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1915 1 ™-^^ = now showing in all be given to real Tartans, which are so popular at Home for Costumes, Coetuine that many of the famous designers were called away on active service, the Skirts, and Coat?. output of new designs is most gratifying. Ladies will ho interested in noting The GARBADINES in Check and Striped Tweeds are very smart, while for s:i umu^uuniuuv^^ = influence of military styles here also. A cordial invitation is extended to SPORTS COATS an excellent material is Basket Cloth, shown in great variety. , adies tQ inspect tnis charming new Mason's Millinery. The popular SERIES are shown in Navy, Navy with White Stripe, Black with . .. White Stripe, and Plain Black. A cordial invitation is extended to ladies. They will find a walk through the various departments of surpassing interest, and, Wβ believe, Will _~, -, j. . « For WINTER COATS Coloured Astrachan is shown, a compliment to our appreciate the fact that despite untoward events our stocks of the newest and best goods are fully complete. iMDDOnS Cr INeCKWeSkT. Russian Allies. Blanket Cloth is very suitable for the same purpose. We show With tfa approach of autumn> Nature dona more sombre livery, and the brighter colours of summer appear but seldom. So with Fashion, it . . . M . am , it in Plain Creams or with Black or Coloured Stripes. r ~ , r r " > . •/ •!• c i",i». In RIBBONS Fashion dictates Checks and btripes ot \anou» wrutus. ana In the new HEAVY TWEED for COATS we show some very smart exclusive follows the seasons, and garbs the human race in harmony »th the prevailing shades materia l s and the shape of millinery Khaki enbdued colourings. Black and White Check., and Stripes will be again popular Coat I en<*th= Thia year the influence of the war has been very marked, as will be seen by the names of the materials arid the shape ot millinery. Knalti Ribbons are v lx , autiful . and our stocks are compete in Throughout the Department there is very much of interest, and ladies' is a favourite, but second to the clan Urtans, no doubt due to the pictu.esqueness of the garb of old Gaul laid aside for the nonce by the heroic y particular inspection is cordially invited. " troops who grace it in the piping times of peace. The historic clan tartans, correct in every detail, are shown by us in woollen material suitable - In xECKWEAR there are some slight changes in shape, and Tartan for the season. It is a graceful tribute to our Scottish brethren, and withal makes up into charming costumes, skirts, and coats. Trimmings will be very much worn. Qi Other colours in fabrics besides tartan and khaki are Battleship Grey, Belgian Blue, and Russian Blue, all reflecting the war influence. Amidst OnOWrOOm. these are the "fabrics of peace," smart garbadincs, basket cloths and serges, an assortment from which the most fastidious might select the fabric QjIOV6S. 