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CLUB MATCHES. GREY LYNN GREEN. Ordinary Draw. —C. Liversidge, Hall, Gregory, "Harris 25. v. York. Tugby. Ratcllffe. Moore 18; Young, Pitkethly, Christie 17, v. Harding. Howard. Lalng lo : Collins. John Preston. J. B. Preston, h Preston 17, v. .lames Preston. Walker, Naysmith, Joe Preston 21.


Percentage Fours. —Kenderdlne. Monk. A. Walker, Boker 15, v. Brentford, Sellars. T. Nairn. Burns 20: Vivian, G. M. BrooK, I-Rglnton, J. Smith 10. v. Fnran. Grey. Ferguson, Best 17; Bridges. Scaly. .1011, Comes 25. v. Bainbridge. Fielder. Harvey, Millar 10; Hughes, Elliott, .1. B. Robertson, Tutt 10, v. Murray. Pearson, Fflßerty, Dalslev 12; A. F-. Stone. W. P. Smltli, Ladley, Trayes 14. v. E. Walker, Cochrane, ; Stevens, Hudson 21; Klnnalrd, Dayman. Clements. Woolley 20, v. Gordon Kendall. Hralthwalte. Gill 22: Jolly. Cordes. Hull, McDougall 25). v. Ritchie, Shackelford. I-elghton, Flndlav 24; F. C. Williams. Short, It. Robertson. H. *>. Brown 23. v. Kirk, Ironsides, Eaton, ill. Walton 12: Bertram. Dllllmore. McNab, Surman 22. ». Chambers. McCauley. Waestalfc. Blgclow 14; R. Walton. Hope, Eraser. Julian 21. v. Burley, Piper. Turner. E. Walton 10; Tyler. Youne. Gatenbv IS. v. Armstrong, Hardcastlc. Mcpherson 14. DOMINION ROAD GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—A. Chappell. Wlnthrop; Broadley. Robertson 34. v. E. Richardson, Soper, Bush, Blews 12 ; Calver. O. Fisher. Nimrod, Middleton 32, v. Clark, Johnston, Belts. Forder 15: Jctisop. Weatherall, Tozer, Goodnll 19. v. Le j Heron, Hughes, W. S. Fisher. Baldcrson 17; Cartwrlght, McLcod 30, v. Holland Benny 10. i


Ordinary Draw.- Treneary. Callaghan, Clarke, Howard 21, v. Salnsbury. Hunter, Huston. Rayncs IS; Curran. .1. Smith, Snkey, Crowseu 20, v. Miliar, Morey, Boa. Wyait 19: Cornish, Ilogan 20. v. (\isihman, M. C:irr 15.

Club Championship.- Reed 20. v. D Smith 11; D. Smith 17, v. Somers 16.


Brabant, Brown, Jansen. Sansbury 10. v Entrlean, Grey. Granger, Dixon 20; Nelson, Sinclair, Wallnce. E. Richmond 27, v. Crawfard. Newberrv, Ramsay, Lewis* 16; Dawson. J. Amburv. Phillips. A. Wright 20, v. Scwell, Fox, McGowau, Clarke 17: Donnell. Sinclair, Dr. Maclaurin (Wellington), F. Richroonil IS. v. Wylle. Skeates. Land, E. Jones 10; Slater. Whyte. MeCullough 13, v. A. Anibury, Buttle. Kendall 2S.

RAWHITI GREEN. ■Percentage Fours. -Murray. Bennett. Millard. McKlnley 2*. v. Wllmoit. Sykes. Stlibbs. Moncur IS; Schofield. Roberts, Samways, Piper 24, v. Johnson, Price. Wor thington. Oldham 12; Me. Gowan. Walker. Ravnor, W.ioller 2S, v. Eaves, .Pitt, Thomson 8.

First Year Players. -Ringlet, (first ron_fl: Scellv 25, v. Morton 10: Good 26. v. Watson 10: Tomllnson 20." v. Barker 16. (Second Round): Morton 26. r. Barker 17: Good IS, v. Tomllnson .16: Sceilr 17, v. Watson 18.

