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CROSSKEYS DUE TONIGHT. MARAMA SAILS TO-MORROW. The only overseas arrival cipocted at Auckland this evening is the Crosskevs from Facific Coast ports. The City of Khios was to sail for Wellington this afternoon, while the Marania is to leave on her return trip to Sydney to-morrow afternoon. ARRIVALS —YESTERDAY. (Jlenelg, from Whangarel, 0.30 p.m. Akiroa. with a raft, from Coj>t, 11.30 p.m. THIS DAY. Matangi. from Taurangn. 7 a.m. Wuiotahi, lrora Mercury Hay. 9.30 n.m. I.yttelton, with a raft, from Coast, 2 a.m. Herckino, from Portland, 7 10 a.m. DEPARTURES—YESTERDAY. K.M.s. Nin para, fur Vancouver, 3.20 p.m. Motu, for Coast, 1.5 p.m. claymore, for Whangarei, 4..">3 p.m. Wainui. for East Coast. -">.15 p 111. Awahou. for Port land. 7."J0 p.m. THIS DAY. Wakakura. for liatiraki Culf, 0 a 111. Mako, for Portland, 7 a.m. VESSELS IN PORT. Maroro (scli.l, North Wall (A. Frankham) Northumberland. in Dock t.VZ.S. Co.>. U.M.c.s. Iris. In stream (Pacific Cable Boa rd» Kaltoke. in stream (T'nion S.S. Co.). Kurnalpt. in stream (Northern Walroa Co.l. Kawallrl, In Stream Union S.S. Co.). Walpori, in Stream ll'nion S.S. Co.). Raranga, Prince's Wharf (A. S. I'aterson). Kaponga, Western Wharf d'nion S.S. Co.). Port Denison. Queen's Wharf (F.C.A. Co.). Piri, King's Wharf (E. C. Campbell 1. Knimnnewa, Chelsea (t'nion S.S. Co.). UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. The Waipiata is expected to leave Wellington for Auckland to-<lay. After discharge here she is to return to I.yttelton, I>une<lin nnil Timaru. sailing about Wednesday next. The Wingatul is to sail at noon to-morrow for Napier. Wellington, I.yttelton, Dunedin. Oamaru and Timaru. The Kalinnnawa is to sail from Chelsea at N p.m. to-day for Westport. The Katoa is expected to leave Portland this afternoou for New Plymouth. Welling ton and Lyttelton. The Kaponga is to sail for Westport to morrow afternoon. The Wainui was dispatched for Tokoma ru Ray and Gisborne last evening. She is to leave Gisborne on her return trip to-morrow.

The Kartigi is to leave Napier to-day for Gisborne and Auckland After discharge she is to proceed to Wellington and Westport. NORTHERN COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. Projected Departures. Today.—Waiotnhi. for Great Barrier, midnight; Matangl. for Tauranga. 7 p.m.: Arapnwa, for llokiangn. 4 p.m.: Rarawa. for New Plymouth. 3.30 p.m. : Ngatiawa. for Raglan and Kawliia. -i p.m. To-morrow.—Omana. for Waiwera. Mahurangl nnd Warkworth. !• ant. : Kawan. for Kawan, Leigh nnd Mancawai. :i a.m.; Waiuku, for Waiheke. !»,."«• a.m. Expected Arrivals. To-day.—Waiuku. from Waiheke. r, p.m. : Knwau. from Takatu. Ti l't . I.lttle and Big Omaha. 11.30 p.m.; Omana. from Brown's Bay. Arkle's Bay. Manly. Deep Creek and Silverdale. S p.m. To-morrow.—Clansman. from Russell. Opua. Whangaroa nnd Mangonul. s a.m. : Taniwha, from Pneroa. 1 a.m. : Daphne, from Kopu nnd Turua. ." a.m. ; Claymore, from Whangarei. 3.30 a.m. The Gunbar was expected to sail for East Coast ports this afternoon. The tugs Akaroa and I.yttelton. with ratts of log*, arrived from .the Coast during the night. The auxiliary schooner Coronation left Gisborne at 11 p.m. yesterday for Auckland. wh<re she is due to-morrow. She is to sail tor Hokianga on Saturday. Hie Nobel Explosives Co.'s auxiliary schooner Piri is expected to sail to morrowevening for Sydney. Thence she is to proceed to Melbourne to load explosives for New Zealand. The Richardson steamers. Mako and Awahou have been dispatched for Portland to load cement for East Coast ports The Awahou left at 7.30 last evening, nnd the Mako at 7 this morning. These vessels were originally announced to sail for East Coast direct.

