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known how much I could have saved by 1 11 1 , BfPJfBWB common as colds But there are always shopping in Symonds Street I would have SI 'BBBh PW ™ ] ■^SBSbI^^SK & Bargains in Symonds Street — Auckland's started years ago." START NOW! sSo^sTSeE^ a«o nomine in Let us Post You a PT »Tl~ir UT T S $&%* f Af\isrc PAIR. rIAM-sK* rKIUU/ genuine bargain sale. i LAeJiJLS COSTUMES Continuous Gratifying Success. *l i d&''Wf'& &*• . LADIES' BLACK. BROWN AND TUTTS are eminently satisfied with ygSm. Skjfc ~l '$& %Pm |K^ GREY SUEDE SHOES, in Lace We have decided to ctear ont the whole of onr GREAT the continued success of their Genuine MBSSm Kpik fiP» ifesSlP and Court styles, covered Louis BIG STOCK OF DRESS MATERIALS, so as to give us Barjrain Sale. The following very mSSSF WSwL £* - ~ f£ f i-" €=a «. /"* Aw T « 'WV ■ m. t I xJ heels. Latest shapes—Were 45,- , .. , r , „ , •. Special Bartrains are gnaranieed i&Sgjek. V <*"~~ > -">*PW rs£-e M^-^% at £T [\l S__< I I\L? \| Ltd. Now 29 11. Postal Sd. " plenty ° f ™° m ''°' ° Ur neW season 5 stock - 5O we haTe genuine:- JW* 4jn LADIES 7 GLACE KID AND PATENT the wW.e of our DRESS materials RIGHT DOWN SDecla , Pcrchase MEN'S GABAE- I **— "^ - * * LEATHER COURT SHOES, largre TO HALF-PRICE. There's net enough for everybody, and *DINE RAINCOATS—Worth up to ¥m WgS&&M3*?*s=7 §Mz backie vnrb :-:-r-:. covered ! : HALF-PRICE will >c«-n clear out al] our msteriaJs. Tbe PC -. Genuine Barsrain Price. 32 6. X>£ S "/ : IN UPPER SYMONDS STREET. " h " e the '" ' " \ SHOES, neat shapes, leather Cuten —.j. —. _— _ __ BOYS' "aND** YOUTHS' VEBY |^^¥f/>fG{c No non s en S e about it-tKey are &Z v> HALF PRICE coats |UftSi\(ll3) . LADIES PATEXT LEATHER _ °5 6 °7 6 °9 6 * | s»' sen « raely s . K ch Jot :;r;:™;^r DK , -SyCMI ? here's a reason why we-re busy. 9 HALF-PRICED ™z,<v& zssmxz f soles, covered Louis heels—Were 54-INCH WOOL AND COTTON TWEED, neat checks— Price g4 .. price," s 11. * FATV-t .-LOTR corTOiE? \LL-wool i- smffl / Q 45 'i, 6 " - N "t W ' 27 c- 1L v i • Usually 11.-6. Half Price, 5/9 y ar d. MEVs' MOSGIEL ALL - WOOL LAME?" ALL-WOOL =C.Ut\X? Oi-rk aesiim. ta ra-n only— < if" in *%v. ani\v. only Blaci" Srf Ion? (Both oi ihese fenoes would make a TWEED ?OTS. very superior- I suair is. 11. "SURPRISE price." 9 11. Reduced fron, £ i/:Li/ g trmimea u^ le rm S tip 54-INCH COSTUME TWEEDS, new colourings, neat Worth £7 15-. Great Bargain ladies" ALL-trooL «*BT«s. tfen 6ento«l «as. to Pnipl. t Ppaß e«t- **/i*/U - Reduc#d Trem «d"t^epla4 .whh »d wifhont designs-15,11. Half Price, 7/11 yard. ~ Price, 105 - and » | MGGE3 COSTUME. Mm- 12 putoeas to »O/O/ Sizes sto 10—Offers Price, a. «-« #S S fltltaF coat. m»dimn !?ncan_ 19 1L lOd. BLA3TKET thick and cost -oor i • f^ — «,- f " LaT'lE?' all-wool SCARVES. T»rv -end?, i- Fa-xa. -ms bnra.r- V -—t si/we ■sSfeff , "Sa4SSy?i , — s « | ■W-E'L CUT COSTI ME? m U! Wool v- braid. la sizes . sto 10 A bargain— WORKING TKOUSERto, in arzo LADIES' FLEECY 5-AFAT-. extra wltte. :a > Grey "suitmrT all sizes— *- 0= - ana Ei - °- r - z *-*— offer* Price. 