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ASSOCIATED BOARD RESULTS. LIST OF SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES, The interim results of the Practical Musical Examinations held In Auckland, .Hamilton, To Aroha, and Whangarei during the last fortnight, under the auspices of the Associated Boiird of the 'R-oyal Academy ■of Music and Royal College of Music, London, have ibeen submitted to .the local secretary (Mr. H. J. Edmiston) by the examiner, M.r. Douglas Redman. The names of the successful candidates are given tbelow, the names appearing in numerical order. The names of the teachers arc given in parentheses. Passes have been given for pianoforte playing, except in instances otherwise stated.

- • > a Si 3 31 S ™ "3 e> I H (h U «! | Licentiate 7 0 1 0 LOCAL OE.YTR/E. Advanced Grade .. 14 .'4 0 2 Intermediate Grade 12 .1 1 "l SCHOOL EXAMIXA HONS. Hi-gher Division.. 14 .13 1 0 Lower i)i T i S i ou ;jg 34 4 0 Elememtary ...... 50 51 0 o 'Primary CO 50 3 0

LICENTIATE. Pull Marks 200, Pass 150. ®™ e ® ton > 174 (Mr 11. Barry Coney's School); Gladys Alexina Monro 164 (Dr W E. 1 homos' School); Catherine Sale, 102 , rj, n°niaH' School); Olive May Ithodes, IGI (Mr 11. Barry Coney's School). | LOCAL CENTRE. ADVANCED GRADE Full Marks 100, Honours 130, Pass 103. Cecilia Cartingtou (honours), .140 (St. Mary s Convent, Bonsonby); Helen Itenshaw (honours), 132 (Mi- J. F. Bennett); Ethel >io ct Carter (honours), 132, singing (Mrs Sutherland); Mildred Coleman, 12S (Mrs ■Sutherland); Ilosa Waite, 124 (Mr 11. Bariy Coney); Rita Burnside, 123 (Webbe School of Music, Mr H. Webbe); Mary Josephine Colcgrove, 122 (Mrs A. Boult); Isidore Gumming, 122 (Dr. W. E. Thomas); Anna Morrison, 118 (Mr J. F. Bennett); Nellie Tizard, 115 (Webbe School of Music, Miss M. Spooner); Vera McElwaln, 114 (Webbe School of Music, Mr W. 11. Webbe); Ida Gruar, 112 (Mr J. F. Bennett); Gladys Aline Pcet, 11? (Mr J. P. Bennett). INTERMEDIATE GRADE. Pull Marks 100, Distinction 130, Pass 103. Jessie Geddes, 120 (Mr. J. F. Bennett); Ruby Meal, 120 (Mr. ,T. F. Bennett); Winifred Mary Clarke, 123 (Miss M. W. Eastgate); Olive Hipkins Clarke, 120 (Webbe School of Music, Miss M. Webbe); Dorothy Hamilton, 120 (Webbe School of Music, Miss M. Webbe); Mary Lindsay Steele, 118 (Miss M. Hutchinson); Muriel Cranch, 118 (Mr. Harold Gregson); Lille Smith, 110 (Webbe School of Music, Miss Spooner); Ivy McKcnzie, 108 (Webbe School of Music, Miss Spooner); Muriel Frost, 107 (Mr. 11. .Barry Coney); Olive Brydeii, 101 (Mrs. Neave).


