Miller found that the Victoria College girl was weak overhead and her persistent loT>blng forced her opponent into mistakes. In spite of the tricky wind, the Aucklander's lobbing tactics were effective and she ran out a winner 2 —C, o—3, o—l.

Miss N. Whitclaw, the second Auckland girl, had a good win over Miss 0. M. Shephard, of Victoria College. She kept a good length all through the match and her volleying was spectacular and effective.

Fcrkins, the first string for Victoria College, had a hard match with Nicholson, of Auckland. The first set was n even go, Ferkins winning at B—<>. The Victoria College man settled down to hard driving on both hands in the second set and his accuracy soon won him the set and match, S—6, o'—2. The Otago pair, Watson and Earle, had a hard three set match with Ferkins and O'Brien, of Victoria College. The last set saw the Otago pair playing more accurate tennis than their opponents. Ferkins was trying to do too much, and this, perhaps, contributed to the defeat of the Wellington pair. Results:— MEN'S SINGLES. First Round.—V. N. Hubble (Auc.uaud) beat A. W. Smithson (Canterbury), ti— -j 7—o : F. R. Chisholm (Canterbury) beat B R. O'Brien (Wellington), G— i. 6 o ; R* MeL. Ferkins (Wellington) beat A.' M Nicholson (Auckland), !S —(i, 0— •> : c. J. M Hunter (Canterbury) bent J. (). Mercer (Otago), 6—l, 6—l. LADIES' SINGLES. First Round.—Miss E. E. Miller (AuckInnd) beat Miss M. Camt>ron (Wellington), 2 —G. 6 —3. G—l : Miss E. K. Sontt (Canerbury) beat Miss L. S. Ballantyne (Otago), 6—5, o—s; Miss I*. Withorow (Otago) boat Miss H. G. Jones (Canterbury). 6—5. o—l ; Miss N. Whitelaw (Auckland) beat Miss o. M. Shepherd (Wellington), G—4. <! —l. MEN'S DOUBLES. First Round. —Chisholm nod Mercer iOtago) boat Paul and Scott (Wellington). *j—3. ♦»—1 : Hubble and Nicholson (Auckland) beat Searle and Gillies (Canterbury). C—2. 6—l ; Hunter and Smithson (Canterbury) heat Andrews and North (Auckland). -I—G, o—l. S—« ; Watson and Earle (Otago) beat Fenkins and O'Brien (Wellington). 6 —l.5 —7. 7—r>. At the end of the morning's plav Auckland and Otago had each captured four matches, while Canter'- ry had won three am flrtori* CflUego on* '

EASTER TOURNAMEMNT. BIRKENHEAD AND NORTHCOTE. The annual Easter handicap tennis tournament organised by the Birkenhead and Northeote Tennis Club was opened on the courts at Northeote yesterday. Competitors are participating from as far south as Invercargill, and a number hail from the King Country. Goood progress was made with the various sections. The arrangements were in charge of, Messrs. W. C. Morrin (chairman). J. F. Potter (secretary), H. G. Johnstone, H. W. Tver and A. Taylor. The catering arrangements by the ladies' coommittee, assisted by Mr. T. Wheatley, left nothing to be desired. The tournament is being continued today and will be completed on Monday. Yesterday's results were : — Junior Championship.—First Round': P. Newton beat T. V. Fitzpatrick. fi—l. fi—-. Men's A radc Singles.—First Hound: \V. I". Williams beat C. Morrin. 4—o, fi—3. fi—l ; It. H. (Jreenslnde bent F. C. Brew, 4—<;, »•>—l. o—4 ; J. Warsaw beat H. A. Robinson, fi—3. C 1 ; L. Quintrll beat S. Fernandez. 3 —6. G—s, 6—."». Second Round : J. R. Neil] beat E. Touks, 6—5. o—4 ; L. A. Mnnder beat A. Taylor, fi—l, 6—4. Men's B Grade Singles. — First Round : Edwards beat R. 11. Greensludc, 6—l, fi—l : J. I. Moir bent R. McMillen, o—3, o—,'l: K. Potter bent C. .loones, fi—3, G—3; L. Floyd bent H. Maddox. G— 2. o—l : C. B. Chalmers bent A. Sharpe. 6—l. fi—» : W. Fisher bent T. V. Fitzpatrick, fi—l, fi—l ; S. Gaskin bent C. Laurie. »'.— 2, 5—G, 0 —.1; Tonson bent F. C. Brew, fi—3, G—3 ; Woood bent .!. R. Xeill. G—3, 4—G. G—.">. Second Round : J. I. Moir bent Edwards. 3—G. G—'_•, G—3; 1.. Floyd bent K. Potter. G—». .">—G, (.—ti; C. B. Chalmers bent W. Fisher. G—.", .">—<t. t;— 2 ; Tonson beat S. Gnskiu. 4— fi. fi—J. fi—4. Men's Doubles.—First Round : Tonson and Woods bent Ludlow and Glare. G—o. fi — 1 : .1. F. Totter and 11. G. Johnston beat S. Fernandez and W. K. Williams. G—l. f>— 2; Floyd and Newton bent Mooir ami Laurie, fi—l. G—33. Second Round: Tonks and Roobinsou beat Sharpe and Chalmers, Ladies' Singles.—First Round : Miss boat Miss McGill, o— 2: Mrs. Blake bent .Miss Woods. S) 1 : Miss Warsaw bent Miss Wrightsoon. '•' —I ; Miss Hamilton beat Miss .lean Chambers, G—J, G—.", ; Miss Litten bent Miss Brew'm, o—2; Miss Hewitt beat .Miss Judd, !>—."i : Miss MacKay beat Miss Ma soon. I) —G. Second Round: Miss Jacks heat Miss Evans, ii— ~t : Miss Warsaw beat Mrs. Blake, 9—5; Miss Litten beat Miss Hnmiltono, »i—l; Miss Hewitt beat Miss MaeKny. o—4. Ladies' Doubles. —First Roound : Misses Evans and Griffen bent Misses Brewin and Hamilton. o—4: Misses Miller and Frankham beat Misses Jacks and Palairet, ft—7: Misses Mason and MacKay beat Misses McGill and Hewitt. o—7. Combined Doubles. —First Round: L. A. Mnnder and Miss Woood beat .L R. Xeill and Miss Masoon, 4—(5, G—s, 0 —."».

