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CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS FINAL. PLAYED ON SATURDAY. On Saturday on the f*arlton green ihe semifinals and finals for the Auckland I hamplon of Champions tournament were played, resulting in Keatlcy. of Rocky Nook Club. winning from Harper of the Otahuhu Club. s. K. Harper tOtahuhii) v. A. W. Blan.liard (Carlton): Harper played almost perfect bowls, and running away with an Immense lead Hi-ored in the first six head. 12 to nothing. Blanch.'ird scored two on seven. and the other a jack for n long head. The final scores were Harper 22. Blanchard f »- Rlain-hard play—l quite a good game, hut Harpers bowling was always excellent, and he ran nut the winner as above. Keatlcy (Rocky Nook) v. McLaren fPonfimlivi.—This game was played slmultanecnsly n-ltli the other matcti. and demonstrated that if in these matches one man is on his form and the other a bit below it the result Is inevitable. Keatlcy played with great precision and excellent judgment, and from the eighth head, when the score* were Keatlcy (1. McLaren 7. he kepi in front by superior balls marred hv nothing erratic. Final.-Keatlcy v. Harper. Kealley domlraled the game, which was uneven, inasmuch as Harper was not up tn the form shown by him in his previous game. Keat-l.y-s imwling was right up to the high stan-idai-il of championship matches—ln length land either hand was the same to hlin. He I gained the Auckland championship by wlniniug 17 '.I on the twentieth head ! Hearty cheers, accompanied by a nice Ispre.-li from the president. Mr. Colt mau, and j suitable replies by bolh the winner anil j runner-up. terininafed the proceedings. The president said that special praise should he I given to Mr. Montgomery, enretaker of the j Carlton green, for the high .standard or I excellence shown in the preparation of the green. Mr. Snedden's management of tl"' ■finals was alsu all that .-oiild be desired.

PENNANT COMPi-TITION. WEST END V. MOUNT ALBERT. | (Mount Albert names first A | I'el el sou. Thomas Garliek. Muir 10. v. . j t'liinp—-11. W. Cooke. Worsfold. Quin 25: i Greenlierrv. Beune'.l. Mcßride. Jenkin 12. 'v. Price. Kirkham. Scott. Bell 24: Cnnstan I i tine. Wallet!. Wallers. Tnpliss S. v. Jackson. ! I MeKcow n. Bruce. Langs ford 20. j WEST END V. OTAflt'H. . lOtahiihu names first.l i Gonilwlu Aitkin. Fearnley. Harper 2.'1. v. i Blair Murray. Whitten. Wise 111: Llppiatt. I | Harper. Jeffries Carson 2H. v. Hastings. | 'Thomson, Nototi. Woodward 24. Ri'MUERA V. GREY LYNN. (Remuera names first.l ; j Deinpsev. Vickerman, Cue. Watson 10, v. : Little. Goldsmith. Balldon. Whittle 10; M. I Iteed. Menzlcs Mahoney. Wooller 10. v. I I Preston. l.pydnn. Rutland. Manlell 2:1: Lusher. Kissling. D. Reld. Badeley 22. v. | Beaumont. Mint-liam. Dunlop. Buckley 10. ] REMUERA V. STANLEY BAY. (Remuera names first.) [ Headdev. Towulev. Harbull. McLean 2.1. t. I Hollows. Price. Nlchol. Ritchie 12. REMUERA V. EDENDALE. ißemuera names first.l Robertson Pollen. Hegmnn. l.lltlejohn 20. jv. Glu, k. Smith. Hee. Eros! 30; Taylor. ; Rossiter Baker. Dingwall 28. v. Thompson. : Cooke. Han-haw. Freeman 20. MOI'NT EDEN V. CARLTON. Al Mount Eden (Mount Eden names lirst). T. Nairn. W. Marshall. Woolley. Rankin 28. v. Holland. Williams. Walker. Kent 22: Bralthwalte. Gatenby. Dickey. Tutt 10. v. Mountain. Renwlck. Thompßou, Kllgour 25: A. Nairn. H. Walton. Smith. Snrman 15. v. Rowell. Wrightson. Fnokes. Dulßn 22: Oatridge. Robertson. Uri>, Trayrs IS. v. Clarkxon. Blewdin. O'Sulllvaii. Lawry 22. GREY LYNN V. REMUERA. A: Grcv Lynn (Grey Lynn names flrsti.