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FOR THE LINEN LOVER . A SMART SUNSHADE The "Moldacot" Sewing Machine '"•^ p Xtf///f///s^&z2§r l * %«S«5S5> ' i 4£t is a very acceptable present, and we have a very I* A «-. TABLE CENTRES— l/ 11, 2/3, 2/6, to 15/6. fine variety to select from. Black and Colours This splendidly constructed little article iSvSIf re cJifflT/// fjr n '/ _ <y*w.-'_^ r " ■ , *" ''' that are silent emissaries of affection and esteem, and '&ss&&* V/rJrh&L 1 £ ~~ ■ ""' : - : '»**'''-* r '-_— their acceptance in the spirit in which they are offered . V feS*S&* JH=- ./•££?. ''"'$ i /Vlll IV F? & I EVERYONE LIKES TO OFFER WORTHY GITTS, and 1 Our premises will \fePlilF I i▼ * * C tnUYtC, LXG. that is where the M . and C. Store so helpfaL I *™™ ope- ""til !?.^^T£!y^^^j^P^^ t p--\A. i ==W~' : 9 QUedl Street AUCkland From a hist variety of carcfnlly selected goods we gj and 10 pm. upon t 8 IT-μ Sv V " == ~ . B ' mention here some particularly popular gifts, and no £3 XMAS EVE. ■^Mfb"^ \J*P -7 / lV D—lll^l— ITTI '■■■■"'■■—™™™^—"»■ matter how modest one's purchasing power it will be seen I^^^^^^^^^ct^^^ .j> e ,g|3 >«. *»»_ ' W%39 l\ -i*? ! i?J-'t-iv*-3*§^r S from the varied prices that many beantifnl and accept'.vv3flw l* ill , " . "*v"J?T-"**' \y IVTI IX"ivt a /-» able things are writhin reach. is!iJ / Mr>7 "i 'V\ KINICK=KNACKS the restaurant. felt&w/ DACOT A There are simply hundreds of articles to choose from The Restaurant will be open upon Km« Eve until We **'* *™ aU a Ha PPy Chri.tmastide. !Pwii ■ fVlAfHlr ls\di I //S in the Fancy Goods section—articles that are suitable 10 p.m. Delicious Ices, Fruit, Salads, Sweets, etc. will he AND C I/TO &*-. ' *"V-"f or members of the family, and at prices, too, that, daintily served up to that hour. "' ■\.fvr' J € $m?S&^s£ i^*?\o?*' J '* t ' " quality considered, are the lowest, in the city. — ' V I "L To give an idea of the choice offering the following RHYPH uriop I ' -i i - \ > J ' l^^^ffiiWKJ (;Q\ ] %iS-?"" : prices are quoted : DUAtU rIUoIII T . . v r» α^h* H% for ladies. lieandHose Presents for Men nj nvp hiptq *^^?V,' v t4 vjtW pocket books and wallets— stationery cabinets— . ulajvc Ulria &&M!^jHsWme& l . 2/6.3/9.t015/6. 10/6 to U/& Another shipment of Hose just A gift appreciated by every man—SMART , ..Imm V&V&ZiW- n ' qtht-tx-m lm)n ™n received includes many scare,, shades ■ CRAVATS, with Sox to match, are. a very Boxed Gloves are easily the most Popular Villi) // CORRESPONDEN S 6 SA 1 ™^ /r SHATING 111I ™ S ~ 6 . , and makes, that should be chosen at prominf , nt feata re of our shewing, and there is Gifts at the M. and C. Store, for the rLon i&aW;W W 'W£ // 8/6,10/6,12/6. «,r4 ' the earliest moment to avoid di,. a splendid assortment to select from. that they are practically necessity When |£Bg3s3|9 M/, |§X- >/ WRITING CASES— MANICURE SETS— appointment. Here are some of the colourings and prices. ~ ~ ~ ' . ' 1/9, 1/11, 2/6, to 19/6. 