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JUc. «£-/_/ {" Always Busy.") __Jl] IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY YOUR CLOTHING AND HOUSEHOLD ___. NEEDS AT J.CX. COLOSSAL SALS PRICES. __K S 4 r ~,___ " • it* i a n rt j_ _. 1 Millinery Priced Less , Colossal Sale Bargains in Manchester Goods at Costumes of Style and Quality Now than half usual. Model Frocks and Costumes Ladies Coats. Money bavmg rnces. Offering at Greatly Reduced Prices. l_d__. black Brazilian straw ready. Priced Remarkably Low to Clear. _y __ V """J ___-_____._>_. _. » _-___ TO WEARS, in medium Sailor shape, trimmed '"SMART GREY POPLIN COATS, "' ~__it.. ' WELL-CUT COSTUMES IN WRITE PIQUE AND COTTON GABARDINE. _?_____&_,"Tt. 6° el™*' * """ SMART FROCK IN WHITE, with overdress of Lemon and Blue \ !a . _ b „-_ de belt across back and panel "acea 2™rd * c '-> ! " s have dee t . Roli collars. Inset sleeves, turned-back cuffs, and military snaae—usnally 17/b each shaped bodice, with dainty vest of Vol. with White Also in WHITE POI_I_, faced with __-■ }-,- _, _~ , pockets. Gathered skirts—Usually. .19/6. ColOSSal Sale Price, 6/11 each. Lace and Insertion. Deep hemstitched collar and cuffs of fine .suaiiy, 59/6. Colossal Sale Price, 11. d. yard. Colossal Sale Price 32/6 >wwte v _ie--Usu_i_ o Wnea. Colossal Sale Price, __»/ o. » *-" , ' / " i___jies' unblocked panama hats, with Colossal Sale Price, 59/6. NATURAL TUSSORE HALF-LENGTH COATS, with pockets, sash ___„„_., ,-.,_.,_ „.„„, 7rl _~,,_. ._.„ SMART COSTUMES IN TUSSORE COLOURED TROPICAL SUITING, with me^,'*! m c .. Wn „ and . j"?™;, „4 riUI .Fo-. ' ' belt, and big collar— Usually, 45/-. CREW DSON WHITE CALK O, 3Mn. wide, pure UoII ( . o | lars , inset glpeves> deep cuff - f _ ncy poc kets and belts. Trimmed qualities—Usnally, 7/11, 9/11, 15/6, and 20/- SMART COSTUME IN: UNTEARABLE TAFFETA SILK Coat Colossal Sale Price 35/-. ££»' p ffiJ?S , _.?W """ "' l * _& buttons " »""*■ ~ -"• " wlth -—** Colossal Sale Prices, 2/11, _V_"____s__ if ___;<_,_? _i_. ttol £ f SMA aYd ?S_ T p_2__ 8 __ KELTS' _?"«W135: Colossal Sale Price, 1/6. yard. Colossal Sale Price, 37/6. C 3/11, 6/11 and 9/11 each! Ni — fe—fSSSSS" G_____s. 5i;,/ '"' „ , 1~ 1 ti • Qfl/c USEFUL COSTUMES IN COLOURED POPLIN, with medium-length coat with "' ' COIOSSaI sale JfriCe, _**_*. O. r.6-INCH MADAFOLAM. suitable for children's strapping, of Self, step collar, belt all round. Gathered skirt with belt. In SMART UNTRIMMED PANAMA HATS, with VERY SPECIAL LINE OF TAFFETA COSTUMES, in Nigger CREPE DE CHINE SPORT COATS, in Mole. Nattier, or Pink. underwear. Fine .oft quality—Usually, lljd. Rose, Saxe, or Brown—Usually, 40/0. staight brim and creased crown—Usually, Navy, Fawn, or Putty. Coat has Sailor collar and belt at Sleeves and yoke outlined with spoke-stitching—Usnally, 65/-. yard. _"____«!