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THE AUSTRALIANS IN AUCKLAND. INVITING THEM AGAIN. (By TRUXDLER. It was a pleasant surpiisc to hoar yesterday that a wireless message bad been received by the president of the Auckland centre, Mr. J. l'as-oe. advising that in addition to the two New South Wales bowlers who were going to Suva by the Niagara (twelve having gone direct from Sydney) there were also a party of twenty Victorian bowlers aboard. Mr. l'aseoe promptly sent a wireless to the manager of the team, advising that he and his executive would meet the tourists on arrival at the wharf this morning, and arrangements were made for entertaining them during the day, together with the four Uiinedin bowlers who are also going to the Fiji carnival. They are are Messrs. .1. 11. F. Hamel, \Y. Elliott and D. Scott (Caledonian, and J. Hutchison (Dunedin). Mr. Hutchison is the best known anion;, , these, his latest achievement being to win his section at the recent Dominion tournament at Dunedin. In the intersection play he survived to tiie liftll round, receiving his two losses at Unhands of the larlton team (Clarke, Cladding, Thomson, Casey i, ami the ultimate winners (litvt, Siedeiicrg, Mc( ullouuh, llarraway). Mr. Hutchison also did uncommonly well in the singles, surviving to the eighth round. It is very fortunate that Mr. Hutchison and party are going to Fiji, for they will be able to give their Australian fellow-passengers first-hand information regarding the Dominion tournament, which is to be held in Auckland next January, and back up the invitation of the Auckland executive. Several letters arrived last week, giving the names of Sydney bowlers who are coming, some of them being players of repute, such as Messrs. \V. Staley, K. T. Harrison and T. Yates, but, according to a Brisbane paper, the largest contingent so far definitely arranged is from Queensland. It seems that a team of six rinks will come, the executive of the Dominion Bowling Association having advised them to postpone for a month their proposed tour of New Zealand during December, explaining that it is very difficult for a large party to secure accommodation till after the Christmas and New Year holidays. They therefore propose to do the big tournament iirot, and then move on to Kotorua and the South, and this will probably be the best itinerary for any intending visitors from Australia. The Inducements We Can Offer. ■ What we can promise them all quite definitely, if they come to Auckland next January, is that they will get at least two games in the singles championship, at least five in the pairs, and at least eight in the rinks, which is a striking contrast to what our people found when they went to the great Australian cari nival in Sydney last February. They actually travelled over a thousand miles, lat the expense of three weeks, to get one game in the singles and one in the , rinks! The reason why all local bowlers I want a strong body of Australians to. j compete in Auckland next January is ! that, when they see that a tournament I can be run off in a fortnight or less, I giving every competitor at least fifteen ! games, they will not be happy till they j introduce something of the same nature I for their next big carnival, to be held in Melbourne the following year. If they ! do, their visit will be returned in force. jln fact, if they like, they may at once 1 have the names of a big party who have j definitely decided to go, if the system of j "sudden death" is abolished, but it is a I bit too much to expect people to travel ] 2000 miles