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Please Note! ifpSl-?--' \ ''BStfISIPtBS&iBSBti N ° W "* FULI, SWIHG XmasGifts In Furniture, etc What Shall I Give ? p Xmas Gifts in that are both infill smri *™^™*™* — *> t he sei**™ of o™^prc, ra t a , "suai, and remain L V mna , + ancl Glassware IUGI ai C USeiUi anCl fIU-#1 \WRHD and vnr y dim ' nllt that Section often is. A visit to Smith & Canghcy'e Open late On TllP«Hav Ot Tt • V ' thiS De P artfaent J™* * IFl^\^^^TMC^^B^l, Bip Emporium will assist you greatly. We have an enormous stock of ■ • mw= un I UeSOay bow. It is an easy matter to select from dttepidOie. If" \i-* }HhKlb Gifts suitable for young and old—for Ladies and Gentlemen as well as evening tieXt our Dl g stock articles for Xmas Gifts that II •>*% :^^^/Sa^s%^^ Children. If unable to visit us during the Festive Season, do the next _ _ *at artlgtic - usrf il and appropriate. One of S. and C.'s wonderful AD- jkisPT' \\ if* **"'* thin S' and Mail y our (>del ' immediately, while the selection is AIVIAS EVE BEAUTtPTTLi TEA SETS, best EnglnCi BOOKS OF A^MOST XmaS GiftS 1H *~™ <*™- ta . c Ml'.itr.. of / / v-jA«*^ > tj *~" >, v 7 EVERY DESCRIPTION Allldb UIIIS ID delicate colours— Salad Bowls. 6/6, 7/6, 'ADVANCE" CSAIK.S, in Tapestry, V ' fsmf 4S& JrHrHi v!v S ° lar "° an<l Taried is onr stock of To J' s that "° detailed descrip- iinibFolCl6F6(l match, 1/6, 1/9, 1/1 J each. Beautiful PHEW CEmiEY" CKArRI , ■ f _ Ik. _**&&%*. mfwllo/kWlrlm fonos, from toddlers, who are deEghted with a rattle or a ball, to the Liliei! GOOH<? BOHEMIAN GLASS, Riehlv Gilded on . Ai> >-n.A.n.o, m a §m\ m.m » Wk/JT/Wi/i fWi /B older children, who demand something more complicated. «wvuu. Ruby, Green, or Bine Suture and 1 A ffSSe iS //si M /I? J"H§ %/% YJ&i*r/V Wg art> s!3Owill S a range of Dolls of all sizes and styles. A Gift of Dainiy N-iperv always 1 Creams, Batter Dishes. Water Sets, ■ ,j The S. AJTD C. DBOPEEAB SEW- - | itVjf m AT? )}/*$ 'f\M[,\lfi(lVsß&7j The Children's Books are in most attractive bindings, and embrace to the home-Jover—whether it "is" for the Chei ' se Stands, Bisenit Barrels, 1/11, 2/3, ? k fiJJ**;. 10 years , puarantea /. 7 I 'A 1 JvM Y2s&'/W/IWWf books aB " Bo >' s and (;ir ' A ' Own Ajtinna] -" '-Chatterbox," "Chums," dining-room or for the bedroom " ' ' 4/6 ' 6/G, 7/6 ' 8/6 ' with each, only £6 lOs. 1 >W liilA /Jf/* ilsl "Chiles Own Companion," and bimdreds of books too numerous to In our huge variety will he found A Splendid Range of ATTSTRXAN CHINA j HAHD SEWZW GMACSDTES, Wooden I 1 WMS mention. thin g to please eye O : body, and at w^^ d DeCOratione ' Base and Cover, £3 10/-. l|/ | IBm |4 J/\ ll \fflpjfirfwtm All marked at AUCKLAND'S LOWEST PRICES low P rices - 7/6, io/6. '" g'' 6 ' 6/e ' J MABBLECLOCKS. 