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(By WHALEBONE.) FIXTURES. July 16, 20 and 23—Wellington K.C. Winter Aug. 0, 11 and IS—C.J.C. Grand National Oct. 12, 15 — Auckland Trotting Club Sprins Sept. 17, 21, and 24—Avondale 3. C. Spring. Nov. 19, 23—Otahuhu T.C. Spring. Dec. 27, 31, Jan. 7 — A.T.C. Summer

Artillerie is reported to be doing useful work at Randwiek, In view of engagements during the spring.

The Auckland-trained horse Tβ Aral Is quoted first favourite in the South for the C.J.C. National Steeplechase.

The Feilding J.C., after paying stakes £SSIO and Government tax £914, mode a net profit on last season's working of. £407.

The New Zealand Cup candidate Master Theory has resumed work again at Ellcrslie. He is still an inmate of lj. Moraghan's stable.

Although the exact tlguree are not yet available, it is understood the Auckland Racing Club have experienced v. very successful year.

According to a Napier writer, the Birkenhead colt Xylophone is in a very bad way with influenza, and his chances of recovery are but elisbt.

The Waika to-owned horses Red McGregor, Master Paul and Todka have put in an appearance, at Trentham for the Wellington Winter Meeting.

The Auckland Racing Club hay j creased their stakes by £600 for the coming season. They ai-e still a good bii behind the Canterbury Joctey Club.

The Auckland borse. Ngapnka. has been allowed lo drop out of his C.J.C. Winter Cup engagement. Two other Aitcklanders in Wauchope and ElectrakoflE have paid up.

The Wellington Racing Chih'fi Winter Mf"ting. which concludes the present racing season, opened at Trentham this afternoon. and will be continued on Wednesday, and concluded on Saturday nest.

Trainers and Jockeys are notified by advertisement that all applications for licenses for the coming season must be made to tbe Metropolitan Committee not later than Monday, tJic 18th inst.

The Xapier trainer .1. C-mcrovi intends leaving for Ansrrali.n next week wirh Ktateie and Wnolooinor>lf>o. both of which are eaztiged at Cfliilflelii next month. Cameron's other charge. Bullworth, In to fi-lfll bis eiigagements «t tlie C..1.C. National Meeting.

According to cable advice received the C.allinule hor*o Penury, recently purchased in Australia by Mr H. R. MeKeuzle. was shipped from Sydney by the Maheno on Weiinesd.iy. 2nd should arrive in Auckland to-morrow'(Sunday).

The accident to M. Deeble, coming just on tbe eve of the Wellington and C.J.C. Meetings, Is n mrst unfortunate one for the Thames uorsemftu, us it will keep him out of the saddle :it these gatherings, ami another rider will have to be secured lor Capitol.

The fVml! gelilir.g Maiora Is not making as <iattofo<'lory n recovery from tlie accident which befrl him at the Tnkupuna .T.r. Winter Meeting as could be wl-fhed. and It l« now pracrirnlly certain he will be useless for racing again.

L. H. terniPd "the fnmous Australian jcflicy" hv the llnncnrlan correspondent of the "i.cmlon Sportsman." wnn the Hungarian Oaks*, of lAnfMim, on a filly named llonx I'enz. who was one of -the ontMlilere of the lh-U\.

Mr. John Rowr. president of the N.Z. Trritiing Coufrrrnre, leaves fur Wellington by the Mm In Trunk express to-morrow evening to preside uver the Conference, which opens on Tuesday w>ll.

It Is stilted that til- reason for Wlmntenis withdrawal from the r.J.C. National Meeting was mi account of his owner being dissatisfied with Ms weight. If lhat was the reason, very few will he found lo agree with Mr Watt "in his contention.

K. Porter, trainer of Tγ Arai, returned to Auckland after the (Jlnborno Meeting, and loft Tor the southern town by to-dny's steiimcr. L'orter !<-nrcs Gisborne on Wednesday for Chris'tchnrch, with Te Aral, which claims an engagement In the C.J.C. National Steeplechase

In referring to n recent race at a subnrban course a Melbourne writer mentions that Mr. E. A. Connolly started Celerity. Ring and Medgc. Celerity, by Sctton Delaval —Monsoon, sturted favourite, and won by n street: the other two started at forlorn prices, and were not seen.

