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MARAMA FROM SYDNEY. CROSSKEYS TO-MORROW. Tho only overseas arrival- at Auckland to-cay was the Mnratna from M-d----nov. At niidd'y the ludianola sailc<l for Wellington, ai.d at .T o'clock the R.M.S. Niagara was to resume her voyage to Vancouver. The Crosskeys has rc]>ortctl that she will arrive from Pacific Coa«t ports tomorrow afternoon. ARRIVALS—YESTERDAY. Tuhoe, from Coast. 4.15 p.m. Kaponga, from Wt-stport, 5.25 p.m. THIS DAY. Claymore, from WhanpiM. - .10 n m. Mamma, Sydney, 1; *:, .1 tu pai.s.-n----e<Ts:--S«l.K>n : M| M f. Allc.k. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Bicknall. Mr. mid Mr- \ M Burko an<l J i-hildn-n. Miss <; Itn.nn Col nnd Mrs. R. Blhkoii .ind .T children. Mrs. K 11. Cuffand nml 3 children. Mr \ l> Cararh. Mr. W. M C..\. Mr. W. I>.-w|l<-v. MisM. Ha-son. Mr ».. Kdnmnd. Mrs C. }: Kur roll Miss A. Gould. Mr. T. M. Gilmore Mrs A. R. Gray. Mr. F. W. Harrison. Mr. J P Harry, Mr. and Mrs. c. K. H..|ryd<\ Mrs A Isainonp-r. Mr. I. iMnmnpr, Mr. o Kemp thorn.-. Mr. J K. rr. Mr. tl. W. Will- Mr and Mrs. A. Milne. Mr. N. MrlMw-11. Mr 11. Maloney. Mr. an<l Mrs S K. Moff.ll Miss 11. McCuUoch. Mr. L. Morpin. Mlm c. U. Morrison. Mrs. K. l>. Ilaj smith and chil dren. Mrs. C. K. Smith. Mrs. S. ,\. Smith. Mrs. M. C. Smith. Mr. A. Smith. Mrs. K. 1 homson ami infant. Mrs. J. l> Thompson Mrs. s. i: Mr. It. Wltbell. Mr H Itak.-r. Mrs H. 111. as.l. Mls.« A ias-x Mr and Mrs. T. Cninptnn, Mr. 11 j. I'lnnmn.Mr .111.1 Mrs T. I>rvl>ur C ami Infnnt. Mri: Gl. nist. r. Mr A Gnrlnch. Mrs. M [Inirv Mr. and Mrs. M. Jlalcn.s. Mrs r. Mr. W. Lyons. Mr. l>. Lynch. Mr and Mrs I. Martin. Mr. C MorrW. Mr 1" p.-n.U-r Mrs A. Piir-r-11. Mr.«. K. Koss nn.| children' Mi-s 1.. ItirhnnlH. Miss K. |{o'H-rt«. MU< It Sw.nsoii. Mrs L. Niiv;i;.\ Mr and Mrv I". Wallls nnd i-hlldn-n ; aud 50 thir-d claw. In eluding Chlnesr. nKPAmtni:s—YEsTi:un.\v. Surprise (strain ;arhi>. f..r Honolulu •". p in. Clansman, for R»s!tel|. .", ;,d p In Paroto. lor C...1 1. 0 ;.-. ~ n , Matanci. for Taurnncn, 7.J0 p.m «.|en.| s . f..r WhnnearH. 7.1.*, pin Waiotahi. lor M.-rcury Bay. 7 jo p tn. Tirci. f..r <.isht.rnc. S .in p m Ilereklno. f,, r l'..rtlan.l. 1"1.". pm. THIS PAY. Indian.■;.!. for WeHinsion. 12 15 p m. XORTHKUX Co S MOVKMHNTS. Projorte<l IVpnrturei" To day - -llnultl. for s pm Wilpii. for Pnrroa, 7 p.m.; c].i>m<.r.. ~r \\ hancarel. 4 pm. Tomorrow Daphne. for Kopu and Timia. n.30 a.m.: Wnlukn. for WnlhrV--0.30 a.m.; Knwan. for Knn-au. Tnkatu. Tl Point. I.itilo and Hi? Omaha. :> a n> K\p<-cte.l Arrivals Today.