11 jf I ,\ /Jfir >\ // |1 Wfi&'ygiiM - ■ PHXOW SHAMS, hand embroidered ALTiXAHTDRA CHlHA—Artistic OrnaI rBOH MASTEL CLOCKS. \V// a v< W ifftJ \V*jS(ii , * ii , liilViilill Wjttfo J /iOthWi drawn thread, very special value. Per ments, in Wonderful Designs—4/6, 10/6 Tr-Aifn CTn r,re '" \tl W/fi 1111. AW//V ( ' ' Ufl k'llV ft HirivU i 1 \\\\\v'' »»« 1 β-r pair, 7/6, 8/9, 9/11, 10/0,11/9,12/9 15/, 17/6 each. pmso stools. Vi TOulMliyJyi Tea Kiosk and Lounge. wgriwin/*. '' royal aixee PomEYFEBEE MOTGE CH&IES, strong I »M 1 Mffi /»/ J^^^,° Olr TEA V*'*'*****, W, Hai,d-painted Marine Studies, very ridl and useful, in great variety. wi / (TAKE ELEVATOR). J/ 1 !. 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 4/6, 5/11, 6/9, 8/9, colours, 1/11, 2/6, 3/6, and 4/6. COMBINATION BOOKCASES. Ji / Our Up-to-date KIOSK ANP I.OUNGE. which is situated on the Cγ 1/6, 1/11, 2/0 2/11 POTTERY IN ■• rSAHED ASTD TO-FSAMED /Ml / third floor, away from the noise and durt of the city, is open all day. 3/6, 4/6, to 10/6 each GEEAT VAEIETT. BLACK AKD WHITE PIC- >T JS^bl)^^ - 1/ OnC ra " ahv:^' s rr, . y on "Staining a cup of really pood TEA or COFFEE, RTTHNERS AND SIDEHOATm LOTers of Art should make a point of in- " TTjEES. J&j~S2PISL I a l * 3 delicious ICES, STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM, and other dainty CLOTHS, ]/ l/t; l/u 2/f vn Vfi speeting our splendid variety of Graeeo' «4m \W^?*^tv F dishca. In the Lounge will be found the latest Magazines and News- A/a c/,; Z. ao/r, o ,v, ' i5/1 - l » rf /"» Roman Pottery. Each article is an exact CHIFPEiroAEET>R \WDTG-ROOM s^W^A^^ M^,Wl / P^ rs - rmmnw r«™l , reproduction of designs such ac excavated CHAXB3. MUSIC FROM 3 O'CLOCK EACH AFTISRNOON. l/U ' ■ P ° n,peii - AH v"*™™ designs. ° rEN LAT>: ° N TTESDAY T^^" l^o ' XEXT (CirRIRTMAS EVE). EMBROIDERED PUXOW SUPS 1/11, 2/zfwi, io/[j,' \X A / U A 111 fa Hi" A<?' COMB BAGS ' SOmE » ODD CUPS AND SADCZKS, in Foley ' "** >\fl [ \\ I VVS YMltm. \\ W m c OST COVI!BS ' »'OYI.EYS, China; all the vogne for Afternoon Teas IV S\ I \^l &ffi\W?m * )\ GIOVeS GTJTPTJItE AWD POINT XACE TRAT 3/6,' cup and saucer. J] 8 ¥¥ m W^^^^K'Jy^-^? , \V T t i n ci-oths, runners, mats, cut rock crystal glass S^^^*- *i£ iJ$ \\ \dT UmbrellaS NOON™ c™' AND AFTEB - VASES, «cJmiv e designs, 1/, 1/6, 2/6, S^?S^Lra G s tLJ B Sunshades Xmas Gifts in "SST^sl^K^i STJo^ST 1 " JBBCfT (111 /ir A/J JW J, ******** Ladies' Handkerchiefs «s^™~ V !j , HAT - T - CTTSTATS-S M % »k\A fJ if Muff Af POSTAGE ON ALT cxco P tion;ll b- fin e range of Handker- OENABESTS AT ""■ / CBXLDKEJTS CHATBS, in Rattan. VB 1% S V 1 i9&/MCw XV /# lV fMljZf ]n FllTe Uncn and direct 1/ EACH. Artistic, H # m HOT-WATER SETT3LES COAL H « mi»W%VlS*sSiPrk Jβ CASH ORDERS. Irom the b-»t Belfast manufacturers. No- Quaint, or Humorans, ■ / VASES, KERBS, BRONZE OR- Jji ST thmg is more acceptable or useful to a lady Hundreds to choose f N ° 3 ?