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(Br WHALEBONE.) RACING FIXTURES. Not. 20, 2G—South Canterbury J.C. Nov. 26, 30—Takapuna J.C. Nov. SO, Dec. I—Pelldlng J.C. Dec. 7, B—Woodville District J.C. Dec. B—Bay of Plenty J.C. Dec. 14 —D-.innevirke R.C. Dec. IT—Waijm It.C. Doc. aj—iPoraiisahau R.C. Dec. 26, 27—'Dunedin J.€. Dee. 28, 27—Westlund X.C Dec. 20. 27—Tarauakl J.C. Doc. at>, 27, 29—Manawatu R.C. Dec. 28, BS. Jan. -J. S—Auckland R.C. Dec. 27, 2S), Hl—Auckland T.C. Dec. 30. lan. 2, -i—'U'reyinouUi J.C. Jan. 2—Tologa Bay J.C. foil. 2, 3—Stra.tfoid R.C. Jan. 2, 3—lHawke's Bay J.C. Jan. 2, 3— llarton J.C. In n<. 2, 3—Wuirarapa R.C. x Jan. 8, -t— Southland R.C. Jan. 7, o—'lteefton J.C. ANSWERS TO CORUESPOXDEXTS. QCE'UY.—The Great 'Northern Derby is a race of the value of 2lX«>sovs, the winner receiving 1300 sure, second horse 400sovs, and the third horse •.WOsovs, the other loifenvs to jjo to the breeder of the winner, provided the horse is bred iv New Zealaud. In the event of this condition n>)t 'hein.z ruitilleu, the lOOsovs to go to the first horse. The two-year-oM filly -L-udot is now being trained at lEllerslie by Mr. 1\ Conway. Flare.'un was schooled alone at 'Ellers-lie yesterday morning, > shining much iietxcr than previously. Ponniil and Deviation were schooled over fonr hurdles at Klierslle yenterday morning, the pair fencing well. The first nice at the Takapuna J.C. ■Spriuji Meeting on Saturday. is timed to start at Jl.-J3 a.m. HI. OoUlfinc-h -loft for Hie. South on .Monday evening, and will be Tiding at the Aaliurst meeting to-day. Pagoda has had a change of stables, and Is now working at heiul<itnirters under Ihe direction or Mr. \V. .Stewart. A fonr-year-old mare, by Robert the IBruce from a Seaton .Deh-.val mare, is ■being worked at Kllerslle by Mr. A. Kemp. Mr. A. .Tuliiiii had Bsildoyle and Irfwl.v r.eJs at the barrier at llOllerslie yesterday morning, giving the pair starting exercise. ißoynl Rox iipprar.s unions the acceptors for the FelMins Stakes, but h-..K evidently been left in through error, a pretty costly oversight. Mr. R. ITannon will have a team of seven racine at lire Taknpuna meeting, and they arc due to put In an appearance 'this afternoon. 'Mr. .T. Kemp has only Lady Merriwee in work at .present at KMerslio. the other members of his team still being on the easy l|st. Tlnokaha ami ."Romance were cr>mpfl'" ons In n schooling jrallop over four hur<lles at Ivllerslie yesterday morning, neither of the pair making a mistake. Wharepo and Besnnt were jdven another schooling at Kllerslle yesterday morning. The pnir are making steady improvement iv their fencing. Mr. C, Jones has engaged four boxes at Mt. \V." iMoblK>rle.v's. .Kllerslie, for Mr. Stead's team, which are to compete at the A.'H.C. Summer Meeting. Starinnd is expci-ted to arrive at Ellerslie on Friday to fulfil his eiijraeemcrrt-s at tJie Takapuna J.C. Spring Meeting. He will be accompanied by the tn-o-year-oHI 'Punch. ■According to the "LytreTton Times." the owner .vf Rntlnnnl valued the three-year-old at 400D2S when asked to.put a price on him recently. Kvidcmly he did not want to di«i.ose of him. The course proper at -Ellerslle is being liberally watered daily, and the going should be prentl.v Improved as a consequence. A Kood downpour, however, would be welcomed. The Australian bred horse- Cool Ktlranof It' since hems brought to Auckland by .Mr. .1. WHllanison. is now in active work at iKilerslio. tWng .his tasks under the supervision of his owner-trainer. The Auckland Crp candidates Paoanni. Molynwirx, Admiral Codrinjrton. il'enitent. Vagabond, .Maioha. and Aureate figure among the nominations for the principal events at I'he Woodville meeting. Indemnity, Pepin and Roller were associated in a schooling gallop over four hurdles at Ellerslie yesterday morning, finishing as iKimcd, the trio getting round without mishap. The ex-Ancklander General Advance won the Wintnn Cup. a £500 rai-e. at the Win-ton meftlnu- on 'Saturday. The son of Advance is proving useful, and it is understood will he given an opportunity to earn distinction as a jumper next season. 'Mr. F. D. .Pmips has engaged accommodation for six ho-rses at the Harp of ."Erin. 