WAITEMATA GREEN. Club Fours—T. Flood. H. Cadness. C. C, Hodgson. G. H. Lyon. 10. v. .1. T. Aspdt-n, S. Smith. R. Mason. 11. W. Wilson. 14; G. T. Oxlev, S. K. McGill. W. Currie. J R. McPhall. 23, v. A. W. Tver. R. C. Irvine. R. A. Johnston. A. Campbell. 22; T>. R. Davl.-s. w. I.llbnm. D. Elston. A. Parrish. 16. v. C. Rose. Jss. I.ockie, Geo. Hewson. J. Potter. 13: J. A. Adams, E. Mason. Wm. Newman. AY. 11. Glover. 22. v. D. P. <vi_.-arv. F. M. Peam, T. H. Hurley. W. M. Jacks. 21.

ROCKY NOOK GREEN. Ordtnarv Draw.—Ardern. Muldoon, White. Fieldhouse 10, v. Alder, Boyle, Cnmpston. Holt 26; Rathbone. Stuart. Alexander 15, v. Bennett. Mason, Fulton 20

THE ANNEAL TOIRNAMENT. The final of the annual tournament begun on Saturday last on the Rocky Nook green, antl in which 30 members competed, was won by a Rocky Nook team consisting of W. 11. .lenkin isklp), G. Gladding, 11. Jenkln. A. College.

AUCKLAND GREEN. Rudd. llardv. Scantleburv. Crowhnrst 23, v. Mohr. Esau. Coldlcult. Craig 18: Brickson. Jury, Rawllnson. Steele 10, v. Harvey. Dicketts. Prime, Price 13; Westphal. Barclay, Commons, Keeslng IS. v. J. W. Fletcher. Forrest. Stya», Atkin 32 ; Trasev, Scott. Whittaker. Robertson 22, v. Newcl'l, I.yell. Newbegin. Pearson 22: Sansbury, Rock. Plggott. Graham 24, v. Derenzy, Cassle, F. R. Burton. Russell 12; Beaumont. M. Burton. Elliot. Nicholson 20. v. Ilorsley. Curry. Kretchmar. Culpan 8 ; James, Gllmour. Rvrle 13; Crookes, Blades, Shaw. Hughes. McCrea. Hunter 18. v. Clow. Hewitson. Nell 20. v. Moon. Shaw, Dixon. Mnston 22: Woodbam. Plummer, G. A. Buttle. W. R. Fletcher 10. v. Kirk. Lovell, I.indcr, Hemus 13.

PONSONBY GREEN. Percentage Fours. —Lovett, Morrinson, Goltlwatcr. Kotrlantl 17. v. Grey. Dougherty, Campbell. McLeod 20: Movie. Gnllv. Capi. Smith 21. v. Prvor. E. Smith, Raine 10; Blin.oe, E. Good. Coats 22. v. W. Brown. Billington. Morris 14: Carbines. Goodaere. Sparrow 33. v. Tanner. O. J. Veale, Rlonitleld 24.

Chumplonship Pairs.—Tucker and A. W Bryant 22 v. Pelhnln aud J. Jury 13: Gold water and Iloskiag 22, v. Payne and E Jury 20.

Club Pairs—Carbines ami Lye 19, v. Trevartben and Simpson 12. Smith and Whitfield 24. v. Jones and Lucena 1(1.

Handiean Singles.—Farrow 12. v. Trevarthen 10; Mackie 22. v. E. Smith 21.

TAKAPUNA GREEN. Club Fours.—Cutler. Culley. Thompson, Haydeu 17, v. Galbraitb, Peters, Dunlop, Ilanna 18; Sinclair, Wallers, Morrison, Peim 20", v. Hunt. O'Neill. Robertsbaw, Brake 21; Hart, Millward, Mtlnro. Murdoch 20, v. Lawrence. Baggett. Bull. Audley 21; Baxter, R. P. Smith. Meek IS, v. Denipsey, Gyde, Chileotte 14.

