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SUMMER MEETING OPENED. WITH HIGH-CLASS RACING. SOME- EXCITING FINISHES. LARGE CROWD PRESENT. The large crowd, estimated at about 30,000 present at Alexandra Park yesterday, when the Auckland Trotting Club commenced their summer meeting, witnessed exciting and high-class racing, and it is doubtful if the sport lias ever previously been of the same standard as that obtaining on this occasion. In practically every event the issue was in doubt right up to the passing of the judge's box and it was a day that will long be remembered by those fortunate enough to be present. The Auckland Trotting Cup, the big event of the fixture, provided a contest in every way worthy of the occasion, and it was a clear run race from start to finish. In the concluding stages Minton Derby, Great Hope and Comedy Chief were in a bunch and the desperate struggle for supremacy which resulted in a half length win for the Sydneyowned horse, Minton Derby, from the Waikato horse, Comedy Chief, with the southerner Great Hope, a head away, third, aroused the spectators to a high pitch of enthusiasm. The winner was loudly cheered when the driver brought him back to the enclosure, the cheering being renewed when the Prime Minister presented the 100 guinea cup attaching to the event to the winner. The classic event, the Great Northern Trotting Derby, was another exciting race, the dinner, Acron, being responsible for a high-claes performance and though he was lucky to win, as the race was run, he would have been very unlucky to have lost. After the race Acron was decorated with the ribbon attaching to the event by Mrs. Gordon Coatee, wife of the Hon. Gordon Coo tee, M.P., amidst loud cheering.

A pleasing feature wae the strong field of straight out trottore which contested the valuable Rowe Handicap and it was a great finish between the two Auckland horses, Aerial Bingen and Al Mack, the former prevailing by a head. The management of the officials under the secretary, Mr. C. F. Mark, left nothing to be desired and altogether the gathering will take rank as the most successful in the history of the club. THE TOTALISATOR. Speculation was good, the sum of £73,149 10/ passing through the machines, which is a slight decrease of £2294 on the corresponding day last year, which, however, was a holiday. Particulars are:— A GOOD DUEL. The ms opened with the Introductory Trot Handi.-ap, from whleli Daylight, Tlmbell and Miss l'lrate were withdrawn. De Why wound up favourite. two hundred and fifty pounds better fancied than the bracketed pair Olneta and Bon IBon and Keta 'Huou. with Lord ■Roberts nearly as well backed as the lastnamed, money Vomiiiß for Mat Tatcli, Wlmmera Kin*, Hula Girl. Fiat ami WHton W'ilkes. Lord Roberts was nev«r really dangerous, and with half the Journey covered the race had resolved itself into a duel between De Why and Glneta, and though the last-named disputed -.-very inch of ground De Why always had a bit the •better of It. to eventually win by a length and a Quarter. Huia Girl got' third and Beta Huon fourth. TtHE FAVOURITE WINS EASILY. Peter IMck. Oak-hampton, Johnny TolUiust, Directive, Togo's Promise, and Goldman dropped out of the December Handicap, aud a pronounced favourite was made of Bonny Logan, which had nearly a thousand pounds more on her number than Paul, with Le Meriel, Her Ladyship, and Dillon iShlne the only others to get anything Ufte decent backing. An outsider In Silver -Lining made the running in the early stages, with Her Ladyship. Glenoo aud Dillon Shine always well placed, but supporters of the favourite were somewhat uneasy by the way she was kept on the rails. She had a lot of luck during the race, for every time she moved up she escaped Interference, and when Dillon Shine and Glenoc went to tn« front gnliiK along the back her driver took her out from the mils, and getMus to Dillon Shine at the straight entrance she scored very easily by a length and a half from Dillon Shin*, which was two lengths ill front Of Her Ladyship, which lost some ground with