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OTAHTJHTJ TROTTING CLUB. SPRIXC; MEETING (OXCLT DED. A IIECOKD FIXTT'Ri:. Bin "TOTE" KECKIPTS. ■ The Otahubu Trottlns Club's ■Spring 'Meeting ,'wae cuneluded at Alexamlra 'Park, yestenlay, when the attendance was large. The rain which fell during The night and early morning cleared, and the weather remained line until the first.race was about to start, when there was a .light shower, fallowed liy a heavy one as ilie horses paraded for the second event, the Kpsoui IHaudieap. and matters looked the reverne. of promising. Fortunately, however, the Avlml shifted, ami the sun breaking through 'dispersed the clouds, and it was tine for the remainder of the afternoon. The track was on the heavy side, lmt provided goml going, ami the racing throughout was of a high class character. The conduct of ihe meeting, by the various officials, under the the socrej tary (Mr. K. 1.. Abeoluni). was satisfactory, the programme being run off much .hwer to ! the. advertised times than "ii Hie opening ! day.

TIIK TOTALISATOtIS a •Despite ihe unfavourable weatuer Tor the Qrst cotvpl" of race- speculation was very Urisk. ai.d diirlug the afiernonn the sum of £48.44S 10.' was passed through the machines,' as against £4t5,73."> on the KPcoud day last year. Tills made a total for tlie meeting of I'JOd.Qie, as compared with Wfi.ol- for the last spring fixture, an increase or no.UOi, ifarticulars are: — A DOUBLE I'liU'lU-: ONE, Perthot;a was the only defection from the Innovation Handicap, for wJsli-b Huia <Jirl was made a pronounced favourite, but it was a good betting race, and Vli-tor Hovu, Shersvo,xl Surprise, 'BUI Hoult. Mies Patch, and Wild .Nut hart friends. The favourite cut up 'badly, and after Slierwood Surprise hail made the running for about lmlf-a-mile ■EUa. Nore took charge, and. stalling off a strong challenge by Bill 'H'milt, won by two and a-hnlf. Kereone. which was unlucky, was three lons-ths further I>aok. third, with an outsider 111 T« Pol Tourtli. The winner paid a two-tiaurc ilividend. A PONY WINS.