for one game, and, worse ' still, to expect them to travel another 2000 miles after losing it. I The Dominion tournament always i commences towards the middle of ! January, and it is not very material to ! Xew Zealand competitors whether it is fixed for Mondaj\ January 10, or for I the following Monday. Seeing, however. I that the Aorangi will arrive during th > , evening of Sunday, January IG, it may 'he taken for granted that the tourna- ! ment will be fixed to suit the convenience of the Australian competitors who i have signified their intention to come j over, and that it will commence on ! January 17. If it was fixed for a week I earlier, there would be no suitable I steamer, and the Australians would have Ito leave home in December, thus losing i their own New Year tournaments, and jin the case of the more distant States, j i most likely their Christmas tournaments i also. 1 A Tournament at Rotorua. Our friends in Rotorua seem disposed ]to accept the suggestion that they run off their supplementary tournament* ! immediately after the Dominion tournai ment, in order to suit the convenience of ' competitors from Australia and the I South, without interfering in any way j with their main tournament in February, i Uut naturally they cannot promise any- | thins; until "more is known about tue ■ strength of the Australian contingent. I However, if this comes off—and it ought | ! not to .'c very difficult to arrange —the i I visitors will have a few days for sight- j seeing at the famous hot hikes district. and then nine games of bowls at ! , Kotorua, the tournament finishing in I time for them to return to Sydney by the Maunganui on Friday, February 4, : unless they wish to tour New Zealand ■ for another week or two. ' That is the scheme that the Victorian : visitors are invited to. fully explain to ! all the other Australian competitors in i Fiji, but more particularly to their own people in Melbourne, and further i ; information will be sent on in due ! j course. They leave for Fiji by the i I Niagara to-morrow. Local bowlers who I i ilre seeing them oil' will be very pleased j 'to give them information regarding any points o:i which they may be in doubt. The Weekly Challenge. I : The Edwin Stars provided another I good match on the Carlton green on j ! Saturday, when the Auckland holders j ' just managed to choke off the tifth chal- ! lenge since they won the trophies. The i holders led by 22 to 13 at the 18th head, : but the challengers finished up by getting a four, a three and a one on the last , three heads, thus losing by only one ! point. Holders (Auckland): 11. P. Wyatt. D. Campbell. L. Whittle, A. J. Parker 22, v. Challengers (Dominion | Road) W.H. Clarke. C. Robert-son. B. i ! Allsopp, J. Hinson 21. The next chal- i I longer on the list is S. Dratlin I West i i Kndl. and then will come Kemuera. ' Mount Albert. Ejisoni. Carlton ail J j Grey Lynn. Perfect weather for the last two | Saturdays has enabled Mount Albert to I ' run off a very enjoyable two days' \ tournament, and Dominion Road are I taking the next, two Saturday afternoons j i for a similar tourney. I