_ ._1» Pi-i. _ IQ/fi 10/6 and 13/6 each. waist. High-waisted skirt, slightly gathered—Usually, is Colossal Sale Price, 39/6. Colossal Sale Price, 9.d. yard. saie rice, iy/b. Colossal Sale Prices, 3/U, Guineas. ,«„,«, Rr , ■„___ LADIES' BLACK SICILIAN DUST COATS, with large lapel collar LADIES' POPLIN COSTUMES, with loose-fitting belted coat, Sailor collar and and 5/11 each. COiOSSaI Sale _fl_e, O (..UltieaS. md ruffs Full flttine Usually 49/6. inset sleeves. Skirt eased at back and finished with belt, ln Rose, Saxe, or ana cuns. n«mg y, / 36-INCH RUTTERCLOTn, very superior quality— Brown—Usually, 45/-. TTVT_i\r\t.n <SHA.F. T_ .tw. TACFT CHIFFON TAFFETA SILK COSTUMES, in Navy, Brown. Grey, or COiOSSaI bale Price, __>/b. Usually. 7/3 dozen. p. „ le . „ : -,„,_ U .____» lim ._*«»„ ___S Mol< *- m **- d <* wit >* sma " collar: waistcoat of Black _nd • LADIES' SMART DUST COATS IN CREAM SICILIAN. Designed ColOSSal Sale Price 4/11 dozen Colossal Sale Price, 19/6. _£_£_■_* _-_& .?.-»__. J™" Check, or White Silk ; wide band at hem trimmed with with big; lapel collar and «M»W- C ° loSSal *** 4/11 dMOD KRYICBABU. COSTUMES IN DARK BROWN LUSTRE, with ,„____«__ l'~»V. W% each. . S_._SS_ "** « dust coa__T^v-.T_____JT__i «i fltting. with belt. white tuukis.i towels, good stout makes. _T__^_V__S.^.' tollar ' '° set "— " nd bnM battoas - "*' Co, °^! h Sale 4/11 Colossal Sale Price, 7 Guineas. Collar trimmed with Oriental trimming—Usually. 27/6. Itehablejor rair. S|zes. 1M I 43 jiO x 4_ Colossal Sale Price, 55/-. A VERY SPECIAL BARGAIN IN A WHITE FRENCH LAWN ColOSSal bale tTICe, 1./b. ' ' ' A VARIETY OF UN-RIMMEn. STRAW SHAPES, FROCK. The underskirt iR finished with Insertion at hem. A LADIES' CREPE DE CHINE SPORT COATS, with big collar, belt t>ale 1 TICBS, 1/11, _/_, _/_* pair SMART COSTUMES IN SILK JERSEY CT.OTII. Designed with step collar. in various styles and shades—Usnally, 6/11 three-quarter length overskirt. beautifully hand-embroidered, at waist In Sky Gold or Black— Usually, 40/0. wU,t ' i ■■• s( ' , - sleeves, self cuffs and buttons. Panel back and front, with dla- each. - na finished with French medahion—Usually, 1_ Guineas. Colossal Sale Price, 29/6.' 28 -inch cotton shirting, strong,__!_,. a __™_____f^J__S__"_S"_ _?^ e _Lil. c ._..__.' ._ d Colossal Sale Price, 1/11 -Colossal Sale Price, 59/6. __ : «-•] -lectlon of smart stripes-Usual.,-. 2/2 ~„„, „e, i( , , Mrj , <Sn . y , Turquoise, Nigger, or Black-Usnally, 7 Guineus! e ach. ' > SMART VOILE DRESS in White ground, with N_vy Stripes and _-ii i _■ i n • i /. i _ ColOSSal Sale Price. 49/6. Spots. Skirt loosely gathered and Snished with Navy ColOSSal bale Price, 1/11 yard. ' LADIES' FANCY rOPLIN HATS, In White or Crepe de Chine band at waist. White Voile slip underneath 1. __•__•_ in C _____*_ -Vl__, Man'c M__-rr>OPW BLACK FUJI SILK COSTUMES, with step collar, revers and ends. Semi-fitting ' Champagne, with fancy colouredl figure..Trim- chemisette effect at top—Usually, !) Guineas. JtSaPffalllS irOm 1116 Jlieil S HlerCery 36-INCH PYJAMA CLOTH in smart patterns -* 0 "' *»"> **"■•>-- Pockets, with lo_g bands attached and ftnishing beneath ?