THE CANADIAN BRITISHER. Printing general cargo from Halifax, the Canadian Government steamer Canadian Britisher is expected to reach Auckland about May S. THE UI.IMAROA. With passengers and enrgo. the Huddart. Parker steamer Flimaroa. t« t . leave Sydney for Auckland to morrow Sinis due here on Monday next. EASTER TIME TABLES. Special Easter time-tables nffei-tinc .ill services have been arranged hv the Northern Company. Particulars of the alteration* arc advertised in this issue. THE RARANGA. For further discharge of her Home ca rso the Shaw. Savlll anil Albion Co.'s steamer Rarnnga is to leave Auckland for Port Chalmers at daybreak to-morrow. THE CANADIAN CHALLENGER. To complete her enrgo for New York. Boston, and Montreal, the steamer Canadlati Challenger, at present in the South. Is ex peeled to return to Auckland on April 2s. R.M.S. NIAGARA SAILED Jt ound for Yaucourer, via .s'uia rtml Honolulu. the Union » omvany s U.M.s. M.ipiru NiilnJ J rein Autkl/imJ .-iiiTtl.v alter 3 o clock yesterday afternoon. SUe'ls ilue to arrivi_- at tier il.-stination on A/.riJ -U. M.l'i'AKO.l LEFT R.lLIiO.l. En route from I.ondon and Southampton to Auckland, the Shaw, Savill and Alhion Co.'s passenger liner Mataro.i left Balboa on Sunday, says a cable received to-dav. She ib due here about May THE UIRI.M I. The New Zealand Shipping Co.'s steann--Hiirunui is expected to arrive at Auckland from Opua on l ui-suay morning next to ii-.-m for Went Coast of Uniied Kingdom ports. J his vessel is to sail tinallv from Wellington oil May -I. THE SOMERSET. rnniiuj from Australia to commence Homeward loading. the Federal Line steamer Somerset is expected to arrive at Auckland on Tuesday next. Heuce she proceeds t<> Napier. Dunedin. and Wellington to till up for Loudon. THE PORT DENISON. At present unloading Home carpn at tli" Queen's wharf, the Commonwealih and Dominion Line steamer Port Denison is c\ peered to sail at daybreak on Friday for \\ ellington.

CAMBRIDGE AND MAH \NA. A cablegram reports the arrival at London on Sunday of the Federal steamer Cambridge and the Shaw. Savlll nnd Albion Co. s steamer Mahana. both from I.vttelion The Cambridge sailed on March 1 and the -Mahana two days later. THE NORTHUMBERI.AND. v R rr n,r f '? Federal Line steamer and are expected to be conpleted next week, and the vessel is commence loadlnc for London on Wedne day I-rom Auckland, she is to prn, w ,| "p lkokpl>u - Na l^ r . ••"><« Welling THE WEST CAItMONA. .. Henderson and Macfarlane advise that 'he American -Australia-Orient Line VnV?r c « sailed from VZ Angeles on Saturday for ~nil Woin ton Lrttellon. Dunedin i is due here about May 3 AUSTRALIND REPORTED Colon on Strnday last, according to a Tihllgram received to-day. This vessel which is brlnslns case oil „nd general cargo from on M:iv°7 ' S " XI,eC!P " r ° :,d ' 11..M.5. LABURNFM. K'-turuinc to Auckland af t .-r weeks' abseuce in the South. HMs Laburniiin is carrying out sun pri'cti.'-e •n the (»Uif 1 0-day. The Wak.tkur!,' |"n this morning with target-, which >he tow for the pracii.e. Hotli -l,ip« .-,-r expected in port ai 4 o'clock ihis aftcrnoon.