Scottish OhIM and Special Tracey dropped J out of the Epsom Handicap. Kataua. v three-year-old co-It by Logan i'oinier, only I about fourteen hands, winding up about a < hundred pounds better favourite than 1 Wnkantil, while 'Puduma, Golil Sonnd, I Princess Drift, Conscript. Reliance, and * The Infant had friends. 'I'liduina ;:tit to the ' front early, and looked like winning from j end to end, but entering The concluding . stages Ratana aud Jewel closed on he- , and, ; Pndoma tiring, a great race het.voen Ratana j and Jewel ended iv favour of the former by half a head. Puduma grot third, two lengths ' away. t GOLD BOY'S GREAT EFFORT. J The defection of Lobster. Grattan Ab'uey, IBrouze 'Pat-ch, and Chllde Pointer from the Franklin Handicap left eight to contest theevent. Wild Lad finished up favourite, In:: only about twenty-five pounds 'bettor fancied than Hint, all the starters getting backing. with Gold Boy and Tβ AtaUiaea rhe outsiders. Gold Boy made a great effort from 210y<la behind scratch, but the best he i-ould !do was to run third to Lena Patch and Blue- ■ I wood, the latter leading a.:i the wai.v to ( I within about a hundred .vardw of the . ■when Lena >ratch headed him. to set the ; decision by a length and α-balf. GoUl Boy i was three lengths further back. xiTa bell wins nicely. J Eleven went to the post for the Liverpool j 'Handicap, .Prize I'earl being the only withdrawal. A warm favouiitp was nvade of ( Thlxendale. which tvh.s made -a nearly seven « hundred pounds .better favourite Onyx, t good support coming for 'Lady Swlthiu, I Comedy t'hlef, Kewple, and Mta Bell, the : order of the others in the betting being Wocdva'.e, Gold Girl, Moneymaker, First S Carbine, and Temple. Lady made 1 he running for about 'two-thirds of the 5 ourney. when Xita Bell ran to the front. i and although Onyx threw out a strong chal- 1 leiige over the laac thiree furlongs, Xita Bell 3 kept h€T off to win nicely -by two lengths. Thlxendale. which seemed to get into all - the troulile there wa» going, vthroush his • driver sticking too close to tff\Tails, -was ' three lengths away, third, a head In front . of Moneymaker. WILT> XUT A WIXXER. Lobster and 3uccory -were not asked to contest the Visitor*' Handicap, for which Seblsca wound up favourite, nearly two hundred .pounds better fancied than Aranui, plenty of money coming for Speculator, with Wild l<ad almc«t as well backed a:i the last named, and 'Mutu, Amberlte, Tiki and Wild Xut fancied. There was a lot of messlns about in the early stages, and "Willi .Nut being the only one to trot steadily tortk charge, going along 'tne back tbe last time and won easily by ten lengths from Ballln, which beat Tiki three lengths for second honours. SAL POIXTER FAILS. Albert was the only one fhnt failed to come out for .;he Papatoetoe Handicap, Sal iPointer being placed at the head of the quotation*, about a hundred pounds better fancied than Peter ■Eden, plenty of I money owning for 'George the Fourth, Brendts rXlorcb On, 'Rod Utar and Profiteer. The favourite refused to .strike a gait, and Brendo leading all the way lasted lone enough to stall off a strong challenge by Profiteer, wlilcli won liy three 'lengths. Promenade got third, four lengths away. iL)ED ALL THIE WAY. ' The one withdrawal from the Klchmon I ■Handicap was William the First, and it was a good betting race as between Wonderland and iMlnt .Boy. while a lot at money wae fortocoming for 'Bronze Patch. Breu'daKoane, Salamander, and some for Queen Pirate. Tβ Awa and 'Rotacl!ffe. To Awe began well, and though Wonderland looked 'like beating her crossing the run lie died away again, and Te Awa drawing out won by a length aud a-half from Salamander, which finished well, with All Beii half a leagtli away third. iftECOtRB .MEETIXO 'EX.DS. A record meeting was brought to .i conclusion with the Telephone Handicap, from which Goldman. 'Fislierton, Albert Logan, Profi'lecr and Hedgewocd were withdrawn, leaving n field of twenty-three. Despite the fact that she was not fancied to nny extent by her connections. Lntona linisli'ed up a warm flrst fancy, but it was a good pool, nnil Great Brliniu. Tiny the brae-! keted pair March On and Special Tnicey, f*rlr.e Pearl. Ekeoianel, aud the bracket Oro and Nappcr got *olld mrpport. The faviuirite was alwaye well -placed, but wati not (rood enough, and March On leading practically ail the way, kept Great Britain off In the' concluding stages to win by two lengths :Ben Wallace got third two lengths further'back, with 'Special Trace; 'fourth. Later results are:— VISITORS' iIIANDICAP iIIA.UXE-.-'.S). of .■".lOsovs. Two miles. WILD XT.T, br g. aged, by Xut Ansei— W|!d Xell (Mr.,#. Teddy. Jun.), limit— .McMaster 1 BAL.LIX. br ii. aged fMiv A. Freetli), "iiyds behind—Owner 2 TIKI l> m. aged f.Mr. "Donald McFarlane), .liyds 'behind— .T. T. Paul :'. • Mso started: ;Bon Bon limit. Arnnul limit. Amberlte iay<Js 'behind, 'Klrlklrirvi Vlvif. iMutti ".'Ayils. Rio Grande -4yd.s ..Marble H.-ill 4<yds, SebUca 72yde. .Malmsbury Tiyds. Speculator l-Wyds, Wild Lad "16vd.«. Wild Nut was quickest to begin, then Klrlklriroa took charge, but passing the stand Jtio Grande was the pilot, just In front of .Bnlliu. after which In order came Wild Xut. Aiulierite. Malinsbury and Sebisca 'Going along the back Uallln niovefl up anil «• they .paused the stand the gervnd time was just In front of Malmaburv, wllh WUd Nut Just In Iwliind them, ami" Bio Grande aud Sebisca following the other* being a long way 'jack. Balliu left hla feot going along tho back the last tlun*. and Wild Xut took charge, and drawing away iv the concluding stages won easily by ten lengths from .Kuilin. with Tiki, which finished well three lengths away, third, half a length In front oif Bio Orande. Sehiirc.a wa* next, and then came Amberlte and Malmsbury. Time, 8.11 3-5. Hebisca was favourite.