>«> w "„ coloured band and bow—Usually, ColOSSal Sale Price, 59/6. ° — , , Reliable for wear— Usually. 2/3 yard b,,|r - Corslet skirt-Usually, 97/ti. 1./6 each. ___' Department. Colossal Sale Price, 1/11 yard. Colossal Sala Price, 69/6. C ° loS £h Sale PnCC ' * /U " MENS NATURAL COTTON UNDERVESTS, summer weight, n(ce soft ,„.„„„ „_„,_.„ . _~„„„ 1 ONLY BI_ACK CREPE DE CHINE COSTUME short coatee style, with pleated " p «______*4.__•___ 1 \7olha_ S__ finish—Usually. 3/6. 3 °' l *_H?Hn_ _ ,n.Pt '«„ _n.- _ , P and rucked skirt. « omen s si_e— Usually. 5J Guineas. LADIES' STRIPED SI I__ RBADY-TO-WEARS. HXCeDtlOnal VaiUeSlll Colossal Sale Price, 2/11. weari J. g .""""T^TS'• f/.. „ Colossal Sale Price, 69/6. smart for present w«r-c.__ai y . 25/. each. -Awpuwuw tc.iuc_. MEN l_na.fy T .^ L —'^' a ° d B °» -«*" C ° loSSal SalC P " Ce ' 0 ONLY LKUIT-WEIGIIT SHANTUNG COSTUMES, with coloured medallions 6AI BOyS' Appard. r>Xl___„l C„l_ D_{__ 9/11 pytvma Fr wx-r-T f-tt. in inch,. _-ih„ in „ woven into the material. Smart style, with deep Sailor collar, finished with eacn. COiOSSaI bale friCe, _/11. ,__it. iw.hi wlde ' ll ! n ■ Cream Silk buttons and buttonhole effects. Cream Silk revers, belt and BOYS' SILK PETER PAN HATS, in Coloured Stripes—Usually, 4/6 each MEN'S MOTTLED COTTON UNDERPANTS, light weight—Usually, 2/3 r ~_!_• 1/. .«rrl • quality facings on elongated pockets. Corslet skirt with pleat.. Women's size— Sale Price 2/11 each " Colossal Sale Price, 1/6. Colossal Sale Price, 1/4 .yard. Colossal Sale Price, 49/6. COiOSSaI bale Bargains champagne s_ade-usnaii y . 2/9 Mc _. MEN *V6 .-.h" WEIGHT NATURAL COTTON UNDERVESTS-Usnally. LATHES' BLACK JAPANESE SILK COSTUMES, seml-fitting. with Self collar. \_\ NeC__Wear BOYS ' TUSSORE SILK PADDY HATS, in small sizes-Usually, 2/0 each! Colossal Sale Price, 1/11 each. Xir_i?hert_ e Zk__ b u_uau. o. _ rt Balhercd " and flP ' ißhed " Sa,e Price ' 1/1: l each ' nuiPRPAVTS h _rt I'snnllv •« 11 nair Prtneofc O_* PI __«_ 1-1 _1 rr a. ntt , _ P ,8 ™ , __ _, ORGANDI MUSLIN COLLARS, ln Sailor and Roll BOYS' PANAMA HATS, in assorted shapes and sizes. Ideal for present. UNDERPANTS to match—Lsnally.. 11 ***»■*• UOrSeiS al Oieannff ColOSSal Sale Price, 89/6. . shapes, trimmed with Lace and Embroidery— wear—Usually, 6/11, 7/11, 8/U, 10/6, 12/6 each. Colossal Sale Price, 1/11 pair. O usually, 2/3, 2/6 a_d 2Ai, each. SaiePrices 4/11 5/11 6/11 7/11 9/11 each MEN'S MEDIUM WEIGHT NATURAL COTTON UNDERYESTS— Pi. PP. WHITE JAPANESE SILK COSTUMES, with step and plain collar. Inset sleeves ColOSSal Sale Price, 1/6 each. __„„,__. _______ T^T „. ._- /__r__ k_. _ ' *1 v^_ Usually 3/6 each X I li/OS>_ with tali and button at wrist, belt at waist, and patch pockets. Corslet CHILDREN. JERSEYS IN NAVY COTTON, buttoned on the shoulder. ColOSSal Sale Price 2/11 each skir '' va * ni "' wll - h smM belt—Usually. 65/-. MUSLIN EMBROIDERED BOLL COLLARS. Very Slzfts ' 2 2_ to . 