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befresentative match. AUCKLAND V. THAMES. SENIORS DRAW WITH JUNIORS. Three teams o£ Tliames hockey players Diet local teams at Itemueia on Saturday, all meeting defeat at the hands ot the iocal exponents of the g,ame. The men s representatives went down to the Auckland representatives by 6 goals to nil, after a somewhat uninteresting game, and the ladies were beaten by Ao-tca-roa, after a keen contest by 3 goals to 1. The match between the senior and junior representatives provided one of the keenest and most interesting games seen in Auckland this season, and a brilliant display by the younger team ended in a draw, each side scoring 2 goals. AUCKLAND V. THAMES.

Thames won the toss, and elected to defend the 'Western goal, with the sun at their backs. At 3.25 Griffin and King set the ball in motion, the Thames players gaining the advantage, and to Auckland's 2o play travelled. Weifcira here secured, and dashing down the line at the opportune moment, centred. Young missed, but Reynolds snapped the iba 11, but giving "sticks" Thames were relieved with a free hit. Porter intercepted, and 'hitting with great judgment sent the hall into the circle, giving his forwards an e'isy chance, which was not accepted, and Snu'lers cleared. The Thames right wing, Oiv-ron. was now prominent by a fine run, heing 'brought to earth •by tripping. Donovan continued the attack, but 'Baker could not be passed, and with a long hit across the field Welham had an opportunity to attack. The opposing hack division was beaten by a sharp inpass to Barry, who was penalised for "sticks." From the free hit, Windsor secured, and sent on to Donovan, who reached the circle, but off-side play by Hudwon brought relief to Auckland. The next attack was opened by Far<iirhnrson, who hit to Richards, who sent across the Reynolds, and the speedy lefit wing looked dangerous. Riley proved equal to stemming the onslaught. but straight hitting enabled Dickerson to resume the attack, through the agency of Barry and Welham. 11. Sanders darted out and stopped a dangerous shot, and Kttfihifig sent on to Hudson. The blue and whites were now in trouble, but P,>rtcr, coming hack, sent the ball out at the corner* Dine play followed, enabling the Auckianders to work towards their opponents' territory, and gaining the circle. Young dashed in, and with a clever reverse stroke found the net.

Auckland i Thames ..!.!.!!!!.!!!.! 0 Encouraged by their, success, Auckland i r>'. C ? fr ,° m olc bul 'y. but Hitching stopped Richards' progress, sending out at „ ;' T , ng ' , Krom t! >e roll-in Whitehead and Hudson became aggressive, and matters looked serious, but Farqirharson came acros? and transferred the scene of action to midfield. Here Welham secured, and, racing down the line, beat the opposition. A hard -centre reached Reynolds, who shot with success, the scores reading:— Auckland „ ..... 2 Thames 0 From the bully the ball crossed che side lino in Auckland's half, and from the rollin Whitehead passed to TDonovan. Obstruction by Auckland gave Thames a free hit. Barry intercepted, and passed to Reynolds, who, after a short run, sent right across the field to Welham. As the Aucklander approached the circle, 11, Sanders dashed out to meet him, and conceded a penalty corner. The ball reached Barry, who sent the leather flying over the net. At this stage the locals were having considerably the best of the struggle, only occasional long hits by Sanders and Kltchtng removing danger. This style of play was terminated by Baker taking a stroke in his own 20, and, the forwards falling to reach it, a bully resulted. Immediately KLng had beater Griffin, Young jumped in, and, without difficulty, raced through and .sent. In a high shot, which Sanders jumped up to stop, but' failed. Auckland .. 3 Thames 0 Occasional flashes by Thames, In which P.rokenshtre and Donovan were most conspicuous,' received a timely check by Baker ■and Farquliarson, and it was not long before the more combined efforts of the locals tested the visitors' defence. A forward dneli resulted in King adding Ms quota to the total, which read— Auckland 4 Thames 0 The -persistent attack maintained by the local vanguard resulted In Reynolds adding his second aoal—