PAPATOETOE HANDICAP (HvirncßSi •>* .'iOOsov*: one mile aad :i-half. BR'KXDO. l)lk p. 4,vrs. by Broct LocandA —Lady Kothsay (Mr. R. T. Dsyt. limit —Orause •.■ ■ • x PROFITEER. l)lk g. 3jra (Mr. N. funniH')rbeni>. 86yds behinfl —Owner 1 I'iIOMFJVADE. l> ni. s.rrs i"Mr. H, F. Xleoll). eoyds ljchlud —iVarreii ■

Also started: March On Limit. Blur King '.Myds betiiml, Pilettu ".Uyils, Ruanui :>Oyds. Peter 'Eden 3Byde, Mount Albert -ISyiis, (Jeneral Advance 4Svds. <?eorge the Fourth «Oyds. .Sal Pointer 00yds. Red T'-'vds Manuka Tnrk 84yds. Bremlo weut off very fast. wlilJe .-'al Poloter refused to strike n gait until her chance, was hopeless. Brendo had v big break on the field as they went along the ■buck, and was twenty lengths in front as they passed the stand, with March On ami Profiteer together. «nd George the Kourih. ■ Promenade. Mount Albert, flenerol Advance) and Blue Kiuc raving in that order. Profiteer went 0111 after Breudo as they went, a lons I lie lark the hist, time. : ,nJ though Hremlo was under pressure i>v*r the lasl half mile lie struggled on to win I>y three lengths from I'rotiteer. which was four lengths in from of Promenade. Red (Star was fourili. and then came Kuanui. Blue King and Manuka Park. Time, :'..4T. >" Pointer was favourite. RICHMOND HANDICAP iSmlu'.ej ~r I ."kiOsovs; one mile. TK AW.A. «r in. agml. by 'Si lulls; May ton ■Mγ. .1. Hullieri, lhuii —Monk. jun •' 1 SALAMANHKK. Wi ;:. aged .Mr. It. A. ■MiMMlani. :Mvds b«'Mnd—Owner -J ALL WE'\A.. lilk it. r.vrn. (Mr. Him. Pfttonj, 4S.V-I.S lielilud—MoXuushtoii ... :s Also siaMeil: (Jueen Pirate limit. Prill7.(irj limit. Mini Hoy limit. Temple limit. HcihclltTe l.'yil* behlml. Breartallii 12yds. WoiMlerluiid ISyihi. Invoy Hilton vA-i\x. Broir/.e Patch -Nyds. IMiaroa 4Syds. Kuu Hell UOyils. When the stauil was reached Tγ Uα wiih the lender, followed by .Salamander, I'rinzoui. Hrea<Uilhane. All Bell. Bron/e Piitcli and Wonderland, while Mini Hoy. which lvfuseil to strike a (,-aii. wan a long nay linek. Coin;; alone the back Tc Awn was «««; clear, bin \V<»i<l«r:<iml put in a fast run and was almost on terms with the leader as they crossed the top. with Salumamtcr. Krtadnlbnne and .All Hell most prominent of 'the otliprn. in the run down the straight Wonderland tired, Ti- A ,vu drawing on: and Hiallinn off a KtruUß challenge liy Salamander won Ijt a length and tt-half. All Hell, which mixed It In the KtrHlulil. was half tl lensrth further back, ihlril. with lireailalbaue fourth. Kna Hell was next, ami then fame Wonderland. Prlnzora. Rron/.e Pal.-b anil Mint Hoy. .Time. !J.a3 J-.Y Wouderhiud was favourite. nEI.KI-IKI.VK HA.VUIO.VP (Israelis] of :tO(>sovs: one mile and a-nimrier. iMAIIfH ON, blk :.-. aged. In- Advame— Uuiir Aft n (iye (Mr. i<. 11. Phippsi. limit - Owner j. RKEAT BRITAIN, ell a. «Red (Mr. l> Brophyi. W.iyils behind—McL.