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Electors! Electors! Electors! The present campaign is not one in support of different points of view upon a question which Parliament ha? already agreed upon, but a campaign to promote petitions to Parliament praying that opportunities be given to the Electors to express their opinions on the Licensing Question. There are Two Petitions Before You : ELECTORS, BEWARE! IF you are in FAVOUR of the ABOLITION of the Licensed Trade, with fair and reasonable COM- The supporters of one Petition endeavour disingenuously to CONFUSE THE ISSUE by attempting PENSATION, you should sign the Petition promoted by the New Zealand Alliance. to show that if the Petition promoted by the National Council is given effect to "THE TRADE WINS" unless Tin „„..«» -~ T? /v\7yyiti» ~t *U n wtvkthws *t +w« iur» nn « *, o i *• * National Prohibition is carried on a bare majority of the votes cast. a, », k fw pS ?? <*mwmpto« * They studiously omit to enlighten you that on the figures quoted by them THE ABOLITIONIST M ™£v% V q "VS?£ ™ Dominion, you should sign the Petition of the National Council praying for must of necessity be IN A MINORITY in the Dominion to enable "THE TRADE" to win, as indicated by them, a THRU,*, issue Ballot raper. AS it mugt be obyious that for « THE trade to wjn" there must be a MAJORITY of votes cast in FAVOUR __ _ ._ _ of the RETENTION of the Manufacture, Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Liquor within the Dominion, r% W*j C/jA: USE although the ELECTORS MAY BE DIVIDED as to the method of the control of the Manufacture and Sale wmm^mmm of suc h Alcoholic Liquor. IT MUST BE CONCEDED that if, as a result of a Poll, THE MAJORITY The RESULT OF A POLL as suggested by this Petition will enable Parliament to ascertain the TRUE of the voters are in favour of the RETENTION of Alcoholic Liquor within the Dominion, ALTHOUGH CONVICTIONS of the Electors of this Dominion on the Liquor Question, and so justify it in bringing in DIVIDED IN OPINION, the Continuance of an existing state of affairs cannot be disturbed. REMEMBER Legislation to meet the convictions of the Electors expressed at such Poll. that this is no new principle, but underlies all existing Licensing Legislation in NEW ZEALAND. REMEMBER BEWARE! That at the LAST NATIONAL REFERENDUM on the Liquor Question, taken during War time. • xt has been assiduously asserted that The National Council's Petition is a BREWER'S PETITION, a SUBSTANTIAL MAJORITY of the Electors declared themselves in FAVOUR of the RETENTION of T , " B is NOT so - " TBE BREWERS" ARE BUT A SMALL FACTOR IN "THE TRADE." REMEMBER the Manufacture, Sale, and Consumption of Alcoholic Liquor within the Dominion of New Zealand as that over 75 PER CENT. OF THE LICENSED HOTELS in New Zealand ARE OWNED, not by the itiSS&SffiS'*" TOting ta faTOUr Ol NatiM,i " COntim,a,,Ce againSt E,Mt ° rS in tayWr SEHoS, 01 ia ' ALLY CONCERNED IN THE BUSINESS. REMEMBER Compensation Under National That the LICENSED HOTEL BUSINESS has for centuries been, and still is, a business carried on *% «• o Z -**> I with the FULL SANCTION OF THE LAW, and in which a large amount of Capital has been invested by all WVVlie're f\lfl £ classes of the community. attempt is made to insinuate that an EXTRAVAGANT AMOUNT must be paid if NATIONAL «j wj% mJT IJ* ikM TV ¥3* **"* OWNERSHIP was carried at a Poll. Surely it must be apparent that NO GREATER compensation for the JLXiJCyIVI. JCL/IVE JE3 Jl/ tl loss of business would be payable than under the Efficiency Board's proposals, as ANY PAYMENT IN EXCESS OF THAT proposed under the N.Z. Alliance Petition would be represented by TANGD3LE That the present agitation is to TOTALLY ABOLISH this LEGAL BUSINESS, and upon dispas- CAPITAL ASSETS ACQUIRED BY THE STATE, sionate reflection you must come to the conclusion that until there is a MAJORITY of the Electors of the Dominion in favour of the ABOLITION of this legal business expressed on a Fair Ballot Paper this LEGAL T W Tf%A* «5* tWTT* BUSINESS MUST CONTINUE. tJ UMJ XVIH/ JTM J. v-% D mc- fp fjj- y%. €& "K3 Tne National Council of New Zealand urges Electors to weigh carefully the merits of both Petitions, M? MX. t-f JJrl JL RE. MV9 -£VO XT Hj V-/ JL and SIGN that Petition which most correctly EXPRESSES his or her views as to the nature of the legislation . .... which should be enacted by Parliament for the purpose of obtaining a true expression of the people's honest You are urged to approach consideration of both Petitions now in circulation. convictions on the Liquor Question.