5/6, 6/6, to 55/-. The dainty boxes filled with one considers the variety offering, both in price WSSf&zilr- fir/ / Z-.' i/ ' AffiTOT" ■ r. customers' own selections make Boxes containing and colour, and the dependability of the /roods, fP?r\ * S -21/: SE 2S/^ d to S 'sO a ' n . d T/e/VITTo T/6 presents. POPWN TTK and ROX TO MATCH- 4/H. such a state of aff .irs is not to L wondefd at SrT-jC V I /* Uent. s —«l/-, Zo/-, to 50/-. ' ' l / iA , '<> </o. FANCY CRKY TIE and SOX TO MA.TCH-4/11 6/11 &V> '' TOBACCO POOCHES- BRUSH AND CRI'MB TRAYS- Bo 1 e« eo^taimng STRIPED TIB and SOX TO* MATCH- 6/11,7/6. Patrons select their own colourings and sizes, V JZrZv. // I iZ Jl 3 / 6 ' */c to 10/6 1/H. 2/11, to 5/6. 3 PAIFS LACK I.lhLt, H(Wv-o/a. SPOT TIE and SOX TO MATCH— 4/11. which are daintily boxed in our new - shape ~&£2Ki M » 7>\l(/Z il SMOKERS' COMPANIONS— " LEATHER TOURIST CARES— 2 PAIRS COLOURED USLE HOSE, BOXES OF TIES— 4/11,5/11,6/11,7/6,8/6. boxes, accompanied by a neat little greeting \. S " X ' S/erol-i/fi 4/11, 5/6, to 9/6. Silk Ankle— 5,9. card . J 7 P l - ' mriTiPv m>r-c,r,o ■ 2 PAIRS SILK FINISHED HOSIERY SI 7*\- y - -* ASH TKAYS — J / 6 ' I/Hi to 4/6. M"-JiAK\ BRXSHES. in Case — 7/ __ , . Boxes containing I W/// GLOVE. COLLAR, AND HANDKER- „ .__ ™' 6 3 PAIRS LISLE THREAD HOSE, SeJf HANDKERCHIEFS 3 I'AIES 2-DOME KID GLOVES— 6/11 7 V// CHIEF BOXES— PLATED BOTTLES FOR HATPINS, CI ox, Coloured or Black— 7/6. t "/**•. \ft / 1/6, 1/11 each. STUDS.. ETC.— 2 PAIRS BLACK SPI'X SILK HOSE, The Collection of Handkerchiefs for this 2 PAIRS 2-DOME and 1 PAIR HARD WEAR c I 571 y HANDKEKCHTFF S\TCHFTS lOd., 1/-, 1/6. Sp!f or ( O ] ourc( j Clox— 8/11. Christmas is by far the largest we have yet GLOVES— 7/6. tii / " V - " /e PER Bo^S;t N ?/^i:^l F o a / n 6! Other boxes ran S efro m 9/6 to 42/. -fitted, valu.are JUer 3 PAIRS DENT'S 2-DOME KID CLOVER I OPEN-WORK BASKETS- LEATHER HA XDBAGS- RAGS required, there is much to please. 8/6. M&*& /j£S®S&U NEEDLE CASES- 5/6. 5/11. 8/6, to 65/-. (1 , , PURE LINEN, HA- 4U d ., 6d., 9d., to 2/6 each. 2 PAIRS RENT'S 2-DOME and 1 PAIR 39d,17-, 1/3, to 4/11. BRONZE CANDLE STICKS-1/9. o( P ffi ?Lt pJftaS PURE iWn "INITIAL"- 1/-. DOME_ 9/6 * :-^^^N^ X; -?;^*^ SADIES' COMPANIONS- E.P BRUSHWARE, MIRRORS, AXD for the immenseVpuSty 9d. eacK 2 PATRS FRENCH SUEDE and 1 PAIR 2•Lyj' u '- fjr 5/6, 8/6, to 21/-. m 4/11 e/e of the Ba S . H.S. LAWN " INITIAL"— 6d. each; 5/6 dozen. JXJJVIIi KID— 10/11. // ■ PHOTO FRAMES p't/wv r ° m ' " We hav< " them '. n all sl,a P PS and COLOURED BORDER "INITIAL"—4d. each; 3/9 doz I PAIR LONG WHITE KID, 1 PAIR 2-DOME ¥ CALENDARS' AND rERFLME SPRAYS— colours, with superior fastenings. SWISS EMBROIDERED— 9d., lOd., 1/- to 4/11 ea SUEDE, and 1 PAIR 2-DOME KJD— f " ~1/9, 2/3, 2/11, to 7/6. . t 1/6, V ll, tO 12/6 * FITTED DEVON RAGS, i n Suede and IRISH LINEN— 9d., 1/-, 1/6 to 5/6. 