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RUGBY. The Auckland touring team managed to win the first of their engagements—that against Canterbury—by the narrow margin of three points. The telegraphed account of the game states that ft was fairly even, and probably the ,core indicates the merits of the teams «n tbc day's P la . v - Auckland's weakness jTerncd to be in the front row of the fuum, and this was not unexpected, for Rasoiusitn and Herring had no work together in that position, excepting, of course, during training operations, and their failure to get the ball did not give the backs many chances. Only mice since Canterbury taught us how to play football in IS\l2, and that was in the following year, have the Southern province succeeded in lowering Auckland's colours, although they drew with us in ISB9, and gave us a terrible light

last year. The benefit to " Scotty" Bonella, on Saturday next, promises to be a successful allair. A splendid programme is b.jn« put forward by the Rugby Union, gnd in addition to the match between th-3 Auckland juniors and the Waiuku representatives, a seven-aside tournament has been arranged, entries for which close to-night. Seven-aside tournaments »re always fast and exciting, and should be the means of attracting a large attendance at Epsom. On this occasion the free list is absolutely suspended. The visit of the Auckland B. reprt lentatives will doubtless have a good eiiect on the game in the Lo.ver Waikato Union. Considering the comparatively short distance that iiuntly is situated from Auckland, it is surprising that so little advance has been made in acquiring a knowledge of the game. The local team appeared to have practically no knowledge of the finer points of the game, although from the outset they niade ineffectual attempts to imitate their opponents. This may have had, something to do with their ignominious failure for instead of pursuing their usual tactics of making the vanguard the crux of their attack they endeavoured to work from the backs. Another mistake the Waikato players made wa3 in neglecting to floor their man, when they tackled him, with the result that the visitors after getting rid of the ball followed up and took the pass again. By doing thi3 Wilson was responsible for at least two tries. For a short time in the second quarter, the Waikato forwards rallied, and more than held their own, but the Auckland pack soon retaliated, penning them on thoir line. When tht home team scored in the last spell, it was ob- . vious that the visitors were resting on their laurels. '

Of the Waikato players McKinnon, who played wing forward, was a bright •pot. He followed the ball, and worked well in the loose. Drake was not quite to conspicuous, but he played a consistent game, and was seen to advantage in tha loose. Awa and Bright played a dashing game and worked well together, tut, like the remainder of the pack, they could not follow the Auckland forwards. The remainder of the home vanguard were an indifferent lot. In the backs, Jfipe displayed more knowledge of tlie finer points of the game than the remainder of the rear division. He saved his side continually, out the other members of the team were unable to take advantage of the capital openings that he made. If thig player gets an opportunity he should develop into a brilliant back, behind the scrum or in the fiveeighth line. Tumete on the right wing tackled solidly, and his line-kickJng was good, but in attack his play waß of a poor order. Pullen, on the other wing, : ifas not a success, his work in every department being lamentably weak. The full-back got in some creditable lineticking, but he was not fast enough for the fleet-footed visitors.

The Auckland players, without exoepti«, played fine games, but, of course, their opponents were so far 'below their standard that they would naturally be expected to make a good showing. Wilson played a great game, and with the exception of that of Webb, his exhibition was easily the best of the day. Nearly every time he initiated the passing bouts that the Waikato players found so trying, Webb gave one of his really brilliant exhibitions that make one wonder why he is not touring with the team ia the south. Curran managed to get five of the tries, his speed being far too much for his opponents. Mac Duff engineered the scrum in his beat style, but he was seen lagging behind more and more as the game proceeded. The other forwards all made an excellent showing.

NOKTHERN ITWIOIf GAME. The last of the cup challenge matches have been played, and Auckland still retains the cup. Saturday's match between Auckland and Taranaki was not as closely contested or as interesting a-3 was expected, and Auckland came home with 11 points to the good. As »r as the first spell went, the gjtne was even enough, and in the early portion of the next spell the visitors crept up to within three points of Auckland's score, but they visibly tired towards the Mid, and the home team livened up, and put on eight points in no time. j For the visitors, Twahill, on the threequarter line, played a good game, bint the back division as a whole lacked combination. Kyle was the brightest forward, and showed good tactics in follow"ig up and dribbling. Auckland got the best of almost all the scrums, but the half did not get the toll away dearly. He attempted to *ork the blind side too much, consequent,>• time after time a string of waning baeks had to warm themselves racing after nothing. AsJirr struck form in Saturday's Match, snd treated spectators to a fine exn.ju.on 0 r f ootbaH . ni . firgt attempt J° -ie-re was sensational, Asher jumping uipli over Hargrraves, who managed, fow.v r. to catch the former's feet, and leL.l, him down heavily. K'l-.iMJ was one of the best men in AUct. and's forward division, and plaved a >'''■ ;• iirainy game. < 1., d* v.;..s in excellent fettle, and Mi. .nine tight corners to get out of . e l ,r "ved equal to the ease, and his Bid.-,,, pping, etc., was particularly neat. -prague wag not ab | c to Auclc . land r, a Saturday, and those expecting to see another game from this JJke that he put up on the previous Saturday, were sorely disappointed. Saturday next wili see an interesting match at North Shore, between the Wawkp's Bay representatives and the Auckland representatives. The Hawkes Bay men are all players of experience, and should make a good showing. The game will be played on the Talcapuna racecourse, on account of the Victoria jarfe being otherwise engaged. The **«gue have jused the ground lot four