Club Pairs I semi-finals'). — Perfect and Williams 27. v. Collins and Boultou 23. Kells ami Morrison 10, v. Couithard and Hooper 15.

CARLTON GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—-Richardson. Horrell, Buxton. Cloman 1, v. Hudson. Shearer, Campbell. Rogers 11; Britain, Aldis, Elliott, Fletcher 28, v. Ross, Hill. Marks. Perm 17,


CARLTON V. MT. ALBERT, Carlton names first.

Harris, Rlewden. Cook. Clarkson 1!'. v. Wallett. Allwood. McNaughton. Baildon 14; Clayton. Gould. Arey. Blair 20. v. Perrltt Rousklll. Thomas, .lenkln 32; Tapper, F. Wilson. Glllett, Ball 21, v. Greenhury, Guthrie, Bromley, Toplls 17: Ashmore, Gavcy. Watson, O'Sullvan 23, v. -Vngus, Walters, Thomas, Allelly 10.

CARLTON V. TAKAPPNA Carlton names tirst.

Held}-. Edmunds. MeC.lone. Phillips :'.S. v. Kay. Dioletta, Bucklev. Eckersley 13. ONEHUNGA V. DEVONPORT. (Onehunga names first.) Higgins, Hopewell. Schnackenberg. T. A. Wallace 15. v. Dickens. Crow, Weight, Harvey 13; Blackwood. G. Jones, D. C. Macfarquhar, G. A. Court 20. v. Buchanan, Andrews. Goudlc. Pascoe 24; Thomas. A. Robb. Brown. Melutosh 20, v. Naylor, Minchin, Ncwbegtn. Lowe 21 ; Kennedy, Ireland, Allen, Hills 20, v. Ilynes, Henderson, Cox, Elvy 13. EJjENDALE V. DEVONPORT. i Edendale names first.) Smith. 1 'aimer. Chambers. Clements 22. v. Stisman, Harty, Goidwater, Blackburn 10: Jenklnson. Bleakley. Smith, Frost 18. v. Bach, Watsou, Broughton. "Mason 31. (Devonport names first. 1 •MeCallum. Wrigley, Traycs. Johnstone. ID. v. Bradshaw. Avery. Dee. Brownett. HI. Wrigley, Foster. King. Armstrong. Hi, v. Gordon. Cook, Reed. Forshaw. 24.

EDENDALE V. AVONDALE. (Avondale names first.) Bowater. Nunn, Johnstone, Darrah, 2(5. v. Culpan, East, Doyle, Freeman, 14.

DEVONPORT V. ONEIIENCA. Dickens. Crow. Weight. Harvey. 13. v. Hlgglnti. Hopewell. Schnackenberg. Wallace, 1">; Naylor, Mlncbln. Newbegin. Lowe. 21, v. Thomas. Robb. Brown. Mcintosh. 20; Buchanan. Andrews, Goudic, Pascoe, 24, v. Blackwood, Jones, Farquahar, Court, 20: Illnes, Henderson, Cose, Elvv. 1.".. v. Henncsy, Allen, Hills. 20.

DEVONPORT V. EDENDALE. Bach. Watson. Broughton. Mason. 31. v. Jenklnson, Bleakley. Smith. Erost, 18: Susman, Ilarty. Goldwater. Blackburn, Id. v. Smith. Palmer. Chambers. Clements. 22: 'Stevenson, Sullivan, 22, v. Wilson, McLeod 10.

GREY LYNN V. OTAnEHU. (Grey Lynn players first.) Little. Curtis. Reid. Mantell 17, v. Good win, Murdoch, Gardiner. Fernley 27.

GREY LYNN" V. WEST END. (Grey Lynn names first.)