Auckland 5 Thames 0 A long cross pass by Windsor to Hudson allowed the right wing a short run, and with Donovan Auckland's -last line of defence was reached, and Farqiiharson hit across the side-line at the 25. Thames now became aggressive, Brokenshire, Griffin, and Donovan being most prominent by hard hitting, only resulting in the goal-line being crossed. Barry darted as far as the centre, JSanders stopping and hitting to Whitehead. The centre-half passed to Gibson, who in turn sent on to Brokenshire, and the visitors' vanguard swept into Auckland's territory. A corner hit was gained, and long hitting transferred the 6cene of action to Thames' quarters, and shortly after half-time was called. Auckland 5 Thames 0 The second half opened with Thames, through Griffin and Brokenshire's efforts, putting Auckland upon the defensive, which Baker removed. Thames rallied considerably in this spell, many flue forward ruu6 being made, in whicli Brokenshire, Donovan and Griffin were most conspicuous. Several counter-attacks by Auckland were repelled, until Barry broke away, and with a hard shot that completely beat the goal-keeper, found the not — Auckland (S Thames 0 Time was.shortly afterwards called without any further addition to the scons, ■which read— Auckland 0 Thames 0 Mr. Hay was referee. SENIOR REPS, Y. JUNIOR REPS. The juniors got the better of the bully, and started a rush, which was quickly blocked, but soon they were on the attack again, and "sticks" resulting from a speculator by Jackson spoilt their chance. The seniors then got going, and the ball went into touch within striking distance. Juniors got charge from the throw-in, but could not take advantage of the opportunity, conceding a couple of corners in quick succession. A free hit relieved the pressure, but another corner followed almost immediately. The junior forwards now succeeded in carrying play tc midfield, whence a long hit put the senior goal in danger. Snedden made an attempt, but Jackson stopped and cleared with a hard drive, enabling his forwards to get going once more. Jacobsen and Barton got away with the ball, and the latter had a shot. The ball went over from the rebound, and the resulting corner left affairs unaltered. A free hit gave the juniors a chance, and they ■ soon crossed the half-way line. Kavanagh was prominent in staving off a rush, and for some minutes the senior backs were able to keep play near the 25 line, until their forwards got charge, and started a strong rush, which ended in a, corner, enabling the Juniors to free. Seniors returned to the attack, but the ball was carried over, and soon the juniors were in their opponents' territory, and an extremely hot attack was begun. Johns had a shot, but "sticks" spoilt the attempt. Very close play around the circle followed, but the forwards were massed In front of the posts, and the attack was staved off. The seniors now got a dribbling rush going, but G. Jacobsen got off a brilliant save. Seniors were soon on the attack again, and from a corner Parton found the net with a fast one. From the bully juniors started to press, and got several times within striking distance in the next few minutes, playing with a good deal of dash and keeping well up to the fast pace set them. Half-lime went with the scores: Seniors ............ X Juniors ................. 0

