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(Ry WHALEBONE.I RACING FIXTURES. September 10—Rangitikei Hunt Club. September .I*—North Taranitki Hunt Club. September ?.'«—Pakurauga Hunt Club. September 17—Manawatu Hunt C'Ub. September 2:». 23—Asbburton E.C. September 22, 24 —Wanganui J.C. Spring. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. PUNTER. —Rockfiekl carried 7.5 when he won the .lellicoe Handicap at the Paknranga Hunt Chili's -Meeting last May. BROTHERS.— M. Kyiin ami W. Ryan are not related. The former is now training at Ellerslie. and the latter holds a jockey's license. The hunter Sagamore was schooled over hurdles at Kilerslie yesterday morning, jumping proficiently. Geoffrey has made a good recovery from his recent mishap, and is now doing light exercise.

Lucy 'French and f?t. Waipa are now working at Kilerslie under the direction of their owner.

Mr. .T Thorpe lias secured the services of ■('. Rron-n for his fllly Nocturne in the Avondale Stakes.

During the past season the Core Racing Club gave away In stakes tSSWi. and paid the -Government £:«>7S In taxation.

The Auckland District Committee meet next week, when a large number of applications for licenses will be considered.

Fife and Drum Iliirdly ran up to expectations at the Tariwinki meeting, ami was brought hack to Kilerslie tills moralUg.

Queen Hark was schooled over a round of the hurdles at Kllerslie yesterday morning, giving a good display of jumping.

After a few months - spell filranrr and Rrnadwood have resumed work again (it Kilerslie uuder the supervision of Mr. K. Ilea ton.

The withdrawal of Imnrittbon from the New Zealand Cup was due to the daughter of Gay Spark having failed to stand train-

Princess Rell has gone into the charge of Mr. W. cStcwart at Kllerslie. and the same trainer has also taken Ohiti iv hand again.

The hunter Indemnity Vas schooled at Kilerslie yesterday morning. He took a risk at one or two of the obstacles, but got round without mishap.

C.riind Ciinyon stumbled and fell while working at Ellerslie yesterday morning, lint fortunately the horse and his rider, VV. .1. Torter, escaped injury.

Mr. ('. Christie has engaged two boxes at Mrs. Toonuin'R. <!reen I.ane. and is expected'to arrive with 'Miss Muriel and General Advance next week.

The ITawera trainer Mr. J. 'Brown has secured three boxes from Mr. W. <;. Irwin at Kilerslie. and is expected to arrive with national and Co. in a few days.

Mr. ('. "Morse is expected to arrive on (Sunday with (Jaziquc. while he will also bring r.riirhllight north and hanii him over to his old mentor. Mr. A. Asprey.

The Auckland horsemen A. .T. McFlinn and C. Browne were riding at the North Taranaki Hunt Meeting on Saturday, but neither succeeded in stecriug a winner.

According to the "Dominion." Mr. .1. E. Henrys has»hantipd in his resignation as Tiandlcapper to the Stratford Racing Club. a position he has held for a quarter of a century.

The Absurd—Our I*i«iy colt, one or the lots nt the Inst sale of the Koatauui yearlin;;s. is reported to he showiug a lot of pace in his essays on the tracks at Iticcarton.

The southern studmaster. Mr. I. F. Buchanan, recently sustained a serious loss in the death of the imported marc Sparrowhawk, the ilam of thn crack two-year-old. The Hawk.

Muster Mick, which won Hie Wnlhl nark Handicap lit the North Taranaki Hunt Meetluc on PaturJn.v. is a geliling by the ex-Auckland champion Master Soult. from Hello Napier.

The stallion Ruinnfiirte. whi.-li has been doing ptinl diitv in the Tnrfinnkl district for some time, has lieen sol<l to go to Australia, the new owner of the son of Multiform l.einr Mr. Thomas Dunn, of Kempscy, New South Wales.

The three-year-old Kick OIT. -n-hleh was among the team t:iken to Australia »\v Mr. W._J. Donovan, is stated to lip causing his trainer some anxiety owing to throat trouhle. which may prevent his being seen at his best on the trip.

The New Zealand-owned Ki<: C'.iipf is reported to have got a very had passage in the event at the cn'ntrrlmry Park (X.S.YV.) Meeting in which he ran second, tne general opinion being that with anything like a decent run he would have

Brother P.ill. the three-year-old by Finland—All's Well, which was l.rod hy Mr. T. 11. and which realised ll.Vlgns pointlneut.. lip is to lie gelded and given a spell in the liopo of working an improvement in his pace.