19 11 Po=taee 10d 52-INCH COVERT COATINGS, good serviceable materials shade. For belt or Draces. Foot rarlety or snsdes eim and borter«a «id«—finally 'Reduce from £•< Q/Q from r-fi/Q/Q uner S rnce, ia n. ra. g, —Usually 19 6. Half Price. 9 9 yard. pockets—Worth 15 6. Great Bar- T!.6toS4-. "SURPRISE PRICE," 33 6«59 cto ctear. £i/IP6t e -i/y/» £15.19/6 1. -D/y/y ' .rail, Price fill- LOIE? . , LL . wn o L ?r AB VE?. ,t, H-- n<l Brown Cberi i WHITE JAP. SILKS, rood «i F hty qualWes-Usually r, fi. B( ?VTCkSs to l£ 'iuRPR.SE price," "it ii. I ll^J"" 7, £3/9/9 HW, VELVETEENS AND SERGES are also Half Pric. PASS THESE TWO ITEMS 1 ISiH -— s M -- ? ;_ _ ... the men folk, they're - good ! f £7/7/- ? m HALF PRICE M -- A " r , - ~,. E ,, -,-.. rrr ,-,.; I £AiE \TLOUn CLOTH COSTUME, Reduced from pfi/=;/- ' —.—.-«. -»—» ]4 > r ._.,. rir?Ji t =7: ;. .. ; , ; .£; = . An wgo i tnminea Biaci Cab!? Ft-L.-Sinr— r--: 10.'- to =-»O/tl/ MEN"" All FUR VELOLTR HATS— «t the "surprise price- of r= - to ??ZZLJzr £6/6/" 000 pairs ladies- and cHiL- ccc tuc TWO-WINDOW niSPLAY OF * w T Lh 50 " Great Bar?ail, priee * MF^; F'praio , ! c v: ?^r. a ;J' : , ,ma 1D rda=a.- to =-« " i o>LY model COSTr:.rE. m Biact. B'owi G~ev OL.U lilt Ift V ITlllUUf * UIOILMI VV 22 6. in m. utp«i «tTi«i—r«:j»iir £« •,-.:. -subprise •» GHET GARB rn ?T rME. iirti t«t amrOf vrtmu* braul. sm BlbkTtc\lloSe Price MEN'S ZEPHYB SHIRTS. Black and i price," 97 eto cl«r. J " to Oear. 1/6 per pair. Postage. 2<L UAI C POIPC MATFRIAI9 White_ stripes-Worth S/G. Great postage pa.d by us 1 £4/14/6 £9/19/6 ladies- otm boots - is/il "ALf r«IUt URtOi IWAItKIALi cloth work- : . f jg£LC£?£ /6 vi n nrrrn Tudehooe s Sale nXr^^^E ■ ■ %J|| I I Li II 'X. - 16. Great Bargain Price. lOd. ' • _ * Postage Paid an Country Orders. -». TV7n n nnrra S »t Ltd ' Storee-2-Store. Top o> Symonds St., _ JTfrQ | SiS WMil CENTRE. f L-4 L-/ I— 4 l 186 Symonds St. Auckland. JL \J M, M. i '203,205.207,20e, Upper Sv^oNds §t «n« nYHRHER. MY FIERCER, MY CLOTHIER- J - ' r X IN UPPER SYMONDS STREET 44 KarmnettaM "•**• top of symonds street. EM(wH^*H^^»^*^^M^^l^-^

tHOW TO REACH OUR «T T * #■*. * SELL T0 crTY WAREHOUSE. *|(fp I Illlf|Tl RESIDENTS. Our sis-storey Warehouse stands at . "| •* 111 I 1111 fI I II II I ' the Corner of Hobeon and Wyndhara MIT IHI J W/ *A* V * • JL I ill 111 |f | #— • Whether you are a Shareholder or Streets—only mree minutes- walk f|i I #11 I I LI 111 lA ». not. you can Lake full advantage of from Qneen Street. When commp into ■|Asll Ml » ~f ■ |lgf J *% V J llf O this Sale- All our Departments are town, ask the tram conductor to let 111 LJ X, I w open to everybody and we *il] delirer you off