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THE SUMMER MEETING. j .SECOND DAY'S KACIN'U. j, KAIN SPOILS THE FINISH. Ij The Auckland Trotting Club's Summer j Meeting was continued at Epsom yes- < terday, when there was a large attend- ( ance." The weather was fine but threat- | ening when racing commenced, and a , little rain fell, though not heavy enough , to cause any inconvenience until just , after the sixth race was decided, when j a heavy thunderstorm swept across the ] course," making the track very greasy i and flooding the enclosure. This had a , serious effect on the speculation on the , two concluding event?, and completely ( ! spoilt the racing I THE STEWARD?. The stewards were very busy during the afternoon. After the first race the connections of Nikora were asked to explain the running of the mare as compared with her effort, on the opening (lay, which they did to the satisfaction of the stewards. When Snowshoe won the Summer Cup, despite the fact that he was a warm favourite, he met with a mixed reception when be returned to scale. The stewards questioned his apparent inconsistency with his running on Wednesday, but beyond expressing elissatisfaction with the alleged reversal of form took no action. An inquiry was commenced into some interference with Gineta by Mutu in the Christmas Handicap, which was ad journed for further evidence, as was the hearing of a complaint by one driver against another for assault and insulting language. THE TOTALISATOR. .Speculation was goe*i until the rain set in, and there was a big falling off on the lasr two races, the sum of £53,402 10/ passing through the machines, as against £tVt.A33 on the corresponding day last. year, a decrease of £10,063. Particulars'are:A DOUBLE FIGURE -ONE. Battery Bell and Wimmera King were. not asked to contest the opening event. the Oak Handicap, which left a field of "fourteen. Bonnie Jean wound up favourite, nearly a couple of hundred pounds tetter fancied than Beta Huon. with 'Huia Girl, the bracketed pair (Mat Patch and Rose Bingen), and Lord Roberts all well supported. Reta Huon began well, but broke repeatedly over the last round, and Nikora then got in front and made a runaway race of it. winning pulling up by five lengths from Bonnie dean A, which did not settle down for some time after the start, Huia Girl, which also mixed it badly, getting third."two lengths further baric, a .head in front of Reta 'Huon. After the race Mr. T. H. Davey. the stipendiary steward present, challenged the running of Nikora as compared with her effort on the opening day. The explanation that on Wednesday her driver was unable to control her. while on this occasion her owner was in the sulky, was accepted, and Ihe judge's decision was not altered. THE FAVOURITE BEATEN. The twenty-one acceptors were harnessed up for the Tram-ray Handicap, a ' good favourite being found in Bingen 1 Wilkes, which had over six hundred pounds more on his number than Her Ladyship, with Rose Pointer. Lafeyette. , Red Star, and Silver Lining all " well ! i hacked, a little also coming for Dillon | Shine. Peter Volo, and Gold Cast. Peter ■ Volo went off well, and led for the greater part of the Journey, then ■ Rua Pert? took charge and led to the straight, where Her Ladyship got to the front., and drawing out in the run to the judge won by three lengths while Lafayvtte beat Our Patch a length for second honours. Bingen Wilkes got fourth, with Silver Lining. Peter Volo. and Red Star close up. ( A FAST RUN RACT.. The thirteen carded came out for the . Summer Cup, and for some reason or * other a. red-hot favourite was made of .Snowshoe, which was entrusted with about a thousand pounds more than Great Hope, with Kewpie a good third fancy, plenty money coming for Comedy ■ Chief, Dean Dillon, and Clarrie Daley, ' with Gold-Boy, the