Rational started at an exceptionally short price In the open sprint event at the Taranaki Hunt Meeting, jnsl pulling his supporters through |,y the hare margin of half-a-head. The son of Ahsura will have a couple more races before the Avondale Guineas, and promises to strip *cry well.

At Hastings the ■ other day Ilmnbiig. M.iioha. Chant Royal. Arion. ' Molyneatix mid Admiral Cndrington were the starters in one of the sprint events over six furlongs. Chant Royal led for four furlongs, then Admiral Codrington took charge and won easily, with Iliiinlnig and Maioha close up.

Royal Box has made considerable improvement under the care of Dr.. King, although si ill lielnc in a pretty bad way. The swelling or I lie leg has been got rid nf. 'but the serious trouble is in the hip. tbe point of which was broken, and it Is still too early to judge what the ultimate result of tbe injury will be.

Tinnkaha. which bumped one of his knees badly while schooling before the last Winter Meeting, was sold cheaply In- Mr. It. Ilanuoii to n patron of Mr <i Rtennlnar'B stable. The injury appears to have disappeared altogether, and the pelilin appears among the nominations for tbe Avondale .T.C. Spring Meeting.

The committee of the Hawke's Ray Jockey Club lias decided to issue l.irdcas'e passes to owners, trainers, and assistants for the races only in which their horses -ire engaged. The system is undoubtedly a good one, but so far no dub seems to huve been able to work it satisfactorily, and it will be interesting to see how the Hawke's Bay Club gets on.

The Auckland-owned three-year-old Young /riiurnham made his first appearance under silk on Saturday, when he was saildled up to contest the Opunake Hack ■Scurry, at the North Taranaki Hunt CluVs Meet inc. Dancer Znnp was a sooil favourite, with Young Tliurnuam the only other backed with any spirit, the pair earryins fn-o-thirils of tbe investment.s on the inaciiine. Young Tlninibiim was a bit luilueky nl the" home turn, and iust failed to reacli Take Take, the winner, by n head, while Danger Zorm was iinlr a lieail further hack, third. The ra-e should <Jo Young Thumhani a lot of good

The Hfiwke'ft Bay trainers recently promoted a two-yenr-oW parade and trial gallops. in aid of the Hustings Mothers' Rest the net proceeds rntnllinz £24 IS.' The two-year-olds were run off in two divisions over a course of about 2J furlongs the starters in the first 'being: Black Knight by Mountain Knight —Fairy Gold Etvtanh by Absurd — Euloiry. and Mr ]•; Rj.'difords pair. Uaptnre and Kaliutari. Knitapli and Plaek Knight made the pace the former barlne a length to spare at the rtnish. In the second division. Vlvella by Ahsnrd—Snoosse. Killian by KUbnv—l adv Nolan, h c by Kilboy, b ,• by Martian— Polymnia. King's Trumpeter liy Claren-eeus-Ben Bond, and Watchful "were the starters. Viyella beating the Martian colt liv a head, with Kings Trumpeter third In the sprints. Tbe Hawk, Toa Tana" Quest. ■Grotesque, .-.nd Tolerance started in the six-furlong division. The Hawk leading Tor the srrenter part of the jnurnev to -ive way tn Grotesque and Tolerance, the former winning by two lengths. Over the five fiirlnnrs. Scion. Wheatfielo. Tinihannn "arpath. Trown Gem. and Penitenf started, Tinihanga beatinr Penitent haif-a-length. A number of other sprints were also got off.