--Hancitoto. from Th.iin<-«. r>3o! p.m.: D.iphn<\ rrom Cnrnmnndel. s .-{<■ - 1 Omana. fn.m W.iiwrm. Mahurancl nn.i Uarknorth. s pm : Katr.iu. fn-ni Knn.lll Mullet point and Mntnkann. i>3ll p ni . To-morrow.- Mntanrl. tr..m Tanranpi. 7 a.m.: llannra. from NVw Pl>m<>uth 7 "■> n.m. : Wnlotahl. from M.-nury n tid Talma. U am.; Jr»ni" H. (> a m. ' VESSELS KXPIXTKD AT .MCKLANU | f'rowkeyK. i. O! , Ane-les. April 1.1 lI.Ms l_il>nrni;m. South. April 13 Port Darwin, port K<-nibl.i .|n.-id«' I". Wolknwa. Ilnnt>ury. April 1«. Denbam. New York. April Is rilmnroa. Sydney. April l>v. Tofu.i. Suva. April l<. Tnnjmrlm. Ixndon. April is 11.-iriMi Orahnm. Cuha. April Is Somerset. Australia (load".). Apr; \? Huniniil. Opua ilnndsl. April l:> llorilus. South il..a.U . April ?<• O' " Mauri. St John. April L'."> Ki.i Ore.. South llnnds). April - Ji« Cumberland. Liverpool. April 24. It M in s. Aoransl. Vancouver. April 'J I Wrst Conoli. (>.« Anrll S> Nuruln. San Pedro, April 27. Matarna London. April .10 Korertc. Nanru Istnnd. April ~.0 lI.Ms. Dlome»lc. Now Hebrides. e. ir u M«j Wrst Cnrm.n.'i. 1...« \ns.-l«>«. \| a j <;' 11. M.R. Veronica. South. May C. \rawa Liverpool M.iv «. Ilrltlsher ILillfaT. Mar 0 Raron Hiithv.-n. Cuhn. May 7 Aiistmllnd. New York. May 7 Oiieen Kleanor. Si. Slay 10 Port Hanly May l<; HuDtinzdon Liverpool 'm.iv Id Persian Prince. Galveston. May 2« City of Khartoum, N.-w York. Slav z\ Tekoa. Liverpool May .1". Mamnri. London. June 4. <"orlnthic. London, via South June 7 Mahana. Liverpool. June 2s. The Tiroa .li M -.i:, he,| on liT r.-turn trip to las: evening. Tho Is «-\per!o,| to *:i|| .-!• 10 p m Xa Icr f ° r EaSC l * O3ft bay *' ~Wl' o rr' o aXitl The Hlch.irdson fframer. Aw.ihou Rn d Mako are expectoil ( o le.ivr Auckland tod.-n .' h .° VP , i '°^ l - "'" A«ahou at r, p.m and the Mako at 11 pm. Tm: IIINKMOA. Spe,ldins. Ltd.. advise tho Govern ! n ? . Nt "leamer Mincmo.i is rxpox-tod !o r™ rh N up Island from Auckland on Kridav ne»i Thence s|,o proceeds to A p | n , ln<! Makojal! THE R.MS NIAGARA Bound for Vancouver, via Snr.l and Honolulu, the Inlon Cn.'i |;,> n j Mail steamer Xlngnm wan 10 Joave AiicUiml at :» o'clock this afternoon TUB rROSSKF.YS To Mec srs . Hendrr'on and M.i<<>"< local ncency. the American Me.injer Cross, keys is expected to reach Auckland from laelfic Coast ports late to-morrow afternoon. She will berth at ihc wharf. TIIF. R.M S. MAKVRA. The