'i 'Sat '"Jafof'SeaeuwTn "v ""t'oQr and in the Millinery Showrooms Fashion's latest is effectively displayed for inspection. In every other department For «,. colder weather a thicker Glove is required, and it was thought that Ye ™ERcLoTHTxG e DEpIRT n it is the same-the new season's goode are available in the greatest profuse. That we were able to make such a magnificent display is a matter the exigencies of the m ™^* MENT. both for ladies and children, contains a variety of the most serviceable of pride to us-first because of our splendid navy whose V, " lla , nCe ° f Srompfpurchises we are abt tf offer a'l newS in ? ooTvarJe£ makes. The BOS TO.V ANTD ROYAL WORCESTER CORSET MODELS, just outer Empire to carry on their business without let or """ hindrance, and in the second place because our WOOLLEN GLOVES IHITVTION SUEDE, NAPPA, LIKED GLOVES, ANTJ arrived, will be of much interest. They follow the prevailing natural style, and buying facilities and our experience have been tested as I neVer before > and bave P roved tne ability of our MOTOR GLOVES will be found in ail sizes. At the same time, we would advise are scientifically corrected to a perfect human figure. Ladies are particularly buying and shipping organisation. Customers can always ?&> depend upon receiving Fashions latest and best at l& - t make an earl se i ec tion. asked to inspect the new models of these famous Corsets. Smith* Omghey'e and at Auckland's lowest cash prices. X v , - • — ' More than ordinary interest atUiches to this display // •V : ' ; $Msb>, \V of new g oods ' and we trust tl3at our customers and the public generally will accept our cordial invitation to ft WMli U UUr Showrooms - Ix 4

I BOOTS AND SHOES. ■' IX , S Its a time for crltical bu y* n g J ust \ now, and news regarding- reductions in s GRE I footwear such as we sell is eagerly t cv C welcomed by our clients. This week we 1 Oni/LO ape applying the pruning knife to some • THIS good lines in ladies' grey shoes. After ] several months' wear, if they should be c wV lLrlLrl\ soiled, they can easily be blackened. i LADIES' Were Now I GREY SATIN COURT SHOES - - 15 6 10/11 GREY SUEDE COURT SHOES - - 15,6 10 11 GREY KID COURT SHOES - - 21 - 16 6 I GREY KID 1-BAR SHOES, Louis Heels 25- 22,6 GREY KID DERBY BALS - - 25 - 12' It Ring us up if you require your boots or shoes repaired. We will send for them and deliver them when finished We do all our repairs on the premises tSls.vW SHOE/srs. W / c£Z3 ; 197 Queen St., or 120 Karangahape Rd. ' COCOA. i _ , • '■ Dojfoudrif\k\ I VAIN\ I j COCOA ?\ \ If not, why not ?\. c

JB"- *- m CjP Jtw"JL™ Jmzm -fcC* 4BKD s MORS BARGAINS! SALE COMMENCES ON MONDAY. We have just secured from the ASSIGNEE the whole of the Newton DRAPERY and LADIES' OUTPITTING StOCk Of CMiss A. L,. EDWARDS, 184 Karangahape Road. Wβ bought this well-known stock at the extraordinary low price of 7/6 In the £; that is, for every 20/- worth of goods we paid only 7/6. We have purchased many stocks during the last few years, v«it this is one of the best, and most varied, and bought at the lowest price we have ever uu paid. We will therefore offer this stock at prices that will astound. A nuick clearance is the order, before the arrival of our winter shipments. Numerous other M Bargain Lots at the same time which oannot be repeated. First come, first served. Pay particular attention to following desperate reductions:— LADIES' WEAR AT ABSURD LADIES' WEAR (Continued). DRESS TRIMMING AND FURNISHING AND BEDDING REDUCTIONS. white silk blouses. 12/11. now 4/n; FANCy DEPARTMENT . DEPARTMENT, CA> m oL 3 E ti £w lT Si<l: 2/U ' DOW 20* now Miss Edwards> stock of BEDDING! BBDDMGI t" , SSS ISV *;'& ™*& dubt coats, 35/. w s3^* doins one °, f tte i^ 31 118 xll now 1 ill vow Wll. tbev will «oon 20 See the window- in Pitt VV Trades in Auckland, built on sterling rONIiuNATIONS now 3/6; 9/6, now ORIENTAL SATIN OPERA COAT, Sky street doorway valne - Onl r the Best 1 Purest Samarang 4 11. now with Pink Llalng, £3 10.'