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BRIGHTER TRADING THIS WEEK. i ■ ■ o :amfh arrive?. AI. MOM'S \ND M-'Ta riRMER. \ii'-k:3nl "Star" OiTIC". Wednesday, Soptembor s. r:-,;itrar to tin expectations or last vvf-r-n vvhi-.1.-s.i , grocery bu?:ne ; , .las -iioun - iliif .niprov.-m.rit. mo.-t of the mer-r-iar,:-' '1 snath iepartment* being- particularly busy t, rorwardin? good- ny both r-a.l arid roastai • lejmer.-; to their rtestinai.ori.- T:i-- Island steamer also arr.ved eary in the vvei-k. and a< i fa;r liafii or orders e.ime ; i n.ind :i\ thi? mal. ther" will (He u-.ial bu-iti' if «fi:tt;n: :iie (roodr packed all■ J =h.pper| in ■.'•.. p for return voyai?? a: ::if r-ri* lor rne w.-i-k Town have i; it b'M-n 3bi>- v. report any ;mpr-rveinct»: :ii :n.- vo i.- of bu-:ii'-j' tratisactfCl the p:f>v.ou- wc.K. and :ri the a!)?c-ncp or any markefl chansri ;n >vi r>t-a- inarKet=, pre--<-n; nv.nJ -.-pnis restrir-tf'l to actual tju.n-niHit-Ceneral. IT;rnar\ markets have «nown few tlucluiiion- .it la.i- ii l ni valiifj am rioin:iiar ii> wholPssif> jtorks in moderate I'omiia-i firwaril prion.' aro ironorally wall the pvept/m of a fey items oi -i'ionclar\ intepc. = i Dial have rpcpflcr! in vaiiu-. Book'-.jra of now ?ea?on'. (foods Tor mc .NovcmbT-rif'pmbcr trarlf : .= t.ll probPi'kly, buyer" ih'.wriir marker! interest, at ".'holesale sellers have been lak.n? very -mali mar. is <r profit iwiiik to the !-ev,i!ilne Kenn pompftitinn TU e iiim.-ua. wf-ak.ies. or bmter an :!)<• l.'.iidun market rlnniiK the lasi few days aa= no doiib" 'ifpn r n =piin.=iblp for a mor' , conservative tone in the amount or present bust ne-3 tran-'icteri on i:ie - . Forward quotation? on rairln- are rather easier and In view of tht«. -pot price* havi' been reduced where m r, rc ;nm lornip.i stock? are avail alilf. New >pa-nn'< are rliwn 1/ per 'Io7.(-n on -rcfli-d and '-U\ per dozen on -eerlles- f. ( r r>r\varfi le:v<. r y -t.'ie first ih.pment ;.. line December ii. but no alteration :- ciimteinplateil un presen!

Mocks, parllv >n lrrnunt of iui'lier cn*l*. and to the difficulty that I? nxpprlrnred in rnal<:n ' pre-ei>i -ijppl|.-« la-t till the tlrsl ■)!' the new ~r• ,i = ■ in'- r-nrn *o hand. .New season:* dried hi* r *ifr'»l - .ir* 1 -carce, and are moving up in price, already most of the supplies of the Dettf>r grades have been cleaned -p. with the demand still very hi tit for the otner trades. Dates are now quoted much nearer for lorwarcl delivery, •inrl owing to the lower prices of merchants' present storks the -li-tuand ha-; been very keen. »n thai stock? havi been very much reduced, in consequence of which holders •ire commencing to move up their prices. Carton daiee are in -mall compass at pre--cnt. wth ihe rleinsnd ncline.i in be rather <low. Dried applies ar • -eiling well, with marked prererfnep hem? shown for Canadian on account of merchants lower prices. South African dried peaches are considered tfi be very reasonable : cost and of excel:ent quality, although stock an- rather low at present. Smyrna -ultanas are selli ing better ID' tirwai.l delivery ciwlnfr to costs being competitive wth other hrands. ■ Currants a'-r i :inall demand with spot price- unchanged, a* there has bepii no alteration in tins market for some time. Figs are just about cleaned up from present local stocks -o that buyers are paving- considerably more attention to now season's bookings ror Christmas trade During the la-t few weeks sardines have been very active, both for spot and forward dellverj owing: to .Norwegian reports Indicating thai the Sild fishing had been a Tallure an primiry markets advancing- to higher levels The indent cost of King Oscar Brisling - a3 already advanced 5/ per case, with other brands expected to advance shortly Slid m sixteenths, quarters and halves ■ rather s-hort on spot, with t\i r ther supp.ics anxiously awaited. Heavy rorward busings* has been transacted lately, owing to merchants being- able to contlrm their offer*" at prices that shewed they had managed to get their business accepted herore the reent llrminp in the Norwegian market. Drapery. Trie new season's fashion goods have been on display at all the retail houses during- th past fortnight, and have caused marked attention, with the result that numerous people have made their seler tions, more nartinilarly of the hetter class goods, and als' or mod'-l millinery. All the sales are finished, or practically so, those whe are still holding sales, terminating them at the end of this week. The Cumberland will complete, the first shipments or neAv season's cotton goods, and when they are opened up there will be quite a hlg selection to choos rrom. Voiles arc again expected to predominate during the coming season Art. silks will be showing, but not quite In such large quantities as was stocked during the previous summer. Striped rujls and spun silks are again being shown in attractive colourings, and the wide stripe patterns should be quite a feature of the season's business. Woollen goTls, particularly repps, are again expecjed to be a leading- line, and are now being shown in a wide rang of new colourings, which should prove very attractive. Cocoa Butter. Prices a3 cabled by London shippers during- the past week* show that the Torward position is inclined to weaken, the latest advice received in connection with business alre •'y sent forward Is that confirmation was given at a reduction or 5/ per cwt on previous quotations. Ceylon Tea. At the usual weekly sale which was held In Colombo on the 31st ultimo, only 1,750,0001b was offered. Quality was unchanged in most of the grades offered, but was consideed to be hardly suitable ror usual Australian requirements, so that very little business was transacted from this quarter. There was a good demand from other quarters, and the market closed without any material 'liunge in any of the grades offered. Exchange was listed without any alteration. Then will be no sale this week, so that at the sale I.eld a week later, t h e offering's are expected to be much leavie than usual.

