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,l!y WIIALEROM-:.! j i; ACINI I I'INTVRKS. jj .1 mcary 1 and - Am-klann B «'. .'" ; .imiiiirv l an.l :: lireymouth' .I.e. ' :■ itiuiirr I Ws.lSnu.ilil K.'r. i .■ m-'tirv t \V. Mdbani It.i . I I j ,'i'inri I. -,,r.l I! i' It Juiiiiarv 1 '_' Hawses Buy .i.e. |, .' hi: tirv 1 J Marion .1.1. I ' ..jininrv 1. -2 vvniraropa K.C. j i :in ■~: -, 1\ .: Southland Hi. , I .'.,;,-..-,:, .; s i:..,.rtun J.r. )i inc.arv lo Pahiatuu Hi' ' • . .-.nuar'v 11. 1- i-n.inwell J.i'. , .''v l-'t Uarcavll'.o IM tat K.Uerslk". ! ,'anu.irv 1.", Urn ~r Islands RC ml Kllers- , li.-i. . ,i.ili..,irv 16. IS- Wnlrou County R'". . ' Jant.Hl'v IT- Otantaii X.( . I jun-tarv IS Hlr-hwooU Hunt i'lul>. i .'amiarv Uo Wairio .1 C II Jariuarv vt. i-J I'oxton R.l". ji Jau-ln.-v -M. JJ. J4 Wellington III". I J , ■sclera! of 'lie prominent horsemen rode .-■: Jlil.rslie ..„ TneMlay. PaUue.rytou N'onli . .., VV...lne>,lo> . Kllerslie again on Thursday. : ■~: i'almersion North on "Friday. which - 1.....ii,: "iisiJerable train t ravel litis Malaijur "hicb won Bo«eu HauJl- ■ ,ip at Lliierslie "ti Thursday, is ' a half ■ sister t>v (literal 1.-iiiMiir. to tlie well-per--...-rne.i pair. (Jiieen March and LirJIK. While working at E'.lerwlie this morning )■.,-; Chow broke down badly, and will be i.liable to fulfil Ids engugeraen's si :!ie A It j: Tito victory .'f v lleyya In the Shortlaud Plate ou Monday was one ot Uie surprises o" the ruclng.' and the good dividend returned -liy the daughter of Absurd was not j,anticipated in to a very large extent by her connections. .Hi.* cross-country horsemau, A Mc i Donald, gur a nasty fall .while schooling Oiawa at Marton recently, awd was unable to rido ac tlie Manawatu ItacLng (.'bib's Meeting, The gailop Enrhnsia-mi had in the l.'hristmas Handicap tv Eilerslie ~n Tuesday- was a nice pipe-opener for Lhe. filly before the "j-reat ■Northern Derby..-rtiilcli -Is run on Monday, anil tor which sbo promises lo go on: .favourite. - • •» - Word Irom Hawke's '.Bay stale* that the sralilon ' Elyslan. by Soult—Dreamland, died recajuly. A great performer himselif. j-jlyslan hardly left . .anything as good, nl though lie sired onor.or rwt> useful horses. (?■'. .Emerson, who is at tbe hend of the list of -Winning horsemen this season up to the j-eieiu. Is stated .to have lost the .-vt. Andrew's Handicap on T.lmelbjht .>n the i.including day of ihe Dunedin .I.e. Summer _Mej-yiuc through over-conaideaee. &'fer witnessing Tukla win "the Oreat Nifctlieru KoaJ stakes at EUe-rslie on Tuesda*i Mr. W. Duncan left for the -South In rhef-cvening. and had the satisfaction of seeliiiffrnmntere win the Stakes at in». Manawatu Pacini; ijlltb's Meeting the fo&wiag day. g Ho-bson. who rode Viyella to victory In She Short land Plate hi Ellerslie on Box-ing-liav. is an apprentice attached to the st«ftle of Mr. L,. Wilson, anil was having hiwifirst ride 1n a race/The' youngster In a B>usin f> the well, known horsemen, the rco£ri brothers and apjtears to have the I'aftjily gift. {ttngolaiid was very sore after working at JilJiirsllo ~n Monday, and Is nor -likely to fn»l any ..r his engagements at the nieeiinfi Tlie mishap was bad hick for his con nee»i,.