— I , <). Bridges. ' Hater. Allen. Somers 24. v. Mii.-ry. inder. Hobday. Graham 10: Curtis. I.aniga'n. Boyne. Fletcher 20, y. Scott. Andersiiii I'egier. Simpson 23; Harvey. Rose. Dr.itnn, Parsons, juti. SI, v. Ridings. Rathbone. E. It. Bold. Daniels 15. CARLTON V. MOUNT EDEN. At Carlton (Carlton names firs;i.-Johnson. Gavey. T. Walson. Blanchard 20. v. Fabian, Julian, Fogcrty. Burns. Jim. 17: Asbnry, Tapper Gillies. Hosking 22. v. Hull. Kerrln, Miller. Murray 10; Guy. W. t'oilman. Blair, Truseott 24. v. .1011. Blgelnw. Baker. Flndlay 15; Rowe, Amyes. A. Colttnan. Laird 17. v. Dickinson. MaePhorsou. Drown, Gill 20; Harris Perry. Cook. Snedden 14, v. I'urte. Di.-k. M.DoiiKall. Hodsou Ift. CARLTON V. WAITEMATA. At Carlton iCarlton names Urat). —Coltrell. Marriott. Warren. I-inb '-':'..' v. Irvine, Lyon. Wilson. Luke 11. EPSOM V. ACCKLAND. At Epsom (Epsom names flr«t|.—Haslet!. White. De l-iinay. Koublsier 22. v. Neuinegen. Burton. G. .1. Mackay. Thome 15: Bull. K. F. Jones, Anderson. Grabtree 24. v. Woodhani. A. F. Mackay. Campbell. Grange 8: A. Wright. Wiiddlnghntil. T. George. I Watkins 15. v. Gardner, Plumliter. MeCrae, : Fletcher 10. * DOMINION" ROAD V. ROCKY NOOK. At Dominion Road (Dominion Road names first i. Wnoley. Torriiiglon. I-yland. Goldsmith 24. v. Blackwell. Itattersby. Pag». Kayes Hi; I". Smith. Kelly. Roberts. Ball Ift. v. Barton. Amnore, Chapman. Pierce 30; Tozer. Balderson. 11. 11. Fisher. Ramsay 25. v. Wright. Fulton. Randall. Bntißklll 21: BatI trr-by. Clews. Brackebush. Vincent 10. v. | Williams. Cunningham. Buckle. Kagleton 25; '. [ Savers, Haw-ken, Yeoman, Ballantyne 15, v. I Jenkins. Carter. Anderson. Keailey 24. ' WEST END V. OTAHUHU. 1 l At Otahuhu. —West End: Bruce. Morton, . ; Pierce. Clarke 26. v. Otahuhu: Bailey. '. Fletcher. Mdvor. Ferguson 10. CARLTON V. WAITEMATA. (Carlton names first.l . ! At Waitemata. —Angove, Kcesing. Pack- . ! man. C. Cross 12, v. D. P. O'l-earv. A. .'' Parrlsh. W. H. Glover. .1. Potter 20. 7 At larlton.- Sheerer. Wlsharl. Ronayne. , ' .Tnsev 24, v. Thns. 11. Hurley, .1. Curric. ,I A. Campbell. J. R. McPhall 10. | DOMINION ROAD Y. ROCKY NOOK. At Rocky Nook (Dominion Road names first).—Bellamy. Instill. Lambert. Allsopp 14, !v. W. White. T. Jones. Barwell. G. Martin 124: Kennedy. Wilson. Buck!and, Sutherland IS. v. Newton. Sidler. Smith. F. Klllsdon 15; ' Goodall, Fnlinn. West, Moir 14. v. Turner. Cartwright. Roylatue. 11. Jenkin 25; Gladstone Shine. Morrison. Scci-omhe 20 v. Binkey. Adeanc. W. Jenkin. G. Gladding 28. BOC'KY NOOK V. ST. HELIER'S. t'\ At tto.-ky Nook (SI. Heller's names firsn. t Samways. Laurence. White. P. White Ift, y. I Harry, .1. Kayes. Mllner. Finch 27: J. Craw--havi. Alexander. Hayes. .). Hill 17, v. . t_>;,.-u... I."li. .-...i1u. 15.