M. Halbroun. on? of tbe leading authorities oa racing In Franco, and who is fairly conversant with English as well as Continental racing, stated In a recent letter to the "London Sportsman" that France has seven or eight jockeys capable of rivalling Maher or Frank Woottou.

A considerable time waa occupied at their last me-erina by the V.K.r. rommlft»r In considering applications from bookmakers for a renewal nf their licenses to hci at Fletntngton dnrtnt: the coming season. Some 23 bookmakers were called upon to interview the ei.nimit:co before being licensed.

P. MacMancinln tins drnnUoly decided not to send his roll Applloii io Australia to compete at ilie A..1.C, Spring .Ueottni. ApeP.nn has bppn showlnß Rljms of soreness, and has liad tn be rased in Ins work. so. under the conditions, there va« very Mttlp chance o' his hpins landed at the pa3t at his best for the A.J.C. Derby.

The Canterbury Jockey riub havp taken tbc load in the miinrr of a horse ambulancp. and h.ivp placed nn order with a firm of <*l)risrWiurch riwhlMilldeni. The matter wns asltntcd for in AarkJnnd s"me little tinip a?o. but thf> nnthorit'os allowed the question t< 1 drop, lim probably, now the FnuthfTn oln!> Tin;; m.Tjp a more, ti!r> local authorities will follow.

Soirc Americans arc Tcry keen on the •■colour line" -?o long as it does not cost thfm anylhlng. Ijist "year the Tennessee circuit barred all stables which proploypd cotuured labour, wherf-by many stables cur the Tenuwsspp racinj; "o\n of their prothere were no colour restrictions. The Tennessee people nhnwed their patriotism, for a wblte American was not proof against loss of dollars, as the Tennessee circuit promoters hnti , announced black helpers will be no bar to entry tv their events this Tear.

Shortly after rakhif," up his rpsiden.-c at Levin, says ■'Gleneoe, C. .lenkins noticed a famlliar-lnoklng horse running in one cf the paddoi ks there. On icquiring its name, hv It-arned thai it was Cameo, the horsi" »n "-bora he win Ms first rare nearly twenty yours ago. Thp cracK horseman was «»nlv thirteen v.'ars of age whon :it the Ilimitangi-Foxton Maori m*-ottnK. he rode Cirnevi 1" victory In the t'lylllK Handicap (£T,) and IU.- Illiultangi Cup (-*<>■ At tbat time. Jenkins wi-icrhed less than and as there not sufflt*t«at lead pnx-urable t>. tcako tbu woight up tv Ssi. the difficulty v,-ay overcome by securing a sack and partly fiUlns it with clay' A reference to the "Turf UcpisTcr" sin»\vs that Cameo Tvas six years old In 15 , .)-. , , so that he has lived to 'a very good asc

From what ran be learn! concerning the matter, tbei-p !s good reason to believe (says a writer in nn exchange I that the inajoritv of the Xnrih Isluud racing cluba are strongly in favour of stipendiary stewards bfiup appointed, bur there Is also r,n opiuiou held thar the South Island representatives nre 'isainst the idea, and that the necessary majority lv favour of the paid official will not he obtained when a vote is taken this month. The increased taxation itriposod hr the Government on our raring clubs is considered to be a stumbling-block to fbo movement, but aa fairly good profits will still be made over race* meetings, the difficulty Iβ not unstirmountable. The strongest advocacy for the stipendiary lies in the fact that the majority of clubs are against their appointment almost entirely on the question of cost, and not.-because the tone of the turf renders them urmecessaiy.'

Both D. J. Price's horses. Bribery and Ataahua, have declined their engagements ill the C.J.C. National events.

Evidently the Injuries which befel Continuance recently are of a rather serious character, for tbe son of Sabretache is- a non-acceptor in the C.J.C. National Hurdle Race.

Tbo local owner, Mr. Tbede, is evidently hopeful that Loch Fyue nil] be sufficiently recovered to enn-blc him to take part in the C.J.C. National Steeplechase, for he has been puid up for. His stable companion. Kremlin, also figures in the acceptances for the National Hurdles.