bracket (First Gir- ' bine and Moneymaker), William the ' First, Globe Derby, and Woodvale fancied in that order. William the First and Don Wild hael turns at forcing the pace, j I Great Hope and Comedy Chief being >j always handy, but. Snowshoe was well >: back until the last round was entered }-| on. Going along the back Great Hope > | moved up but then Tomkinson gave {, Snowshoe his head, and showing a great » burst of speed was alongside Great Hope ) when they turned for home. In the run to the judge Snowshoe easily held Great Hope, and won with a bit in hand by L three-quarters of a length, being timed r to go the two mile? in 4.28 1-5— a very [ fast gait. Comedy Chief got third, two r lengths further back, and Moneymaker r and Clarrie Daley close up. r The winner met with a mixed reception on returning to scale. I A GOOD PERFORMANCE. Pyramus did not come out for the, Christmas Handicap, a strong favourite being made of Wimmera King, which was about five hundred pounds better I fancied than Bundaberg. with tho j bracket ißuz Buz and Black Rust, Haricot. Dick and Nipper all \ j solidly hacked. Dillon S. carted the a field along for a while, then Bundaberg * took charge and was going well when '[ be broke and gave way to Mutu. while [ Uomeleigii Dick had moved up very fast 1 and had] got into second position. X anj Haricot had aiso worked up into striking distance, but Wimmera King B waa not going kindly. llomeleigh Dick i. bended Mutu once they got into the " straight and eventually won easily by a j length. Haricot finished fast and ran into third position naif a length further r back, with Wimmera King a neck away. Jj llomeleigh Diet was responsible for "a goo,! performance for he was credited * with ertepping t,he two miles in 4l!o 15 0 A HOT ONE WINS. 1 Irish Bell. Bingen Wilkes, and Her Ladyship dropped out of the 'Dominion Handicap. Weaver lx>iug backed down * to a short price, about twice ami a, half a. Well supported as Van Cap. with .Gold o Flake and Enid which were bracketed on * the machine, next in request. Lady Evelyn, Templet. Inclement and .. Nita Wood were fairly well supported. V Van Cap refused to leave and Gold Flake ,: and Ml. Alb"rl made the •running, but ,; j.*>ino along the b.i.k it could he -ecu i iiiat Weaver only waiting on tliein V and the favourite running to the front <as they raced to the straight eventually ■e'won easily by a lenfrth and a mill" from o Enid, with -limtny Richmond, n hk-ii tirrr ; isied very fast, a neck further back and

A DEAD HEAT. The defections from the Raniurly" Handicap were Queen, Strategy and Prize Pearl, leaving » field of fourteen. Man-o'-war was made a very warm first fancy, nearly twice a* well backed a- Minton Derby, which had a few more friends than Sal Pointer. Acron being the only one ot" the others to get anything like decent support. Centreway made the running for the greater part of the journey. -Sal Pointer being always handy, while entering the concluding stage* Man-o'-war, which was slow to move, had run up to within striking distance and All Bell wa*. showing up prominently next the rails. The last named was interfered with when Centrewav broke and Sal Pointer was clear, only to be challenged by Man-o'-war which put in a phenomenal finishing effort to get up in time to make a dead heal of it. Blue Mountain King finished well and got third a. length further buck. a. neck in front of Oentreway. RACING IN THE MUD. M,» Junior and Al Mack dropped out of the Epsom Trot Handicap, Delville Wood winding up favourite, tbe bettin* being spoilt by the heavy rain, tbe poo! being a small one. With the exception of Hint and Wild Lad the others gof support, bill were not backed with »nj spirit. Bundaberg began waill and get ting through the mud in great style never let the liekl threaten danger, win ning. pulling