Smart Hats for Spring Wear AT J. A. Bradstreet's These admittedly smart style? in REAOY-to-wears, French and En&lish makes, liave the merit or being , servlreable as well as thoroughly correct and up-to-date according: to Fashion. There arc many styles most suitable for immediate wear on the sunny days when Winter Hat 3 seem sombre. No. they arc not e»ptniive. In Tact, the moderate markings will surprise you. See these Goods in our Manchester Section. GOOD VALUES IN TOWELS. OOOD VALUES IN MADAPOLAMS. CR.EME UNSHRINKABLE FLANNEL •ir. i\ni 1 /oi */si </<i> i/e> —4/9, 6/6, 5/11 per yard. WHITE TURKISH TOWELS—I/« 1, V/o. T/VH ' 9,a V,.¥ ' CREME nOCTOH FLANNEL—3/3 1/11 i, 2/2, 2/4, 2/e, 2/11 aaeh. M is™ 1/6' 1/111 2/3 2/e .d " er i"" , ' UNBLEACHEO TURKISH TOWELS— 40-IiNCH—I/6,, 1/111, 2/3. 2/6 yd. up|Epi cnASH ml. costumes.™ UiSBUEACHEU I«""'»" 2/ 6 2/11 A .SPECIAL LINE OF CAMBRIC. :1S inrhos—3/3 per yard. Crash each' Buvcrs Tor' bit ramilics inches wide—2/6 yard. Costumes will be much worn. should note WHITE CALICO. :ir. inches wide— This is a very superior llnish. ailuuiu ntjn-. /9X 1/A 1 /61 1 /9' POOIJ HUCKAIUCK TOWELS—I/91 1/10 1/11 i per yard. 1/fiJ oaoh. hare value. STRONCi OXFORD SHIRTING. M^ HKI) nORI>EREI) HUCKABACK striped—l/8J per yard. TOWELLING, ir. inches wide— CAMBRIC SHIRTINGS—I/111 P«r KAlAtBf B<d yard. yard. BP -*^^B HED BORDERED GLASS CLOTHS— STRIPED WINCEY SHIRTINGS— «* Jf 1/21 each. 1/ei per yard. "1 Good Values in Flannelettes. Jij^/jN. All the quality and ilnish you demand at a moderate price. /J\tA V J l\ :iO-INCH WHITE FLANNELETTE —1/31, 1/* i, 1/ej, 1/«1, 1/111 yard. // 77\ J " / 36-INCH STRIPED FLANNELETTE—I/31, 1/6J, 1/SJ, 2/3 ywd. 47 .11 \ :ii-INCH STRIPED FLANNELETTE—IO|d, 1/Oi, 1/2 i, 1/81 yard. //.I '// \ {*%"! I GOOD DESIGNS IN PYJAMA SUITING— I/OJ, 1/31, 1/41, 1/« i, 1/81, 2/3 yard. H//j ,1 p|| 7 Art Cretonnes—New Designs. \\ lr I iW/ For spring Fumislilnp you won't nnd anything prettier or daintier. So suitablt v\\V \ / / MP' for Curtains, Cushions, and Loose Covers, and so cheap at Bradstrect's price. These AV\ '<■I* £ Mr: - patterns arc nil out nr the ordinary--1/01, 1/41. 1/ej, 1/81, 1/111. 2/2, 2/6 per yd. &£MmW I SPECIAL VALUES IN ART SATEENS (new desisns)—l/41, 1/6 J. 1/111, 2/2, 2/8 J paisley sateens—l/si, 1/111 per yard, sort sheeny clTects. -yl BLOUSE SPECIALS BLOUSE SPEQALS <^&W\ JUST A FEW, BUT EACH A WORTH WHILE PURCHASE. , STRIPED JAP. SILK BLOUSES, all WHITE JAP. SILK RLOI'SES. new sailor sizes newest styles-—l 6/11. collar, hemstitched —-18/11. RcautiCREPE' DX CHINES, all new shades, rul quality. We Pay Freight on Cash Country I emon Vicux Rose. Nattier, Sky, A LINE OF HOUSE BLOUSES, in Lipnt Orders. I>'ink, l'ilack, and White—3s/9, 39/9. striped—2/11 each. Really userul Address: 102, 104 l(Xi ?os and serviceable. KAUANGAHAPK ROAD. mßtimMi^emmMammMMamemKßa^^a^mtKm^Km^meei^^mmB r personal, F PRIMED SUPERF LI?O U S HAIR. ™ What would it lie worlh**Vo have a face ■OR TO? K»<*nnir<lkA.n<>. free from Superfluous Hair? Think lion- it. ■ «•*! *<* » *v»r»»g»im»pe *%jowhfM. ivonlll hrlßht^n yoar llfe an(l , what charm it _~._.. 