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! humane work i>f tlip Allies, j ; The Weather liureaii forecast for 24 ; hour* from !l a.m. t!ii- clay i* a> follows: - Indications are I'.ir frp*iien:iuf northerly wind*, moderate to ;>al«- at timc~. Wcatlior i-loiiilv to ovcivaet. Kain proliahii , shortly. Ituronu'ti'r falling. Sea nioilcrnti , : tides good. \\ hut lire probably livord prices for! poultry in the Au-klaml market were realised to-day at auction in tlio City Mark.-s. li'la.-k Orjiinsrton cockerels were si'liinp from si/ to !i 5 ca.-li. and li' , in {rood i-iinditiuii -sold from .v to 7' apiece: chirk* for killing riinnin? up to l> s each. 'l'lio-i- liiall prirr« arc lioinfr calico,! by iin- yen sliort supply <>l poultry. an<l iliis i~ -ai<l to !>e due tv the railway restrict ions. Local poultryrtien would do 'vpil to tako advantage of ihc boom ■to get Uicir birds to market.

Preparations for thr rebuilding of the bonlire on Alt. Eden are moving apace. A feme has been erected around the big poles (which are to act aa supports), presumably a» o defining line to bo recognised by the publi' , . A flag flies from the longest of the poles with a seemingly pleading invitation to those who might be later tempted to set the stack alight before the time appointed to be British and refrain from giving effect to any such thought. Recommended by it.- Works (. ointnitteo, the City 'Vnincil has authorised a poll to be taJven in the Grey Lynn district on the proposal to raiee £100.000. Five thousand of thin is to lx> used for drainage, £8.">,<)00 for street improvements, and the remaining £10,000 has already been spent. The vouncil has agreed that special rates to cover interest ami other charges can be dealt with by legislation. rissatisfaetion at the existing rates of pay, which it is claimed represent less tiian a living wnge, is general among members of the Victorian police force.. At a Melbourne meeting attended by between -MO ami :HIO ineinbi rs of the Victorian Police Association several speaker-, made comparisons between the pay of policemen and that granted to the member* of industrial unions. It was puiiited ..hi that for S' a <Uv. ..r S' :1 night, as tiic case might be, constables > were expected to protect from molefctA tion loyalist workers on the wharves who were receiving up to 1-1 a day. and on , certain occasions up to :il/<i a night. The aim of the police is ait increase of -! per day for those constable now in receipt I of S, per day. ami tin- re«t oral ion uf the] pensions. It whs resolved Hint tho chief commissioner of ~olicc (Sir licorge , Steward) should he asked to make arrangements (or a deputation to MiiiM-l t.r~. I When examining a witness ai tiio Court yesterday, Mr .1. .1. Sullivan sturtej t<, interpolate some commentary by way of a statement intended to illuminate the point at issue, duel Detective McMahuii raided the objection that coim-cl Imil no t it;lit to iimke ,i >tateluent of what he could nut jr,. t in evidence. Mi Sullivan replied that in tin* old d:tys counsel for iicciHcd were n--| Htricted in their addles* to the jury, 'but even when «v lestricted counsel won* allowed to get on an address, lor a statement to elucidate sonic point. (when examining. »r iMOs*. -examining a ; witnes*. That «.u, a notal.le practice j with the late Daniel (tVonmll. "No doubt. In the old ,iay-." remarked Mi" Hunt, S.M.. with a " smile, an.l the matter was not pursued further on either side. Tlie TeacheiV Court of Appeal opened its r-itting* in Auckland yesterday tor the purpose ot hearing the appeal- ol about M teacheiK against the positions allotted to them <>n the lent grading lwt. The chairman it. .Mr -I. \V. Poyiiton, S.M.. hie associates being .Mr .1. v'aughlcy. Assistant Director of Kdncation, representing the Department, .mil Mr ('. It. Munro, representing Ihe teachers. .Mr K. K. Mulgan. senior inspector o! Kchook.. is in attendnnce for the purpose <>I suing evidem-e when required. The Court, which is holding its sittings "i Auckland for the first time under the new constitution, dealt with eight or nine appeals yesterday aii'l heard several more this morning , . The Anvkfnmi sittings are expected to extend over four or live day* at the least. I A pleasing function took place at the 'ooeial gathering of th<- Northcote WoDH'lfs PrOJjressive League yesterday afternoon, when the president (Mrs <■• Kraseri handed, a handsome gold watt-n to Mr* A. T.iylor as a mark of the esteem in which «he was held by her i co-workers throughout the war period, ' and of their great appreciation of her work a- organiser and sec-rctarv of tlie various war relief and patriotic activities. The watch liore the inscription :-- •Presented to Mrs A. Taylor by the Northeote branch of the Auckland Women"* Provincial Patriotic League. 1!U!>." Mr* Krascr voiced the gTatitude of the laities of the district of the patient perseverance, energy, and enthufiasm shown by Mrs Taylor in all the labour? of love on behalf of the soldieri undertaken by tie ladies of the district. An accident occurred nt Cumtown. , Whitiangii, last Monday, which resulted i in \\to. death of a noy name.l Owen Hodge, 14 years, son of Mr. Roderick Hodge, A settler ill the district. The boy was riding round a narrow siding track, accompanied by his brother, when his horse slipped over the edge and pinned him down by the leg. As hr iv.i* lying down hill, his brcilier was unable to extricate him. and, after tying tlie horse's heai!. went for the assistance ol his father. When they returned they found that the hiirse had worked further down the hill, and so crushed the lad that he died in a few minutes. An ini|iies-t was Mil sequently held at which a verdict of accidental death was returned. Two large shipments of fruit have ' been Wrought to Auckland from the I'll■■!lit- Islands during the past week. On Saturday last the Flora arrived from i Uarotoii",, and Tahiti with 1.-,.(lfli> eases, about 11.000 ~i wliicii were oranges. Owins to the rough weather met by the Horn and the con-e.,ueiit delay ill her arrival, about lnlf of the oranges were , found, en discharge, to lie unfit fir consumption. The quality and . ondUion ot the hamulus brought from Western \ Pacific by the Talune is described by the inspector as good. ; ' The pay of medical olliwrs. whose ser- , vices arc Uiiit; retained for the care of ■ the wounded, is to lie considered by the Cabinet The Minister tor Defence" (Sir , -Innie* Allen) states that Hiouj;;! the ; war is over, the services! ot these ollicers i , are siill required, and as their retention I means that they cannot re-establish , their private practice, it i-, fel: some- , tiling sliotilil be done in reeosnition of '.. their snerilicc. Tlie Waikato Hospital Board decided! ''to appoint a doctor as so,)n as possible ! for the Knwhia Hospital, providing the - j Government subsidy is available, the : j medical superintendent in the meantime to try and secure another junior for the \\ aikato Hospital. A meeting of the Agricultural and Pas. I toral Workers - Ini.-n held : .t Palmer,ton . North carried a resolution endorsing the actii-n of the cseutive in refiisiny t!ie oiler of the sheep owner- regarding shed • hard*' wages, pledging the union to ■ assist the executive to secure full rates t for shed tmiiils. I The Wanaka arrived here ihi* morn- ; ing from Newcastle with ]-!ii liags of i Australian mail on board. It in being fumigated during the cmrse or the after.noon. and will b" distribute llirotigh v-ity ' and suburbs tα-morrow morning. ! 'I'll.- attention of our readers is ealle.-l . to iht , a z<llllll in another column of the ; visit of Thr'r Majesties the King and • Uiicrn to the famou* works ~t Messrs Wii'K.-r and Hall nt MielTiekl. I -I have never been rthopping liere I hefore. l>ut shall certainly conn l again." i is a frequent remark heard at tlie A.8.C., J-Pitt ilreet Corner, — (Ad.J