'Ellerslie, which points to his having a strong team for the A.R.C. Summer Meeting. Th-e Rii-carton trainer expects to arrive about the 18th .December. .Ratlilin, which was knocked about through being ■hnm'pert on the rails dnrlns the rnnnlne of the .Mannkau Hurdles at Ihp roi'ont A.1ß.r. iSpriiiis 'lleetinp. is still being restricted to -walking exercise. The fencing in of the N"o. 2 grass gallop nt 'Kllorslie is now completed, and the track was available for fast working yesterday morning. .Since .beiDg regrarled it ■provides splendid sroing, and should be appreciated by trainers. The two-year-old fiHy Just wliich met with a mishap through crashing into tile rails while working at Ellerslie last Saturday week, has made her reappearance on the tracks, ami to the eye looks none the worse for her fall. Whnkamuku. which is engaged in the ronui Hurdle Race at the Takapuna meeting on -Saturday, was schooled at Ellerslie yesterday niornius. nut was taken at the obstacles too slowly for any idea of his jumping capabilities to he gained. 'Evidently Jlaioha has made a gflod recovery from the mishap which came against him on the eve of the Canterbury J.C. Meeting, for he has Tieen nominated for the prin-ripii 1 ovontn at I ti<* Woodvilic fixture early in December. ■ Fcnrer started alone for a schooling gallop over four hurdles at Ellerslie yesterday mornlnp. but at the second took off too far and struck the obstacle behind rather heavily. He dkl not come to gri-ef, but was ■pnll-etl up soon after getting over, and walked back lame to the sheds. On paper, the Onehunga Handicap, run at lEpsom on Saturday, lookwl an absolute certainty for Colli Boy. after his ninniii?, at the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club"s Meeting, but he did not settle down, and was out of a place at the finish, his defeat being a pretty costly one. Rational and filoamhig have both lieen left In the Fcildiiig Stakes and the Oroua Stakes to be run at the F-etMtng meeting, and if they go to the post the meeting of the pair s-hou'd provide the excitement of the fixture. Rational is stated to 'be very well at present. The victory of First Carbine in the Jellieoe Handicap at Epsom, on Saturday, was largely due to the manner in wliich he n« trainer has never been -seen t" bettor advantage in Auckland than on and weil deserved rhe reception accorded when he returned to the weighing enclosure. Dr. Ring visited the W.iikatn during the Tvpplc. and operated on the three-year-old Royal Box. The son of Nassau has made a woiulnrful recovery from tlie injuries tie met -with some months ago at Ellerslie. and it is now practically certain that he will race again, although it may not he this season. During his trip Dr. Ring Inspected Mr. G. L. Stead's crop of foals, all by Nassau, which ne states are an exceptionally good lot. and among the best Tie has seen. A full-brother to Royal Box. his'attention, and h^ was very enthusiastic over this youngster. The yearlimrs of Mr. Stead's which were operated on about six weeks ago have all done well, and give promise of developing into useful class feuses.

B. ©eeley is now a regular attendant on the tracks at SUerslle, riding work. A. J. McFllm left for tie south last evening, to fulfil riding engagements at the Ashhurst meeting to-day. The Manawatu Cup this season U worth loOOeovs., inclining v cup of the value erf lOOsovs., presented by iMr. J. dorms Johnston. Farrow, which won on<- of the local races -it the Whangarei meeting, was recently taken to ..Sydney by his owner, Mr. in Auckland toy the Niagara, due heie on December 'I. Deid .Sweet and Crowburst were schooled over four hurdles at KUerelie .before break; fast yesterday morning, botn e ei.uii D through their task wtihout mishap. The weights for the Auckland CITO »!>« Railway Handicap are due on December 2. With Amythas engaged n each cjen . n ■will be interesting to see how Jr. .«c-uj mill assesses him. Xo Bother is being schooled over hu™" e ;j at ,Ellerslie, and his displays have ■ sufficiency good to encourage tne oeuci that he will eventually turn out u=erui as a jumper. Th reduction by a month of the suspen-; sion imposed irpon the jockey* L. »£»??? and C. Slut-lair, ay the Whans-irci *"*""* Chil..