1 would add to your personality. Annual Reduction in Price of 1 k v l d a h J J I 9LM ***. *mi d 4- *•*. m*. remedy. No marking, no objpctlonalile /I/I B/I CT odour. Price, 6/G, from Beclcs, Woollams, k. lfH.l tlllL. UUAIvU <""> I-*adin X Chemists Lhrougliout New T^r »—' Zealand. Posted to unj address, 3d extra. 1 Pieces £m REWARD . d£l2 lOS. CIS lOS. JSIB lOs. I L OBT, ALL LIV EK TROUBLES, SICK A Large Selection. , headaches, and tiked feeling ° I BY TAKING Oup well-known 7-Plece Oiled Rimu Suites fenton's little liveb fills, upholstered in any shade, 1 /- bottle. £6 lOs. £,c lOs. *c lOs. JFENTON, BD . Pot Mend i "VA^^vili ,^^« For Repairing ; M/^'OlleOn Enamelled Ware, Aluminium Ware, SOOP Equally good for other metals, Mild altd fragrant as a summer ', 1/e packet. I/7 by post. breew. ; 11'htlrnitt Afttiti: Salmen<i&S?r*sgtH, j heuthrrstmt Strtel. WtUtH£ton, N.Z.

ml LJERE are some reasons to show how jftk ** excellently suited is the "Swan" rail Pen as a gift. 11 It adds to the pleasure of daily life. It Ml gives the best service and lasts for years, jura It is free of all complications and little Byi faults. It is easy to send by post. Wffi Count up all the people to whom you Wit* wish to give a present ; send them all |$|s "Swans." This will save you trouble Ifil and win you much appreciation. I||| SOLD BY STATIONERS AND IMPORTERS. ■Us MABIE. TODD 4 Co., Ltd., r) & So, High Holborn, London EnglMi Wffli Manctactfw, Paris, Zurich, Toronto. ftc. Sydney (wholesale only)MWI su George Street. London Weslon Street, b.E. Ks§ AsSciate Hoose-MaWe, Todd t Co., Inc.. Hew York and** JQuS NEW 2EALAHD PRICUi Mm JL *J / ™ .^riM^fisr3r!v'^r&£OT£!sfl MB upwards. E^Hiy|—— lUusirttcd I'tt tru. At the $wm? ■i£w^ Grocer's Counter: Nancy— " ([iy/i / \ "There's the very Tea we *■ .- want-LIPTON'S: Isn't ~" that luck? .... Send two packets of the 'two-and-two' to 8 Halswell Street, please." 3 HAIMEE-11

New Season's Now being displayed V Oll£S in our Window and Dress Department. Most Charming Designs. For Spring and Summer Wear this dainty Fabric is deservedly in high esteem, and as a consequence the manufacturers have given close attention tg, the perfecting of the designs and colourings. "Superb" is the only word which can adequately describe the New Season's Voiles, which we are now displaying. So beautiful are the designs and colourings, and so varied are the effects, that ladies can use the Floral Voiles on every occasion. To see these Voiles is the only- way to fully appreciate their beauty, and we cordially invite ladies to make an early visit of inspection. t Our stocks were purchased direct from the leading manufacturers for prompt cash, ! and we are therefore able to mark them at I the prices which are most economicalAuckland's lowest. I Out premises Will There is much else of interest in our , Dress Department, and ladies will, we feel remain Open Ufttll sure, appreciate a visit of inspection. 9 p.m. this (Friday) evening. § Wholesale & Family Drapers, fi *• 253-263 Queen St-, Auckland.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 207, 30 August 1918, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 207, 30 August 1918, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 207, 30 August 1918, Page 7