26-inch chest—Usnally 4/U to 5/0 ea^h. V.Ull_s___ ___. rntc, _./±i c_t«. JCL corsets, in Grey only. Reliable for _„l_s_s_l Sal. PrirP dP/fi useful size for Blouses or Costumes—Usually, ColOSSal Sale Price, 4/6 eaCIl. UNDERPANTS to match—Usually, 3/6 pair. wear and comfort. Sizes. 10. 20, 21. 26, 27. C-OIOSSai OaiC mcc, 43/0. h g _„_,_._ «.,-.- _ __r-_x, ___.__•_ __■.._ _ i /-i_l ,„_! C3„l_ i>_i o/il —„:_ ". •>_ -,nri -ii ik,„iir _/m B/ii 7/11 ~_,i ' A ,* .r. 1 _. ■ i_ CHILDREN'S NAVY COTTON JERSEYS, with Polo collars. Sizes, 22 Colossal bale ___cc, 2/11 pair. 10/e p_i° l - saaW; " ' >/n ' 8/11 ' " •*• • uui superior costumes of white Japanese silk, with sen collar, panel Colossal Sale Price, 6d. each. and 24m.. 28, 30 and ._>__.— usually, 5/6 and 5/0, 6/3 to 6/9. MEN'S STRAW BOATERS, in all sizes, slightly soiled—Usually. 5/U to _ i t_ • __.._..-_. hack and front of coat, smartly-cut sleeve with stitched tab, stitched pleats Now. 4/11. 5/6. 12/6 each. Sale PriCCS, 3/11, 4/11, 5/11, forolnß panW U«. bell round wulst. Corslet skirt with box pleats back and SPOT AND PLAIN NET SAILOR COLLARS. _,_„_.„_„„ ' ' '„' „.__,_. -,„„„„ ~_. „_„„ To Plpar at ./11 P_rh ar_ B/11 nair ' front—Usually, 6 Guineas. trimn.ed with Val. Insertion—Usually, 1/9 CHICKEN'S ALL-WOOL NAVY RIBBED THREE-QUARTER HOSE, lOLiearai d/ll eacn. a__a O/ll pair. •" . and 3/a] each _ with coloured turn-over tops. Sizes, 5 and 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10—Usually, MEN'S COTTON BATHING SUITS, In Navy with White, Red and Light COiOSSaI __le 1 TlCe, .5/-. Coin .<__ ._lp Price 1/fi each 3/6 ' 3/9 to 3/11 P*** l " — Blue facings. Sizes. S.M., M„ o.B—Usually, 5/6, 5/U, 6/6. WHITE CORSETS, in the following sires: 10. 20. , nvl .. „..,,„, , „ XT rn „ TI . MP .„ Ix , W „ ITP ,~,_, X w ,, h P , M „ „ V,UIUS__I _.__« mw, i/ o c_t«. N 2 /H 3/3 pair. _«1_ !__:.„., _/_ _/_ _ y-l _ ..- .... ..- ~-. ~<, _o_ _ _ -, 3 ONI.i EX< ( OSTIMI'.S IN \\III_E JAP. SILK, with Cape collar on * ' y ' v COiOSSaI Sale ITICeS, 4/b, 4/b, 4/11. 2.>. 2, 21 28, _0. and SO. OrraUy rednced— .shoulders, divided al back. Self cuffs, panel back with Inverted pleats on CREAM POPLIN SAILOR COLLARS, with col- CHILDREN'S NAVY ALL-WOOL THREE-QUARTER RIBBED HOSE, MEN'S "PRINCE" BRACES, with good strong elastic webbiif- and cord V. /. lr' either side, seam across hips, tie belt on front of coat. Skirt eased at waist oured Blanket stitching—Usnally, 2/11 and with coloured turn-over tops. Sizes, 4, 5 and 6, 7 and B—Usually,B—Usually, * ends. Fittings slightly tarnished—Usually, 2/3 pair. ' p with belt and pouch pockets attached—Usually, 7 Guineas. 3/6 each. m 3/4 to 3/8, 3AO and 3/11 pair. To Clear at 1/6 pair. Sale Prices, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, Colossal Sale Price, 79/6. Colossal Sale Price, 2/6 each. Now, 2/IL, 3/3 pair. MEN'S BLACK COTTON HALF-HOSE (BLACK CAT), stronc make— 7/11, 8/11 and 9/11 pair. cuiht sut/w pott >_ tk OTRIPRtI CHILDREN'S WHITE COTTON SOCKS, with coloured tops; good wearing Usually. 