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■ ■ ANNUAL FLOWEE SHOW. j The second summer dower show, under | ' the auspices of the uuehunsa Horticultural I bedel}', was hem iv tne loresters' iheatre ,ou Wednesday alteruoon aud evening, uud I was au uu.uuiiued success. The display vi Bowers was au attractive <_'Ue. uud tne uunie- | rous tables, covered with prettiiy-arrauged bouquets and vases of cut .lowers, made a very attractive display. there was a fcouil ! show of veegtaides, both iv quantity and .quality. Ovwus io the inuess of iir r. 11. . ±iorn. secretary, tlie brum ol tlie work led upou Lis assist.u.t. iir 1. _ouias, and tv iu_ ' s iu,ltiati_;iide euorts the spleuuiU success'eu is ,lne. special a\, aids ot merit were obtained by Miss !•'. J I lioberts and .Mr i,. J -viacky for tneir dlspiavs of poi plains, cut no«ei_ etc. and lij Air H. Goi,lie tor cut un_er_ and casu lor his excellent t'o"p OI leu-wees. stoc_. I Itollowing are tne prize winners; — SHIIi.I PEAS. Open.—Twelve disliu, I varieties: Miss F. I J. Kooelts 1. All- 1 J. .-until -- .-■■- ul-Uuet I varieties: Miss i. J. no,,tils 1, Mi J. auuii 2. Mr 'i. J. .-mall J Iliree di.-i... t varieties: in.-.- I-'. J. l.oi.clts 1. ._!' ■-. ~. -muu _ ■ Ml' J. Alien _i. one >a»e, cream »r -uiss F. J. uoi.erts. Line u_e. |,iuk or i_o: .Mr J. Allen 1, .Miss 1. J. lioberts '-'. Uue vase, ci-uiasou or scarlet: Mi»s 1-. J. Roberts 1. one u_e. uiai_e vi- sai__-,.i.. .uiss i-. J. Roberts 1. ulc vase, any other colour; Miss F. J. lioberts 1. Ml' Allen _ , Aiuuleuis.—.-i\ uiSllllct varieties: Mr„ Gai.auu 1, Mr _ m. TUree distinct varieties: _ur \' vi. Wan.- 1. Mrs c.atlauu _. '■ One vase, cream or venue: Mr Mm. hjk, 1 .Uue vase, pmu or lose: .uiss Martin 1. -Uiss M. Bassett 2. cue v...-.-, cil_i»oii or scarlet: j Mr \i vi. w atts. out- vase, oraiiye or saluiuu. I Miss Martin 1, Mr v. m. Vv alls 2. CARNATIONS. | Open.—Twelve distinct varieties carna- | tions aud picotees: 1. i-omas 1. six distinct Ivaiieties. caruatmns and picotees: I. Lomas '1, Mi- R. -eleis -. three distinct varieties of seedlings: L Lomas 1, A. li. Jones _. ! six Ldooms, sell's: 1. Lomas 1, Miss !■'. J. , hoberts 2. mx olooms. laucies: 1. ojmas 1. Miss __*. J. iloiieits 2. Six blooms picotees, lyeliow or nun ground: 1. Lomas 1. _U I I blooms picotees, white ground: 1. Loinas 1 I 'aud 2. 'three ulooms seedlings: 1. Lomas 1. I Miss 1 •'. .1. Roberts 2. I Amateurs. — bu. distinct varieties carna- j 1 tions and picotees: 1. Lomas 1, Mr H. Peters | __. Three distinct varieties carnations audi 'picotees: 1. Lumas 1. .ur A. It. uoidero 2.1 I 'ihree distinct varieties of sells: Mrs H. Jouc-s- 1. I. t-ottias 2. ihree distinct varie- | ties of fancies: I. Lomas 1, Mr A. it. Boiuero ! ___ ihree oiooms seedlings, raised hy exuioitor. 1. i-omas 1. A. H. janes 2. ROSES. I Amateurs.—l 2 blooms, distinct varieties: Mr. Jas. Rock 1. Mr. \. ni. Watts 2. o distinct vaiieties: yilss Ivy Lomas 1. Mr. v\ m. Watts 2. 15 distinct varieties: Mr. Jas. Ruck 1. Champion Rose.—Miss Alexandre Lipplaf.. Exhibited hy .Mr. \, in. \v atts. CARNATIONS. Champion aud I'remier Carnation Llloom.—Ami- Roosart. L-chibited by Mr. |I. Lomas. I < Lampion C-aruation Bloom in Amateur, Classes.—Sam » ever. Eiinuited by Mr. 1. Louias. SWEET TEAS. Champion Vase of Sweet Peas. — Eshibueu by Mrs. Gatland. CUT FLUWEKS. Aniateurs.—Pansies. il distinct varieties: Miss L.isie llowaiu 1. Mrs. ijatiand 2. II ut _ovveis. O varieties ia o vases: Miss jM. Lassttt 1. Mi-s. H-atiand _. i Open.—Best collection oi auuuals: Miss |M. Ba>sett 1. Any design of vegetables ot flowers: Mrs. E. Brou__h 1. I TABLE DECORATIONS. ' Amateurs. — Vase o.- bowl of roses: Miss Oueeuie Uaseldeau 1. Mrs. ILinlwick 2. Roses, bowl or vase: Miss O. Watts 1, Mrs. ijatiand _, POT PLANTS. Amateurs.—Ferns or lycopods. .1 distinct 'varieties: Miss Elsie Howard 1, Miss A. Fletcher 2. Foliage r flowering plant: Miss F. M. Tapp 1, Mr. C. Coilings 2. BOLQUETS AND T.ABLE DECORATIONS. ETC. Three la'Les' sprays: Miss C. Cuhuii__gham 1. Miss Grey _ Decorated table: Mis. liardwick 1, Miss .ueenie Ilaseideau 2. I P.owl or epci-ue of sweet peas: Miss Elsie I Howard 1. Miss Oueeuie ilaseideau 2 ' __Lsket of sweet peas: Mi<s O. Watts 1, Miss Martin 2. Any floral design: Miss Grey 1. Mrs. Hardwick -'. J Novice.—Collection "f cut flowers: Miss Martin 1. Miss G. Jackson 2. Six varieties of cut flowers: Miss 1". M. Tapp 1. Mrs. ' \ R. Bob:ero 2. Best pot plants: Mrs. ■ rollings 1. Mrs. Colllugs 2. Decorated vase: Miss Ivy Lomn.s 1. Mis- Olive Watt--2 Sweet peas, :i varieties: Mr. F. .ion . 1 VEGETABLES. Collection: Mi-s Martin 1 Six kinds: i School Garden 1. Miss A. Fletcher 2. : Three heads cabbage: Miss A. Fletcher 1. >lr Wiu Watts 2. Lettuce, three heals: Miss F. J. Roberts 1. Miss A. Fletcher 2. Tar-nips three bunches: Onehunga School i Garden 1 Broad beans: MI«« I*. M. T»PP 1. Mr. F. Jackson, sen.. '-'. Tomatoes: Mrs. iniiin~s 1 Twelve Kidney p .ato, s: MNs ■ Martin 1 Twelve round potatoes: Mi<s i Roberts 1. Miss Fletcher 2. rotntnes. best leolleetlon: Miss Martin 1.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 278, 21 November 1913, Page 9

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ONEHUNGA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 278, 21 November 1913, Page 9

ONEHUNGA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 278, 21 November 1913, Page 9