matches, and the City Council by-laws will not allow 'the park to be hired further this season. The selectors have chosen the same •men to represent Aucklad that have t>een playing Saturday after Saturday. There are a good number of other players of the Northern Union game who would make a good showing—Gladding, Houghton, etc.—and as club matches have been off for so long, it would have been a good thing to introduc? several new players to representative honours, especially as next Saturday's match deos not place the cup U jeopardy. H. Park, one of the members to represent Hawke's Bay in Saturday's .match, is an old Te Ante College boy, who has represented Hawke's Bay, Nelson, Marlborough, and Poverty Bay under Rugby Lnion rules. He plays either back or forward, and weighs Hist 71b. All the Maori players for next Saturday's match show good representative caps, and the team is a heavy one, averaging 13.3 over seventeen men. Haipe Kani, one of the Maori visitors, has been a representative footfballer for over twenty years, having represented in that time Dunnevirke, Hawke's Bay. Manawatu Bush., and Foxton. NOARU A WAHIA. The Lower Waikato League's programme for the next three weeks is as follows:—September 9, v. Rotorua, at Rotorua, for Endean shield; September 16th, v. Daunevirke Maori team, at Frankton, Junior reps. v. Hamilton B in curtain raiser; .September 23, ?. Hamilton, at Frankton.

The following will represent Lower Waikato in the match for the Endean Interleague shield nextSaturdayat Rotorua:— Full back, J. Dunn : three-quarters, S.Ruuciraan, p. Crean, F. LittlewooJ, J. Kay; five-eighths, R Oleeson; half, M. Vincent: forwards, .1. Roison, 11. Sampson, F. Jones, M. Park, W. Thompson, F. HaJl; emergencies, W. Raynor, T. Davies. The team will leave for Rotorua by the express on Friday afternoon, and return ou Monday. R. £*pragiie is unfortunately unable to make the trip. ASSOCIATION. MATCHES FOR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th. PonsoDby v. Everton.—No. 1 ground, Eden I'ark; referee. Mr. Classen. T.iranaki v. Best of Auckland.—No 2 ground. Eden Park; referee, Mr. French. Linesmen for Ponsonby and Bvertou match, Messrs. Speed and Dunsford. FOURTH DIVISION SIX-A-SIDE TOURNAMENT. North Shore v. St. John's, Kingsland, starting at 2 p.m. Caledonians v. Gordon A, Kingsland. Tabernacle B v. Tabernacle A, Kingsland G»rdon B v. Y.M.C.A., Kingsland W.Y.M.1., a bye. FIFTH DIVISION SLS-A-SIDB DRAW FOR SATURDAY NEXT. 3—Y.M.C.A. A v. Y.M.C.A. C, No. 3 ground, Kiagsiand, 12 o'clock; referee. Mr. Adair. I—Xortnoote A v. C. of C. .B, No 1 ground, 12.30 p.m.; referee. Mr. Winks. 2—Northcote B v. Y.M.C.A. B, No. 2 ground, 12.30 p.m.; referee, Mr. Bennett. 4—C. of C. A v. Remuera, No. 3 ground, 12.30 p.m. ; referee, Mr. Davis. s—Tabernacle A v. St. Lake's, No. 4 ground, 12.30 p.m.; referee, Mr. Fowler. 6—Snore A v. Y.M.C.A. D, No. 1 ground, 1 p.m.; referee, Mr. Hogan. 7—Mt. Eden A V. Y.M.C.A. B. No. 2 ground. 1 p.m.; referee, Mr. Blineoe. B—Mi. Kden B T. St. James'. No. 3 ground, 1 p.m.; referee, Mr. Maasam. 9—Hover* v. winner of No. 8, No. 4 ground, 1 p.m.; referee, Mr. Gilmore. v. winner of No. 1, No. 1 ground, 1.20 p.m.; referee, Mr. Winfcs, 11—Tabernacle C v. winner of No. 2, No. 2 ground, 1.20 p.m.: referee, Mr. Blineoe. 12—Tabernacle B v. winner of No. 4, No. 3 ground, 1.20 p.m.; referee, Mr. Bennett. 13—Shore B v. winner of No. 6, No. 4 ground. 1.20 p.m., Mr. Gilmore. A—Winner of No. 10 v. winner of No. G, No. 1 ground, 1.40 p.m.; referee, Mr. Hogan. B—Winner of No. 13 v. winner of No. 11, No. 2 ground, 1.40 p.m.; referee, Mr. Atkinson. C —Winner of No. 12 v. winner of No. 9, No. 3 ground, L4O p-m.; referee, Mr. Campbell. D—Winner of No. 8 v. winner of No. 7, No. 4 ground, 1.40 p.m.; referee, Mr. Bennett. Winner of A v. winner of B, No. 2 ground, 2 p.m.; referee, Mr. Sutherland. Winner of C v. winner of D, No. 3 ground, 2 p.m.; referee, Mr. Oadwailader. Final.—Mr. Cadwallader.