-ns. for he vvas galloping well on 'he and may have -picked up a race duSng the four days. Jjie well-known horseman P.. Reed has bee* granted a license,bv tie -New Zealand Trjjtiiig Association-, and had his -firs', ride In j*» nice on a pacer <.v Wednesday, being up &a -Pitarea in the i;rrat N'ortbeni TrotTing Handicap, lie did not make a very sucuesoful d-p-onT. for his mount -wai« left at tbe po"'. and practically took no part in the race, 'hi tlie following day. Thursday. January 4. at 11 Messrs. Ilucklaud and Sons wl'ljirfer Hie whole of the trotting stock of Mr.yTbos Hoe, ai "Hell Farm." Avondale. -.vlief ill standard-bred trotters, including seven horses in iralulng. 11 brood mares witlt foals at foot, anil stintee to Cold-Bell and gt. Klven and the stallion Hal Boy .will, be oftered. Catalogues can be had on appli.atian to the auctioneers. A private lelier received from.'H.' Gray • suites that he wound up the season with' l.'i.S rides for :>S wins, nn average;of one mi four. The ex-New Zenlunder bsail been scbooling some of Sir Cunlttfe-Df/enV. horses, anil will <lo a little ritJnfr ovpr' hurdles, ire* does not intend to Hfte ■ regu larly us a terdle jockey. Qmy hML<Hgaged" to do some riding in Kraaee at it%B xneetings on SEBduys and will also i»_ a toiir of the r.,urliieni during the wlDter-'inonfhs. Ituapupa did not gallop at all kindly tn the Shortland Plate at Kllersll*- on. Tuesday. but in the )Vaitematu Handicap 6n?,Thnrsday -began well, and lcd-over the■ last fly'e furlongs to -,yin !u a style that Suggested: he amy be capable of winning ta, much, Letter race shortly. Kuapapa Is engaged" ilu the Great Northern 'Derby on •" Jlfoniay,when the field opposed to him ia.ajfalf^ strong one. and -lil< effort In tfie classic should {rive a much greater idea;'of hte merits. -'.'-' .-* In the race for the Askburton Trotting *'up. OraT.-rio crossed Mac whoii rnnnlng.out of tile straight. At an inquiry W. Krycel the driver oif Oratorio, admitted the offence but. said the horse liored In and he. . whs not sufficiently acquainted with his bablts to prevent hiui. A. «. Wilson. Uie. driver, of Hen i.Muc, confirmed the view that the horse was boring. The judicial stewards lined Bryee llii Mr. .1. C. Clarks„n. the owner of Oratorio, was .warned to have his borse driven in future by someone who coald control bim properly, as otherwise he would run the risk of having his nomlimti"n refused. BLOODSTOCK On. Wednesday nejctV Jajjuary" -.3. Messrs. A. Itiicldand and soris.Aa= c,)royJnctJon with the ~S.Z. Loan and Mercantile Co.. will hold a sale of bloodstock on tbe Ellerslle racecourse at 10 a.m.. when some S3 lots wiU be offered. The lots to go under the hammer Include tho well-known iterfonners Fort Regal. Fencer, 'King Oheops. War Tank, llidget, (Flowing tßowl, Puhlrakl, Tulle. Whltlnuga, Economic. "Monday. Lucy Freiteh, IPrlncess Charming, Shebang ljudy lyddite, iJidy Polly, Archibald, and a number frf others. In addition there Is a number Sit yearlings and other - stock: to be offered, the breeders represented being Messrs. r>eeble Bros.. J. Hand, <W. C lting, ■' H, Clarke. R. Pontes. H. IFrieelander t). 'I've., -n. E. Price. X. A.' Bro«6i. Ward and Ward. Roulston Bros., and TV. .1. Wilson. ;' A THREATENING DA> r TJER. After many years' bar* work and keen supervision, the sport of trotting has lucrea|od in popularity In Auckland till a very&blab standard has -beeri'reached. while the Jtonfldence nf (he public has gradually been« gained, and they are now content to rciyTupon ihe management to seeurolv giiaiM their interests. This reliance Is not misplaced, for those in authority if nil y re'•ogiase their responsibilities, but certain happenings recently woiil u go to show that they_ must not relax their efforts even lv the slightest degree, and it Is to be hoped tltarvif they do manage to -get an offender thex-will not hesitate to make an example. Tbcjuport is too g.