up 'by seven lengths fron llova. which mixed it continually, will Bluewood a couple al lengths away anf Stormy Voyage fourth. THE U»ST OF TBE DAW The track waa very 'heavy wlien thej came out for the Dash Handicap, toe last race of the day, and Row Pointer Coal Light, Derby Dillon, Hypo, Harolf .lunior and St. Lucia Lad were not. aslcec to face the. heavy track. Conacripn wound up favourite, with Duke -Whip* •Rock'away, Prince Poole, Peter Scott Taneatua and Mint Boy all well cup ported. Prince Poole began well in thi mud and led all the way to win by i neok from Duke Whips, which waa verj ■unlucky, while Conscript got third i length and a naif away, and Great Britain fourth. loafer particular* are: DOMINION HANDICAP (SADM.Bi. «C •'.CiOsovs. One mile. WEAVER, t. g, aged, by Dlrectaway Bronte (Mr. W. J. Tomkinsoni. W»ds bhd.-McMillan " KXID, h m, o.tts (Mr. T. Garland). 24yds hhd.—Cunningham ...' '. JIMMY RICHMOND, b g. axed (Mr. .1. It. Corrisani. .Tfiyds bhd.—J. Brrce, .Inn ■...'....... Aiso started: Bellova limit Rtianul limit Goirf Fiake limit. General Advance limit Prince Poof* lliyds bhd., Mt. Albert 12yds \'an Cap 24yds. Temple 24yds. Tlnv Locandi 24yds. Albert Patch .ISyds, Nils WcsiS 3«yd« Inclement 4Syds, Ramaroa 48yds, Kvelyn 60yds. ... (Jold Flake began well- and had charge when they passer" th* stand, with Mt. Alberi almost on terms, and then came Prince Poole Weaver, General Advance and Enid with Van Cap. which refused to strike s gal:, last. Going along th* back Gold Flake and Ml. Albert were together in lb* lead just in front of Prince Pool* and Weaver with Enid and Ijdy Evelyn'next, and .Tlmmj Richmond moving up. Weaver ran Ihrougt crossing the top. and getting in- front, at tt» home turn drew away to. win easil.i by n length and a-half from Enid, which wai a neck In front of the fast finishing .Tlmmi Richmond, ljidy Kvelyn was fourth, am then came Albert. Patch, Gold Flake, Prince Poole. Incler.ient and Mt. Albert. Time •J.-o i-."». Weaver was favouiit*. I RANPT.'RLY HAXtDU.'AP. of StWorir. One inl> and a-quarter. •SAL POINTER, b m. «yr». by l.ogan Pointer—Sal Taaker (Mr. D. Broph-vK 1 i •MAXO-WAR. blk h, aged, by Perl Huon —Wilga (Mt.' .1. R. Corrlganl. 48vas bhd.—A. Brv* 1 I BLUE MOUNTAIN KING, blk b aged (McKonilrick Bros.). 24yds bhd.—Mr. Kcndrict 3 *Dead heat. . Also started: Nelson Derby limit. Lady Dunmore limit, Centreway limit, Promenade limit. Rofbcllffe , limit. Acron 24yds bhd., Pltaroa 24yds, Gold Girl 36yds. Minton Derby 36yds; Grand Voyage SUyda, All Bell 48yiia. Centreway waa the first of the limit horses to begin, followed by Sal Pointer, Centreway leading past the stand three lengths clear of Sal Pointer, with Minton Derby next, and then came Nelson Derby. Lady Dunmore, Bine Mountain King, All Bell and Gold Girl, with Man-o'-war well np. Going along tbe back Centreway- still had charge Sal Polnte lieluß bis, nearest attendant. Minton Derb; losing his. position, while Lady Dunmore Nelson Derby, All Bell and Man-o'-war mad, a forward Wove, Centreway mtjetl It al th< distance and interfered with All Bell, am .Sal Pointer got m front only t« lie aooi challenged by Man-o'-war. a desperate flnlil seeing the pair-go past tbe poet together the. judge toeing unable to separate them Blue Mourn In King wm a length further back third, a neck In front of Centreway and then came ljidy I>unmore, All Bell an, Grand Voyage. Time, 2.50. Man-o'-war wa favourite. EPSOM TROT HANDICAP, of SOOeors. Two miles. BUNDABERG. br g. aged, by Bon Homme?—Victor Huge mare (Mr. W. R. L. Pasitoe), limit—.l. Bryce HOVA. blk h. aged (Mr. A. B. Cndbvi. 34yds bhd.—J. Paul BLUEWOOD. blk g, aged (Mr. W. McMastcrl. 12yds bhd.