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THE MARKETS AT A GLANCE. 1 BUSINESS MUCH IMPROVED. | . j Aucklanil "Star" Office. j Thursday. November :M. 1021. j The grocery markets are full <'f interest t o the trade at .present, the work of provitling ami nminglliK for 'ClirLstmait bu*l- . ness keeping Ibo'c .■..ncerne.l fully Occu- j pic.l. Preparations for Ihe festive season ; are now in full xwliiß. and the retailers j are lakini; every opportunity by window I llUrplays to .bring before the public the fl|>-, proa-ch of flirUtmas. There lire n far wi.ler range of novelties, toys, anil even foodstuffs ti> iiMirpt sliulipe-rx this year, mill prices .-how a ilecldeil tU-cllm , . run ilu,-e to iMirtHlmflH before arrival, however most wants, with the exception of Malaga nitiM-.ttels. will lie met, ami even these may be in time. Trice amuses are advised in this report. lmt markets S eiier:tlly ar>- linn, the conUilence placeil in valiu-s l.clus liorue '. UUI 'by the larsi' ainounl tif fnrwanl busi- j CoUect'lo'us. :is nnti°-'liKlteil. arc heavy. | and Include mkisi i.r the iti-ttm nil tin. 1 Christinas fare, as let.uiers are anxious nut to 10.-c eiglil of ,-t.M-ks. Alreaily first hands reimrt shortafes in some lines, ami (lien- will be ililHculty :n oe-urIUK further siiliplies In ti:ne for Christmas tra.le. Turned Fruits. —Wholesale hollies report very .small pinlinlarl.v In pears, pines and pe.ichcs, mid prices arc tinner than they ha\e lieen for soiiie time past, further arrival* ~r Australian lire .-horlly expected. I Tinned Mill;. There has broil a general | opinion that with' reduced lintier ]irlei>v ami rediiclion in and tin plute, a reiliK-llon was iuimiueui in cost, lmt uiuiiiifactuiers have tills week advised that they see no pon-ilillity or any decline. In price of tinned nillk f.'.r :il lenst six niollt'.:*. I»rl.-d Kriilto. The lirsi shipment ~f Smyrna sulhiuas since the out break of j war will shorlly be illstriluileil. In view of the usually choice quality of tiiis fruit retailers nre antii-rmt gmu\ busijiess. ami have freely boolu-d for .!.-llv,-r.v on iirrlvnl. 'liirklhh are luiicti liuinirvd for. They will probably be on the nitmmiA, and (,-ood booking is taking place. A further Khliiment .it prune- is .-xpe-tcd early In I Deeein'ber. and as hloi-Ick in hand* are I I cleared. booliliiK Is taking | lace now for! the nest Hliipiiiem in riies similar to last. | n fin-.KPr shipnifiit is nl<.> advised for arrival at the end nf December. ijuallty this year Is all thai can be (ioireil. an<l as >prices are lower than last year, demand shows much impn.ven t. Currant* are al*« advised U>r delivery before r'hristni:is, but most of this shlpn t has been booked by the trade. Seeded raisins are In fair holding boti, i,, ,i, ( , wholesale and retail, but further stocks will shortly arrive. are line about the first week hi Hecember. Malaga liltiscatels are shortly due in Australia, and It is hoped to,-e transhipment with Hi,' Mngnrn "r some other •boat, so as to --ecnre arrival before Christmas. but nu'ri'lilini" do not expect delivery earlier than a week before Cliristinns .Xuts.