a bad stumble, while Red Star, which only came on the scene In the later stages, was only a head away, fourth, rani failed to stay. A CLASSICAL FINISH. The Auckland Trotting Cup, the big event of the year, attracted the good field of eighteen, the eleventh hour defections being William the First, Centreway, Alto Chimes, :Man-o'-iWar. and Whispering Willie. The Sydney horse Mintou Derby was backed down to a short price, live hundred pounds better supported than Great Hope, which had the same amount more on his number than Snowshoe. Pedro Pronto. Dean Dlllou and the bracketed pair Steel Bell and Gold 'Boy having a lot of frieuds, the order of the others in the bettlu-g 'being the bracket Kewple and Blue Mountain' King. Grand Voyage, Comedy Chief. Xlta Bell. Don Wild, the bracket Klrst Carbine and Moneymaker, Clarrle Daley, and Globe Uerliy, with Woodvale the outsider. They were kept waiting at the post for solne time, and the tapes were broken before they were all headed the right way and the lever was pulled. Minton Derby did not jump into his straps as quietly as Great Hope and Don Wild, but soon ran to the front, and setting a soiy pace kept the lead as furlong after furlong was reeled off. Great Hope always being handy and Comedy Chief well placed, the positions of the others changing pretty frequently. Kewiple and Steel Bell showing out prominently, while Moneymaker came into the picture at one stage, only to fade away again, while the others kept plodding away •In fine style without ever really looking to have a winning chance. As they came across the top Great Hope moved up to Minton Derby, and a Joud shout went up In his favour, while Comedy Chief raised a dasli of excitement by putting in a run which took him up to his opponents, and as they turned for home the trio were hard at it. Over the final stages a great finish resulted. Minton Derby lasting long enough to get the decision by halt a length from Comedy Chief, which got up to defeat Great Hope by a head. Kewpie was fourth and Steel Bell. Nlta Bell. Snowshoe end ■Bine 'Mountain King well up. It was a finish worthy of the occasion, the race throughout being a high class one. Tlie winner paced faultlessly throughout and was well handled by his driver. ,!. 'Riddell, who did not cover any unnecessary ground. Grewt Hope, on the' other hand, had to do his work on the ouksMe In the concluding stages, but for which*'he would have been harder to .beat. Comedy Chief went a great race, and it was bad luck for his connections to bump a horse of the class of the winner on such a favourable mark. The victory was a very papular one. and the horse aud driver were loudly cheered on returning to the enclosure, the cb*ering being renewed when the gold cup atteehlnj to the event was presented. HEAD AND HEAD. Rua Pere, Marble Hall and Normiea Heir failed to come out for the Parnell Handicap, Wlmmera King finishing up a three hundred odd pounds stronger fancy than Buz Buz, plenty of money coming for Nipper and Bundaberg, the quartet carrying the bulk of the investments. Buz Buz begun well, but mixed it badly, and spoilt a good winning chance, and it was left to Mutu to set the pace, and as they entered the concluding stuge Bundaberg, Wimnieru King and Haricot were all well placed, but Buz Buz and Nipper, which ! had been racing prominently up to. this point, were beaten. Bundaberg appeared to have Mutu beaten at the lawn rails, but left lila feet, nn> with Wimmera King joining in the finish was exciting, Mutu getting the decision by a head, with Bundaberg and Wlmmera King separated by the same distance, and Haricot, which put in a good finishing run, a length and a-balf further back, fourth. Mutu returned a two-figure dvildend. A HIGH-CLASS COLT. Gold Cast did not take on the Southern opposition in the Great Northern Trotting Derby, which left a one-dividend field of five to contest the event. Aburiri was a strong favourite, having nearly half the Investments on the machine on his number. Acron being ■ good second fancy, and there was support forthcoming for Bonny.