—Owner Also started: Pyramus 36yds Mid, Hlti 4Syrts. Theseus 48yds Delville Wood 84ydt Stormy Voyage oeydg. Speculator 108ydi First Fashion 132 yds, Wild Lad 144 yds. Bundaberg began well, leading past tb stand followed by Bluewood. Horn. Theseu* Hint and Pyrarnim In that order, with th others a long way back. Bundaberg wa getting through the mud In great style, an had drawn further.away as they came pas the second time, with Bluewood still lyln, second, and tben came Hova, Pvramns Theseus and First Fashion, with Delrll) Wood heading (he other*. Bundaberg cleare out going along the back to eventually wl: pulling up by seven lengths from Hot*. which was two lengths in front of Bluewood. Stormy Voyage waa fourth, and then 1-line 'First Fashion and Pyramus. Time. B.n, ■Delville Wood was favourite. HASH HANDICAP, of .ISOsovs. One mile. PRINCE POOLE, b g. aged, by Prince Imperial—'Miss Poole (Mr. W. Wllsoni. limit —Owner I DI'KH WHIPS, b g, aged (Mr. A. Rhodes). 30yds bhd—Tomkinson ; CONSCRIPT, b g, aged (Mr. K. J. SwaanV 24yds bhd -McMillan 3 Also started: Peter Scott limit. Taneatua limit. Roekaway I '-'yds bhd... Mint Boy 12vds. Lenglen 12yds. Great Britain Snyde. Queen Cblnies .Itlyds. Msntson 48yds. Prince Poole had charge when fbey passed the stand, followed hy Peter Scott. Mint Boy. Conscript. Taneatua. Dnke Whips and Queen Chimes in that order. Going along the back Prince Poolo still hud charge with Peter Scott next, and then came Conscript, Queen Chimes and Duke Whips. Prince Poole pflotifl the tieid across the top and was first int.. the straight, where Duke Whips bad run into second position, and though the last named challenged In - tbe run down tbe straight Prince Poole struggled on to get the decision by a neck. Conecrlpt got third a length and a-half away, and then came j Creat Britain. Mtntsnn. Rookaws* and Tane s'na. Time. c.2fi. conscript wan favourite. NOTES FROM EPSOM. Mr. Joneji' twu horses. Bukz Bt/.-/ and Black Rust, were well backed on the first day of ihe meeting, hut jrsve a very orriinary , display. My .lunior raced a long way below a pectaliops ill It* liowe Handicap. Mr. Eliot R. Davis has been rather unfortunate with his horses, as they have run three seconds and a dead beat. Dillon S. did not trot up (o expectation* In the Howe Handicap, even though he had tt? assistance or J. Bryce Id the aulkv. On the first day of the meeting Nita Wood . raced with a silver tube in her windpipe. As the operation was only performed a ion nifeiit too intich i an not lie cxpecled of 1 her yet. Don Wild raced much better in ihe Auckland Trottiug ('up than was expe ted after his poor showing on the training -rack, the i difference no doubt being due to the larger . track. i Blue Mountain King seems ali to places at present, and will probably be spelled 'or a whi>.

The maiden trotter Daylight ricked a front fetlock joint 00, t*e day prior to toe meet Ing, and as a result was unable to fulfil her engage men ta. The owner of Great Bt-itsin was very un fortunate In meeting such a good horse as Great Blngen in the mile harness. lady Brelyn gave a creditable showing in fhe Great Northern, and appears to race much better in saddle than she does in harness. The Derby was a false run race, as it look J. 14 to run the first half mile, and that gave Acron an opportunity to pick up the four or Aye seconds which he lost at the start. Mutu effected a surprise wh»n he won th* Psrnel! Handicap, for the son or Ghoat was taken out of the vegetable cart on the eve of tbe meeting. There was very little work between the drat and second day's races. Tbe only run of any consequence being a mile by Centreway and Maa-o'-War. which Journey they covered In 2.1. Man-o'-War on th* on (side did what was asked of him quite easily. MANAWATU SUMMER MEETING SIWART WINS AGAIN (By Tebsgrgpn.—Press Association.) PAI.MERSTON NORTH. Friday. Th* Manawaru Summer Meeting was concluded to-day In beautiful weather. The track was hard and there was a fair attendance The lotallsator handled £34,070. against £46,200 last year Juvenile Handicap. Aye furlongs.