1/6 pair. g 3 ONXY WHITE JAP. SILK COSTUMES, with Cape _,Ilar and Self revers, SMA , R jJ r **ft? B G_>___a__—____J v 4/litach <- n » Ut - r ' Slzcs - 2 - 3 and 4 ' 5 - 6 - 7 * md B—Usually, 1/5, 1/6 and 1/7, /-______ C_l« !>.;„„ O _♦-:__ *„ o/1i smartly cut sleeve with lab and button at wrist: loose back to coat a_d tie WO SILK. Good shades— usually, 4/11 eacn. J/g jCOiOSSaI bale l*rice, 6 Pairs tor 3/11. ABDO CORSETS. Reliable Self-reduclne Corset. bpUi front filllsh od with smart diagonal seams below crossover belt. Skirt ColOSSal Sale Price, 3/6 e_o_ TVnw 1/ _ 1/A nair MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, with coloured borders—Usually, 7d. each. ~ n '\ h ,' te < ' ou i) 1 - with low bust, mad( . rore |et style, eased at waist, with Self bockles and tie belt—Usually. """' x/ °'' x/ " l"" 17 - ' *_*__- . for 1 /fi ' ons hps rnodlum back - Oexollne supports. 7 Guineas. CREPE DE CHINE SAD_OR COLLARS, ln _t_*e CHILDREN'S TAN CASHMERE THREE-QUARTER HOSE, smart appear-1--UW, o lur J./U. Suspenders attached. Sizes, 21 to 30— P_l__c,_l Golo Pr!_ » 7Q/fi shades. Unished with hemsUtching—Us__fy, ance and durable. Sizes, 0, 10, 11 and 12—Usually, 2/9, 2/11, 3/3 ' MEN. WHITE CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS—UsuaIIv. 7d. each. Usually. 10 0 pair. I_OIOSSai Oaie ITICe, /f/O. 2/6 each and 3/6 pair. Now, 3 for 1/6. Colossal Sale Price, 12/6 pair. —I g a le p r i ce , 1/11 each. Colossal Sale Prices, 2/6, 2/11 pair. lAHM r"*r_lTf_>T I 4_J ' Auckland's Leading Drapers, JV/nili 1 , JL.ia_, THE J.C.L., QUEEN ST.

'•V_k«_l I D__n _• Tl_-t-l# f1 Bo_* pw.p'« *m tell yon that tht ■811-_________il________lt MM HDI ________N__M________N___| ■________-________________-_____________________________ Y6SI I IIOU I Ml-- fountain ,_n __,»r le___ H . T ■ _>_> ■ ■ _r___ _ ■ ■•■•■• i and ,_ I j wa - 8 rea( jy to write, "_ 8 . , You've had one and you know, and __. say la the follies' i_____Tt_l wordii I / *«_B_. \. ■w. _r _> _k. _> _P _i—__ ■ i__ I __ _A ___,J_i H H ___. I BP" V __P*^ " V _/__._.;__ /_3___X DUNLOP LAMBOURNE'S -Never !•_■.„ I / .M_t__M ___■ \ I T™ h .a ear a C MS:i3:S^: t^,ng ot_ 5 i always a-headi * will Furnish your House jet yourself ? I 1 /y tirfXsS_\r I 1 It can _• obtained, price _>/-___ ti. w«_, : nlso SHOTO V.ltt-I_, fnr tho-!? who do not I \ I And TOT _ S_U_, ___S •__» 1 __M3_ k-tchdl tO parloUT in UD-tO-late Style, w_iit« Self-Filling: Safct. Pen ,&- from all s_tiou«_. jeweller* and ito.-cs. ■ \ _M'!'-'i*v3S_ I / _ rt • _ B _rit-l_ • _•__»__- .__.!:_., _____ «* ___*-. »U_»Manufacturer.: ___._. La Ru. & Co. Ltd.. 167____ Row. !____. E.C 8 .&_-___£__. / a £eW PriC« of OUT | With .UpCTlOr quaUty good, at P _lCe« that jfgggu . M_,i.A~...: __-_W^?S»• , - \**Wj3r*' J S wiU show you a big saving. The reasons for N "°" AHB "L-f LO " OHO "l— I \f &&-£<*/ WHITE TREAD GROOVED COVERS I our low prices are— __!!