CARLTON GItEEN. Will tor Fours.—Buxton, Barter, Kilgour, A. Colt ma ii 23, v. Klssling, Davis, Nowton, ltusscll 21; Kicharilson, Taylor, Brittain. l'erry 2a, v. Abdulln, Kamsay, Wilson, Kolly IT; Burrow, Watson. Fnge, .Snedilon 2-J. v. Miliar. Holfonl. llolliUHl, Cross ! 17 ; Snellgrove, Sawyer, McGlon, Konayne •'in. v White. MrLiiugliliu, Coldicutt, Thornes 20; Lamb, Wilkinson. De Lannay, T. Ueorge v. Wishart, Bates, Clark- | Mill. Unit 14; Ahlis. Williamson, Mitchell.] lilair v. IloUge, Scbercr, Keesing, | I-'oukes 17. ! I ItOCKY NOOK GREKX. ; Champion Fours Final.— J. Hope 21, vJ It- W. Mason J.U. Nook v. KpsoLU. at Itoi-ky Soon j 1 (Kpsoiu names tirstj.— freiK-U, LawreUie, J- ! Umiuce, Itrhl-es la, v. Muuro, Ariuetroui;, ; Aiui'i", Liouskill III; Keeuau, l'arkinson, *» • i'lnylor, Miliums 1-, v. J. Kayes, Hedges, I loujpsiou, chapman T2; I'Ujjet, Lauuoii. . liauisuv, F. Jj. I'arsous 13, v. llull, Laiug, j -iueuiie, \\. 11. Jenkiii 2,. At Kpsom _'reen iltocky Nook names i tirsi.i. -i.aruer, Jeukiu, K.a.\ es. Finch 21, v. ■ ! lluruley, \ vale, Jeukiii, J. Jo; Caiup- . l'L'll, liailey, liu>. uuiue, Wanerley i;j, y. , Janseu, ijn-lcy, <.iosiin = . K. F. Jones -<'. \ Austin, Mayuiil, Hlasey, L'eurce 2"i. v. Suurr, '\> uHeuuuse, \\. Wallace, uoynu H. , 'j KKiILKKA GItKICN. Flnlayson l.uuges.—Somertieiil, Wrlglit, Ulancnarcl, Danieis JU, v. suun, Ashion, Long, ivis&iiug 17. Ciub rours.—Alexander, Myak, Kenuerdine, sStausueld 1-, v. t-imus, Anauuale, \ ickeriuan, Tuke -U ; Chuyi-c, Agar. l.i-ii. I'aliMsoti v, v. Sawyers, Uiiniitjn, Million, liyau 1:0; Wilson, liruwu, .\lu<' luuu v. XliX, Uurizli'tl, Uowles, iJavey lij hgertun, Wallace, Cou 21, v. Kalnger, Fisher, llegmuu IS. ; DOMINION itOAL) UUKICN. Ordinary Draw. —Virtue, C'artwriglit, I Illuir, i.uylanU 0, v, 11. 1-Vrgusoii, WiuKn, i Clews, \\ est -S ; Gentles, (,'uuuoU, June, I Italnsey 17, v. Winthroi) W. Ulcliariisuli, I liatiersh.v, Moir 12; Uaihgate, A. Chappell, I Bush, Kelly 11, v. Outline, Mcachem, Hollows, Goodall 22. I'airs.—Clark and Coupluml 2;;, v. Vejuiaii and Trueuiau 12. gj:i:y lvnn gkkhn. Christoy l'in Contest.— Challengers : Bur- ' roll, Uceu, L'happ, J. Jones 22, v. Holders; Goldsmith, Lainugan, Buckley, C. Llttie 17. I Ciuu Fours. — .Uflvor, Stunckit, Connelly, \V. Lowu IU, v. Christie, Cowbourue, J. ■ I l'rcstuu, Davidson IS; Darluwe, Collins, ! ! Huyiier. Hewitsou 21, v. Hudson, UogiT*. smith, Lye 11. EPSOM GItEEN. Club Fours.—Freeman, Ambury, Lock IS, v. Buttle, A. Luiub, Kendall Is. Milieu, Shove, Clarke, Morison H, v. leurOury, IJucksou, Johnston, Burton JO. MOUNT ALBERT GREEN. The two days' tournament at the Mount' Albert Green was concluded. Kesults : — j ' Third Kouud.—Murray 12. v. iomlluson 3; G Clark <J, v. F. Hoskiug 7. Fourth Hound.—Alleley 10, v. Clark 7 ; Eagletoii U, v. I'luukett 5: Toinlilisuu 1-. v. F. llosking 5 ; Murray S, V. J. Thomas 7; G. >. v. Darnß-h 4; 1.. Tuuuias , 12, v. Stevens v. Fifth Kountl. —Alleley S, r. F. Uosking 0 ; Stevens 10, v. G. llosking ; Tomliuson 11, v. J. Thomas li ; Murray t>, v. l'lunkett 7; 1-:. Thomas 'J, V. Clark 5; Kagletou 12, jv. Darrach S. The winners were W. Thomas. Hawlte, Ci.irlick. Murray, with live wins. The greeiis were in perfect order and the tournament was a great success. / ONEIIUNGA GItEEN. Oncbunca v. Utabubu (Otahuliu names first). —Osilvie, Trevenna, I'erry-Davis, Hariirr 14, v. E. .Jones, 11. Bray, Liuberg, F. Marks IS. Onehunga v. Visitors (Visitors names first). —C. \V. Ross, Garmsou. Campbell, Douuei: 20 v "ichardson, Buchanan, K. Sutherland, S. Daveuport 17 | Cock i.f the Walk.—Westney, J. Gill, E. (iatlaud, Hartley IS), v. G. Kennedy, W. Ireland, A. Gatlaud, Macklow 13. Club Faurs.