- will enol.le the pair to ride at the Auckland Racing Club's .Summer Meeting. Although the starters at Ale ? and l"L£?J;' on the first day of the Otahuhu Trottin,, Club's Spring Meeting, on Saturday, totalled ISB in the eight events, the dividends returned were so good that a P ou "" invested on each of the runners would have shown a profit of £12 3/S. iP.ronze Patch retains his form in a wonderful manner, for the of .Dan ratch mustered up c great burst of speed in the .Electric Handicap at Epsom on Saturday. Although starting from the back mark ot <;o yards he bad the race in -safe keeping at the home turn, returning his supporters a large two iigure dividend. Some of the southern clubs have become alarmed at the falling off in the totalisator receipts, and are already cutting down the stakes. The Dannevirke IR.C programme for the slimmer meeting shows a decrease of £4f>o, while the Foxton Club have also made a substantial cut. Oα the other hand the .Morton Club have made an increase of £COO. ■Since going into the charge of Mr. P. Poii-way Ail 'Pointer has made a lot on '■ Improvement and well driven by Mr. A. Julian she won the Stewards' .Handicap at Kpsom on .Saturday iv good style. t>ai r'liuter used to strike herself l>adly, but Mr .Biackburn got over the difficulty with a special make of shoe, and the mare is now able to hit out freely. Lady Tolly is given In the Turf Register .•K being 'by l'otoa from lUdy Sabretache, Tjut this is an errnr, for from Mr. Fallon, owner of .Lady Sabretache,. I learn that the ir.-.ire lias only foaled once, when she I .produced twius to Potoa. One of these died, and the other is known as Lady l'otoa, and with her dam has been mated this season with iMullingar. The opening day's racing of the Otahuhu Trotting Club's Spring (Meeting gave inrther evidence «f the rapid strides made by the sport in Auckland during .the past few years. The attendance was a long way above the average, while the amount handled at the machines was largely in excess of anticipations. Local owners got a fair share of the prize money, and the ' day seems to have -gone when it was only ' necessary for Southern horses to come North and clean up the programme. Some of the southern writers blamed the Auckland horseman, A. .T. MrFllnn, for the defeat of Amythas in the iStead Memorial Cirp but "Sir Modred." in the "Southland Times." does not li»ld this opinion, and he is a iirettv good judge, lv connection with the race the writer bad a chat with the 1 ~nilor on the question, and he states that with the least bit Of luck Amythas whs sure to have «iven Winning Hit more trouble. Mr. Easton's champion was not quite as free as he might have been before the start, and did not begin, at all well. He had a beautiful run on the rails till th straight was reached, but when it was necessary to come on the outside with his challenge the son of .Demosthenes was a bit disinclined to come away from the fence, and when pulled out pecked slightly, and changing his stride, became unbalanced for about a hundred yards. lie finished at a great bat. and :but for this his rider holds the opinion that he might just have won. iMcFlinn, however, is not at nil sanguine about his ability to beat tin three-year-olds over the mile course in the Islington Plate. A southern writer gives it as his opinion that one result of the Auckland Racing ■Club ciosing the nominations for the principal events of their summer meeting in December is that neither Winning Hit nor Pluto are engaged In the weight-for-age races, the Islington and Auckland Plates. and that if Gloainins fails to start the events will be a gift to Amythas. This may be so, but, while 3lr. Greenwood, who, to also nominate Pluto, it is no certainty that Sir George Clifford would have nominated Winning Hit. The records for some time back show that he has not been a events named. In 1012-13, the first season the Islington Plate was instituted, he won both the mile event and the Anckland Plate with Counterfeit, but that year was the last occasion he had a representative in the mile and a-half race, while since then the only time he has started a horse I in the mile nice was in 1016 when Flying Start ran second to Desert Cold. In 19CKV 10 Sir George Clifford won the Derby with Kilwinning, and in 190S-00 with Husband man. but neither of these colts were saddled n-n for the Auckland Plate, in which Bobrikoff was successful on both occasions. Winning Hit may have bw. nominated, and his absence is to be greatly regretted, hut his omission is prtfbnbly due more to his owner's idea of when and where he should race the colt than to the fact that the Dominations closed so early. Tins opinion is strengthened ivhen the lists for the other important races closing at the same time are studied, for Sir Geor Ke Clifford has representatives in the Railway Handicap, .Summer Cup. and Grandstand Handicap, while Pluto is also in all the other big events. However good a horse and all as we acknowledge Amythas to be even in the absence of Gloaming, there may l.c found one or two at least" able to give the great son of Demosthenes a good race over the mile course, whatever they may do with him at a mile and a-half.