ROCKY NOOK V. DOMINION ROAD. First Year Players ißock.v Nook names lirsti. - Izod. Ferguson. Brown. Rivers 18. v. Chappell. Hogg. Shanks. Boat wood 17. PONSONBY V. ONEHUNGA. I At Ponsonby.—A. Wright. H. King. GrifI fiths. Meluness 24. v. Richardson, Chambers, I Linyil. G. Court 17: Spratt. T. c. Clarke. E. ! Stutter. Snedden 24. v. Joucs. coldlcutt. . Robiii-n, T. Wallace 15; Birmingham, ilari kins. J. Veale, -I. Conway 17, v. Bray. ; Thompson. Wallace, Hartley 12; Donovan, ! .Miller. Oswald. Parsons 1(1. v. Ainswortn. I Church. Macfarquhar, Sutherland 23. 1 At Onehuuga.—Stevenson. Tuckey. Kelly. : McLeod 28. v. T. George. Wynyard, Lindi berg Schnauer 18; Blitz. Colebrook, Undi Brown. Davidson 23. v. Bradley, Robertson, j Aitkenhead. Kenny 22: Mack!c. Kemp. I Garry, Rowland 34. v. F. Court, Holland, j Schnackenberg. (iatland 23: Capt. Gibbons. ' Moore. .1. Jury, E. .lury 22, v. Harlock, • Higglns. Maeklow. Wright 16: Giboru, ■ Bryant. Pelham. Max. Walker 21, v. Davies, McGren-or. Mudle, Bassett 22. PONSONBY V. AVONDALE. lAt Ponsonby-W. Jeffs, D. ,1. Wright. H. . Everitt, G. Inglls 33. v. Pringle. Wytham. Wrigh:. Darrow 16. i Al Avondale.—Goldwater. Payne. Chap- ■ man. .1. C. Wilson 10. v. Bowater. Kirkpa'rick. Brown, Somervell 6; Crowe, J. Self, Campbell, J. C. Combs 41, v. Nunns. Ktiinburgh. Harrisou, Hoskiug 16. ELLERSLIE V. RAWHITI. At Ellerslie.—Moore. Godfrey. Rev. Tuke. Dickson 18. v. Palmer, Bennett, Melnnes, lO'.dham 15; Lynno:. Maeklow. Somervell. Reld 18. v. Mcl'herson. Millard. Eurcher. Chlplin 24. At Rawhlti.—Gordon. Peck, Croshcr. Hewsou 2,8. v. Brice, Eaves. Waiser, Scarboro 20. STANLEY V. REMUER... iStanley teams first.i At Stanley.—Howitt. D. M. Jones. Hall. Brookes 21. v. W. J. Campbell. Lillcv, .-pooner. Hood 22: Wyatt. Rcid. Stevenson, Parker 24. v. Somerfield, Siddall, Farmer. J. P. Campbell 13.