Gibbons. Rcaumont, Oapp. Dick 2.". v Halg. Morloy, McMillen. Clark 22; Mlncham. F. Bridge. Lannigan. Boyne 22 v Mulholland. Crquhart, Wvnyard. Bell IS - Llversidge. Blamires. Mclvor. O. Bridges 21, v. Trice, Knaggs, Hardlev. Noton 23.

(West End names flrst.) Harris, I.ovntt. Green, Quin 14. v. Levdon, Hopewood, Rutland. Balldon IS: Horslev Bowring. Ritchie. Kirkham IS, v. Woods Eyre. Oraflin. Allen 22: Cot. 8. Hardlev. MeKeown. Whlrten 17. v. Warneford, Burrcll. Newton, Dimery 22.

WEST END V. EPSOM, (Epsom names first.)

Foote. llnyes, Wallace, Anderson 16 T Bennett. Cook, Worsfleld, Cooke 19; Spurr. Turk. Plunkett. George 23. v. R. Irvine Mosellm. Thompson. Scott 23- Peak White. Fouhlster, Crabtree 22, v. 'ilardlev Cook, May, Wise 23. (West End names first.. Hastings. Summer. Blair. Maher 24. v. French. Reid. Waddingham. Hazard 17; Selhy. Knox. E. White, Pierce 24, v. Grandfiel.l. Sellar*. Burton. IV right 21; r.ocn Andrews. Hill. C. Hardley 23, v. Kiugswell! Laurence. Tanner, Fraser 22. ROCKY NOOK V. CARLTOX. (Rocky Nook names first.) rringle. Barton, Roylance, Wakerlev 28. v. Greive, Morgan, Asbury, Lamb 20; J Kays. C. Wright. Randall. I'earce 24 v Fuge. Mitchell. Keeslng. Snedden 13; Wilson. Buckle. Finch. Birmingham 23 v Angrove. Roweil, Rowell. Wrlghtson 13; Addison, Berry, Milner. Bouskill IS. v Pollard. Wlllams. Fish. Kent 20; CunnLngbnm. Gibson. Bain, Elllsdon 13. v. Letch Haslptt, Smith. Hosking £4.

Carlton names first. Harlc-Oiles. Wisharr. Coutts, Truscott 34. v. W. Jones. T. Jones, Hunt. Brookes 10: Holland. DUlicar. Ronavae. Fookes 22 v Overy. Gurnet. K.lin. Eagleton 13 : Haresnape, Perry. lilnckman. Blauchartl 10, v A Moore, Barwell, W. Jenkin. 11. Jenkin 32C. Mountain, Kelly, Wetherllt. Lowrv 20, v. Sadler. White. Blakey, Clarke 20": Wright. Ferguson, Chapman, Keatlev 20 v. Murray, Mlllen. McGregor. Kllgou'r 15.

Dominion Road v. Ponsonbv (Ponsonhv anmes first I.—Stpypnson. Roultson. Colpbrook. Simson 17. v. Meikle, L. J. Lambert. Rattcrsby. Goldsmith 23: Braldwood. H Bruce, Stotter. Brown 17. v. V II Jones Clllfe. Woollpy. R. H. Fisher IS; Dromgool' Luccna. Buchan. Griffiths 10. v. S E Chappell. Shanks. Pematlenl. Alisopp 20: Miller iV.,. Br 5 < '?- Borden. Mclnnes IG, v. Ellis" Mills. Schofipld. Ramsay 22. __ Dominion Road v. Paoatoetoe (Papatop- • oe names first I.—Gladding, McCullough. Franklin. Hall 27. v. A. K. Jones. Buchanan. Insu-11. L. E. Lambert 12' Bryant. Bygravp, Millington, Andrew 27. v ». Richardson. McClymonr. Yeoman. West

PONSONBY V. STANLEY BAY. Blitz, Black, Conway. Bray 20. v. r.iterson. Nlcholl. Johnson. Brookes 10; W Kloe Payne. Everett. Rowland 27, v. Pa.sous Spring, Kelly, Whittle 10. "'

PONSONBY Y. DOMINION ROAD. (Ponsonby names first in nil mimes.) Mackie. Tucker, Bryant. Pelham 22. v. Osmond, Seeslon. Young. Hall |.-, : Coppins' Abbott. L. S. Kelly. Hosking 22. v. Spend.' Cowie. Iliiwkln, Denlson 10; A. Good. Gorman. J. Jury. E. Jury 21. v. Mc-Mealinn Guthle. Savers. Laylaud 15; Patterson' Hurdle}-. .1. Drnmaioiiil. M. Walker _': ,-' Vercoe. Siuimonils. Brackebush. Dunlop" n] FIRST YEAR PLAYERS.