' A query has been received from "Soc ' I cer" asking if Newcastle United ever won ' | the cup and league championship in one '. i year. Our record fails to show this, but J probably some of our "soccer" enthu- ,. siasts can enlighten. The Taranaki reps, arrive in Auckland on Friday morning, and will meet a team from those not otherwise engaged in the cup final on Saturday at Edei '' Park. Both the oup final and the Tara- ' naki match should be strenuous ones. The following team will represent the ' Rest of Auckland team against Taranaki J at Eden Park on Saturday next: —Goal, 1 Howie; fullbacks, Gilmour, Haresnapc; 1 halves, Puke, Scriven, Wallace; forwards. ! Sutherland, Tate, Davis. Nyberg, Picker- ' ing; reserves —back, Craig; half, Davies; ; forwards, Stranger, Saunders. A good ' and scientific game should be witnessed 1 when these two teams meet. The Tara-naki-ites are spoken of as the best that I can be got together. The following are the winners of the five divisions: —First, Ponsonby; second, North Shore; third, Mt. Albert; fourth,, North Shore. The cup winners will be decided on Saturday next. All players and enthusiasts are looking forward to the final cup match on Saturday next, when the Ponsonby tpam will plav off with Everton at Eden Park. Both teams are confident of lifting the coveted trophies, therefore a ding-dong contest should be witnessed. Mr. Classen j will control the game. A North Shore player was ordered off the field by the referee last Saturday in ! the North Shore —Everton match for foul n!ay, and received last evening, at the hands of the Management Committee, j suspension till the end of season 1012. The local executive has decided when I dealing with players ordered off the field to make a salutary sentence. They would also warn those who have been cautioned i by referees to take note of this fact. it has been decided to hold an enquiry into the case of insulting remarks passed by a spectator last Saturday at Eden Park to the player ordered oiT the fie'd. Evidence will he called, when, no doubt, the offender will be dealt with. The N.Z.F.A. has circularised all affiliated associations warning them of allowing betting on games. The question of pickin? n representative team to travel to play the Waikato team has been left over till next. Tuesday evening. AH those willing to journey to Huntly are requested to forward their names to the local secretary. The A-B\A,, annuaj aoci»J evening wiW > take place at the "Tiffin," wfc«! ifrt fin*. ' second and third dmaraiui will nettm

It has been decided to invite the parents of the fifth division players to am evening to be held in the Y.M.C.A. rooms on Friday next. During the evening the presentation of the fourth and fifth division medals and cups wilj take place. All players in both divisions are requested to be present.

The result of the fifth grade championship Is as follows:

Goi: lis rn. P. W. L. r>. for. i agStPts Y.M.C.A. A.. . 12 u 0 i 86 5 23 Northcote ... 12 111 2 0 sn 14 20 North Shore 11 s 2 i .%2 fi 17 Mr. Eden ... 12 8 4 0 M7 18 1« Edpndi)lf> ... 11 7 3 1 27 10 15 Oh. of Christ . 12 4 4 4 11 24 12 BorpKford ... 11 4 5 2 17 2:> 10 Hovers 10 3 ."i 2 13 20 s Tahernncle . . 11 r. R 2 15 2* <i V.M.O.A. B.. 11 2 7 2 !) 23 6 llemaera .... 11 2 9 0 .-, 10 4 Pt. I,uke - s .. 12 1 11 3 no 2 St. James'... 10 — 10 — 70 —

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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 212, 6 September 1911, Page 7

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FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 212, 6 September 1911, Page 7

FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 212, 6 September 1911, Page 7