Many a punter after n period of adversity at the races has asked himself- Is it possible to sUovr a profit at the game? sits a Sydney writer. Bookmakers, too," at times may have raised the same question. The initial expenses confronting the punter and the bookmaker are so heavy that it is very easy to find that the answer is in the negative. Certainly it is difficult to show a pront. hut the fact is that many bookmakers and quite a number of punters do make the business pay What -ire their methods? Xo nied plan hoi CTM been laid down, and everyone will agree luck SUC l eS follo e^" r re o S f a ra l: !n Ke amOUnt of owned a' horVYut nmasscTa hy liaokin- the Kallopers that other people T>aid to keep in training confes« P ,i fhat he Sained his first start iiy douMe at long odds, and then ran his few hundred pounds into a few thousand .l>v following one horse, which h e always supported for a ?n wlnX™eo"nduU? trainer as to b P practically Invincible and. pSiSJFX SS^o'sea , ::;;:^^ haml'raps , tf°l Turf.' " AHo 1 "- Sml tl,o'»»«.X r »rul W p , ; i , Lte , r e^, t 7, e S t T t rU - eS "- time, iindonlv Lacked it twice when it was on'the r-? lt " C ; n *l himself'to Se but gained a good deal o f amu,e." e u t ?"„! attempting to pick doubles. The average consistently, hut there have been soii o^ , *** times in 43 starts, and wS/on^ te ° KLi»^«» be;«n O o n ° a f I^,l^^'^ l h o^ e wei4 lt r fUl b, ' ric '• f "''"" : in The iud e^me c olher "T

Thixendal. ««£?&3&r& frSe **«£ r h k v e p a half a tnile from home. MAN-AWATTJ IRACIXG CLUB - ■ ►■ „= for -iH handicap events, toclose on December U at o^-ni-XURF TALK FROM TM SOUTH. CANTERBURY. (By Telegraph.—Special to "Star.") CHRISTCHURCH, this day. Af ter the strenuous racinß Riccarton most in a day and Auckland horses will know they ha>e be^ r tltT^U\"m T ,Mt Fellding first, will include Egotism, wmch, is fancied for the Auckland Cup, Cwidon, nJrbv ?n C spite tO of recent defeats: Pluto which fan Winning Hit to a head in the Dunedin Guineas, three good in Farceur, VeU u£™A, nnd is fast pFckins up his best condition. It is certain he will not he taken to Auckland if now St Mr e F P D h Jone°rwill certainly take Vmvthas to Auckland, and the Demosthenes peldinc may lie Riven a run in the eT ??r tS E Peonllar will journey North with the New Zealand Cup winner Eoyal Stoir, which looks none the worse for the heavy racin- he had a t Riccarton. .lazz. a useflil SeldiSs may also make the trip and wiU bavo a, the sheet anchor Winnin? Hit. and more than ilkely Scrimmage. Purple Spur. Miss Mimic, and possibly the two-year-old team Is uncertain, but if Mr T H Gillett sops North Foo Chow will be his only charge. Most of the other norses will co to Dunedin at Christmas time, and representation from here will be very stronc. The West Coast will also claim a number of less useful handicap horses, and Riccarton will be practically deserted during the "pafestrina lms been spelled since the sprinp- meeting, and will probably race at "Sarlove hns been suffering from kidney trouble, but it is not very serious. Riccarton horses with engagements at the South Canterbury meeting, which begins on Friday, provided a fair amount of interest this mornfns. most of them bein? sent along fast. The grass track is open, but it was not in great request, the majority of trainers patronising the plough."which is in good , order. Connrus galloped six furlongs in 1.30 3-5. He showed a Jot of speed, but was stopping badly at the end. Rovnl Mac beat Coniston over seven furlongs in I.3o—an attractive performance. Royal Star was going better than Caverock at the end of six furlongs, which was covered in 1.16 3-5. Caverock, though beaten, galloped well. T'rg-ency and The Reaver rattled over three furlongs in 36" 3-ss—a smart effort; while Blush and Malaga went over the same ground nicely. Foo Chow covered a mile in 1.43 3-5. He went freely all the way and finished strongly. Warhne and Conflict occupied 1.20 over six furlongs, but were not doing their best. Sunny Loch beat Maiden over six furLink Up was much too pood for Petunia over six furlongs in 1.17 4-5. Boadicea covered five furlongs on the grass in 1.4 2-3, while Bonny Mac beat Red\ Gown and Kilderff over the same ground In 1.4 1-5. Cutts brothers gave their team an easy morning', most of them having been allowed to run along st <x useful pace the previous day. Gloaming was restricted to trotting exercise, while other members of Mr. R. J. Mason's team had a quiet morning. Amythas continues to show signs of lameness, and was confined to trotting, but Mr. F. D. Jones does not view the trouble with seriousness.

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 279, 23 November 1921, Page 8

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 279, 23 November 1921, Page 8

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 279, 23 November 1921, Page 8