-Nuw Heasons Jordan almonds have i-oniv through earlier than iisiwl tbis yar, and are now belli? dislrlbuied to the nai.e. (iroiind altnoinU are now bcinir made locally, and supplier are ample to meet the ■leiniind. A further Hlltpnent of .Brazils Is expecteil shortly: in the meantime wholesale stocks are flea roil. Most mils show armor levels Vinegar.-A popular Southern cmilmentc,r has rwliKwi the pri.-e of bulk in cask*, but huslnpss I'm- (Inmriit is quid Bacon.—.;-|iles are reduced another .penny per pound ThlK week by one local .urt-r. B.iklns "owil.t. —Anoi!i,. r pnjiiilHr pnekiiif.- hns rrdnt-nl this ~-<.,.k: tnis now rtrids all tnamifiicturers' lists revised rium I'uiWliias.-This popular Christmas Ine is riH-elvlriK good attention from the trade. Heavy reductions are IK-lna listed by one pa<ker In the two sizes packed, and cost Ik more conducive to business than the hljtli rare ruling list year;, Hardware. The Improved demand lately noticed, and which continues to -row Is ! rcHpoti.-il'le for reduciiig stocks c'mKlc'ierjai'iy, and in romo Instances sdjortaeea are ret-onlei:. I'-allliii; markers were the cause for wholesale houses holding off Loving all except bare necessities, but now' ftrjnei' levelp are revealed null trade improved importation will be on ,i larser scale than han lately eliown. Hardwire orders and cash .ire hard to obtain In l-> JS i Coa«« districts where the unsatisfactory state of the »hei»n and wool markets In keenly reflected However ibe Walkaio busino« offerin- shows .1 very free nature and hu-iness is eoev to Ret. does not show ..viden-e oVanv restriction or want nf cash, but here the returns are from : , variety of markets, ar.d «re therefore not likely to stirrer to any ?n oC TV 0 '" ""'I »«nlf«,|SS in oue or two markets.

I) A lit V J'ltOinCK. *o far the London market for butter line not Mi own miieh Improvement, but late advice is tci the effort that the lone is n little firmer in England, owing to Continental ii'.iiiiiry having sot in. It is probable tbn London nmrkol far butter would have recovered n little unci it not been for the tiwt that re-asiloii wore made nt less tlnin the (iorcruiuctit price. Those transactions ineaut coiiHideniblo loss to merchants in London who bought butter heavily at higher figures some months a«o ill expectation the drought would lie prolonged. Bntler jit an out of condition Is reported tii In- hard to sell even at low the demand 'being Plrk-tlv for < hoice-t . .So far :i« the local butter marfcet is <-oncerned. no further shipment* have been «em to Auckland from the .South for sale at less Minn the rates ruliii« heic. Hairy rarmers are still waiting for payment of the subsidy guaranteed by the Ooveriimont to keep the retail jjrices from UilvaiK li! S to a purity with f.o.b. prices over a year iieo. Kjiss advanced lo 1 '8 iper dozen wholesale to-day. MAPOX AX,D HAMS. (■■ilpnJios of bacon are now more equ-U