Logan and Lafayette. Ahnrirl began fast when the signal was given to go, but Acron refused to strike a gait until the field wag fully sixty yards away. When he did settle down he showed a great burst of speed, and had worked up Into seeomi position to Ahurirl as they passed the eland, with Bonny Logan almost on terms, the Issue now being between the trio. Crossing the top they were still bunched, but Ahurirl appeared to have his opponents beaten, and Bryce did not appear anxloim, while the drivers of the other pair were hard at their charges. Ahurirl was still doing his work well until they were about a hundred yards from the post, when lie stumbled slightly and mixed it, and before he could be stendled again Acron and Bonny Logan had headed him, Acron getting the decision by a head, while Ahurirl was a neck away. Kose Pointer was fourth, three lengths further back. The performance of Acron was a hlghclaes one, and the applause that greeted the colt and his driver, 3. 3. Kennerley. when they came back to the paddock showed that the spectators fully appreciated the merit of his effort. Ahurirl was certainly unlucky to make the mistake when he did, for he had paced a true race up to that point. But for the lnclBent It was a certainty that he would have won, but Acron would have been very unlucky had he been beateu. Bonny Logan went a real good race, the run on the rails assisting her at the finish, and a few strides more she might have got the decision. The race was a fast run one, the time for the quarters, kindly supplied by the official timekeepers, being: First quarter 43 8-se, half-mile 1.18 1-5, third quarter 1.48. mile 2.23 3-5, mile and «-quarter 2.5T, mile and a-half 3.29 1-5. THE BIG SADDLE EVENT. The withdrawals from the Great Northern Handicap, the big saddle race, were Salamander, Wonderland and Centrewar, which left a field of thirteen. William the First was sorted out as the most likely to score, with Prize Pearl, Pltaroa, Lady Dunmore and All Bell all having a big following, while the bracket, Alto Chimes and Goldstream. Lady Evelyn, Strategy and Medway carried plenty of money. Medway set the pace, and the favourite had worked up Into a handy position when he stumbled and spoilt a good winning chance. All Bell, Lady Dunmore, and Medway turning for home in close company, «n exc4ting finish resulting In All Bell winning by a neck, with Lady Evelyn a length and a-half further back, half a length In front of Medway. AL MACK JUST BEATEN. The only defection from the Kowe Handicap was Kostrevor, which left the good Held of twenty straight-out trotters to compete for the big prize over the two mllee. Pyramus wns sorted out as a good thing, with My Junior with a thousand tickets less on his chance second In request, and Delvllle Wood. Speculator, Normlca Heir and Hora all solidly backed, and Al Mack and Bluewood most fancied of the others. Bluewood soon got to the front, and went out to win from end to end, but with the last half-mile entered on Aerial Blngen, Al Mack and Delvllle Wood were all handy, and a great struggle home was witnessed. Aerial Blngen scoring by a head from Al Mack, with Delvllle Wood within v length, a head In front of Bluewood, the favourite never being Follower* of Orange's stable got another two-figure dividend. A PROMISING COI.T. The day's sport was concluded, with the defections were Reveille, Hose Pointer, Riiauui. Master Councillor, and Sheik. (irent Blngen. a promising rolt by Nelson Bingen, saw a short price, but a decent pool was made up by the Hupport accorded St. Lucia Lad. the bracket Jimmy Richmond and Queen Chimes, Great Britain. Brendo, Peter Scot!, Mint Boy, Harold Junior and Hockaway. The race proved the good thing the betting indicated, for after Peter Scott and Great Britain had made the pare Ureal Blngen came through in the straight to beat Great Britain with n bit in hand by a neck. Prince Poole got third, a length further, a neck in front of Peter Scott.