Cnlon Co s R.Ms. Makura U timel to sail from \\ellli, e ton nt .', pm. today for >yelney. In continuation of her vox ace from San Francisco. MATtAMA AKRIVKiV Ideal weather comlltlons arross (he T.i»man were experienced by the lni«n Co > passenjrer steamer Mamma, which nrrivnl at Auckland from Sydney thl« niornitc Tlie vessel, which borthoi! at the Qursi-n's wh.iif. Is to sail on her return trip ->t 3 p.m on Thurr ay next WEST CAI.ERA KKPI.ACKD. Messrs. Henderson nnd Macfarlnno ad vise that the Amerlenn Australia-Orient Line Kti-nmer West Nlvaria 'ias the West Calera on the Pacific Coa»t load ine berth The llrst named -cs.rl in 10 clear Ix>9 on May 1 I for Auckland. Napier. Wollinpton, Lytteltoii. Ihtnnlln. and New Plymouth. The West Calon will now sail from Ix>s Ancfle* on m.-i_ t -Jl for Auckland. Melbourne, nnd Sy.ln. ;'. PASSENGERS FROM "FRISCO. The followlnc reach e,| We;. Uneton from San Francisoo t.y ihe fal.-n Co. 9 R.M.s. Makura yesterday.' Firs: rla*v ; Mr. F, Brambur. Mr. and Mr* G. J. Cirr Mr. A. cropp. Ml«« Glffn. y. Mr« T. K*rr. Mr*. Radley. Mr. Sleljrh;. Mr«. C L. Smyth. Mrs Vosprr and child. Mr. and Mrs. Mat thew* nnd Mic S «nd Master Matthew. Second class: Mrs D. Porter. Mrs P. Wi:mnrt nnd six third cS.iss I _ I THE POUT FRKMANTLF. Hullt by Me«»r*. Workman. Clnrk and to., of Belfast, and launched In Jaanarr last, tho Commonwealth and iMralnion Line steamer Port Fremantle j» , o M \\ London for Anstralina port* on April 2<i This ves.«el i, 47.1 ft lons and G3f! In breadth She has a dead weight of XI 700 ton*, end a s"-*-d of n knots Tho Conr rnonweaitb ar.d Dominion Line have found the Doiford cylinder trpo cf engnr so successful that they have had similar cnelno, placed in the Po.n Frcmantle. In addition to :ho p ort Fn>mantle the eompany h.n two others undpr construction—the Port Huon and Port Gi«. Of>Tof —which will n> completed at the end of the summer. These arc beins au'-t i. t Swan. Hunter and Wleham I Richardson, of. Xewenstlc. <> n e will h.i\e I Doxford ensines an<l the other SuUer Kll theise three win hav.-' nVo vi-ion f..r 12 p..s^n^rs-fo,, r > :n:W , nnd four d .übl«- lnrth, -j 1,,-v w '-; hiV( , .W.O.M. cubic r.t ,r refrieef.,l,,l s ,;v., and will run to a!...ii; M»rt<t ton* er..«« Virh will h;ive fiv.. h<-!ds. Thry will h>. .|,-c'; r | r ship* Wlndla<«e«. r-fricen:. ins machinery, conkinc. licbtins and he!ii. in>r wiil all l>e run l\v electricity. Tfaoy wIU have cruiser tlcrus, iwo ru.i?:s, aaj ilofile funnel.