to the re(|iii.icmenls uf this 'market. With wanner weather the consumption or baron is usually larger. Indications are that there will not be a shortage of bams for Hie Chriernuts trade, as cureis are now olTeriiiff Mipplles more freely. In connection with i he prices of bacon anil hams, it is of interest to note how strung is the. fnilli of Konio ipersons in getting aiil from the <ri>ver»'ii)ont. The .Manawitu sub-provincial executive of t lie x.z. Farmers' I.'nlon lad a remit beff>re it ursine the Board of Trade to set up a mini. .mission of Inquiry into the relative price paid farmers for pork and the wholesale prices of linenii nnd Imnje. The proposal, rhovvever. received short slirlfl. us the executive derided to hike no action in the miißur. The mover or the remit, susrgefted ilia* the llovermnent should re-u----late Ihe selling lirlee <,f pork. The ehairiiMti. however, ended the matter by wiving: "It can't be done: we have luid too ii,n<"li of that." POTATOBS. The last of the old Southern ipoti:loe.s •have been cleared at a lons to importer*. Since l:iiil repnil liie market for jiew potatoes (inne<l considerably, and prices are now nearer true values for so early in the season. The low rates ruling: a weel; or two ago were Koiely duo to the lar?e qimiillticM seni in. To-day's viilucs are likely ti> lie maintained for some time u> ! come. In view of the (act that much less (Itiaiitllies of new li.ilaioes are now i-otuhig to baud. S BK.I > IOTA TO E 'S. I There i* »ti<!l a strong demand Tor seed I .potatoes, to the peculiar nature of the season entunrtljilug planting to be eontiuueil litter. I'r.ictUfilly any seed of "ood quality mil be .-old reanily, but supplies are hard to gut. ONIONS. The local tmirkel is supplied wi.ih onions from C:iliforni:l. Thp quality Is flr*t-elasa. It is nul likely there will be any fu.-lher arrivals of onions, until the new ones come. i t o hand from AlW.raliu. about the end of I December. Tills :s earlier than usual, an.l I it. is jusi a quest lon us ;o wtliether the AiKtnillnn union will be (it lo stliip In time to roach here next month. maizi:. The mnrUel roiutnues over >u)iplied with maize. i-oneeiiuenll.V the jirli-e has iloelineil s,, thiit conrtignmeiiits of best quality srniii ire seillns al •• *' fo '" "liolesdle lines on the wharf. In comparison witli other srain, fcuis s>l ice is below what U uug-ht lob« I'rices. however, will not llrin while supplies are so heavy. Now that the duty has bewi increased on mai/.i' imported from outside Ihe Dominion, it is only ;i matter of letfeeiling the suppUe* Kent up ''rum the cnnsi to cause prU-ps tn liarden :t little .SEED M.VIZK. The demand for .seed njaize and millet is reported to be phenomenal this tfgason i" the Auckland district. Evidently farmers have a fear thiit there may yet be a iou;£ dry spell, wlileh "ill make summer propu feed very valuable for tile stock. Merchant* now experience difficulty In filling onlcrt for seed inuize, and White 'Hickory