Later results «re:— GREAT XOBTHERN TROTTINXJ DBRIBY (Harness), of lOOOsors. One mile aud a half. ACRON, b c, 3yrs, by Logan PointerMillie (Mr. J. R. Mackerjle)—'Kenuerley 1 BOX XT LOGA.V. b f, 3yrs (Mr. W. H. Norton) —F. Holmes. Jun 2 AHU'RIRI. b c, 3yrs (Mr. R. M. Morten) —J. Bryce S Also started: La Fayette and Rose Pointer. When they were let go, Acron lost a lot of ground by refusing to etrtke a gait, Ahurlri going out fast, followed by Bonny Logan. La Fayette. and Rose Pointer, with Acron a dozen lengths away. Ahurlri led along the back, where Acron moved up very fast, and pnselng the stand had run into second position behind Ahurlri. with Bonn; Logan almost on terniH. and Rwe Pointer land La Fayette following. The leading trio were in close company ac they went along the back, and crossed the top Into the straight. In the run to the judge Ahnrlrl appeared to hove the meuaure of his opponents, when he stumbled and broke, and Acrrm and Bonny Logan headed him. an exciting struggle ending In Acron getting the decision by a bead, with Ahurlri a neck away third, and Rose Pointer three lengths further back fourth. Time, 3.39 I-β. Ahurlri was favourite. 'GREAT NORTHERN HANDICAP (Saddle) of 400SOV8. One mile. ALL BELL, blk g, aged, by Gold Bell— Agneto (Mr. G. Paton), 48yde behind LADY DUN jf ORE.' b' m." oyrs". " '(Mr.' A. W. Paul). 12yds behind—Monk, Jun. 2 LADY EVELYN, eh m, aged (Mr. A. O. Hunter), limit—Kteher 3 Also started : Albert Patch limit, Medway limit, KothclinV 12yds behind, Strategy 36yde, Pitaron 36yde, Alto Chimes 36yde, lioldstreum 48yds. William the First 48yde, Frize Pearl 48yde, Lord Minto 48yds. Medway began fast, and passing the stand wag out three lengths in fror.t of Strategy, after which in order came Lady Dunmore. William the First. AH Bell. Lady Evelyn. Prize' Pearl, and Albert Patch, In that order, Pitaroa standing on the mark and refusing to strike a gait, while Rotbcliffe broke bis hopples. Going along thn back William the First stumbled and lost his position, and crossing the top Medway, All Bell, and Lady Dunmore were in a bunch, with Prize Pearl and Lady Evelyn at the bead of the others. All Bell had a alight advantage as they turned for home, but Lady Dunmore stuck to her task, a punishing finish seeing All Bell get the verdict by c. neck. Lady Evelyn finished well and got third, a length and a half further back, with Medway fourth, and Albert Patch, Prize Pearl, Alto Chimes and William the First following. Time, 2.16 2-5. William the First was favourite. ROWE HANDICAP TROT (Harness) of lOOOsovs. Two miles. AERIAL BINGEN, b h. syrs, by Nelson Bingen—Lady Zeppelin (Mr. .1. Pettle). 36yde behind—Orange .... 1 AL MACK, b h, aged (Mr. Eliot Davis), 12OydB behind —Cunningham 2 DELVILLE WOOD, br g, aged (Mrs. C. M. Mundell), 84yds behind—O. Reed 3 BLI'EWOOD, blk g. aged (Mr. W. McMaster), 12yds behind—Owner .... 4 Also started : Rol Alto limit. Appeal limit, Dillon G. limit. Black Rust, limit, Bundaberg limit. Succory limit, Normiea Heir 24yds behind. Ileva 24yds. Grattan Abbey 24yds. Pyramus H6y<le. Hint 48yds. My Junior 48yds. Speculator 108 yds, Stormy Voyage 108 yds, Homeleigh Dick I.44yds, Wild Lad 144 yds. Appeal and Black Rust moved first, but Bluewood soon headed them off. and passing the stand was out three lengths in front of Appeal, and then in order came Hova, Black Runt. Dillon S., Normiea Heir. Succory, and Delville Wood, with the back markers moving up. Bluewood still had bis advantage as they went along the back, and led past the stand the