ONEHUNGA V. PONSONBY. j (Onehunga names first.) | At Onehunga.—T. George, Wynyard. | Hlndberg. Schanenr 18. Stevenson. Tucker. j Kelly. McLeod 2S: Bradley. Robertson, Ait- j kenhead. Kenny 22. v. Blitz. Colebrook. .1. | C. Brown, Davidson 2.1: V. Court, Holland.. Schnaekenberg, Gatland 2-' i. v. Mncktc Kemp. Garry. Rowland 34; Harlock. Hlggins. Maeklow, Wright HI. v. Capt. Gibbons. —oore. J. Jury. tv. Jury 22: Davies. McGregor. Mndie, Bassett 22. v. Oihson, Bryant. Veil—m. Maxwell Walker 21. ; WEST END V. MT. ALBERT. (West End names lirst.l At Mount Albert.- Bremford, llaig. Littie. Leu tha in 14. v. .1. Thomas. Ashton. McNailghtoll, Allelev 20; Andrews. J. VV. ■ Hardley. c. E. Hai-dlcv. Maher IS. v. Man- i Bell. W. Thomas. Cuthfortl. Baildon lft; May, Wynynrd. Colhurst. Hosklng :;2. v. Cossey. Guthrie, Clement.-. Blair 12. ; ELDERS!.!'-: V. RAWIIITI. (Ellerslie iiames tlrsM At Ellerslie.-— Moore, Godfrey. Rev. Tuke. j Dickson IK. v. Palmer Bennett, Mcliines. Oldham 15: I.ynex. Maeklow. Somervell, i Reed is. v. M.-Phersiiii. Millurd. Ritchci. i t'hiplen 21. i At Rawhlti.— Gnrdan. Peek, iroshcr. Hewson 2S. v. Price. Kaves, Walker.,. _v. j (Hl' MATCHES. j MOI'NT KUKN IiItKKX. Ordinary Draw. .Pearson. Tnttcrsall. Shacklefnrd. Spinks22. v. Bridges. Piper. Monk. Clements 1": Gray, Thompson. Owen. Boi-ce 21. v. M.Farland. Williams. I Cordes. Eawcett 22: Kenderillne. Fielder. Tvier. Bertram ::::. v. Short. Brookes. Cordon. Renilell '20. CARLTON GREEN. Ordinary Draw. Clnylon. Sawbild.e. llaroannpe, Gray 27. v. Hudson. Clarke, Fuge. Gould 14; Hnrtlatid. livery. Morton. Williamson 23, v. Ashmore. A. Clark, C. Mountain, Marsilen 12: Koaiie. Cross. Fletcher. Serjenw 231. v. Kroesi. Sloman, G. Campbell. Hodge 15: A. Pollard Da 11. Millen. T. Wilson 21. v. Ritchie. Alln.-i... Kenzlg. Potter 14; Holston Hill. Coutts, I McGregor 21. v. Erlckson. Bales, Mltche.l. I A rev i:i: Mark-. Ilolford. Dillicar. Fish _c. v. itaincer, I'cnu, w.-uie. Mdndoc vt. | Sawyer I. Wilson. Barter 24. v. Buxton. I Rogers.' (.'age-Brown Its. KPSOM GRKKN. i Ordinary lirmv. Peak. A. Richim.i..l. Viu I cent. Ilavward 21. v, IV. Hart-linn. Kvi:l. Hardy, Bridge II: Fox. C. F. Smith Grey. !F. Harrison 17. v. Grant. Turk, Black. Wal ; la.c 15: Worsley. Wyllle, Buttle. Tanner IS. Iv. li. Wright, Mackay. Brabant. I',Hard 1".; | Ambury. Laurence. MeCullmigh. Sim lair 11. Iv. Hawken. Sptirr, Mcilowiiu. ,1. W. liar ! rison 20: l-tiib. Sawyer, .1. Grniiiger. .1. | Wallace 17 v. T. Grainger Fo..!e. T. 11. . Phillips. K. T. 21: I'laier. l"lv n I mer. French. Gunk S. v. Freeman. Hill, | Smith. Laud 25. ('RET LYNN GREEN. Ordinary Hraiv. I.aing. Waraeford. Home. Bin mires 27. v. Howard. Tugliy. Moore. Dick : 14; David. Cliristv, olding Clarke 25. v. c. I Li-ersidge. Hall. Hudson. Council 21: Wheeler. Ratcllffe. Bleakley F. Bridges 21. v. Hardy. Skltch. Sadler, .l". Ferguson 21 DO-MINION ROAD OREEN. j Ordinary Draw.