King icaize Is In demand in larger quan- I titles than can be supplied. On the r other hand merchants report :i yreat falling f> on* in the sale of turnip and swede seed. ;1 OAT?. ; ' The local market for oats Is reported 1 very dull. Stocks available here are 1 ample for all requirements. .Hislicr i prices are not now- looked for. as merchants I here simply buy from hand to ic.milh. quite ' undismayed by the Him attitude adopted '• l>y holders of'oats In the south. 1.0.a11y , ' the consumption of oats appears to he ' steadily decreasing. On.-p the pasture!' drlen up when Ihe hot weather sets in there should be more demand for oats. | rowi. WHEAT. j The K.-iiapoi should arrive shortly from " Australia with further supplies of fowl i wheat lauded under Government permit. : At the moment stocks here of this v')--iiu ; are somewhat short. : CIIAKK. j Iteyular shipments of ihalT from Bleu- i heiiii keep this market fully supplied. As ; . t'sual at tiiis season of the year, Ihe de . ma ml Is not heavy for rhis line. Trices, show no change, this week. WHOLESALE CL'RHKNT I , KICKS. j Kami and Dairy Produce.—rreamery ; butter. 1/Ki per Hi fur prompt cash: farmers" separator. 1/0 per 111: cheese, lirsi i jcratle factory, medium size KM per Hi. <-x-i port size !ld per Hi; bulf size. 1 J Hi: hams. 1..-J per Ib net: liacmi. \ J per I>> net: lard, bulk 1/1. pats 1 2: honey, prime j grade llxl: I R per dozen wlioli-salc. ' Flour, HS 3/li. less diecoilUt of '1 '. pelcent per ton. In -Jciolb sa-/ks : sharps. £10 111/; bran, IT W; ; oatmeal. J.Vs. il'T per! lull. liralu.—f)ate. A made. 4 r, per busliel. ex ■ siorc: Alucriiiii seed »uts. (J : maize. 1 Uper! I.UKhel. «iiolesule lines ex wuarf. I i Chaft'. Kest Soulbcrii. i!i In |ier ton ex | I -lure: local. £X ID/. i Potntops.—New potatoes. ll:st jrade. IT - I Ito IS per cwl. Onions.-American. 4u' per JUUib crate. ON -CHAN'CK. i Business showed some improvemcin on •fhaiijje this week. A few more muis-1 a.tlons look place in .Siil.lli-rs- l/iiin r.J. per j j per com loan Hold at £»1 1(1. and llii'l V.K'.'.t Inscribed 4* per cell! at £*". •" ■ j Buyers still continue their offers of £h!i in i for the 1l)::n A s:ib- limiU pliUe of r.. lonia! tux*:- ilvji IsMll-l ill C!l IX . :' drop or 'J oil tile pfevimw s.-lliuu rate. Auckland Trams ngiiln sold at I.'i aud-lM \ I :ire steady at Into rates. Buyers of: I Nationals now nffiT .!;.". II! . mid Iniolis I loi'M be placed at £11 12. ti. while the AT, , pai.l-rp Issue were asked for yesterday :.:< ' '.1" . Auckland <J:is .-ontrlliutln- issue sul.l yeKleniay afternoon at :il/li. and buyers of Hitdilart l'arker Steam advanced their I offert. T.i r.: •■>. lint sellers new ii-k -t'..' n< eoniparcil with 4-I.C a week n«". Kauri Timber are firmer. lieis< now wanted at , iVfl. itthl buyers of 1..().' R. Timber offer, :1O 6. Wilsons Cement moved upwards this neck, lielns now In demand :i I K. li. i liiiiulry wns mtide yeslerdiiy for UVMliik- , ton <sa« at £7 18/, but iio seller was disclosed. j


