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EASTER TOURNAMENT. THIRD DAY'S PLAY. HOW THE TEAMS STAND. To-day was the third day of play in the Easter Bowling Tournament, when the competition was advanced another stage. The draw for the inter-section play in the Easter Fours, which will take place on the Auckland green, beginning at 8.45 to-morrow, is as follows: Section C plays section G, section B plays sec. tion E, section D plays section F, section A a bye. The results are as follows:— EASTER FOURS. SECTION A. Fifth Round.—Osmond (Auckland) 28, v. Roulston (Pukekohe) 16; Walker (Ponsonby) 18, v. Noonan (Rawhiti) 17; Crabtree (Epsom) 20, v. Pearce (Rocky Nook) 15; Arey (Carlton) 22, v. Boyne (Grey Lynn) 17; Gatland (Onehunga) 20, v. Smith (Mt. Eden) 14. Sixth Round.—Walker 23, v. Boyne 17; Crabtree 17, v. Gatland 14; Noonan 20, v Smith 19; Pearce 24, v. Rbulston 22. SUMMARY.

SECTION B. Fifth Round.—Anderson (Devonport) 28, v. Forbes (Manurewa) 21; Jenkins (Rocky Nook) 24, v. George (Epsom) 19; Parsons (Ponsonby) 34, v. Taylor (Rocky Nook) 5; Sutherland (Onehunga) 23, v. Chapman (Jit. Albert) 13; Bird (Carlton) 30, v. Peek (Ellerslie) Sixth Round.—Anderson 24, v. Bird 11; Parsons 28, v. Peek 17; George 17, v. Sutherland 14; Chapman 28. v. Taylor 24; Jenkins 23, v. Forbes 22. Seventh Round.—Chapman 32, v. Forbes 3; Bird 21, v. Sutherland 15; Taylor 21, v. Peek 18; Jenkins 21, v. Parsons 13; Anderson 19, v. George 18. SUMMAM.

SECTION C. Fifth Round.—Gill (Mr. Eden) 24, v. Wakerley (Dominion Road) 23; Mcßobie (Remucra) 25, v. Taplin (Mt. Wellington) 12; Truecott (Carlton) 29, v. Oeborne (Ellerslie) Iβ; Parsons (Epeom) 21, v. Finch (Rocky Nook) 13; Hocking (Poneonby) 38, v. Bailey (Otahuhu) 27. Sixth Round.—Gill 16, v. Bailey 11; Wakerley 21, v. Parsons 18; Truscott 25, v. Taplin 15; Mcßobie 36, v. Finch 18; Hocking 28, v. Oebonje 12. Seventh Round.—Parson* 27, v. Taplin 17; Mcßobie 28, v. Gill .15; Truecott 23,. y.. Wakerley 22; Bailey 22, v. Osborne 16; Finch 23, v. Hosking 20. SUMMARY.

SECTION D. Seventh Round.—Ritchie 24, v. Murdoch 17; Brookfield 21, v. McLeod 14 5 Bridges 30, v. Hobday 10; Fookes 26, v. Fulton 15; Foubister 17, v. McPhail 16. SUMMABY.

SECTION E. Fifth Round.—Duffin (Carlton) 18, v. Scott (West End) 16; . Brooks (Stanley) 10, v. Sanderson (Remuera) 13; Russell (St. Uelier's) 25, v. Barriball (Waiuku) 23; Blair (Mt. Albert) 21, v. Rowland (Ponsonby) \4; McDougall (Mt. Eden) 28, v. Tozer (Dominion Road) 10. Sixth Round.—Duffin 24, v. Brookes 18; Sanderson 24, v. Russell 10; Tozer 27, v. Barriball 15; Rowland 23, v. Scott 15; Blair 24, v. McDougall 11. Seventh Round. —Sanderson 29, V. McDougall 9; Scott 25, v. Blair 17; Barriball 18, v. Brookes 10; Rowland 23, v. Russell 18; Tozer IC, v. Duffin 14. SUMMARY, i