. now 35/. Sm TRIMBINTS 4ND INSBB- Xa l>° k used - Specially Selected Ticks. Well SIGHTS 5 onow % (5; 8.11. now 4/11; IMIT. ERMINE COAT. £5, now 39/Bw aMess thau h!lf made, ami at Bock Bottom Prices. r.V'iowT BATHING SUITS. 2/11. now Vβ. ™J*'' n P rt-tTOVS «f rirtoe SINGLE BED SIZE, 10/11 and 13/11; «-bed, P RI ;-Cp, 10/6. now COWUBTO CREPOX COATEES. I/O. OF ft e™» WHT F^Vu.%S: GI.OTES. BEASS BBDSTKABS at ..,}, .'■ '? 14LACE SILK LNDER- WHITE PIQUE PULL-ON HATS. 4/6, 1/6. now 1/. ...!??* Clearing Prieea. U*fiJS«D STKAWS, X7H to Vβ, now «™J '™° ""SkgT'SSS. IH^ WHH-β iS JiMf? iSSi« APBOM 6d '* "' -, WE . R »»HfS? nSL^IaISr 8 ' ~WtRB™ at Lowest Prices. n COSTUMES 55/, now LMILDKfc.NS.WE.AK. BL.4CK LISLE HOSE, 6 5 d and 1/05. 3rd y ide, - 3,6,. • f"» widtH. CBB io-Yi £ now 011 LACE an(l EMBROIDERY TRIMiIED CHrDD . s H OSE, a U sizes, OILCLOTH, 2/6. r *<}?• V. now 19-11; * guineas, PINAFORiES, V, now 6d; Vβ, now 0d; LU i/paj,. " , a SRBAVBUaiJRS' SAIMPLES Or TAPESIjM ' '. c PR f<-'£ U °AmV ; VfVh O YR 1/6 PIN.AFOIIE B BBATtTfTO. ORIENTAL SCARVBB rtr TRY fIALL CUimiSe-Barpin, WHITE JAP. SILK DRESS, with Lace PRINT. A.NU ZEPHIR PINAFORES, war were 7/u to 10/6> now SAMPLE TAPESTRY TABLE COVERS, Coatoo. 35. now ly.-11. COS- GIRLS' BLOUSES, Print Cras*. Zephyr, 3/il, 4/11, SAI. at keenest prices, SAL S/11, to 35/. COLOURED fJ, I,A^, l J: „„.*£, 3/ n ow etf\. were 2/U and 3/11. now all 1/6. LACE COLLARS. FICHUS, PIN-ONS, !A3?OOEA A?«D VELVET PII.B COVERS, Tl MES. Silk Lin™, »«i 10 o. , WHITE .MUSLIN EMBROIDERY JABOTS, etc., -were 1/ to 1/6. now 6d. only one of a colour, at Baignin Price. T W U ;'Hi?IMFraB COSTUME, Mole DRESSES, 3/11, now 1/11 J; 4/11, now rejixAKTS OF EMBROIDERIES AND See the BARGAIN of LONU SAT1 -h 1 V Inlnois now -°t « 2/11: 6/11. now 3/11. .LACES, also HANDKERCHIEFS, at LACE CURTAiNS in the Pitt Street Win-β-rnf M'n rSc DRESSES 9/11, now LACE TRIMMED KNICKERS, small sizes, Half-price. dow. Every pair marked in ptaJa flgnrrs. wSFpiot cLT," ; 2 m! wer. ,nd 2/11. now V and -NCY SILK were V, -see is to realise tft and S coiJKV striped *erg. B eo S - c L"fflTS AHD BOYS' CLOTHING > ° L ° SHiS s '' OSTRICH FEATHEI. BOAS. DEPARTMENT. Sg « -Costumes, m GIKLS> V C DOW 8 ° SSS coLo'r^n 3 ' 37/6, COTTON DRESS FABRICS. Mlll DBe PB WDII>WI?MT whle " "mvslin . ? -o-ry at x s ,« « a ,e MANCHESTER DEPARTMENT. *v DRUSES. 13.i1. now .n : sTRi - d , BARGAIX LOT , BARGAIN no«- 3/11: 20'p, now RFSgES - d JA j, rRE r E S. all colours, for 1/11»; SHEETS, half blwiohed. Full size, A Few Only STRIPSD CEYLONETTB STRIPED AND PLAIN CRLIE DRES.b., oj-asJAi.KJ!. 4/11 a pair; single bed. 3/11. SHIRTS, witli Collars, ellghtly soiled; DRESSES, 7711, now *d< JAST A Few B™™- -re ; CREiIIsHANTUNO SO -lITK 1 Sl^ COwAeTdKDWBD CORD WKMM, CRE- ftp {tae bny l^^V^^^^^r'otT^ni^ i: ; 11 iii.w s,11: 1. 11 ' „.„' ~ fl p w Rjrit SILK FINISHED POP- before the arrival of Winter and Advanced See them In the winrton- ~f our KaninCREPON BLOrSES. All loiours -d. 3. n i| cnloniv. for 4 11: were 8.11. Prices. Our Stork is nil Summer Dried, and gahape Doorway. ZEPHYR A .ND HM/AlAh » wl« . COLOfKED HAIR CORD CREI'BJJ nt the following low prior?:- LTTTLB BOYS , WASHLVO HATS While M "»» - 'J- '■ for 1/1U: were 3/U. DOUBLK-B.ED S.Z. ALL-WOOL BLAN- and Coloured: were 1 and 1.0. .....v CRE.OI were 1° (TTSTTw r.vds LIGHT OROVND. FAST COLOI'K RETS, at 31/« pair. Single bed, 16A1: 4id, Od, and S»d. R '! , ■! 