The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile' Agency Company. Limited, report :-- We held sales of dairy and store c-lllle diirluc the past week ;\t Westllehl. V:\\.:ikiira. \ R atM. and KaukanaUni a. hiilry cows aud heifers sold at lute iiuotatloi:s. The store cattle market lias been vi :.v dull, low prices ruling. We quote:—iWt KprlUKOrM close to prolit .Cl-t to ii-' 1" • others £0 to £i:; 15/. backward sponsors £V. to in 10': nged rows and Inferior heifers. .C-' in.' to i. , -". 10 : "i t.. -i-yc.-ii-steers .t-t ." to £<1. K-year steers C". .". t" £4 U 11. J lo 'Jj-year steers £2 to JC:\ - H. yearlings to IK-months' steers il to CI 17,'fi: yenrllnc heifers, best £1 in t,i £11. others £-2 7./ t<. £4. Inferior suvill heifers

£1 itpwnrds; empty town, in to J- 1 7 i;.- I nulls. HI to £7 "'. nri-unllUK to iiunlity. Alfred Bnrklnml and Sons, Miiiiled. report;— At tlio ilMyniiirkPt. on I'rirtny lust, horec-a ivprp yarded in avorajo niiui< s. I'oiiniplitlon n-:i< dull. Youna medium rirnughtK lirniiglit ■ frout £.-l t» £'M: iiupil ilraneatH. £li' 10/ to £27: plough liorscK. £l(> u> t.. £.'il IO : llsht liariioss <liis<. £S 111 t.. £17 10 : six poiilPß, £4 Xi to ordlimry liarkß. ?.■>. 2/rt to £10: Hpeil«. jili prices. At I'tiliplioliP i>ll Muniliiy mill Tuesday wp lield a sp.-Hiil sale of horses. Competition wns vpry slack, ami ,pi-iccß aonpiiiil.v were miii li lower Hum lust sale. Wo held our weekly *a!(> i>r dairy and store rattle at Westfield on Thursday. Tlie lisral number i-anip forward anil were disposed ..f :it rullns prlies. Best dairy cows. £1S to X-j:S: X"" I cows. £14 to £17 Hi : ordinary oows. £J1 to £I. i> l ■ ;t«H and inferior, V.' to £7: best sprinslna; lierfers. .CIJ to £14 10 . otlieiv £H to £11. sirall and baekw.-inl £2 10' to £7: empty voiine cinvs. .El 5 ' to Ci 2/: store cows, 7/1; to £1; yearling and 18-montli Ueifers, £1 to £:: in': calves, 7, to £1 2/. At I'nlsekobf! on Tburoday we hel.l our fortnlglitlv wile, and had an extra lurpp entiy. all clasKes hplng; strußsly represented. There was a lαrite attendance. and the Imlk of the yarding rlinnKed Dairy rows and hpifers sold at from £!."! to for best, others £."> ro £11; Inferior cows and smnil heifers. 10/ to £1: fnt steers. £7 to £<) 10.': fat cows and lieifeis. £1 10/ to £8: very forward *i-.vear-old steem. £f> to £7: forward four-year-old steers. £4 I.T to £"> I.T; three t» four-year-old steers. £:i I.T to £4 10. : j-i-arllnc to two-year-old steers. £1 r>' to £J 15 : yearlliic to two-yp.-ir-old Itpifers, £1 10 to £7. ncoonlin- to lireed and quality: empty vouiic cows, £1 .". to £J ."./; store rows. TO' to JBt: calves. .">/ to JEI. A heavy y:ir.lins or pigK sold readily at Wcstflelrt values. fin Tuesday we lipid n clearinj: sale on a-finim or Mr. K. R. Leslie. rieveilnn. There wag .1 larce atteudunep. and everytlilnj: at full values. The delry r.,n-r. hrought rrcm £3 to £20; hull. £<i; empty ewes. 10': ewps with lanilis, IIC: horses, £S to dr..