SECTION F. Fifth Round. —Hosking (Carlton) 22, v. Ure (West End) 13; Julian (Mt. Eden) 20, v. Cliffe (Dominion Road) 11; Knight (St. Helier'e) 24, y. Thomas (Mt. Albert) 21; Pelham (Poneonby) 23, v. Thomson (Whangarei) 18; Mellara (Remuera) 20, v. Jones (Epsom) SECTION G. Fifth Round.—Richmond (Epsom) 17, v. Moncur (Rawhiti) 15; Lamb (Carlton) 3, v. Hardley (West End) 15Gribble (Pukekohe) 23, v. Hills (Onehunga) 22; Jury (Poneonby) 17, v . Moran (Grey Lynn) 16; Lowry ton) 18, v. Clarke (Rocky Nook) 17 Sixth Round.—Richmond 21, v. Moran 1C; Lamb 25, v. Lowry 17; Clarke 24 v Hills 19; Gribble 17, v. Moncur 16-' Jury 21, v. Hardley 1(5. ' Seventh Round.—Jury 22, v. Hills 21Clarke 22, v. Richmond 17; Moran 19, v. Hardley 17; Moncur 19, v. Lamb 18Lowry 17, v. Gribble 13. ' Moran 19, v. Moncur 15; Lowry 21, v. Richmond 18; Clark 24, v. Lamb 17-' Hills 27, v Hardley 23; Gribble 21 v Judy 16. - •> • SUSIMARY.

EXECUTIVE FOURS. SECTION" A. Fourth Round.—Fraser (lit Eden) 21 v. Ramsay (Dominion Road) 24; Elvy (Devonport) 30, v. SommerviUe (Ellerslie) 22; Morrison (TakapunaJ- 26, v. Pearce (Otahuhu) 23; Mclvor (Grsy Lynn) 23, v. Bennett (Mt. Albert) 18. Fifth Round. —Bennett 25, v. Sommer. ville ]3; Morrison 22, v. Fraser 16; Eivy 23, v. Pearce 18; Mclvor 21, v. Ramsay 14. Sixth Round.—Ramsay (Dominion Road) 25, v. Pierce (Otahuhu) 20; Fraser (Mount Eden) 24, v. Elvy (Devonport) 13; Mclvor (Grey Lynn) 22, v. Sommerville (Ellerslie) 21; Morrison (Takapuna) 22, v. Bennett (Mount Albert) 11. SUMMARY.

-SECTION B. Fourth Round.—Murray (Mt. Albert) 21, v. Clements (Edendale) 11; Buckley (Grey Lynn) 27, v. Armstrong (Pukekolie) 13; Hardlcy (West End) 30, v. Bouskill (Rocky Nook) 16; Cliristensen (Waiukuj 25, v. Piper (Rawhiti) 8. Fifth Round.—Armstrong*22, v. Hardley 13; Buckley 28, v. Clements 18; Cliristensen 20, v. Bouskill 13; Piper 25, v. Murray 15. Sixth Round. —Hardley 21, v. Clements 20; Buckley 18, v. Christensen 12; Armstrong 22, v. Murray 18: Piper 23, v. Bouskill 21.

FIRST TEAR CHAMPIOKBHIP. Fiftli Round.—Sharkey (Rawhiti) 20, v. McKinstry (Waitemata) 13; H. Smith (St. Helier's) 17, v. Lynch (Ellcrslie) 19; McKenzie (Clevedon) 19, v. Baker (Edendale) 15; Campbell (Otahuhu) 24, v. Pattle (Pukekobe) 10; Gollan (Grey Lynn) 32, v. Neileon (Dominion Road) 19; S. Smith (Grey Lynn) 22, v. Swales (West End) 19. Sixth Round.—Sharkey 22, v. Baker 21; McKinetry 31, v. Neileon 13; H. Smith 23, v. S. Smith 16; Swalee 20, v. McKenzie 15.; Lynch 25, v. Pattle 8; Campbell 22, v. Gollan 15. Seventh Round.—McKenzie 21, v. H.Smith 20; McKinstry 22, v. Gollan 11; Baker 23, v. Neilsqn 19; Sharkey 24, v. Swales 9; Pattle 36, v. S. Smith 13; Campbell 25, v. Lynch 14 SUMMARY.