second time, two lengths rlear of Hova, while Aerial Bingen had run up third, and Delville Wood. Speculator, Al Mark. Black Rust and Pyramus had all Improved their positions. Bluewood was trotting freely in front as they went along the back, and led into the straight, where Hova. Aerial Bingen, Delville Wood and Al Mack were within striking distance. Bluewood tired inside the distance, and Aerial Bingen and Al Mack went past him. another exciting finish seeing Aerial Bingen get the decision by a head, with Delville Wood a length further back, third, a head In front of Blue wood. Hova was npxt, And theu came Homeleigb Dick, Speculator. Pyramus, Wild Lad, Stormy Voyage, and Hint. Time, 4.48 4-5. Pyraruus was favourite. ST. HELIER'S HANDICAP of 350eovs. One mile. GREAT BINGEN. br c, 3yrs. byNeleon Bingen—Bertha Bell (Mr. .1. K. Mcketizie). 12yds behind—Kenuerlcy . . 1 GREAT BRITAIN, eh g. aged (Mr. D. Brophy), limit — J. Shaw 2 PRINCE POOLE, b g, aged (Mr. W. Wlson), limit—Owner 3 Also strated: Peter Scott limit, Rockaway 12yds behind, Brendo 12yds, Van Cap 12yds, Lena Patch 12yds, Mint Boy 12yds. Lenglen 12yds, Nita Wood 24yds, Harold lun. 24yds, Jimmy Richmond 24yds, Queen Chimes 36yds, St. Lucia Lad 36yde. Con-, script 36yds, Jays Bell 36yds, Wakanul 86yds, Promenade 48yds, Duke Whifs 48yds, Bronze Patch 48yds, Mlntuon 60yds. When the stand was reached Peter Scott had charge, a length clear of Great Britain, with Prince Poole, Great Bingen, Brendo and Conscript racing in that order, and Mint Boy heading the others. These positions were maintained going along the back, but Great Britain np Iβ tEe front croidng

the top, and was first to turn for home, with Great Blngen, Peter Bcott, and Prrace Poole, the first-named pair fighting out a good finish, which went In favour of Great Bingen by a neck. Great Britain defeated Prlnce Poole by two lengths for eecond honours, with Peter Scott a neck away, third, and then came Rockaway, Duke Whips, and Conscript. Time, 2.17 4-5. Great Bingen was favourite. MANAWATU RACES. SUNART WINS PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP. (By (Telegraph—Press Association.) PALIMBRSTON NORTH, Wednesday. The eecond day of the ManaWatu Racing Club's meeting opened In beautiful weather, but slight rain fell after the sixth race. The attendance was good and the going perfect Totallsator lnveetments aggregated £37,430, as against fSe,22S on the corresponding day laet year. Results of the later races are as follow:— Hlghden Hack Handicap, six furlongs.— Vltella (Garrett) 1, Loyal Maid (Dlxon) 2. Hyttnus (D. Butler) 3. Also started: Projector,' Fleeting, Communicate, Coml<\ Atapo, Bonlbrook, Velodform, Bonny Louie*,' Entre Nous, Novoko. Won by n neck, half a length between .second and third. Fleeting wns fourth. Time, 1.15. ' President's Handicap, one mile and' aquarter.—Suiiart (Barry) 1, Zouave (Dunn) 2, Prlntemps (C. Reed) 3. Also started: Admiral Codrlngion, Piroanul, Dissertation, Mark Time, Scotch Mixture. The latter led most of the way, but Sunart came through below the distance and won very easllv by three lengths, Printemps being two lengths «w»y. third. 'Paoanul was fourth. Time, 2.6 2-C. Palmenton Stakes.—Tamatete (McCarten) 1. Rational (B. Morris) 2. Good Sport v'McFllnn) 3. Also started: Statuette. Won with great eaee by a length, Good Sport being six lengths away. Time, 1.3 1-5.

Terrace Hack Welter, seven furlongs.— Tussore (Oliver) 1. Ilimutaka (Brodle) 2, Redlogue PMcFltnn) 3. Aleo started: Basso. Princess Fran. Gold Star, Native Queen, Venetian. Won 'by a length, two lengths between second and third. Princess Fran was fourth. Time, 1.28 3-5.