The acceptances for the principal events at the C.J.C. Wiuter Meeting arc highly satisfactory, and there is plenty of material for excellent racing. Auckland is represented In the various events by Wau-i-bope. Electrakoff, Loch Fyne, Red McGregor, Capitol, Le Bean, King Hippo, l'rophet, and .Kremlin.

The increases in stakes by the Auckland Racing Club are principally made in connection with the classical races. Tae Great Northern Guineas is increased from 550 eovs 10 650sovs, the Great Northern Foal Stakes from Csosovs to 750sovs, the Great Northern Champagne Stakes from UoOsova to TuOsovs. and the Great Northern Oaks from 350so"vb to 4Fjosovs. It has also been decided to further raise the stake in the Great Northern Koal Stakes of 1911 to 1000 soys, eoOsovs for the winner, 200sovs for. second, lOOsovs to third, aud lOOsovs lo the breeder of the winner. The Great Northern Hurdle Race has been raised to lOOOsovs, TUOsovs to the winner, 'JOOsovs for second, and lOOsovs for third. A number of alterations have been made in the order of running of certain events at the various meetings, principally at the Spring and Winter Meetings.

Much has been written and spoken about ihe gambling evil and the bookmaker and totalisator have both been severely condemned, but no one seems to have hit on the real cause of (he increase in gambling. To anyone with, an intimate knowlpdge of the game, there can be no two different opinions that since the introduction of the one-two dividend system the amount of money passed through has Increased wonderfully. Uefore the pernicious system was introduced, people were content to go slow,'but with two chances they were often induced to bet heavier, on the principle that tbe borse might mn second, and rbey would jet their money back. It has also increased tote betting by the same rule, and if the totalisator is retained, 1: Is to be hoped that those responsible will Insert a clause making the paying of first and second dividends illegal.

The annnal meeting of the ■members of the Tliamcs Jockey Cltfb was presided OTf-r by Mr. J. T. Inglls. The annual report referred to the improved position of tbe rlub, both ss regards the alterations andimprovements carried oMt and financially. The mortgage on the racrvourse property hud bt-en paid o.t duriDS the year, and the club's only liability was a snia.ll overdraft at the Bank of New Zealand of £448 TV'S, while the assets were set down at £5823 ()/. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows:— President, the Hen. James MKJowan: vice-president, Mr. A. BuruH; treasurer, Mr. C. J. "Winder; judge. Dr. Barclay : haodicapper, Mr. It. tVynyard: clerk of scales, Mr. W. Taylor: starter, Mr. .'•'. Uaukin; clerk oi course, Mr. A. Batcmaji: timekeeper, Mr. D. Twohill : auditor, Mr. H. (i. Gillesple; comraitiec, Messrs. J. T. Inglls (chairman), C. J. Wlndur. E. J. Milncs. A. Burnß, W. Taylor. J. Lotiglilin, J. S. Hope, A. Bruce, H. Lo-»e. D. Twohill, .1. Connolly, and A. Kae: stewards, Messrs. A. Bruce, C. J. Winder. A. Burns, J. Bevlu. J. T. laglls, J. Loushliu. D. TTvohiU, E. J. Milnes, and J. Connolly; secretary, Mr. W. U. Potts.