HIGHER DIVISION". Full Marks 150, Distinction 130, Pass 300. Gertrude Gardner (distinction), 130 (tS. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Lillian Elley, 125 (Miss M. W. Eastgate); Maude Ivmlly Parker, 122 (Sinters of St Leo's Academy); Hazel James, 122 (Mrs. A. Poult); Lilian Cooper, 121 (Webbe School of Music, Mr. W. 11. Webbe); Marion Renshaw, 120 (Mr. J. F. Rennett); IClsie McNlel Robertson, 10C (Miss M. M. Wrlgley); Kathleen Metge, 100 (Miss 13. M. Webb); "Winifred Smith, 100 (Miss M. W, Eastgate). LOWER DIVISION. Full M'aTlts 150, Distinction 130, Pass 100. Esther Levin (distinction), 133 (Mr J. F, Bennett); Norman Blomtield (distinction), 131 (Webbe School of Music, Mr W. 3". Webbe); Bertha Lockwocd, 128 (Mr J. F. Bennett); Ngaio Prosser, 128 (Hiss 51. E. jfiraund); Josephine McGettigan, 123 (St Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Cecil Eaton, 122 (Webbe School of Music, Mr W. 11, i Wobbe); Winifred Itenshaw, 122 (Miss Helen Rensliavr); Ettie Schneldermau, 121 (Webbe School of Music, Mr W. It Webbe); Olivette Wilson, 120 (Mrs Neave); Annie Grove, 119 (Miss M. Spooner); Winnie Stewart, 139 (Mrs Neave); Grace Martin, 119 (Webbe Scliool of Music, Mr W. 11. Webbe): Margaret Home, 115 (Mr F. 10. Fairburn); Ivy Woods, 114 (Miss E. M. Baker); Margaret Colville, 114 (St. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Margaret Sutherland, 113 (Mr J. F. Bennett); George Mills, 112 (Webbe School of Music, Mr W. 11. Webbe); Amv Gladys Court, 110 (Mr J. F. Bennett); Cicely Mago Brown, 110 (Miss M. W. Eastgate); Fred. Herbert, 309 (Webbe (School of Music, Mr W. 11. Webbe); Ilelra Hunt, 105 (Mrs Neave); Lllias Christie, 103 (Mrs Neave).; Robert Geddes, 103 (Mr J. F. Bennett); Roy Erickson, 103 (Mr J. F. Bennett). ELEMENTARY. Full Marks 100, Distinction 130, Pass 100. Bessie Nash (distinction), 138 (Miss L. M. Patterson); Gabriel Martin (distinction), 132 (St, Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Caroline Holder (distinction), 130 (Miss M. Spooner); Rita Cornaga, 128 (St. Joseph's) Convcsnt, Grey Lynn); Kathleen Caldwell, 127 (St. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Elsie Robins, 127 (Webbe School of Music, Mr W. 11. Webbe); Ruth Noriie, 120 (Miss A. Bellalrs); Dorothy May Hardy, 120 (Miss C. Side); Freda Itosslter, 126 (Miss F. E. Stewart); Olga Paykell, 125 (Mr J. F. Bennett); May Galloway, 122 (Miss E. M. Baker); Margaret Smith, 122 (St. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Lydla Pemberton, 121 (Sisters of the Misdon, Paumure); Hazel Clifford, 321 (Mr F. E. Fairburn); Elva La Dette, 121 (St. Joseph's Couvent, Grcy Lyun); Olive llaile, 120, singing (Miss Mary Cooper); Grace Fletcher, 119 (Melmerley College, Mrr A. Boult); Mona Clifton Gordon, 119 (Miss M. W. Eastgate); Rosie Paykell, 117 (Mr J. F. Bennett); Eileen Red fowl, 117, violin (St Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Madge Grlflitbs, 115 (Mrs A. Boult); Margaret O'Grady, 111 (Miss Helen Renshaw); Bessie Paykell, 114 (Mr J. F. Bennett); Richardson, 114 (Mr F. E. Fairburn); Gladys Short, 11-i (Mr F. E. Fairburn); Cyril Johnson, 111 (Miss Ethel Stewart); Stanley Ileus-haw, 111 (Miss Helen Renshaw); Marjorie llellaby, 10G (Mr J. F. Bennett); Ivy Coyle, 10(5 (Miss H Cunningham); Mona Otway. 104 (Miss A. Bellnirs); Muriel Rolfe Webster, 102 (Mr J. F. Bennett); Fred Hvde 102 (Mrs Neave); Joyce Frederick Ba"ge, 102 (Miss M. W. Eastgate); Elsie Ruby Fitness, 102. (Sisters of the Miss on, I'ukekohe); Kathleen McMillan, 100, singing (Miss Mary Cooper). PRIMARY. Full Marks 150, Distinction 130, Pass 100., Nancy Appleby (distinction), LIS (Miss M. Spooner); Vera Constance Hardy idisunction), 134 (Mies C. Sale); George Hun ell (distinction), 133 (St. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Vera Moon (distinction), 131 (Miss C. Feet); Gladys Webley (distinction), 131 (Melmerley .College, Mrs A. Boult); Dolores Farrell (distinction), 130 (St. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Edna Cniig (distinction) 130 (Miss Spooner); Alice Rlekards (distinction) 130 (Mies A. Bellalrs); Olga Jackson 128 (St. .Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Esther Aruoldsou, 127 (Air J. F. Bennett); Abraham Paykell, 127 (Mr J. F. Bennett); Mary Watklns, 127 ('St. Joseph's Convent, Gxey Lynn); Mabel E. Sellwood, 120 (Mr F. E. Fairburn); Eileen Blncion, 125 (Miss Ethel Stewart); Margaret Christie, 125 (Mrs Neave); I-Ilnemoa McGregor, 125 (Miss M. W. Eastgate); Hilda Jackson, 123 (St. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Bronctte Paykell, 123 (Mr J. F. Bennett); Zetland Reutli, 122 (St. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Raymond Haines, 12(Miss Etliel Stewart); Alleen Smith, 122 (St. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Alfred Walker, 121 (Mr F. E. Fairburn); Mabel La Dette (violin), 120 (St. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Frank Parsons, 120 (Ms? M. Spooner); Joseph B. Walker, 110 (Mr F. E. Fairburn); Marjorie Winifred Webster, lis (Mr J. F. Bennett); Doris Hartley, 117 (Miss M. Spooner); Muriel Clark, lit (Miss M. Spooner): Joshua Paylicll, Ufl (Mr J. F. Bennett); Vera Sjan, 110 (St. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lyna); Mary Rowland, 115 (Bt. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Sybil Short, 115 (St, Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Isabel Manning, 115 (St Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Doris MePherson, 114 (Sisters of the Mission, Pnwnnre); Elva La Dctto (violin), 114 (St. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Annla Andaraoa, 118 (St Joseph's Coawrt, Grey; "I/jmn); tSylvia Ewen, 113