The Non- Zealand Loan and Mercantile I Agency Company. Limited, report:— I At. Westfleld fnt stork market on Wednesday beef was )>enneil In nvprnee num-] beif. Competition was iinll. nrli-es nealn lieins lower. We quote:—Kxtra choice nxon to J4, uor 1001b. choice aiw primp oxen nt from 10.' to .Ct -J/ per Knilb, roiieh :in<l Inferior oxen 13/ to IS per lildlb: .vomii- cow an.l heifer beef li : to .El per 1001b. other cow beef 10/ to 14' per utrtlb. ! Steers sold nt for heavy prime from .cs i" 111 £10 IT,«. medium prime £t> ir, i n £S ! 1-J/C. lisht prime and nlll!nlshi>d £J 111. to £f. la , : yminc cows ami heifers sold at I from £-1 to £7 I.V. other cows £i upwards. | Calves were penned in numbers. I prices belux easier than Inst weeks price;. ! Itiinners £:i to £:i in . hrclvy vealers C:: 111/ lo £V. VI . medium r.2 (! 10 i;: , .. llph! Si- to £2 1/. Kiirilier .CI .">/ tn £1 T_> . small and frcah-droppeil .1/ to 13/, were penned in bir«e numbers, prices Imlue easier than last week's rates. Choppers £■2 10/ lo XI! ."1 : heavy haconers £4 to £ I 8/. niedlmi £;j to JS:i IS. buco»er-< ■mi heavy porkers £■; it,/ ~, c : . ~ ■ „„,„ porkers £■_' to £2 1(1 . Store Y.i-x-.: renuilued about Ilie same. Klips £1 to L'l 4. weaue:s Hi/ to 11;/. iSlieoji were penned in avcraw nun.tiers. prices aiuin llelnis lower. Heavy prime wethers it: (i to 18/!). medium prime wethers 1 ! '.I tn IC. Hjflit prime wutheis 1J :i 1,, 14 :\ untinishc.l wethers lo to Vz 1- lieavv prlnie ewes 11.! (.. 1i: , .. lumliiini in-line .-u-,-s in to 11/. lijjiit prime ewes Si» to !i :i. 1111 finished and iuferii - ewes .1 :; tn S ; Ima isels. best l'J lo 14 i>, others fi to nII Spring lambs were penned in large numbers, and phonred 110 linprovemenl on i,,t.. iiuotntioiis. lieavv inline 1(1 r, t,, £i ii'pilliini prime 1-!,':; 10 10,: i iijrht lu-Ehic lambs l<l ■ to 14.'. small an.l inferior lambs

Alfred &ui-k!an<tl ami $nax. Liil.. ivi>,.h: YeMfflilay. :ir our wtvkly \V t.,-:i Mi m S tiet "'■"" siipplv «f liPi'f intsiUr-l .'■■ J ,< lipa<l. -J.7u sicpv- TS ,■,,«••< ncil lie-llVr*. .Mn.l two hull*. Tlirro w.ii nn i:ii|.n.vcii:fivi i:i :!i<> ,i> .111,1 u';-J ilh' then- :i further iIpH-mc Lll viilnoi K\tra i;lii.].-i- ,>x >ol<l n< £1 li . ,1i,,i,-,. i U .|, p:;l!i-(. ax a iv fir. , onMnarj- m>.) plain j IT' i.i il'4 '. (".riliiia"y".-oi»* l»"r lT'"i!.'l'l';"' ' roneu *Mt »; n< n> : oxua hn-.w i.iii..jpiiun- a> j<l ii. £ji. lighter iirliiu' i'; i'r!'';'.'. £9. lishl :::i.l iiiiflniplitil £.'! l<) |« -i; v< ■ Ibesl nrtniii .v.imi-,- <-.ih-s :l i!.| ;i ( -!f. m* 10 hi : £7. Uidnor c: i<r to £5, others i\ i« a n Tlit- hl'.'lu'si aver.iWi ror Mi'orM ivori , : 11 ' from Mr. !',..iij. l:eeJ. WuPreiiKii i:> v in■U Troiii !be W.iiVvii,,. £!) 7 : i»j' n-.-:i M:-.' ! ■ Wiu. Votper. Dinelo.v Doll (•„■■.<•, -•!,!»,. ' : i- s 1.T10: from ilarijrurf. tH 7 «: 7 jm-al i ■fS 4 7: »» from 'Mr. E. A. I'riw. I:an-_-iuni i I'iiput"<ro». f" 1» <!: S frmu ;!)'■ c.isI£7 17'fl: la '.\rr. T. r>. Hold. I'ileuhniok'. ti .1 7: -: cows from tin- ram i> vendor. la :: 9: S3 from Mvttn. Den'.h Hro<.. W.-ii-takunrn, £7 i! fi: -JO fro.v Mr. K. ( ;. i-iill-1 llpps, Tγ I'arni. Fclptisvillo £7 1 lie ' lfi from Mr. ,Ins. Mc-NiVol. To A-nh.i £7 (i :;■ c. rr.>ni Mrs. FieininK. £6 "1 I' 1: - rfom Mr!! K. l> ijnl!fl'«. Tmhoe. f> IS : 7 win fro 11 sa;i:e vc-ilu.-, U- J 10; S from Mr. \V. J. I