C.J.C. NATIONAL MEETING. ACCEPTANCES FOR PRINCIPAL EVENTS. (.By Telegraph.—Press Association.) CURLSTCH.LR.CII, Friday. The following are. tlie acceptances for the pruicipj! tvejils to be iliciUed ;it Hie Canterbury Jockey Club'i Uraiid Napousu tnc-t----lu»: — Winter Cup. -Penates 11.S), Ixw Augelo* 11.8, North-ttosl II.J. St. Aidan 10.11, Waucaope lU.i, Wiiameni lv.. r >, Tjpioe 10.1, Xylatia 10.1, -Bonuy lileu v.lis, Sharpshooter u.U, Paragon 1>:1O, S\ et LMy u>. Xawhald y.s, Rose .NubeJ '.».s>, j&tectrakoDC 9.V, Adjudge 9.0, Spare U. 5 Jlnciuding s!b penalty), Passluu ILO, Fasuakyle 'J.">, Amnio '■>.:>, DreadIcm 0.4, MiuilliUM 0..-., Ltoyal iltiriiic i>.;:, truld Battery 9.1, l'ciiau IKd, l'iuul 'J.U, Fauuua U.Ja Uraud National SteeplecSiase.—Klatere 11.13, Audjix 11.13, Uk-Ii lyue 11.0, Tc Aral 11.0 ilurludlng 71b penalty). Red AlcUregor U.j, Kurus U.. - '.. Nero 11.3, Capitol 11.0, Tyrannic W. 9. Waion.;, Bulivrortli lOCS, Ix>veU to.', Le Beau 10.0, Sir 10.-4, Corazon 10.1. King Hippo 10.4 linelndliig .jib penalty), Strm u Gingi-r 10.0, I'rospectur 9.11, Malill 9.1 D, Pnll Cry 6.9, Soothem Cross 0.8, Northern Star !>.T, L)r. Rill !>.T. Grand National llnrrlle liace.—PaJeaoo 11.6 tiuciudiug jib penalty), l'ropnet 11.-, Tnulra 11.1. Audax 1u.12. Tj-ranuie 10.r,, Cold Bird io:4. Purl tutu T0.3, Hydrant 10.2, 10.1, Outiuuder WoofloonJooloo 8.11, Sioni; lilDßpr 0.10, bionheart 0.4, Ao!».4, Waitapu 9.3, Fpu-do-Joie Wliatakaru 0.0, Jark Ashore 9.0, Cockade 9.0, Aj-c Ijßht 0.0, Kremlin 9.0, Appiu :>.O, Scayboy SMI. TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. ißy Telegrap-li.—Sppcial to "Ptar.") CHRISTCHI-RCII. tllis day. •The weather goes from bad Zo worse. And trainers are beromiug very anxious about. I their candidates for die Grand National I Meeting. After ihree or four days of steady downpour the wx'aiher broke yesterday, nud liopea ran high, but 10-duy rain has eume on again, aud dry tracts set-tn -as I.:r ofl! as ever. Since ilie besinnins of the nioath we Lave had only faur days vrithout iu!u, and the position is really .scums serij ous, for tbe winter Uxturo. Is less ttiau a 1 niunth away.

The •closing of nominations for the minor events at the Grand National meeting, ami the declaration of acceptances for the three principal races, remind us of the near approach of the winter carnival. The acceptances are scurcolv so an tisma!. lielns Jii for the winter ••Uμ. IS rtor 111" ntL'L'pUcbas..- and U4 for the* hurdles race. Last year's fixtures respectively wore 35, US, am] 3.. The increase in the big steeplechase is pleasing, ami U will be gratify ing i>, Mr lleurys to learn thai of the nest nine teen horses in his handicap only oup. tr.'p top weight, has pirn- our. The nominations for the minor prints slnviv a substantia i increase, tljp total helns ai>om *63, as compared with 400 last year.

Iv view of Uribcry's failnrp to accept for the Qrand N'stional RtwpleVliase. it is lnterestinc to note that within the last few days several writers have expressed ih° opinion that fhr Aiiftraliau champion wonld be seen at Hictartnn.

Klatero and WixillooiTiooloo will remain ton mcetlnc. and Mil! be shipped to Sydney on Kriday. Kiatcre. with 10.11 in tho -Australian cteeplechase, is considered !o lie much bptter treated than iv the Canterbury Grand National.

It is understood that Buliwnrth will eomo to Ricenrton Immediately after the Trentham meeting.

The continuous bad weather is retarding tic work of Improvement at the Mc'tropoiitau Trotting ("lull's r-anrse. The hnlldiag of to? new at.ilKl noeessFtutfa e.\teasive altpratious ahout :h- lawns, am! H is ijiiktloned !\v some vcople wbctlier the elnii ■n-lli be iVh!, ; to race on its r.wn .-oursc next month. If a change 1? necessitated ta'e'clnh -will probably have to make use of the Canterbury I'ark Olnh's grouuds, which are not nearly so attractive.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 16, 16 July 1910, Page 11

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THE RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 16, 16 July 1910, Page 11

THE RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 16, 16 July 1910, Page 11