(St. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Raymond Turner, 112 (Miss Ruby Neal); Kathleen Falrweather, 112 (St. Joseph's Convent, •Grey Lynn); Kathleen Wilson. 11l (Sisters' of the Mission, l'ukekohe); Annie Webb, , 110 (Mr E. F. Fairburn); Pearl Whltetield, | 110 (St. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn); Evelyn Wags tail, 109 (Mr E. F. Fairburn); Clarice Stones, 108 (Miss E. Cunningham); Constance Clarke, 107 (Miss M. W. Eastgate); Madge Yerrall, 104 (St.. Joseph's Convent, Grey Lynn). HAMILTON CEKTRS. Higher Division. —Full marks 150, distinction 130, pass 100: Clifford Jacobs (violin), 110 (Mr. G. 10. Turner). Lower Dlvison.—Full marks 350, distinction 130, pass 100: Alice Zajonskowskl, 116 (Mr. G. E. Turner); Gladys Morris, 100 (Mr. <4. ]■). Turner); Eileen Zajonskowskl, 103 (Mr. G. E. Turner). Elementary.—Full marks 150, distinction 130 pass 100.—Janet Ilateley, 114 (Mrs. R. Niccolls); Kuby Cooper, 111 (Mr. G. E. Turner); Ellen Zajonskowskl, 102 (Mr. G. E. Turner); S. John Minor, 100 [Mr. G. E. Turner). Primary.—Full marks 150, distinction 130,, pass 100: Victor Zajonskowskl, 111 (violin). (Mr. G. E. Turner): Clarice May Skellern, 102 (Mrs R. Niccolls); Katie Rowlands Herd," 100 (Mrs. R. Niccolls). TE AROHA CENTRE. Licentiate. —Full marks 200, pass 150: Alice Mary Lock, 174 (Mr. W. C. Blair s School); Mary Amelia Sullivan, 155 (Convent of Mercy, To Aroha). SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. Higher Division. —Full marks 150, distinction. 130, pass 100: Alma McGruer (distinction), 130 (Convent of Mercy, To Aroha), Eileen McGill. 103 (Convent of Mercy, le Aroha; Jean Wi£g (violin), lOi (Convent or Mercy,' Te Aroha. • Lower Division.—Full marks 3,>0, distinction 130, pass 100: Mabel Newshain, 116 (Convent of Mercy, Te Aroha); Dorothy Johnson, 308 (Convent of Mercy, Te Aroha). Elementary Division—Full marks 100, distinction 130, p,ass 100: Herbert Lee Dowers, 310 (Miss B. Mori ancle School, Paeroa); Una Verrall Hill, .118 (M-ss B. Morlaiid's School, Paeroa); Muriel Smith, 118 (Convent of Mercy, Te Aroha) Primary Division—Full marks 100, distinction 130, pass 100: Marjory Bain, 12, (Convent of Mercy, Te Aroha); Irene Wat eon, 121 (Convent of Mercy, Te Aroha). WHANGABEI CENTRE. Jjooal Centre, Advanced Grade.—Fnll marks 150. honours 130, pass 103: <™ a 'Louisa Wells, 114 (Miss Fordham s School). SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. Lower Division.—Full marks 150, diatlncrtioa 130, pass 100: Kathleen Isabel Atkinson 118 (Miss Fordham's School); Isabel Mary Mclnncs. 115 (Miss Fordham's Schoo); Ivy Hllforcl, 114 (Miss £>rdham s School); Ethel Sands, 113 (Miss Tl'awke s School); Ititji Johnson, 107 (Miss Ilawke's School). (Elementary Division. —(Full marks j.oo, diS'Uut.-itl&Ei 130, pass 1O0: lEmmeline (May Chapman, 128 (Miss Fordham's School); .Lilias Itobson Clarke, 128 (Miss Ford-ham's School); Gladys McMillan, 126 (Miss -Rust'si School); Mary Caroline Jack, 121 (Miss: ,Rust's School); Emily Olive Scott, 116 (Miss; JtTwke's School); iErica McPhee, 111 (Miss ■lEavvke's School); Muriel McDonald, 110 {iMlss flawke's (School); lilfca Constance Frasef, 108 (Miss Fordham's School); Edna Dbhel James, 104 (Miss Fordham's School). iPrfmary Division.—Full marks 150, distinction 130, pass 100: Kathleen Hilda Wood-all (distinction). 131 (Miss Fordham's School); Ellen Hamilton, 121 (Miss Fordham's School); Myrtle McLean, 114 (Miss Fordham's School); Kylphn Peckham, 103 (Miss Fordham's Sohool); Roue Cheeseman, 101 (Miss IFo/dhnui's School).

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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 216, 11 September 1911, Page 6

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MUSICAL EXAMINATIONS. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 216, 11 September 1911, Page 6

MUSICAL EXAMINATIONS. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 216, 11 September 1911, Page 6