—Civil itv (Garrett) 1. Wake lip 2. Good Sport .".. Also started: Ora's Delight (coupled with Wake I'ph Penraiire. Entre Sous. "Whirlrangi. Pathfinder. Panorama. Enthuse. Won [hr a neck, s length between second and i third. Time I M. Ora's Delight bracket was raTnurite. Liverpool Handicap, nine furlongs—Runart (Rarry). I, Prinrem.pß.-2, Scotch Mixture 3. Also Marled: Civlfform, Irapuke. Won by three lengths, third horse tive lengths away. Time. 1.53 IS. Sunari was favourite. I Westbury Hack Handicap, flye furlongs. Marie Over (C. Reed) 1. Miss Rene '-!, Hytinus it. Also started : Projector. Eonmark, Vitella, Loyal Maid. Some Kid, I Gaiety Girl. Prioress Fran. Waimaboe, Merritnas. Jonquil. Panim. Sensible, Woltta. Won by half a length, one-length between second and third. Time. 1.1 4-5. Miss Rene and Konmnrk were even favourites. Clandehoye Handicap, one mile 55 yards. Kilblrd (Garrett) I. Battle Knight J. Rallaitd 3. Also started: American Beauty, Beloved. Won by three lengths, third horse one length away. Tlm». 1.44 3-B: Kilblrd was farourite. Christmas Welter Handicap, seven furlongs.—Happy Days (Manson) 1, Tussore 2. Pantler 3. Also started : Kedlogue. Red Cherry, Velociform. Teknri. Pink Rose. Gold Star. March On. Won by a length, Ihe same distance between second and third. Time. 1.28 4-5. The wiener was favourite. Kawau Handicap, six furlongs —('him mera (Stowel t. Civilform 2, Passionless 3, Also started : Valeric. Blrkie. Miss Rene, Barleycorn. Jackaroo. Island. Soonino. Won hv one and a-half lengths, third horse a length away. Time. 1.14 2-5. Th» winner was favourite. GREYMOUTK RACES. (Bt Telegraph.—Press Association.) GREYMOCTH. Friday The Grermouth Jockey Club's first day was held "in fine wealher. There was a large attendance. The totaliaator handled £ 1fl.83». compared with €15.828 on NewYear's Day last year. Results:--Orey Vatlev Handicap, one mile- ' beer l'p (A. Campbell) I, Caverock 1. Kiklnl 8. Also started : Mythology. Prince Feron/.. Carnbrar. Amendment. Won by three lengths. Time. 1.44 IS. Hurdles, one mile and a-half.-—Mlk Rein (Scobiel I, Headlong 2. Black Night 3. Also started : Lady Pallas. Won by six lengths. Time, 2.58 25. Klectric Handicap, 8v» rurlongs ana a-half—Wearv Willy (Jennings) 1. Marble Bar 2. Balefire 3. Also started : Samarang, Lyroe. Gallia. Snpbath. f.'sksnar. Maraudei. Won hv half a length. Time. 1.19 4-5. Stevarde' Fandleap, aix furlongs—Probate (Ryder) I, Counter Attack 2. Grim Joke 3. Vlso started : Sleepy Head, Kmerald Gem. tt-<n br a head. Time. 1.17 4-5. Welter Handicap, seven furlongs.-Wild Night (Donovan) 1," Woodrow 2. Lord Afthlsa ?.. Also started : Bonecto. All Serine. Silk Rent. Tirana. Won by one and a-half lengths. Time, 3-S. Brnnnsr Handicap, six furlongs and ■-half. —Balefire (Marshall) 1, Bestir 2, Bteepbolm 3. Also started: Tantalus. Ronlrnrm. Idleness. Betler Luck. Won by a head. Time. 1.24 4-5. RE-BAMBICAPB FOR MARTON(By Telegraph.—Press Association.l PALMERSTON NORTH. Friday. Rehandicaps for the Marlon meeting are : First Hurdles: Sir Fanciful 12.7. Juvenile Handicap: Civility 8.11. Mountain Bell 7.R. Matron Cup: Sunart !>6, Paoanui B.X Cleasantn 7.12. Dash Hack Handicap: Mark Orer 8.9, Happy Days 7.10. Railway Handicap: Cleasanta B.T. Miss Rene 7.7. New Year Handicap: Kilblrd 9.9. Tussore 8.12. Happy Days S.S. Martnlla 87. Stewards' Welter Handicap: KllWrd R. 12.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 309, 30 December 1922, Page 10

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AUCKLAND TROTTING CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 309, 30 December 1922, Page 10

AUCKLAND TROTTING CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 309, 30 December 1922, Page 10