Ralph:* Tauplr! property. £3 11 3. Sie-ep penned to the number of 1!1S2. There was ii fair demand with II'l!.- or uo alteration In valms from last report. Heavy prime slit.m Wftlir:* 1U '« To 1!-' iv.n extra heavy «•( thers. offereli woolly to 111 . medium !•> limvy prime .-iiorn wellierx 13 l< I" W• I lighter Hhorn kllla-!>le wethers 11.' t <> 13 . \ unlttiSshed and small <••' to 10 :•: best heavy prime young shorn ewes 11 0 to H . heavy la: c.yes ■!•'(! ;.• 11 . lighter ewes Hi t.i !i . ..liter nvps :, v Id 7 . Springing lambs! ajiiiin |,eui:-.-d iv larjje supply and mci Willi • n tiriii .-.i!e throughout, values un the whole ■lifins sliidiilv liriner. Best heavy prime l<l II n> li> . lighter prime H n> Iβ ■ Uff'" prime IJ , u> rj :>. sin-.ill and plain T >". t<> 11 !i i«M wilili. l'iu'v were ynnled in extra. hrw ruiiibrrs. There was only :: linilteil <le:uund am! values were easier rhan la»: week's report, rhoppfrs £1 'I to £\ 2n, uiMllum Iv Iwavy :.a, •.»«■! s & IS' v, £4 -I . HirlH Ijaroners i':i 7<; Xi Ci li . heavy liurkfm £-J 1"' in C. ■: . to me<l!tnii l.orker.s il li( [o £2 Hi . slurc U 4 In il !» . ( n.-au.-r* in In 17 . small w icrs •_' upwards i-tIH solili. I-"ai and voiitr,- ivilvi'X ni«re iieniM-.l In average iimi■lj:>rii. Tbere wan a mi-ady ilvoinnd iliriiUKhout. \vi.ili valisfs iimi-li rln- simr lH»! week. Runners made- from iii 1" 10 a 1.". h'Nivy vralers CI in to *■"'• »", ine.Hiiin ill Hi In i^ , 7 ii. light i"l - li to CI i:i . smaller 10 tn is . IreMi tlr'>iPiH_-il •". li, Hi il7s M.ldi. |)!ll«cl,v mid I'll., l.imile.l. rrpoil :U fill*!..«s .mi ihelr rat .-t...-k .s.ile at VN'fstflelil Beef. - A k<hi ( ] yiinliiiß. but [irii-es eased lonshleriili 1 on List week's ,|i]ot;Uiuns. A feu- |, f n< »f prime ox were «>!.! at 24 per KiOlh. Inn ilie hulk of the ynrdius wan sold , froii. 1" to -1-1 . Cow lifo' was lianl to , .-•..' Keruu.l quality IS i» J", : Priiue ">«'■' .111.1 heifers. IS ;,, |."i . other-" I J . n> 1" . Sheep. A medium yanllii;-:. a 50,,, i | roluiriloli lielUK iiiuiilislied. Ail <ia>ses dropped fri.iu \i In •". per Ue:»l. I'riui- ! irctliPM 17 (ii'lfl/. -,'o»<l 13/ to i:; ... UnI tlni.-hfd IJ'C l<, 11 0; ewes, prime. VI 1.. others HI/ in 7, it, I.iiiiihs. - Aliuiit liiilf Hie liiiuiber «CJ-P penned, mid pri.-e* Drilled. Extra heavy •Jit . prime 18 to l:i,(l. tit hem 11/ to »/. ('.lives - \ Ki'eai uumlier <>r ujiflnlshpd eiihi-H were penned, wilieli were hard tt» Hull. llou.l vealers met f.iib a steady I I deiiuiml. KnmieM. t:t to <:i u> : venlelx. ;Ml iv in 11 l.i : lresl! dn.p;ied. 7. to ;; . AIUiINIiTOX. J (!!y Telegraph.—l'reus Association.) I c-niMsTdirurH. W-ccaee<l.iy. t'l/ai"i*' List' week Iv tile IIUIU ,'t llie sec-t!on». Kut ■■eirle :ii"l fat KbePP v.-ere Hsaln eiiMpr In yrU-v, mid fat lamlw hee.ivored l.ul wei H's drop. i .Store -beep.