_£...» /-/%s _-_ml____3__PKssw i an_ our AU RED TUBES. I 11/T 1 ARE OUT OF THE CITY HIGH RENT DISTRICT """ roomi,n i . , -1 WEI ARE ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS x^i^L-«*________ l .4W>// • 1 _ SIZE COVERS TUBES SIZE _____ TUBES I .. .„ , U <^___^_fSa_a r mimr. ->*-F~ i _.__._. _______ It will always pay you to get our prices and _m **n 9E__> irf I I _ • ■ see our values. _fl a /I I Jft | 700/85 590 10 6 820/120 91002 00 | , _ __■ ■ ,■» , _*_-_»_._«-_»,,_■_■,,__ 1 JJJJJJ liso 12 6 920/120 10 10 024 . I f_F#_H| WHITCOMBE'S PRESENTATION ONOTO PENS | 765/ies 712e1 13 0 30/3* e1261 30 ! __JPilfT-__l The I_„c.t Selection and Greatest Variety of Point, in the Dominion. jj 810/Sfi 6 12 fi 1 S 0 31/4 815 0 1 11 0 S _ < *j( /'3j___S_B I KEUAKI.B SELF-FILLING I'ENS IN Ort / I I GOLD MOUNI RD. in 97/ CI- Cl. /10 / I 9 ..._«._,_, _«____._. I ___t iT*MI 1 -11 _U____jaM_i ■_ 1 CARDBOARD BOX. TOST FHF.H -»/- | | rr.._...i._ 5..J..1J..J c.._. t0 111/IU/- | | SlfJ/105 8 5 0 114 S Cl 7 S 1 8f | T» ffij _.- 'TVI a T V . R c._fS A ?^_i^o R N ED SPARE PARTS STOCKED ,B » ou » D gSK_ w,NDOW = 815/1201» 10 15 02 0 0 33/4 95•1 13 6 = l__*___l_!^^_l^__l^ PEN PEPAgTMENT y S ■■- G.P.O Box 63, a__i__ | 875/105 81501 18 6 34/4 9001 13 6 I 11/^-lP^-^^^kU I I BRITISH THROUGH AND THROUGH. | ft.- W !IPt__H_ll_W_Tr I T-I/-N« iC_/>\XTr\ir*Xr _0 __/ nt* X, I 1 Thau- __lHM_n of Qn-Jily and Price make. "DUN-OPS" the I a nuubewori. lb j______j.c _»_» w wxxv.-. i mo , t ra , u . b! . AMOcUtion for «,. M ot__u «f n,w _-_u-d. 1 n-_^_ih__ k _i M f HA,R 1^ Make it Easier by Using the o_ ? gSSSg-L* Shino'DustabsorbingFamily T^±±i! üb b___.°i__l sfr ±_!_i d - _ffc 1 S A 4.' 1 £ T_) lr\a-S I - THli P,ONF - ER MANUFACTURERS of the PNEUMATIC TYRE | CCR B Housekeeping ia endless work—there is the same thing to be done X _______________-_________-_-_-----___---_-_. TMt*^^—__| if not more eA-ery day—in the snme old way. Dusting, sweeping, polishing—they m _, than What a laborious and' unpleasant task is it, dust flying everywhere. ■ _r tt. ,_P K_P _T-_ -> a__J j THE PEMBROKE COUTH .«_»■ being cleared out of one place and immediately settling in another. With j qj O | • *> «*_i .t, ccmlortabio Couch popular ————— . the old methods this work is one of the most dangerous tasks of the j jg_\ ___ _____" * van to giv, fullest satis- WE MAKE NO CHARGE household. The myriads of flying Jg} _o£b_ __] ' ] ln__o_?. K ** d %%, u Pho'st«»*_l FUR PACKING. Germs -which are i_ Every Household Scavter Disease J™ I ■■ ■ _ __ . in spite of th. greatest precaucions. » iSSfefc ! VM B A PJ_| _____ _rt_ H I ____. __kl ____T The "Shino" Dust-absorbing Family solve the dust problem for t_o *Wm O I WW I B__l'_| _f tU _T_C -Txl " the houseJceeper by eliminating it as a problem. Instead of being a S £j-t f 5 ' ■"■'** , _J_P r t_) %_ M-I ■_■ burdensome task, house-cleaning becomes quite a pleasant occupation. I J2 _.. Wt.f¥ ** Complete tudcet ■ .«.-._ 5 The. __Ml_P____l_H_rt_E______ ■___ ! Houm ■:.._.