—Moore, Whiteside, Trevor, George, Lomas 4, v. A. Moore, Whitmore, W. Wallace, Harisou 24 ; Bradley, Hayden, Harlock, Wright 27. v. Hickman, L. Bray, A. Robertson T. Bassett 12 ; Thomas,' A. George, Allen 26, v. Byrne, Foote, A. Brown 10 ; Sturgeon, 1. Sutherland, F. Yella 20, v. X. Budge, X. W'llluce, Fordham 22. ■ HAWHITI GREEN. Jackson Ferns. —Thomas, McGowan, Stubljs, Mi [ward 23, v. Smith, Curnow, Kcellry, Vaughan 13. McGregor itars. — Williams, Robertson, Worunngion. Mcl'herson ai, v. McLaren, K. Walker, Chlplin, Thomson 13. Winter Fours. —I'attison, Koefoed, Watson, Oldham 2-1. v. Hardeastle, Eaves, Pric, Taylor 13; Samways, Millard, Moncur l'j, v. Barker, Gallagher, I'atersuii 17. MOUNT EDEN GREEN. Mount Eden v. Remuera iMount Eden names first).—Marshall, Bouike, Turner, Trayes 13, v. Wyatt, Johnston,, Vugler 20. Mount Eden v. I'ousonby.-D. Smith, Dlgnan, Rudmau, J. Smith 21. v. Rolfe, Allen, Btichan, Chapman 21. Club Fours. -Cochrane, Hull, Muston 7, v. Kinniburgh, Middletou, Fraser 23; Williams, Nairn, Baker JJ, r. Wombweli. H. O. Bron-u, Tozer 17; Hen Jell. Wagstall, Gateiiby U, v. Cave, Riutoul, Joll l'J. DEVOXI'ORT GREEN. Winter Stars.—C. Wrigley, Melville, How- ' oil. J. Morgan -•••. v. Naylor, Foster, New- [ lieriiu, Sparrow IS. I EDEXDALE GKEEN. Stillwcll Ferns. —Bluck, Sturgess, McLi'oil. Itruwnett 20. v. lleywood, Gunning, McMahon, Ilorspool 24. Ordinary Draw. — Culpan, Izod 22. v. Tol- ] lerton. Sakoy 18. | Matches for the Stilwell Ferns nrp open : for challenge by teams from any affiliated | club, lint all games must be played on , Edondule Green. \ i


TAKAPUNA CLUB. The anuual meeting was held last week, and was attended by a large number or members. The report ami balance-sheet were read and adopted. The retiring president, Mr. S. 'lirittalu Bull, in his report, stated that the club had discharged all its outstanding liabilities, and generally the flnam-es of the eluj are now in a satisfactory state. Following on tile severance from the Tennis and Croquet Clubs, the Howling Clv!) will shortly hold the title deeds or their own grounds. A s-trong ••working bee" has been formed, and every Saturday now ki'cs some XI mi-mbers dicing, laying out a neiv green HJft square, and InilUling a new two-storey pavilion. Mr. Hull was made a life iiiPtulior in recognition ..f his past servi,ts. T.vimip,- new members liavi' alreaJy Joined fur' next season. Tin- following nfhVers wi«ri» pli-i-ti-d: - 'I'rcslilcur. Mr. .r. llayden; vii'e-pri-sideut.«. Messrs. (J. 11. Matliews anil 1". Audli'.v; siM-retary and treasurer. Mr. N. Vealf; -cnenil coinuiittee. Messrs. J-:. K.-niiet. l v . Coulthard, A. F. Hooper. S. Howbouoni: green superintendent. Mr. A. Hunt; coach, Mr. J. nrake: sole selelor. Mr. <;. Houlton; match committee. Messrs. C. Cutler, S. Kowhottotn, U. 1 , , Smith; delegates 10 Centre, Messrs. (;. 11. Mathews. F. Audit'}-; cfiurnl i-omniittee. s. ». luill. N. Voale. 'a. Hunt: umpires, Messrs. 'K. Codd. V,. Dunlop, J. Brakf: reporter. Mr. A. Muriloi-h. The fallowing members donated a s'.ilmn earh towanls the prizes to be present e,l at the opening of the wn- pavilion:- Messrs. <;. 11. Maliii'ws. N. Vtu'.c. It. BolllluU, f,. I.'l'illnp. K. Audley. Club fours will bp s!ibs;it;itril for |,erccntairo fours next season, and all players \vi:; be irraded and haudirappe 1. It was derided thai, oiviug to the limited playing area now obtaining till the new green will be ready, ilie .-ltl'i would lint enter for the ehaniid'Hi rinks, hut would compete in the pennant competition only. Mr. T. Ilaunu donate! oye guinea )irize for the member o'ltainiiig the greatest number of new players.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 157, 5 July 1926, Page 10

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BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 157, 5 July 1926, Page 10

BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 157, 5 July 1926, Page 10