-nuan .... U REIX WAU.ACK. l> ::. aged .Messrs Shaw and 'Howard. 'J4.vilk liclilml ' Mc Sα ugh to n Also starte.l: I.alona limit. Suoelul Triieey limit. 'Xapiier Ihult, Oro limit. I!evel!le limit President Wilson bell Iml Treaiwie ■-M.yds. Tiny I.ocandu SM.vils, Pilotta Jlyds. Kkeoranei ::<syils. Ituanui .iliyds .Anil'msli Wlyils. Tanca-tua .-.liyds. Illumination I'jSyds. Prince l'onle :i(iyds. George 'the Fourth 4Syils. Ajrnes nilef 4S.vds, Prlz.-' Pearl lloydn Master f.nillclllor < Miss Uolfe (KljnlK. N.i|l>e:- was quickest ;o lieslu. bm when the stand was reached March on was out of the field, with .All>?rt Patch. Laiona, Napper. Britain and Tiny Locnmla in that order. March On was out a lons way in front as they wen; aloiiß the hack, willi lien Wallace. N'upper. l.aio-ia and Georjre ihr- Fourtli iirominent. and (Ireat Brilain tiracUng the tvl'Uers. The lat:er inu throujih crosslnir the top. «n<l threw out a *trone challense in the rtiu home, lmt March On stayed on to win a good race by two lengths. •Ben Wallace wan a similar distauce away, third, ami then <Tune Sp«'ial Tracey. Master c'.iuno'llcr. the Fourth and Miss Knlfn Time, ••!..-. U-5. I.a.'ona was favourite. ASHHURST UACEIS. PAUMEKSTON XORTH, WeUneeila.v. Tlw Ashhurst-Pohnnsina 'Racing Cluli'w Annual Meeting w.ts .held at Af'hhurst today. Radn fell Int-espantly tliroushoct the day. '.nut the attendance was fairly law. The totflHsUor slntr liantlled f1."i,821, asainst £2r,..17L' last year, 'liesults of Mie later events are:— Ajflvhurst L'np. -Tari (K. Hunt) 1. 'M-ita-tun 2. .I.oveniflitph .". Also KMrte.l: Pnonnl. I->perance. Merry (Juetii. Won liy four lenethf. Time. _'.n. Komnko Hack Hatidieaj).—Helen Hnfiiß (A. Rcedt 1. March. On :i. Also started: Minsk, 'Earthshinc, iSpaTe Moment-!, P-iilssfulnew, Sleepins B«<«»ty. Retflojnie. (Joolwa. Won l.y half a len»tli. Time. 1.32 -1-5. M.iiden Stakes.—Santiago iron Ueodi J. Solstice with First Bern) i, Haeremoan.i X s-<ratchc:l: Panache, Black K«a. iLadv Ikrai. Dforoncw. AniisMlou.'. i'oiiuiark, Thurnham. S-tolen Luc. Kawah>ll. Solace. Won .by two Icnjrtt's Tl:i:-e. 1.7 I-.'.. Kauinol W«lter. —Xeatca (B. ill. .Morrio) 1. Autonmaiui - 2. Woden 'A. Jjcratehed: Aintier Tips, 'Detroit, il'.liick AT.t. Won by three-qunrters of a lenst'h. Time, 1.84 ;!-.i. Miannn-aitu Gorge Welter.—Zravon (J----•Barry) 1. Roynl Oift 2. NKawtJo :!. ;Si-rat«ihcd: Malingerer. Admlrntion, Ka'l. War I.ojti. Won liy half a lengHh. Time, 1.47 4-3.

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 280, 24 November 1921, Page 9

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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 280, 24 November 1921, Page 9

RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 280, 24 November 1921, Page 9