The monthly tea repo i just to hand dated Aug-ust 5, β-ives ttie following Information:—During the previous month there was a good demand lor all grades of tea. especially for the high-grown sorts which had useful quality. only weakness in tfte markei w the rather limited demand Tor common and light liq nring kinds, these being anything from two to three cents easier. Buying has been very general, all markets beins? interested; as is usual at this time of ttie year some very nice teas have been seen 'rom Uva. bu - owing to -climatic conditions It i not expected that there will be many more really stand-out quality teas rroni tills district. Notwithstanding the unse* ed conditions in the United Kingdom, London buyers have been operating very rreely. Exports from Ceylon to the United Kingdom from January 1 to I July 8 were some si:, million more than for j the same period last year, whilst the stock 1 position showed a decrease of approximately twe .γ-five millions, so that the I position of he tea market, is at the time I or writing very siron?. The exports to the I nrlnclp: maYkets lor July are as follows(.reat Bnt . i • ,0031b. Australia 1 132 - 03ilb, America 1,735,4381b, and *outh America 548,0991b. For the first seven months of the year the exports io Great Britain showed an .ncrease over, the previous year oi 0.259,05 51b Australia and .New Zealand both showed decreases 548,I liillb and 84,3081b respectively. The Indian tea exports to Great Britain Tor the first lour months im unted to 37.009,v'781b and for the same period to Australia and New Zealand 115,51811). Java tea exports to Great Britain for the first five months showed an, and totalled 24,939.S34lb; exports to Australia and Zealar ' for the same period showed a slight decrease the iota! amount being 8,297,----97511). Coffee -ans. Since quotations were l.sti about a fortnight ago Cjr Java P sta W.I.P. coffee beans, prices nave presen: lists showing a re< of 15/ per cw. for prompt Bhipmi'li: Java Robusta F.A.Q. Is the grac> usually ffered on tr- s market, prices for which are listed at a reduction of 5/ per ny on W.I.P. (washed) beans. Linaeed Oil. I'lnirllßll quotations Tor both boiled and rnw linseed oil have been listed on a weaker market during the last week, tne Inlimi entile ailvlrc receive advising a re(Jiirlliin or '.'(I por gallon o: both lines ror rtprcmil uhlpiiient, SpplQmnor, October, NnvnllllMM' Illlft iM'lvlulii'i°epper. riini'i- urn , iitai itilvicc on poppers, the in.ti'ltr>l h»= litlii'ii il iiiiicl) stronger tone. vii.l Him |ip|i'usi lluw liHtml show an advance (in itII nf fi'i'tn V' lo * tl P° r ">■ Tallies I'BDBived iliinnp ">" week-end Sfh-UB that Hie MMl'tttU I* etronir with an