TO-DAYS PLAY. Good progress is being made with the various events of the Easter tournament of the Birkenhead and Northeotp Lawn Tennis Club, on the courts at Northoote. The results so far of to-day's play are : — JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP. Second Round.—J. R. Noill beat C. Laurie. 6 —o, 6—o ; J. 1. Moir beat Wood, (; 4, ii— 4 ; X. W. Bowden beat L. Floyd. (5 —i, o—0; C. K. Harrison beat It. F. Armstrong. 3 —6. 6—4. 6—5; E. 11. R. Turner beat N. Craig, 6—4. 6—3; A. Walton beat 0. ('. Bowden, I—o,1 —0, 6 —5, 6—l. Serai-Final.— r. Newton beat D. Jones, 6 —2. 6—5. MENS SINGLES—A GRADE. Second Round. —N. W. Bowden (owe 30) beat E. Turner (owe 2-6), 6—3, 6 —4. MENS SINGLES—B GRADE. Third Round.—O'Connor (owe 301 beat 11. W. Tver (owe 30), 6— 3, 6—3: Toiison (owe 15 3-6) beat Chalmers (owe 13). 6—4, 5— 6. 6—4. LADIES' SINGLES. Third Round. —Miss C. Bryant (owe 40) beat Miss Gibbons (owe 15). '•» —S; Miss Fninkham (owe 13 3-6) beat Miss I. Potter (owe 1". 2 0). 9—7 ; Miss Miller (owe 3-6) brat Miss Newman (owe 3-6). 9—5; Mrs. Hay (owe 15 3-6) beat Miss Roulston l sor ) ;i—f,; Miss Waters (owe 151 beat Miss tie Lough (owe 30 3-6), !)—6; Mrs. Tonks (owe 15) beat Miss Bewes (owe 15), o—3. LADIES 1 DOGBEES. Semi-Finn!. —Misses Miller and Frankham (owe 15) beat Misses Mason and McKay (scr), It —S. MIXED DOUBLES. First Round. —Miss Jacks and 11. G. Johnston (owe 15) beat Miss Litter and Quintell (owe 30 2-6), 6—2, 6—5; Miss Evans and Smith (owe 15 4-6) beat Miss Newman and A. Taylor (owe 15). 3—6, 0 5, «—2; Mrs. Warsaw and Warsaw (owe 30) beat Miss Wright son and Mnson (owe 2 6). 6 —2, 6—2: Miss Wood and Marnier (owe 30) beat Miss Hamilton and Woods (owe 4-6), 6—5. 2—6. 6—l; Mrs. Hay and Brew (owe 15) beat Miss Palairet and Fernandez (owe 3-6), 6 —2, 6—3: Miss D. Bryant and Robinson (owe 40) bout Miss Warsaw and Coleman (plus 3-6.1. ;{ o. 6—3, 6—5; Miss Potter and Armsi rone (owe 15 2-6) beat Miss Hewitt and Tonson (owe 15 3-6). 6—5. 6—o: Miss do Lough and C. Morrin (owe :t0) beat Miss J. Chambers and R. 11. Oreenslade (owe 3.R) C—3. 6—2: Miss Wbittaker and K. Keith (owo 30 3-C) beat Miss McKay and Sharpe (plus 3-61. 6—l. 6—3: Mrs. Cndness and Christmas (owe 15 2-6) beat Mrs. Burnett and Stephenson (owe 15 4-6). 3-6, 6—l, 6—2.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 13

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LAWN TENNIS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 13

LAWN TENNIS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 89, 16 April 1927, Page 13