CAMBRIDGE TOURHAMENT. (From' Our Own Correspondent.) CAMBRIDGE, Saturday. The Easter bowline tournament was continued to-day with the following results: — FIFTH KODND. Section A.—Watson 18, v. Vincent 23; Gerring 19, v. Tucker 14; Gibbons 18, v. Crowe 16; Yardley 20, v. Hamilton 10. Section B.— Mclvor 27, v. Montgomery 12; Hawkins 22. v/ Hosking Iβ; Carter 17, v. Kinvig 15; Harvey 17, v. Wyllie 26. Section C.—White 14, v. Crabb 12; Forshaw 23, v. Branch 15; Clavie 10, v. Trayee 26; Williams IS, v. Hall 11. Section D.—Mclntyre 10, t. Adamson 10; Byrne 20, v- McFarlane 19; Tonkin ID, v. Stewart 18; Noonan IS, v. Langsford 16. Section B.—Qualrough 16, v. Fowkes 14 ; Cornist 24/ v. Cowling 13; Simmonds 10, v. Hemes 20; Prickett 17, v. Coldicntt 20. Section F.—Findlay 15, v. Richards 17; Salter 21, v. Keith 8; Coltman 14, v. Chalmers 18; Rowe 16, v. Peoice 19. SIXTH KOOND. Section A. —Watson 17, V. Hamilton 19; Gerring 15, v. Vincent 22 •- Gibbon* 22, v. Tucker 13; Coombes 18, v. Yardley 12. Section B.—Montgomery 21, v. Harvey 19; Hawkins 14, v. Mclvor 16; Carter 15, v. Hoiking 23; Brookes 17, T. Bygrave 14. Section C.—White 21, v. Williams 14; Fornhaw, v. Crabb, not finished ; Clavie 21, v. Branch 20; Sutherland 9, v. Hall 24. Section D.—Mclntyre 21, v. Noonan 20; Byrne Iβ, v. Adamson 26; Tonkin 21, v. McFarlane 20; Lippiutt 19, v. Langsford Section E.—Quoltroug'i 21, v. Prlckett 17; Cornish 12, y. Fowkes 19; Slmmonda 15, v. Cowling 24; Sparrow 20, v. Coldicutt Section F.—Findlay 24, v.- Rowe 16; Salter 19, v. Richardg 14; Coltmau 14, y. Keith 21; Land 14, v. Pearce 16.

Walker Are? .\ :; Osmond ItuulKtoa Gatlaud -. Crabtree I'earce Boyne Noonun Smith mne. I 5 4 4 4 :; :t ;; l o Losses. 1 1 1 ~, ;t 3 4 5 0

V Parsons Jenkins Anderson 4..., George Chapman Sutherland Bird * Forbes Peek Taylor (Vins. Losses. 0- 1 a 2 4 " 4 :t 3 4 0 4 2 5 1 6

V Truscott McRoblc Wakerley Hosklns Osborne Finch Parsons Gill Taplln Bailey nrinu. i 7 (1 5 4 ;; :t ;t 1 1 Losses. 0 2 :; 4 4 4 6 6

Brookflcld ■. SlcPhall Foublstor Fookes Hobday McLeod Fulton Bridges .., Ritchie ,. SVins. 1 ■1 4 4 3 3 3 •J 3 Losses. 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4

Rowland •............_.. Blair Iiuffln ;... Scott Tozer -.,. Russell Barriball Sanderson Brookes ..., McDougall iVlns. ] 6 4 4 4 4 3 I! I.083OS. 1 a 3 3 ;?. 4 4 4

Clarke Jury Lamb Lowry HillB Gribble Rii.'bmond Moncuc Moran -•••• Uardley Wilis. Losses, fi 1 - } 4 ~S 4 : 3 3 4 1 6 1 e 0 I

Klvy Mclvor Fraser Morlson Kamsay Bennett •Somerville Poarce iVins. J 4 4 4 4 1 Losses, o : ; 4 4 5

SUMMARY. ' Wins. Losses. Buckley g i Armstrong 5 1 Christensen ; 4 ■ a Hardley :! ;s Clements 3 3 Piper 2 4 Murray 1 n Bousklll 1 5

V Campbell Sharkey < Lynch Swales Gollan «. Smith Uattle : McKcnzie '.. McKmstry Baker H. Smith NeiUon (Vins. Losses. 6 1 8 1 5 1! 4 3 4 a 3 . 4 "3 4 :; 4 4 3 4 1 6 1 6

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Auckland Star, Volume 55, Issue 94, 21 April 1924, Page 7

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BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume 55, Issue 94, 21 April 1924, Page 7

BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume 55, Issue 94, 21 April 1924, Page 7