Ponsonhy v. Dominion Road.—Trcrar. then. Jamison. Farrow. Young. IK, T Ritchie. Orinc, Lltten. Tucker 25. '

EPSOM V. OTAilirilL". (Epsom names first.) Veale. Parkinson. Taylor, ('.rattan 20. v, Todd. Thomson. Harrison, Ferguson l.v Hcwken Mvnott. Bull, de Launey IS, v. Tayler, Best. Connor. Ltppiatt 15. AVONDALE V. EDENDA'.E.

i Avomlalo nam.-s first.) Rlackwell, Harrison, Frosting. Somervell 21. v. Horspool, Millar. G. Dee, Taylor 12,

AVONDALE V. ONEHINGA. Poolev. Jones, Lamb. Rowe 20. v. Rich, ardson, F. Brown, Mac-low, Roberts 14.

ELECTRIC LIGHT TOURNAMENT Another electric Ugh' tournament will be held on Monday evening. The following Is the draw for first round:—Section A: K. Jury (I'oiisonbyi. v. P.oyne (Grey Lynni; Wilkinson lEpsum), v. Bassett (Onehunga), Section B: J. Jury (Ponsonby l v. Fish Carlton); Julian .Mt. Eueui T. Wilson (Dominion Road).

The final of this tournament and of tha three others played before this ranst t>« played on Tuesday uight next, March 27, weather permitting.

CAMBRIDGE TOURNEY DRAW FOR EASTER. CAMBRIDGE, this day. The following are the section draws fo» the Cambridge Easter Bowliug Tournament:—

Section A— Whitiora (Astle). Cambridge (Hill), Auckland (Hemus). Devonport (Gooding), Avondale iHoskiugl. Morriusvilla (Coghlll). Bueklan.l iTonklnl. Hamilton East (Carter), Hamilton (Williams).

Section B. — Cambridge lEdwards); Thames lOrbell), Hamilton iSmith). Ngaruawahia (.1. Mcl'arlane). Dominion Road I Savers): Whitiora illotld). Mt. Eden fUre), Combridge (Ehorpel, Rotorua (Powkes).

Section <". —Te Kuitl (Holah). Remuera (Long). Cambridge (Pearcel, Hamilton East Burrows). Whitiora (Scottl. Hamilton (Coombes), Pukekohe (Armstrong), Mt. Eden Truyesi. Devonport (King).

Section D.- -Thames (McKay), Hamilton (Pilkingtoni, Whtitora (I'earce), Cambridge (Hamilton), Ngaruawahia (Sparrow), Dominion Road i Vincent), Epsom (namdeni, Matamata (Stewart), Pukekohe (Fitness!.

Section E.—Lfamllton (Lamburn), WJilttora (Wlilttom. Thames (Adamsou), Mt. Etltn (Findlay), Cambridge (Easter), Ngaruawahla (Claris), Edeudale (Taylor), Cambridge ißlehardslj Buckland (Rae). Section F.—Ngaruawahia (.S. James), Devonport (Snoad), WesL End (Langford), Onehunga (McFarquhar), Thames (It. Cordee), Tuakau' (Pattun), Cambridge (Me. Eldowneyl. Morrlnsvtlle (E. Coruesh), Wlilti. ora (A. Lymlmrn).


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Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 73, 26 March 1923, Page 10

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BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 73, 26 March 1923, Page 10

BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 73, 26 March 1923, Page 10