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:: \ *T::it TOrRNA Mnnt. Tin' fullowins Is tlir draw for tho to In- held at Xorthcote on Friday. Saturday and Monday next. Play will start at !» .1 in. .-harp each day : — Junior Champion-hip.—First r n '.iml : J. IJ .Will v. I-;. (I.anrie, I'. Newton v T. V. Fi:zpatrick. ,1. I. Moir v. X. Craig. L. !• loyd v. X. \\ . Ilowden, C. (J I'owden v. A. K. Walton. A. F. Arnislrnnc v. ('. K. Harrison lives : I). Joins v K. II K. In rnor. Men's Handicap Singles, A tirade.—First round : C Morrill owes .'id 2 (!, v. \V. K Williams (11.1t.1 ; M. Cralc owes 4-U. w 11. ii Creejslado >cr; Tatlen owes 14 ."i. v. .1 I*. Potter owes 40; K. Totiks owes -In v. ,1. it. Xeii: o'.vt• > i; 1 *y< >: s. I-Vi-nan do/ (II ll ). v. 1.. (Juintell illl>.): 11. A. Koliinson over v A Warsaw, owes 4(1; A Taylor owe- 1.", 41;. v . 1.. A. Mander owes 4u: <'. K. Harri-011 owes l.">. v. A < 'l.ri-i ma sow e- :;i 1 -J 1; ; \v. Is..wd. 11 owes 311 v. K. 'i urner (H.I).): 11 Jones (11 1).). v. 11. I''. Armstrong owes 11 .".(>. .Men s Doubles.— .1. |[. Neill and I'. K Harrison owe 1 v . K. J. Corbet t and 11. \\ . lire ov. r C Morrln and J War saw owe 411. v T. \' l'itzp.i trii-k and I-'. ('. .lone- owe ('. ; .1. I Moir and (' l.turie owe nil, v. F. Floyd and I'. Xewton -,-r: K. I'etter and W. Fisher -it. v. K (Jn-.-n si ade Mild S in.. I: riel.l owe 3 C-. 1,. Maniler and (J.i-kin owe l.">. v. Fernandez and Williams 1 11.1). i ; Linllnw and ( In re owe l.">. v Thompson .rid Woods owe I."i • Col and O'Connor roc. 3 v . guinteli and Williams (H I) 1 ; Taylor and Tatton owe 1.) U-it. v. 1". liter and Johnston owe 4ii; Crai- and I'ooley owe 1. v. Tonks and Koliinson ov.e 4(i. lives : Turner and Walton owe 1.1, v. Mason anil McMillan scr ; Keith and Christmas owe 3(> 3-(i, v. I'.owden and Kowden owe 1.". 3-(i; J o ne» and Filum r Turner (III).) I) aide-. - Misses D and M. Newman owe 4C. v. Mrs. and Miss Warsaw owe 4t>; Misses Hrewin nnd Hamilton owe ii. v. Misses Crillin and Kvans scr; Misses X. and .1 Chambers owe 3-ti. v Misses C. and I) lirvant owe -III: Misses Jacks nnd I'.ilieret owe 15. v. Misses Miller nnd Frankham owe 15; Misses Ret ter and Roulston owe 4C, v. Misses Waters and I'.ewes owe 1 ; Mrs. Ca.lness and Miss W'hittaker owe :tu. v. Mrs. Tonks • Mill Miss W noil — ow'* l.i u■ 1i : Mc-d 1 mi*s llay and Burnett owe ;:(l v M.s-es (Jilihotis and dc owe 1 ,"i ."{-0. live: Ml-ses Hume anil I.itten owe 4tl. Ladies Singles—Miss H. (IrifTcn scr, v. Miss i'. Bryant owes 41) : Miss Jacks owes 3 0 v. Mis- owes 1.1 : Miss Woods scr. v. Mrs. Milk" scr: Mis- Warsaw owes 31;, v Mis# owes ■'! (>: Mi-s Frankham owes 1.". 3 (i. v. Miss .j Chambers i we« 4-0: Mi-s K Miller owes v. Miss I.itten



Desperate efforts aro being made to complete the matches at the various clubs, but each Saturday sees delays 011 account of adverse weather conditions, and at most of the clubs matches will need to bo finished on chip courts or held over until next season as clubs are starting top-dressing after Easter. Rcmuera and Parnell are probably more advanced titan others. At the former E. L. Bartleet seems likely to win all events in which he entered, and 011 Saturday last, defeated H. 0. Thomson in the semi-final of the sinolos, am l -villi Robson as partner won the final of the championship doubles, beating Entwistle and \\ atkitis, who had previously beaten Cirifliths and Brinsden in the semi-final. J'lie ground was in a slippery condition, but being in desperate case, it was considered wise to finish tip all matches possible. When one remembers the interesting matches usually played at this time of the year, and the line weather enjoyed last year during March and April, it is depressing to see what should be good tennis spoilt by a run of bad weather. Tennis players will by hurrying away for Easter* tournaments, which will see out the end of the tennis season. The New Zealand University tournament, which starts on Saturday next nt Stanley Street, should prove a good draw, and sonic line tennis will, 110 doubt, be witnessed, as 'Varsity teams usually contain a few stars. The Auckland team is a strong one, and should 0,, elose to winning. There are several good doubles pairs entering for the Birkenhead and Nortlicote tournev, to be played at the latter club's court's, and good tennis should lie witnessed there also. At a second meeting between Miss Knight and Miss Ramsay for the ladder, the former, playing in line form, turned the tables on her rival nnd won easily in two sets. -Most tennis giants will son:i be making for Wimbledon for the tourney, which, although nut officially a world's championship, is the classic event of the year. Although the venue litis changed to 11101 u convenient quarters since the year of its inception in IS7>S, it still outstands as historic in the annals of lawn tennis. The men's championship in 18S1 was won by S. (Jure, a kinsman of A. W. Gore, the next year by P. Hnddow, then came •>. T. Hartley, who won two years' in succession, then came along a schoolboy in young llenshaw, a lad of nineteen, who to the surprise of all, beat Lawford and in the filial disposed of Hartley in a five set match lasting thirtyone minutes. Hartley winning only two games. This was done by the new method of volleying as against the old style of ba Hi line plav, and from then 011 tennis assumed a different plane in the estimation of the public. The Kenshaw twins hold the championships for a number of years' to be followed by Dr. rim, Mahoney, Hamilton, A. \Y. Core, the Dohcrtys, right tip to Brookes, Wilding, Patterson, Tilden, Anderson,