SURPRISE DEPARTED. After a »t«y at Auckland of thrc* we***, the Mcam yacht Surprise M'.lcd lm cvoo!n; for Honolulu. QCEEN ELEANOR BEPORTEP. A from Panama report* Uj« departure irom thero on Simdsjr of ibo N>w Z' Sblppics C*».'» chart Mcsnjei I «.<q<M-n E>.->r.<.r. m route from r.a»t Caoa-•h.-in p-ri» !•• A'.i<-k)jnd M;<- !• d-j<« brrc .11. ul Mi.- 7. THE IXDIANOLA. : <~arso operation* on the >;<-atnrr IrxlUon'..\ nrrp nol completed j«-«?<-rd.ijr af»«ra<»os ay r\|.<s-tiN). )>ut tho re*** I *rs« .imi«-)paif-d lo «-ji 1 frrnn Aucitacd for U.;jin;(oa <arly Ibis jftornoon THE RARANGA. For further <li»< of he- <".-ir;:o frona London, the Shaw. Sirlll and AlWon Cβ."» »te.itnor i;.iraii:.i if expected tn Jeare<l for Southern pon» at nwa oo Thurjll.iv. TIIK I'OHT I»KMSON. A proJ<N-tr*i uilitif Au<-V'*nd na Thursday i» the rommnggn'ih and lv» niini.>n 1.-no Xrtmrr Porj I*i-ni<*on f.-.r We. llnrt..n. lo d!><-barer «..' )j<r c»t:o fr.-m ll<-n:» . mi: « iTY or itiiios In ion <-f Ix-r tot«cr ?r..n Now Vi.rk. U>«- .\ nnd A . .'«r d sie.imor Oil .f Khi.. S« cv;~v-v«l i.. j-.-.c A»<-k:.ti»<l f.-r Southern p«.rt« ioni.inaTiit: noR vTit s. t>; under )).<• .m«pi<-«-« <-.f the S' Ssvill .tmt A !•; >n Co, :!)<■ l|nnt ! nt e\pec:.--d to |.hc WcJ].njr!«n |..<Ut i.j-Norr>e a!) .l Aix-lLiad lo mi up 'or .Mie !• .-\j..n ;.-! |.i ..*;] Bnajlj fr>on Him j ..ri ;,.n.u.;> ih* . r.-l ...' n<-\i v .- 1.. Till: MAROARfTT W l'..r'neri:.v ;!;>■ M.irc-:. :!><■ .ii:i;.;.nr ( ur ma-:e.| whnon«r Mamm \V. tva-. lnadinr timber .•»; NVnea.j], }..t Wxr Z. jae'l !»•: we.-k llx- \.*wj. ahi.h -aa. trai'.* a; Ixnmark -!t •>'..-- .>.-■., 5- !awi,<i<-.| <.-- i*<-:n:or.-..i-.||U; it..!. <.ij.--.-n V F W*!,.!. ||c pnreh*w<| :V -h ,'. tn lias »r..; «!«>u: -\ 111 -ii:li> . -.; ■ W'a'.rh.iti rrpnrirtl Jn unnini'n; •.-:;> Ir.-uj P-rt L"ii:«. nhira m >f; r.n }"«■'!>r nary |«> ■i-oiih'-.t: «:n«l« «<r< < \rwr;<n<-v-i) fr ra MatiriiltK to B<i ..„•:.. an.! r'*t maoiar !!>.- r-a.tlns >|.t«n r..nir»rj «m.l» w- r<- *\ •. ;;«-n<v.| f r 1« .).i 7 - H>.i> rh. V|»r C.U.! \\ w.j. »; |",. r . a c,.\..t>r ti. < , »I»*'t!«-o» - f.|. an. J •• n:r ilamar" «*• ;.. I-r-N-riT a-Wn jh.| ».. >h:,.).. aj .„ ~,.r: « N|ON < «• s STT.AMKES I Iho Wninul 1. io , a j| ~-.~ , M ~.,3.,, f , r jTni«mar<i H.i> .-.r..| i,i»N>rn' sfc*- s. 10 ,]..ivr (,i»|«.rn.- on Thnr~da> !.r AwlUiol Tb- Ufllplntii |. 1.. Nir l.rilrltnii thi. ovrnlne f«T U.ll.ncK.n :.t.<l AiKllan.l At««-» .li.liirr- -it Ihl. ..