- Grantlcy. Calver. Itl.-ii unison. 23. r s K. Chappell. Trewln. Home. Brnoker 17: Peggs. Jeune I Vercoc. Ciiinlti 2ii. v. .1. W. Ballev. Lelieron. I Spence. Meikle 17; Super. Prendergasi. Gif- ! ford. M-1,-,,1 Sfl. v. Grlndrod. Winthmp, Guthrie. F. I" tailor li. WAITIvMATA GREEN Championship Single.-. Hut Mason 17 r. li. T. 11-lev 15. Club Pairs. -H. Kl-ton. It. Darlow 15. v. J. T. Aspdetl. A. IV.irn 12: It. Darlow. H. F.lKlnn -"I, v. A. I'earn. .1. 1. Aspilen ill. Club Fours. -li. It. Havles. .1. Flood, li. Her, son. .1. A. Adams HI, V. A. \V. Tver. D. P. O'Leary. N. Heath. Win. Newman' 17

STANLEY ORBEN. Club Fours. —Laiuhle. Spring. Ivarcc. ! Kelly 17. v. Purser. Wilson. Hartlvti. R. Mc Masters 21: Robinson. W. T. White J W. White. Smith 21. v. Persev. Mitchell. Roger.nn. Hat 17: I'igler. Parsons. C. Elley. Johnson HI. v. n M.-Master- K'.ss. F. Gribbin. Harktiess _v Handicap Pairs. White. Johnson tr. v. Nicholl, F. M. Ritchie :i. Handicap singles, -v. M.-Masters 15 v .1. W. White 1-. First Year Championship. Lnmhle 211 v. W. T. White 111. ELLERSLIE GREEN. INTERCUT. MATCHES. Ai Rawhlti. liavles. Whllehouse Wood. Wilkinson 19. v. Sykes. Taylor. MKinley. Patemou 22: Coppins. Smith. Garmson. Jackson 21. v. Selie. Schofteltf, Mnn.-ur. lrrlne 24. At Ellerslie. - Wansbone. She. Somerflclil. W. Gnvjy IS. v. Sawyer. Hill. litinctinson. Hiislam 26. Ordinary Draw iat F.llersliei. Cker. fiounell. Watson. Thompson _::. v. Baxter A. Mention, R. Blackwell. I>lgg»ua 15: Tn-bli-i-ock, Eckett. Hill. Ganlev 2H. i Stallanl. Bunker. McKelsle. .1. Ferguson '.'1 Club Pairs.-Watson Gnvev _s. v. Whitehouse. Howell 12: Woodward. Carr IS. v Watt. Campbell 21: Illgttens. Hewson 20. v. E. WoiKlward. A. Ferguson 14. ONEHENGA GREEN. Club Fours. — Massl.ks. Wright Jim.. Hickman. .Smith 2.1. v. Dromgool. Jones. Ilopwell, Whyte 'IS; ]■:. George. Tavlnr. Rtntoul. A. Robb IS.'v. J. Robb, Kennedy. Blackwood. J. Robins 15: Cults. Hill. W Wallace. Marks IS. v. Ireland. Lmnas. A. Brown. Footo 10. Year Players: McElwnin McDou gall. Buchanan. Coombe 21. v. Morton. McLaren. Maxwell. 11. Williams 22. PUBLIC SERVICE TOURNAMENT. JUSTICE TRIUMPHS. The final of the Public Service Bowling Tournament rcstilr-il as follows: — I Justice (Campbell. Morton. Dttnlop and Ralfp) "_'4. heat Police (Mcloiirss. Capp. Bowell and Laniganl 10. : Justice beat Postal Veterans iMulholland. Robertshaw. Egglnton nnd llaszard) by |.'!0 —11. and won the tourney. Tolice have to piny Postal Veterans to decide who shall be the runners up.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 73, 27 March 1922, Page 8

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BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 73, 27 March 1922, Page 8

BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 73, 27 March 1922, Page 8