and the Frenchmen Lacoste and Borotra. In the ladies' events the names of Mrs. Lambert Chambers, Miss May Sutton (America), Miss Kitty Mclvane, and of course, Mdlle. Lenglen. are known among the champions. This year's meeting should provide an interesting tourney. Tilden and the Frenchmen will be competitors and n good final should result. In the ladies' events the contests arc r ery open now that Mdlle Lenglen cannot dominate the situation. Tennis followers will he interested to learn that K. D. Andrews, the New Zealand champion, and who is studying law, lias received advice that lie lias passed his final examination. This leaves him free to indulge in bolter practice. Ho intends partnering with Lnwry at the llawke's Hay championships at Faster and in the winter will j'iay squash racquets. Andrews was a schoolboy prodigy and vas twice junior champion of the Dominion. Living at Pa lmerston North, his opportunities for practico with first-class players are not frequent, and it shows his great ability in becoming as prominent as he has done.

owes 40 ; Miss Hamilton owes 3-6. v. Miss 1). Kryant owes 30 "-(! : Miss I'aileret (H.U.), v. Miss N. Chambers owes 3-0; Miss I). M. Kvans owes 40. v. Mrs. Burnett owes MO - 0; Mrs. Cadness owes 1-1 4 0, v. Mis» 1. l'otter owes 15 il-li. Hyes ; MrHay owes 1.1 3C>. v. Miss Kouiston scr; Mi.-s Waters owes 1.1. v Miss de owes 30 30; Mrs. Tenks owes 15 2-0. v Miss I!ewes owes 1.1. Men's Slnsies. l> tirade.—tireetisiade owes 30, v. Smailtieid owes 4-0: Fernandi z (H.LM, VA McMillan scr : K l'otter owes 15 - 0, v.*. June-' owes 1,1 L'-O ; Fbad owes .10. v. Maddux owes 1.1; Moir owes 1.1 4 0. v. Quiuteli (HI) ) : Fitzpatrick owes 1"> 1! 0. v. Fisher owes ,10: owes 1.1. v. (ia.-kln scr: Tver owes 30 v. O'Connor owe. 30 ; Nelll owes 30 3-0. v Wood owes So : Williams owes 1.1, v. Coleman scr: Thompson owes 1.1 3-0. v. Mason owe- 1.1 3 0: (i. I'owden owes 40. v. Siephen-on owes 1.1 2 0. lives: Armstrong owes 3'' v Walton owes 30 30: Harrison owr« 40. v. Turner ..wis 40. Combined Doubles. — Mi-s .larks and Johnston own jr,, v. Mi-s I.itten and Quintet! (H. 1».) : Miss Kvans and Smith i'we 1-1 4 0, v. Mi.-s Newman and Tnylor owe 10: Miss Wrightsoii and Mason owe - f>. v. Mrs. Warsaw and Warsaw owe 3o; Miss Wood and Mander over 30. v. Mis. ('. ltivaiit nnd J Poller owe 4n ; Miss Hamilton and Woods owe 4-0 v Miss Rlake and Ulake rec 3-li; Miss 1). IJryant and Kobinson owe 40, v. Miss Warsaw nn<i Coleman ree. 30; Miss l'.ilieret and Fernandez (II.I).), v. Miss Frankham and Craig owe 1.1 4 0: Miss Judd and Kdwards ree 3-0, v. Miss Miller and I'ooley owe 3 0: Mrs. Corhett and Mnrrin owe 1-1 3 0 v. Miss Hrewin and O'Connor scr; Miss Madilo\ and Maddux scr. v. Miss I. Potter and Arm stroll;; owe 15 L'-O ; Miss (iibbons and Tver owe 3 0, v. Mrs. Hay and Corbett owe i.l: Mi-s de Lou.-h ami Itobinson (H 1).). v. Miss J. Chambers and Creenslade owe 3 0: Miss N. Chambers and Thompson owe 4 0. v. Mrs. liurnett and Stephenson owe 1.1 4 0; Mrs. Cadness and Cliristmns owe 11 ■I-* 1 ' v - Miss Whlttaker and Keiih owe 311 • .-<!: Mrs. Tonks and Tonks owe 30 20. v. Miss Itewes nnd I>. Jones (II I*.); Miss Hume and Williams owe 1.1 30. v. Miss Waters and (iaskiu scr. Further entries will be nr-ived t:p tili Friday morning.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 87, 13 April 1927, Page 14

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LAWN TENNIS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 87, 13 April 1927, Page 14

LAWN TENNIS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 87, 13 April 1927, Page 14