A serious motor smash occurred last evening at about 9.15 o'clock at the corner of Islington Ktroet and .Jervois Hoad, l'onsonby. A Ford motor far, driven by Mr Hobson. of Win-rate and Co.. was proceeding in the direction of Heme Ray. when the steering gear looked, and the car crashed into one of the plane trees that line the border of the street. The car was badly wrecked, and the occupants all ejffcred damage Fortunately the accident occurred close to the residence of Dr. ilolmdeil, who promptly rendered medical relief for the injured driver and hi* two lady passengers. Misses Nairn and Carter. Their injuries consisted of a number of very M-'vero cuts and bruises. Whilst on a shooting expedition nt Hokio on Tuesday, Joseph Rose, of Ix-vin. met witli a eerious accident. 11l company with anothe.r man. he was driving in a trap, and wh»n descending a dip in the road the occupants were thrown forward. Hose's foot came into I'ontact with the hammer of his loadedj jjuu. and the charge exploded, tearing the clothing from hi.» left side and inflicting a large lacerated wound just i over the region of the heart and passing under the left arm. lie whs driven to I Levin for attention, and in now pro grcs-inp favourably. The i epid baths and the hot and fold slipper baths in the same building- have I lircn nf .-ucli great public convcniFncp tliat the demands made on them, especially on the slipper baths, have been very heavy. This popularity led Mr. T. Illoodwortli. Nt a previous City Council meeting tii link whether these private baths could be open to the people till iiin.- o'clock every eveninjf. instead of < lorfinc at -ix. a= now. The ouestion has been referred to the bathkreper. kviio reported that they acre, now heavily overtaxed, and to keep them open longer uoiild necessitate a much larger boiler. At present the hot water supply was iiit-uliiriciit. and the keeper .»u£-».'-t.d earnest consideration of th,- qcu-s tion. The City Kngiiieer also m-de a report, and Mijfgested two i-chemes for iniprovemeir.s tg. the bath>. One wa» ret'■•uiiiieiiile 4 l by the Work- Committee, and Tin , Council "rave its approval last nijjht. The «oheme is to make additions to the btiildinu:. nrovide three new baths, :i new l>oilor. and other ?ece«*ories. This is estimated to fo»t 1!4 >■">. The jfi'PHt deal i>f diinkin" taking place on railway trains vva- referred to by the chairman at tiie last meeting of tin- North i antcrbury branch of the Karmer-" I'nion. Parents oi children nllO travelled on ihe line had asked liiin to take ?ome action in the matter. On frequent occasions tiie lavatories on the train were practically turned into email liar-. The following motion was carried: "That the executive draw the attention o. : the trallic manager in Canterbury to the growing habit of drinking intoxicating liquors to excess on the south train." Ashley's Busy Cornpr, Xcwton. for value in kapok and down quilte.— (Ad.)

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Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 164, 11 July 1919, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 164, 11 July 1919, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 164, 11 July 1919, Page 4