- A tarw jranlln* Tor tbb ill ' tin- year. Shorn wet lie is and 1 OSi K et« sold fi-eely. lull ewes mid lllluJls. ■psrcjii lor ;,esi. v.oi.. iicaliM-tiMl I;'«r«;»r<' ■) .ni.l li-toolli shorn welliers made K-W to 'l-l , luferhir n 11 i" '• :»•"! souod-moulheil ipwvs nuil lamb* '•' '- l"o To . faillnat-inonthed jew,.s mid leinli- « ; 1. ased and Inferior ewes ir.d l.inioK ." 1 t" (10: (?on.l ewe lio-_---11-cls km. inferior sliom ewe hosjrr:.! '■< . i,!,,,,,, weiher 7 1 t,, »: woolly (I 1 1 1.. I-. , 11. Kat Ixiin'iß.-A Kpirlteil sale, values heliiK 111 .IT f-d 'lei- 11>. Kitia prime lamlis 2o' to ;-.'!i . pilin'e -J-J. in :i. medium r.-.i to -1 ». i lUln' and Inferior 17 :> m r> :!. Knt Sher».i.- r.eiween ten and eleven r.i.-es were penned, lurludilig s-'mitUlaUd and Chnilinui I-!ui>l sheep. An Irregular Mil" mimi- passed. ViilueK Jill round were 1 1,, 1 l> easier. Ilutfhom showed . .preference for rhorn sheep. ICxtra prime ; woolly welliers XU to Z~. :i. extra prime ■ ■ .-liorn wefbprs '.'I ".) In 'J ,, :;, prime woolly , 1J7.11 to' JiMi.'niedTiiiii' ivnoily wethers Ml to UK!. llU'illuni jliorn williers lfi !l to 17 li. I inferior shorn wethers H' ro li »: prime i 11 ii i.i Hi 111. medium woolly ewes U :, in

10 it. iiipillnm shorn p\ve< 11 i? to 1". '.). inferior woolly rwes 11 ■ : ;>> 14,', iuferlor - horn ewes ;• to II .;. !•" i< futile—Values were o:i>iiMli liy iiJiotll 'Jo per lip:iil. I'rlimwt l.ppf iniiilo to rt'.'C, per li >lh. .-uiil ;:ooil :!0 . I'llne. steers £V 1 t.d £1.1 VI (>. medium £".> to £11 1.". . lls'ht nu.l uininishe.l ■£(■» to £S 17 fi: ■prluw- heifers £7 1(1/ lo £•>. ordiuflry £.-> to £7 r> : prime cows £ii lo to £10 'J C. ordinary £.t ."./ to Eli 7.6. St..r<- iVirtlß.— r.<,,Hi 4-.venr steer-- made ill 11' li. ."I-yesr £.-. to £<S 7 (?. "J -year £.'< t" £." 11. . yrvirliii-s ::n . KUrn zood yi-nrlliiir lii'lfe-.s £1 :s'. yearling Meifprs ;;r> i,, £•_' ID . L' It) I'S-year heifers £:; IS' t<. £4 10. \V i I.T--. --Itiiiiiu-rs i , .-. -"'"I £.". In .LI! in . i Hum UJ Id £l' 17 (i. frt>r..i i-iilvcs --'7 (I. MiiaU cnlvi < (i in J; , . . Hairy fattlp.—The ilnnanrt was fair T!.;r<l ami fonrtli "-jilvprs nindp .•;<) v, £lii I" . Kprlnclns li.-!Or« £ll i<. •to £111 lie; m-wly nlved .nws JC.j lv £12 lft.. inferior rows I'M lo £5. I'llt TlgK.—The Inrsrst ynrdlnc of the .-p.ison. I'rim lowprj for inoinhs past. I'liopitom. £.'! lo £4 ].-» : extrn henrr liiironerß £•"». lieevy £4 .-' to £4 17. li»h't £.t 17 <J lo £4: nveriiso pn<> m>r lb fill to Til: heavy lux-brrs £:: t,, £:: io . iijrht £- in to £i> 17 0. [.Pr 11. Tel to Sid Story IMK.S-—A irooil .lo.nand. •••torps iraili> Fl lo to £J 17. njpilluin £•' !• io cv !) . small £1 2« t,, <:i ir, : nX rk jjooil ire mors £1 r> , , ordinary li to £1 I<V.

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 280, 24 November 1921, Page 9

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 280, 24 November 1921, Page 9

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 280, 24 November 1921, Page 9