-iod to atlow any "Baffertj; rules" to creep In.' and it Is not tbe IdeaWof the writer i.. anything in the natifie or pin-pricking, -but there is Just a susDjcion that there Is an atfempt to get In n3 Hi tie Jiack-scratchfng by a certain ..eeiipa. aud the threatening danger should :• -.; *c lost sight or. THE ISI.LN-OTfKN" PJ.ATE. the Islington 'Plate, rne mlie welgh--for-a-e-race at Ellerslle on Thursday, did not |T"*!<le an exciting routßst as expected. f..r"jt was thoug 1 !!! iho race would have r>eey run much faster. As it was. most .«T t b.-*rlders concerned appeared to be content !•• Ijail for a sprint over I lie last few furlong*, and this suited The Fltiwk Hplendid'v more pace than Ihe ..tiers ami wuej, he made his linaJ run had 100 much brilliancy for Winning Hit and won easily "by Jwo ietitflhs iJlghland had a lot of grown! to make up over the last-.few fur"■■u?>. ai-.I the task way: beyond aim. ulrlMiiigli he iluisued on »cii,. Xi>' get third tlirtj. pans ~f a length liehiiid Winning 'l:t.< with the other three alongside him an £ Trespass last li was lilting that The Hani, sh.mi.l be returned the winner, for i will 'ie ri-iuemiiered thai twelve months ac.." lie was priinnrllv rcspon-Ible f,.r the • l.cvtifall ~r trloumiiiic in the event. The f" ii pace he then set. and which illoaniiitg •■'.II 'ii keep up .villi him. !■>;.! Irs tale o.i <■■■>:. nitli ih» result that »h»n Thespian ea":c -jti tit- s -en., ni;!, a brilliati: iare run I<■ s'-or-.i a sensational victory -.ver the champion.

THE AUCKLAND CUP. j The contest for the Auckland Oup on niwdav was <,»> .»f the most Interesting' In the. 'history at (he race, and It is a lon*- I time since an important event wa» s,> i cleanly run There was a big field of seventeen, but there was no interference »»f any consequence at any stage, aud this was , n mos; pleasing feature. "Winning Hli ' carted : lie field along a I a solid pace, ami when I hey entered the straight Insurrection, "Boomer-day and Income were his , nearest attendants, and it looked a certainty that the winner would come from one or the quartet, for S.-lou. although he was getting a good run on tv» rails, was well ba.-k. and Muranhi was not in (he picture. It was when Winning Hit and Boomerday fell the pace and gave way thai Insurrection and Income commenced their and ali inteiesi centred on the pair, until as if from Lhe vJouds along came Scion next ihe raljs. and Muraahi on the extreme outside, and there was great fxcltemen- as the quartet went past the judge with Scion a winner hv a neck from Insurrection, win, In.-ouie 'a neck away, third. and Muraahi aitnosi on terms with the last named, ejrioti was responsible for a great final effort, as was Muraahi, for both were ■.veil back when the laM. half-mile was entered on. and they must have covered ibat illstance of ground very fast. An one witnessed the final struggle between Scion aud Insurrection the position of Mr. KMdl ford flashed through, one's mind. The Wellington sportsman's colours were on Scion, while Insurrection, (he most dangerous opponent threatening the gelding, was a present from Mr. Niddtford to his old trainer, Mr. .1. when ihe latter severed his connection with his stable. It was a real sportiug position, and It was a • ertaihty that Mr. Rlddiford would have risen to (lie occasion and been the first to congratulate Mr. I.owe hart the neck Seen the other way about. AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. . THE