at Wyndham Street. Those I II W III 1 I "' WlMffliß ■fc■ II 111 \ * LI v °=r order if yon reside in our who come from the Ferries should I l| w iP V Delirerv Zone. foDow the Heme Bay tram lines along ■ • —IfiE SES P S S3»S S ■888 SS S " Bltß' RF«T pnn\t Customs Street and Hobson Street-a * =$11 Ii 111 S SSlS s Sillli ! ON F^OOP few minntes- walk wiU bring yao to WM ,-jj jt IS fe MB tt PM ■ ft Jj Hj B 8151 4 ON FL RMTURE FLOOR. I PICTURES AT LESS DRAPERY AT HALF PRICE. M 3 Coillv) SEWING MACHINES felt hats, m Black. AND GLASSWARE _~... ..,.. nninc „ _ __.. xßTocrw \\fla\ * " and Grey— Usual Price. 15 6. mi is wi.nwwiiniii.. THAN HALr rnlut. 32-INCH WHITE twil.l« Wlflft TO-MORROWS PRICE. Q/11 brown rockingham teapots, m V% YARD. Mfr |g\ HAIF PRIfF MEVS NEGLIGE SHIRIS. in nelt W subje.-'ii- 10-select from. \ V \M\ N& m.Ka\mjuL 1 I\lV*lJ» Stripes. Colours guaranteed to stand To-morrow's framed pictures— 72 -INCH PLAIN UNBLEACHED Now - 5 your n:t t0 secur , boilmg. Don't miss this splendid offer Price 23 27 2s 3-5 £*,;»',PH-. -. ■iMißiiiiJif'nff 1 ss^pS^. 6/3 each, -ssts^large sepia pictures— faction— Usually 7/11. >■ ■--' home feTrin - •" ,£ - v -"• --■' ' --: Pn-. ? m. t^-j^-h— —« "hSFfbtcrs/htawx l[7,,~_~~T~nl r-;P';^flrS ; LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING AT ~ »|g- -■ -»— -Mbrar.ff3- „.„,„ WHITE |^|||S ; ||| half pr.ce. Jl^™~ I SHEETING. Another line you will Ma, " fl " c ::i "■'■ :; - : V>V: - ' v No. 118—LADIES'CAMISOLES of nne i-., : ■;. 1 q nx-Ti- be pleased with— Usually 8 11. 7i iMflilffilaW a^ v5 ™" nts '" fn^ rtn ? White Long-cloth, daintily trimmed Tomorrow's Price, 49. 9 o>Li - H\LF PRICE. A /CV:, YARD. >/ T —^■-.'• -•-~ with Lace! Sizes W. and OA— glass fru.t disked LAWN MOWERS AT ' 4 5 ' /ffl w , o u.^ r . T TSr i HALF PRICE. 80-inch -spero- twill sheet- Jllt^ ;:™. ?f : : 5 3 - ;: Vt, :: II ING, unbleached. A great bargain— uuSinra \mHWI ~1 L, ™.. ~ No. 113—LADIES - WHITE COTTON '-= -• "H. 39 j Usually 8 7 yard. K\|lf FrrmAs The First TnREE Machines BLOOMERS Women's only— '.'"' : ' m •■ - " -- 1 3 ! HALF PRICE. 4 /Q 3 o YARD. !|rll fialsai Sold TO-MORROW will go at Usually 511 "" " ,','" : - m ' ':'" \V 29 shiS ins *Ac^ N V\?'^J" SATE SEW,NG x %^^? BS nSn™ RE M ES e f TUMBLERS HALF-PRICE. 1/111, J £6 16/3 T ° £10 16 3 AT BIG REDUCTIONS. is of" selected material, well 32-INCH ''SPERO STRIPED tLA. - I J H\IF PRICE n n Vv«S3 I a I finished with three blades, adjust- NELETTE. suitable lor pyjamas— ttAUmLt. g / g i -I f 3 ""'"L-su'aliSce. 68.3. . NIGHTDRESSES— Mmo: 3 "iilJ~l The Farmers , Union Trading Co. ( t W£MB 'Iliaicr 3 OORNER trS^^^f , eTREETS ' AUCKLAND. HALF PR "io' =

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 159, 6 July 1921, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 159, 6 July 1921, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 159, 6 July 1921, Page 11