Illmltanga Welter, one mile and &*> ynrds. —Little River OStowe) 1, Correspondent 2, Battle Knlgbt 3. Also started: Hyrax, Nursing Sister. Ralland, Beloved, Wapatu, Kula. Won by three lengths, a length between second and third. Ralland was fourth. Time. 1.45. Awapunl Handicap, six furlongs.—Miss Rene (T. Butler) 1. Irapnka (F. Mnnnon) 2, Passionless (B. Morris) 3. Also started: Penus, Blrkle. Capping Day. Astlnome, •Barleycorn. Jackaroo, Island. Won by two lengths, the same distance between second and third. 'Blrkle was fourth. Time, 1.14. TARANAKI MEETING. ROMAN* WINS 810 HANDICAP. i (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) NEW PLYMOUTH, Wednesday. At the Taranaki Jockey Club's meeting to-day the totalizator bandied £21.978. us rompared with i 20.646 10/ on the corresponding day Mat year, making a total of £45,ftt12 for the meeting, as compared with £57,000 last year. Results of the later events are as follow :— Electric Juvenile Hack Handicap, five furlongs.—Yoma (L. George) l, Halgina 2, Snatch.T 3. Also started: Euchre. Mountain Bell. Kllcoo, Erin's King. Won by half n length. Time. 1.3 2-5. Taraka Hack Hurdles Hnndlcap. one mile had a -quarter and 100 yards.—Manianla (McDonnell) 1. Oturi 2. Mtmiwhangata 3. Also started : Banogue. Huaker, Savory, Bldenholm, Hallow, Roche, Minor. Won by three lengths. Time. 2.56 2-5. New Plymouth Handicap, eight and atialf furlongs.—Roman (Alexander) 1, Karaeo 2. Gold Plane 3. Alto started: Stork. Complex, Eerie, Pure Latiness. Won by a length. Time, 1.51 1-5. Summer Hack Handicap, six furlongs.— Mies Beauford (Lsmbess) 1. Mixture 2, Snatcher 8. Also started : Fife and Drum, Otapawa, Ganul. Won by a neck. Time, 1.16. t'ruti Welter Hack Handicap, eight and α-half furlongs.—Cain my (Con way) 1. Skylight 2, Prime 3. Also started: Ijockeon, Interest. Halcyon. Lady Sweet. Won by Bvc lengths. Time, 1.53. Warewa , Hack Stakes, flye furlongs.— ißen Nevis (W. E. Pine) 1, San Franette 2. Mountain Ore 3. Also started: takura. Mountain Ore 3. Also started: Ctakura, Mickey, Ribbon Work. Won by a neck, lime, 1.4. ■ DUNEDIIf JOCKEY CITJB. SILVER PEAK WINS. DUNEDIN, Wednesday. The Dunedin Jockey Clnb-'a meeting was continued to-Uay In fine weather. There was a large attendance. The totallsator receipts were £27.322. compared with £31.341 on the corresponding day last venr. Results are as follow: — ' Mllburn Hurdles. —Ht. Easel (Feilding) 1, Masama 2, Ixtndonderry 3. Also started : Claverh'ouae. Red Admiral. Orange, Glenshlnp, Sherlpek. Calms, Sweet Memory. "Aon »y a short head. Time, 2.49 4-5. FernhtU Handicap.—l-oughlea (A. E. Ellis) 1. San Salvador 2. Frisco Mail 3. Also started : Raconteur. Petunia, Dlanella, Ounlaver, Proceeder, Barrlron. Balasor, Martial Dance. First Aid. Kelbrin. Won by a length. Time, 2.10 1-5. Juvenile Handicap.—Eaton Bells I. C«rpentier 2. Luchietta 3. Also started : Dinner Bell. Olvmpla. Frlvole. The Uarisan. Won by two lengths and a-half. Time, 1 2 4-5. St. Andrew's Handicap.—Silver. Peak (G. Young) 1. Limelight 2. Whipping Boy 3. Also started: General Advance, Many Kittle, Corn Klgs. Silent King. At the distance Silver Peak got on the rails and lasted, long enough to win by a neck. Four lengths separated second and third. Time, 1.40 1-0. Grandstand Handicap.—Kerb (P. Powell) 1, Mantua 2. Deucalion 3. Also started: Listening Post, Bon Spec. Battlescene, In the Pink- Won by two lengths. Time. 1.14. Talhoa Hapdicap.—Havenna (F. J. McKay) 1. L'leaborg 2. Contempt 3. Also started: Avispado. Royal Admiral. Pickaninny, Rqena, Gay Lire. Kllloff, Brilliant Hope. Border Knight, Bonnie Friend. Deniu>l, Adjustment. Won by a etort length, lime, 1.15 4-8." Allan ton Welter. —Ardour (P. Keenc) 1, Osterman 2, Twinkle 3. Also started.: Red Gown. Eleus. Cbunteratroke. Miss Muriel. Tin Soldier, Minn. Miss Camouflage. Won by three lengths. Time. 1.41. Farewell Handicap.