The gelding Novation is now working at Ellcrslie under the direction of his owner. Xo Mistake was sent over six hurdles at Ellprslie yesterday morning, his display iieing a satisfactory one. j. The lightweight W. rereival is to hare the mount on St. Carl in the .Tellieoe Handicap at the I'likuranga .Hunt Club meeting. Multiplane, which is now trained at Ellerslie by Mr. P. Gilchrist, was sent over the small hurdles at Ellerslie yesterday morning, fencing "well. * Falrgun is the latest aspirant for jumping honours, and made a good showing over a couple of the pony hurdles at Ellerslie yesterday morning. The cross-country horseman V. Coleman has taken out a license again with the Canterbury Jockey Club, and is now attached to the stable of Mr. E. ,T. Rac. Mr. J. IT. Jefferd has secured three boxes at Mrs. Tooman's, <»reen Lane, arid is flue to arrive with his team for the Paknranga Hunt Club and the Avondale Jockey Club meetings at an early date. Ilersr-hies burst a hoof while working on Saturday, but the injury was evidently not of a serious nature, for he strode along ing away afterwards without showing any signs of soreness. Acceptances for all events, and nominations for the two-year-old parade, to be ileciclerf .it the Pakuranga Hunt Clubs meeting on the 17th inst.. close with the secretary. Mr. W. S. Spenee, on Friday, the OtU'lust., at .j p.m. Mr. A. Gibbons had a stroke of bad luck recently, his Ihrre-year-old filly by Boniforni—Northern liosn falling into a drain and dying. The filly was broken in as a two-year-old and showed exceptional promise, but it was decided to give her every chiinco to develop and nor race her until she was a threp-year-old. She was to have ' jnineil the team of Mr. .1. Lambess shortly, ' and her loss is a pretty severe one for her I owner. The barrier was erected at the new mile post .it KlltM-slto on Katiirdny. and a number of tile two-year-olds were given startins practice, iheinj; allowed to run along tin;, back of the course proper for a furlong or two. The youngsters exercised were: Snnduyr. Praiseworthy. Graceful. Lucky I-oii. Shebang. Ray Delghton. Steel Bar f.ii Dot. Bachelor Girl, Owen, Just, and Bonny Canny. Soon after jumping out Shebang tried to get off the course and eventually fell, her rider. J. O'Shea escaping without injury, as did the fllly. TiIIE AVOXDAI.E GUINEAS. The final payments for the Avondale Guineas practically reduces the event to a struggle between Mermin. Rational, and (Jrotesqne, none of the others left In really having any form to recommend them for a race of this description. Snowdon, Young Thurnham. and Hose will probably -be the only others saddled up to oppose the trio mentioned first, but the small field should ensure the three cracks getting a gi»d run, and the battle between them should be worth going a long way to see. THE AVONDAU; STAKES. ■With a final payment of .11 for the Avondale Stakes, and the majority of them Auckland-owned, it looks as if the club i would have some difficulty in dealing with | the position, but there is a possibility of a number dropping out before the day. engntred. Report-s credit one or two of the southern ones with being very smart, but as far as the local lot are concerned it can hardly lie said that any of them have really been seriously tested up to the present. The two-year-old parade at the Pnkuranga Hunt Club's Meeting on the 17th inst. may give some line as to the capabilities of a number of those engaged, and, in consequence, the parade is being looked forward to with considerable interest. THE NEW ZEALAND CTJ.P. An acceptance so early for the New Zealand Cup hardly gives an owner much opportunity to get an idea of the prospects of his horse over a two-mile journey, and it seems rather a pity that owners are called on to faco a forfeit ten weeks before the race. In the old days, of course, the position was different, but t"he conditions of I the event do not seem to have been altered nt all to suit the times, ami consequently those with liorses engaged are the sufferers. The lirst acceptance has hardly thrown much lisrht on the event, the only ones for wliicli the payment was not made being: Ininrll'liiin, Trespass. Cnll.ish.Tn. Royal ! Pox PrilK-o Fertraz, Rockfield. Toa Tana. I Mannearonsn. Lord Martian, Quarrelsome, and Five-eighths. AVONDAI.E JOCKEY CLl'B. WEIGHTS FOR SPRING MEETING. Following are the handicaps for the minor events at the Avondale J.C. Spring Meeting:— Henderson Apprentice Handicap. se T en fill longs.—Uncle Ned 0.0, Tanm-a-roa n.O. Incline 0.3. Esthonia '-'.A. Right and Left sis Kocktield Sl2 Truthful S.fl. Archie SS. ITyllus S.o Penonn 5.3. Bute -Sound S.:i. Xanmfero 5.: , .. Tisrinia 8.0, MangamaJioe 7.13, General Advance 7.13. OranfS 7.12, Crowlrirst 7 O Perfect Day 7.7. Clonmel 7.7. Pure I-aziness 7.7. Bezant 7.3. Night Time 7.4, Lord Bruce 7.2. Mumble 7.0. Lovelight 7.0. Phyllona 7.0 (iiilgi 7.0, Winsome Arch 7.0. Kiiikora 7.0. Regent 7.0. -Gold IPlane 7.0. Fencer 7.0 l*rince Onrl 7.0. LuoUius 7.0. Bro.-idwood" 7.0. Miiniwhangata 7.0, Ujcutliiug 7.0. Westminster 7.0. Knighton 7.0, Bohloyle 7.0. Nunerrant 7.0. Pairoda 7.0. 7.0. Arch Margot 7.0. Jolly .Princess 7.0. ,R>. Warpa 7.0. Rosinante 7.0.