-->_._. three LAMPS, With a few easy strokes, dusting, polish ing, or cleaning is done, and © JT_*^__l__l__^4 J _lif____ W « =F i ni *" et ' i * PONSONBY. you have more time for other work. "Shino" gCKxls absorb all dust they i-SVO done fe%aHß^j_Hf _•_ S come iv contact with. These articles a_-e J* their bit. ota ''S- »» _ — " S_^_^* ti *""*'''* t '***'_^__--*****^ Put Throcch a *_*"o_derf_l New Che-mical Treatment. O "** ' _._"''J_-___ which attracts lint, dust, and dirt, just as the magnet attracts steel. £z __T tVBoW DON'T CCAD WDIMVI C -\_^l__l and cxtremelv economical. Because they gather and hold" the dust' | : C— 5 f?.l T >_H -HI-. \vi '.* ir "*" o *. *?■«'«>*'«*««t*> to com. by tk« _ki» fjl instead of merely scattering it, as in the case of the old-fashioned J! |2 |||P_i HJH. __' feY M«i \" -W"__««_! __%«*__ ll dust-gathering methods, they lighten the labour by half. ! ] 553" P_S \ »»_.--t _.«r; it kri>(_ __iui_! v»»_ty to t_« nl__.„f «f . ! S ' CO MB jf I i^'" d ,•""*••■"««* »k« «o» P u_io_ _.«, ipoiii ky M S3 -S i_j_r___r__i-_i /v p*_j _t-_ __>_r__«__i ~* ___l __.*___/ I _« •"* *" a •"••**"•- 0u.,_.. u _t _■■.!_.-- £n CBBICKSHANK, MILLERS Co: Ltd. ■ W J | , hardware | Victoria Street East. WSlr_y_'@ «' . Queen and Loroe Streets, Auckland. E . ____.__! 7___ FAtt E_ « V_ueen aao _ Mm ___ M _ M J W t WILL GtVl_ IO PER CENT. DISCOUNT TO ALL KNBk "SE IT A ND pbqve ITt M , R__rußt.__s. soldiers o imrouoh us 7^_______j____- wt^m |"

A telegram has been sent to the Director oi Education, Wellington, by the Canterbury School Committee's Association, stating that the overcrowding in schools which has been complained of by the Auckland Education Board obtains also in many schools in CanterI bury. The association endorses Aucki land's demand that immediate attention j be given to this matter. "A new broom sweeps clean." Ashley's j "Clean Sweep" sale commence.. Monday, ] 9 a.m. —(Ad.) I _________

TROUBLES , t' | For Btomach and liver^S r troubles you should take 7/ I Mother Seigel's Syrup, the )) U remedy which has proved ita (( 1 value in thousands upon thou- )) fl sands of cases, the world over. [| li toning up and strengthen- |] 11. ing the stomach, and gently // '/ stimulating the action of the (I l\ liver and bowels it is unsur- )) '/ passed. Under its i_fl__ace \\ )} g_lM_______fr_ia____-a__iiß)g N ®i HEIADACHES |_l) BILIOUSNESS W£ -51 CONSTIPATION |s_INDIGESTION 1?. V v>* gg ■ H -3 / Ij in thousands of cases, pains /( (( after eating, flatulence, acid- l) ll ity and other evil effects of (v ll stomach and liver disorder )) )i have been surely and quickly \\ V\ banished. Pnt it to the test // [t for yourself, to-day. |)

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Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 52, 1 March 1919, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 52, 1 March 1919, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 52, 1 March 1919, Page 14