^?ts B », Sohd Sllver Goods - Rimn. from 9/9. UK X 'MlfflNk ; '™™ of 2^? ni « Kld Glows, 501 -HEMSTITCHED FINE QTJAL- BEST SHEFFUXD MAKE. «*«-»--»«»» -se-^-fsri?^ MAHOGANY MUSIC CABINETS && / UjJLJT-^ 1 ! LMlCJ'^^' Sib ' /n ° X ' 504—HEMSTITCHED FTNE QITAL- CASE OF 6 CAKE FORKS, 7/6,. 8/6 in beautiful designs. f^f^7' Na H^—Bos cont-unintr 2 P.i rj- , I * AWK HANDKERCHIEFS, 9/6, 10/6, to 25/. CAKPET SWEEPEES, 13/6 and '« II V V Wo™ Frnni Kid PW, «d, 4/3 dozen. JAM DISHES, BUTTER DISHES, 17./8. Iβ LIZT-l HLD"r (Jj !„ IL.ff IJ JHBuWIMOI or VVhite ' as PeVZi S o *- 0 ™ SOCIAL IRISH LINEN '4/6, 5/6, 6/6, 7/6, 10/6, 15/ KOCHEL LTSEW CTTSHION COT- M fl / ta DKERCHIErS ' 4 - d ' 4/3 DCTNER , CRTTETS, 3 Bottles, 10/6, Noveity. Coloured I "!pplique 3 'Art r)I ' fflf »V ViWi/ Hi 11 * Iw" 506 —DAINTILY EMBROIDEHED DINNER CRUETS, 4 Bottles 12/6, signs, 3/3, 3/11. 4/6, and 4/11 f« /// U ill »>V V SSSfSSB WT ° 11TS - Per V. ' CO '" LAWH HABDKEBCHIEPS, 34d, 15/, 17/6, to 37/6. ' -DOMESTIC- VACTTtTM I fr \ «i PRESENTATION Tnvr 3/3 d SALAD BOWLS, 15/, 17/6, 19/6 25/ Xmas Gifts in Toilet , Requisites. il^^^^KSli® 1 T£ S " ,"T JKT H^LMAMro BDrroir HOO _ DAIHTY BOTTLES PERFUME, 1/, L ill ateSt Handies - 12 /6 «*ch ' ] / 3 each - ' 1/11, 2/6. 3/6. 5/11 each. 1/6, 2/6, 3, 11. 4/6, 5/ bottle upward* If RpeciaJ Assortment of LADIES' umb BEL 509 ~^C^^ S S U " > " HALL-MARKED SHOE HORNS-2/6. 1/9. 2/6.. 3/11, 5/11 / i/l !. ■ "" ! -V' 'J t7c 1 We Pay the Postap? on all Cash Orders. /wtf, I * ' n Fancy Boxes and Folders, containing BOTTLES, in numerous designs—l/ 6, excellent and useful Xmas Gifts for Ladies or Gentlemen. "T , ' 'MM ■pi * J •■ ■ ■ §■ a All are marked in plain figures ai very k>w price?. Wlillk Jglllf W!giS& Wft fl A ■ BBJW W% f\U M B "ei^K WmL MSrlt.Z. Travening Rugs lV 1 flllflllflf I 111 BRn-:P, and KFT BA<3S; PORTMANTEAUX; SARA- *j\ %ST k. /I I■■ 111 Vill|llll 11. X» A B «| A TOGA ajid COMPRESSED CA>TE TRDKKS, OVERLANX) itlllllPf V> 6vf > # TRUNKS; DRESS BASKETS; LADIES' HAT BOXES, fitted * fpW °" c ° f **** mOS * popalar of si£ts * with cones, steel trunks; suit cases; ladies- ami W%m ' " " All ' W °° l z - t**™ Auckland's Great Shopping Emporium GEKT.'S DRESSING CASES, fitted with superior Brushes, etc. >£i\lWa '■ useful at all seasons of the year and will wear x lifetime. S Vv , c have a stock of th<! bsst makes, in beautiful colours. f% V m . ■ f% Mm. ■ ■ INSPECTION INVITED. all marked at lowest possible prices. AwO XO AwO| wU6OII XVU OKlcLnCi

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 305, 21 December 1912, Page 23

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Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 305, 21 December 1912, Page 23

Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 305, 21 December 1912, Page 23