Swaii3on Hack Welter, nine furlongs. — Sir iHuon !>.S. Prince Al>hey 0.6. Xo Bother !UI. -P-pin 0.4. Persian King 0.3. Nunerrant 0.2 War Tank !>.2. Phyllona 9.0. Cantoris 00, Rrodiek 5.12. Quiniro 8.11, Bright Uefct S.fl, Oliiti S.S. MarHle Slab 5.7. Heather Moon 5.7. Some Fashion S.-">. Glencairn B.">. Tireless 5.4 :Miss Melra S..'i. .Poamii 8.2. Cwenelle 82. Shortland 5.2. Arcli Laddie 5.2 Itose Thiinvhum 8.2. Poteen 5.2. Impudence SO Pentagram S.O. Oreatform S.O. Boom a day S.O. Xα vane 8.0. Irish Knight S.O. Woori S.O. Hypothesis 8.0.

Grey Lynn Hurdles, two milps.—iPendoon 11.3, Ratiilin 10. no Tenacious 10.10. Deviation 10.8. Monopole 10..V Ditto 10.5. KilUvrrt 10.-1. Marconi 10.4. Guerre a >Mort 10.4. Te Ora 9.12, Multiplane 0.12. Kerehone 3.10----■Slenatnri" ft.S. Tinoknha 0« Lcidy Bruce fI.M Kiddle String 9.2. OlueUyn 0.2. "Poanui 0.0. (J-iiianform 0.0. Glenspire 9.0. Swastika 0.0, Otara 0.0. Narrow Neck 9.0. Novation 0.0.

Ha<-k and ITunttM-s - Steeplechase. thr*>e miles.--Peuiloon n.11 , . Mononnle 11.."). John Kiinny U.S. Golrlen Glade 10.0. Koiira 10.9. Mary' l'.nio 10.7. Hokoinal 9.15. Thignnthu '.)."> Mi Copper !)..">. Otara 0.5. Gold SVene | 1).3 I'o.t Rosa f>.n. Glen-hum 0.0. Glsdwin r>.(\ Sagamore 0.0. Snake !>.O. Foxglove 0.0. Dniry I.ass fl.Qf East Tort fl.O. Maira o.<>. Gi.iikl lanyon 0.0, Silver I.ode 0.0. Welshman 0.0. TI'BF ,XOTES FliOM THE SOUTH. (By Telegraph.—S-perl.i'. to "Star.") CHRISTCHURCH, this day. Tbe weather has been tine during the past few ilayo at Riocnrton. and work has been of a fairly interesting nature. !•' D. Jones left for Marton on Thursday nilli Amythas and Believe. It. \V. King lias just nut into work the two-yea r-olil hlnrlc gelding by Mountain Kins that should make good. The Wlnfcie— Sunglnw colt and Red Gown are doing useful work, and both are looking at their best. .1. MiComb hail bad luck to lose a yeari ling colt by Solferiuo from 'Formless on I Saturday. The youngster was fed in the even ing. Wben next seen on Sunday mornT'nio. ■Pyjamas, Quarrelsome and Sunny Loch comprise J. Mt-Comb's team, with the two-year-olds by SLlrerino and Absurd. All I are backward, and (he owner does not proI pose racing them for some time. I It. Ellis has Will Oakland. Petunia, Jean I Gluten and Dame Fortune in work. Will Oakland is not forward, but is doing nice work. Petunia is fairly advanced, but Jean. Gluten and Dame Fortune are barkMeteorite and Indus are the only two that P. McGi-ath has in work. Indus "is the much morp forward of the two. but the Martian—Forked Lightning gelding is coniins on fast, being a very keen worker Ho will be ready to till spring engagements. Hylans is due to arrive at S Trilford's establishment at the end of this week and will join Trilford's large team. Two-year-olds in work are the Samisen and the Lady Lucy fillies, borh nice youngsters, but nothing is known of the Lady Lucy fi]ly"s galloping abilities, as she has never gone faster than three-quarter pace. The Samisen filly goes fast Of the older division in the stable Uoyal Mac. M.iuduff. Maguire Headlong. Xyanza ami The Digger are all doing solid work, while The Digger is schooling in a manner that indicates a good safe juniper before the season closes. T. H. (iillott has taken Miuuirapnnsi up Benin, and the chestnut looks all the better. f!>r a slu.rt holiday. Kilmoon recently ioine.l (Jilletfs team, and is putting on condition very fast, while Some Kid and Foo Chow arc• getting, through, their work In a most satisiactory . manner. |

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 213, 7 September 1921, Page 7

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 213, 7 September 1921, Page 7

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 213, 7 September 1921, Page 7