SUMMER CARNIVAL. roNTINI'MIi ON MONDAY. THE (iREAT NORTHERN DBRBV. The Auckland Racing Hub's Summer Carnival will be continued at EUerslle oo Monday, when the most valuable cfaaaie event in the Dominion, the threat Northern Derby will come up for declslou. The final yaymeut leaves eleven iv (he race. Mr. A. B. Williams with King's Trumpeter iM Rapine being the only owner witJi more than one representative engaged. Enthusiasm, the winner ot the 0..1.C. Derby, is the best performer so for this season among tbe three-year-olds, and she will probably go out favourite, hut it should be a good betting race, for (he Williams' bracket. Highland. Matinee and Rnapapa. are cure to get good support. The last named pair are the hope of the northern stables and if Mntinee takes his place iv the Held a lot of people expect him to run prominently. Sixteen have made the payment for the A.R.f. Handicap and though Income promises to he a good favourite, the lightly weighted division is o very strong one and the race should provide an Interesting contest. The various other events have tilled well and the racing throughout ia certain to be of a high standard. The fixture will be brought to a conclusion on Tuesday, when, in addition to the handicap event*, the Royal Stakes. In which (he leading two-vear-oldg will meet the older horses at weight for age, with penalties and allowances, and the mile and a half weight for nge race..tbe Auckland Plate, will come up for decision. The first race on each day starts at 11.30 a.m. and the acceptances for Monday's racing are :—

TURF TAI.K FROM THE SOUTH. CANTERBURY. OBy Telegraphs-Special to "S**r."l OBKI'STOH'TJROH, Friday. Prospects for the Canterbury Park Club- opening meeting at Addlugton on Mono-iv are of tho brightest, good Heldß and insjiv good class horses being aseured. The Canieioury Oup (Handicap promises to iirorlue a rate well worthy of the handsome stake. Most talk has been about Hal Junor, Albert Cling. Xrlx Pointer and uidy iS'wltblu. and un Jiut form Albert Cling seems well treated. light harness enthusiasts, are nagerly looking forward lo seeing Happy Voyage aialn In action in the Islington Handicap, wueii something sensational In the way of time should be established. Logau Chief. n-oHving V£ yards from the Australian champion, should keep hini busy. Morses throughout tbe day which appear well placed are Johnnie Bells, Calmness. Guy l.awkoa, Ocean Spray. Lee .Vorrts, Bon Wilkes an<r Oratorio. The riding at ihe Dutiedln iiieetitig lias come In for aomo adverse comment. To some people, of course, a boy wh.stalls to ride a -winner for iheui is always a bad rider, but the ..pinion In th-is instaiieu i* l.Mi general 10 lie 'based slmplv «n preiu dice. Ii now transpires that Many Kittle was under offer at IHHW guineas, hut the desi hung tire, an.l in the uniautinie Mr. W. Nicholls changed Ills mind and decided to keep the Nassau .gelding Many Kittle did not please the' experts a: Wingatni. It being considered that he was nut as well as-when lie won the tlold Cup at RU--carton. At the same time 1t is no certainly that he will not will a race yet <>v tin: ■Southern trip. iliatou Bells, won the Two v.-.,,.,,:,; Handicap, on the concluding day *i Duuediti, ." is an Aiislrnlian-bred filly, by Eaton Lad from I-'nrmicary. by Multiform. ,She made a good impression Sir George Clifford's Southern team are expected home to-night Tbey hari a lean time, a second to Dinner 801 l and thirds to W-hnrfedsle and Whipping Boy being their best.