—Sunny fcoch (A. E. Wormald) 1, Bella Lake 2. Bosker Boy 3. Also started': Lady Blissful. Krta, Lornagundl, Nunerrant. Won by two lengths, rime, 1.28 4-5. STRATFORD RACING CLUB. THK A'CCEPTAXIOEe. Acceptances for the etratford (Summer Meeting are as follow*:— Tarlkl Welter Handicap of 14Osovs, seven furlongs.—Miss .Beauforte 9.7; Interest 8.13. Price 8.12, Banogue. S.lO, Country Life 8.10, Chestforte 8.0. Pattern 5.9. Ratapiko 8.0, r-ord FornVb.v 8.0, Sunny Vale 8.7. Second Choice 5.7, File Brigade 8.7, Sweet S T Stratford Cup of gsosovs, one mile and aquarter.—'Me'rqueteur 9.11, Rouen 0.9, Admiral Codrington 9.0, Stork 7.8, Roman 7.7,.. Correspondent 7.6, Kareao 7.2, Sunny Jim 7.2, Complex 6.13, Eerie 6.10, vOockson 6.7. Cammr 8.7. Ohura .Hurdles ot lOOsovs. one mile and a-nalf.—Malingerer 12.8. Kareao 10.10, Mlmlwhanga'ta 10.0. Manianla 9.13, Poltbogue 9.5, Hallow ».O, "13S<lenholm 9.0, Alice -Mont.rose 9.0, Oturl ft.O, Minor 9.0. 'Xukumal 9.0, Rodhe 9,0. Douglas Hapdicsp of aeosove. six furlongs.— Inah e.ll, Hipo 8.6, Pouma 7.12, eantorlpl 7.8, 'Bijg Push 7.6. Lelthneld 7.2, Communicate 6.2. Mixture 6.7. Midniirtt Hack Handicap of lOOsovs. eight furlongs and a-half.—Complex 9.1, Lockson 8.0, 'Frizzle , 7.7, Price 7.6, Gold Pan 7.5, Sunny Vale 7.0. ' Mature Welter of 200sors, seven furlongs. —Sunny Jim 9.10, Correspondent .9.9, Karaeo 0.7, Malingerer 9.5, Eerie 9.4, ■Euchre 0.0. s>ur« Laziness 8.12, Trombone 8.10. Crossfire 8.10. Savoury 8.7. -Railway Hack Handicap -«f leOsovs, six furlongs. —Communicate 0.0, Mixture 8.4, Loved One 8.2. Miss Beauforte 8.3, Utakura 7.12.. N'e-mallne 7.11. Husker 7.9. Yon. 7.8, Duekj Queen 7.6, Otepawa 7.2, Tliunderclap 7.1. Security 6.12, CampbiTd 6.12, San Franette 6.12. •Maiden Plate of IJBsovs. five furlongs (all 9.0).— Thunderclap. Erin's King. King's ■Boy. Halglna, Keremoana, 'Dainty • Pearl, Ribbon work. Red Helen, Security, Mountain Ore. Campole, Ganui, Ktlcoo, St. iMyrtle, fian Franette, Herekaine. Manianla, Vaccination Carabine, Miss Mickey, Arteries, Yoma, Watapiko, Second Choice, Lady Humua, Oilicla, Sophronia. WEBTPORT MEETING. WESTPORT, • Wednesday. The Westport Trotting Clud's meeting was concluded In wet weather. The totallsator handled £7,401 for the day, making £17,200 for the meeting, as against £19,429 last year. Results: — Charleston Handicap, one mile.—Grey Dawn, 120 yds bhd, 1: Logle'* Coronado. scr, S; Mercadanlft, 3» Won by a lengU*. Time,- 2.38 34. ■ - • •

Gravity Handicap, one mile and a-half.— Audomlnlon. scr. 1; Peter Tracey, scr, 2; Marcelle, ser, 3. Won by two lengths. Time, 4.6 1-5. We/rtport Trotting Club Handicap, two miles.—Avenue, 12yds btail. 1; Norwood, scr, 2; Apres Mol, 12yds bbu, 3. Won by a length. Time, 5.9. Walnlangaroa Handicap, one mile and tt-half.-—Bonnie Thorpe, ecr, 1; Flora GoldIng, Myds <bhd, 2; Mclnney Again, 72yds bhd, 3. Won easily. Time, 3.49 4-5. Dominion Handicap, two miles.—Grey Lady. scr. 1; Rothmoor, 120 yds bhd, 2; Stella Ashler, 132 yds bbjd, 3. Time, 6.20 3-5. BirchOeld Handicap, one mile. —■ Ilydaspes, 12yds bbd, 1; Rainbow, our, 2; Mies Marlon, 12yds bbd, 3. Won by a neck. Time, 2.34. Kuw.itlrl Handicap, one mile and a-half.— Pete Peter, 48yds bhd, I: Wild Hebe, 120 yds bhd, 2; Fairton, 06yds bhd, 3. Won by two lengths. Time. 4.6. Dash Handicap, one mile.—(Bine DrilT, Bcr, 1: Hlta Rye, 12yds bhd, 2; Oeo, ecr, 3. Won t>y a nose. Time, 2.25.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 307, 28 December 1922, Page 8

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AUCKLAND TROTTING CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 307, 28 December 1922, Page 8

AUCKLAND TROTTING CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 307, 28 December 1922, Page 8