11 "' - • WA - !lnlxri piuNTS. I'll}: wore 3/9. Extra double. 27/11. SPECIAL LOT OP ,MBV<? FI WNKi BLACK SATEEN DLOUSES. 3'll, hnw UNiaN full size. 14/11 end , ETTE VYJAiIA a U :ViV BL^^SILK. m.Or ? KS, l= U. now 5/11; TVVEEDS « .INGLE COT BLANKETS, V Th(f^pcrtun,t f to l, Uy MEN'S «,«„. W,,S °° W MI"i.IS KMBROIDEBY onrtam. B width, pretty GREY COTTON BLANKETS, 1/111 nd £|tlVV^»?e^t.^d B " rli"? "i RLOUSES, r> 11, now j. . In fact t'lio whole of"the Drofe Stock has .Ba'reains In RUSH and CAMP RU«S Clearing Prices. -■,}£■. .. TV nrnrOES fill now 2/11. lieen re-marUed to QUICK-CLEARINC} bought liefore the recent Government com- 50 dozeu SU-MiMKR WEIGHT MERINn ?,il4, nt-■ sil X HI 6USES S'll, now Prices. Storekeepers will do well to use mamleering. now offered nt 4'll, G.'ll, 7/11 VESTS AND PANTS. Silver (Jre.v. :it •rVI »»-«i.'' • this opportunity. each; worth 0.11, S, 11, 10,11. lOJdeach. Make a point of seeing our 10 large windows crammed with Bargains, to-night (Saturday). In spite of these absurdly lour prices ire will pay freight on all parcels. As the rush for these Bargains will be very great, we will accept post orders only on the condition that if the particular article ordered is sold out we may send the nearest. PORTERS CORNER, k ] 67 & 69 KARAINGAI-lAPE ROAD* AND 82 & 84 PITT STREET*

CORNFLOUR. I lillllllllllCEP For the children in the hot season give them plenty of the wholesome dishes you can make with , Broun Pol sons Corn Flour . j They are amply nourishing i for growing boys and girls, and more suitable than meat. 5 For free recipe book send to t J. B. GILFILLAN & CO., P.O. BOX 848, Auckland. i. ———^———«— — MEDICAL I PILES! PILES! ! WITH INTENSE ITCHING ANC } PAIN. 0 CURED WITHOUT OPERATION J Mri W., of Hamilton. 'Wai kato, cared after 13 years' suffer ing from bleeding piles. "I feel In duty bound to toll .you of th wonderful cure ZANN DOUBLE ABSORF TION TREATMENT lias brought about fo mp Thirteen years ago I rontracteil piles and since then 1 got steadily worse. could not sleep at night, the Itching an the pain were so bnd. aud during the da; " I was unable to walk. Everyone advise' " different remedies, but all failed. M doctor said an operation was necessarj I bad decided to have the operation, whe mv dau"hter noticed your advertisement and e«t your ZANN DOUBLE ABSORF TION TREATMENT, and after nMng It fo ,r two days I began to feel better. I hay not quite finished the first lot, yet I honest II ly believe I am cured,"' IT The ZANN DOUBLE ABSORPTIO: j TREATMENT cures nil forms of pile.' d piles \VrHe to-dny. enclosing P.N. for 4/( c- and receive in plain wrapper a course c j the Zann Double Absorption Treatment. is Our Guarantee. je If after a fair trial, you are not satlsfle with The Zaun Double Absorption Trea ment, returu the empty packet, aud you T money will be refunded lrumediatel; g- Agencies throughout the world. J. THE ZANN PROPRIETARY, > d 66 Lambton Quay, Wellington, N.S Box 348, G.P.0., Wellington.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 50, 27 February 1915, Page 19

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Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 50, 27 February 1915, Page 19

Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 50, 27 February 1915, Page 19