Honours were even for a short space after the bully, but the senior forwards got possession and started a rush, which was spou. by H. Burton missing a pass. lhe tables were soo.n turned, and n loose rush g av ® Snedden a shot, whicli was stopped by r' cett. In the course of a second rush Mai* colm collided with Jacksoa, and was laid out lor a few minutes. The juniors kept things lively, and a couple of corners followed immediately, but soon play gravitated to tti« other end, and King and V ause put up au excellent defence. Their forwards got possession again, and a dribbling rush g> Snedden a beautiful opportunity, but uslipped at the critical moment. Keeping up the pressure, the junior forwards P>itu some splendid work. Bartleet, bneild . and Gow all had shots, the last finding the net. Keillors 3" Juniors The seniors started to press for an advantage, and as the culmination of a■ r Jacobsen had a shot, but was just out ® the circle. His side kept it up, and fj a fine shot by Whittaker was well'saved oy Fawcett, who took the ball 011 his p The juniors now had it their own while, but faulty shooting .the ad vantage. The opposing backs were thor ouglily tested, and did not succeed in ing play for some time. At length the seniors cot possession, and began a ho ] ing rush, C Burton flndins the net from a pass. } o Seniors T Juniors The juniors now livened up, if P° ssibl ®' * 1 little more, and streaked for tbe 1 ?e, < shooting successfully while at full sp • . r> Seniors o Juniors " Play now got very fast, the J OU^ CT Jacobsen being temporarily laid ov t Dy a crack on the knee. Seniors got a gooci tack going, but H. Burton made a mistake in taking a pass and gave the juniors more the advantage. A fine but by the junior forwards nearly got home but Johns centred too hard and a iim*, suited. Give-and-take plav ensued till tlm went, with the scores unaltered. i Mr G. Baddiiey was referee. On Saturday even tag the Auckland Association entertained the visitors to and smoke concext in the Te Punga J The toast list included The> Mng, "Thames Tetins," proposed Mr King, re sponded Mr Griffin; "Thames » eia-tion," Mr Hill, responded Mr Donovan, "Auckland Hockey Association, MrJDono, van, responded Mr Davis; Mr Griffin, responded Messrs Hay and Ba - diley; "The Ladies," MrNorton ™ p rm ," \fr PaTton; and "The Chairman, Mr H. D. Caro. An enjoyable musical programme -was provided toy M ®ssni Bi l •Parton, Mason, Griffin, and .Horspool, all tonddnir to make a most enjoyable night. The players left for town by the steamer last Bizht. | * OUTSIDE MATCH. Third Grade Beps. 2 (Thomas and Mayall) drew with College Riflesi 21 (Fletcher and MeFarlane). Referee, Mr Dy „ iucklond IX. defeated College Rifles 11. .bvfivpgoals to one. For the winners -Norton (4) and Broadtrent scored, and Thomas scored for College. WELLINGTON. WELLINGTON, Saturday. "Wellington beat Otago for the Hockey Shield by three goals to two. In the semi-final of the ladies' touniament. Hawke's Bay beat Manawatu A by S.®goal to nil. Nelson beat Butter by five goals to one. Nelson and Ilawkes Bay meet in the final on Monday. LAB EES' MATCHES. THAMES A REPRESENTATIVES V. AO-TEA-ROA. Misses R. Daldy and I. Norton bullied off, and Ao-tea-roa attacked for some miaiftei , until Miss Towers broke away and car rieii play to the opponents' 25, where the £,U crossed the side line. From the throw-; In Miss E. Whittaker secured, and put in a good run but .Miss Garry stopped procress. Miss \Vinder next took a turn Miss Cardno conceding a corner. Give and 'take .play followed, until Miss Gillespie got in a shot for the country 'team, whicli was well stopped bv Miss A. Whlttaker. Misses ■Lewis, I. Norton, and Burton were next; prominent in a good passing run, but Miss ; Johnson stopped a score. Miss Burton was almost immediately prominent again in another line run, -but failed to centre. Miss Towers ibroke away, and beating the opposition scored a good goal. Thames 1 'Ao-tea-roa 0 Th'ames attacked from the .bully, "sticks" assisting, 'but Misses Gear and C. Norton ■removed the danger. Presently an exciting scramble occurred right in the City team s goal-mouth, but Miss E. Wbittaker saved and ibroke away, removing operations to Thames' 25, but Miss Garry, who was playing a splendid panic, was safe. Thames forwards attacked in a 'line, and a score looked certain, but Misses E. and C. Norton looked in and cleared in good style. (Misses E. Whfataker and I. Norton put In a splendid run, and the Thames custodian was forced 'to concede a corner. Ao-tea-roa ■now caused their opponents much anxiety, but were unable to put oil 'the finishing touches, and the whistle Bounded with the score: Thames 1 Ao-tea-roa 0 The visitors attacked from the whistle, and only some good tutting by Misses? Oardno and E. Norton s:.ved a score. Misses Gillespie and Winder putt in a good run, and beat the l&cks, tut Miss Gear whipped in and saved, a corner being conceded. The visitors were now 'having the best of it, Ami Miss Towers 'was held up on the circle edge by Miss Gear. Ao-tea-roa forwards then took a turn, and Mist. R. Whlttaker missed the net with a very hot shot. A few minutes later it looked as if Ao-tcii-roa's turn had come, and Misses Garry and Menzles were kept busy defending, eventually clearing .the danger. Play travelled rapidly irp and c'own the field, each team having an advantage in turn, and both missing opportunities in the circles. Ao-tea-roa raced Into the circle and Miss I. Norton scored. 'From the 'bully, the locals carried play to tie circle edge, 'but the ball missed the posts. Miss Culpan was .responsible for opening a fine attack for the Thames, Miss Card no relieving by sending out near the corner flag. Offside .play by Ao-tea-roa spoilt a fine opening. Miss Winders making n fine run to the 25. From sharp .play in midfieM, Ao-tea-roa broke away, and from a gmid run Miss Whittaker scored. Thames were now bard pressed, Miss Garry's line bitting 'bringin<relief. Thames retaliated by a fine rush to their opponents' 25. The whistle then sounded with the scores: Ao-tea-roa 2 i Thames .!!!." J Mr Dykes was referee. JUNIOR PRACTICE MATCH. A team 5 (Miss Morton 2, Miss Hazard *> Miss Gear 1) beat B team 2 (Misses Hopkins and Smith). THAMES B V. TECHNICAL COLLEGE Tlie match between the Thames junior representatives and Technical College was a very one-sided exhibition, play being practically all the time in the visitors' territory. The local team won easily by 3 j0,".1s to nil, the scores being Misses Hardlny, Dacrc, and Harris. Faulty shooting was chiefly responsible for the students' score not being much larger. HAMILTON. HAMILTON, this day. At hockey on Saturday Hamilton ladles defeated Taupiri by 3 goals to nil.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 216, 11 September 1911, Page 8

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HOCKEY. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 216, 11 September 1911, Page 8

HOCKEY. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 216, 11 September 1911, Page 8