•)«■ i. jo fTiHfTi l« l.\ttr|i..n. |>uimlin. .-.j»<l Tlmaru. Milinc ■lbutK W«lnr«|.ty iii-At. .<))<- wi]| tnlf (ni.l <-X tho Tofiia. The K.nriirl !* to |<-«ro Napier lomcrr.v. for ».i.!«>rn.- an<l AarliUml. an.l nft.r tu \\>llin?i«n and WV.tport. The Kaimanava «a« 10 »hift to tvivi thi. n;:. rii<-..n Sb«- i» to jail f«r Wγ*tport !«■ n)'-rr<-« nft«-rrtoc.o. 1 !>*• K»nn.i ;. r."t r»p»-<-i«| to u|| from I Au<<l until aft-r tlx- l.antrr bolijaj f. Th«> Wlnc-ilul i. t<. v.,il fi » noon' 00 IThnr~lay f.-r Napier. Wr-llioetnn. jliunnlln. (Hlßurii. nnd Tiro*TO ; Tho Katna I. io 1.-avr pnriland tomorrow I f<.r N'< n I*l> mouth. Wrllinstcu. and l.jtjcjI ton Thr Kaponca arriv<-d yr*trr4*y aft<-rnfw>o from Wraipori Afirr dlwharcx- hrrr »hc U I" priKTTrl to \\Vo»|>ort.


\4piVr. Apr.: 12— S»l;<n| for V\ < :'lnct..n. : ga Wriiinrton. April ] I — Arrive*! : Pu«in. > from Nnpir-r. 12 2<i pta : Cacadj-m «"bal- i i lenrer. Atirkland. 12 4f> p m ] W<-i:;n-:nn. \j.t:i 12 —\rrHH Mma-1 I ;.i-:■!.. It.-m n? '.n-} .7am ("I'll. n. April ll— .sjiirj Alexander for N>|*od. .*. ;.(i p rn. ! <•),-,.lrbarrh. April 12 — \r;;r->J : K^nin I fp.n Timani. 7 am; W»b!u«-. fr<-a. W.;. •'. .".<> .-j ni Dunnlln. April 11 -- A rrt v<n| Rnswhn .\>n Pljio,.mb. 7 e m ! Dun«s.lln. U.—Sailed: ' f--r S.-m}).rn |l r h;h..nw». ;, in p m OVERSEAS April 11 Mlmama ' ! fr.-tn \\>llii.i-i..n. <« .TO .-, n , Montr, i.leo. April :> .\jrn«| Ta%m s aia ,rn rt.;:t<- Jr-.m Wellington to 1^.:,.;,..-, I\.n.,mi. April 1.._v. i!U ,3. E>annr ,>; j,.h n i., AurV:.iad. I within wini:t.F<ss ia\«.n The rollnwinc \rvfj-;. a:< . <-xjv-<-tr-<l !o hf nilbin rar.jre of the ur.<!rra3<r.tioc<<l •m-rc :• ** MatloLk to nijrh: :— Atickland — Alholl. T«ftj«. HM» r-5^ mr*}e. Huruoui. Kalap.j. Cjo..». ke' v IL-iror. Ardtvw»ari. Uai.ralii. Wa'.kaaa j 5..1.0 X.V 1. , J Hann*. Canadiao SroitUbi II M ». I_i!.urnurr.. . jr. J=T;rj.iiM>. Icaiaooia" .M.iCTir.i thai ham Iflanrf. — I'roham Ivlrbjc j Tanr.n.a ' Welllntfon — Maori. iVahloe. N- S \ n . hum. T.inj.ih!ne. S ro ,. s « ( - A ij, rM . a j. . > '••'••»■•'. liwblV lloror,,a. Port Vi',or KaVnrl. viy t [ ra - KaUara ' ***'*■ Ka^Auarua — MfM-rakl. Tutaacia) m, r .» Mi<J dwi. Kla O™/^^

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 86, 12 April 1927, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 86, 12 April 1927, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 86, 12 April 1927, Page 4