THE CITY OF KHIOS. In continuation of her voygje from New York, the steamer City of Khlos was expected to sail from Auckland this afternoon. THE TOFUA. Returning from her monthly visit to Western Pacific Islands, the Union Co.'s steamer Tofua is to leave Suva for Auckland tomorrow. She is due on Monday. THE WAIKAWA. Timber-laden from Bunbury. the Union Co.'s steamer Waikawa passed Wilson's Promontory on Monday evening last, en route to Auckland. She is due here about Monday next. ARAWA'S EXPECTED ARRIVAL. It Is announeiNl by A. S. Paterson and Co., Ltd.. the Shaw, S.ivlil and Albion Co.'s pasM-nger steanor Arnwa is now expected to reach Auckland from I.lvcrp<wd about May 2. She nj> previously expected 01: May G. THE CROSSKEYS. According to her latest wireless report, the A.A.O. Line steamer Cro«»krys wiil now reach Auckland from Pacific Co.i-j ports at 7..'*" this evening. Tomorrow morning 'he will berth at the Central wharf. Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane are the local agents. MARAMA AND MAUNGANUI. A projected sailing from Auckland at 3 o'clock to-morrow afternoon is the t'nion Company's passenger steamer Marama for Sydney. She i« due at Sydney on Monday. The Maunganui is to" leave Wellington for Sydney to-morrow afternoon, and !< also due at her destination on Mondav morning. PASSENGERS FROM HOME. The following pas.senger> lor New Zealand are on board the Orient liner Oratna. which is due at Sydney from Ix>ndon today: Major Sir Archibald Iloyd-Carpenter. MP., Colonel A. Hacking. D.S.«>„ M.C.. Dr. nn<l Mrs. J. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. H. Belshaw and child. Mr. and Mrs. c 11. Davies and child. Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. J. l'adwick. Mrs. Pollard. Mrs. Lyell. Mrs. Craig. Mrs. Garrey. Mr. H. R. E. Black. Mr. A. S. Cunningham. Mr. A. It. Fcnn. Mr. P. J. Jackson. Mr. N. L. Wright. PORT OF ONEHTJNGA. ARRIVALS—THIS DAY. Rarawa, from New Plymouth, at 7 am. TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Gisborne, April 12. —Sailed: Elsie Mary, for Auckland. 4.3" pm. ; Coronation, for Coast. 11.20 p.m. Wellington. April 12.—-Sailed : R.Ms. Makura. for Sydney. r> p.m. : Ptitlki. for Napier. C.lO p.m.; Kurow. for Lyttelton. I<> p.lll. I.yttelton. April 12—Sailed: Middlesex, for Dunedin. 12 2*• p.m.: Waipiata. for Wellington. p.m. I.yttelton. April 13. —Arrived : Tees, from Waitangl. 2.30 Storm, from Timaru. ."1.30 a.m.: Holmdale. from Timaru. iV.'JO a.m. : Kualilne. from Napier. 7 a.m. : Maori, from Wellington. G. 40 a m Dunedin, April 12. — Sailed; Mahla. for Wellington. 10.30 a.m. : City of Kimberley. for 111uff. 3 3o pin.: Ruapehu, for Timaru, 1.1 pin Bluff. April 12. — Saile<l: Moeraki. for Melbourne. 10 pm. OVERSEAS. Su\a. April 12.—Arrived: Tofua. from Apia. Melbourne. April 12—Arrived: Waitetnatii. from New Zealand. Newcastle. April 12. -Sailed: Kaiwarra, for New Zealand. Francisco. April —Arrived : Pulpit Point and Petrlcola. from Australia. Colon. April 10.—Arrived : Australind (New York to Auckland). I>.s Angeles. April H.—Sailed : We-t Carmonn. for Auckland. Balboa, April in —Sailed : Ma:jroa (London to Auckland). I.ondon. April 10. — Arrive<l : Cambridge, from I.yttelton: Mahaa. from Lyttelton. (llasgow. April l rt .— Arrived : Devon, from Wellington. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels' are expected to be within range of tlie undermentioned wireless stations tonight: — Auckland. — Atlioll, Tofua. 11.M.5. Diomede. Baron Ardrossan. llauraki, Waikawa. 11. .1. Ilanna. Canadian Scottish. S. Y. Snrprise. Niagara. Illnemoa. 11.M.5. 1-aburnum. Crosskeys. Wakakura. City of Khot«. Chatham Islands. —Denham, Delphic. Tamaroa. Horomta. Wellington. — Maori. Wahlne. Ngaio. Arahiirn. Tamahine. Waihemo. I'ort Victor. 11.M.5. Veronica. Kaiwarra. Makura. Kauri, poolta. Malila. Indlanola. Canadian Challenger, Waikottaili. Porr Candinc. Awarua. —City of Kimberley. Anamba. Tutanekal. Moeraki. C. A. I-arsen.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 87, 13 April 1927, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 87, 13 April 1927, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 87, 13 April 1927, Page 4