12/6. \ / ADDRESS AND AUTOGRAPH GLOVE AND HANDIvERCHIEF Seal l^uthci—4/6, 5/9, to 49/6 BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS. 1 PAIR 4-BUTTON SUEDE, 1 PAIR 3-DOME \ " BOOKS —2/6, 2/11, to 10/6. " DEVON BAGS, with Cord or Leather FANCY BOXES, containing PLATN or FANCY • KID, 1 PAIR USEFUL HARD WEAR 1 -^———^———- SILK AND SATIN HANDKERCHIEF Handles— 4 6, 5/6, to 29/6. HANDKERCHIEFS— 6d. 9d., 1/- to 7/6. GLOVES— 13/6. MILNE &CHOYCE, Ltd. tII I 1,6 ' 1 " 17/6c,,h "*«■:«""«« FAS " BASKm ' O " MT SFfcm «• »/»• otheb boxes, ---g^j-jg--1 ALUMINIUM DRIVING CUPS— LACE BAGS, with Fancy Mounts— FANCY SILK BOXES— 10/6, 12/6 to 22/6. $ I 1 / 6 ' 1/11. to 3/11. lOd., 1/3, 1/6, 1/9. 12/6, 15/6, to 25/6. _^^_ — ___„_^.^

5 * ij * Dolls and Girls' Toys c For Bigger Boys * ~ Hf iflll/ll a.m. SLEEPING DOLLS, 16* in high, fashionably dressed, ,„«,«. .. —-» CINEMATOGRAPHS, a source of constant a.m. ~ /Ifl.. 1,/lUlMlllHllllllllll nlii : " ,/fli ' ~ movable joints—s/6 each. JUST A WORD I home entertainment— s/6, 7/6, 12/6, LI illllll //f/i/flUtffSSßSUiflllffli/ 111 I/I. ■"■ H l! I ieh LESSLY DRESSED ])OLLS ' ISm hi ßh-7/6 15/, to 47/6 complete. Extra films- jlllllll//lll(fl(||^m||llllll||||||||, M Ifll' ii I •ilU' f DRESSED AND UNDRESSED DOLLS—From 6d. oach. To remind you about the presents MAGIC LAXTERNsI-2/- to 12/6, complete WntfillUllUlii M Apll I Jμ '"-l ,'./ , #$ DOLLS VVITH KID BODIES, strong and serviceable- . .. r T with .Glides. P fi I 1 lIP H' ill IIJ llS! 1/6 to 9/6 each. ; for the Grown-ups. It would be difficult to find AEROPLANES, Real Model Fliers-7/6, If fflllT I \2?£ / . *§& — J J I |M PRAMS—I/-, 2/- each. we are showing. Presents of Dressing Cases I 21/-, 25/6 to 50/-. Ideal presents for 11" I J H|*\\ ///? XH 5 I! 1 flfli FURNITURE FOR DOLLS' HOUSES, in Wood and . ° developing the latent mechanical genius in 11/ 4 MffSS'o ~Mf - - f|| jffM ' 111 iISII Tin—l/- to 7/6 set. Manicure Sets, Dainty Brushware, Toilet most boys I f^ Ijf&nf*'' ffl JI S^ , ' *"""*""■ Chin " Etat ™"" ip ' " d ■ .e/e /> Jfet/ifcf MinSM ,Mli\\h r e«™^S^S' D Soo^e' , Sg£ji/et. Bro ™ ! Ware| and Smoker, ' «">"'"''"-»» « BnSJ-LocraioTiTO-*/. <» »/e-*. r^% Bi r , #\ ////// I \ / lif/M / ■ a , T , A I f/s c , CoTll P lete - onr Famous Rock-bottom Prices—always. I PISTOLS, harmless, fire darts—6d., 1/-, 2/-, J WA '/// M )■ / i Illli ll ' TEA SETS, Enamelled—l/- to 6/9 set. I 4/6 each - l*fa:3A .. l||,lr /|M/| , SESgSj -IOHTS-X/- Per set. : |. , : C^ESrPicfured-ed 27 1/- set « B POCK KNIVES-.