Red Herrings. One or tne Eng-lish packers herrlnps advises that ttie «tock of tils season's red nerrings is now exhausted, and that they a.-- now accepting: Dusiness for new season's pack, which they hope will be ready 'or shipment about December-January nest. Almond Nuts. There has been quite a move in the market 'or Iviza soft sneUed almonds for forward shipment . lately, and .5 stocks are always required for Christmas trade, merchants havp been quite anxious to get their order confirmed. Shipment was first offered rrom London r or September-Octo-ber shipment at j price that shippers were unable to give confirmation, the business being , finally accepted at an increase of 4/ per cw; on previous rates. Immediately this business wa confirmed, shippers ag/aln ad .need thplr quotations a further 4/ per cwt. so as the market now stands, prices are up / per cwt on opening rates, with prkp? verj ilrm and likely :i advance still further. Sicily J)lmonds. .New ere- sici'y almjnds are at present .isted on ,i very firm market, with London shipper? advising ;nat 'notations aru on [!i upward prarli;. Walnuts. Openini pri c- for Manchurian walnuts are bPing quotprl about on a par with Hip opt-niriK prices mat vere ; :?tf-rl ia?t year, cfnjiment i« listed for October and Novembel* out so far agent? have not done very muctf on account of the difficulty or nnprViiant-i ?ettins- supplies in time for their ClutStmas trade, in 'onsequence of t'i.- them fi*k beer a very heavy call ror New Zea' nd strpnlie=. with thf result that stood simple- or Jarye meaty nuts have r-onim indr-d auiie premium. Kor the -mailer varieties ihere ]» not such i demand inrt price; or Miesr are lower. Peanuts. Opening prices ro.- the t92f e-rop or pea nut; in ihell were listed at a" approximate • Imp oi 3fj/ pp r tor on last year's opening , rates. Lrt't year prices rommeriaed to liJvaiiC' , soon after opening pn-t , .' ivern llrSt named, =o that the quotation? rtow idvlsPfJ p r e»eni h consii'erable reduction in previi/lis lists. Number 1 peanuts un•»hejled are now beir quoted rrom Java it a reduction of about 3/6 per cwt on Chinese fa- shipm : about Octobe .November next. v. r> or peanuts In shell mostly preTer Chinesp So. I hanri picked in prefer tnr.o to Ja\as on account of the size iT the nut but peanuts in shell buyers always operate in the cheapp.-t market, irrespective of size, as the difference is not 'mticeablc Hardware. Hardware business generally has shown m ol an improvement this week orders that have been executed bein? more of a •substantial nature, which snows :hat :iv retailers are endeavouring to keep their , stock* well up Further -nipinents of aluminium ware in good variety have come to hand within the tasi week, also te binges, Continenta glassware, electric light globes, bru.-hware and Stephens' enamelware The last mail brought advices that lines bought for the usuaJ Christmas trade were ;io\v being shipped, so that supplies should arrive in ample time for the usual demand that u s a rule is very heavy at this time. Wholesale Current Prices. Butter.—Superllne quality creamery butter, booked 1/6} per lb. prompt cash. Anchor and Opotlkl, 1/3J per lb; first I grade factory, 1/5} per lb booked, and I/a per lb ror prompt cash; second grade factory, booked 1/4} per lb and 1/4 per lb for prompt cash; farmers' separator, 1/1 per lb. Cheese.—First grade factory, medium -ize. mild 9Jα to 10d per lb; loar, 1/ per lb Bacon.—Ham«, 1/2 to 1/3 per lb; rolled hams, 1/3 to 1/4 per lb; boned hams, 1/4J pet lb; bacon sides, iisd to 1/1, extra large 11 id per lb: rolled sides, 1/1 to 1/2 per lb; middles, l/i to 1/3 per lb; shoulders. Od to lid per lb; rolled shoulders. Ild to 1/ per lb. Lard; Bulk, lOd to lid per lb; pats, lid to 1/ per lb. Flour.—Local and Southern, 2001b sacks £21 5/ per ton, tOOs £22 per ton. 50's £22 10/ per ton. 2.Vs £23 5/ per ton; local only, uvs £24 2/0 per ton, 6}'s £24 12/G per ton. less 2 J per cent discount . i

Sharps and Bran.—Local sharps. £12 per ton: bran. £11 per ton. Linseed.—Whole. 24/ per 1001b; ground, J»/ per 1001b. Malt.—Crushed, 12 :j per bushel; whole white. 12/ per bushel: whole black, 15/ per bushel. Twines. —Seaming, 3/0 per lb: binder Rd per lb. Peameal.—l2/0 per 1001b. Unseed Meal.—Moose, 10/ per 1001b. Linseed Oil Cake Nuts. —Moose, 14/9 per 1001b. . limestone.—33/ per cwt.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 213, 8 September 1926, Page 4

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THE MARKETS AT A GLANCE. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 213, 8 September 1926, Page 4

THE MARKETS AT A GLANCE. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 213, 8 September 1926, Page 4