FERGl'SON HANDICAP of 500«ots. Six furlongs, at. lb. st. Ih. She (Held 8 10 Daphne Bruce 7 0 Pillage ..... SO Electrode .... 7 0 Miss .luho ..76 Llanetly .... 7 0 Nocturne ... 7 5 Ross veils 7 O Bon Chic .. 7 0 York Abbey. . 7 0 NEW YEARS; nt'RDLBS of 600sovs. Two miles. Explorer 13 4 SUverton ... 9 10 No Bother ..11 ■! Never Despair 9 « Wbanoko ... 10 12 Totara ' Jack 9 0 Passln' Thro' 10 12 Tenacious . . '•• O Killnrd .. .. 10 n Miss Melva. . » O Snake 10 .1 Night Time.. 9 0 Shell Shock. , 9-13 MIDSUMMER HANDICAP of 500»o»i. Five furlongs. Bathos » 2 Tayleton .... 7 10 Ton 'Score -.. S*t2,' Deluge" - ; . -.. J 10 Orofino S 11 KtngofHearta JO Avonlea ,... 8 9 MurT* « \* Ransack 8 3 Urallm-. . - . - • « 1^ Laughingstock 7 10 Sleepy Sol .. 6 . 49th GREAT- NORTHERN DEBBY of 2500sovs. One mile and n-nair. ', Ares s 10 Mountain Lion 8 10 Far North ., 8 10 Matinee R 10 Highland ... X 10 Ruapapa 8 10 K. -Trumpeter 8.10 Enthusiasm . * T Rapine 8.10 Refinement 8 1 Lucius , 8 10 NEWMARKET HANDICAP of 1000a«»«Six furlongs. Gleotruln "... . » 18 Lady Ridicule 7 1 Solfanello ... 9 T Tactful . 6 10 Royal Blood . 8 10 Killashandra. 6 7 Alfort ...... 8 B, Prince Abbey 6 7 Pavo : ... 8 *. Bretland .... « T DOvelet;. . ■ * - 2 * Finellt ..... ..« « Golden Bubble 7 « V. '', ~ A.jtV-; HANDICAP ot 2006sova. ":. One'mile and. a-hftlt. Income ".'..*' '» 0 T'inphoro- ... 7 « Insurrection. 8 10 Maloba Bis ffoo Chow .. 8 10 Muraahi « < Scion « to Archie . - - ... » J, Royal Present 8 10 Martial Dawn 0 . Trespass ... S•'- 6 Sycortx ... « \ Roval Star .. 7 11 Equitable . - 6 7 Bopmerday ..79 Nlgbtraider . « 7 EI.LERS1.IE HANDICAP of 500»ot». One mile. Santiago ... 'S.'fS Kabtkntea ..7 0 Para * S Sonlterlna . . 7 0 Pentagram... 7 10 Daddy'. Girl 7 0 Gleucairn .. 7 10 E fie Aroha 7 O Wheatfield ..70 Flowlog Bowl 7 O Vindictive .. 7 '1 Marble Crag- 7 « Te Akltai .. 7 n Merry Times 7 0 Election .7 0 rotoa Queen . o General Rose- 7 o Semper idem 7 O Conflict ... 7 0 Flying Planet 7 0 Smoke Concert 7 0 Lady Patience 7 0 GLASGOW HANDICAP of 600»©»«. Seven furlongs. Mustard Pot . 8,4 Martian Miss 6 11 Loval Irish .. • 8 '1 Royal Abbey. « 7 Taina-a-roa . 8 J Master O'Rorke « 7 tiolden Bubble 7 10 Gold Jacket * 7 llumlnfltlon.. 7 11 Mountain Lion 0 7 Ano-elo .- 7 5 Amiform — « < VlTcllo 7 5 (rowhurst .. H 7 C. Stimulanls « 13 Santiago « 7 Bretland .... 6 18

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 309, 30 December 1922, Page 10

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 309, 30 December 1922, Page 10

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 309, 30 December 1922, Page 10