*, */"* »/* to 2/6 , , HpSxll I For "Younff HnnefuK" coloured balls-6«i., 9d., i/.. 2/.. ar, r _.,_ purses-ftohi 1/- up / |IRHK&\ )Hlll ' i UI IL SPADES AND BUCKETS for the seaside H ■ U^M up. | VWk 1 LOCOMOTIVES. Steam, all tested and in MECHANICAL TOYS of every description galore. V J_ ' ' working order, one of the finest toys for f ill! I 111 ■^* \^^^p^^^^^Kfaf^' ,^n any boy. will last for years, a source of / • J J i!/,/|ll|M \\l\\\\ I 'L-rfil ' / ' gia"^ • xcf education and amusement —4/6,6/6,9/6, 4f**\ *-. ////// I I li !1 1 // I ''ill 'I- -— A — to 22/6 each. M 5 ■» "* A /" 7/////'///// llii™'" —' l' Ifl w««r If I LOCOMOTIVES. Clockwork—l /- to 6/- each. H- m H ChS B4 »" fl" /'il//l/''III I ll' Ir j>- li/T :> ' i r R"' 5 "" , ' 'U , %# • MOTOR CARS, Clockwork—l/- to 14/6 each. M M%_ H ItL &\ ■■HI Bf j I B M 9 '/// //'//l / ////////,7/////• «5* : " r --' \li "" L ' ! FOF I OUH£ MISSrSS 1 / 6 ' f /6 " , W ** * A A W' i, I I (*M£jk W5E> ¥ifiE'-. A short selection from the great WATER PISTOLS, great fun, qmte-harmless- p. 11 1 number of GIFT GOODS we ' to 2/9 each. T SA " " - CLA US, the Children's Patron Saint, Distributor Q ! I 111 I ' Tf™ pI T t ti, SuSriS ££Eifi7e to 8/6 each f of Merriment and Joy, has already bought hosts of lovely Toys and i M fgZ, tSin! RI S- B l??tt/1-?J- \ Gifts at HDTCHINSON BROS., LTD. He has still more to buy. f b¥*"* '2 if ■ 8 -, 18/6 I On morning, one b 7 one, the youn, members of the f V/ilPl T/6 J !;1 each. "f family will waken £ TCfIV Wj f // iflHStii' 1 AUTOGRAPH BOOKS—3/-, 3/6, to g l%?- 2 /., 2/9, 3/9, f CaCh aQd aU acknowledging that FATHER CHRISTMAS was right -'; I, If nUHWII Envelopes, spray of^Wen-haii rand a | H«tcKi«v eon Bros., Ltd., I iSSS^ Jp -" ' Parents bring your children to see the GREAT TOYLAND *' BRUSHES, HAND ,lin J ./')| I*✓ ' i |j . . ' \\w\\\ ' H * 2 '" Confectionery and Chocolates. I I u P stairs a t our QUEEN ST. DEPOT f We ?h^: g |||Ji7 w—we w* to 27/6 pg,. box _ 1 ifV Where tKe Gifts come from *— ■ I It Wsh Hutchinson Bros., Limited I flf' Sk - e '"' . A b The UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS feS«.. ( ,^ g \__ •—"^^ B y and Kf*|f\(S five Bβ bh ivuyDer rass noaa y&&J I (p^ r children- V QUEEN St. Deoot f°TV°w, I 1 I s -f 4. STORES Custom St. West l " » « «

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 305, 21 December 1912, Page 24

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Page 24 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 305, 21 December 1912, Page 24

Page 24 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 305, 21 December 1912, Page 24